GShell 0.3.5 − HTMLインスペクタ




  • GShell HTMLのキーポイント
    1. 閲覧:スタンドアロン / all in one / off-line / archive / 生き魚拓
    2. 検索:内蔵全文検索
    3. 編集:内蔵JavaScript IME / HTMLエディタ
    4. 設定:テーマカスタマイズ / 閲覧履歴自己管理
    5. ビュー:シースルーの十二単衣 / ページ遷移レス
    6. 操作:横スクロール / ページめくり/ スクロールレス

開発:キーワードは内蔵、built-in ですかね。




社長:GShell inside みたいなマークが欲しいですね。








-- 2020-0908 SatoxITS

/* GShell-0.3.5 by SatoxITS
GShell version 0.3.5 // 2020-09-08 // SatoxITS

GShell // a General purpose Shell built on the top of Golang

It is a shell for myself, by myself, of myself. --SatoxITS(^-^)

0 | | Fork | Stop | Unfold | Digest | */ /*

Fun to create a shell

For a programmer, it must be far easy and fun to create his own simple shell rightly fitting to his favor and necessities, than learning existing shells with complex full features that he never use. I, as one of programmers, am writing this tiny shell for my own real needs, totally from scratch, with fun.

For a programmer, it is fun to learn new computer languages. For long years before writing this software, I had been specialized to C and early HTML2 :-). Now writing this software, I'm learning Go language, HTML5, JavaScript and CSS on demand as a novice of these, with fun.

This single file "gsh.go", that is executable by Go, contains all of the code written in Go. Also it can be displayed as "gsh.go.html" by browsers. It is a standalone HTML file that works as the viewer of the code of itself, and as the "home page" of this software.

Because this HTML file is a Go program, you may run it as a real shell program on your computer. But you must be aware that this program is written under situation like above. Needless to say, there is no warranty for this program in any means.

Aug 2020, SatoxITS (
*/ /*

Vi compatible command line editor

The command line of GShell can be edited with commands compatible with vi. As in vi, you can enter command mode by ESC key, then move around in the history by j k / ? n N, or within the current line by l h f w b 0 $ % or so.

*/ /*
Documents Command summary Go lang part Package structures import struct Main functions str-expansion // macro processor finder // builtin find + du grep // builtin grep + wc + cksum + ... plugin // plugin commands system // external commands builtin // builtin commands network // socket handler remote-sh // remote shell redirect // StdIn/Out redireciton history // command history rusage // resouce usage encode // encode / decode IME // command line IME getline // line editor scanf // string decomposer interpreter // command interpreter main JavaScript part Source Builtin data CSS part Source References Internal External Whole parts Source Download Dump
*/ //
//Go Source
// gsh - Go lang based Shell // (c) 2020 ITS more Co., Ltd. // 2020-0807 created by SatoxITS ( package main // gsh main // Imported packages // Packages import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "strconv" // strconv "sort" // sort "time" // time "bufio" // bufio "io/ioutil" // ioutil "os" // os "syscall" // syscall "plugin" // plugin "net" // net "net/http" // http //"html" // html "path/filepath" // filepath "go/types" // types "go/token" // token "encoding/base64" // base64 "unicode/utf8" // utf8 //"gshdata" // gshell's logo and source code "hash/crc32" // crc32 ) // // 2020-0906 added, // // CGo // #include // to be closed as HTML tag :-p // typedef struct { struct pollfd fdv[8]; } pollFdv; // int pollx(pollFdv *fdv, int nfds, int timeout){ // return poll(fdv->fdv,nfds,timeout); // } import "C" // // 2020-0906 added, func CFpollIn1(fp*os.File, timeoutUs int)(ready uintptr){ var fdv = C.pollFdv{} var nfds = 1 var timeout = timeoutUs/1000 fdv.fdv[0].fd = fdv.fdv[0].events = C.POLLIN if( 0 < EventRecvFd ){ fdv.fdv[1].fd = fdv.fdv[1].events = C.POLLIN nfds += 1 } r := C.pollx(&fdv,, if( r <= 0 ){ return 0 } if (int(fdv.fdv[1].revents) & int(C.POLLIN)) != 0 { //fprintf(stderr,"--De-- got Event\n"); return uintptr(EventFdOffset + fdv.fdv[1].fd) } if (int(fdv.fdv[0].revents) & int(C.POLLIN)) != 0 { return uintptr(NormalFdOffset + fdv.fdv[0].fd) } return 0 } const ( NAME = "gsh" VERSION = "0.3.5" DATE = "2020-09-08" AUTHOR = "SatoxITS(^-^)/" ) var ( GSH_HOME = ".gsh" // under home directory GSH_PORT = 9999 MaxStreamSize = int64(128*1024*1024*1024) // 128GiB is too large? PROMPT = "> " LINESIZE = (8*1024) PATHSEP = ":" // should be ";" in Windows DIRSEP = "/" // canbe \ in Windows ) // -xX logging control // --A-- all // --I-- info. // --D-- debug // --T-- time and resource usage // --W-- warning // --E-- error // --F-- fatal error // --Xn- network // Structures type GCommandHistory struct { StartAt time.Time // command line execution started at EndAt time.Time // command line execution ended at ResCode int // exit code of (external command) CmdError error // error string OutData *os.File // output of the command FoundFile []string // output - result of ufind Rusagev [2]syscall.Rusage // Resource consumption, CPU time or so CmdId int // maybe with identified with arguments or impact // redireciton commands should not be the CmdId WorkDir string // working directory at start WorkDirX int // index in ChdirHistory CmdLine string // command line } type GChdirHistory struct { Dir string MovedAt time.Time CmdIndex int } type CmdMode struct { BackGround bool } type Event struct { when time.Time event int evarg int64 CmdIndex int } var CmdIndex int var Events []Event type PluginInfo struct { Spec *plugin.Plugin Addr plugin.Symbol Name string // maybe relative Path string // this is in Plugin but hidden } type GServer struct { host string port string } // Digest const ( // SumType SUM_ITEMS = 0x000001 // items count SUM_SIZE = 0x000002 // data length (simplly added) SUM_SIZEHASH = 0x000004 // data length (hashed sequence) SUM_DATEHASH = 0x000008 // date of data (hashed sequence) // also envelope attributes like time stamp can be a part of digest // hashed value of sizes or mod-date of files will be useful to detect changes SUM_WORDS = 0x000010 // word count is a kind of digest SUM_LINES = 0x000020 // line count is a kind of digest SUM_SUM64 = 0x000040 // simple add of bytes, useful for human too SUM_SUM32_BITS = 0x000100 // the number of true bits SUM_SUM32_2BYTE = 0x000200 // 16bits words SUM_SUM32_4BYTE = 0x000400 // 32bits words SUM_SUM32_8BYTE = 0x000800 // 64bits words SUM_SUM16_BSD = 0x001000 // UNIXsum -sum -bsd SUM_SUM16_SYSV = 0x002000 // UNIXsum -sum -sysv SUM_UNIXFILE = 0x004000 SUM_CRCIEEE = 0x008000 ) type CheckSum struct { Files int64 // the number of files (or data) Size int64 // content size Words int64 // word count Lines int64 // line count SumType int Sum64 uint64 Crc32Table crc32.Table Crc32Val uint32 Sum16 int Ctime time.Time Atime time.Time Mtime time.Time Start time.Time Done time.Time RusgAtStart [2]syscall.Rusage RusgAtEnd [2]syscall.Rusage } type ValueStack [][]string type GshContext struct { StartDir string // the current directory at the start GetLine string // gsh-getline command as a input line editor ChdirHistory []GChdirHistory // the 1st entry is wd at the start gshPA syscall.ProcAttr CommandHistory []GCommandHistory CmdCurrent GCommandHistory BackGround bool BackGroundJobs []int LastRusage syscall.Rusage GshHomeDir string TerminalId int CmdTrace bool // should be [map] CmdTime bool // should be [map] PluginFuncs []PluginInfo iValues []string iDelimiter string // field sepearater of print out iFormat string // default print format (of integer) iValStack ValueStack LastServer GServer RSERV string // [gsh://]host[:port] RWD string // remote (target, there) working directory lastCheckSum CheckSum } func nsleep(ns time.Duration){ time.Sleep(ns) } func usleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000) } func msleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000) } func sleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000000) } func strBegins(str, pat string)(bool){ if len(pat) <= len(str){ yes := str[0:len(pat)] == pat //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,yes) return yes } //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,false) return false } func isin(what string, list []string) bool { for _, v := range list { if v == what { return true } } return false } func isinX(what string,list[]string)(int){ for i,v := range list { if v == what { return i } } return -1 } func env(opts []string) { env := os.Environ() if isin("-s", opts){ sort.Slice(env, func(i,j int) bool { return env[i] < env[j] }) } for _, v := range env { fmt.Printf("%v\n",v) } } // - rewriting should be context dependent // - should postpone until the real point of evaluation // - should rewrite only known notation of symobl func scanInt(str string)(val int,leng int){ leng = -1 for i,ch := range str { if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { leng = i+1 }else{ break } } if 0 < leng { ival,_ := strconv.Atoi(str[0:leng]) return ival,leng }else{ return 0,0 } } func substHistory(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,i int,rstr string)(leng int,rst string){ if len(str[i+1:]) == 0 { return 0,rstr } hi := 0 histlen := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) if str[i+1] == '!' { hi = histlen - 1 leng = 1 }else{ hi,leng = scanInt(str[i+1:]) if leng == 0 { return 0,rstr } if hi < 0 { hi = histlen + hi } } if 0 <= hi && hi < histlen { var ext byte if 1 < len(str[i+leng:]) { ext = str[i+leng:][1] } //fmt.Printf("--D-- %v(%c)\n",str[i+leng:],str[i+leng]) if ext == 'f' { leng += 1 xlist := []string{} list := gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].FoundFile for _,v := range list { //list[i] = escapeWhiteSP(v) xlist = append(xlist,escapeWhiteSP(v)) } //rstr += strings.Join(list," ") rstr += strings.Join(xlist," ") }else if ext == '@' || ext == 'd' { // !N@ .. workdir at the start of the command leng += 1 rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].WorkDir }else{ rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].CmdLine } }else{ leng = 0 } return leng,rstr } func escapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ if len(str) == 0 { return "\\z" // empty, to be ignored } rstr := "" for _,ch := range str { switch ch { case '\\': rstr += "\\\\" case ' ': rstr += "\\s" case '\t': rstr += "\\t" case '\r': rstr += "\\r" case '\n': rstr += "\\n" default: rstr += string(ch) } } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ // strip original escapes rstr := "" for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { ch := str[i] if ch == '\\' { if i+1 < len(str) { switch str[i+1] { case 'z': continue; } } } rstr += string(ch) } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSPV(strv []string)([]string){ // strip original escapes ustrv := []string{} for _,v := range strv { ustrv = append(ustrv,unescapeWhiteSP(v)) } return ustrv } // str-expansion // - this should be a macro processor func strsubst(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,histonly bool) string { rbuff := []byte{} if false { //@@U Unicode should be cared as a character return str } //rstr := "" inEsc := 0 // escape characer mode for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { //fmt.Printf("--D--Subst %v:%v\n",i,str[i:]) ch := str[i] if inEsc == 0 { if ch == '!' { //leng,xrstr := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,rstr) leng,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") if 0 < leng { //_,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) i += leng //rstr = xrstr continue } } switch ch { case '\\': inEsc = '\\'; continue //case '%': inEsc = '%'; continue case '$': } } switch inEsc { case '\\': switch ch { case '\\': ch = '\\' case 's': ch = ' ' case 't': ch = '\t' case 'r': ch = '\r' case 'n': ch = '\n' case 'z': inEsc = 0; continue // empty, to be ignored } inEsc = 0 case '%': switch { case ch == '%': ch = '%' case ch == 'T': //rstr = rstr + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rs := time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) inEsc = 0 continue; default: // postpone the interpretation //rstr = rstr + "%" + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) inEsc = 0 continue; } inEsc = 0 } //rstr = rstr + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) } //fmt.Printf("--D--subst(%s)(%s)\n",str,string(rbuff)) return string(rbuff) //return rstr } func showFileInfo(path string, opts []string) { if isin("-l",opts) || isin("-ls",opts) { fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("---------- ((%v))",err) }else{ mod := fi.ModTime() date := mod.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("%v %8v %s ",fi.Mode(),fi.Size(),date) } } fmt.Printf("%s",path) if isin("-sp",opts) { fmt.Printf(" ") }else if ! isin("-n",opts) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func userHomeDir()(string,bool){ /* homedir,_ = os.UserHomeDir() // not implemented in older Golang */ homedir,found := os.LookupEnv("HOME") //fmt.Printf("--I-- HOME=%v(%v)\n",homedir,found) if !found { return "/tmp",found } return homedir,found } func toFullpath(path string) (fullpath string) { if path[0] == '/' { return path } pathv := strings.Split(path,DIRSEP) switch { case pathv[0] == ".": pathv[0], _ = os.Getwd() case pathv[0] == "..": // all ones should be interpreted cwd, _ := os.Getwd() ppathv := strings.Split(cwd,DIRSEP) pathv[0] = strings.Join(ppathv,DIRSEP) case pathv[0] == "~": pathv[0],_ = userHomeDir() default: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() pathv[0] = cwd + DIRSEP + pathv[0] } return strings.Join(pathv,DIRSEP) } func IsRegFile(path string)(bool){ fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() return fm.IsRegular(); } return false } // Encode / Decode // Encoder func (gshCtx *GshContext)Enc(argv[]string){ file := os.Stdin buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) li := 0 encoder := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdout) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } encoder.Write(buff[0:count]) } encoder.Close() } func (gshCtx *GshContext)Dec(argv[]string){ decoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdin) li := 0 buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := decoder.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } os.Stdout.Write(buff[0:count]) } } // lnsp [N] [-crlf][-C \\] func (gshCtx *GshContext)SplitLine(argv[]string){ strRep := isin("-str",argv) // "..."+ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,64*1024) ni := 0 toi := 0 for ni = 0; ; ni++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d (%v)\n",ni,toi,err) break } } off := 0 ilen := len(line) remlen := len(line) if strRep { os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\"")) } for oi := 0; 0 < remlen; oi++ { olen := remlen addnl := false if 72 < olen { olen = 72 addnl = true } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--D-- write %d [%d.%d] %d %d/%d/%d\n", toi,ni,oi,off,olen,remlen,ilen) toi += 1 os.Stdout.Write([]byte(line[0:olen])) if addnl { if strRep { os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\"+\n\"")) }else{ //os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\r\n")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\\")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } } line = line[olen:] off += olen remlen -= olen } if strRep { os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\"\n")) } } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d\n",ni,toi) } // CRC32 crc32 // 1 0000 0100 1100 0001 0001 1101 1011 0111 var CRC32UNIX uint32 = uint32(0x04C11DB7) // Unix cksum var CRC32IEEE uint32 = uint32(0xEDB88320) func byteCRC32add(crc uint32,str[]byte,len uint64)(uint32){ var oi uint64 for oi = 0; oi < len; oi++ { var oct = str[oi] for bi := 0; bi < 8; bi++ { //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 %d %X (%d.%d)\n",crc,oct,oi,bi) ovf1 := (crc & 0x80000000) != 0 ovf2 := (oct & 0x80) != 0 ovf := (ovf1 && !ovf2) || (!ovf1 && ovf2) oct <<= 1 crc <<= 1 if ovf { crc ^= CRC32UNIX } } } //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 return %d %d\n",crc,len) return crc; } func byteCRC32end(crc uint32, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = byteCRC32add(crc,slen,uint64(li)) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func strCRC32(str string,len uint64)(crc uint32){ crc = byteCRC32add(0,[]byte(str),len) crc = byteCRC32end(crc,len) //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 %d %d\n",crc,len) return crc } func CRC32Finish(crc uint32, table *crc32.Table, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len & 0xFF) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = crc32.Update(crc,table,slen) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func (gsh*GshContext)xCksum(path string,argv[]string, sum*CheckSum)(int64){ if isin("-type/f",argv) && !IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } if isin("-type/d",argv) && IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- cksum %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- cksum %v %v\n",path,argv) } bi := 0 var buff = make([]byte,32*1024) var total int64 = 0 var initTime = time.Time{} if sum.Start == initTime { sum.Start = time.Now() } for bi = 0; ; bi++ { count,err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 || err != nil { break } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { s := sum.Sum64 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s += uint64(c) } sum.Sum64 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32add(sum.Crc32Val,buff,uint64(count)) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_CRCIEEE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = crc32.Update(sum.Crc32Val,&sum.Crc32Table,buff[0:count]) } // BSD checksum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { s := sum.Sum16 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s = (s >> 1) + ((s & 1) << 15) s += int(c) s &= 0xFFFF //fmt.Printf("BSDsum: %d[%d] %d\n",sum.Size+int64(i),i,s) } sum.Sum16 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { for bj := 0; bj < count; bj++ { sum.Sum16 += int(buff[bj]) } } total += int64(count) } sum.Done = time.Now() sum.Files += 1 sum.Size += total if !isin("-s",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v ",total) } return 0 } // grep // "lines", "lin" or "lnp" for "(text) line processor" or "scanner" // a*,!ab,c, ... sequentioal combination of patterns // what "LINE" is should be definable // generic line-by-line processing // grep [-v] // cat -n -v // uniq [-c] // tail -f // sed s/x/y/ or awk // grep with line count like wc // rewrite contents if specified func (gsh*GshContext)xGrep(path string,rexpv[]string)(int){ file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- grep %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- grep %v %v\n",path,rexpv) } //reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,LINESIZE) reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,80) li := 0 found := 0 for li = 0; ; li++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { break } if 150 < len(line) { // maybe binary break; } if err != nil { break } if 0 <= strings.Index(string(line),rexpv[0]) { found += 1 fmt.Printf("%s:%d: %s",path,li,line) } } //fmt.Printf("total %d lines %s\n",li,path) //if( 0 < found ){ fmt.Printf("((found %d lines %s))\n",found,path); } return found } // Finder // finding files with it name and contents // file names are ORed // show the content with %x fmt list // ls -R // tar command by adding output type fileSum struct { Err int64 // access error or so Size int64 // content size DupSize int64 // content size from hard links Blocks int64 // number of blocks (of 512 bytes) DupBlocks int64 // Blocks pointed from hard links HLinks int64 // hard links Words int64 Lines int64 Files int64 Dirs int64 // the num. of directories SymLink int64 Flats int64 // the num. of flat files MaxDepth int64 MaxNamlen int64 // max. name length nextRepo time.Time } func showFusage(dir string,fusage *fileSum){ bsume := float64(((fusage.Blocks-fusage.DupBlocks)/2)*1024)/1000000.0 //bsumdup := float64((fusage.Blocks/2)*1024)/1000000.0 fmt.Printf("%v: %v files (%vd %vs %vh) %.6f MB (%.2f MBK)\n", dir, fusage.Files, fusage.Dirs, fusage.SymLink, fusage.HLinks, float64(fusage.Size)/1000000.0,bsume); } const ( S_IFMT = 0170000 S_IFCHR = 0020000 S_IFDIR = 0040000 S_IFREG = 0100000 S_IFLNK = 0120000 S_IFSOCK = 0140000 ) func cumFinfo(fsum *fileSum, path string, staterr error, fstat syscall.Stat_t, argv[]string,verb bool)(*fileSum){ now := time.Now() if time.Second <= now.Sub(fsum.nextRepo) { if !fsum.nextRepo.IsZero(){ tstmp := now.Format(time.Stamp) showFusage(tstmp,fsum) } fsum.nextRepo = now.Add(time.Second) } if staterr != nil { fsum.Err += 1 return fsum } fsum.Files += 1 if 1 < fstat.Nlink { // must count only once... // at least ignore ones in the same directory //if finfo.Mode().IsRegular() { if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG { fsum.HLinks += 1 fsum.DupBlocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //fmt.Printf("---Dup HardLink %v %s\n",fstat.Nlink,path) } } //fsum.Size += finfo.Size() fsum.Size += fstat.Size fsum.Blocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //if verb { fmt.Printf("(%8dBlk) %s",fstat.Blocks/2,path) } if isin("-ls",argv){ //if verb { fmt.Printf("%4d %8d ",fstat.Blksize,fstat.Blocks) } // fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } //if finfo.IsDir() if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { fsum.Dirs += 1 } //if (finfo.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { //if verb { fmt.Printf("symlink(%v,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } //{ fmt.Printf("symlink(%o,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } fsum.SymLink += 1 } return fsum } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFindEntv(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string, dstat syscall.Stat_t, ei int, entv []string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) // sort entv /* if isin("-t",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].ModTime().Sub(filev[j].ModTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-u",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].AccTime().Sub(filev[j].AccTime()) }) } if isin("-U",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].CreatTime().Sub(filev[j].CreatTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-S",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return filev[j].Size() < filev[i].Size() }) } */ for _,filename := range entv { for _,npat := range npatv { match := true if npat == "*" { match = true }else{ match, _ = filepath.Match(npat,filename) } path := dir + DIRSEP + filename if !match { continue } var fstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(path,&fstat) if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } continue; } if isin("-du",argv) && (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { // should not show size of directory in "-du" mode ... }else if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { if isin("-du",argv) { fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } showFileInfo(path,argv) } if true { // && isin("-du",argv) total = cumFinfo(total,path,staterr,fstat,argv,false) } /* if isin("-wc",argv) { } */ if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { gsh.xCksum(path,argv,&gsh.lastCheckSum); } x := isinX("-grep",argv); // -grep will be convenient like -ls if 0 <= x && x+1 <= len(argv) { // -grep will be convenient like -ls if IsRegFile(path){ found := gsh.xGrep(path,argv[x+1:]) if 0 < found { foundv := gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile if len(foundv) < 10 { gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = append(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile,path) } } } } if !isin("-r0",argv) { // -d 0 in du, -depth n in find //total.Depth += 1 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { continue } if dstat.Rdev != fstat.Rdev { fmt.Printf("--I-- don't follow differnet device %v(%v) %v(%v)\n", dir,dstat.Rdev,path,fstat.Rdev) } if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { total = gsh.xxFind(depth+1,total,path,npatv,argv) } } } } return total } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFind(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) dirfile,oerr := os.OpenFile(dir,os.O_RDONLY,0) if oerr == nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- %v(%v)[%d]\n",dir,dirfile,dirfile.Fd()) defer dirfile.Close() }else{ } prev := *total var dstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(dir,&dstat) // should be flstat if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } return total } //filev,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) //_,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) // ReadDir() heavy and bad for huge directory /* if err != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",err) } return total } */ if depth == 0 { total = cumFinfo(total,dir,staterr,dstat,argv,true) if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { showFileInfo(dir,argv) } } // it it is not a directory, just scan it and finish for ei := 0; ; ei++ { entv,rderr := dirfile.Readdirnames(8*1024) if len(entv) == 0 || rderr != nil { //if rderr != nil { fmt.Printf("[%d] len=%d (%v)\n",ei,len(entv),rderr) } break } if 0 < ei { fmt.Printf("--I-- xxFind[%d] %d large-dir: %s\n",ei,len(entv),dir) } total = gsh.xxFindEntv(depth,total,dir,dstat,ei,entv,npatv,argv) } if isin("-du",argv) { // if in "du" mode fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n",(total.Blocks-prev.Blocks)/2,dir) } return total } // {ufind|fu|ls} [Files] [// Names] [-- Expressions] // Files is "." by default // Names is "*" by default // Expressions is "-print" by default for "ufind", or -du for "fu" command func (gsh*GshContext)xFind(argv[]string){ if 0 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[0],"?"){ showFound(gsh,argv) return } if isin("-cksum",argv) || isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum = CheckSum{} if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-add",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-size",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SIZE }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-bsd",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_BSD }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-sysv",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_SYSV }else if isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 } if isin("-unix",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_UNIXFILE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32UNIX) } if isin("-ieee",argv){ gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_CRCIEEE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32IEEE) } gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtStart = Getrusagev() } var total = fileSum{} npats := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if 0 < len(v) && v[0] != '-' { npats = append(npats,v) } if v == "//" { break } if v == "--" { break } if v == "-grep" { break } if v == "-ls" { break } } if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } cwd := "." // if to be fullpath ::: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } fusage := gsh.xxFind(0,&total,cwd,npats,argv) if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { var sumi uint64 = 0 sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SIZE) != 0 { sumi = uint64(sum.Size) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { sumi = sum.Sum64 } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { s := uint32(sum.Sum16) r := (s & 0xFFFF) + ((s & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 16) s = (r & 0xFFFF) + (r >> 16) sum.Crc32Val = uint32(s) sumi = uint64(s) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = uint32(sum.Sum16) sumi = uint64(sum.Sum16) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size)) sumi = uint64(byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size))) } if 1 < sum.Files { fmt.Printf("%v %v // %v / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sumi,sum.Size, abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files, abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", sumi,sum.Size,npats[0]) } } if !isin("-grep",argv) { showFusage("total",fusage) } if !isin("-s",argv){ hits := len(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile) if 0 < hits { fmt.Printf("--I-- %d files hits // can be refered with !%df\n", hits,len(gsh.CommandHistory)) } } if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { if isin("-ru",argv) { sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum sum.Done = time.Now() gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtEnd = Getrusagev() elps := sum.Done.Sub(sum.Start) fmt.Printf("--cksum-size: %v (%v) / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sum.Size,abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files,abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) nanos := int64(elps) fmt.Printf("--cksum-time: %v/total, %v/file, %.1f files/s, %v\r\n", abbtime(nanos), abbtime(nanos/sum.Files), (float64(sum.Files)*1000000000.0)/float64(nanos), abbspeed(sum.Size,nanos)) diff := RusageSubv(sum.RusgAtEnd,sum.RusgAtStart) fmt.Printf("--cksum-rusg: %v\n",sRusagef("",argv,diff)) } } return } func showFiles(files[]string){ sp := "" for i,file := range files { if 0 < i { sp = " " } else { sp = "" } fmt.Printf(sp+"%s",escapeWhiteSP(file)) } } func showFound(gshCtx *GshContext, argv[]string){ for i,v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { if 0 < len(v.FoundFile) { fmt.Printf("!%d (%d) ",i,len(v.FoundFile)) if isin("-ls",argv){ fmt.Printf("\n") for _,file := range v.FoundFile { fmt.Printf("") //sub number? showFileInfo(file,argv) } }else{ showFiles(v.FoundFile) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } } func showMatchFile(filev []os.FileInfo, npat,dir string, argv[]string)(string,bool){ fname := "" found := false for _,v := range filev { match, _ := filepath.Match(npat,(v.Name())) if match { fname = v.Name() found = true //fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n",i,v.Name()) showIfExecutable(fname,dir,argv) } } return fname,found } func showIfExecutable(name,dir string,argv[]string)(ffullpath string,ffound bool){ var fullpath string if strBegins(name,DIRSEP){ fullpath = name }else{ fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name } fi, err := os.Stat(fullpath) if err != nil { fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name + ".go" fi, err = os.Stat(fullpath) } if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() if fm.IsRegular() { // R_OK=4, W_OK=2, X_OK=1, F_OK=0 if syscall.Access(fullpath,5) == nil { ffullpath = fullpath ffound = true if ! isin("-s", argv) { showFileInfo(fullpath,argv) } } } } return ffullpath, ffound } func which(list string, argv []string) (fullpathv []string, itis bool){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("Usage: which comand [-s] [-a] [-ls]\n") return []string{""}, false } path := argv[1] if strBegins(path,"/") { // should check if excecutable? _,exOK := showIfExecutable(path,"/",argv) fmt.Printf("--D-- %v exOK=%v\n",path,exOK) return []string{path},exOK } pathenv, efound := os.LookupEnv(list) if ! efound { fmt.Printf("--E-- which: no \"%s\" environment\n",list) return []string{""}, false } showall := isin("-a",argv) || 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") dirv := strings.Split(pathenv,PATHSEP) ffound := false ffullpath := path for _, dir := range dirv { if 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") { // by wild-card list,_ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) ffullpath, ffound = showMatchFile(list,path,dir,argv) }else{ ffullpath, ffound = showIfExecutable(path,dir,argv) } //if ffound && !isin("-a", argv) { if ffound && !showall { break; } } return []string{ffullpath}, ffound } func stripLeadingWSParg(argv[]string)([]string){ for ; 0 < len(argv); { if len(argv[0]) == 0 { argv = argv[1:] }else{ break } } return argv } func xEval(argv []string, nlend bool){ argv = stripLeadingWSParg(argv) if len(argv) == 0 { fmt.Printf("eval [%%format] [Go-expression]\n") return } pfmt := "%v" if argv[0][0] == '%' { pfmt = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if len(argv) == 0 { return } gocode := strings.Join(argv," "); //fmt.Printf("eval [%v] [%v]\n",pfmt,gocode) fset := token.NewFileSet() rval, _ := types.Eval(fset,nil,token.NoPos,gocode) fmt.Printf(pfmt,rval.Value) if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func getval(name string) (found bool, val int) { /* should expand the name here */ if name == "" { return true, os.Getpid() }else if name == "gsh.ppid" { return true, os.Getppid() } return false, 0 } func echo(argv []string, nlend bool){ for ai := 1; ai < len(argv); ai++ { if 1 < ai { fmt.Printf(" "); } arg := argv[ai] found, val := getval(arg) if found { fmt.Printf("%d",val) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",arg) } } if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n"); } } func resfile() string { return "gsh.tmp" } //var resF *File func resmap() { //_ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, os.ModeAppend) // _ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("refF could not open: %s\n",err) }else{ fmt.Printf("refF opened\n") } } // @@2020-0821 func gshScanArg(str string,strip int)(argv []string){ var si = 0 var sb = 0 var inBracket = 0 var arg1 = make([]byte,LINESIZE) var ax = 0 debug := false for ; si < len(str); si++ { if str[si] != ' ' { break } } sb = si for ; si < len(str); si++ { if sb <= si { if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- +%d %2d-%2d %s ... %s\n", inBracket,sb,si,arg1[0:ax],str[si:]) } } ch := str[si] if ch == '{' { inBracket += 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket <= strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d <= %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } if 0 < inBracket { if ch == '}' { inBracket -= 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket < strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d < %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 continue } if str[si] == ' ' { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,str[sb:si],string(str[si:])) } sb = si+1 ax = 0 continue } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 } if sb < si { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,string(arg1[0:ax]),string(str[si:])) } } if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- %d [%s] => [%d]%v\n",strip,str,len(argv),argv) } return argv } // should get stderr (into tmpfile ?) and return func (gsh*GshContext)Popen(name,mode string)(pin*os.File,pout*os.File,err bool){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) xarg := gshScanArg(name,1) name = strings.Join(xarg," ") pin = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[0]),"StdoutOf-{"+name+"}") pout = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[1]),"StdinOf-{"+name+"}") fdix := 0 dir := "?" if mode == "r" { dir = "<" fdix = 1 // read from the stdout of the process }else{ dir = ">" fdix = 0 // write to the stdin of the process } gshPA := gsh.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] var fd uintptr = 0 if mode == "r" { fd = pout.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pout.Fd() }else{ fd = pin.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pin.Fd() } // should do this by Goroutine? if false { fmt.Printf("--Ip- Opened fd[%v] %s %v\n",fd,dir,name) fmt.Printf("--RED1 [%d,%d,%d]->[%d,%d,%d]\n", os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd(), pin.Fd(),pout.Fd(),pout.Fd()) } savi := os.Stdin savo := os.Stdout save := os.Stderr os.Stdin = pin os.Stdout = pout os.Stderr = pout gsh.BackGround = true gsh.gshelllh(name) gsh.BackGround = false os.Stdin = savi os.Stdout = savo os.Stderr = save gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return pin,pout,false } // External commands func (gsh*GshContext)excommand(exec bool, argv []string) (notf bool,exit bool) { if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- excommand[%v](%v)\n",exec,argv) } gshPA := gsh.gshPA fullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which",argv[0],"-s"}) if itis == false { return true,false } fullpath := fullpathv[0] argv = unescapeWhiteSPV(argv) if 0 < strings.Index(fullpath,".go") { nargv := argv // []string{} gofullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which","go","-s"}) if itis == false { fmt.Printf("--F-- Go not found\n") return false,true } gofullpath := gofullpathv[0] nargv = []string{ gofullpath, "run", fullpath } fmt.Printf("--I-- %s {%s %s %s}\n",gofullpath, nargv[0],nargv[1],nargv[2]) if exec { syscall.Exec(gofullpath,nargv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(gofullpath,nargv,&gshPA) if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),nargv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage) gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } }else{ if exec { syscall.Exec(fullpath,argv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(fullpath,argv,&gshPA) //fmt.Printf("[%d]\n",pid); // '&' to be background if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),argv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage); gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } } return false,false } // Builtin Commands func (gshCtx *GshContext) sleep(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Sleep 100ms, 100us, 100ns, ...\n") return } duration := argv[1]; d, err := time.ParseDuration(duration) if err != nil { d, err = time.ParseDuration(duration+"s") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("duration ? %s (%s)\n",duration,err) return } } //fmt.Printf("Sleep %v\n",duration) time.Sleep(d) if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)repeat(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { return } start0 := time.Now() for ri,_ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]); 0 < ri; ri-- { if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { //start := time.Now() gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start0); if( 1000000000 < elps ){ fmt.Printf("(repeat#%d %v)\n",ri,elps); } } } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)gen(argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: %s N\n",argv[0]) return } // should br repeated by "repeat" command count, _ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]) fd := gshPA.Files[1] // Stdout file := os.NewFile(fd,"internalStdOut") fmt.Printf("--I-- Gen. Count=%d to [%d]\n",count,file.Fd()) //buf := []byte{} outdata := "0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678\r" for gi := 0; gi < count; gi++ { file.WriteString(outdata) } //file.WriteString("\n") fmt.Printf("\n(%d B)\n",count*len(outdata)); //file.Close() } // Remote Execution // 2020-0820 func Elapsed(from time.Time)(string){ elps := time.Now().Sub(from) if 1000000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%5d.%02ds]",elps/1000000000,(elps%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dms]",elps/1000000,(elps%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dus]",elps/1000,(elps%1000)) } } func abbtime(nanos int64)(string){ if 1000000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%02ds",nanos/1000000000,(nanos%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dms",nanos/1000000,(nanos%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dus",nanos/1000,(nanos%1000)) } } func abssize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func absize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func abbspeed(totalB int64,ns int64)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGB/s",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMB/s",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKB/s",MBs*1000) } } func abspeed(totalB int64,ns time.Duration)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGBps",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMBps",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKBps",MBs*1000) } } func fileRelay(what string,in*os.File,out*os.File,size int64,bsiz int)(wcount int64){ Start := time.Now() buff := make([]byte,bsiz) var total int64 = 0 var rem int64 = size nio := 0 Prev := time.Now() var PrevSize int64 = 0 fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) START\n", what,absize(total),size,nio) for i:= 0; ; i++ { var len = bsiz if int(rem) < len { len = int(rem) } Now := time.Now() Elps := Now.Sub(Prev); if 1000000000 < Now.Sub(Prev) { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %s\n", what,absize(total),size,nio, abspeed((total-PrevSize),Elps)) Prev = Now; PrevSize = total } rlen := len if in != nil { // should watch the disconnection of out rcc,err := in.Read(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s read(%v,%v)<%v\n", what,rcc,err,in.Name()) break } rlen = rcc if string(buff[0:10]) == "((SoftEOF " { var ecc int64 = 0 fmt.Sscanf(string(buff),"((SoftEOF %v",&ecc) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s Recv ((SoftEOF %v))/%v\n", what,ecc,total) if ecc == total { break } } } wlen := rlen if out != nil { wcc,err := out.Write(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"-En-- X: %s write(%v,%v)>%v\n", what,wcc,err,out.Name()) break } wlen = wcc } if wlen < rlen { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s incomplete write (%v/%v)\n", what,wlen,rlen) break; } nio += 1 total += int64(rlen) rem -= int64(rlen) if rem <= 0 { break } } Done := time.Now() Elps := float64(Done.Sub(Start))/1000000000 //Seconds TotalMB := float64(total)/1000000 //MB MBps := TotalMB / Elps fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %v %.3fMB/s\n", what,total,size,nio,absize(total),MBps) return total } func tcpPush(clnt *os.File){ // shrink socket buffer and recover usleep(100); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecServer(argv[]string){ debug := true Start0 := time.Now() Start := Start0 // if local == ":" { local = "" } local := "" if 0 < len(argv) { if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } } if 0 < len(argv) { argv = argv[1:] } port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } reqbuf := make([]byte,LINESIZE) res := "" for { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() Start = time.Now() if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } clnt, _ := aconn.File() fd := clnt.Fd() ar := aconn.RemoteAddr() if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Accepted TCP at %s [%d] <- %v\n", local,fd,ar) } res = fmt.Sprintf("220 GShell/%s Server\r\n",VERSION) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%s",res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %s",res) } count, err := clnt.Read(reqbuf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- C: (%v %v) %v", count,err,string(reqbuf)) } req := string(reqbuf[:count]) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",string(req)) } reqv := strings.Split(string(req),"\r") cmdv := gshScanArg(reqv[0],0) //cmdv := strings.Split(reqv[0]," ") switch cmdv[0] { case "HELO": res = fmt.Sprintf("250 %v",req) case "GET": // download {remotefile|-zN} [localfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var in *os.File = nil var pseudoEOF = false if 1 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() in = xin dsize = MaxStreamSize pseudoEOF = true } }else{ xin,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- GET (%v)\n",err) }else{ defer xin.Close() in = xin fi,_ := xin.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() } } } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- GET %v:%v\n",dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 %v\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v",res) tcpPush(clnt); // should be separated as line in receiver fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) wcount := fileRelay("SendGET",in,clnt,dsize,bsize) if pseudoEOF { in.Close() // pipe from the command // show end of stream data (its size) by OOB? SoftEOF := fmt.Sprintf("((SoftEOF %v))",wcount) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Send %v\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF data apper at the top of recevied data fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v\r\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF alone in a packet (separate with 200 OK) // with client generated random? //fmt.Printf("--In- L: close %v (%v)\n",in.Fd(),in.Name()) } res = fmt.Sprintf("200 GET done\r\n") case "PUT": // upload {srcfile|-zN} [dstfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var out *os.File = nil if 1 < len(cmdv) { // localfile fmt.Sscanf(cmdv[1],"%d",&dsize) } if 2 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[2] if fname == "-" { // nul dev }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) //fmt.Printf("--In- S: open(%v) out(%v) err(%v)\n",fname,xout,err) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- PUT (%v)\n",err) }else{ out = xout } } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,w) %v (%v)\n", fname,local,err) } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: 200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fileRelay("RecvPUT",clnt,out,dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 PUT done\r\n") default: res = fmt.Sprintf("400 What? %v",req) } swcc,serr := clnt.Write([]byte(res)) if serr != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: (wc=%v er=%v) %v",swcc,serr,res) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) } aconn.Close(); clnt.Close(); } sconn.Close(); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecClient(argv[]string)(int,string){ debug := true Start := time.Now() if len(argv) == 1 { return -1,"EmptyARG" } argv = argv[1:] if argv[0] == "-serv" { gsh.RexecServer(argv[1:]) return 0,"Server" } remote := "" if argv[0][0] == '@' { remote = argv[0][1:] argv = argv[1:] } if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"AddressError" } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connecting to %s\n",remote) serv, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"CannotConnect" } if debug { al := serv.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connected to %v <- %v\n",remote,al) } req := "" res := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count,err := serv.Read(res) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: (%3d,%v) %v",count,err,string(res)) } if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res)) } if argv[0] == "GET" { savPA := gsh.gshPA var bsize int = 64*1024 req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) fmt.Fprintf(serv,req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if err != nil { }else{ var dsize int64 = 0 var out *os.File = nil var out_tobeclosed *os.File = nil var fname string = "" var rcode int = 0 var pid int = -1 fmt.Sscanf(string(res),"%d %d",&rcode,&dsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) if 3 <= len(argv) { fname = argv[2] if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout out_tobeclosed = xout pid = 0 // should be its pid } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Print("--En- %v\n",err) } out = xout //fmt.Printf("--In-- %d > %s\n",out.Fd(),fname) } } in,_ := serv.File() fileRelay("RecvGET",in,out,dsize,bsize) if 0 <= pid { gsh.gshPA = savPA // recovery of Fd(), and more? fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: close Pipe > %v\n",fname) out_tobeclosed.Close() //syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) //@@ } } }else if argv[0] == "PUT" { remote, _ := serv.File() var local *os.File = nil var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var ofile string = "-" //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex %v\n",argv) if 1 < len(argv) { fname := argv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() //in = xin local = xin fmt.Printf("--In- [%d] < Upload output of %v\n", local.Fd(),fname) ofile = "-from."+fname dsize = MaxStreamSize } }else{ xlocal,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- (%s)\n",err) local = nil }else{ local = xlocal fi,_ := local.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() defer local.Close() //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex in(%v / %v)\n",ofile,dsize) } ofile = fname fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,r)=%v %v (%v)\n", fname,dsize,local,err) } } if 2 < len(argv) && argv[2] != "" { ofile = argv[2] //fmt.Printf("(%d)%v B.ofile=%v\n",len(argv),argv,ofile) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--I-- Rex out(%v)\n",ofile) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) req = fmt.Sprintf("PUT %v %v \r\n",dsize,ofile) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) } fileRelay("SendPUT",local,remote,dsize,bsize) }else{ req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) //fmt.Printf("--In- sending RexRequest(%v)\n",len(req)) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- waiting RexResponse...\n") count,err = serv.Read(res) ress := "" if count == 0 { ress = "(nil)\r\n" }else{ ress = string(res[:count]) } if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: (%d,%v) %v",count,err,ress) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",ress) } serv.Close() //conn.Close() var stat string var rcode int fmt.Sscanf(ress,"%d %s",&rcode,&stat) //fmt.Printf("--D-- Client: %v (%v)",rcode,stat) return rcode,ress } // Remote Shell // gcp file [...] { [host]:[port:][dir] | dir } // -p | -no-p func (gsh*GshContext)FileCopy(argv[]string){ var host = "" var port = "" var upload = false var download = false var xargv = []string{"rex-gcp"} var srcv = []string{} var dstv = []string{} argv = argv[1:] for _,v := range argv { /* if v[0] == '-' { // might be a pseudo file (generated date) continue } */ obj := strings.Split(v,":") //fmt.Printf("%d %v %v\n",len(obj),v,obj) if 1 < len(obj) { host = obj[0] file := "" if 0 < len(host) { = host }else{ host = port = gsh.LastServer.port } if 2 < len(obj) { port = obj[1] if 0 < len(port) { gsh.LastServer.port = port }else{ port = gsh.LastServer.port } file = obj[2] }else{ file = obj[1] } if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,file) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,file) continue } /* idx := strings.Index(v,":") if 0 <= idx { remote = v[0:idx] if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,v[idx+1:]) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,v[idx+1:]) continue } */ if download { dstv = append(dstv,v) }else{ srcv = append(srcv,v) } } hostport := "@" + host + ":" + port if upload { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"PUT") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v // %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else if download { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"GET") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v // %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else{ } } // target func (gsh*GshContext)Trelpath(rloc string)(string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(rloc) twd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(cwd) tpath := twd + "/" + rloc return tpath } // join to rmote GShell - [user@]host[:port] or cd host:[port]:path func (gsh*GshContext)Rjoin(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- current server = %v\n",gsh.RSERV) return } serv := argv[1] servv := strings.Split(serv,":") if 1 <= len(servv) { if servv[0] == "lo" { servv[0] = "localhost" } } switch len(servv) { case 1: //if strings.Index(serv,":") < 0 { serv = servv[0] + ":" + fmt.Sprintf("%d",GSH_PORT) //} case 2: // host:port serv = strings.Join(servv,":") } xargv := []string{"rex-join","@"+serv,"HELO"} rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) gsh.RSERV = serv }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG, could not joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rexec(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- rexec command [ | {file || {command} ]\n",gsh.RSERV) return } /* nargv := gshScanArg(strings.Join(argv," "),0) fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) if nargv[1][0] != '{' { nargv[1] = "{" + nargv[1] + "}" fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) } argv = nargv */ nargv := []string{} nargv = append(nargv,"{"+strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")+"}") fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d %v\n",len(nargv),nargv) argv = nargv xargv := []string{"rex-exec","@"+gsh.RSERV,"GET"} xargv = append(xargv,argv...) xargv = append(xargv,"/dev/tty") rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rchdir(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { return } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(argv[1]) twd, _ := os.Getwd() gsh.RWD = twd fmt.Printf("--I-- JWD=%v\n",twd) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rpwd(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%v\n",gsh.RWD) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rls(argv[]string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) argv[0] = "-ls" gsh.xFind(argv) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rput(argv[]string){ var local string = "" var remote string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { local = argv[1] remote = local // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { remote = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jput from=%v to=%v\n",local,gsh.Trelpath(remote)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rget(argv[]string){ var remote string = "" var local string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { remote = argv[1] local = remote // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { local = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jget from=%v to=%v\n",gsh.Trelpath(remote),local) } // network // -s, -si, -so // bi-directional, source, sync (maybe socket) func (gshCtx*GshContext)sconnect(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -s [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } remote := argv[1] if remote == ":" { remote = "" } if inTCP { // TCP dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s, socket[%d]\n",remote,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() }else{ //dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",remote); dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } //conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp4",nil,dport) conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() ar := conn.RemoteAddr() //al := conn.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s [%s], socket[%d]\n", remote,ar.String(),fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() } } func (gshCtx*GshContext)saccept(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -ac [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } local := argv[1] if local == ":" { local = "" } if inTCP { // TCP port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Listen at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Accepting at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := aconn.File() fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Accepted TCP at %s [%d]\n",local,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[0] = savfd sconn.Close(); aconn.Close(); file.Close(); }else{ //port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",local); port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf("Listen UDP at %s...\n",local); //uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp4", port) uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := uconn.File() fd := file.Fd() ar := uconn.RemoteAddr() remote := "" if ar != nil { remote = ar.String() } if remote == "" { remote = "?" } // not yet received //fmt.Printf("Accepted at %s [%d] <- %s\n",local,fd,"") savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; savenv := gshPA.Env gshPA.Env = append(savenv, "REMOTE_HOST="+remote) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Env = savenv gshPA.Files[0] = savfd uconn.Close(); file.Close(); } } // empty line command func (gshCtx*GshContext)xPwd(argv[]string){ // execute context command, pwd + date // context notation, representation scheme, to be resumed at re-login cwd, _ := os.Getwd() switch { case isin("-a",argv): gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) case isin("-ls",argv): showFileInfo(cwd,argv) default: fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) case isin("-v",argv): // obsolete emtpy command t := time.Now() date := t.Format(time.UnixDate) exe, _ := os.Executable() host, _ := os.Hostname() fmt.Printf("{PWD=\"%s\"",cwd) fmt.Printf(" HOST=\"%s\"",host) fmt.Printf(" DATE=\"%s\"",date) fmt.Printf(" TIME=\"%s\"",t.String()) fmt.Printf(" PID=\"%d\"",os.Getpid()) fmt.Printf(" EXE=\"%s\"",exe) fmt.Printf("}\n") } } // History // these should be browsed and edited by HTTP browser // show the time of command with -t and direcotry with -ls // openfile-history, sort by -a -m -c // sort by elapsed time by -t -s // search by "more" like interface // edit history // sort history, and wc or uniq // CPU and other resource consumptions // limit showing range (by time or so) // export / import history func (gshCtx *GshContext)xHistory(argv []string){ atWorkDirX := -1 if 1 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[1],"@") { atWorkDirX,_ = strconv.Atoi(argv[1][1:]) } //fmt.Printf("--D-- showHistory(%v)\n",argv) for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { // exclude commands not to be listed by default // internal commands may be suppressed by default if v.CmdLine == "" && !isin("-a",argv) { continue; } if 0 <= atWorkDirX { if v.WorkDirX != atWorkDirX { continue } } if !isin("-n",argv){ // like "fc" fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",i) } if isin("-v",argv){ fmt.Println(v) // should be with it date }else{ if isin("-l",argv) || isin("-l0",argv) { elps := v.EndAt.Sub(v.StartAt); start := v.StartAt.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("@%d ",v.WorkDirX) fmt.Printf("[%v] %11v/t ",start,elps) } if isin("-l",argv) && !isin("-l0",argv){ fmt.Printf("%v",Rusagef("%t %u\t// %s",argv,v.Rusagev)) } if isin("-at",argv) { // isin("-ls",argv){ dhi := v.WorkDirX // workdir history index fmt.Printf("@%d %s\t",dhi,v.WorkDir) // show the FileInfo of the output command?? } fmt.Printf("%s",v.CmdLine) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } // !n - history index func searchHistory(gshCtx GshContext, gline string) (string, bool, bool){ if gline[0] == '!' { hix, err := strconv.Atoi(gline[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s : range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } if hix < 0 || len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) <= hix { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%d : out of range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } return gshCtx.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine, false, false } // search //for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { //} return gline, false, false } func (gsh*GshContext)cmdStringInHistory(hix int)(cmd string, ok bool){ if 0 <= hix && hix < len(gsh.CommandHistory) { return gsh.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine,true } return "",false } // temporary adding to PATH environment // cd name -lib for LD_LIBRARY_PATH // chdir with directory history (date + full-path) // -s for sort option (by visit date or so) func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory1(i int,v GChdirHistory, argv []string){ fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",v.CmdIndex) // the first command at this WorkDir fmt.Printf("@%d ",i) fmt.Printf("[%v] ",v.MovedAt.Format(time.Stamp)) showFileInfo(v.Dir,argv) } func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory(argv []string){ for i, v := range gsh.ChdirHistory { gsh.ShowChdirHistory1(i,v,argv) } } func skipOpts(argv[]string)(int){ for i,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-") { }else{ return i } } return -1 } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xChdir(argv []string){ cdhist := gshCtx.ChdirHistory if isin("?",argv ) || isin("-t",argv) || isin("-a",argv) { gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) return } pwd, _ := os.Getwd() dir := "" if len(argv) <= 1 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ i := skipOpts(argv[1:]) if i < 0 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ dir = argv[1+i] } } if strBegins(dir,"@") { if dir == "@0" { // obsolete dir = gshCtx.StartDir }else if dir == "@!" { index := len(cdhist) - 1 if 0 < index { index -= 1 } dir = cdhist[index].Dir }else{ index, err := strconv.Atoi(dir[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%v)\n",err) dir = "?" }else if len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory) <= index { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(history range error)\n") dir = "?" }else{ dir = cdhist[index].Dir } } } if dir != "?" { err := os.Chdir(dir) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%s)(%v)\n",argv[1],err) }else{ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if cwd != pwd { hist1 := GChdirHistory { } hist1.Dir = cwd hist1.MovedAt = time.Now() hist1.CmdIndex = len(gshCtx.CommandHistory)+1 gshCtx.ChdirHistory = append(cdhist,hist1) if !isin("-s",argv){ //cwd, _ := os.Getwd() //fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) ix := len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory)-1 gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory1(ix,hist1,argv) } } } } if isin("-ls",argv){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() showFileInfo(cwd,argv); } } func TimeValSub(tv1 *syscall.Timeval, tv2 *syscall.Timeval){ *tv1 = syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() - tv2.Nano()) } func RusageSubv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Utime,&ru2[0].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Stime,&ru2[0].Stime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Utime,&ru2[1].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Stime,&ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } func TimeValAdd(tv1 syscall.Timeval, tv2 syscall.Timeval)(syscall.Timeval){ tvs := syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() + tv2.Nano()) return tvs } /* func RusageAddv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Utime,ru2[0].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Stime,ru2[0].Stime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Utime,ru2[1].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Stime,ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } */ // Resource Usage func sRusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ // ru[0] self , ru[1] children ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) uu := (ut.Sec*1000000 + int64(ut.Usec)) * 1000 su := (st.Sec*1000000 + int64(st.Usec)) * 1000 tu := uu + su ret := fmt.Sprintf("%v/sum",abbtime(tu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/usr",abbtime(uu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/sys",abbtime(su)) return ret } func Rusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/u ",ut.Sec,ut.Usec) //ru[1].Utime.Sec,ru[1].Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/s ",st.Sec,st.Usec) //ru[1].Stime.Sec,ru[1].Stime.Usec) return "" } func Getrusagev()([2]syscall.Rusage){ var ruv = [2]syscall.Rusage{} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&ruv[0]) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&ruv[1]) return ruv } func showRusage(what string,argv []string, ru *syscall.Rusage){ fmt.Printf("%s: ",what); fmt.Printf("Usr=%d.%06ds",ru.Utime.Sec,ru.Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Sys=%d.%06ds",ru.Stime.Sec,ru.Stime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Rss=%vB",ru.Maxrss) if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" MinFlt=%v",ru.Minflt) fmt.Printf(" MajFlt=%v",ru.Majflt) fmt.Printf(" IxRSS=%vB",ru.Ixrss) fmt.Printf(" IdRSS=%vB",ru.Idrss) fmt.Printf(" Nswap=%vB",ru.Nswap) fmt.Printf(" Read=%v",ru.Inblock) fmt.Printf(" Write=%v",ru.Oublock) } fmt.Printf(" Snd=%v",ru.Msgsnd) fmt.Printf(" Rcv=%v",ru.Msgrcv) //if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" Sig=%v",ru.Nsignals) //} fmt.Printf("\n"); } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xTime(argv[]string)(bool){ if 2 <= len(argv){ gshCtx.LastRusage = syscall.Rusage{} rusagev1 := Getrusagev() fin := gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() showRusage(argv[1],argv,&gshCtx.LastRusage) rusagev := RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) showRusage("self",argv,&rusagev[0]) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusagev[1]) return fin }else{ rusage:= syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&rusage) showRusage("self",argv, &rusage) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&rusage) showRusage("chld",argv, &rusage) return false } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xJobs(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%d Jobs\n",len(gshCtx.BackGroundJobs)) for ji, pid := range gshCtx.BackGroundJobs { //wstat := syscall.WaitStatus {0} rusage := syscall.Rusage {} //wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,&wstat,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- %%%d [%d] (%v)\n",ji,pid,err) }else{ fmt.Printf("%%%d[%d](%d)\n",ji,pid,wpid) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusage) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)inBackground(argv[]string)(bool){ if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- inBackground(%v)\n",argv) } gsh.BackGround = true // set background option xfin := false xfin = gsh.gshellv(argv) gsh.BackGround = false return xfin } // -o file without command means just opening it and refer by #N // should be listed by "files" comnmand func (gshCtx*GshContext)xOpen(argv[]string){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} err := syscall.Pipe(pv) fmt.Printf("--I-- pipe()=[#%d,#%d](%v)\n",pv[0],pv[1],err) } func (gshCtx*GshContext)fromPipe(argv[]string){ } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xClose(argv[]string){ } // redirect func (gshCtx*GshContext)redirect(argv[]string)(bool){ if len(argv) < 2 { return false } cmd := argv[0] fname := argv[1] var file *os.File = nil fdix := 0 mode := os.O_RDONLY switch { case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<": fdix = 0 mode = os.O_RDONLY case cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE case cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND } if fname[0] == '#' { fd, err := strconv.Atoi(fname[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%v)\n",err) return false } file = os.NewFile(uintptr(fd),"MaybePipe") }else{ xfile, err := os.OpenFile(argv[1], mode, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s)\n",err) return false } file = xfile } gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] gshPA.Files[fdix] = file.Fd() fmt.Printf("--I-- Opened [%d] %s\n",file.Fd(),argv[1]) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return false } //fmt.Fprintf(res, "GShell Status: %q", html.EscapeString(req.URL.Path)) func httpHandler(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){ path := req.URL.Path fmt.Printf("--I-- Got HTTP Request(%s)\n",path) { gshCtxBuf, _ := setupGshContext() gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf fmt.Printf("--I-- %s\n",path[1:]) gshCtx.tgshelll(path[1:]) } fmt.Fprintf(res, "Hello(^-^)/\n%s\n",path) } func (gshCtx *GshContext) httpServer(argv []string){ http.HandleFunc("/", httpHandler) accport := "localhost:9999" fmt.Printf("--I-- HTTP Server Start at [%s]\n",accport) http.ListenAndServe(accport,nil) } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xGo(argv[]string){ go gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]); } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPs(argv[]string)(){ } // Plugin // plugin [-ls [names]] to list plugins // Reference: plugin source code func (gshCtx *GshContext) whichPlugin(name string,argv[]string)(pi *PluginInfo){ pi = nil for _,p := range gshCtx.PluginFuncs { if p.Name == name && pi == nil { pi = &p } if !isin("-s",argv){ //fmt.Printf("%v %v ",i,p) if isin("-ls",argv){ showFileInfo(p.Path,argv) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s\n",p.Name) } } } return pi } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPlugin(argv[]string) (error) { if len(argv) == 0 || argv[0] == "-ls" { gshCtx.whichPlugin("",argv) return nil } name := argv[0] Pin := gshCtx.whichPlugin(name,[]string{"-s"}) if Pin != nil { os.Args = argv // should be recovered? Pin.Addr.(func())() return nil } sofile := toFullpath(argv[0] + ".so") // or find it by which($PATH) p, err := plugin.Open(sofile) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Open(%s)(%v)\n",sofile,err) return err } fname := "Main" f, err := p.Lookup(fname) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Lookup(%s)(%v)\n",fname,err) return err } pin := PluginInfo {p,f,name,sofile} gshCtx.PluginFuncs = append(gshCtx.PluginFuncs,pin) fmt.Printf("--I-- added (%d)\n",len(gshCtx.PluginFuncs)) //fmt.Printf("--I-- first call(%s:%s)%v\n",sofile,fname,argv) os.Args = argv f.(func())() return err } func (gshCtx*GshContext)Args(argv[]string){ for i,v := range os.Args { fmt.Printf("[%v] %v\n",i,v) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext) showVersion(argv[]string){ if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v/%v (%v)",NAME,VERSION,DATE); }else{ fmt.Printf("%v",VERSION); } if isin("-a",argv) { fmt.Printf(" %s",AUTHOR) } if !isin("-n",argv) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } // Scanf // string decomposer // scanf [format] [input] func scanv(sstr string)(strv[]string){ strv = strings.Split(sstr," ") return strv } func scanUntil(src,end string)(rstr string,leng int){ idx := strings.Index(src,end) if 0 <= idx { rstr = src[0:idx] return rstr,idx+len(end) } return src,0 } // -bn -- display base-name part only // can be in some %fmt, for sed rewriting func (gsh*GshContext)printVal(fmts string, vstr string, optv[]string){ //vint,err := strconv.Atoi(vstr) var ival int64 = 0 n := 0 err := error(nil) if strBegins(vstr,"_") { vx,_ := strconv.Atoi(vstr[1:]) if vx < len(gsh.iValues) { vstr = gsh.iValues[vx] }else{ } } // should use Eval() if strBegins(vstr,"0x") { n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr[2:],"%x",&ival) }else{ n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr,"%d",&ival) //fmt.Printf("--D-- n=%d err=(%v) {%s}=%v\n",n,err,vstr, ival) } if n == 1 && err == nil { //fmt.Printf("--D-- formatn(%v) ival(%v)\n",fmts,ival) fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,ival) }else{ if isin("-bn",optv){ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,filepath.Base(vstr)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,vstr) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)printfv(fmts,div string,argv[]string,optv[]string,list[]string){ //fmt.Printf("{%d}",len(list)) //curfmt := "v" outlen := 0 curfmt := gsh.iFormat if 0 < len(fmts) { for xi := 0; xi < len(fmts); xi++ { fch := fmts[xi] if fch == '%' { if xi+1 < len(fmts) { curfmt = string(fmts[xi+1]) gsh.iFormat = curfmt xi += 1 if xi+1 < len(fmts) && fmts[xi+1] == '(' { vals,leng := scanUntil(fmts[xi+2:],")") //fmt.Printf("--D-- show fmt(%v) val(%v) next(%v)\n",curfmt,vals,leng) gsh.printVal(curfmt,vals,optv) xi += 2+leng-1 outlen += 1 } continue } } if fch == '_' { hi,leng := scanInt(fmts[xi+1:]) if 0 < leng { if hi < len(gsh.iValues) { gsh.printVal(curfmt,gsh.iValues[hi],optv) outlen += 1 // should be the real length }else{ fmt.Printf("((out-range))") } xi += leng continue; } } fmt.Printf("%c",fch) outlen += 1 } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--D-- print {%s}\n") for i,v := range list { if 0 < i { fmt.Printf(div) } gsh.printVal(curfmt,v,optv) outlen += 1 } } if 0 < outlen { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func (gsh*GshContext)Scanv(argv[]string){ //fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanv(%v)\n",argv) if len(argv) == 1 { return } argv = argv[1:] fmts := "" if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { fmts = argv[0] gsh.iDelimiter = fmts argv = argv[1:] } input := strings.Join(argv," ") if fmts == "" { // simple decomposition v := scanv(input) gsh.iValues = v //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(v,",")) }else{ v := make([]string,8) n,err := fmt.Sscanf(input,fmts,&v[0],&v[1],&v[2],&v[3]) fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanf ->(%v) n=%d err=(%v)\n",v,n,err) gsh.iValues = v } } func (gsh*GshContext)Printv(argv[]string){ if false { //@@U fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")) return } //fmt.Printf("--D-- Printv(%v)\n",argv) //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(gsh.iValues,",")) div := gsh.iDelimiter fmts := "" argv = argv[1:] if 0 < len(argv) { if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { div = argv[0][2:] argv = argv[1:] } } optv := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-"){ optv = append(optv,v) argv = argv[1:] }else{ break; } } if 0 < len(argv) { fmts = strings.Join(argv," ") } gsh.printfv(fmts,div,argv,optv,gsh.iValues) } func (gsh*GshContext)Basename(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValues { gsh.iValues[i] = filepath.Base(v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Sortv(argv[]string){ sv := gsh.iValues sort.Slice(sv , func(i,j int) bool { return sv[i] < sv[j] }) } func (gsh*GshContext)Shiftv(argv[]string){ vi := len(gsh.iValues) if 0 < vi { if isin("-r",argv) { top := gsh.iValues[0] gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues[1:],top) }else{ gsh.iValues = gsh.iValues[1:] } } } func (gsh*GshContext)Enq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Deq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Push(argv[]string){ gsh.iValStack = append(gsh.iValStack,argv[1:]) fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",len(gsh.iValStack)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Dump(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValStack { fmt.Printf("%d %v\n",i,v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Pop(argv[]string){ depth := len(gsh.iValStack) if 0 < depth { v := gsh.iValStack[depth-1] if isin("-cat",argv){ gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues,v...) }else{ gsh.iValues = v } gsh.iValStack = gsh.iValStack[0:depth-1] fmt.Printf("depth=%d %s\n",len(gsh.iValStack),gsh.iValues) }else{ fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",depth) } } // Command Interpreter func (gshCtx*GshContext)gshellv(argv []string) (fin bool) { fin = false if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv((%d))\n",len(argv)) } if len(argv) <= 0 { return false } xargv := []string{} for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { xargv = append(xargv,strsubst(gshCtx,argv[ai],false)) } argv = xargv if false { for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { fmt.Printf("[%d] %s [%d]%T\n", ai,argv[ai],len(argv[ai]),argv[ai]) } } cmd := argv[0] if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv(%d)%v\n",len(argv),argv) } switch { // case cmd == "": gshCtx.xPwd([]string{}); // emtpy command case cmd == "-x": gshCtx.CmdTrace = ! gshCtx.CmdTrace case cmd == "-xt": gshCtx.CmdTime = ! gshCtx.CmdTime case cmd == "-ot": gshCtx.sconnect(true, argv) case cmd == "-ou": gshCtx.sconnect(false, argv) case cmd == "-it": gshCtx.saccept(true , argv) case cmd == "-iu": gshCtx.saccept(false, argv) case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<" || cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">" || cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>" || cmd == "-s" || cmd == "><": gshCtx.redirect(argv) case cmd == "|": gshCtx.fromPipe(argv) case cmd == "args": gshCtx.Args(argv) case cmd == "bg" || cmd == "-bg": rfin := gshCtx.inBackground(argv[1:]) return rfin case cmd == "-bn": gshCtx.Basename(argv) case cmd == "call": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(false,argv[1:]) case cmd == "cd" || cmd == "chdir": gshCtx.xChdir(argv); case cmd == "-cksum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sumtest": str := "" if 1 < len(argv) { str = argv[1] } crc := strCRC32(str,uint64(len(str))) fprintf(stderr,"%v %v\n",crc,len(str)) case cmd == "close": gshCtx.xClose(argv) case cmd == "gcp": gshCtx.FileCopy(argv) case cmd == "dec" || cmd == "decode": gshCtx.Dec(argv) case cmd == "#define": case cmd == "dic" || cmd == "d": xDic(argv) case cmd == "dump": gshCtx.Dump(argv) case cmd == "echo" || cmd == "e": echo(argv,true) case cmd == "enc" || cmd == "encode": gshCtx.Enc(argv) case cmd == "env": env(argv) case cmd == "eval": xEval(argv[1:],true) case cmd == "ev" || cmd == "events": dumpEvents(argv) case cmd == "exec": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(true,argv[1:]) // should not return here case cmd == "exit" || cmd == "quit": // write Result code EXIT to 3> return true case cmd == "fdls": // dump the attributes of fds (of other process) case cmd == "-find" || cmd == "fin" || cmd == "ufind" || cmd == "uf": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fu": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fork": // mainly for a server case cmd == "-gen": gshCtx.gen(argv) case cmd == "-go": gshCtx.xGo(argv) case cmd == "-grep": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "gdeq": gshCtx.Deq(argv) case cmd == "genq": gshCtx.Enq(argv) case cmd == "gpop": gshCtx.Pop(argv) case cmd == "gpush": gshCtx.Push(argv) case cmd == "history" || cmd == "hi": // hi should be alias gshCtx.xHistory(argv) case cmd == "jobs": gshCtx.xJobs(argv) case cmd == "lnsp" || cmd == "nlsp": gshCtx.SplitLine(argv) case cmd == "-ls": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "nop": // do nothing case cmd == "pipe": gshCtx.xOpen(argv) case cmd == "plug" || cmd == "plugin" || cmd == "pin": gshCtx.xPlugin(argv[1:]) case cmd == "print" || cmd == "-pr": // output internal slice // also sprintf should be gshCtx.Printv(argv) case cmd == "ps": gshCtx.xPs(argv) case cmd == "pstitle": // to be gsh.title case cmd == "rexecd" || cmd == "rexd": gshCtx.RexecServer(argv) case cmd == "rexec" || cmd == "rex": gshCtx.RexecClient(argv) case cmd == "repeat" || cmd == "rep": // repeat cond command gshCtx.repeat(argv) case cmd == "replay": gshCtx.xReplay(argv) case cmd == "scan": // scan input (or so in fscanf) to internal slice (like Files or map) gshCtx.Scanv(argv) case cmd == "set": // set name ... case cmd == "serv": gshCtx.httpServer(argv) case cmd == "shift": gshCtx.Shiftv(argv) case cmd == "sleep": gshCtx.sleep(argv) case cmd == "-sort": gshCtx.Sortv(argv) case cmd == "j" || cmd == "join": gshCtx.Rjoin(argv) case cmd == "a" || cmd == "alpa": gshCtx.Rexec(argv) case cmd == "jcd" || cmd == "jchdir": gshCtx.Rchdir(argv) case cmd == "jget": gshCtx.Rget(argv) case cmd == "jls": gshCtx.Rls(argv) case cmd == "jput": gshCtx.Rput(argv) case cmd == "jpwd": gshCtx.Rpwd(argv) case cmd == "time": fin = gshCtx.xTime(argv) case cmd == "ungets": if 1 < len(argv) { ungets(argv[1]+"\n") }else{ } case cmd == "pwd": gshCtx.xPwd(argv); case cmd == "ver" || cmd == "-ver" || cmd == "version": gshCtx.showVersion(argv) case cmd == "where": // data file or so? case cmd == "which": which("PATH",argv); default: if gshCtx.whichPlugin(cmd,[]string{"-s"}) != nil { gshCtx.xPlugin(argv) }else{ notfound,_ := gshCtx.excommand(false,argv) if notfound { fmt.Printf("--E-- command not found (%v)\n",cmd) } } } return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelll(gline string) (rfin bool) { argv := strings.Split(string(gline)," ") fin := gsh.gshellv(argv) return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)tgshelll(gline string)(xfin bool){ start := time.Now() fin := gsh.gshelll(gline) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start); if gsh.CmdTime { fmt.Printf("--T-- " + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) + "(%d.%09ds)\n", elps/1000000000,elps%1000000000) } return fin } func Ttyid() (int) { fi, err := os.Stdin.Stat() if err != nil { return 0; } //fmt.Printf("Stdin: %v Dev=%d\n", // fi.Mode(),fi.Mode()&os.ModeDevice) if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeDevice) != 0 { stat := syscall.Stat_t{}; err := syscall.Fstat(0,&stat) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: (%v)\n",err) }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: rdev=%d %d\n", // stat.Rdev&0xFF,stat.Rdev); //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: tty%d\n",stat.Rdev&0xFF); return int(stat.Rdev & 0xFF) } } return 0 } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyfile() string { //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) ttyfile := gshCtx.GshHomeDir + "/" + "gsh-tty" + fmt.Sprintf("%02d",gshCtx.TerminalId) //strconv.Itoa(gshCtx.TerminalId) //fmt.Printf("--I-- ttyfile=%s\n",ttyfile) return ttyfile } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyline()(*os.File){ file, err := os.OpenFile(gshCtx.ttyfile(),os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- cannot open %s (%s)\n",gshCtx.ttyfile(),err) return file; } return file } func (gshCtx *GshContext)getline(hix int, skipping bool, prevline string) (string) { if( skipping ){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) }else if true { return xgetline(hix,prevline,gshCtx) } /* else if( with_exgetline && gshCtx.GetLine != "" ){ //var xhix int64 = int64(hix); // cast newenv := os.Environ() newenv = append(newenv, "GSH_LINENO="+strconv.FormatInt(int64(hix),10) ) tty := gshCtx.ttyline() tty.WriteString(prevline) Pa := os.ProcAttr { "", // start dir newenv, //os.Environ(), []*os.File{os.Stdin,os.Stdout,os.Stderr,tty}, nil, } //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline=%s // %s\n",gsh_getlinev[0],gshCtx.GetLine) proc, err := os.StartProcess(gsh_getlinev[0],[]string{"getline","getline"},&Pa) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- getline process error (%v)\n",err) // for ; ; { } return "exit (getline program failed)" } //stat, err := proc.Wait() proc.Wait() buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count, err := tty.Read(buff) //_, err = tty.Read(buff) //fmt.Printf("--D-- getline (%d)\n",count) if err != nil { if ! (count == 0) { // && err.String() == "EOF" ) { fmt.Printf("--E-- getline error (%s)\n",err) } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline OK \"%s\"\n",buff) } tty.Close() gline := string(buff[0:count]) return gline }else */ { // if isatty { fmt.Printf("!%d",hix) fmt.Print(PROMPT) // } reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) } } //== begin ======================================================= getline /* * getline.c * 2020-0819 extracted from dog.c * getline.go * 2020-0822 ported to Go */ /* package main // getline main import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "os" // os "syscall" // syscall //"bytes" // os //"os/exec" // os ) */ // C language compatibility functions var errno = 0 var stdin *os.File = os.Stdin var stdout *os.File = os.Stdout var stderr *os.File = os.Stderr var EOF = -1 var NULL = 0 type FILE os.File type StrBuff []byte var NULL_FP *os.File = nil var NULLSP = 0 //var LINESIZE = 1024 func system(cmdstr string)(int){ PA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the starting directory os.Environ(), []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, } argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") pid,err := syscall.ForkExec(argv[0],argv,&PA) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- syscall(%v) err(%v)\n",cmdstr,err) } syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) /* argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- system(%v)\n",argv) //cmd := exec.Command(argv[0:]...) cmd := exec.Command(argv[0],argv[1],argv[2]) cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader("output of system") var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out var serr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr = &serr err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--E-- system(%v)err(%v)\n",argv,err) fmt.Printf("ERR:%s\n",serr.String()) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",out.String()) } */ return 0 } func atoi(str string)(ret int){ ret,err := fmt.Sscanf(str,"%d",ret) if err == nil { return ret }else{ // should set errno return 0 } } func getenv(name string)(string){ val,got := os.LookupEnv(name) if got { return val }else{ return "?" } } func strcpy(dst StrBuff, src string){ var i int srcb := []byte(src) for i = 0; i < len(src) && srcb[i] != 0; i++ { dst[i] = srcb[i] } dst[i] = 0 } func xstrcpy(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = src } func strcat(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = append(dst,src...) } func strdup(str StrBuff)(string){ return string(str[0:strlen(str)]) } func sstrlen(str string)(int){ return len(str) } func strlen(str StrBuff)(int){ var i int for i = 0; i < len(str) && str[i] != 0; i++ { } return i } func sizeof(data StrBuff)(int){ return len(data) } func isatty(fd int)(ret int){ return 1 } func fopen(file string,mode string)(fp*os.File){ if mode == "r" { fp,err := os.Open(file) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- fopen(%s,%s)=(%v)\n",file,mode,err) return NULL_FP; } return fp; }else{ fp,err := os.OpenFile(file,os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if( err != nil ){ return NULL_FP; } return fp; } } func fclose(fp*os.File){ fp.Close() } func fflush(fp *os.File)(int){ return 0 } func fgetc(fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func sfgets(str*string, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ buf := make(StrBuff,size) var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fgets(buf StrBuff, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fputc(ch int , fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte buf[0] = byte(ch) fp.Write(buf[0:1]) return 0 } func fputs(buf StrBuff, fp*os.File)(int){ fp.Write(buf) return 0 } func xfputss(str string, fp*os.File)(int){ return fputs([]byte(str),fp) } func sscanf(str StrBuff,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Sscanf(string(str[0:strlen(str)]),fmts,params...) return 0 } func fprintf(fp*os.File,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Fprintf(fp,fmts,params...) return 0 } // Command Line IME //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MyIME var MyIMEVER = "MyIME/0.0.2"; type RomKana struct { dic string // dictionaly ID pat string // input pattern out string // output pattern hit int64 // count of hit and used } var dicents = 0 var romkana [1024]RomKana var Romkan []RomKana func isinDic(str string)(int){ for i,v := range Romkan { if v.pat == str { return i } } return -1 } const ( DIC_COM_LOAD = "im" DIC_COM_DUMP = "s" DIC_COM_LIST = "ls" DIC_COM_ENA = "en" DIC_COM_DIS = "di" ) func helpDic(argv []string){ out := stderr cmd := "" if 0 < len(argv) { cmd = argv[0] } fprintf(out,"--- %v Usage\n",cmd) fprintf(out,"... Commands\n") fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] [dicURL ] -- Import dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LOAD) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [pattern] -- Search in dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DUMP) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- List dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LIST) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Disable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DIS) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Enable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_ENA) fprintf(out,"... Keys ... %v\n","ESC can be used for '\\'") fprintf(out,"... \\c -- Reverse the case of the last character\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\i -- Replace input with translated text\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\j -- On/Off translation mode\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\l -- Force Lower Case\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\u -- Force Upper Case (software CapsLock)\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\v -- Show translation actions\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\x -- Replace the last input character with it Hexa-Decimal\n",) } func xDic(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { helpDic(argv) return } argv = argv[1:] var debug = false var info = false var silent = false var dump = false var builtin = false cmd := argv[0] argv = argv[1:] opt := "" arg := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg1 := argv[0] if arg1[0] == '-' { switch arg1 { default: fmt.Printf("--Ed-- Unknown option(%v)\n",arg1) return case "-b": builtin = true case "-d": debug = true case "-s": silent = true case "-v": info = true } opt = arg1 argv = argv[1:] } } dicName := "" dicURL := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg = argv[0] dicName = arg argv = argv[1:] } if 0 < len(argv) { dicURL = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if false { fprintf(stderr,"--Dd-- com(%v) opt(%v) arg(%v)\n",cmd,opt,arg) } if cmd == DIC_COM_LOAD { //dicType := "" dicBody := "" if !builtin && dicName != "" && dicURL == "" { f,err := os.Open(dicName) if err == nil { dicURL = dicName }else{ f,err = os.Open(dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = dicName+".html" }else{ f,err = os.Open("gshdic-"+dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = "gshdic-"+dicName+".html" } } } if err == nil { var buf = make([]byte,128*1024) count,err := f.Read(buf) f.Close() if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- ReadDic(%v,%v)\n",count,err) } dicBody = string(buf[0:count]) } } if dicBody == "" { switch arg { default: dicName = "WorldDic" dicURL = WorldDic if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- default dictionary \"%v\"\n", dicName); } case "wnn": dicName = "WnnDic" dicURL = WnnDic case "sumomo": dicName = "SumomoDic" dicURL = SumomoDic case "sijimi": dicName = "SijimiDic" dicURL = SijimiDic case "jkl": dicName = "JKLJaDic" dicURL = JA_JKLDic } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v URL=%v\n\n",dicName,dicURL); } dicv := strings.Split(dicURL,",") if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v encoded data...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"Type: %v\n",dicv[0]) fprintf(stderr,"Body: %v\n",dicv[1]) fprintf(stderr,"\n") } body,_ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(dicv[1]) dicBody = string(body) } if info { fmt.Printf("--Id-- %v %v\n",dicName,dicURL) fmt.Printf("%s\n",dicBody) } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- dicName %v text...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"%v\n",string(dicBody)) } entv := strings.Split(dicBody,"\n"); if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan...\n",dicName); } var added int = 0 var dup int = 0 for i,v := range entv { var pat string var out string fmt.Sscanf(v,"%s %s",&pat,&out) if len(pat) <= 0 { }else{ if 0 <= isinDic(pat) { dup += 1 continue } romkana[dicents] = RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0} dicents += 1 added += 1 Romkan = append(Romkan,RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0}) if debug { fmt.Printf("[%3v]:[%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) } } } if !silent { url := dicURL if strBegins(url,"data:") { url = "builtin" } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan... %v added, %v dup. / %v total (%v)\n", dicName,added,dup,len(Romkan),url); } // should sort by pattern length for conclete match, for performance if debug { arg = "" // search pattern dump = true } } if cmd == DIC_COM_DUMP || dump { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v dump... %v entries:\n",dicName,len(Romkan)); var match = 0 for i := 0; i < len(Romkan); i++ { dic := Romkan[i].dic pat := Romkan[i].pat out := Romkan[i].out if arg == "" || 0 <= strings.Index(pat,arg)||0 <= strings.Index(out,arg) { fmt.Printf("\\\\%v\t%v [%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,dic,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) match += 1 } } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v matched %v / %v entries:\n",arg,match,len(Romkan)); } } func loadDefaultDic(dic int){ if( 0 < len(Romkan) ){ return } //fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") xDic([]string{"dic",DIC_COM_LOAD}); var info = false if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- Conguraturations!! WorldDic is now activated.\r\n") fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- enter \"dic\" command for help.\r\n") } } func readDic()(int){ /* var rk *os.File; var dic = "MyIME-dic.txt"; //rk = fopen("romkana.txt","r"); //rk = fopen("JK-JA-morse-dic.txt","r"); rk = fopen(dic,"r"); if( rk == NULL_FP ){ if( true ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- Could not load %s\n",MyIMEVER,dic); } return -1; } if( true ){ var di int; var line = make(StrBuff,1024); var pat string var out string for di = 0; di < 1024; di++ { if( fgets(line,sizeof(line),rk) == NULLSP ){ break; } fmt.Sscanf(string(line[0:strlen(line)]),"%s %s",&pat,&out); //sscanf(line,"%s %[^\r\n]",&pat,&out); romkana[di].pat = pat; romkana[di].out = out; //fprintf(stderr,"--Dd- %-10s %s\n",pat,out) } dicents += di if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- loaded romkana.txt [%d]\n",MyIMEVER,di); for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n",romkana[di].pat,romkana[di].out); } } } fclose(rk); //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" // dump the dic. and clean the command input */ return 0; } func matchlen(stri string, pati string)(int){ if strBegins(stri,pati) { return len(pati) }else{ return 0 } } func convs(src string)(string){ var si int; var sx = len(src); var di int; var mi int; var dstb []byte for si = 0; si < sx; { // search max. match from the position if strBegins(src[si:],"%x/") { // %x/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 //fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%d",&iv) fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%x",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%d/") { // %d/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%d",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%t") { now := time.Now() if true { date := now.Format(time.Stamp) dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(date)...) si = si+3 } continue } var maxlen int = 0; var len int; mi = -1; for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { len = matchlen(src[si:],romkana[di].pat); if( maxlen < len ){ maxlen = len; mi = di; } } if( 0 < maxlen ){ out := romkana[mi].out; dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(out)...); si += maxlen; }else{ dstb = append(dstb,src[si]) si += 1; } } return string(dstb) } func trans(src string)(int){ dst := convs(src); xfputss(dst,stderr); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------- LINEEDIT // "?" at the top of the line means searching history // should be compatilbe with Telnet const ( EV_MODE = 255 EV_IDLE = 254 EV_TIMEOUT = 253 GO_UP = 252 // k GO_DOWN = 251 // j GO_RIGHT = 250 // l GO_LEFT = 249 // h DEL_RIGHT = 248 // x GO_TOPL = 'A'-0x40 // 0 GO_ENDL = 'E'-0x40 // $ GO_TOPW = 239 // b GO_ENDW = 238 // e GO_NEXTW = 237 // w GO_FORWCH = 229 // f GO_PAIRCH = 228 // % GO_DEL = 219 // d HI_SRCH_FW = 209 // / HI_SRCH_BK = 208 // ? HI_SRCH_RFW = 207 // n HI_SRCH_RBK = 206 // N ) // should return number of octets ready to be read immediately //fprintf(stderr,"\n--Select(%v %v)\n",err,r.Bits[0]) var EventRecvFd = -1 // file descriptor var EventSendFd = -1 const EventFdOffset = 1000000 const NormalFdOffset = 100 func putEvent(event int, evarg int){ if true { if EventRecvFd < 0 { var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) EventRecvFd = pv[0] EventSendFd = pv[1] //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPipe created[%v,%v]\n",EventRecvFd,EventSendFd) } }else{ if EventRecvFd < 0 { // the document differs from this spec // sv,err := syscall.Socketpair(syscall.AF_UNIX,syscall.SOCK_STREAM,0) EventRecvFd = sv[0] EventSendFd = sv[1] if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- EventSock created[%v,%v](%v)\n", EventRecvFd,EventSendFd,err) } } } var buf = []byte{ byte(event)} n,err := syscall.Write(EventSendFd,buf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- putEvent[%v](%3v)(%v %v)\n",EventSendFd,event,n,err) } } func ungets(str string){ for _,ch := range str { putEvent(int(ch),0) } } func (gsh*GshContext)xReplay(argv[]string){ hix := 0 tempo := 1.0 xtempo := 1.0 repeat := 1 for _,a := range argv { // tempo if strBegins(a,"x") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%f",&xtempo) tempo = 1 / xtempo //fprintf(stderr,"--Dr-- tempo=[%v]%v\n",a[2:],tempo); }else if strBegins(a,"r") { // repeat fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%v",&repeat) }else if strBegins(a,"!") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%d",&hix) }else{ fmt.Sscanf(a,"%d",&hix) } } if hix == 0 || len(argv) <= 1 { hix = len(gsh.CommandHistory)-1 } fmt.Printf("--Ir-- Replay(!%v x%v r%v)\n",hix,xtempo,repeat) //dumpEvents(hix) //gsh.xScanReplay(hix,false,repeat,tempo,argv) go gsh.xScanReplay(hix,true,repeat,tempo,argv) } // syscall.Select // 2020-0827 GShell-0.2.3 /* func FpollIn1(fp *os.File,usec int)(uintptr){ nfd := 1 rdv := syscall.FdSet {} fd1 := fp.Fd() bank1 := fd1/32 mask1 := int32(1 << fd1) rdv.Bits[bank1] = mask1 fd2 := -1 bank2 := -1 var mask2 int32 = 0 if 0 <= EventRecvFd { fd2 = EventRecvFd nfd = fd2 + 1 bank2 = fd2/32 mask2 = int32(1 << fd2) rdv.Bits[bank2] |= mask2 //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPoll mask added [%d][%v][%v]\n",fd2,bank2,mask2) } tout := syscall.NsecToTimeval(int64(usec*1000)) //n,err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) // spec. mismatch err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--De-- select() err(%v)\n",err) } if err == nil { if 0 <= fd2 && (rdv.Bits[bank2] & mask2) != 0 { if false { fmt.Printf("--De-- got Event\n") } return uintptr(EventFdOffset + fd2) }else if (rdv.Bits[bank1] & mask1) != 0 { return uintptr(NormalFdOffset + fd1) }else{ return 1 } }else{ return 0 } } */ func fgetcTimeout1(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ READ1: //readyFd := FpollIn1(fp,usec) readyFd := CFpollIn1(fp,usec) if readyFd < 100 { return EV_TIMEOUT } var buf [1]byte if EventFdOffset <= readyFd { fd := int(readyFd-EventFdOffset) _,err := syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ if buf[0] == EV_MODE { recvEvent(fd) goto READ1 } return int(buf[0]) } } _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func visibleChar(ch int)(string){ switch { case '!' <= ch && ch <= '~': return string(ch) } switch ch { case ' ': return "\\s" case '\n': return "\\n" case '\r': return "\\r" case '\t': return "\\t" } switch ch { case 0x00: return "NUL" case 0x07: return "BEL" case 0x08: return "BS" case 0x0E: return "SO" case 0x0F: return "SI" case 0x1B: return "ESC" case 0x7F: return "DEL" } switch ch { case EV_IDLE: return fmt.Sprintf("IDLE") case EV_MODE: return fmt.Sprintf("MODE") } return fmt.Sprintf("%X",ch) } func recvEvent(fd int){ var buf = make([]byte,1) _,_ = syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( buf[0] != 0 ){ romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } } func (gsh*GshContext)xScanReplay(hix int,replay bool,repeat int,tempo float64,argv[]string){ var Start time.Time var events = []Event{} for _,e := range Events { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { events = append(events,e) } } elen := len(events) if 0 < elen { if events[elen-1].event == EV_IDLE { events = events[0:elen-1] } } for r := 0; r < repeat; r++ { for i,e := range events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 if Start.Second() == 0 { Start = time.Now() } diff := time.Now().Sub(Start) if replay { if e.event != EV_IDLE { putEvent(e.event,0) if e.event == EV_MODE { // event with arg putEvent(int(e.evarg),0) } } }else{ fmt.Printf("%7.3fms #%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n", float64(diff)/1000000.0, i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event), float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } if e.event == EV_IDLE { d := time.Duration(float64(time.Duration(e.evarg)) * tempo) //nsleep(time.Duration(e.evarg)) nsleep(d) } } } } func dumpEvents(arg[]string){ hix := 0 if 1 < len(arg) { fmt.Sscanf(arg[1],"%d",&hix) } for i,e := range Events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 //if e.event != EV_TIMEOUT { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { fmt.Printf("#%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n",i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event),float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } //} } } func fgetcTimeout(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ ch := fgetcTimeout1(fp,usec) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT { now := time.Now() if 0 < len(Events) { last := Events[len(Events)-1] dura := int64(now.Sub(last.when)) Events = append(Events,Event{last.when,EV_IDLE,dura,last.CmdIndex}) } Events = append(Events,Event{time.Now(),ch,0,CmdIndex}) } return ch } var TtyMaxCol = 72 // to be obtained by ioctl? var EscTimeout = (100*1000) var ( MODE_VicMode bool // vi compatible command mode MODE_ShowMode bool romkanmode bool // shown translation mode, the mode to be retained MODE_Recursive bool // recursive translation MODE_CapsLock bool // software CapsLock MODE_LowerLock bool // force lower-case character lock MODE_ViInsert int // visible insert mode, should be like "I" icon in X Window MODE_ViTrace bool // output newline before translation ) type IInput struct { lno int lastlno int pch []int // input queue prompt string line string right string inJmode bool pinJmode bool waitingMeta string // waiting meta character LastCmd string } func (iin*IInput)Getc(timeoutUs int)(int){ ch1 := EOF ch2 := EOF ch3 := EOF if( 0 < len(iin.pch) ){ // deQ ch1 = iin.pch[0] iin.pch = iin.pch[1:] }else{ ch1 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,timeoutUs); } if( ch1 == 033 ){ /// escape sequence ch2 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch2 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ }else{ ch3 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch3 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ }else{ switch( ch2 ){ default: iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch3) // enQ case '[': switch( ch3 ){ case 'A': ch1 = GO_UP; // ^ case 'B': ch1 = GO_DOWN; // v case 'C': ch1 = GO_RIGHT; // > case 'D': ch1 = GO_LEFT; // < case '3': ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch4 == '~' ){ //fprintf(stderr,"x[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } case '\\': //ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); //fprintf(stderr,"y[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); switch( ch3 ){ case '~': ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } } } } return ch1 } func (inn*IInput)clearline(){ var i int fprintf(stderr,"\r"); // should be ANSI ESC sequence for i = 0; i < TtyMaxCol; i++ { // to the max. position in this input action fputc(' ',os.Stderr); } fprintf(stderr,"\r"); } func (iin*IInput)Redraw(){ redraw(iin,iin.lno,iin.line,iin.right) } func redraw(iin *IInput,lno int,line string,right string){ inMeta := false showMode := "" showMeta := "" // visible Meta mode on the cursor position showLino := fmt.Sprintf("!%d! ",lno) InsertMark := "" // in visible insert mode if MODE_VicMode { }else if 0 < len(iin.right) { InsertMark = " " } if( 0 < len(iin.waitingMeta) ){ inMeta = true if iin.waitingMeta[0] != 033 { showMeta = iin.waitingMeta } } if( romkanmode ){ //romkanmark = " *"; }else{ //romkanmark = ""; } if MODE_ShowMode { romkan := "--" inmeta := "-" inveri := "" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "A" } if MODE_LowerLock { inmeta = "a" } if MODE_ViTrace { inveri = "v" } if MODE_VicMode { inveri = ":" } if romkanmode { romkan = "\343\201\202" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "R" }else{ inmeta = "r" } } if inMeta { inmeta = "\\" } showMode = "["+romkan+inmeta+inveri+"]"; } Pre := "\r" + showMode + showLino Output := "" Left := "" Right := "" if romkanmode { Left = convs(line) Right = InsertMark+convs(right) }else{ Left = line Right = InsertMark+right } Output = Pre+Left if MODE_ViTrace { Output += iin.LastCmd } Output += showMeta+Right for len(Output) < TtyMaxCol { // to the max. position that may be dirty Output += " " // should be ANSI ESC sequence // not necessary just after newline } Output += Pre+Left+showMeta // to set the cursor to the current input position fprintf(stderr,"%s",Output) if MODE_ViTrace { if 0 < len(iin.LastCmd) { iin.LastCmd = "" fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") } } } // utf8 func delHeadChar(str string)(rline string,head string){ _,clen := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)) head = string(str[0:clen]) return str[clen:],head } func delTailChar(str string)(rline string, last string){ var i = 0 var clen = 0 for { _,siz := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)[i:]) if siz <= 0 { break } clen = siz i += siz } last = str[len(str)-clen:] return str[0:len(str)-clen],last } // 3> for output and history // 4> for keylog? // Command Line Editor func xgetline(lno int, prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var iin IInput iin.lastlno = lno iin.lno = lno CmdIndex = len(gsh.CommandHistory) if( isatty(0) == 0 ){ if( sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin) == NULL ){ iin.line = "exit\n"; }else{ } return iin.line } if( true ){ //var pts string; //pts = ptsname(0); //pts = ttyname(0); //fprintf(stderr,"--pts[0] = %s\n",pts?pts:"?"); } if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"! "); fflush(stderr); sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin); return iin.line } system("/bin/stty -echo -icanon"); xline := iin.xgetline1(prevline,gsh) system("/bin/stty echo sane"); return xline } func (iin*IInput)Translate(cmdch int){ romkanmode = !romkanmode; if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); }else if( cmdch == 'J' ){ fprintf(stderr,"J\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); iin.Redraw(); } func (iin*IInput)Replace(cmdch int){ iin.LastCmd = fmt.Sprintf("\\%v",string(cmdch)) iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" if( cmdch == 'I' ){ fprintf(stderr,"I\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); } // aa 12 a1a1 func isAlpha(ch rune)(bool){ if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { return true } return false } func isAlnum(ch rune)(bool){ if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { return true } if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { return true } return false } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created // DecodeRuneInString func (iin*IInput)GotoTOPW(){ str := iin.line i := len(str) if i <= 0 { return } //i0 := i i -= 1 lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var found = -1 for 0 < i { // skip preamble spaces lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched i -= lastSize continue } break } for 0 < i { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { continue } // not the character top if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched found = i break } i -= lastSize } if found < 0 && i == 0 { found = 0 } if 0 <= found { if isAlnum(lastRune) { // or non-kana character }else{ // when positioning to the top o the word i += lastSize } iin.right = str[i:] + iin.right if 0 < i { iin.line = str[0:i] }else{ iin.line = "" } } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d,%d,%d)[%s][%s]\n",i0,i,found,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created func (iin*IInput)GotoENDW(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var lastW = 0 i := 0 inWord := false lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[0:]) if isAlnum(lastRune) { r,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[lastSize:]) if 0 < z && isAlnum(r) { inWord = true } } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } lastW = i // the last alnum if in alnum word i += lastSize } if inWord { goto DISP } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } i += lastSize } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } lastW = i i += lastSize } DISP: if 0 < lastW { iin.line = iin.line + str[0:lastW] iin.right = str[lastW:] } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d)[%s][%s]\n",i,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created func (iin*IInput)GotoNEXTW(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var found = -1 i := 1 for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched found = i break } i += lastSize } if 0 < found { if isAlnum(lastRune) { // or non-kana character }else{ // when positioning to the top o the word found += lastSize } iin.line = iin.line + str[0:found] if 0 < found { iin.right = str[found:] }else{ iin.right = "" } } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d)[%s][%s]\n",i,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)GotoPAIRCH(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastRune,lastSize := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[0:]) if lastSize <= 0 { return } forw := false back := false pair := "" switch string(lastRune){ case "{": pair = "}"; forw = true case "}": pair = "{"; back = true case "(": pair = ")"; forw = true case ")": pair = "("; back = true case "[": pair = "]"; forw = true case "]": pair = "["; back = true case "<": pair = ">"; forw = true case ">": pair = "<"; back = true case "\"": pair = "\""; // context depednet, can be f" or back-double quote case "'": pair = "'"; // context depednet, can be f' or back-quote // case Japanese Kakkos } if forw { iin.SearchForward(pair) } if back { iin.SearchBackward(pair) } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)SearchForward(pat string)(bool){ right := iin.right found := -1 i := 0 if strBegins(right,pat) { _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(right[i:]) if 0 < z { i += z } } for i < len(right) { if strBegins(right[i:],pat) { found = i break } _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(right[i:]) if z <= 0 { break } i += z } if 0 <= found { iin.line = iin.line + right[0:found] iin.right = iin.right[found:] return true }else{ return false } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)SearchBackward(pat string)(bool){ line := iin.line found := -1 i := len(line)-1 for i = i; 0 <= i; i-- { _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(line[i:]) if z <= 0 { continue } //fprintf(stderr,"-- %v %v\n",pat,line[i:]) if strBegins(line[i:],pat) { found = i break } } //fprintf(stderr,"--%d\n",found) if 0 <= found { iin.right = line[found:] + iin.right iin.line = line[0:found] return true }else{ return false } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created // search from top, end, or current position func (gsh*GshContext)SearchHistory(pat string, forw bool)(bool,string){ if forw { for _,v := range gsh.CommandHistory { if 0 <= strings.Index(v.CmdLine,pat) { //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- found !%v [%v]%v\n",i,pat,v.CmdLine) return true,v.CmdLine } } }else{ hlen := len(gsh.CommandHistory) for i := hlen-1; 0 < i ; i-- { v := gsh.CommandHistory[i] if 0 <= strings.Index(v.CmdLine,pat) { //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- found !%v [%v]%v\n",i,pat,v.CmdLine) return true,v.CmdLine } } } //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- not-found(%v)\n",pat) return false,"(Not Found in History)" } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)GotoFORWSTR(pat string,gsh*GshContext){ found := false if 0 < len(iin.right) { found = iin.SearchForward(pat) } if !found { found,line := gsh.SearchHistory(pat,true) if found { iin.line = line iin.right = "" } } } func (iin*IInput)GotoBACKSTR(pat string, gsh*GshContext){ found := false if 0 < len(iin.line) { found = iin.SearchBackward(pat) } if !found { found,line := gsh.SearchHistory(pat,false) if found { iin.line = line iin.right = "" } } } func (iin*IInput)getstring1(prompt string)(string){ // should be editable iin.clearline(); fprintf(stderr,"\r%v",prompt) str := "" for { ch := iin.Getc(10*1000*1000) if ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' { break } sch := string(ch) str += sch fprintf(stderr,"%s",sch) } return str } // search pattern must be an array and selectable with ^N/^P var SearchPat = "" var SearchForw = true func (iin*IInput)xgetline1(prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var ch int; MODE_ShowMode = false MODE_VicMode = false iin.Redraw(); first := true for cix := 0; ; cix++ { iin.pinJmode = iin.inJmode iin.inJmode = false ch = iin.Getc(1000*1000) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT && first { first = false mode := 0 if romkanmode { mode = 1 } now := time.Now() Events = append(Events,Event{now,EV_MODE,int64(mode),CmdIndex}) } if ch == 033 { MODE_ShowMode = true MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode iin.Redraw(); continue } if MODE_VicMode { switch ch { case '0': ch = GO_TOPL case '$': ch = GO_ENDL case 'b': ch = GO_TOPW case 'e': ch = GO_ENDW case 'w': ch = GO_NEXTW case '%': ch = GO_PAIRCH case 'j': ch = GO_DOWN case 'k': ch = GO_UP case 'h': ch = GO_LEFT case 'l': ch = GO_RIGHT case 'x': ch = DEL_RIGHT case 'a': MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode ch = GO_RIGHT case 'i': MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode iin.Redraw(); continue case '~': right,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) if len([]byte(head)) == 1 { ch = int(head[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.right = string(ch) + right } iin.Redraw(); continue case 'f': // GO_FORWCH iin.Redraw(); ch = iin.Getc(3*1000*1000) if ch == EV_TIMEOUT { iin.Redraw(); continue } SearchPat = string(ch) SearchForw = true iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case '/': SearchPat = iin.getstring1("/") // should be editable SearchForw = true iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case '?': SearchPat = iin.getstring1("?") // should be editable SearchForw = false iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case 'n': if SearchForw { iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) }else{ iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) } iin.Redraw(); continue case 'N': if !SearchForw { iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) }else{ iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) } iin.Redraw(); continue } } switch ch { case GO_TOPW: iin.GotoTOPW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_ENDW: iin.GotoENDW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_NEXTW: // to next space then iin.GotoNEXTW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_PAIRCH: iin.GotoPAIRCH() iin.Redraw(); continue } //fprintf(stderr,"A[%02X]\n",ch); if( ch == '\\' || ch == 033 ){ MODE_ShowMode = true metach := ch iin.waitingMeta = string(ch) iin.Redraw(); // set cursor //fprintf(stderr,"???\b\b\b") ch = fgetcTimeout(stdin,2000*1000) // reset cursor iin.waitingMeta = "" cmdch := ch if( ch == EV_TIMEOUT ){ if metach == 033 { continue } ch = metach }else /* if( ch == 'm' || ch == 'M' ){ mch := fgetcTimeout(stdin,1000*1000) if mch == 'r' { romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } continue }else */ if( ch == 'k' || ch == 'K' ){ MODE_Recursive = !MODE_Recursive iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'j' || ch == 'J' ){ iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'i' || ch == 'I' ){ iin.Replace(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'l' || ch == 'L' ){ MODE_LowerLock = !MODE_LowerLock MODE_CapsLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'u' || ch == 'U' ){ MODE_CapsLock = !MODE_CapsLock MODE_LowerLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'v' || ch == 'V' ){ MODE_ViTrace = !MODE_ViTrace if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'c' || ch == 'C' ){ if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) if len([]byte(tail)) == 1 { ch = int(tail[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.line = xline + string(ch) } } if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else{ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch) // push ch = '\\' } } switch( ch ){ case 'P'-0x40: ch = GO_UP case 'N'-0x40: ch = GO_DOWN case 'B'-0x40: ch = GO_LEFT case 'F'-0x40: ch = GO_RIGHT } //fprintf(stderr,"B[%02X]\n",ch); switch( ch ){ case 0: continue; case '\t': iin.Replace('j'); continue case 'X'-0x40: iin.Replace('j'); continue case EV_TIMEOUT: iin.Redraw(); if iin.pinJmode { fprintf(stderr,"\\J\r\n") iin.inJmode = true } continue case GO_UP: if iin.lno == 1 { continue } cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno-1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno - 1 } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_DOWN: cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno+1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 }else{ iin.line = "" iin.right = "" if iin.lno == iin.lastlno-1 { iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 } } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_LEFT: if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) iin.line = xline iin.right = tail + iin.right } iin.Redraw(); continue; case GO_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) && iin.right[0] != 0 ){ xright,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.right = xright iin.line += head } iin.Redraw(); continue; case EOF: goto EXIT; case 'R'-0x40: // replace dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'T'-0x40: // just show the result readDic(); romkanmode = !romkanmode; iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'L'-0x40: iin.Redraw(); continue case 'K'-0x40: iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'E'-0x40: iin.line += iin.right iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'A'-0x40: iin.right = iin.line + iin.right iin.line = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'U'-0x40: iin.line = "" iin.right = "" iin.clearline(); iin.Redraw(); continue; case DEL_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } continue; case 0x7F: // BS? not DEL if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } /* else if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } */ continue; case 'H'-0x40: if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } continue; } if( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' ){ iin.line += iin.right; iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); fputc(ch,stderr); break; } if MODE_CapsLock { if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' { ch = ch+'A'-'a' } } if MODE_LowerLock { if 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { ch = ch+'a'-'A' } } iin.line += string(ch); iin.Redraw(); } EXIT: return iin.line + iin.right; } func getline_main(){ line := xgetline(0,"",nil) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",line); /* dp = strpbrk(line,"\r\n"); if( dp != NULL ){ *dp = 0; } if( 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n(%d)\n",int(strlen(line))); } if( lseek(3,0,0) == 0 ){ if( romkanmode ){ var buf [8*1024]byte; convs(line,buff); strcpy(line,buff); } write(3,line,strlen(line)); ftruncate(3,lseek(3,0,SEEK_CUR)); //fprintf(stderr,"outsize=%d\n",(int)lseek(3,0,SEEK_END)); lseek(3,0,SEEK_SET); close(3); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"\r\ngotline: "); trans(line); //printf("%s\n",line); printf("\n"); } */ } //== end ========================================================= getline // // $USERHOME/.gsh/ // gsh-rc.txt, or gsh-configure.txt // gsh-history.txt // gsh-aliases.txt // should be conditional? // func (gshCtx *GshContext)gshSetupHomedir()(bool) { homedir,found := userHomeDir() if !found { fmt.Printf("--E-- You have no UserHomeDir\n") return true } gshhome := homedir + "/" + GSH_HOME _, err2 := os.Stat(gshhome) if err2 != nil { err3 := os.Mkdir(gshhome,0700) if err3 != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- Could not Create %s (%s)\n", gshhome,err3) return true } fmt.Printf("--I-- Created %s\n",gshhome) } gshCtx.GshHomeDir = gshhome return false } func setupGshContext()(GshContext,bool){ gshPA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the staring directory os.Environ(), // environ[] []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, // OS specific } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() gshCtx := GshContext { cwd, // StartDir "", // GetLine []GChdirHistory { {cwd,time.Now(),0} }, // ChdirHistory gshPA, []GCommandHistory{}, //something for invokation? GCommandHistory{}, // CmdCurrent false, []int{}, syscall.Rusage{}, "", // GshHomeDir Ttyid(), false, false, []PluginInfo{}, []string{}, " ", "v", ValueStack{}, GServer{"",""}, // LastServer "", // RSERV cwd, // RWD CheckSum{}, } err := gshCtx.gshSetupHomedir() return gshCtx, err } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelllh(gline string)(bool){ ghist := gsh.CmdCurrent ghist.WorkDir,_ = os.Getwd() ghist.WorkDirX = len(gsh.ChdirHistory)-1 //fmt.Printf("--D--ChdirHistory(@%d)\n",len(gsh.ChdirHistory)) ghist.StartAt = time.Now() rusagev1 := Getrusagev() gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = []string{} fin := gsh.tgshelll(gline) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() ghist.Rusagev = RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) ghist.EndAt = time.Now() ghist.CmdLine = gline ghist.FoundFile = gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile /* record it but not show in list by default if len(gline) == 0 { continue } if gline == "hi" || gline == "history" { // don't record it continue } */ gsh.CommandHistory = append(gsh.CommandHistory, ghist) return fin } // Main loop func script(gshCtxGiven *GshContext) (_ GshContext) { gshCtxBuf,err0 := setupGshContext() if err0 { return gshCtxBuf; } gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) //resmap() /* if false { gsh_getlinev, with_exgetline := which("PATH",[]string{"which","gsh-getline","-s"}) if with_exgetline { gsh_getlinev[0] = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) gshCtx.GetLine = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) }else{ fmt.Printf("--W-- No gsh-getline found. Using internal getline.\n"); } } */ ghist0 := gshCtx.CmdCurrent // something special, or gshrc script, or permanent history gshCtx.CommandHistory = append(gshCtx.CommandHistory,ghist0) prevline := "" skipping := false for hix := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory); ; { gline := gshCtx.getline(hix,skipping,prevline) if skipping { if strings.Index(gline,"fi") == 0 { fmt.Printf("fi\n"); skipping = false; }else{ //fmt.Printf("%s\n",gline); } continue } if strings.Index(gline,"if") == 0 { //fmt.Printf("--D-- if start: %s\n",gline); skipping = true; continue } if false { os.Stdout.Write([]byte("gotline:")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } gline = strsubst(gshCtx,gline,true) if false { fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%v - %v\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%s - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%x - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%U - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("Stouut.Write -") os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) fmt.Printf("\n") } /* // should be cared in substitution ? if 0 < len(gline) && gline[0] == '!' { xgline, set, err := searchHistory(gshCtx,gline) if err { continue } if set { // set the line in command line editor } gline = xgline } */ fin := gshCtx.gshelllh(gline) if fin { break; } prevline = gline; hix++; } return *gshCtx } func main() { gshCtxBuf := GshContext{} gsh := &gshCtxBuf argv := os.Args if 1 < len(argv) { if isin("version",argv){ gsh.showVersion(argv) return } comx := isinX("-c",argv) if 0 < comx { gshCtxBuf,err := setupGshContext() gsh := &gshCtxBuf if !err { gsh.gshellv(argv[comx+1:]) } return } } if 1 < len(argv) && isin("-s",argv) { }else{ gsh.showVersion(append(argv,[]string{"-l","-a"}...)) } script(nil) //gshCtx := script(nil) //gshelll(gshCtx,"time") } //
// - inter gsh communication, possibly running in remote hosts -- to be remote shell // - merged histories of multiple parallel gsh sessions // - alias as a function or macro // - instant alias end environ export to the permanent > ~/.gsh/gsh-alias and gsh-environ // - retrieval PATH of files by its type // - gsh as an IME with completion using history and file names as dictionaies // - gsh a scheduler in precise time of within a millisecond // - all commands have its subucomand after "---" symbol // - filename expansion by "-find" command // - history of ext code and output of each commoand // - "script" output for each command by pty-tee or telnet-tee // - $BUILTIN command in PATH to show the priority // - "?" symbol in the command (not as in arguments) shows help request // - searching command with wild card like: which ssh-* // - longformat prompt after long idle time (should dismiss by BS) // - customizing by building plugin and dynamically linking it // - generating syntactic element like "if" by macro expansion (like CPP) >> alias // - "!" symbol should be used for negation, don't wast it just for job control // - don't put too long output to tty, record it into GSH_HOME/session-id/comand-id.log // - making canonical form of command at the start adding quatation or white spaces // - name(a,b,c) ... use "(" and ")" to show both delimiter and realm // - name? or name! might be useful // - htar format - packing directory contents into a single html file using data scheme // - filepath substitution shold be done by each command, expecially in case of builtins // - @N substition for the history of working directory, and @spec for more generic ones // - @dir prefix to do the command at there, that means like (chdir @dir; command) // - GSH_PATH for plugins // - standard command output: list of data with name, size, resouce usage, modified time // - generic sort key option -nm name, -sz size, -ru rusage, -ts start-time, -tm mod-time // -wc word-count, grep match line count, ... // - standard command execution result: a list of string, -tm, -ts, -ru, -sz, ... // - -tailf-filename like tail -f filename, repeat close and open before read // - max. size and max. duration and timeout of (generated) data transfer // - auto. numbering, aliasing, IME completion of file name (especially rm of quieer name) // - IME "?" at the top of the command line means searching history // - IME %d/0x10000/ %x/ffff/ // - IME ESC to go the edit mode like in vi, and use :command as :s/x/y/g to edit history // - gsh in WebAssembly // - gsh as a HTTP server of online-manual //---END--- (^-^)/ITS more
// var WorldDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly8gTXlJTUUvMC4wLjEg6L6e5pu4ICgyMDIwLTA4MTlhKQpzZWthaSDkuJbnlYwKa28g44GT"+ "Cm5uIOOCkwpuaSDjgasKY2hpIOOBoQp0aSDjgaEKaGEg44GvCnNlIOOBmwprYSDjgYsKaSDj"+ "gYQK"; // var WnnDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL2Rp"+ "Y3ZlcglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNXbm5ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "R1NoZWxsCUdTaGVsbArjgo/jgZ/jgZcJ56eBCndhdGFzaGkJ56eBCndhdGFzaQnnp4EK44Gq"+ "44G+44GICeWQjeWJjQpuYW1hZQnlkI3liY0K44Gq44GL44GuCeS4remHjgpuYWthbm8J5Lit"+ "6YeOCndhCeOCjwp0YQnjgZ8Kc2kJ44GXCnNoaQnjgZcKbm8J44GuCm5hCeOBqgptYQnjgb4K"+ "ZQnjgYgKaGEJ44GvCm5hCeOBqgprYQnjgYsKbm8J44GuCmRlCeOBpwpzdQnjgZkKZVxzCWVj"+ "aG8KZGljCWRpYwplY2hvCWVjaG8KcmVwbGF5CXJlcGxheQpyZXBlYXQJcmVwZWF0CmR0CWRh"+ "dGVccysnJVklbSVkLSVIOiVNOiVTJwp0aW9uCXRpb24KJXQJJXQJLy8gdG8gYmUgYW4gYWN0"+ "aW9uCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg==" // var SumomoDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTdW1vbW9ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "c3UJ44GZCm1vCeOCggpubwnjga4KdQnjgYYKY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnjgaEKdWNoaQnlhoUKdXRp"+ "CeWGhQpzdW1vbW8J44GZ44KC44KCCnN1bW9tb21vCeOBmeOCguOCguOCggptb21vCeahgwpt"+ "b21vbW8J5qGD44KCCiwsCeOAgQouLgnjgIIKPC90ZXh0YXJlYT4K" // var SijimiDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTaGlqaW1pXHMvL1xzMjAyMC0wODMw"+ "CnNpCeOBlwpzaGkJ44GXCmppCeOBmAptaQnjgb8KbmEJ44GqCmp1CeOBmOOChQp4eXUJ44KF"+ "CnUJ44GGCm5pCeOBqwprbwnjgZMKYnUJ44G2Cm5uCeOCkwpubwnjga4KY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnj"+ "gaEKa2EJ44GLCnJhCeOCiQosLAnjgIEKLi4J44CCCnhuYW5hCeS4gwp4anV1CeWNgQp4bmkJ"+ "5LqMCmtveAnlgIsKa29xCeWAiwprb3gJ5YCLCm5hbmFqdXVuaXgJNzIKbmFuYWp1dW5peHgJ"+ "77yX77ySCm5hbmFqdXVuaVgJ77yX77ySCuS4g+WNgeS6jHgJNzIKa29idW5uCeWAi+WIhgp0"+ "aWthcmFxCeOBoeOBi+OCiQp0aWthcmEJ5YqbCmNoaWthcmEJ5YqbCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg=" // var JA_JKLDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly92ZXJsCU15SU1FamRpY2ptb3JzZWpKQWpKS0woMjAyMGowODE5KSheLV4pL1NhdG94SVRT"+ "CmtqamprbGtqa2tsa2psIOS4lueVjApqamtqamwJ44GCCmtqbAnjgYQKa2tqbAnjgYYKamtq"+ "amwJ44GICmtqa2trbAnjgYoKa2pra2wJ44GLCmpramtrbAnjgY0Ka2tramwJ44GPCmpramps"+ "CeOBkQpqampqbAnjgZMKamtqa2psCeOBlQpqamtqa2wJ44GXCmpqamtqbAnjgZkKa2pqamts"+ "CeOBmwpqamprbAnjgZ0KamtsCeOBnwpra2prbAnjgaEKa2pqa2wJ44GkCmtqa2pqbAnjgaYK"+ "a2tqa2tsCeOBqApramtsCeOBqgpqa2prbAnjgasKa2tra2wJ44GsCmpqa2psCeOBrQpra2pq"+ "bAnjga4Kamtra2wJ44GvCmpqa2tqbAnjgbIKampra2wJ44G1CmtsCeOBuApqa2tsCeOBuwpq"+ "a2tqbAnjgb4Ka2tqa2psCeOBvwpqbAnjgoAKamtra2psCeOCgQpqa2tqa2wJ44KCCmtqamwJ"+ "44KECmpra2pqbAnjgoYKampsCeOCiApra2tsCeOCiQpqamtsCeOCigpqa2pqa2wJ44KLCmpq"+ "amwJ44KMCmtqa2psCeOCjQpqa2psCeOCjwpramtramwJ44KQCmtqamtrbAnjgpEKa2pqamwJ"+ "44KSCmtqa2prbAnjgpMKa2pqa2psCeODvApra2wJ44KbCmtramprbAnjgpwKa2pramtqbAnj"+ "gIEK"; // // /*
*/ /*
Raw Source
Whole file
CSS part
JavaScript part
Builtin data part
*/ /* (^_^)/{Hit j k l h} [ GShell Status Line ]
WebCrypto Reference:

Web Crypto - RSA-OAEP

Plain text:

Cipher text:

Decrypted text:



GShell 0.3.4 − HTMLインスペクタ






開発:で、i コマンドで inspect ということにして、「現在のエレメント」の概要情報を表示することにします。

開発:n で Features セクションに飛んで i をぽちっと。





社長:話は変わりますが、TwentySeventeen のサイドバーを消すと言うか、シングルカラム表示にすることはできますか?1キーで閉じたり開いたり。ソースコードを読んだり、大きめの画像を表示する時に狭すぎるんですよね。

開発:element の display を false にするか、width を 0 にすれば良いと思います。「1」コマンドとか。


* * *


開発:TwentySeventeen ですが、ソースを見ると、サイドバーはこうなってますね。



開発:CSS は… こうなってますね。









開発:とりあえずショートキーにしてサイドバーにテキストウィジェットで入れましょうか。あるいはもう、メニューバーに入れる。あるいは、position:fixed にしちゃって body.php あたりに入れちゃう。


開発:エレメントの表示位置に関する文書を見つけました。なぜか MDN ではなく「MSDN」に。


開発:これは、MSIE 9 に関するドキュメントの一部です。

開発:そしてこの、node に対する getBoundingClientRect というメソッド。





-- 2020-0907 SatoxITS

/* GShell-0.3.4 by SatoxITS
GShell version 0.3.4 // 2020-09-07 // SatoxITS

GShell // a General purpose Shell built on the top of Golang

It is a shell for myself, by myself, of myself. --SatoxITS(^-^)

0 | | Fork | Stop | Unfold | Digest | */ /*

Fun to create a shell

For a programmer, it must be far easy and fun to create his own simple shell rightly fitting to his favor and necessities, than learning existing shells with complex full features that he never use. I, as one of programmers, am writing this tiny shell for my own real needs, totally from scratch, with fun.

For a programmer, it is fun to learn new computer languages. For long years before writing this software, I had been specialized to C and early HTML2 :-). Now writing this software, I'm learning Go language, HTML5, JavaScript and CSS on demand as a novice of these, with fun.

This single file "gsh.go", that is executable by Go, contains all of the code written in Go. Also it can be displayed as "gsh.go.html" by browsers. It is a standalone HTML file that works as the viewer of the code of itself, and as the "home page" of this software.

Because this HTML file is a Go program, you may run it as a real shell program on your computer. But you must be aware that this program is written under situation like above. Needless to say, there is no warranty for this program in any means.

Aug 2020, SatoxITS (
*/ /*

Vi compatible command line editor

The command line of GShell can be edited with commands compatible with vi. As in vi, you can enter command mode by ESC key, then move around in the history by j k / ? n N, or within the current line by l h f w b 0 $ % or so.

*/ /*
Documents Command summary Go lang part Package structures import struct Main functions str-expansion // macro processor finder // builtin find + du grep // builtin grep + wc + cksum + ... plugin // plugin commands system // external commands builtin // builtin commands network // socket handler remote-sh // remote shell redirect // StdIn/Out redireciton history // command history rusage // resouce usage encode // encode / decode IME // command line IME getline // line editor scanf // string decomposer interpreter // command interpreter main JavaScript part Source Builtin data CSS part Source References Internal External Whole parts Source Download Dump
*/ //
//Go Source
// gsh - Go lang based Shell // (c) 2020 ITS more Co., Ltd. // 2020-0807 created by SatoxITS ( package main // gsh main // Imported packages // Packages import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "strconv" // strconv "sort" // sort "time" // time "bufio" // bufio "io/ioutil" // ioutil "os" // os "syscall" // syscall "plugin" // plugin "net" // net "net/http" // http //"html" // html "path/filepath" // filepath "go/types" // types "go/token" // token "encoding/base64" // base64 "unicode/utf8" // utf8 //"gshdata" // gshell's logo and source code "hash/crc32" // crc32 ) // // 2020-0906 added, // // CGo // #include // typedef struct { struct pollfd fdv[8]; } pollFdv; // int pollx(pollFdv *fdv, int nfds, int timeout){ // return poll(fdv->fdv,nfds,timeout); // } import "C" // // 2020-0906 added, func CFpollIn1(fp*os.File, timeoutUs int)(ready uintptr){ var fdv = C.pollFdv{} var nfds = 1 var timeout = timeoutUs/1000 fdv.fdv[0].fd = fdv.fdv[0].events = C.POLLIN if( 0 < EventRecvFd ){ fdv.fdv[1].fd = fdv.fdv[1].events = C.POLLIN nfds += 1 } r := C.pollx(&fdv,, if( r <= 0 ){ return 0 } if (int(fdv.fdv[1].revents) & int(C.POLLIN)) != 0 { //fprintf(stderr,"--De-- got Event\n"); return uintptr(EventFdOffset + fdv.fdv[1].fd) } if (int(fdv.fdv[0].revents) & int(C.POLLIN)) != 0 { return uintptr(NormalFdOffset + fdv.fdv[0].fd) } return 0 } const ( NAME = "gsh" VERSION = "0.3.4" DATE = "2020-09-07" AUTHOR = "SatoxITS(^-^)/" ) var ( GSH_HOME = ".gsh" // under home directory GSH_PORT = 9999 MaxStreamSize = int64(128*1024*1024*1024) // 128GiB is too large? PROMPT = "> " LINESIZE = (8*1024) PATHSEP = ":" // should be ";" in Windows DIRSEP = "/" // canbe \ in Windows ) // -xX logging control // --A-- all // --I-- info. // --D-- debug // --T-- time and resource usage // --W-- warning // --E-- error // --F-- fatal error // --Xn- network // Structures type GCommandHistory struct { StartAt time.Time // command line execution started at EndAt time.Time // command line execution ended at ResCode int // exit code of (external command) CmdError error // error string OutData *os.File // output of the command FoundFile []string // output - result of ufind Rusagev [2]syscall.Rusage // Resource consumption, CPU time or so CmdId int // maybe with identified with arguments or impact // redireciton commands should not be the CmdId WorkDir string // working directory at start WorkDirX int // index in ChdirHistory CmdLine string // command line } type GChdirHistory struct { Dir string MovedAt time.Time CmdIndex int } type CmdMode struct { BackGround bool } type Event struct { when time.Time event int evarg int64 CmdIndex int } var CmdIndex int var Events []Event type PluginInfo struct { Spec *plugin.Plugin Addr plugin.Symbol Name string // maybe relative Path string // this is in Plugin but hidden } type GServer struct { host string port string } // Digest const ( // SumType SUM_ITEMS = 0x000001 // items count SUM_SIZE = 0x000002 // data length (simplly added) SUM_SIZEHASH = 0x000004 // data length (hashed sequence) SUM_DATEHASH = 0x000008 // date of data (hashed sequence) // also envelope attributes like time stamp can be a part of digest // hashed value of sizes or mod-date of files will be useful to detect changes SUM_WORDS = 0x000010 // word count is a kind of digest SUM_LINES = 0x000020 // line count is a kind of digest SUM_SUM64 = 0x000040 // simple add of bytes, useful for human too SUM_SUM32_BITS = 0x000100 // the number of true bits SUM_SUM32_2BYTE = 0x000200 // 16bits words SUM_SUM32_4BYTE = 0x000400 // 32bits words SUM_SUM32_8BYTE = 0x000800 // 64bits words SUM_SUM16_BSD = 0x001000 // UNIXsum -sum -bsd SUM_SUM16_SYSV = 0x002000 // UNIXsum -sum -sysv SUM_UNIXFILE = 0x004000 SUM_CRCIEEE = 0x008000 ) type CheckSum struct { Files int64 // the number of files (or data) Size int64 // content size Words int64 // word count Lines int64 // line count SumType int Sum64 uint64 Crc32Table crc32.Table Crc32Val uint32 Sum16 int Ctime time.Time Atime time.Time Mtime time.Time Start time.Time Done time.Time RusgAtStart [2]syscall.Rusage RusgAtEnd [2]syscall.Rusage } type ValueStack [][]string type GshContext struct { StartDir string // the current directory at the start GetLine string // gsh-getline command as a input line editor ChdirHistory []GChdirHistory // the 1st entry is wd at the start gshPA syscall.ProcAttr CommandHistory []GCommandHistory CmdCurrent GCommandHistory BackGround bool BackGroundJobs []int LastRusage syscall.Rusage GshHomeDir string TerminalId int CmdTrace bool // should be [map] CmdTime bool // should be [map] PluginFuncs []PluginInfo iValues []string iDelimiter string // field sepearater of print out iFormat string // default print format (of integer) iValStack ValueStack LastServer GServer RSERV string // [gsh://]host[:port] RWD string // remote (target, there) working directory lastCheckSum CheckSum } func nsleep(ns time.Duration){ time.Sleep(ns) } func usleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000) } func msleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000) } func sleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000000) } func strBegins(str, pat string)(bool){ if len(pat) <= len(str){ yes := str[0:len(pat)] == pat //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,yes) return yes } //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,false) return false } func isin(what string, list []string) bool { for _, v := range list { if v == what { return true } } return false } func isinX(what string,list[]string)(int){ for i,v := range list { if v == what { return i } } return -1 } func env(opts []string) { env := os.Environ() if isin("-s", opts){ sort.Slice(env, func(i,j int) bool { return env[i] < env[j] }) } for _, v := range env { fmt.Printf("%v\n",v) } } // - rewriting should be context dependent // - should postpone until the real point of evaluation // - should rewrite only known notation of symobl func scanInt(str string)(val int,leng int){ leng = -1 for i,ch := range str { if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { leng = i+1 }else{ break } } if 0 < leng { ival,_ := strconv.Atoi(str[0:leng]) return ival,leng }else{ return 0,0 } } func substHistory(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,i int,rstr string)(leng int,rst string){ if len(str[i+1:]) == 0 { return 0,rstr } hi := 0 histlen := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) if str[i+1] == '!' { hi = histlen - 1 leng = 1 }else{ hi,leng = scanInt(str[i+1:]) if leng == 0 { return 0,rstr } if hi < 0 { hi = histlen + hi } } if 0 <= hi && hi < histlen { var ext byte if 1 < len(str[i+leng:]) { ext = str[i+leng:][1] } //fmt.Printf("--D-- %v(%c)\n",str[i+leng:],str[i+leng]) if ext == 'f' { leng += 1 xlist := []string{} list := gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].FoundFile for _,v := range list { //list[i] = escapeWhiteSP(v) xlist = append(xlist,escapeWhiteSP(v)) } //rstr += strings.Join(list," ") rstr += strings.Join(xlist," ") }else if ext == '@' || ext == 'd' { // !N@ .. workdir at the start of the command leng += 1 rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].WorkDir }else{ rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].CmdLine } }else{ leng = 0 } return leng,rstr } func escapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ if len(str) == 0 { return "\\z" // empty, to be ignored } rstr := "" for _,ch := range str { switch ch { case '\\': rstr += "\\\\" case ' ': rstr += "\\s" case '\t': rstr += "\\t" case '\r': rstr += "\\r" case '\n': rstr += "\\n" default: rstr += string(ch) } } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ // strip original escapes rstr := "" for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { ch := str[i] if ch == '\\' { if i+1 < len(str) { switch str[i+1] { case 'z': continue; } } } rstr += string(ch) } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSPV(strv []string)([]string){ // strip original escapes ustrv := []string{} for _,v := range strv { ustrv = append(ustrv,unescapeWhiteSP(v)) } return ustrv } // str-expansion // - this should be a macro processor func strsubst(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,histonly bool) string { rbuff := []byte{} if false { //@@U Unicode should be cared as a character return str } //rstr := "" inEsc := 0 // escape characer mode for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { //fmt.Printf("--D--Subst %v:%v\n",i,str[i:]) ch := str[i] if inEsc == 0 { if ch == '!' { //leng,xrstr := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,rstr) leng,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") if 0 < leng { //_,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) i += leng //rstr = xrstr continue } } switch ch { case '\\': inEsc = '\\'; continue //case '%': inEsc = '%'; continue case '$': } } switch inEsc { case '\\': switch ch { case '\\': ch = '\\' case 's': ch = ' ' case 't': ch = '\t' case 'r': ch = '\r' case 'n': ch = '\n' case 'z': inEsc = 0; continue // empty, to be ignored } inEsc = 0 case '%': switch { case ch == '%': ch = '%' case ch == 'T': //rstr = rstr + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rs := time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) inEsc = 0 continue; default: // postpone the interpretation //rstr = rstr + "%" + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) inEsc = 0 continue; } inEsc = 0 } //rstr = rstr + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) } //fmt.Printf("--D--subst(%s)(%s)\n",str,string(rbuff)) return string(rbuff) //return rstr } func showFileInfo(path string, opts []string) { if isin("-l",opts) || isin("-ls",opts) { fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("---------- ((%v))",err) }else{ mod := fi.ModTime() date := mod.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("%v %8v %s ",fi.Mode(),fi.Size(),date) } } fmt.Printf("%s",path) if isin("-sp",opts) { fmt.Printf(" ") }else if ! isin("-n",opts) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func userHomeDir()(string,bool){ /* homedir,_ = os.UserHomeDir() // not implemented in older Golang */ homedir,found := os.LookupEnv("HOME") //fmt.Printf("--I-- HOME=%v(%v)\n",homedir,found) if !found { return "/tmp",found } return homedir,found } func toFullpath(path string) (fullpath string) { if path[0] == '/' { return path } pathv := strings.Split(path,DIRSEP) switch { case pathv[0] == ".": pathv[0], _ = os.Getwd() case pathv[0] == "..": // all ones should be interpreted cwd, _ := os.Getwd() ppathv := strings.Split(cwd,DIRSEP) pathv[0] = strings.Join(ppathv,DIRSEP) case pathv[0] == "~": pathv[0],_ = userHomeDir() default: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() pathv[0] = cwd + DIRSEP + pathv[0] } return strings.Join(pathv,DIRSEP) } func IsRegFile(path string)(bool){ fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() return fm.IsRegular(); } return false } // Encode / Decode // Encoder func (gshCtx *GshContext)Enc(argv[]string){ file := os.Stdin buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) li := 0 encoder := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdout) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } encoder.Write(buff[0:count]) } encoder.Close() } func (gshCtx *GshContext)Dec(argv[]string){ decoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdin) li := 0 buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := decoder.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } os.Stdout.Write(buff[0:count]) } } // lnsp [N] [-crlf][-C \\] func (gshCtx *GshContext)SplitLine(argv[]string){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,64*1024) ni := 0 toi := 0 for ni = 0; ; ni++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d (%v)\n",ni,toi,err) break } } off := 0 ilen := len(line) remlen := len(line) for oi := 0; 0 < remlen; oi++ { olen := remlen addnl := false if 72 < olen { olen = 72 addnl = true } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--D-- write %d [%d.%d] %d %d/%d/%d\n", toi,ni,oi,off,olen,remlen,ilen) toi += 1 os.Stdout.Write([]byte(line[0:olen])) if addnl { //os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\r\n")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\\")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } line = line[olen:] off += olen remlen -= olen } } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d\n",ni,toi) } // CRC32 crc32 // 1 0000 0100 1100 0001 0001 1101 1011 0111 var CRC32UNIX uint32 = uint32(0x04C11DB7) // Unix cksum var CRC32IEEE uint32 = uint32(0xEDB88320) func byteCRC32add(crc uint32,str[]byte,len uint64)(uint32){ var oi uint64 for oi = 0; oi < len; oi++ { var oct = str[oi] for bi := 0; bi < 8; bi++ { //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 %d %X (%d.%d)\n",crc,oct,oi,bi) ovf1 := (crc & 0x80000000) != 0 ovf2 := (oct & 0x80) != 0 ovf := (ovf1 && !ovf2) || (!ovf1 && ovf2) oct <<= 1 crc <<= 1 if ovf { crc ^= CRC32UNIX } } } //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 return %d %d\n",crc,len) return crc; } func byteCRC32end(crc uint32, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = byteCRC32add(crc,slen,uint64(li)) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func strCRC32(str string,len uint64)(crc uint32){ crc = byteCRC32add(0,[]byte(str),len) crc = byteCRC32end(crc,len) //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 %d %d\n",crc,len) return crc } func CRC32Finish(crc uint32, table *crc32.Table, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len & 0xFF) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = crc32.Update(crc,table,slen) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func (gsh*GshContext)xCksum(path string,argv[]string, sum*CheckSum)(int64){ if isin("-type/f",argv) && !IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } if isin("-type/d",argv) && IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- cksum %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- cksum %v %v\n",path,argv) } bi := 0 var buff = make([]byte,32*1024) var total int64 = 0 var initTime = time.Time{} if sum.Start == initTime { sum.Start = time.Now() } for bi = 0; ; bi++ { count,err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 || err != nil { break } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { s := sum.Sum64 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s += uint64(c) } sum.Sum64 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32add(sum.Crc32Val,buff,uint64(count)) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_CRCIEEE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = crc32.Update(sum.Crc32Val,&sum.Crc32Table,buff[0:count]) } // BSD checksum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { s := sum.Sum16 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s = (s >> 1) + ((s & 1) << 15) s += int(c) s &= 0xFFFF //fmt.Printf("BSDsum: %d[%d] %d\n",sum.Size+int64(i),i,s) } sum.Sum16 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { for bj := 0; bj < count; bj++ { sum.Sum16 += int(buff[bj]) } } total += int64(count) } sum.Done = time.Now() sum.Files += 1 sum.Size += total if !isin("-s",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v ",total) } return 0 } // grep // "lines", "lin" or "lnp" for "(text) line processor" or "scanner" // a*,!ab,c, ... sequentioal combination of patterns // what "LINE" is should be definable // generic line-by-line processing // grep [-v] // cat -n -v // uniq [-c] // tail -f // sed s/x/y/ or awk // grep with line count like wc // rewrite contents if specified func (gsh*GshContext)xGrep(path string,rexpv[]string)(int){ file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- grep %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- grep %v %v\n",path,rexpv) } //reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,LINESIZE) reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,80) li := 0 found := 0 for li = 0; ; li++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { break } if 150 < len(line) { // maybe binary break; } if err != nil { break } if 0 <= strings.Index(string(line),rexpv[0]) { found += 1 fmt.Printf("%s:%d: %s",path,li,line) } } //fmt.Printf("total %d lines %s\n",li,path) //if( 0 < found ){ fmt.Printf("((found %d lines %s))\n",found,path); } return found } // Finder // finding files with it name and contents // file names are ORed // show the content with %x fmt list // ls -R // tar command by adding output type fileSum struct { Err int64 // access error or so Size int64 // content size DupSize int64 // content size from hard links Blocks int64 // number of blocks (of 512 bytes) DupBlocks int64 // Blocks pointed from hard links HLinks int64 // hard links Words int64 Lines int64 Files int64 Dirs int64 // the num. of directories SymLink int64 Flats int64 // the num. of flat files MaxDepth int64 MaxNamlen int64 // max. name length nextRepo time.Time } func showFusage(dir string,fusage *fileSum){ bsume := float64(((fusage.Blocks-fusage.DupBlocks)/2)*1024)/1000000.0 //bsumdup := float64((fusage.Blocks/2)*1024)/1000000.0 fmt.Printf("%v: %v files (%vd %vs %vh) %.6f MB (%.2f MBK)\n", dir, fusage.Files, fusage.Dirs, fusage.SymLink, fusage.HLinks, float64(fusage.Size)/1000000.0,bsume); } const ( S_IFMT = 0170000 S_IFCHR = 0020000 S_IFDIR = 0040000 S_IFREG = 0100000 S_IFLNK = 0120000 S_IFSOCK = 0140000 ) func cumFinfo(fsum *fileSum, path string, staterr error, fstat syscall.Stat_t, argv[]string,verb bool)(*fileSum){ now := time.Now() if time.Second <= now.Sub(fsum.nextRepo) { if !fsum.nextRepo.IsZero(){ tstmp := now.Format(time.Stamp) showFusage(tstmp,fsum) } fsum.nextRepo = now.Add(time.Second) } if staterr != nil { fsum.Err += 1 return fsum } fsum.Files += 1 if 1 < fstat.Nlink { // must count only once... // at least ignore ones in the same directory //if finfo.Mode().IsRegular() { if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG { fsum.HLinks += 1 fsum.DupBlocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //fmt.Printf("---Dup HardLink %v %s\n",fstat.Nlink,path) } } //fsum.Size += finfo.Size() fsum.Size += fstat.Size fsum.Blocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //if verb { fmt.Printf("(%8dBlk) %s",fstat.Blocks/2,path) } if isin("-ls",argv){ //if verb { fmt.Printf("%4d %8d ",fstat.Blksize,fstat.Blocks) } // fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } //if finfo.IsDir() if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { fsum.Dirs += 1 } //if (finfo.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { //if verb { fmt.Printf("symlink(%v,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } //{ fmt.Printf("symlink(%o,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } fsum.SymLink += 1 } return fsum } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFindEntv(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string, dstat syscall.Stat_t, ei int, entv []string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) // sort entv /* if isin("-t",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].ModTime().Sub(filev[j].ModTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-u",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].AccTime().Sub(filev[j].AccTime()) }) } if isin("-U",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].CreatTime().Sub(filev[j].CreatTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-S",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return filev[j].Size() < filev[i].Size() }) } */ for _,filename := range entv { for _,npat := range npatv { match := true if npat == "*" { match = true }else{ match, _ = filepath.Match(npat,filename) } path := dir + DIRSEP + filename if !match { continue } var fstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(path,&fstat) if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } continue; } if isin("-du",argv) && (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { // should not show size of directory in "-du" mode ... }else if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { if isin("-du",argv) { fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } showFileInfo(path,argv) } if true { // && isin("-du",argv) total = cumFinfo(total,path,staterr,fstat,argv,false) } /* if isin("-wc",argv) { } */ if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { gsh.xCksum(path,argv,&gsh.lastCheckSum); } x := isinX("-grep",argv); // -grep will be convenient like -ls if 0 <= x && x+1 <= len(argv) { // -grep will be convenient like -ls if IsRegFile(path){ found := gsh.xGrep(path,argv[x+1:]) if 0 < found { foundv := gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile if len(foundv) < 10 { gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = append(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile,path) } } } } if !isin("-r0",argv) { // -d 0 in du, -depth n in find //total.Depth += 1 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { continue } if dstat.Rdev != fstat.Rdev { fmt.Printf("--I-- don't follow differnet device %v(%v) %v(%v)\n", dir,dstat.Rdev,path,fstat.Rdev) } if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { total = gsh.xxFind(depth+1,total,path,npatv,argv) } } } } return total } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFind(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) dirfile,oerr := os.OpenFile(dir,os.O_RDONLY,0) if oerr == nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- %v(%v)[%d]\n",dir,dirfile,dirfile.Fd()) defer dirfile.Close() }else{ } prev := *total var dstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(dir,&dstat) // should be flstat if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } return total } //filev,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) //_,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) // ReadDir() heavy and bad for huge directory /* if err != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",err) } return total } */ if depth == 0 { total = cumFinfo(total,dir,staterr,dstat,argv,true) if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { showFileInfo(dir,argv) } } // it it is not a directory, just scan it and finish for ei := 0; ; ei++ { entv,rderr := dirfile.Readdirnames(8*1024) if len(entv) == 0 || rderr != nil { //if rderr != nil { fmt.Printf("[%d] len=%d (%v)\n",ei,len(entv),rderr) } break } if 0 < ei { fmt.Printf("--I-- xxFind[%d] %d large-dir: %s\n",ei,len(entv),dir) } total = gsh.xxFindEntv(depth,total,dir,dstat,ei,entv,npatv,argv) } if isin("-du",argv) { // if in "du" mode fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n",(total.Blocks-prev.Blocks)/2,dir) } return total } // {ufind|fu|ls} [Files] [// Names] [-- Expressions] // Files is "." by default // Names is "*" by default // Expressions is "-print" by default for "ufind", or -du for "fu" command func (gsh*GshContext)xFind(argv[]string){ if 0 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[0],"?"){ showFound(gsh,argv) return } if isin("-cksum",argv) || isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum = CheckSum{} if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-add",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-size",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SIZE }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-bsd",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_BSD }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-sysv",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_SYSV }else if isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 } if isin("-unix",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_UNIXFILE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32UNIX) } if isin("-ieee",argv){ gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_CRCIEEE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32IEEE) } gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtStart = Getrusagev() } var total = fileSum{} npats := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if 0 < len(v) && v[0] != '-' { npats = append(npats,v) } if v == "//" { break } if v == "--" { break } if v == "-grep" { break } if v == "-ls" { break } } if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } cwd := "." // if to be fullpath ::: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } fusage := gsh.xxFind(0,&total,cwd,npats,argv) if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { var sumi uint64 = 0 sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SIZE) != 0 { sumi = uint64(sum.Size) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { sumi = sum.Sum64 } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { s := uint32(sum.Sum16) r := (s & 0xFFFF) + ((s & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 16) s = (r & 0xFFFF) + (r >> 16) sum.Crc32Val = uint32(s) sumi = uint64(s) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = uint32(sum.Sum16) sumi = uint64(sum.Sum16) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size)) sumi = uint64(byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size))) } if 1 < sum.Files { fmt.Printf("%v %v // %v / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sumi,sum.Size, abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files, abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", sumi,sum.Size,npats[0]) } } if !isin("-grep",argv) { showFusage("total",fusage) } if !isin("-s",argv){ hits := len(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile) if 0 < hits { fmt.Printf("--I-- %d files hits // can be refered with !%df\n", hits,len(gsh.CommandHistory)) } } if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { if isin("-ru",argv) { sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum sum.Done = time.Now() gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtEnd = Getrusagev() elps := sum.Done.Sub(sum.Start) fmt.Printf("--cksum-size: %v (%v) / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sum.Size,abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files,abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) nanos := int64(elps) fmt.Printf("--cksum-time: %v/total, %v/file, %.1f files/s, %v\r\n", abbtime(nanos), abbtime(nanos/sum.Files), (float64(sum.Files)*1000000000.0)/float64(nanos), abbspeed(sum.Size,nanos)) diff := RusageSubv(sum.RusgAtEnd,sum.RusgAtStart) fmt.Printf("--cksum-rusg: %v\n",sRusagef("",argv,diff)) } } return } func showFiles(files[]string){ sp := "" for i,file := range files { if 0 < i { sp = " " } else { sp = "" } fmt.Printf(sp+"%s",escapeWhiteSP(file)) } } func showFound(gshCtx *GshContext, argv[]string){ for i,v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { if 0 < len(v.FoundFile) { fmt.Printf("!%d (%d) ",i,len(v.FoundFile)) if isin("-ls",argv){ fmt.Printf("\n") for _,file := range v.FoundFile { fmt.Printf("") //sub number? showFileInfo(file,argv) } }else{ showFiles(v.FoundFile) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } } func showMatchFile(filev []os.FileInfo, npat,dir string, argv[]string)(string,bool){ fname := "" found := false for _,v := range filev { match, _ := filepath.Match(npat,(v.Name())) if match { fname = v.Name() found = true //fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n",i,v.Name()) showIfExecutable(fname,dir,argv) } } return fname,found } func showIfExecutable(name,dir string,argv[]string)(ffullpath string,ffound bool){ var fullpath string if strBegins(name,DIRSEP){ fullpath = name }else{ fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name } fi, err := os.Stat(fullpath) if err != nil { fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name + ".go" fi, err = os.Stat(fullpath) } if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() if fm.IsRegular() { // R_OK=4, W_OK=2, X_OK=1, F_OK=0 if syscall.Access(fullpath,5) == nil { ffullpath = fullpath ffound = true if ! isin("-s", argv) { showFileInfo(fullpath,argv) } } } } return ffullpath, ffound } func which(list string, argv []string) (fullpathv []string, itis bool){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("Usage: which comand [-s] [-a] [-ls]\n") return []string{""}, false } path := argv[1] if strBegins(path,"/") { // should check if excecutable? _,exOK := showIfExecutable(path,"/",argv) fmt.Printf("--D-- %v exOK=%v\n",path,exOK) return []string{path},exOK } pathenv, efound := os.LookupEnv(list) if ! efound { fmt.Printf("--E-- which: no \"%s\" environment\n",list) return []string{""}, false } showall := isin("-a",argv) || 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") dirv := strings.Split(pathenv,PATHSEP) ffound := false ffullpath := path for _, dir := range dirv { if 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") { // by wild-card list,_ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) ffullpath, ffound = showMatchFile(list,path,dir,argv) }else{ ffullpath, ffound = showIfExecutable(path,dir,argv) } //if ffound && !isin("-a", argv) { if ffound && !showall { break; } } return []string{ffullpath}, ffound } func stripLeadingWSParg(argv[]string)([]string){ for ; 0 < len(argv); { if len(argv[0]) == 0 { argv = argv[1:] }else{ break } } return argv } func xEval(argv []string, nlend bool){ argv = stripLeadingWSParg(argv) if len(argv) == 0 { fmt.Printf("eval [%%format] [Go-expression]\n") return } pfmt := "%v" if argv[0][0] == '%' { pfmt = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if len(argv) == 0 { return } gocode := strings.Join(argv," "); //fmt.Printf("eval [%v] [%v]\n",pfmt,gocode) fset := token.NewFileSet() rval, _ := types.Eval(fset,nil,token.NoPos,gocode) fmt.Printf(pfmt,rval.Value) if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func getval(name string) (found bool, val int) { /* should expand the name here */ if name == "" { return true, os.Getpid() }else if name == "gsh.ppid" { return true, os.Getppid() } return false, 0 } func echo(argv []string, nlend bool){ for ai := 1; ai < len(argv); ai++ { if 1 < ai { fmt.Printf(" "); } arg := argv[ai] found, val := getval(arg) if found { fmt.Printf("%d",val) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",arg) } } if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n"); } } func resfile() string { return "gsh.tmp" } //var resF *File func resmap() { //_ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, os.ModeAppend) // _ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("refF could not open: %s\n",err) }else{ fmt.Printf("refF opened\n") } } // @@2020-0821 func gshScanArg(str string,strip int)(argv []string){ var si = 0 var sb = 0 var inBracket = 0 var arg1 = make([]byte,LINESIZE) var ax = 0 debug := false for ; si < len(str); si++ { if str[si] != ' ' { break } } sb = si for ; si < len(str); si++ { if sb <= si { if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- +%d %2d-%2d %s ... %s\n", inBracket,sb,si,arg1[0:ax],str[si:]) } } ch := str[si] if ch == '{' { inBracket += 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket <= strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d <= %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } if 0 < inBracket { if ch == '}' { inBracket -= 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket < strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d < %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 continue } if str[si] == ' ' { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,str[sb:si],string(str[si:])) } sb = si+1 ax = 0 continue } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 } if sb < si { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,string(arg1[0:ax]),string(str[si:])) } } if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- %d [%s] => [%d]%v\n",strip,str,len(argv),argv) } return argv } // should get stderr (into tmpfile ?) and return func (gsh*GshContext)Popen(name,mode string)(pin*os.File,pout*os.File,err bool){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) xarg := gshScanArg(name,1) name = strings.Join(xarg," ") pin = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[0]),"StdoutOf-{"+name+"}") pout = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[1]),"StdinOf-{"+name+"}") fdix := 0 dir := "?" if mode == "r" { dir = "<" fdix = 1 // read from the stdout of the process }else{ dir = ">" fdix = 0 // write to the stdin of the process } gshPA := gsh.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] var fd uintptr = 0 if mode == "r" { fd = pout.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pout.Fd() }else{ fd = pin.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pin.Fd() } // should do this by Goroutine? if false { fmt.Printf("--Ip- Opened fd[%v] %s %v\n",fd,dir,name) fmt.Printf("--RED1 [%d,%d,%d]->[%d,%d,%d]\n", os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd(), pin.Fd(),pout.Fd(),pout.Fd()) } savi := os.Stdin savo := os.Stdout save := os.Stderr os.Stdin = pin os.Stdout = pout os.Stderr = pout gsh.BackGround = true gsh.gshelllh(name) gsh.BackGround = false os.Stdin = savi os.Stdout = savo os.Stderr = save gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return pin,pout,false } // External commands func (gsh*GshContext)excommand(exec bool, argv []string) (notf bool,exit bool) { if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- excommand[%v](%v)\n",exec,argv) } gshPA := gsh.gshPA fullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which",argv[0],"-s"}) if itis == false { return true,false } fullpath := fullpathv[0] argv = unescapeWhiteSPV(argv) if 0 < strings.Index(fullpath,".go") { nargv := argv // []string{} gofullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which","go","-s"}) if itis == false { fmt.Printf("--F-- Go not found\n") return false,true } gofullpath := gofullpathv[0] nargv = []string{ gofullpath, "run", fullpath } fmt.Printf("--I-- %s {%s %s %s}\n",gofullpath, nargv[0],nargv[1],nargv[2]) if exec { syscall.Exec(gofullpath,nargv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(gofullpath,nargv,&gshPA) if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),nargv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage) gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } }else{ if exec { syscall.Exec(fullpath,argv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(fullpath,argv,&gshPA) //fmt.Printf("[%d]\n",pid); // '&' to be background if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),argv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage); gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } } return false,false } // Builtin Commands func (gshCtx *GshContext) sleep(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Sleep 100ms, 100us, 100ns, ...\n") return } duration := argv[1]; d, err := time.ParseDuration(duration) if err != nil { d, err = time.ParseDuration(duration+"s") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("duration ? %s (%s)\n",duration,err) return } } //fmt.Printf("Sleep %v\n",duration) time.Sleep(d) if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)repeat(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { return } start0 := time.Now() for ri,_ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]); 0 < ri; ri-- { if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { //start := time.Now() gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start0); if( 1000000000 < elps ){ fmt.Printf("(repeat#%d %v)\n",ri,elps); } } } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)gen(argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: %s N\n",argv[0]) return } // should br repeated by "repeat" command count, _ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]) fd := gshPA.Files[1] // Stdout file := os.NewFile(fd,"internalStdOut") fmt.Printf("--I-- Gen. Count=%d to [%d]\n",count,file.Fd()) //buf := []byte{} outdata := "0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678\r" for gi := 0; gi < count; gi++ { file.WriteString(outdata) } //file.WriteString("\n") fmt.Printf("\n(%d B)\n",count*len(outdata)); //file.Close() } // Remote Execution // 2020-0820 func Elapsed(from time.Time)(string){ elps := time.Now().Sub(from) if 1000000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%5d.%02ds]",elps/1000000000,(elps%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dms]",elps/1000000,(elps%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dus]",elps/1000,(elps%1000)) } } func abbtime(nanos int64)(string){ if 1000000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%02ds",nanos/1000000000,(nanos%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dms",nanos/1000000,(nanos%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dus",nanos/1000,(nanos%1000)) } } func abssize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func absize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func abbspeed(totalB int64,ns int64)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGB/s",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMB/s",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKB/s",MBs*1000) } } func abspeed(totalB int64,ns time.Duration)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGBps",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMBps",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKBps",MBs*1000) } } func fileRelay(what string,in*os.File,out*os.File,size int64,bsiz int)(wcount int64){ Start := time.Now() buff := make([]byte,bsiz) var total int64 = 0 var rem int64 = size nio := 0 Prev := time.Now() var PrevSize int64 = 0 fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) START\n", what,absize(total),size,nio) for i:= 0; ; i++ { var len = bsiz if int(rem) < len { len = int(rem) } Now := time.Now() Elps := Now.Sub(Prev); if 1000000000 < Now.Sub(Prev) { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %s\n", what,absize(total),size,nio, abspeed((total-PrevSize),Elps)) Prev = Now; PrevSize = total } rlen := len if in != nil { // should watch the disconnection of out rcc,err := in.Read(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s read(%v,%v)<%v\n", what,rcc,err,in.Name()) break } rlen = rcc if string(buff[0:10]) == "((SoftEOF " { var ecc int64 = 0 fmt.Sscanf(string(buff),"((SoftEOF %v",&ecc) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s Recv ((SoftEOF %v))/%v\n", what,ecc,total) if ecc == total { break } } } wlen := rlen if out != nil { wcc,err := out.Write(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"-En-- X: %s write(%v,%v)>%v\n", what,wcc,err,out.Name()) break } wlen = wcc } if wlen < rlen { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s incomplete write (%v/%v)\n", what,wlen,rlen) break; } nio += 1 total += int64(rlen) rem -= int64(rlen) if rem <= 0 { break } } Done := time.Now() Elps := float64(Done.Sub(Start))/1000000000 //Seconds TotalMB := float64(total)/1000000 //MB MBps := TotalMB / Elps fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %v %.3fMB/s\n", what,total,size,nio,absize(total),MBps) return total } func tcpPush(clnt *os.File){ // shrink socket buffer and recover usleep(100); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecServer(argv[]string){ debug := true Start0 := time.Now() Start := Start0 // if local == ":" { local = "" } local := "" if 0 < len(argv) { if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } } if 0 < len(argv) { argv = argv[1:] } port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } reqbuf := make([]byte,LINESIZE) res := "" for { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() Start = time.Now() if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } clnt, _ := aconn.File() fd := clnt.Fd() ar := aconn.RemoteAddr() if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Accepted TCP at %s [%d] <- %v\n", local,fd,ar) } res = fmt.Sprintf("220 GShell/%s Server\r\n",VERSION) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%s",res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %s",res) } count, err := clnt.Read(reqbuf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- C: (%v %v) %v", count,err,string(reqbuf)) } req := string(reqbuf[:count]) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",string(req)) } reqv := strings.Split(string(req),"\r") cmdv := gshScanArg(reqv[0],0) //cmdv := strings.Split(reqv[0]," ") switch cmdv[0] { case "HELO": res = fmt.Sprintf("250 %v",req) case "GET": // download {remotefile|-zN} [localfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var in *os.File = nil var pseudoEOF = false if 1 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() in = xin dsize = MaxStreamSize pseudoEOF = true } }else{ xin,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- GET (%v)\n",err) }else{ defer xin.Close() in = xin fi,_ := xin.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() } } } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- GET %v:%v\n",dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 %v\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v",res) tcpPush(clnt); // should be separated as line in receiver fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) wcount := fileRelay("SendGET",in,clnt,dsize,bsize) if pseudoEOF { in.Close() // pipe from the command // show end of stream data (its size) by OOB? SoftEOF := fmt.Sprintf("((SoftEOF %v))",wcount) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Send %v\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF data apper at the top of recevied data fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v\r\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF alone in a packet (separate with 200 OK) // with client generated random? //fmt.Printf("--In- L: close %v (%v)\n",in.Fd(),in.Name()) } res = fmt.Sprintf("200 GET done\r\n") case "PUT": // upload {srcfile|-zN} [dstfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var out *os.File = nil if 1 < len(cmdv) { // localfile fmt.Sscanf(cmdv[1],"%d",&dsize) } if 2 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[2] if fname == "-" { // nul dev }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) //fmt.Printf("--In- S: open(%v) out(%v) err(%v)\n",fname,xout,err) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- PUT (%v)\n",err) }else{ out = xout } } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,w) %v (%v)\n", fname,local,err) } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: 200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fileRelay("RecvPUT",clnt,out,dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 PUT done\r\n") default: res = fmt.Sprintf("400 What? %v",req) } swcc,serr := clnt.Write([]byte(res)) if serr != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: (wc=%v er=%v) %v",swcc,serr,res) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) } aconn.Close(); clnt.Close(); } sconn.Close(); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecClient(argv[]string)(int,string){ debug := true Start := time.Now() if len(argv) == 1 { return -1,"EmptyARG" } argv = argv[1:] if argv[0] == "-serv" { gsh.RexecServer(argv[1:]) return 0,"Server" } remote := "" if argv[0][0] == '@' { remote = argv[0][1:] argv = argv[1:] } if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"AddressError" } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connecting to %s\n",remote) serv, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"CannotConnect" } if debug { al := serv.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connected to %v <- %v\n",remote,al) } req := "" res := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count,err := serv.Read(res) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: (%3d,%v) %v",count,err,string(res)) } if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res)) } if argv[0] == "GET" { savPA := gsh.gshPA var bsize int = 64*1024 req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) fmt.Fprintf(serv,req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if err != nil { }else{ var dsize int64 = 0 var out *os.File = nil var out_tobeclosed *os.File = nil var fname string = "" var rcode int = 0 var pid int = -1 fmt.Sscanf(string(res),"%d %d",&rcode,&dsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) if 3 <= len(argv) { fname = argv[2] if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout out_tobeclosed = xout pid = 0 // should be its pid } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Print("--En- %v\n",err) } out = xout //fmt.Printf("--In-- %d > %s\n",out.Fd(),fname) } } in,_ := serv.File() fileRelay("RecvGET",in,out,dsize,bsize) if 0 <= pid { gsh.gshPA = savPA // recovery of Fd(), and more? fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: close Pipe > %v\n",fname) out_tobeclosed.Close() //syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) //@@ } } }else if argv[0] == "PUT" { remote, _ := serv.File() var local *os.File = nil var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var ofile string = "-" //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex %v\n",argv) if 1 < len(argv) { fname := argv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() //in = xin local = xin fmt.Printf("--In- [%d] < Upload output of %v\n", local.Fd(),fname) ofile = "-from."+fname dsize = MaxStreamSize } }else{ xlocal,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- (%s)\n",err) local = nil }else{ local = xlocal fi,_ := local.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() defer local.Close() //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex in(%v / %v)\n",ofile,dsize) } ofile = fname fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,r)=%v %v (%v)\n", fname,dsize,local,err) } } if 2 < len(argv) && argv[2] != "" { ofile = argv[2] //fmt.Printf("(%d)%v B.ofile=%v\n",len(argv),argv,ofile) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--I-- Rex out(%v)\n",ofile) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) req = fmt.Sprintf("PUT %v %v \r\n",dsize,ofile) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) } fileRelay("SendPUT",local,remote,dsize,bsize) }else{ req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) //fmt.Printf("--In- sending RexRequest(%v)\n",len(req)) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- waiting RexResponse...\n") count,err = serv.Read(res) ress := "" if count == 0 { ress = "(nil)\r\n" }else{ ress = string(res[:count]) } if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: (%d,%v) %v",count,err,ress) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",ress) } serv.Close() //conn.Close() var stat string var rcode int fmt.Sscanf(ress,"%d %s",&rcode,&stat) //fmt.Printf("--D-- Client: %v (%v)",rcode,stat) return rcode,ress } // Remote Shell // gcp file [...] { [host]:[port:][dir] | dir } // -p | -no-p func (gsh*GshContext)FileCopy(argv[]string){ var host = "" var port = "" var upload = false var download = false var xargv = []string{"rex-gcp"} var srcv = []string{} var dstv = []string{} argv = argv[1:] for _,v := range argv { /* if v[0] == '-' { // might be a pseudo file (generated date) continue } */ obj := strings.Split(v,":") //fmt.Printf("%d %v %v\n",len(obj),v,obj) if 1 < len(obj) { host = obj[0] file := "" if 0 < len(host) { = host }else{ host = port = gsh.LastServer.port } if 2 < len(obj) { port = obj[1] if 0 < len(port) { gsh.LastServer.port = port }else{ port = gsh.LastServer.port } file = obj[2] }else{ file = obj[1] } if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,file) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,file) continue } /* idx := strings.Index(v,":") if 0 <= idx { remote = v[0:idx] if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,v[idx+1:]) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,v[idx+1:]) continue } */ if download { dstv = append(dstv,v) }else{ srcv = append(srcv,v) } } hostport := "@" + host + ":" + port if upload { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"PUT") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v // %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else if download { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"GET") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v // %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else{ } } // target func (gsh*GshContext)Trelpath(rloc string)(string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(rloc) twd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(cwd) tpath := twd + "/" + rloc return tpath } // join to rmote GShell - [user@]host[:port] or cd host:[port]:path func (gsh*GshContext)Rjoin(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- current server = %v\n",gsh.RSERV) return } serv := argv[1] servv := strings.Split(serv,":") if 1 <= len(servv) { if servv[0] == "lo" { servv[0] = "localhost" } } switch len(servv) { case 1: //if strings.Index(serv,":") < 0 { serv = servv[0] + ":" + fmt.Sprintf("%d",GSH_PORT) //} case 2: // host:port serv = strings.Join(servv,":") } xargv := []string{"rex-join","@"+serv,"HELO"} rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) gsh.RSERV = serv }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG, could not joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rexec(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- rexec command [ | {file || {command} ]\n",gsh.RSERV) return } /* nargv := gshScanArg(strings.Join(argv," "),0) fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) if nargv[1][0] != '{' { nargv[1] = "{" + nargv[1] + "}" fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) } argv = nargv */ nargv := []string{} nargv = append(nargv,"{"+strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")+"}") fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d %v\n",len(nargv),nargv) argv = nargv xargv := []string{"rex-exec","@"+gsh.RSERV,"GET"} xargv = append(xargv,argv...) xargv = append(xargv,"/dev/tty") rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rchdir(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { return } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(argv[1]) twd, _ := os.Getwd() gsh.RWD = twd fmt.Printf("--I-- JWD=%v\n",twd) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rpwd(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%v\n",gsh.RWD) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rls(argv[]string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) argv[0] = "-ls" gsh.xFind(argv) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rput(argv[]string){ var local string = "" var remote string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { local = argv[1] remote = local // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { remote = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jput from=%v to=%v\n",local,gsh.Trelpath(remote)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rget(argv[]string){ var remote string = "" var local string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { remote = argv[1] local = remote // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { local = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jget from=%v to=%v\n",gsh.Trelpath(remote),local) } // network // -s, -si, -so // bi-directional, source, sync (maybe socket) func (gshCtx*GshContext)sconnect(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -s [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } remote := argv[1] if remote == ":" { remote = "" } if inTCP { // TCP dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s, socket[%d]\n",remote,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() }else{ //dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",remote); dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } //conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp4",nil,dport) conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() ar := conn.RemoteAddr() //al := conn.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s [%s], socket[%d]\n", remote,ar.String(),fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() } } func (gshCtx*GshContext)saccept(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -ac [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } local := argv[1] if local == ":" { local = "" } if inTCP { // TCP port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Listen at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Accepting at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := aconn.File() fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Accepted TCP at %s [%d]\n",local,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[0] = savfd sconn.Close(); aconn.Close(); file.Close(); }else{ //port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",local); port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf("Listen UDP at %s...\n",local); //uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp4", port) uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := uconn.File() fd := file.Fd() ar := uconn.RemoteAddr() remote := "" if ar != nil { remote = ar.String() } if remote == "" { remote = "?" } // not yet received //fmt.Printf("Accepted at %s [%d] <- %s\n",local,fd,"") savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; savenv := gshPA.Env gshPA.Env = append(savenv, "REMOTE_HOST="+remote) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Env = savenv gshPA.Files[0] = savfd uconn.Close(); file.Close(); } } // empty line command func (gshCtx*GshContext)xPwd(argv[]string){ // execute context command, pwd + date // context notation, representation scheme, to be resumed at re-login cwd, _ := os.Getwd() switch { case isin("-a",argv): gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) case isin("-ls",argv): showFileInfo(cwd,argv) default: fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) case isin("-v",argv): // obsolete emtpy command t := time.Now() date := t.Format(time.UnixDate) exe, _ := os.Executable() host, _ := os.Hostname() fmt.Printf("{PWD=\"%s\"",cwd) fmt.Printf(" HOST=\"%s\"",host) fmt.Printf(" DATE=\"%s\"",date) fmt.Printf(" TIME=\"%s\"",t.String()) fmt.Printf(" PID=\"%d\"",os.Getpid()) fmt.Printf(" EXE=\"%s\"",exe) fmt.Printf("}\n") } } // History // these should be browsed and edited by HTTP browser // show the time of command with -t and direcotry with -ls // openfile-history, sort by -a -m -c // sort by elapsed time by -t -s // search by "more" like interface // edit history // sort history, and wc or uniq // CPU and other resource consumptions // limit showing range (by time or so) // export / import history func (gshCtx *GshContext)xHistory(argv []string){ atWorkDirX := -1 if 1 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[1],"@") { atWorkDirX,_ = strconv.Atoi(argv[1][1:]) } //fmt.Printf("--D-- showHistory(%v)\n",argv) for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { // exclude commands not to be listed by default // internal commands may be suppressed by default if v.CmdLine == "" && !isin("-a",argv) { continue; } if 0 <= atWorkDirX { if v.WorkDirX != atWorkDirX { continue } } if !isin("-n",argv){ // like "fc" fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",i) } if isin("-v",argv){ fmt.Println(v) // should be with it date }else{ if isin("-l",argv) || isin("-l0",argv) { elps := v.EndAt.Sub(v.StartAt); start := v.StartAt.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("@%d ",v.WorkDirX) fmt.Printf("[%v] %11v/t ",start,elps) } if isin("-l",argv) && !isin("-l0",argv){ fmt.Printf("%v",Rusagef("%t %u\t// %s",argv,v.Rusagev)) } if isin("-at",argv) { // isin("-ls",argv){ dhi := v.WorkDirX // workdir history index fmt.Printf("@%d %s\t",dhi,v.WorkDir) // show the FileInfo of the output command?? } fmt.Printf("%s",v.CmdLine) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } // !n - history index func searchHistory(gshCtx GshContext, gline string) (string, bool, bool){ if gline[0] == '!' { hix, err := strconv.Atoi(gline[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s : range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } if hix < 0 || len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) <= hix { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%d : out of range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } return gshCtx.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine, false, false } // search //for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { //} return gline, false, false } func (gsh*GshContext)cmdStringInHistory(hix int)(cmd string, ok bool){ if 0 <= hix && hix < len(gsh.CommandHistory) { return gsh.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine,true } return "",false } // temporary adding to PATH environment // cd name -lib for LD_LIBRARY_PATH // chdir with directory history (date + full-path) // -s for sort option (by visit date or so) func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory1(i int,v GChdirHistory, argv []string){ fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",v.CmdIndex) // the first command at this WorkDir fmt.Printf("@%d ",i) fmt.Printf("[%v] ",v.MovedAt.Format(time.Stamp)) showFileInfo(v.Dir,argv) } func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory(argv []string){ for i, v := range gsh.ChdirHistory { gsh.ShowChdirHistory1(i,v,argv) } } func skipOpts(argv[]string)(int){ for i,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-") { }else{ return i } } return -1 } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xChdir(argv []string){ cdhist := gshCtx.ChdirHistory if isin("?",argv ) || isin("-t",argv) || isin("-a",argv) { gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) return } pwd, _ := os.Getwd() dir := "" if len(argv) <= 1 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ i := skipOpts(argv[1:]) if i < 0 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ dir = argv[1+i] } } if strBegins(dir,"@") { if dir == "@0" { // obsolete dir = gshCtx.StartDir }else if dir == "@!" { index := len(cdhist) - 1 if 0 < index { index -= 1 } dir = cdhist[index].Dir }else{ index, err := strconv.Atoi(dir[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%v)\n",err) dir = "?" }else if len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory) <= index { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(history range error)\n") dir = "?" }else{ dir = cdhist[index].Dir } } } if dir != "?" { err := os.Chdir(dir) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%s)(%v)\n",argv[1],err) }else{ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if cwd != pwd { hist1 := GChdirHistory { } hist1.Dir = cwd hist1.MovedAt = time.Now() hist1.CmdIndex = len(gshCtx.CommandHistory)+1 gshCtx.ChdirHistory = append(cdhist,hist1) if !isin("-s",argv){ //cwd, _ := os.Getwd() //fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) ix := len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory)-1 gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory1(ix,hist1,argv) } } } } if isin("-ls",argv){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() showFileInfo(cwd,argv); } } func TimeValSub(tv1 *syscall.Timeval, tv2 *syscall.Timeval){ *tv1 = syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() - tv2.Nano()) } func RusageSubv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Utime,&ru2[0].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Stime,&ru2[0].Stime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Utime,&ru2[1].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Stime,&ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } func TimeValAdd(tv1 syscall.Timeval, tv2 syscall.Timeval)(syscall.Timeval){ tvs := syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() + tv2.Nano()) return tvs } /* func RusageAddv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Utime,ru2[0].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Stime,ru2[0].Stime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Utime,ru2[1].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Stime,ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } */ // Resource Usage func sRusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ // ru[0] self , ru[1] children ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) uu := (ut.Sec*1000000 + int64(ut.Usec)) * 1000 su := (st.Sec*1000000 + int64(st.Usec)) * 1000 tu := uu + su ret := fmt.Sprintf("%v/sum",abbtime(tu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/usr",abbtime(uu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/sys",abbtime(su)) return ret } func Rusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/u ",ut.Sec,ut.Usec) //ru[1].Utime.Sec,ru[1].Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/s ",st.Sec,st.Usec) //ru[1].Stime.Sec,ru[1].Stime.Usec) return "" } func Getrusagev()([2]syscall.Rusage){ var ruv = [2]syscall.Rusage{} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&ruv[0]) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&ruv[1]) return ruv } func showRusage(what string,argv []string, ru *syscall.Rusage){ fmt.Printf("%s: ",what); fmt.Printf("Usr=%d.%06ds",ru.Utime.Sec,ru.Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Sys=%d.%06ds",ru.Stime.Sec,ru.Stime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Rss=%vB",ru.Maxrss) if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" MinFlt=%v",ru.Minflt) fmt.Printf(" MajFlt=%v",ru.Majflt) fmt.Printf(" IxRSS=%vB",ru.Ixrss) fmt.Printf(" IdRSS=%vB",ru.Idrss) fmt.Printf(" Nswap=%vB",ru.Nswap) fmt.Printf(" Read=%v",ru.Inblock) fmt.Printf(" Write=%v",ru.Oublock) } fmt.Printf(" Snd=%v",ru.Msgsnd) fmt.Printf(" Rcv=%v",ru.Msgrcv) //if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" Sig=%v",ru.Nsignals) //} fmt.Printf("\n"); } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xTime(argv[]string)(bool){ if 2 <= len(argv){ gshCtx.LastRusage = syscall.Rusage{} rusagev1 := Getrusagev() fin := gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() showRusage(argv[1],argv,&gshCtx.LastRusage) rusagev := RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) showRusage("self",argv,&rusagev[0]) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusagev[1]) return fin }else{ rusage:= syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&rusage) showRusage("self",argv, &rusage) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&rusage) showRusage("chld",argv, &rusage) return false } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xJobs(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%d Jobs\n",len(gshCtx.BackGroundJobs)) for ji, pid := range gshCtx.BackGroundJobs { //wstat := syscall.WaitStatus {0} rusage := syscall.Rusage {} //wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,&wstat,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- %%%d [%d] (%v)\n",ji,pid,err) }else{ fmt.Printf("%%%d[%d](%d)\n",ji,pid,wpid) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusage) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)inBackground(argv[]string)(bool){ if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- inBackground(%v)\n",argv) } gsh.BackGround = true // set background option xfin := false xfin = gsh.gshellv(argv) gsh.BackGround = false return xfin } // -o file without command means just opening it and refer by #N // should be listed by "files" comnmand func (gshCtx*GshContext)xOpen(argv[]string){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} err := syscall.Pipe(pv) fmt.Printf("--I-- pipe()=[#%d,#%d](%v)\n",pv[0],pv[1],err) } func (gshCtx*GshContext)fromPipe(argv[]string){ } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xClose(argv[]string){ } // redirect func (gshCtx*GshContext)redirect(argv[]string)(bool){ if len(argv) < 2 { return false } cmd := argv[0] fname := argv[1] var file *os.File = nil fdix := 0 mode := os.O_RDONLY switch { case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<": fdix = 0 mode = os.O_RDONLY case cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE case cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND } if fname[0] == '#' { fd, err := strconv.Atoi(fname[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%v)\n",err) return false } file = os.NewFile(uintptr(fd),"MaybePipe") }else{ xfile, err := os.OpenFile(argv[1], mode, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s)\n",err) return false } file = xfile } gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] gshPA.Files[fdix] = file.Fd() fmt.Printf("--I-- Opened [%d] %s\n",file.Fd(),argv[1]) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return false } //fmt.Fprintf(res, "GShell Status: %q", html.EscapeString(req.URL.Path)) func httpHandler(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){ path := req.URL.Path fmt.Printf("--I-- Got HTTP Request(%s)\n",path) { gshCtxBuf, _ := setupGshContext() gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf fmt.Printf("--I-- %s\n",path[1:]) gshCtx.tgshelll(path[1:]) } fmt.Fprintf(res, "Hello(^-^)/\n%s\n",path) } func (gshCtx *GshContext) httpServer(argv []string){ http.HandleFunc("/", httpHandler) accport := "localhost:9999" fmt.Printf("--I-- HTTP Server Start at [%s]\n",accport) http.ListenAndServe(accport,nil) } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xGo(argv[]string){ go gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]); } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPs(argv[]string)(){ } // Plugin // plugin [-ls [names]] to list plugins // Reference: plugin source code func (gshCtx *GshContext) whichPlugin(name string,argv[]string)(pi *PluginInfo){ pi = nil for _,p := range gshCtx.PluginFuncs { if p.Name == name && pi == nil { pi = &p } if !isin("-s",argv){ //fmt.Printf("%v %v ",i,p) if isin("-ls",argv){ showFileInfo(p.Path,argv) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s\n",p.Name) } } } return pi } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPlugin(argv[]string) (error) { if len(argv) == 0 || argv[0] == "-ls" { gshCtx.whichPlugin("",argv) return nil } name := argv[0] Pin := gshCtx.whichPlugin(name,[]string{"-s"}) if Pin != nil { os.Args = argv // should be recovered? Pin.Addr.(func())() return nil } sofile := toFullpath(argv[0] + ".so") // or find it by which($PATH) p, err := plugin.Open(sofile) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Open(%s)(%v)\n",sofile,err) return err } fname := "Main" f, err := p.Lookup(fname) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Lookup(%s)(%v)\n",fname,err) return err } pin := PluginInfo {p,f,name,sofile} gshCtx.PluginFuncs = append(gshCtx.PluginFuncs,pin) fmt.Printf("--I-- added (%d)\n",len(gshCtx.PluginFuncs)) //fmt.Printf("--I-- first call(%s:%s)%v\n",sofile,fname,argv) os.Args = argv f.(func())() return err } func (gshCtx*GshContext)Args(argv[]string){ for i,v := range os.Args { fmt.Printf("[%v] %v\n",i,v) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext) showVersion(argv[]string){ if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v/%v (%v)",NAME,VERSION,DATE); }else{ fmt.Printf("%v",VERSION); } if isin("-a",argv) { fmt.Printf(" %s",AUTHOR) } if !isin("-n",argv) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } // Scanf // string decomposer // scanf [format] [input] func scanv(sstr string)(strv[]string){ strv = strings.Split(sstr," ") return strv } func scanUntil(src,end string)(rstr string,leng int){ idx := strings.Index(src,end) if 0 <= idx { rstr = src[0:idx] return rstr,idx+len(end) } return src,0 } // -bn -- display base-name part only // can be in some %fmt, for sed rewriting func (gsh*GshContext)printVal(fmts string, vstr string, optv[]string){ //vint,err := strconv.Atoi(vstr) var ival int64 = 0 n := 0 err := error(nil) if strBegins(vstr,"_") { vx,_ := strconv.Atoi(vstr[1:]) if vx < len(gsh.iValues) { vstr = gsh.iValues[vx] }else{ } } // should use Eval() if strBegins(vstr,"0x") { n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr[2:],"%x",&ival) }else{ n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr,"%d",&ival) //fmt.Printf("--D-- n=%d err=(%v) {%s}=%v\n",n,err,vstr, ival) } if n == 1 && err == nil { //fmt.Printf("--D-- formatn(%v) ival(%v)\n",fmts,ival) fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,ival) }else{ if isin("-bn",optv){ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,filepath.Base(vstr)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,vstr) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)printfv(fmts,div string,argv[]string,optv[]string,list[]string){ //fmt.Printf("{%d}",len(list)) //curfmt := "v" outlen := 0 curfmt := gsh.iFormat if 0 < len(fmts) { for xi := 0; xi < len(fmts); xi++ { fch := fmts[xi] if fch == '%' { if xi+1 < len(fmts) { curfmt = string(fmts[xi+1]) gsh.iFormat = curfmt xi += 1 if xi+1 < len(fmts) && fmts[xi+1] == '(' { vals,leng := scanUntil(fmts[xi+2:],")") //fmt.Printf("--D-- show fmt(%v) val(%v) next(%v)\n",curfmt,vals,leng) gsh.printVal(curfmt,vals,optv) xi += 2+leng-1 outlen += 1 } continue } } if fch == '_' { hi,leng := scanInt(fmts[xi+1:]) if 0 < leng { if hi < len(gsh.iValues) { gsh.printVal(curfmt,gsh.iValues[hi],optv) outlen += 1 // should be the real length }else{ fmt.Printf("((out-range))") } xi += leng continue; } } fmt.Printf("%c",fch) outlen += 1 } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--D-- print {%s}\n") for i,v := range list { if 0 < i { fmt.Printf(div) } gsh.printVal(curfmt,v,optv) outlen += 1 } } if 0 < outlen { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func (gsh*GshContext)Scanv(argv[]string){ //fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanv(%v)\n",argv) if len(argv) == 1 { return } argv = argv[1:] fmts := "" if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { fmts = argv[0] gsh.iDelimiter = fmts argv = argv[1:] } input := strings.Join(argv," ") if fmts == "" { // simple decomposition v := scanv(input) gsh.iValues = v //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(v,",")) }else{ v := make([]string,8) n,err := fmt.Sscanf(input,fmts,&v[0],&v[1],&v[2],&v[3]) fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanf ->(%v) n=%d err=(%v)\n",v,n,err) gsh.iValues = v } } func (gsh*GshContext)Printv(argv[]string){ if false { //@@U fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")) return } //fmt.Printf("--D-- Printv(%v)\n",argv) //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(gsh.iValues,",")) div := gsh.iDelimiter fmts := "" argv = argv[1:] if 0 < len(argv) { if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { div = argv[0][2:] argv = argv[1:] } } optv := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-"){ optv = append(optv,v) argv = argv[1:] }else{ break; } } if 0 < len(argv) { fmts = strings.Join(argv," ") } gsh.printfv(fmts,div,argv,optv,gsh.iValues) } func (gsh*GshContext)Basename(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValues { gsh.iValues[i] = filepath.Base(v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Sortv(argv[]string){ sv := gsh.iValues sort.Slice(sv , func(i,j int) bool { return sv[i] < sv[j] }) } func (gsh*GshContext)Shiftv(argv[]string){ vi := len(gsh.iValues) if 0 < vi { if isin("-r",argv) { top := gsh.iValues[0] gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues[1:],top) }else{ gsh.iValues = gsh.iValues[1:] } } } func (gsh*GshContext)Enq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Deq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Push(argv[]string){ gsh.iValStack = append(gsh.iValStack,argv[1:]) fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",len(gsh.iValStack)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Dump(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValStack { fmt.Printf("%d %v\n",i,v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Pop(argv[]string){ depth := len(gsh.iValStack) if 0 < depth { v := gsh.iValStack[depth-1] if isin("-cat",argv){ gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues,v...) }else{ gsh.iValues = v } gsh.iValStack = gsh.iValStack[0:depth-1] fmt.Printf("depth=%d %s\n",len(gsh.iValStack),gsh.iValues) }else{ fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",depth) } } // Command Interpreter func (gshCtx*GshContext)gshellv(argv []string) (fin bool) { fin = false if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv((%d))\n",len(argv)) } if len(argv) <= 0 { return false } xargv := []string{} for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { xargv = append(xargv,strsubst(gshCtx,argv[ai],false)) } argv = xargv if false { for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { fmt.Printf("[%d] %s [%d]%T\n", ai,argv[ai],len(argv[ai]),argv[ai]) } } cmd := argv[0] if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv(%d)%v\n",len(argv),argv) } switch { // case cmd == "": gshCtx.xPwd([]string{}); // emtpy command case cmd == "-x": gshCtx.CmdTrace = ! gshCtx.CmdTrace case cmd == "-xt": gshCtx.CmdTime = ! gshCtx.CmdTime case cmd == "-ot": gshCtx.sconnect(true, argv) case cmd == "-ou": gshCtx.sconnect(false, argv) case cmd == "-it": gshCtx.saccept(true , argv) case cmd == "-iu": gshCtx.saccept(false, argv) case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<" || cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">" || cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>" || cmd == "-s" || cmd == "><": gshCtx.redirect(argv) case cmd == "|": gshCtx.fromPipe(argv) case cmd == "args": gshCtx.Args(argv) case cmd == "bg" || cmd == "-bg": rfin := gshCtx.inBackground(argv[1:]) return rfin case cmd == "-bn": gshCtx.Basename(argv) case cmd == "call": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(false,argv[1:]) case cmd == "cd" || cmd == "chdir": gshCtx.xChdir(argv); case cmd == "-cksum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sumtest": str := "" if 1 < len(argv) { str = argv[1] } crc := strCRC32(str,uint64(len(str))) fprintf(stderr,"%v %v\n",crc,len(str)) case cmd == "close": gshCtx.xClose(argv) case cmd == "gcp": gshCtx.FileCopy(argv) case cmd == "dec" || cmd == "decode": gshCtx.Dec(argv) case cmd == "#define": case cmd == "dic" || cmd == "d": xDic(argv) case cmd == "dump": gshCtx.Dump(argv) case cmd == "echo" || cmd == "e": echo(argv,true) case cmd == "enc" || cmd == "encode": gshCtx.Enc(argv) case cmd == "env": env(argv) case cmd == "eval": xEval(argv[1:],true) case cmd == "ev" || cmd == "events": dumpEvents(argv) case cmd == "exec": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(true,argv[1:]) // should not return here case cmd == "exit" || cmd == "quit": // write Result code EXIT to 3> return true case cmd == "fdls": // dump the attributes of fds (of other process) case cmd == "-find" || cmd == "fin" || cmd == "ufind" || cmd == "uf": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fu": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fork": // mainly for a server case cmd == "-gen": gshCtx.gen(argv) case cmd == "-go": gshCtx.xGo(argv) case cmd == "-grep": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "gdeq": gshCtx.Deq(argv) case cmd == "genq": gshCtx.Enq(argv) case cmd == "gpop": gshCtx.Pop(argv) case cmd == "gpush": gshCtx.Push(argv) case cmd == "history" || cmd == "hi": // hi should be alias gshCtx.xHistory(argv) case cmd == "jobs": gshCtx.xJobs(argv) case cmd == "lnsp" || cmd == "nlsp": gshCtx.SplitLine(argv) case cmd == "-ls": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "nop": // do nothing case cmd == "pipe": gshCtx.xOpen(argv) case cmd == "plug" || cmd == "plugin" || cmd == "pin": gshCtx.xPlugin(argv[1:]) case cmd == "print" || cmd == "-pr": // output internal slice // also sprintf should be gshCtx.Printv(argv) case cmd == "ps": gshCtx.xPs(argv) case cmd == "pstitle": // to be gsh.title case cmd == "rexecd" || cmd == "rexd": gshCtx.RexecServer(argv) case cmd == "rexec" || cmd == "rex": gshCtx.RexecClient(argv) case cmd == "repeat" || cmd == "rep": // repeat cond command gshCtx.repeat(argv) case cmd == "replay": gshCtx.xReplay(argv) case cmd == "scan": // scan input (or so in fscanf) to internal slice (like Files or map) gshCtx.Scanv(argv) case cmd == "set": // set name ... case cmd == "serv": gshCtx.httpServer(argv) case cmd == "shift": gshCtx.Shiftv(argv) case cmd == "sleep": gshCtx.sleep(argv) case cmd == "-sort": gshCtx.Sortv(argv) case cmd == "j" || cmd == "join": gshCtx.Rjoin(argv) case cmd == "a" || cmd == "alpa": gshCtx.Rexec(argv) case cmd == "jcd" || cmd == "jchdir": gshCtx.Rchdir(argv) case cmd == "jget": gshCtx.Rget(argv) case cmd == "jls": gshCtx.Rls(argv) case cmd == "jput": gshCtx.Rput(argv) case cmd == "jpwd": gshCtx.Rpwd(argv) case cmd == "time": fin = gshCtx.xTime(argv) case cmd == "ungets": if 1 < len(argv) { ungets(argv[1]+"\n") }else{ } case cmd == "pwd": gshCtx.xPwd(argv); case cmd == "ver" || cmd == "-ver" || cmd == "version": gshCtx.showVersion(argv) case cmd == "where": // data file or so? case cmd == "which": which("PATH",argv); default: if gshCtx.whichPlugin(cmd,[]string{"-s"}) != nil { gshCtx.xPlugin(argv) }else{ notfound,_ := gshCtx.excommand(false,argv) if notfound { fmt.Printf("--E-- command not found (%v)\n",cmd) } } } return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelll(gline string) (rfin bool) { argv := strings.Split(string(gline)," ") fin := gsh.gshellv(argv) return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)tgshelll(gline string)(xfin bool){ start := time.Now() fin := gsh.gshelll(gline) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start); if gsh.CmdTime { fmt.Printf("--T-- " + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) + "(%d.%09ds)\n", elps/1000000000,elps%1000000000) } return fin } func Ttyid() (int) { fi, err := os.Stdin.Stat() if err != nil { return 0; } //fmt.Printf("Stdin: %v Dev=%d\n", // fi.Mode(),fi.Mode()&os.ModeDevice) if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeDevice) != 0 { stat := syscall.Stat_t{}; err := syscall.Fstat(0,&stat) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: (%v)\n",err) }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: rdev=%d %d\n", // stat.Rdev&0xFF,stat.Rdev); //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: tty%d\n",stat.Rdev&0xFF); return int(stat.Rdev & 0xFF) } } return 0 } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyfile() string { //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) ttyfile := gshCtx.GshHomeDir + "/" + "gsh-tty" + fmt.Sprintf("%02d",gshCtx.TerminalId) //strconv.Itoa(gshCtx.TerminalId) //fmt.Printf("--I-- ttyfile=%s\n",ttyfile) return ttyfile } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyline()(*os.File){ file, err := os.OpenFile(gshCtx.ttyfile(),os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- cannot open %s (%s)\n",gshCtx.ttyfile(),err) return file; } return file } func (gshCtx *GshContext)getline(hix int, skipping bool, prevline string) (string) { if( skipping ){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) }else if true { return xgetline(hix,prevline,gshCtx) } /* else if( with_exgetline && gshCtx.GetLine != "" ){ //var xhix int64 = int64(hix); // cast newenv := os.Environ() newenv = append(newenv, "GSH_LINENO="+strconv.FormatInt(int64(hix),10) ) tty := gshCtx.ttyline() tty.WriteString(prevline) Pa := os.ProcAttr { "", // start dir newenv, //os.Environ(), []*os.File{os.Stdin,os.Stdout,os.Stderr,tty}, nil, } //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline=%s // %s\n",gsh_getlinev[0],gshCtx.GetLine) proc, err := os.StartProcess(gsh_getlinev[0],[]string{"getline","getline"},&Pa) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- getline process error (%v)\n",err) // for ; ; { } return "exit (getline program failed)" } //stat, err := proc.Wait() proc.Wait() buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count, err := tty.Read(buff) //_, err = tty.Read(buff) //fmt.Printf("--D-- getline (%d)\n",count) if err != nil { if ! (count == 0) { // && err.String() == "EOF" ) { fmt.Printf("--E-- getline error (%s)\n",err) } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline OK \"%s\"\n",buff) } tty.Close() gline := string(buff[0:count]) return gline }else */ { // if isatty { fmt.Printf("!%d",hix) fmt.Print(PROMPT) // } reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) } } //== begin ======================================================= getline /* * getline.c * 2020-0819 extracted from dog.c * getline.go * 2020-0822 ported to Go */ /* package main // getline main import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "os" // os "syscall" // syscall //"bytes" // os //"os/exec" // os ) */ // C language compatibility functions var errno = 0 var stdin *os.File = os.Stdin var stdout *os.File = os.Stdout var stderr *os.File = os.Stderr var EOF = -1 var NULL = 0 type FILE os.File type StrBuff []byte var NULL_FP *os.File = nil var NULLSP = 0 //var LINESIZE = 1024 func system(cmdstr string)(int){ PA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the starting directory os.Environ(), []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, } argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") pid,err := syscall.ForkExec(argv[0],argv,&PA) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- syscall(%v) err(%v)\n",cmdstr,err) } syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) /* argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- system(%v)\n",argv) //cmd := exec.Command(argv[0:]...) cmd := exec.Command(argv[0],argv[1],argv[2]) cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader("output of system") var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out var serr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr = &serr err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--E-- system(%v)err(%v)\n",argv,err) fmt.Printf("ERR:%s\n",serr.String()) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",out.String()) } */ return 0 } func atoi(str string)(ret int){ ret,err := fmt.Sscanf(str,"%d",ret) if err == nil { return ret }else{ // should set errno return 0 } } func getenv(name string)(string){ val,got := os.LookupEnv(name) if got { return val }else{ return "?" } } func strcpy(dst StrBuff, src string){ var i int srcb := []byte(src) for i = 0; i < len(src) && srcb[i] != 0; i++ { dst[i] = srcb[i] } dst[i] = 0 } func xstrcpy(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = src } func strcat(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = append(dst,src...) } func strdup(str StrBuff)(string){ return string(str[0:strlen(str)]) } func sstrlen(str string)(int){ return len(str) } func strlen(str StrBuff)(int){ var i int for i = 0; i < len(str) && str[i] != 0; i++ { } return i } func sizeof(data StrBuff)(int){ return len(data) } func isatty(fd int)(ret int){ return 1 } func fopen(file string,mode string)(fp*os.File){ if mode == "r" { fp,err := os.Open(file) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- fopen(%s,%s)=(%v)\n",file,mode,err) return NULL_FP; } return fp; }else{ fp,err := os.OpenFile(file,os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if( err != nil ){ return NULL_FP; } return fp; } } func fclose(fp*os.File){ fp.Close() } func fflush(fp *os.File)(int){ return 0 } func fgetc(fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func sfgets(str*string, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ buf := make(StrBuff,size) var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fgets(buf StrBuff, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fputc(ch int , fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte buf[0] = byte(ch) fp.Write(buf[0:1]) return 0 } func fputs(buf StrBuff, fp*os.File)(int){ fp.Write(buf) return 0 } func xfputss(str string, fp*os.File)(int){ return fputs([]byte(str),fp) } func sscanf(str StrBuff,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Sscanf(string(str[0:strlen(str)]),fmts,params...) return 0 } func fprintf(fp*os.File,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Fprintf(fp,fmts,params...) return 0 } // Command Line IME //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MyIME var MyIMEVER = "MyIME/0.0.2"; type RomKana struct { dic string // dictionaly ID pat string // input pattern out string // output pattern hit int64 // count of hit and used } var dicents = 0 var romkana [1024]RomKana var Romkan []RomKana func isinDic(str string)(int){ for i,v := range Romkan { if v.pat == str { return i } } return -1 } const ( DIC_COM_LOAD = "im" DIC_COM_DUMP = "s" DIC_COM_LIST = "ls" DIC_COM_ENA = "en" DIC_COM_DIS = "di" ) func helpDic(argv []string){ out := stderr cmd := "" if 0 < len(argv) { cmd = argv[0] } fprintf(out,"--- %v Usage\n",cmd) fprintf(out,"... Commands\n") fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] [dicURL ] -- Import dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LOAD) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [pattern] -- Search in dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DUMP) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- List dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LIST) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Disable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DIS) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Enable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_ENA) fprintf(out,"... Keys ... %v\n","ESC can be used for '\\'") fprintf(out,"... \\c -- Reverse the case of the last character\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\i -- Replace input with translated text\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\j -- On/Off translation mode\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\l -- Force Lower Case\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\u -- Force Upper Case (software CapsLock)\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\v -- Show translation actions\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\x -- Replace the last input character with it Hexa-Decimal\n",) } func xDic(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { helpDic(argv) return } argv = argv[1:] var debug = false var info = false var silent = false var dump = false var builtin = false cmd := argv[0] argv = argv[1:] opt := "" arg := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg1 := argv[0] if arg1[0] == '-' { switch arg1 { default: fmt.Printf("--Ed-- Unknown option(%v)\n",arg1) return case "-b": builtin = true case "-d": debug = true case "-s": silent = true case "-v": info = true } opt = arg1 argv = argv[1:] } } dicName := "" dicURL := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg = argv[0] dicName = arg argv = argv[1:] } if 0 < len(argv) { dicURL = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if false { fprintf(stderr,"--Dd-- com(%v) opt(%v) arg(%v)\n",cmd,opt,arg) } if cmd == DIC_COM_LOAD { //dicType := "" dicBody := "" if !builtin && dicName != "" && dicURL == "" { f,err := os.Open(dicName) if err == nil { dicURL = dicName }else{ f,err = os.Open(dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = dicName+".html" }else{ f,err = os.Open("gshdic-"+dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = "gshdic-"+dicName+".html" } } } if err == nil { var buf = make([]byte,128*1024) count,err := f.Read(buf) f.Close() if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- ReadDic(%v,%v)\n",count,err) } dicBody = string(buf[0:count]) } } if dicBody == "" { switch arg { default: dicName = "WorldDic" dicURL = WorldDic if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- default dictionary \"%v\"\n", dicName); } case "wnn": dicName = "WnnDic" dicURL = WnnDic case "sumomo": dicName = "SumomoDic" dicURL = SumomoDic case "sijimi": dicName = "SijimiDic" dicURL = SijimiDic case "jkl": dicName = "JKLJaDic" dicURL = JA_JKLDic } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v URL=%v\n\n",dicName,dicURL); } dicv := strings.Split(dicURL,",") if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v encoded data...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"Type: %v\n",dicv[0]) fprintf(stderr,"Body: %v\n",dicv[1]) fprintf(stderr,"\n") } body,_ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(dicv[1]) dicBody = string(body) } if info { fmt.Printf("--Id-- %v %v\n",dicName,dicURL) fmt.Printf("%s\n",dicBody) } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- dicName %v text...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"%v\n",string(dicBody)) } entv := strings.Split(dicBody,"\n"); if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan...\n",dicName); } var added int = 0 var dup int = 0 for i,v := range entv { var pat string var out string fmt.Sscanf(v,"%s %s",&pat,&out) if len(pat) <= 0 { }else{ if 0 <= isinDic(pat) { dup += 1 continue } romkana[dicents] = RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0} dicents += 1 added += 1 Romkan = append(Romkan,RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0}) if debug { fmt.Printf("[%3v]:[%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) } } } if !silent { url := dicURL if strBegins(url,"data:") { url = "builtin" } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan... %v added, %v dup. / %v total (%v)\n", dicName,added,dup,len(Romkan),url); } // should sort by pattern length for conclete match, for performance if debug { arg = "" // search pattern dump = true } } if cmd == DIC_COM_DUMP || dump { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v dump... %v entries:\n",dicName,len(Romkan)); var match = 0 for i := 0; i < len(Romkan); i++ { dic := Romkan[i].dic pat := Romkan[i].pat out := Romkan[i].out if arg == "" || 0 <= strings.Index(pat,arg)||0 <= strings.Index(out,arg) { fmt.Printf("\\\\%v\t%v [%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,dic,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) match += 1 } } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v matched %v / %v entries:\n",arg,match,len(Romkan)); } } func loadDefaultDic(dic int){ if( 0 < len(Romkan) ){ return } //fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") xDic([]string{"dic",DIC_COM_LOAD}); var info = false if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- Conguraturations!! WorldDic is now activated.\r\n") fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- enter \"dic\" command for help.\r\n") } } func readDic()(int){ /* var rk *os.File; var dic = "MyIME-dic.txt"; //rk = fopen("romkana.txt","r"); //rk = fopen("JK-JA-morse-dic.txt","r"); rk = fopen(dic,"r"); if( rk == NULL_FP ){ if( true ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- Could not load %s\n",MyIMEVER,dic); } return -1; } if( true ){ var di int; var line = make(StrBuff,1024); var pat string var out string for di = 0; di < 1024; di++ { if( fgets(line,sizeof(line),rk) == NULLSP ){ break; } fmt.Sscanf(string(line[0:strlen(line)]),"%s %s",&pat,&out); //sscanf(line,"%s %[^\r\n]",&pat,&out); romkana[di].pat = pat; romkana[di].out = out; //fprintf(stderr,"--Dd- %-10s %s\n",pat,out) } dicents += di if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- loaded romkana.txt [%d]\n",MyIMEVER,di); for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n",romkana[di].pat,romkana[di].out); } } } fclose(rk); //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" // dump the dic. and clean the command input */ return 0; } func matchlen(stri string, pati string)(int){ if strBegins(stri,pati) { return len(pati) }else{ return 0 } } func convs(src string)(string){ var si int; var sx = len(src); var di int; var mi int; var dstb []byte for si = 0; si < sx; { // search max. match from the position if strBegins(src[si:],"%x/") { // %x/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 //fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%d",&iv) fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%x",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%d/") { // %d/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%d",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%t") { now := time.Now() if true { date := now.Format(time.Stamp) dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(date)...) si = si+3 } continue } var maxlen int = 0; var len int; mi = -1; for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { len = matchlen(src[si:],romkana[di].pat); if( maxlen < len ){ maxlen = len; mi = di; } } if( 0 < maxlen ){ out := romkana[mi].out; dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(out)...); si += maxlen; }else{ dstb = append(dstb,src[si]) si += 1; } } return string(dstb) } func trans(src string)(int){ dst := convs(src); xfputss(dst,stderr); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------- LINEEDIT // "?" at the top of the line means searching history // should be compatilbe with Telnet const ( EV_MODE = 255 EV_IDLE = 254 EV_TIMEOUT = 253 GO_UP = 252 // k GO_DOWN = 251 // j GO_RIGHT = 250 // l GO_LEFT = 249 // h DEL_RIGHT = 248 // x GO_TOPL = 'A'-0x40 // 0 GO_ENDL = 'E'-0x40 // $ GO_TOPW = 239 // b GO_ENDW = 238 // e GO_NEXTW = 237 // w GO_FORWCH = 229 // f GO_PAIRCH = 228 // % GO_DEL = 219 // d HI_SRCH_FW = 209 // / HI_SRCH_BK = 208 // ? HI_SRCH_RFW = 207 // n HI_SRCH_RBK = 206 // N ) // should return number of octets ready to be read immediately //fprintf(stderr,"\n--Select(%v %v)\n",err,r.Bits[0]) var EventRecvFd = -1 // file descriptor var EventSendFd = -1 const EventFdOffset = 1000000 const NormalFdOffset = 100 func putEvent(event int, evarg int){ if true { if EventRecvFd < 0 { var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) EventRecvFd = pv[0] EventSendFd = pv[1] //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPipe created[%v,%v]\n",EventRecvFd,EventSendFd) } }else{ if EventRecvFd < 0 { // the document differs from this spec // sv,err := syscall.Socketpair(syscall.AF_UNIX,syscall.SOCK_STREAM,0) EventRecvFd = sv[0] EventSendFd = sv[1] if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- EventSock created[%v,%v](%v)\n", EventRecvFd,EventSendFd,err) } } } var buf = []byte{ byte(event)} n,err := syscall.Write(EventSendFd,buf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- putEvent[%v](%3v)(%v %v)\n",EventSendFd,event,n,err) } } func ungets(str string){ for _,ch := range str { putEvent(int(ch),0) } } func (gsh*GshContext)xReplay(argv[]string){ hix := 0 tempo := 1.0 xtempo := 1.0 repeat := 1 for _,a := range argv { // tempo if strBegins(a,"x") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%f",&xtempo) tempo = 1 / xtempo //fprintf(stderr,"--Dr-- tempo=[%v]%v\n",a[2:],tempo); }else if strBegins(a,"r") { // repeat fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%v",&repeat) }else if strBegins(a,"!") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%d",&hix) }else{ fmt.Sscanf(a,"%d",&hix) } } if hix == 0 || len(argv) <= 1 { hix = len(gsh.CommandHistory)-1 } fmt.Printf("--Ir-- Replay(!%v x%v r%v)\n",hix,xtempo,repeat) //dumpEvents(hix) //gsh.xScanReplay(hix,false,repeat,tempo,argv) go gsh.xScanReplay(hix,true,repeat,tempo,argv) } // syscall.Select // 2020-0827 GShell-0.2.3 /* func FpollIn1(fp *os.File,usec int)(uintptr){ nfd := 1 rdv := syscall.FdSet {} fd1 := fp.Fd() bank1 := fd1/32 mask1 := int32(1 << fd1) rdv.Bits[bank1] = mask1 fd2 := -1 bank2 := -1 var mask2 int32 = 0 if 0 <= EventRecvFd { fd2 = EventRecvFd nfd = fd2 + 1 bank2 = fd2/32 mask2 = int32(1 << fd2) rdv.Bits[bank2] |= mask2 //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPoll mask added [%d][%v][%v]\n",fd2,bank2,mask2) } tout := syscall.NsecToTimeval(int64(usec*1000)) //n,err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) // spec. mismatch err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--De-- select() err(%v)\n",err) } if err == nil { if 0 <= fd2 && (rdv.Bits[bank2] & mask2) != 0 { if false { fmt.Printf("--De-- got Event\n") } return uintptr(EventFdOffset + fd2) }else if (rdv.Bits[bank1] & mask1) != 0 { return uintptr(NormalFdOffset + fd1) }else{ return 1 } }else{ return 0 } } */ func fgetcTimeout1(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ READ1: //readyFd := FpollIn1(fp,usec) readyFd := CFpollIn1(fp,usec) if readyFd < 100 { return EV_TIMEOUT } var buf [1]byte if EventFdOffset <= readyFd { fd := int(readyFd-EventFdOffset) _,err := syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ if buf[0] == EV_MODE { recvEvent(fd) goto READ1 } return int(buf[0]) } } _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func visibleChar(ch int)(string){ switch { case '!' <= ch && ch <= '~': return string(ch) } switch ch { case ' ': return "\\s" case '\n': return "\\n" case '\r': return "\\r" case '\t': return "\\t" } switch ch { case 0x00: return "NUL" case 0x07: return "BEL" case 0x08: return "BS" case 0x0E: return "SO" case 0x0F: return "SI" case 0x1B: return "ESC" case 0x7F: return "DEL" } switch ch { case EV_IDLE: return fmt.Sprintf("IDLE") case EV_MODE: return fmt.Sprintf("MODE") } return fmt.Sprintf("%X",ch) } func recvEvent(fd int){ var buf = make([]byte,1) _,_ = syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( buf[0] != 0 ){ romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } } func (gsh*GshContext)xScanReplay(hix int,replay bool,repeat int,tempo float64,argv[]string){ var Start time.Time var events = []Event{} for _,e := range Events { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { events = append(events,e) } } elen := len(events) if 0 < elen { if events[elen-1].event == EV_IDLE { events = events[0:elen-1] } } for r := 0; r < repeat; r++ { for i,e := range events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 if Start.Second() == 0 { Start = time.Now() } diff := time.Now().Sub(Start) if replay { if e.event != EV_IDLE { putEvent(e.event,0) if e.event == EV_MODE { // event with arg putEvent(int(e.evarg),0) } } }else{ fmt.Printf("%7.3fms #%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n", float64(diff)/1000000.0, i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event), float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } if e.event == EV_IDLE { d := time.Duration(float64(time.Duration(e.evarg)) * tempo) //nsleep(time.Duration(e.evarg)) nsleep(d) } } } } func dumpEvents(arg[]string){ hix := 0 if 1 < len(arg) { fmt.Sscanf(arg[1],"%d",&hix) } for i,e := range Events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 //if e.event != EV_TIMEOUT { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { fmt.Printf("#%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n",i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event),float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } //} } } func fgetcTimeout(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ ch := fgetcTimeout1(fp,usec) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT { now := time.Now() if 0 < len(Events) { last := Events[len(Events)-1] dura := int64(now.Sub(last.when)) Events = append(Events,Event{last.when,EV_IDLE,dura,last.CmdIndex}) } Events = append(Events,Event{time.Now(),ch,0,CmdIndex}) } return ch } var TtyMaxCol = 72 // to be obtained by ioctl? var EscTimeout = (100*1000) var ( MODE_VicMode bool // vi compatible command mode MODE_ShowMode bool romkanmode bool // shown translation mode, the mode to be retained MODE_Recursive bool // recursive translation MODE_CapsLock bool // software CapsLock MODE_LowerLock bool // force lower-case character lock MODE_ViInsert int // visible insert mode, should be like "I" icon in X Window MODE_ViTrace bool // output newline before translation ) type IInput struct { lno int lastlno int pch []int // input queue prompt string line string right string inJmode bool pinJmode bool waitingMeta string // waiting meta character LastCmd string } func (iin*IInput)Getc(timeoutUs int)(int){ ch1 := EOF ch2 := EOF ch3 := EOF if( 0 < len(iin.pch) ){ // deQ ch1 = iin.pch[0] iin.pch = iin.pch[1:] }else{ ch1 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,timeoutUs); } if( ch1 == 033 ){ /// escape sequence ch2 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch2 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ }else{ ch3 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch3 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ }else{ switch( ch2 ){ default: iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch3) // enQ case '[': switch( ch3 ){ case 'A': ch1 = GO_UP; // ^ case 'B': ch1 = GO_DOWN; // v case 'C': ch1 = GO_RIGHT; // > case 'D': ch1 = GO_LEFT; // < case '3': ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch4 == '~' ){ //fprintf(stderr,"x[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } case '\\': //ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); //fprintf(stderr,"y[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); switch( ch3 ){ case '~': ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } } } } return ch1 } func (inn*IInput)clearline(){ var i int fprintf(stderr,"\r"); // should be ANSI ESC sequence for i = 0; i < TtyMaxCol; i++ { // to the max. position in this input action fputc(' ',os.Stderr); } fprintf(stderr,"\r"); } func (iin*IInput)Redraw(){ redraw(iin,iin.lno,iin.line,iin.right) } func redraw(iin *IInput,lno int,line string,right string){ inMeta := false showMode := "" showMeta := "" // visible Meta mode on the cursor position showLino := fmt.Sprintf("!%d! ",lno) InsertMark := "" // in visible insert mode if MODE_VicMode { }else if 0 < len(iin.right) { InsertMark = " " } if( 0 < len(iin.waitingMeta) ){ inMeta = true if iin.waitingMeta[0] != 033 { showMeta = iin.waitingMeta } } if( romkanmode ){ //romkanmark = " *"; }else{ //romkanmark = ""; } if MODE_ShowMode { romkan := "--" inmeta := "-" inveri := "" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "A" } if MODE_LowerLock { inmeta = "a" } if MODE_ViTrace { inveri = "v" } if MODE_VicMode { inveri = ":" } if romkanmode { romkan = "\343\201\202" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "R" }else{ inmeta = "r" } } if inMeta { inmeta = "\\" } showMode = "["+romkan+inmeta+inveri+"]"; } Pre := "\r" + showMode + showLino Output := "" Left := "" Right := "" if romkanmode { Left = convs(line) Right = InsertMark+convs(right) }else{ Left = line Right = InsertMark+right } Output = Pre+Left if MODE_ViTrace { Output += iin.LastCmd } Output += showMeta+Right for len(Output) < TtyMaxCol { // to the max. position that may be dirty Output += " " // should be ANSI ESC sequence // not necessary just after newline } Output += Pre+Left+showMeta // to set the cursor to the current input position fprintf(stderr,"%s",Output) if MODE_ViTrace { if 0 < len(iin.LastCmd) { iin.LastCmd = "" fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") } } } // utf8 func delHeadChar(str string)(rline string,head string){ _,clen := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)) head = string(str[0:clen]) return str[clen:],head } func delTailChar(str string)(rline string, last string){ var i = 0 var clen = 0 for { _,siz := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)[i:]) if siz <= 0 { break } clen = siz i += siz } last = str[len(str)-clen:] return str[0:len(str)-clen],last } // 3> for output and history // 4> for keylog? // Command Line Editor func xgetline(lno int, prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var iin IInput iin.lastlno = lno iin.lno = lno CmdIndex = len(gsh.CommandHistory) if( isatty(0) == 0 ){ if( sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin) == NULL ){ iin.line = "exit\n"; }else{ } return iin.line } if( true ){ //var pts string; //pts = ptsname(0); //pts = ttyname(0); //fprintf(stderr,"--pts[0] = %s\n",pts?pts:"?"); } if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"! "); fflush(stderr); sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin); return iin.line } system("/bin/stty -echo -icanon"); xline := iin.xgetline1(prevline,gsh) system("/bin/stty echo sane"); return xline } func (iin*IInput)Translate(cmdch int){ romkanmode = !romkanmode; if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); }else if( cmdch == 'J' ){ fprintf(stderr,"J\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); iin.Redraw(); } func (iin*IInput)Replace(cmdch int){ iin.LastCmd = fmt.Sprintf("\\%v",string(cmdch)) iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" if( cmdch == 'I' ){ fprintf(stderr,"I\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); } // aa 12 a1a1 func isAlpha(ch rune)(bool){ if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { return true } return false } func isAlnum(ch rune)(bool){ if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { return true } if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { return true } return false } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created // DecodeRuneInString func (iin*IInput)GotoTOPW(){ str := iin.line i := len(str) if i <= 0 { return } //i0 := i i -= 1 lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var found = -1 for 0 < i { // skip preamble spaces lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched i -= lastSize continue } break } for 0 < i { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { continue } // not the character top if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched found = i break } i -= lastSize } if found < 0 && i == 0 { found = 0 } if 0 <= found { if isAlnum(lastRune) { // or non-kana character }else{ // when positioning to the top o the word i += lastSize } iin.right = str[i:] + iin.right if 0 < i { iin.line = str[0:i] }else{ iin.line = "" } } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d,%d,%d)[%s][%s]\n",i0,i,found,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created func (iin*IInput)GotoENDW(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var lastW = 0 i := 0 inWord := false lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[0:]) if isAlnum(lastRune) { r,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[lastSize:]) if 0 < z && isAlnum(r) { inWord = true } } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } lastW = i // the last alnum if in alnum word i += lastSize } if inWord { goto DISP } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } i += lastSize } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } lastW = i i += lastSize } DISP: if 0 < lastW { iin.line = iin.line + str[0:lastW] iin.right = str[lastW:] } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d)[%s][%s]\n",i,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created func (iin*IInput)GotoNEXTW(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var found = -1 i := 1 for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched found = i break } i += lastSize } if 0 < found { if isAlnum(lastRune) { // or non-kana character }else{ // when positioning to the top o the word found += lastSize } iin.line = iin.line + str[0:found] if 0 < found { iin.right = str[found:] }else{ iin.right = "" } } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d)[%s][%s]\n",i,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)GotoPAIRCH(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastRune,lastSize := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[0:]) if lastSize <= 0 { return } forw := false back := false pair := "" switch string(lastRune){ case "{": pair = "}"; forw = true case "}": pair = "{"; back = true case "(": pair = ")"; forw = true case ")": pair = "("; back = true case "[": pair = "]"; forw = true case "]": pair = "["; back = true case "<": pair = ">"; forw = true case ">": pair = "<"; back = true case "\"": pair = "\""; // context depednet, can be f" or back-double quote case "'": pair = "'"; // context depednet, can be f' or back-quote // case Japanese Kakkos } if forw { iin.SearchForward(pair) } if back { iin.SearchBackward(pair) } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)SearchForward(pat string)(bool){ right := iin.right found := -1 i := 0 if strBegins(right,pat) { _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(right[i:]) if 0 < z { i += z } } for i < len(right) { if strBegins(right[i:],pat) { found = i break } _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(right[i:]) if z <= 0 { break } i += z } if 0 <= found { iin.line = iin.line + right[0:found] iin.right = iin.right[found:] return true }else{ return false } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)SearchBackward(pat string)(bool){ line := iin.line found := -1 i := len(line)-1 for i = i; 0 <= i; i-- { _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(line[i:]) if z <= 0 { continue } //fprintf(stderr,"-- %v %v\n",pat,line[i:]) if strBegins(line[i:],pat) { found = i break } } //fprintf(stderr,"--%d\n",found) if 0 <= found { iin.right = line[found:] + iin.right iin.line = line[0:found] return true }else{ return false } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created // search from top, end, or current position func (gsh*GshContext)SearchHistory(pat string, forw bool)(bool,string){ if forw { for _,v := range gsh.CommandHistory { if 0 <= strings.Index(v.CmdLine,pat) { //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- found !%v [%v]%v\n",i,pat,v.CmdLine) return true,v.CmdLine } } }else{ hlen := len(gsh.CommandHistory) for i := hlen-1; 0 < i ; i-- { v := gsh.CommandHistory[i] if 0 <= strings.Index(v.CmdLine,pat) { //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- found !%v [%v]%v\n",i,pat,v.CmdLine) return true,v.CmdLine } } } //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- not-found(%v)\n",pat) return false,"(Not Found in History)" } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)GotoFORWSTR(pat string,gsh*GshContext){ found := false if 0 < len(iin.right) { found = iin.SearchForward(pat) } if !found { found,line := gsh.SearchHistory(pat,true) if found { iin.line = line iin.right = "" } } } func (iin*IInput)GotoBACKSTR(pat string, gsh*GshContext){ found := false if 0 < len(iin.line) { found = iin.SearchBackward(pat) } if !found { found,line := gsh.SearchHistory(pat,false) if found { iin.line = line iin.right = "" } } } func (iin*IInput)getstring1(prompt string)(string){ // should be editable iin.clearline(); fprintf(stderr,"\r%v",prompt) str := "" for { ch := iin.Getc(10*1000*1000) if ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' { break } sch := string(ch) str += sch fprintf(stderr,"%s",sch) } return str } // search pattern must be an array and selectable with ^N/^P var SearchPat = "" var SearchForw = true func (iin*IInput)xgetline1(prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var ch int; MODE_ShowMode = false MODE_VicMode = false iin.Redraw(); first := true for cix := 0; ; cix++ { iin.pinJmode = iin.inJmode iin.inJmode = false ch = iin.Getc(1000*1000) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT && first { first = false mode := 0 if romkanmode { mode = 1 } now := time.Now() Events = append(Events,Event{now,EV_MODE,int64(mode),CmdIndex}) } if ch == 033 { MODE_ShowMode = true MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode iin.Redraw(); continue } if MODE_VicMode { switch ch { case '0': ch = GO_TOPL case '$': ch = GO_ENDL case 'b': ch = GO_TOPW case 'e': ch = GO_ENDW case 'w': ch = GO_NEXTW case '%': ch = GO_PAIRCH case 'j': ch = GO_DOWN case 'k': ch = GO_UP case 'h': ch = GO_LEFT case 'l': ch = GO_RIGHT case 'x': ch = DEL_RIGHT case 'a': MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode ch = GO_RIGHT case 'i': MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode iin.Redraw(); continue case '~': right,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) if len([]byte(head)) == 1 { ch = int(head[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.right = string(ch) + right } iin.Redraw(); continue case 'f': // GO_FORWCH iin.Redraw(); ch = iin.Getc(3*1000*1000) if ch == EV_TIMEOUT { iin.Redraw(); continue } SearchPat = string(ch) SearchForw = true iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case '/': SearchPat = iin.getstring1("/") // should be editable SearchForw = true iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case '?': SearchPat = iin.getstring1("?") // should be editable SearchForw = false iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case 'n': if SearchForw { iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) }else{ iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) } iin.Redraw(); continue case 'N': if !SearchForw { iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) }else{ iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) } iin.Redraw(); continue } } switch ch { case GO_TOPW: iin.GotoTOPW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_ENDW: iin.GotoENDW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_NEXTW: // to next space then iin.GotoNEXTW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_PAIRCH: iin.GotoPAIRCH() iin.Redraw(); continue } //fprintf(stderr,"A[%02X]\n",ch); if( ch == '\\' || ch == 033 ){ MODE_ShowMode = true metach := ch iin.waitingMeta = string(ch) iin.Redraw(); // set cursor //fprintf(stderr,"???\b\b\b") ch = fgetcTimeout(stdin,2000*1000) // reset cursor iin.waitingMeta = "" cmdch := ch if( ch == EV_TIMEOUT ){ if metach == 033 { continue } ch = metach }else /* if( ch == 'm' || ch == 'M' ){ mch := fgetcTimeout(stdin,1000*1000) if mch == 'r' { romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } continue }else */ if( ch == 'k' || ch == 'K' ){ MODE_Recursive = !MODE_Recursive iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'j' || ch == 'J' ){ iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'i' || ch == 'I' ){ iin.Replace(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'l' || ch == 'L' ){ MODE_LowerLock = !MODE_LowerLock MODE_CapsLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'u' || ch == 'U' ){ MODE_CapsLock = !MODE_CapsLock MODE_LowerLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'v' || ch == 'V' ){ MODE_ViTrace = !MODE_ViTrace if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'c' || ch == 'C' ){ if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) if len([]byte(tail)) == 1 { ch = int(tail[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.line = xline + string(ch) } } if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else{ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch) // push ch = '\\' } } switch( ch ){ case 'P'-0x40: ch = GO_UP case 'N'-0x40: ch = GO_DOWN case 'B'-0x40: ch = GO_LEFT case 'F'-0x40: ch = GO_RIGHT } //fprintf(stderr,"B[%02X]\n",ch); switch( ch ){ case 0: continue; case '\t': iin.Replace('j'); continue case 'X'-0x40: iin.Replace('j'); continue case EV_TIMEOUT: iin.Redraw(); if iin.pinJmode { fprintf(stderr,"\\J\r\n") iin.inJmode = true } continue case GO_UP: if iin.lno == 1 { continue } cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno-1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno - 1 } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_DOWN: cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno+1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 }else{ iin.line = "" iin.right = "" if iin.lno == iin.lastlno-1 { iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 } } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_LEFT: if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) iin.line = xline iin.right = tail + iin.right } iin.Redraw(); continue; case GO_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) && iin.right[0] != 0 ){ xright,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.right = xright iin.line += head } iin.Redraw(); continue; case EOF: goto EXIT; case 'R'-0x40: // replace dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'T'-0x40: // just show the result readDic(); romkanmode = !romkanmode; iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'L'-0x40: iin.Redraw(); continue case 'K'-0x40: iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'E'-0x40: iin.line += iin.right iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'A'-0x40: iin.right = iin.line + iin.right iin.line = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'U'-0x40: iin.line = "" iin.right = "" iin.clearline(); iin.Redraw(); continue; case DEL_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } continue; case 0x7F: // BS? not DEL if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } /* else if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } */ continue; case 'H'-0x40: if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } continue; } if( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' ){ iin.line += iin.right; iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); fputc(ch,stderr); break; } if MODE_CapsLock { if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' { ch = ch+'A'-'a' } } if MODE_LowerLock { if 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { ch = ch+'a'-'A' } } iin.line += string(ch); iin.Redraw(); } EXIT: return iin.line + iin.right; } func getline_main(){ line := xgetline(0,"",nil) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",line); /* dp = strpbrk(line,"\r\n"); if( dp != NULL ){ *dp = 0; } if( 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n(%d)\n",int(strlen(line))); } if( lseek(3,0,0) == 0 ){ if( romkanmode ){ var buf [8*1024]byte; convs(line,buff); strcpy(line,buff); } write(3,line,strlen(line)); ftruncate(3,lseek(3,0,SEEK_CUR)); //fprintf(stderr,"outsize=%d\n",(int)lseek(3,0,SEEK_END)); lseek(3,0,SEEK_SET); close(3); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"\r\ngotline: "); trans(line); //printf("%s\n",line); printf("\n"); } */ } //== end ========================================================= getline // // $USERHOME/.gsh/ // gsh-rc.txt, or gsh-configure.txt // gsh-history.txt // gsh-aliases.txt // should be conditional? // func (gshCtx *GshContext)gshSetupHomedir()(bool) { homedir,found := userHomeDir() if !found { fmt.Printf("--E-- You have no UserHomeDir\n") return true } gshhome := homedir + "/" + GSH_HOME _, err2 := os.Stat(gshhome) if err2 != nil { err3 := os.Mkdir(gshhome,0700) if err3 != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- Could not Create %s (%s)\n", gshhome,err3) return true } fmt.Printf("--I-- Created %s\n",gshhome) } gshCtx.GshHomeDir = gshhome return false } func setupGshContext()(GshContext,bool){ gshPA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the staring directory os.Environ(), // environ[] []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, // OS specific } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() gshCtx := GshContext { cwd, // StartDir "", // GetLine []GChdirHistory { {cwd,time.Now(),0} }, // ChdirHistory gshPA, []GCommandHistory{}, //something for invokation? GCommandHistory{}, // CmdCurrent false, []int{}, syscall.Rusage{}, "", // GshHomeDir Ttyid(), false, false, []PluginInfo{}, []string{}, " ", "v", ValueStack{}, GServer{"",""}, // LastServer "", // RSERV cwd, // RWD CheckSum{}, } err := gshCtx.gshSetupHomedir() return gshCtx, err } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelllh(gline string)(bool){ ghist := gsh.CmdCurrent ghist.WorkDir,_ = os.Getwd() ghist.WorkDirX = len(gsh.ChdirHistory)-1 //fmt.Printf("--D--ChdirHistory(@%d)\n",len(gsh.ChdirHistory)) ghist.StartAt = time.Now() rusagev1 := Getrusagev() gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = []string{} fin := gsh.tgshelll(gline) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() ghist.Rusagev = RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) ghist.EndAt = time.Now() ghist.CmdLine = gline ghist.FoundFile = gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile /* record it but not show in list by default if len(gline) == 0 { continue } if gline == "hi" || gline == "history" { // don't record it continue } */ gsh.CommandHistory = append(gsh.CommandHistory, ghist) return fin } // Main loop func script(gshCtxGiven *GshContext) (_ GshContext) { gshCtxBuf,err0 := setupGshContext() if err0 { return gshCtxBuf; } gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) //resmap() /* if false { gsh_getlinev, with_exgetline := which("PATH",[]string{"which","gsh-getline","-s"}) if with_exgetline { gsh_getlinev[0] = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) gshCtx.GetLine = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) }else{ fmt.Printf("--W-- No gsh-getline found. Using internal getline.\n"); } } */ ghist0 := gshCtx.CmdCurrent // something special, or gshrc script, or permanent history gshCtx.CommandHistory = append(gshCtx.CommandHistory,ghist0) prevline := "" skipping := false for hix := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory); ; { gline := gshCtx.getline(hix,skipping,prevline) if skipping { if strings.Index(gline,"fi") == 0 { fmt.Printf("fi\n"); skipping = false; }else{ //fmt.Printf("%s\n",gline); } continue } if strings.Index(gline,"if") == 0 { //fmt.Printf("--D-- if start: %s\n",gline); skipping = true; continue } if false { os.Stdout.Write([]byte("gotline:")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } gline = strsubst(gshCtx,gline,true) if false { fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%v - %v\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%s - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%x - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%U - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("Stouut.Write -") os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) fmt.Printf("\n") } /* // should be cared in substitution ? if 0 < len(gline) && gline[0] == '!' { xgline, set, err := searchHistory(gshCtx,gline) if err { continue } if set { // set the line in command line editor } gline = xgline } */ fin := gshCtx.gshelllh(gline) if fin { break; } prevline = gline; hix++; } return *gshCtx } func main() { gshCtxBuf := GshContext{} gsh := &gshCtxBuf argv := os.Args if 1 < len(argv) { if isin("version",argv){ gsh.showVersion(argv) return } comx := isinX("-c",argv) if 0 < comx { gshCtxBuf,err := setupGshContext() gsh := &gshCtxBuf if !err { gsh.gshellv(argv[comx+1:]) } return } } if 1 < len(argv) && isin("-s",argv) { }else{ gsh.showVersion(append(argv,[]string{"-l","-a"}...)) } script(nil) //gshCtx := script(nil) //gshelll(gshCtx,"time") } //
// - inter gsh communication, possibly running in remote hosts -- to be remote shell // - merged histories of multiple parallel gsh sessions // - alias as a function or macro // - instant alias end environ export to the permanent > ~/.gsh/gsh-alias and gsh-environ // - retrieval PATH of files by its type // - gsh as an IME with completion using history and file names as dictionaies // - gsh a scheduler in precise time of within a millisecond // - all commands have its subucomand after "---" symbol // - filename expansion by "-find" command // - history of ext code and output of each commoand // - "script" output for each command by pty-tee or telnet-tee // - $BUILTIN command in PATH to show the priority // - "?" symbol in the command (not as in arguments) shows help request // - searching command with wild card like: which ssh-* // - longformat prompt after long idle time (should dismiss by BS) // - customizing by building plugin and dynamically linking it // - generating syntactic element like "if" by macro expansion (like CPP) >> alias // - "!" symbol should be used for negation, don't wast it just for job control // - don't put too long output to tty, record it into GSH_HOME/session-id/comand-id.log // - making canonical form of command at the start adding quatation or white spaces // - name(a,b,c) ... use "(" and ")" to show both delimiter and realm // - name? or name! might be useful // - htar format - packing directory contents into a single html file using data scheme // - filepath substitution shold be done by each command, expecially in case of builtins // - @N substition for the history of working directory, and @spec for more generic ones // - @dir prefix to do the command at there, that means like (chdir @dir; command) // - GSH_PATH for plugins // - standard command output: list of data with name, size, resouce usage, modified time // - generic sort key option -nm name, -sz size, -ru rusage, -ts start-time, -tm mod-time // -wc word-count, grep match line count, ... // - standard command execution result: a list of string, -tm, -ts, -ru, -sz, ... // - -tailf-filename like tail -f filename, repeat close and open before read // - max. size and max. duration and timeout of (generated) data transfer // - auto. numbering, aliasing, IME completion of file name (especially rm of quieer name) // - IME "?" at the top of the command line means searching history // - IME %d/0x10000/ %x/ffff/ // - IME ESC to go the edit mode like in vi, and use :command as :s/x/y/g to edit history // - gsh in WebAssembly // - gsh as a HTTP server of online-manual //---END--- (^-^)/ITS more
// var WorldDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly8gTXlJTUUvMC4wLjEg6L6e5pu4ICgyMDIwLTA4MTlhKQpzZWthaSDkuJbnlYwKa28g44GT"+ "Cm5uIOOCkwpuaSDjgasKY2hpIOOBoQp0aSDjgaEKaGEg44GvCnNlIOOBmwprYSDjgYsKaSDj"+ "gYQK"; // var WnnDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL2Rp"+ "Y3ZlcglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNXbm5ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "R1NoZWxsCUdTaGVsbArjgo/jgZ/jgZcJ56eBCndhdGFzaGkJ56eBCndhdGFzaQnnp4EK44Gq"+ "44G+44GICeWQjeWJjQpuYW1hZQnlkI3liY0K44Gq44GL44GuCeS4remHjgpuYWthbm8J5Lit"+ "6YeOCndhCeOCjwp0YQnjgZ8Kc2kJ44GXCnNoaQnjgZcKbm8J44GuCm5hCeOBqgptYQnjgb4K"+ "ZQnjgYgKaGEJ44GvCm5hCeOBqgprYQnjgYsKbm8J44GuCmRlCeOBpwpzdQnjgZkKZVxzCWVj"+ "aG8KZGljCWRpYwplY2hvCWVjaG8KcmVwbGF5CXJlcGxheQpyZXBlYXQJcmVwZWF0CmR0CWRh"+ "dGVccysnJVklbSVkLSVIOiVNOiVTJwp0aW9uCXRpb24KJXQJJXQJLy8gdG8gYmUgYW4gYWN0"+ "aW9uCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg==" // var SumomoDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTdW1vbW9ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "c3UJ44GZCm1vCeOCggpubwnjga4KdQnjgYYKY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnjgaEKdWNoaQnlhoUKdXRp"+ "CeWGhQpzdW1vbW8J44GZ44KC44KCCnN1bW9tb21vCeOBmeOCguOCguOCggptb21vCeahgwpt"+ "b21vbW8J5qGD44KCCiwsCeOAgQouLgnjgIIKPC90ZXh0YXJlYT4K" // var SijimiDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTaGlqaW1pXHMvL1xzMjAyMC0wODMw"+ "CnNpCeOBlwpzaGkJ44GXCmppCeOBmAptaQnjgb8KbmEJ44GqCmp1CeOBmOOChQp4eXUJ44KF"+ "CnUJ44GGCm5pCeOBqwprbwnjgZMKYnUJ44G2Cm5uCeOCkwpubwnjga4KY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnj"+ "gaEKa2EJ44GLCnJhCeOCiQosLAnjgIEKLi4J44CCCnhuYW5hCeS4gwp4anV1CeWNgQp4bmkJ"+ "5LqMCmtveAnlgIsKa29xCeWAiwprb3gJ5YCLCm5hbmFqdXVuaXgJNzIKbmFuYWp1dW5peHgJ"+ "77yX77ySCm5hbmFqdXVuaVgJ77yX77ySCuS4g+WNgeS6jHgJNzIKa29idW5uCeWAi+WIhgp0"+ "aWthcmFxCeOBoeOBi+OCiQp0aWthcmEJ5YqbCmNoaWthcmEJ5YqbCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg=" // var JA_JKLDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly92ZXJsCU15SU1FamRpY2ptb3JzZWpKQWpKS0woMjAyMGowODE5KSheLV4pL1NhdG94SVRT"+ "CmtqamprbGtqa2tsa2psIOS4lueVjApqamtqamwJ44GCCmtqbAnjgYQKa2tqbAnjgYYKamtq"+ "amwJ44GICmtqa2trbAnjgYoKa2pra2wJ44GLCmpramtrbAnjgY0Ka2tramwJ44GPCmpramps"+ "CeOBkQpqampqbAnjgZMKamtqa2psCeOBlQpqamtqa2wJ44GXCmpqamtqbAnjgZkKa2pqamts"+ "CeOBmwpqamprbAnjgZ0KamtsCeOBnwpra2prbAnjgaEKa2pqa2wJ44GkCmtqa2pqbAnjgaYK"+ "a2tqa2tsCeOBqApramtsCeOBqgpqa2prbAnjgasKa2tra2wJ44GsCmpqa2psCeOBrQpra2pq"+ "bAnjga4Kamtra2wJ44GvCmpqa2tqbAnjgbIKampra2wJ44G1CmtsCeOBuApqa2tsCeOBuwpq"+ "a2tqbAnjgb4Ka2tqa2psCeOBvwpqbAnjgoAKamtra2psCeOCgQpqa2tqa2wJ44KCCmtqamwJ"+ "44KECmpra2pqbAnjgoYKampsCeOCiApra2tsCeOCiQpqamtsCeOCigpqa2pqa2wJ44KLCmpq"+ "amwJ44KMCmtqa2psCeOCjQpqa2psCeOCjwpramtramwJ44KQCmtqamtrbAnjgpEKa2pqamwJ"+ "44KSCmtqa2prbAnjgpMKa2pqa2psCeODvApra2wJ44KbCmtramprbAnjgpwKa2pramtqbAnj"+ "gIEK"; // // /*
*/ /*
Raw Source
Whole file
CSS part
JavaScript part
Builtin data part
*/ /* (^_^)/{Hit j k l h} [ GShell Status Line ]
Y=219.8125, X=22.6875
GShell Log Area (screen=2560px, window=953px)
WebCrypto Reference:

Web Crypto - RSA-OAEP

Plain text:

Cipher text:

Decrypted text:



GShell 0.3.3 − HTMLインスペクタ








経理:でんこグラフによりますと、冷房を開始したのは 8/14夜のようです。


開発:ITS more、あくなき節電の闘いに倒れる、みたいな。












社長:そういうインフラになるのが目標だとすると、GShell という名前はイマイチなんですよね。





基盤:それも今なら Golang GShell HTTPサーバ と、HTML GShell JavaScriptで実現できますよね。


開発:でも、これを始めた時には、1994年3月に DeleGate を始めた時みたいな、確信はなかったですね。これは使えるっ、ていう。

社長:まあ、DeleGateの場合には、本当にすぐに使いたい機能でしたからね。喉から手が出るというか、Gopher のファイアウォール超えという。作った翌日には所内公開して、使われ始めた。


開発:DeleGateでHTTPを始めたのは開発開始から3週間後なんですよね。当時は、HTTPにはほとんどコンテンツがなくて。NCSA Mozaicのホームページを見て、おーすげーって思いましたっけ。

社長:はじめにHTTPから入ったら、DeleGateはああいう形にはならなかったでしょうね。Gopherのリクエストと応答を書き換えて無理やりプロキシするという。まあプロキシという一般名称もなかったから delegate なわけですが。













開発:「君よ永遠の嘘をついてくれ いつまでもたねあかしをしないでくれ」この普遍的なテーマだけ抽象的に歌ってればいいと思うんですけどね。具体事例の描写が中島みゆき的説明文臭いというか。












基盤:バカなやつだったよ お前は本当に〜♪

開発:おかしな連中集めて 自由な 自由なお城を作ろうと〜♪

社長:共通性を感じますね。ペンネーム Satoxy にしようかな。












社長:できる限り vi 互換が良いです。

開発:j k は行。h l w b は、ユーザの見た目にみえるテキストレベル、物理的なビューと一致させるのが良いと思います。一方「隣のエレメント」は n:next、p:previous が自然と思います。vi では n は / か ? の繰り返し、p はペーストということになりますが、これは互換にするのは難しいですね。

社長:いつも何かを検索していることにして、n で移動するとか。で、何を検索するかは履歴から選べるとか。同じレベルのノードを検索する、みたいな。

基盤:カギカッコタグ言語は対応する開閉タグの間を跳ぶのが面倒ですね。% で出来ると良いと思います。








開発:ぱっと見、JavaScript ではそういう機能は提供してないですね。DOMは自在に見えるけど、表示結果から逆にたどれない。今マウスカーソルはどの要素の内部HTMLの何文字目を挿しているかとか。Stackoverflowなんかでも真面目に議論されている。




基盤:とっかかり的には、h l コマンドが良いように思います。





基盤:あと、キー入力リプレイのために入れた syscall.Select の関係で、Linux では整数型不整合が起きて動かなくなってます。

開発:あれはなんか、そもそもSelectのビットマップの仕様が不明確なんです。調査しましょう。そもそも Poll が使えればよいのですが… あれ?Cgoで、ナマポールすればいいってことですかね?

社長:ナマポール… そういえば、あそこの店は今ハッピーアワーかも知れない…


開発:uint32 か uint64 かだけの違いなんで。そもそも、これを 0.2.5で作った時にドキュメントと仕様が違ってるじゃんて事でした。Linuxは Golang 上のドキュメントの通りです。

社長:いっそのこと、#ifdef linux とかしたいところですね。

開発:やはり Cgo で直接 poll を使うのが早道に思えてきました。せっかくの機会だからやってみます。・・・要はデータの型をごまかすだけというか・・・出来ました。







開発:CGo の練習になりました。



* * *


* * *


基盤:h l コマンドですね。



基盤:8/21 〜 9/22の試行ですね。「電話でかんたん注文サービス」。






社長:気分をもりあげるために H1 を打ちました (^-^)/ Go!




開発:となると、文字単位のカーソル的なもの…素朴に、一文字移動するたびに、文字列の中に挿入する<span id=cursor>|</span>みたいのの挿入位置をずらして行くみたいな。



社長:その方式のカーソルだと、textarea の中では動かせなそうですね。



開発:・・・ それはありですね。ですが、指している先との対応付けをどうやったものか…


基盤:とりあえずグリッドみたいなのをかぶせて j k h l で動かせると面白いですね。


開発:えーと、position で位置を決めて、z-index で重ねると… テストなのでカーソルはでっかく (>_<) とかで… とりあえずモックアップ出来ました。


社長:その z-indexの後の // は何ですか?


開発:それで、この top と left を JavaScript で書き換えれば良いはずです。これはバナーをスライドしているのと同じ式でイケるでしょう… … … いけないですね。なんでだろう。console.log… おっと、この属性は文字列なのか。"px" とか付けないといけない?








開発:昔 X Window でこのくらい簡単にGUIがいじれたら、ハマったでしょうね。

-- 2020-0906 SatoxITS

/* GShell-0.3.3 by SatoxITS
GShell version 0.3.3 // 2020-09-06 // SatoxITS

GShell // a General purpose Shell built on the top of Golang

It is a shell for myself, by myself, of myself. --SatoxITS(^-^)

0 | | Fork | Stop | Unfold | Cksum | */ /*

Fun to create a shell

For a programmer, it must be far easy and fun to create his own simple shell rightly fitting to his favor and necessities, than learning existing shells with complex full features that he never use. I, as one of programmers, am writing this tiny shell for my own real needs, totally from scratch, with fun.

For a programmer, it is fun to learn new computer languages. For long years before writing this software, I had been specialized to C and early HTML2 :-). Now writing this software, I'm learning Go language, HTML5, JavaScript and CSS on demand as a novice of these, with fun.

This single file "gsh.go", that is executable by Go, contains all of the code written in Go. Also it can be displayed as "gsh.go.html" by browsers. It is a standalone HTML file that works as the viewer of the code of itself, and as the "home page" of this software.

Because this HTML file is a Go program, you may run it as a real shell program on your computer. But you must be aware that this program is written under situation like above. Needless to say, there is no warranty for this program in any means.

Aug 2020, SatoxITS (
*/ /*

Vi compatible command line editor

The command line of GShell can be edited with commands compatible with vi. As in vi, you can enter command mode by ESC key, then move around in the history by j k / ? n N, or within the current line by l h f w b 0 $ % or so.

*/ /*
Documents Command summary Go lang part Package structures import struct Main functions str-expansion // macro processor finder // builtin find + du grep // builtin grep + wc + cksum + ... plugin // plugin commands system // external commands builtin // builtin commands network // socket handler remote-sh // remote shell redirect // StdIn/Out redireciton history // command history rusage // resouce usage encode // encode / decode IME // command line IME getline // line editor scanf // string decomposer interpreter // command interpreter main JavaScript part Source Builtin data CSS part Source References Internal External Whole parts Source Download Dump
*/ //
//Go Source
// gsh - Go lang based Shell // (c) 2020 ITS more Co., Ltd. // 2020-0807 created by SatoxITS ( package main // gsh main // Imported packages // Packages import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "strconv" // strconv "sort" // sort "time" // time "bufio" // bufio "io/ioutil" // ioutil "os" // os "syscall" // syscall "plugin" // plugin "net" // net "net/http" // http //"html" // html "path/filepath" // filepath "go/types" // types "go/token" // token "encoding/base64" // base64 "unicode/utf8" // utf8 //"gshdata" // gshell's logo and source code "hash/crc32" // crc32 ) // // 2020-0906 added, // // CGo // #include // typedef struct { struct pollfd fdv[8]; } pollFdv; // int pollx(pollFdv *fdv, int nfds, int timeout){ // return poll(fdv->fdv,nfds,timeout); // } import "C" // // 2020-0906 added, func CFpollIn1(fp*os.File, timeoutUs int)(ready uintptr){ var fdv = C.pollFdv{} var nfds = 1 var timeout = timeoutUs/1000 fdv.fdv[0].fd = fdv.fdv[0].events = C.POLLIN if( 0 < EventRecvFd ){ fdv.fdv[1].fd = fdv.fdv[1].events = C.POLLIN nfds += 1 } r := C.pollx(&fdv,, if( r <= 0 ){ return 0 } if (int(fdv.fdv[1].revents) & int(C.POLLIN)) != 0 { //fprintf(stderr,"--De-- got Event\n"); return uintptr(EventFdOffset + fdv.fdv[1].fd) } if (int(fdv.fdv[0].revents) & int(C.POLLIN)) != 0 { return uintptr(NormalFdOffset + fdv.fdv[0].fd) } return 0 } const ( NAME = "gsh" VERSION = "0.3.3" DATE = "2020-09-06" AUTHOR = "SatoxITS(^-^)/" ) var ( GSH_HOME = ".gsh" // under home directory GSH_PORT = 9999 MaxStreamSize = int64(128*1024*1024*1024) // 128GiB is too large? PROMPT = "> " LINESIZE = (8*1024) PATHSEP = ":" // should be ";" in Windows DIRSEP = "/" // canbe \ in Windows ) // -xX logging control // --A-- all // --I-- info. // --D-- debug // --T-- time and resource usage // --W-- warning // --E-- error // --F-- fatal error // --Xn- network // Structures type GCommandHistory struct { StartAt time.Time // command line execution started at EndAt time.Time // command line execution ended at ResCode int // exit code of (external command) CmdError error // error string OutData *os.File // output of the command FoundFile []string // output - result of ufind Rusagev [2]syscall.Rusage // Resource consumption, CPU time or so CmdId int // maybe with identified with arguments or impact // redireciton commands should not be the CmdId WorkDir string // working directory at start WorkDirX int // index in ChdirHistory CmdLine string // command line } type GChdirHistory struct { Dir string MovedAt time.Time CmdIndex int } type CmdMode struct { BackGround bool } type Event struct { when time.Time event int evarg int64 CmdIndex int } var CmdIndex int var Events []Event type PluginInfo struct { Spec *plugin.Plugin Addr plugin.Symbol Name string // maybe relative Path string // this is in Plugin but hidden } type GServer struct { host string port string } // Digest const ( // SumType SUM_ITEMS = 0x000001 // items count SUM_SIZE = 0x000002 // data length (simplly added) SUM_SIZEHASH = 0x000004 // data length (hashed sequence) SUM_DATEHASH = 0x000008 // date of data (hashed sequence) // also envelope attributes like time stamp can be a part of digest // hashed value of sizes or mod-date of files will be useful to detect changes SUM_WORDS = 0x000010 // word count is a kind of digest SUM_LINES = 0x000020 // line count is a kind of digest SUM_SUM64 = 0x000040 // simple add of bytes, useful for human too SUM_SUM32_BITS = 0x000100 // the number of true bits SUM_SUM32_2BYTE = 0x000200 // 16bits words SUM_SUM32_4BYTE = 0x000400 // 32bits words SUM_SUM32_8BYTE = 0x000800 // 64bits words SUM_SUM16_BSD = 0x001000 // UNIXsum -sum -bsd SUM_SUM16_SYSV = 0x002000 // UNIXsum -sum -sysv SUM_UNIXFILE = 0x004000 SUM_CRCIEEE = 0x008000 ) type CheckSum struct { Files int64 // the number of files (or data) Size int64 // content size Words int64 // word count Lines int64 // line count SumType int Sum64 uint64 Crc32Table crc32.Table Crc32Val uint32 Sum16 int Ctime time.Time Atime time.Time Mtime time.Time Start time.Time Done time.Time RusgAtStart [2]syscall.Rusage RusgAtEnd [2]syscall.Rusage } type ValueStack [][]string type GshContext struct { StartDir string // the current directory at the start GetLine string // gsh-getline command as a input line editor ChdirHistory []GChdirHistory // the 1st entry is wd at the start gshPA syscall.ProcAttr CommandHistory []GCommandHistory CmdCurrent GCommandHistory BackGround bool BackGroundJobs []int LastRusage syscall.Rusage GshHomeDir string TerminalId int CmdTrace bool // should be [map] CmdTime bool // should be [map] PluginFuncs []PluginInfo iValues []string iDelimiter string // field sepearater of print out iFormat string // default print format (of integer) iValStack ValueStack LastServer GServer RSERV string // [gsh://]host[:port] RWD string // remote (target, there) working directory lastCheckSum CheckSum } func nsleep(ns time.Duration){ time.Sleep(ns) } func usleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000) } func msleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000) } func sleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000000) } func strBegins(str, pat string)(bool){ if len(pat) <= len(str){ yes := str[0:len(pat)] == pat //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,yes) return yes } //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,false) return false } func isin(what string, list []string) bool { for _, v := range list { if v == what { return true } } return false } func isinX(what string,list[]string)(int){ for i,v := range list { if v == what { return i } } return -1 } func env(opts []string) { env := os.Environ() if isin("-s", opts){ sort.Slice(env, func(i,j int) bool { return env[i] < env[j] }) } for _, v := range env { fmt.Printf("%v\n",v) } } // - rewriting should be context dependent // - should postpone until the real point of evaluation // - should rewrite only known notation of symobl func scanInt(str string)(val int,leng int){ leng = -1 for i,ch := range str { if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { leng = i+1 }else{ break } } if 0 < leng { ival,_ := strconv.Atoi(str[0:leng]) return ival,leng }else{ return 0,0 } } func substHistory(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,i int,rstr string)(leng int,rst string){ if len(str[i+1:]) == 0 { return 0,rstr } hi := 0 histlen := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) if str[i+1] == '!' { hi = histlen - 1 leng = 1 }else{ hi,leng = scanInt(str[i+1:]) if leng == 0 { return 0,rstr } if hi < 0 { hi = histlen + hi } } if 0 <= hi && hi < histlen { var ext byte if 1 < len(str[i+leng:]) { ext = str[i+leng:][1] } //fmt.Printf("--D-- %v(%c)\n",str[i+leng:],str[i+leng]) if ext == 'f' { leng += 1 xlist := []string{} list := gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].FoundFile for _,v := range list { //list[i] = escapeWhiteSP(v) xlist = append(xlist,escapeWhiteSP(v)) } //rstr += strings.Join(list," ") rstr += strings.Join(xlist," ") }else if ext == '@' || ext == 'd' { // !N@ .. workdir at the start of the command leng += 1 rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].WorkDir }else{ rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].CmdLine } }else{ leng = 0 } return leng,rstr } func escapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ if len(str) == 0 { return "\\z" // empty, to be ignored } rstr := "" for _,ch := range str { switch ch { case '\\': rstr += "\\\\" case ' ': rstr += "\\s" case '\t': rstr += "\\t" case '\r': rstr += "\\r" case '\n': rstr += "\\n" default: rstr += string(ch) } } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ // strip original escapes rstr := "" for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { ch := str[i] if ch == '\\' { if i+1 < len(str) { switch str[i+1] { case 'z': continue; } } } rstr += string(ch) } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSPV(strv []string)([]string){ // strip original escapes ustrv := []string{} for _,v := range strv { ustrv = append(ustrv,unescapeWhiteSP(v)) } return ustrv } // str-expansion // - this should be a macro processor func strsubst(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,histonly bool) string { rbuff := []byte{} if false { //@@U Unicode should be cared as a character return str } //rstr := "" inEsc := 0 // escape characer mode for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { //fmt.Printf("--D--Subst %v:%v\n",i,str[i:]) ch := str[i] if inEsc == 0 { if ch == '!' { //leng,xrstr := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,rstr) leng,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") if 0 < leng { //_,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) i += leng //rstr = xrstr continue } } switch ch { case '\\': inEsc = '\\'; continue //case '%': inEsc = '%'; continue case '$': } } switch inEsc { case '\\': switch ch { case '\\': ch = '\\' case 's': ch = ' ' case 't': ch = '\t' case 'r': ch = '\r' case 'n': ch = '\n' case 'z': inEsc = 0; continue // empty, to be ignored } inEsc = 0 case '%': switch { case ch == '%': ch = '%' case ch == 'T': //rstr = rstr + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rs := time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) inEsc = 0 continue; default: // postpone the interpretation //rstr = rstr + "%" + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) inEsc = 0 continue; } inEsc = 0 } //rstr = rstr + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) } //fmt.Printf("--D--subst(%s)(%s)\n",str,string(rbuff)) return string(rbuff) //return rstr } func showFileInfo(path string, opts []string) { if isin("-l",opts) || isin("-ls",opts) { fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("---------- ((%v))",err) }else{ mod := fi.ModTime() date := mod.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("%v %8v %s ",fi.Mode(),fi.Size(),date) } } fmt.Printf("%s",path) if isin("-sp",opts) { fmt.Printf(" ") }else if ! isin("-n",opts) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func userHomeDir()(string,bool){ /* homedir,_ = os.UserHomeDir() // not implemented in older Golang */ homedir,found := os.LookupEnv("HOME") //fmt.Printf("--I-- HOME=%v(%v)\n",homedir,found) if !found { return "/tmp",found } return homedir,found } func toFullpath(path string) (fullpath string) { if path[0] == '/' { return path } pathv := strings.Split(path,DIRSEP) switch { case pathv[0] == ".": pathv[0], _ = os.Getwd() case pathv[0] == "..": // all ones should be interpreted cwd, _ := os.Getwd() ppathv := strings.Split(cwd,DIRSEP) pathv[0] = strings.Join(ppathv,DIRSEP) case pathv[0] == "~": pathv[0],_ = userHomeDir() default: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() pathv[0] = cwd + DIRSEP + pathv[0] } return strings.Join(pathv,DIRSEP) } func IsRegFile(path string)(bool){ fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() return fm.IsRegular(); } return false } // Encode / Decode // Encoder func (gshCtx *GshContext)Enc(argv[]string){ file := os.Stdin buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) li := 0 encoder := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdout) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } encoder.Write(buff[0:count]) } encoder.Close() } func (gshCtx *GshContext)Dec(argv[]string){ decoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdin) li := 0 buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := decoder.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } os.Stdout.Write(buff[0:count]) } } // lnsp [N] [-crlf][-C \\] func (gshCtx *GshContext)SplitLine(argv[]string){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,64*1024) ni := 0 toi := 0 for ni = 0; ; ni++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d (%v)\n",ni,toi,err) break } } off := 0 ilen := len(line) remlen := len(line) for oi := 0; 0 < remlen; oi++ { olen := remlen addnl := false if 72 < olen { olen = 72 addnl = true } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--D-- write %d [%d.%d] %d %d/%d/%d\n", toi,ni,oi,off,olen,remlen,ilen) toi += 1 os.Stdout.Write([]byte(line[0:olen])) if addnl { //os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\r\n")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\\")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } line = line[olen:] off += olen remlen -= olen } } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d\n",ni,toi) } // CRC32 crc32 // 1 0000 0100 1100 0001 0001 1101 1011 0111 var CRC32UNIX uint32 = uint32(0x04C11DB7) // Unix cksum var CRC32IEEE uint32 = uint32(0xEDB88320) func byteCRC32add(crc uint32,str[]byte,len uint64)(uint32){ var oi uint64 for oi = 0; oi < len; oi++ { var oct = str[oi] for bi := 0; bi < 8; bi++ { //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 %d %X (%d.%d)\n",crc,oct,oi,bi) ovf1 := (crc & 0x80000000) != 0 ovf2 := (oct & 0x80) != 0 ovf := (ovf1 && !ovf2) || (!ovf1 && ovf2) oct <<= 1 crc <<= 1 if ovf { crc ^= CRC32UNIX } } } //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 return %d %d\n",crc,len) return crc; } func byteCRC32end(crc uint32, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = byteCRC32add(crc,slen,uint64(li)) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func strCRC32(str string,len uint64)(crc uint32){ crc = byteCRC32add(0,[]byte(str),len) crc = byteCRC32end(crc,len) //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 %d %d\n",crc,len) return crc } func CRC32Finish(crc uint32, table *crc32.Table, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len & 0xFF) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = crc32.Update(crc,table,slen) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func (gsh*GshContext)xCksum(path string,argv[]string, sum*CheckSum)(int64){ if isin("-type/f",argv) && !IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } if isin("-type/d",argv) && IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- cksum %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- cksum %v %v\n",path,argv) } bi := 0 var buff = make([]byte,32*1024) var total int64 = 0 var initTime = time.Time{} if sum.Start == initTime { sum.Start = time.Now() } for bi = 0; ; bi++ { count,err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 || err != nil { break } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { s := sum.Sum64 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s += uint64(c) } sum.Sum64 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32add(sum.Crc32Val,buff,uint64(count)) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_CRCIEEE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = crc32.Update(sum.Crc32Val,&sum.Crc32Table,buff[0:count]) } // BSD checksum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { s := sum.Sum16 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s = (s >> 1) + ((s & 1) << 15) s += int(c) s &= 0xFFFF //fmt.Printf("BSDsum: %d[%d] %d\n",sum.Size+int64(i),i,s) } sum.Sum16 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { for bj := 0; bj < count; bj++ { sum.Sum16 += int(buff[bj]) } } total += int64(count) } sum.Done = time.Now() sum.Files += 1 sum.Size += total if !isin("-s",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v ",total) } return 0 } // grep // "lines", "lin" or "lnp" for "(text) line processor" or "scanner" // a*,!ab,c, ... sequentioal combination of patterns // what "LINE" is should be definable // generic line-by-line processing // grep [-v] // cat -n -v // uniq [-c] // tail -f // sed s/x/y/ or awk // grep with line count like wc // rewrite contents if specified func (gsh*GshContext)xGrep(path string,rexpv[]string)(int){ file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- grep %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- grep %v %v\n",path,rexpv) } //reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,LINESIZE) reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,80) li := 0 found := 0 for li = 0; ; li++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { break } if 150 < len(line) { // maybe binary break; } if err != nil { break } if 0 <= strings.Index(string(line),rexpv[0]) { found += 1 fmt.Printf("%s:%d: %s",path,li,line) } } //fmt.Printf("total %d lines %s\n",li,path) //if( 0 < found ){ fmt.Printf("((found %d lines %s))\n",found,path); } return found } // Finder // finding files with it name and contents // file names are ORed // show the content with %x fmt list // ls -R // tar command by adding output type fileSum struct { Err int64 // access error or so Size int64 // content size DupSize int64 // content size from hard links Blocks int64 // number of blocks (of 512 bytes) DupBlocks int64 // Blocks pointed from hard links HLinks int64 // hard links Words int64 Lines int64 Files int64 Dirs int64 // the num. of directories SymLink int64 Flats int64 // the num. of flat files MaxDepth int64 MaxNamlen int64 // max. name length nextRepo time.Time } func showFusage(dir string,fusage *fileSum){ bsume := float64(((fusage.Blocks-fusage.DupBlocks)/2)*1024)/1000000.0 //bsumdup := float64((fusage.Blocks/2)*1024)/1000000.0 fmt.Printf("%v: %v files (%vd %vs %vh) %.6f MB (%.2f MBK)\n", dir, fusage.Files, fusage.Dirs, fusage.SymLink, fusage.HLinks, float64(fusage.Size)/1000000.0,bsume); } const ( S_IFMT = 0170000 S_IFCHR = 0020000 S_IFDIR = 0040000 S_IFREG = 0100000 S_IFLNK = 0120000 S_IFSOCK = 0140000 ) func cumFinfo(fsum *fileSum, path string, staterr error, fstat syscall.Stat_t, argv[]string,verb bool)(*fileSum){ now := time.Now() if time.Second <= now.Sub(fsum.nextRepo) { if !fsum.nextRepo.IsZero(){ tstmp := now.Format(time.Stamp) showFusage(tstmp,fsum) } fsum.nextRepo = now.Add(time.Second) } if staterr != nil { fsum.Err += 1 return fsum } fsum.Files += 1 if 1 < fstat.Nlink { // must count only once... // at least ignore ones in the same directory //if finfo.Mode().IsRegular() { if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG { fsum.HLinks += 1 fsum.DupBlocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //fmt.Printf("---Dup HardLink %v %s\n",fstat.Nlink,path) } } //fsum.Size += finfo.Size() fsum.Size += fstat.Size fsum.Blocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //if verb { fmt.Printf("(%8dBlk) %s",fstat.Blocks/2,path) } if isin("-ls",argv){ //if verb { fmt.Printf("%4d %8d ",fstat.Blksize,fstat.Blocks) } // fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } //if finfo.IsDir() if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { fsum.Dirs += 1 } //if (finfo.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { //if verb { fmt.Printf("symlink(%v,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } //{ fmt.Printf("symlink(%o,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } fsum.SymLink += 1 } return fsum } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFindEntv(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string, dstat syscall.Stat_t, ei int, entv []string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) // sort entv /* if isin("-t",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].ModTime().Sub(filev[j].ModTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-u",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].AccTime().Sub(filev[j].AccTime()) }) } if isin("-U",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].CreatTime().Sub(filev[j].CreatTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-S",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return filev[j].Size() < filev[i].Size() }) } */ for _,filename := range entv { for _,npat := range npatv { match := true if npat == "*" { match = true }else{ match, _ = filepath.Match(npat,filename) } path := dir + DIRSEP + filename if !match { continue } var fstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(path,&fstat) if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } continue; } if isin("-du",argv) && (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { // should not show size of directory in "-du" mode ... }else if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { if isin("-du",argv) { fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } showFileInfo(path,argv) } if true { // && isin("-du",argv) total = cumFinfo(total,path,staterr,fstat,argv,false) } /* if isin("-wc",argv) { } */ if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { gsh.xCksum(path,argv,&gsh.lastCheckSum); } x := isinX("-grep",argv); // -grep will be convenient like -ls if 0 <= x && x+1 <= len(argv) { // -grep will be convenient like -ls if IsRegFile(path){ found := gsh.xGrep(path,argv[x+1:]) if 0 < found { foundv := gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile if len(foundv) < 10 { gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = append(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile,path) } } } } if !isin("-r0",argv) { // -d 0 in du, -depth n in find //total.Depth += 1 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { continue } if dstat.Rdev != fstat.Rdev { fmt.Printf("--I-- don't follow differnet device %v(%v) %v(%v)\n", dir,dstat.Rdev,path,fstat.Rdev) } if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { total = gsh.xxFind(depth+1,total,path,npatv,argv) } } } } return total } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFind(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) dirfile,oerr := os.OpenFile(dir,os.O_RDONLY,0) if oerr == nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- %v(%v)[%d]\n",dir,dirfile,dirfile.Fd()) defer dirfile.Close() }else{ } prev := *total var dstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(dir,&dstat) // should be flstat if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } return total } //filev,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) //_,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) // ReadDir() heavy and bad for huge directory /* if err != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",err) } return total } */ if depth == 0 { total = cumFinfo(total,dir,staterr,dstat,argv,true) if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { showFileInfo(dir,argv) } } // it it is not a directory, just scan it and finish for ei := 0; ; ei++ { entv,rderr := dirfile.Readdirnames(8*1024) if len(entv) == 0 || rderr != nil { //if rderr != nil { fmt.Printf("[%d] len=%d (%v)\n",ei,len(entv),rderr) } break } if 0 < ei { fmt.Printf("--I-- xxFind[%d] %d large-dir: %s\n",ei,len(entv),dir) } total = gsh.xxFindEntv(depth,total,dir,dstat,ei,entv,npatv,argv) } if isin("-du",argv) { // if in "du" mode fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n",(total.Blocks-prev.Blocks)/2,dir) } return total } // {ufind|fu|ls} [Files] [// Names] [-- Expressions] // Files is "." by default // Names is "*" by default // Expressions is "-print" by default for "ufind", or -du for "fu" command func (gsh*GshContext)xFind(argv[]string){ if 0 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[0],"?"){ showFound(gsh,argv) return } if isin("-cksum",argv) || isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum = CheckSum{} if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-add",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-size",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SIZE }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-bsd",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_BSD }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-sysv",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_SYSV }else if isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 } if isin("-unix",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_UNIXFILE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32UNIX) } if isin("-ieee",argv){ gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_CRCIEEE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32IEEE) } gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtStart = Getrusagev() } var total = fileSum{} npats := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if 0 < len(v) && v[0] != '-' { npats = append(npats,v) } if v == "//" { break } if v == "--" { break } if v == "-grep" { break } if v == "-ls" { break } } if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } cwd := "." // if to be fullpath ::: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } fusage := gsh.xxFind(0,&total,cwd,npats,argv) if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { var sumi uint64 = 0 sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SIZE) != 0 { sumi = uint64(sum.Size) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { sumi = sum.Sum64 } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { s := uint32(sum.Sum16) r := (s & 0xFFFF) + ((s & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 16) s = (r & 0xFFFF) + (r >> 16) sum.Crc32Val = uint32(s) sumi = uint64(s) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = uint32(sum.Sum16) sumi = uint64(sum.Sum16) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size)) sumi = uint64(byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size))) } if 1 < sum.Files { fmt.Printf("%v %v // %v / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sumi,sum.Size, abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files, abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", sumi,sum.Size,npats[0]) } } if !isin("-grep",argv) { showFusage("total",fusage) } if !isin("-s",argv){ hits := len(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile) if 0 < hits { fmt.Printf("--I-- %d files hits // can be refered with !%df\n", hits,len(gsh.CommandHistory)) } } if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { if isin("-ru",argv) { sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum sum.Done = time.Now() gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtEnd = Getrusagev() elps := sum.Done.Sub(sum.Start) fmt.Printf("--cksum-size: %v (%v) / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sum.Size,abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files,abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) nanos := int64(elps) fmt.Printf("--cksum-time: %v/total, %v/file, %.1f files/s, %v\r\n", abbtime(nanos), abbtime(nanos/sum.Files), (float64(sum.Files)*1000000000.0)/float64(nanos), abbspeed(sum.Size,nanos)) diff := RusageSubv(sum.RusgAtEnd,sum.RusgAtStart) fmt.Printf("--cksum-rusg: %v\n",sRusagef("",argv,diff)) } } return } func showFiles(files[]string){ sp := "" for i,file := range files { if 0 < i { sp = " " } else { sp = "" } fmt.Printf(sp+"%s",escapeWhiteSP(file)) } } func showFound(gshCtx *GshContext, argv[]string){ for i,v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { if 0 < len(v.FoundFile) { fmt.Printf("!%d (%d) ",i,len(v.FoundFile)) if isin("-ls",argv){ fmt.Printf("\n") for _,file := range v.FoundFile { fmt.Printf("") //sub number? showFileInfo(file,argv) } }else{ showFiles(v.FoundFile) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } } func showMatchFile(filev []os.FileInfo, npat,dir string, argv[]string)(string,bool){ fname := "" found := false for _,v := range filev { match, _ := filepath.Match(npat,(v.Name())) if match { fname = v.Name() found = true //fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n",i,v.Name()) showIfExecutable(fname,dir,argv) } } return fname,found } func showIfExecutable(name,dir string,argv[]string)(ffullpath string,ffound bool){ var fullpath string if strBegins(name,DIRSEP){ fullpath = name }else{ fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name } fi, err := os.Stat(fullpath) if err != nil { fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name + ".go" fi, err = os.Stat(fullpath) } if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() if fm.IsRegular() { // R_OK=4, W_OK=2, X_OK=1, F_OK=0 if syscall.Access(fullpath,5) == nil { ffullpath = fullpath ffound = true if ! isin("-s", argv) { showFileInfo(fullpath,argv) } } } } return ffullpath, ffound } func which(list string, argv []string) (fullpathv []string, itis bool){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("Usage: which comand [-s] [-a] [-ls]\n") return []string{""}, false } path := argv[1] if strBegins(path,"/") { // should check if excecutable? _,exOK := showIfExecutable(path,"/",argv) fmt.Printf("--D-- %v exOK=%v\n",path,exOK) return []string{path},exOK } pathenv, efound := os.LookupEnv(list) if ! efound { fmt.Printf("--E-- which: no \"%s\" environment\n",list) return []string{""}, false } showall := isin("-a",argv) || 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") dirv := strings.Split(pathenv,PATHSEP) ffound := false ffullpath := path for _, dir := range dirv { if 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") { // by wild-card list,_ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) ffullpath, ffound = showMatchFile(list,path,dir,argv) }else{ ffullpath, ffound = showIfExecutable(path,dir,argv) } //if ffound && !isin("-a", argv) { if ffound && !showall { break; } } return []string{ffullpath}, ffound } func stripLeadingWSParg(argv[]string)([]string){ for ; 0 < len(argv); { if len(argv[0]) == 0 { argv = argv[1:] }else{ break } } return argv } func xEval(argv []string, nlend bool){ argv = stripLeadingWSParg(argv) if len(argv) == 0 { fmt.Printf("eval [%%format] [Go-expression]\n") return } pfmt := "%v" if argv[0][0] == '%' { pfmt = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if len(argv) == 0 { return } gocode := strings.Join(argv," "); //fmt.Printf("eval [%v] [%v]\n",pfmt,gocode) fset := token.NewFileSet() rval, _ := types.Eval(fset,nil,token.NoPos,gocode) fmt.Printf(pfmt,rval.Value) if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func getval(name string) (found bool, val int) { /* should expand the name here */ if name == "" { return true, os.Getpid() }else if name == "gsh.ppid" { return true, os.Getppid() } return false, 0 } func echo(argv []string, nlend bool){ for ai := 1; ai < len(argv); ai++ { if 1 < ai { fmt.Printf(" "); } arg := argv[ai] found, val := getval(arg) if found { fmt.Printf("%d",val) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",arg) } } if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n"); } } func resfile() string { return "gsh.tmp" } //var resF *File func resmap() { //_ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, os.ModeAppend) // _ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("refF could not open: %s\n",err) }else{ fmt.Printf("refF opened\n") } } // @@2020-0821 func gshScanArg(str string,strip int)(argv []string){ var si = 0 var sb = 0 var inBracket = 0 var arg1 = make([]byte,LINESIZE) var ax = 0 debug := false for ; si < len(str); si++ { if str[si] != ' ' { break } } sb = si for ; si < len(str); si++ { if sb <= si { if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- +%d %2d-%2d %s ... %s\n", inBracket,sb,si,arg1[0:ax],str[si:]) } } ch := str[si] if ch == '{' { inBracket += 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket <= strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d <= %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } if 0 < inBracket { if ch == '}' { inBracket -= 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket < strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d < %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 continue } if str[si] == ' ' { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,str[sb:si],string(str[si:])) } sb = si+1 ax = 0 continue } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 } if sb < si { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,string(arg1[0:ax]),string(str[si:])) } } if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- %d [%s] => [%d]%v\n",strip,str,len(argv),argv) } return argv } // should get stderr (into tmpfile ?) and return func (gsh*GshContext)Popen(name,mode string)(pin*os.File,pout*os.File,err bool){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) xarg := gshScanArg(name,1) name = strings.Join(xarg," ") pin = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[0]),"StdoutOf-{"+name+"}") pout = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[1]),"StdinOf-{"+name+"}") fdix := 0 dir := "?" if mode == "r" { dir = "<" fdix = 1 // read from the stdout of the process }else{ dir = ">" fdix = 0 // write to the stdin of the process } gshPA := gsh.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] var fd uintptr = 0 if mode == "r" { fd = pout.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pout.Fd() }else{ fd = pin.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pin.Fd() } // should do this by Goroutine? if false { fmt.Printf("--Ip- Opened fd[%v] %s %v\n",fd,dir,name) fmt.Printf("--RED1 [%d,%d,%d]->[%d,%d,%d]\n", os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd(), pin.Fd(),pout.Fd(),pout.Fd()) } savi := os.Stdin savo := os.Stdout save := os.Stderr os.Stdin = pin os.Stdout = pout os.Stderr = pout gsh.BackGround = true gsh.gshelllh(name) gsh.BackGround = false os.Stdin = savi os.Stdout = savo os.Stderr = save gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return pin,pout,false } // External commands func (gsh*GshContext)excommand(exec bool, argv []string) (notf bool,exit bool) { if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- excommand[%v](%v)\n",exec,argv) } gshPA := gsh.gshPA fullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which",argv[0],"-s"}) if itis == false { return true,false } fullpath := fullpathv[0] argv = unescapeWhiteSPV(argv) if 0 < strings.Index(fullpath,".go") { nargv := argv // []string{} gofullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which","go","-s"}) if itis == false { fmt.Printf("--F-- Go not found\n") return false,true } gofullpath := gofullpathv[0] nargv = []string{ gofullpath, "run", fullpath } fmt.Printf("--I-- %s {%s %s %s}\n",gofullpath, nargv[0],nargv[1],nargv[2]) if exec { syscall.Exec(gofullpath,nargv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(gofullpath,nargv,&gshPA) if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),nargv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage) gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } }else{ if exec { syscall.Exec(fullpath,argv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(fullpath,argv,&gshPA) //fmt.Printf("[%d]\n",pid); // '&' to be background if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),argv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage); gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } } return false,false } // Builtin Commands func (gshCtx *GshContext) sleep(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Sleep 100ms, 100us, 100ns, ...\n") return } duration := argv[1]; d, err := time.ParseDuration(duration) if err != nil { d, err = time.ParseDuration(duration+"s") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("duration ? %s (%s)\n",duration,err) return } } //fmt.Printf("Sleep %v\n",duration) time.Sleep(d) if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)repeat(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { return } start0 := time.Now() for ri,_ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]); 0 < ri; ri-- { if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { //start := time.Now() gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start0); if( 1000000000 < elps ){ fmt.Printf("(repeat#%d %v)\n",ri,elps); } } } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)gen(argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: %s N\n",argv[0]) return } // should br repeated by "repeat" command count, _ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]) fd := gshPA.Files[1] // Stdout file := os.NewFile(fd,"internalStdOut") fmt.Printf("--I-- Gen. Count=%d to [%d]\n",count,file.Fd()) //buf := []byte{} outdata := "0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678\r" for gi := 0; gi < count; gi++ { file.WriteString(outdata) } //file.WriteString("\n") fmt.Printf("\n(%d B)\n",count*len(outdata)); //file.Close() } // Remote Execution // 2020-0820 func Elapsed(from time.Time)(string){ elps := time.Now().Sub(from) if 1000000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%5d.%02ds]",elps/1000000000,(elps%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dms]",elps/1000000,(elps%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dus]",elps/1000,(elps%1000)) } } func abbtime(nanos int64)(string){ if 1000000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%02ds",nanos/1000000000,(nanos%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dms",nanos/1000000,(nanos%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dus",nanos/1000,(nanos%1000)) } } func abssize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func absize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func abbspeed(totalB int64,ns int64)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGB/s",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMB/s",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKB/s",MBs*1000) } } func abspeed(totalB int64,ns time.Duration)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGBps",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMBps",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKBps",MBs*1000) } } func fileRelay(what string,in*os.File,out*os.File,size int64,bsiz int)(wcount int64){ Start := time.Now() buff := make([]byte,bsiz) var total int64 = 0 var rem int64 = size nio := 0 Prev := time.Now() var PrevSize int64 = 0 fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) START\n", what,absize(total),size,nio) for i:= 0; ; i++ { var len = bsiz if int(rem) < len { len = int(rem) } Now := time.Now() Elps := Now.Sub(Prev); if 1000000000 < Now.Sub(Prev) { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %s\n", what,absize(total),size,nio, abspeed((total-PrevSize),Elps)) Prev = Now; PrevSize = total } rlen := len if in != nil { // should watch the disconnection of out rcc,err := in.Read(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s read(%v,%v)<%v\n", what,rcc,err,in.Name()) break } rlen = rcc if string(buff[0:10]) == "((SoftEOF " { var ecc int64 = 0 fmt.Sscanf(string(buff),"((SoftEOF %v",&ecc) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s Recv ((SoftEOF %v))/%v\n", what,ecc,total) if ecc == total { break } } } wlen := rlen if out != nil { wcc,err := out.Write(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"-En-- X: %s write(%v,%v)>%v\n", what,wcc,err,out.Name()) break } wlen = wcc } if wlen < rlen { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s incomplete write (%v/%v)\n", what,wlen,rlen) break; } nio += 1 total += int64(rlen) rem -= int64(rlen) if rem <= 0 { break } } Done := time.Now() Elps := float64(Done.Sub(Start))/1000000000 //Seconds TotalMB := float64(total)/1000000 //MB MBps := TotalMB / Elps fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %v %.3fMB/s\n", what,total,size,nio,absize(total),MBps) return total } func tcpPush(clnt *os.File){ // shrink socket buffer and recover usleep(100); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecServer(argv[]string){ debug := true Start0 := time.Now() Start := Start0 // if local == ":" { local = "" } local := "" if 0 < len(argv) { if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } } if 0 < len(argv) { argv = argv[1:] } port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } reqbuf := make([]byte,LINESIZE) res := "" for { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() Start = time.Now() if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } clnt, _ := aconn.File() fd := clnt.Fd() ar := aconn.RemoteAddr() if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Accepted TCP at %s [%d] <- %v\n", local,fd,ar) } res = fmt.Sprintf("220 GShell/%s Server\r\n",VERSION) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%s",res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %s",res) } count, err := clnt.Read(reqbuf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- C: (%v %v) %v", count,err,string(reqbuf)) } req := string(reqbuf[:count]) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",string(req)) } reqv := strings.Split(string(req),"\r") cmdv := gshScanArg(reqv[0],0) //cmdv := strings.Split(reqv[0]," ") switch cmdv[0] { case "HELO": res = fmt.Sprintf("250 %v",req) case "GET": // download {remotefile|-zN} [localfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var in *os.File = nil var pseudoEOF = false if 1 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() in = xin dsize = MaxStreamSize pseudoEOF = true } }else{ xin,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- GET (%v)\n",err) }else{ defer xin.Close() in = xin fi,_ := xin.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() } } } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- GET %v:%v\n",dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 %v\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v",res) tcpPush(clnt); // should be separated as line in receiver fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) wcount := fileRelay("SendGET",in,clnt,dsize,bsize) if pseudoEOF { in.Close() // pipe from the command // show end of stream data (its size) by OOB? SoftEOF := fmt.Sprintf("((SoftEOF %v))",wcount) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Send %v\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF data apper at the top of recevied data fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v\r\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF alone in a packet (separate with 200 OK) // with client generated random? //fmt.Printf("--In- L: close %v (%v)\n",in.Fd(),in.Name()) } res = fmt.Sprintf("200 GET done\r\n") case "PUT": // upload {srcfile|-zN} [dstfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var out *os.File = nil if 1 < len(cmdv) { // localfile fmt.Sscanf(cmdv[1],"%d",&dsize) } if 2 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[2] if fname == "-" { // nul dev }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) //fmt.Printf("--In- S: open(%v) out(%v) err(%v)\n",fname,xout,err) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- PUT (%v)\n",err) }else{ out = xout } } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,w) %v (%v)\n", fname,local,err) } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: 200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fileRelay("RecvPUT",clnt,out,dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 PUT done\r\n") default: res = fmt.Sprintf("400 What? %v",req) } swcc,serr := clnt.Write([]byte(res)) if serr != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: (wc=%v er=%v) %v",swcc,serr,res) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) } aconn.Close(); clnt.Close(); } sconn.Close(); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecClient(argv[]string)(int,string){ debug := true Start := time.Now() if len(argv) == 1 { return -1,"EmptyARG" } argv = argv[1:] if argv[0] == "-serv" { gsh.RexecServer(argv[1:]) return 0,"Server" } remote := "" if argv[0][0] == '@' { remote = argv[0][1:] argv = argv[1:] } if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"AddressError" } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connecting to %s\n",remote) serv, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"CannotConnect" } if debug { al := serv.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connected to %v <- %v\n",remote,al) } req := "" res := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count,err := serv.Read(res) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: (%3d,%v) %v",count,err,string(res)) } if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res)) } if argv[0] == "GET" { savPA := gsh.gshPA var bsize int = 64*1024 req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) fmt.Fprintf(serv,req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if err != nil { }else{ var dsize int64 = 0 var out *os.File = nil var out_tobeclosed *os.File = nil var fname string = "" var rcode int = 0 var pid int = -1 fmt.Sscanf(string(res),"%d %d",&rcode,&dsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) if 3 <= len(argv) { fname = argv[2] if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout out_tobeclosed = xout pid = 0 // should be its pid } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Print("--En- %v\n",err) } out = xout //fmt.Printf("--In-- %d > %s\n",out.Fd(),fname) } } in,_ := serv.File() fileRelay("RecvGET",in,out,dsize,bsize) if 0 <= pid { gsh.gshPA = savPA // recovery of Fd(), and more? fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: close Pipe > %v\n",fname) out_tobeclosed.Close() //syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) //@@ } } }else if argv[0] == "PUT" { remote, _ := serv.File() var local *os.File = nil var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var ofile string = "-" //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex %v\n",argv) if 1 < len(argv) { fname := argv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() //in = xin local = xin fmt.Printf("--In- [%d] < Upload output of %v\n", local.Fd(),fname) ofile = "-from."+fname dsize = MaxStreamSize } }else{ xlocal,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- (%s)\n",err) local = nil }else{ local = xlocal fi,_ := local.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() defer local.Close() //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex in(%v / %v)\n",ofile,dsize) } ofile = fname fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,r)=%v %v (%v)\n", fname,dsize,local,err) } } if 2 < len(argv) && argv[2] != "" { ofile = argv[2] //fmt.Printf("(%d)%v B.ofile=%v\n",len(argv),argv,ofile) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--I-- Rex out(%v)\n",ofile) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) req = fmt.Sprintf("PUT %v %v \r\n",dsize,ofile) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) } fileRelay("SendPUT",local,remote,dsize,bsize) }else{ req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) //fmt.Printf("--In- sending RexRequest(%v)\n",len(req)) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- waiting RexResponse...\n") count,err = serv.Read(res) ress := "" if count == 0 { ress = "(nil)\r\n" }else{ ress = string(res[:count]) } if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: (%d,%v) %v",count,err,ress) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",ress) } serv.Close() //conn.Close() var stat string var rcode int fmt.Sscanf(ress,"%d %s",&rcode,&stat) //fmt.Printf("--D-- Client: %v (%v)",rcode,stat) return rcode,ress } // Remote Shell // gcp file [...] { [host]:[port:][dir] | dir } // -p | -no-p func (gsh*GshContext)FileCopy(argv[]string){ var host = "" var port = "" var upload = false var download = false var xargv = []string{"rex-gcp"} var srcv = []string{} var dstv = []string{} argv = argv[1:] for _,v := range argv { /* if v[0] == '-' { // might be a pseudo file (generated date) continue } */ obj := strings.Split(v,":") //fmt.Printf("%d %v %v\n",len(obj),v,obj) if 1 < len(obj) { host = obj[0] file := "" if 0 < len(host) { = host }else{ host = port = gsh.LastServer.port } if 2 < len(obj) { port = obj[1] if 0 < len(port) { gsh.LastServer.port = port }else{ port = gsh.LastServer.port } file = obj[2] }else{ file = obj[1] } if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,file) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,file) continue } /* idx := strings.Index(v,":") if 0 <= idx { remote = v[0:idx] if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,v[idx+1:]) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,v[idx+1:]) continue } */ if download { dstv = append(dstv,v) }else{ srcv = append(srcv,v) } } hostport := "@" + host + ":" + port if upload { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"PUT") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v // %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else if download { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"GET") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v // %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else{ } } // target func (gsh*GshContext)Trelpath(rloc string)(string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(rloc) twd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(cwd) tpath := twd + "/" + rloc return tpath } // join to rmote GShell - [user@]host[:port] or cd host:[port]:path func (gsh*GshContext)Rjoin(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- current server = %v\n",gsh.RSERV) return } serv := argv[1] servv := strings.Split(serv,":") if 1 <= len(servv) { if servv[0] == "lo" { servv[0] = "localhost" } } switch len(servv) { case 1: //if strings.Index(serv,":") < 0 { serv = servv[0] + ":" + fmt.Sprintf("%d",GSH_PORT) //} case 2: // host:port serv = strings.Join(servv,":") } xargv := []string{"rex-join","@"+serv,"HELO"} rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) gsh.RSERV = serv }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG, could not joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rexec(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- rexec command [ | {file || {command} ]\n",gsh.RSERV) return } /* nargv := gshScanArg(strings.Join(argv," "),0) fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) if nargv[1][0] != '{' { nargv[1] = "{" + nargv[1] + "}" fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) } argv = nargv */ nargv := []string{} nargv = append(nargv,"{"+strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")+"}") fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d %v\n",len(nargv),nargv) argv = nargv xargv := []string{"rex-exec","@"+gsh.RSERV,"GET"} xargv = append(xargv,argv...) xargv = append(xargv,"/dev/tty") rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rchdir(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { return } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(argv[1]) twd, _ := os.Getwd() gsh.RWD = twd fmt.Printf("--I-- JWD=%v\n",twd) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rpwd(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%v\n",gsh.RWD) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rls(argv[]string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) argv[0] = "-ls" gsh.xFind(argv) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rput(argv[]string){ var local string = "" var remote string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { local = argv[1] remote = local // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { remote = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jput from=%v to=%v\n",local,gsh.Trelpath(remote)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rget(argv[]string){ var remote string = "" var local string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { remote = argv[1] local = remote // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { local = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jget from=%v to=%v\n",gsh.Trelpath(remote),local) } // network // -s, -si, -so // bi-directional, source, sync (maybe socket) func (gshCtx*GshContext)sconnect(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -s [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } remote := argv[1] if remote == ":" { remote = "" } if inTCP { // TCP dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s, socket[%d]\n",remote,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() }else{ //dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",remote); dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } //conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp4",nil,dport) conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() ar := conn.RemoteAddr() //al := conn.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s [%s], socket[%d]\n", remote,ar.String(),fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() } } func (gshCtx*GshContext)saccept(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -ac [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } local := argv[1] if local == ":" { local = "" } if inTCP { // TCP port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Listen at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Accepting at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := aconn.File() fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Accepted TCP at %s [%d]\n",local,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[0] = savfd sconn.Close(); aconn.Close(); file.Close(); }else{ //port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",local); port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf("Listen UDP at %s...\n",local); //uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp4", port) uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := uconn.File() fd := file.Fd() ar := uconn.RemoteAddr() remote := "" if ar != nil { remote = ar.String() } if remote == "" { remote = "?" } // not yet received //fmt.Printf("Accepted at %s [%d] <- %s\n",local,fd,"") savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; savenv := gshPA.Env gshPA.Env = append(savenv, "REMOTE_HOST="+remote) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Env = savenv gshPA.Files[0] = savfd uconn.Close(); file.Close(); } } // empty line command func (gshCtx*GshContext)xPwd(argv[]string){ // execute context command, pwd + date // context notation, representation scheme, to be resumed at re-login cwd, _ := os.Getwd() switch { case isin("-a",argv): gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) case isin("-ls",argv): showFileInfo(cwd,argv) default: fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) case isin("-v",argv): // obsolete emtpy command t := time.Now() date := t.Format(time.UnixDate) exe, _ := os.Executable() host, _ := os.Hostname() fmt.Printf("{PWD=\"%s\"",cwd) fmt.Printf(" HOST=\"%s\"",host) fmt.Printf(" DATE=\"%s\"",date) fmt.Printf(" TIME=\"%s\"",t.String()) fmt.Printf(" PID=\"%d\"",os.Getpid()) fmt.Printf(" EXE=\"%s\"",exe) fmt.Printf("}\n") } } // History // these should be browsed and edited by HTTP browser // show the time of command with -t and direcotry with -ls // openfile-history, sort by -a -m -c // sort by elapsed time by -t -s // search by "more" like interface // edit history // sort history, and wc or uniq // CPU and other resource consumptions // limit showing range (by time or so) // export / import history func (gshCtx *GshContext)xHistory(argv []string){ atWorkDirX := -1 if 1 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[1],"@") { atWorkDirX,_ = strconv.Atoi(argv[1][1:]) } //fmt.Printf("--D-- showHistory(%v)\n",argv) for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { // exclude commands not to be listed by default // internal commands may be suppressed by default if v.CmdLine == "" && !isin("-a",argv) { continue; } if 0 <= atWorkDirX { if v.WorkDirX != atWorkDirX { continue } } if !isin("-n",argv){ // like "fc" fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",i) } if isin("-v",argv){ fmt.Println(v) // should be with it date }else{ if isin("-l",argv) || isin("-l0",argv) { elps := v.EndAt.Sub(v.StartAt); start := v.StartAt.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("@%d ",v.WorkDirX) fmt.Printf("[%v] %11v/t ",start,elps) } if isin("-l",argv) && !isin("-l0",argv){ fmt.Printf("%v",Rusagef("%t %u\t// %s",argv,v.Rusagev)) } if isin("-at",argv) { // isin("-ls",argv){ dhi := v.WorkDirX // workdir history index fmt.Printf("@%d %s\t",dhi,v.WorkDir) // show the FileInfo of the output command?? } fmt.Printf("%s",v.CmdLine) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } // !n - history index func searchHistory(gshCtx GshContext, gline string) (string, bool, bool){ if gline[0] == '!' { hix, err := strconv.Atoi(gline[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s : range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } if hix < 0 || len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) <= hix { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%d : out of range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } return gshCtx.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine, false, false } // search //for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { //} return gline, false, false } func (gsh*GshContext)cmdStringInHistory(hix int)(cmd string, ok bool){ if 0 <= hix && hix < len(gsh.CommandHistory) { return gsh.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine,true } return "",false } // temporary adding to PATH environment // cd name -lib for LD_LIBRARY_PATH // chdir with directory history (date + full-path) // -s for sort option (by visit date or so) func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory1(i int,v GChdirHistory, argv []string){ fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",v.CmdIndex) // the first command at this WorkDir fmt.Printf("@%d ",i) fmt.Printf("[%v] ",v.MovedAt.Format(time.Stamp)) showFileInfo(v.Dir,argv) } func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory(argv []string){ for i, v := range gsh.ChdirHistory { gsh.ShowChdirHistory1(i,v,argv) } } func skipOpts(argv[]string)(int){ for i,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-") { }else{ return i } } return -1 } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xChdir(argv []string){ cdhist := gshCtx.ChdirHistory if isin("?",argv ) || isin("-t",argv) || isin("-a",argv) { gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) return } pwd, _ := os.Getwd() dir := "" if len(argv) <= 1 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ i := skipOpts(argv[1:]) if i < 0 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ dir = argv[1+i] } } if strBegins(dir,"@") { if dir == "@0" { // obsolete dir = gshCtx.StartDir }else if dir == "@!" { index := len(cdhist) - 1 if 0 < index { index -= 1 } dir = cdhist[index].Dir }else{ index, err := strconv.Atoi(dir[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%v)\n",err) dir = "?" }else if len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory) <= index { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(history range error)\n") dir = "?" }else{ dir = cdhist[index].Dir } } } if dir != "?" { err := os.Chdir(dir) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%s)(%v)\n",argv[1],err) }else{ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if cwd != pwd { hist1 := GChdirHistory { } hist1.Dir = cwd hist1.MovedAt = time.Now() hist1.CmdIndex = len(gshCtx.CommandHistory)+1 gshCtx.ChdirHistory = append(cdhist,hist1) if !isin("-s",argv){ //cwd, _ := os.Getwd() //fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) ix := len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory)-1 gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory1(ix,hist1,argv) } } } } if isin("-ls",argv){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() showFileInfo(cwd,argv); } } func TimeValSub(tv1 *syscall.Timeval, tv2 *syscall.Timeval){ *tv1 = syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() - tv2.Nano()) } func RusageSubv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Utime,&ru2[0].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Stime,&ru2[0].Stime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Utime,&ru2[1].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Stime,&ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } func TimeValAdd(tv1 syscall.Timeval, tv2 syscall.Timeval)(syscall.Timeval){ tvs := syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() + tv2.Nano()) return tvs } /* func RusageAddv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Utime,ru2[0].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Stime,ru2[0].Stime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Utime,ru2[1].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Stime,ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } */ // Resource Usage func sRusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ // ru[0] self , ru[1] children ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) uu := (ut.Sec*1000000 + int64(ut.Usec)) * 1000 su := (st.Sec*1000000 + int64(st.Usec)) * 1000 tu := uu + su ret := fmt.Sprintf("%v/sum",abbtime(tu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/usr",abbtime(uu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/sys",abbtime(su)) return ret } func Rusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/u ",ut.Sec,ut.Usec) //ru[1].Utime.Sec,ru[1].Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/s ",st.Sec,st.Usec) //ru[1].Stime.Sec,ru[1].Stime.Usec) return "" } func Getrusagev()([2]syscall.Rusage){ var ruv = [2]syscall.Rusage{} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&ruv[0]) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&ruv[1]) return ruv } func showRusage(what string,argv []string, ru *syscall.Rusage){ fmt.Printf("%s: ",what); fmt.Printf("Usr=%d.%06ds",ru.Utime.Sec,ru.Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Sys=%d.%06ds",ru.Stime.Sec,ru.Stime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Rss=%vB",ru.Maxrss) if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" MinFlt=%v",ru.Minflt) fmt.Printf(" MajFlt=%v",ru.Majflt) fmt.Printf(" IxRSS=%vB",ru.Ixrss) fmt.Printf(" IdRSS=%vB",ru.Idrss) fmt.Printf(" Nswap=%vB",ru.Nswap) fmt.Printf(" Read=%v",ru.Inblock) fmt.Printf(" Write=%v",ru.Oublock) } fmt.Printf(" Snd=%v",ru.Msgsnd) fmt.Printf(" Rcv=%v",ru.Msgrcv) //if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" Sig=%v",ru.Nsignals) //} fmt.Printf("\n"); } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xTime(argv[]string)(bool){ if 2 <= len(argv){ gshCtx.LastRusage = syscall.Rusage{} rusagev1 := Getrusagev() fin := gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() showRusage(argv[1],argv,&gshCtx.LastRusage) rusagev := RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) showRusage("self",argv,&rusagev[0]) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusagev[1]) return fin }else{ rusage:= syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&rusage) showRusage("self",argv, &rusage) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&rusage) showRusage("chld",argv, &rusage) return false } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xJobs(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%d Jobs\n",len(gshCtx.BackGroundJobs)) for ji, pid := range gshCtx.BackGroundJobs { //wstat := syscall.WaitStatus {0} rusage := syscall.Rusage {} //wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,&wstat,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- %%%d [%d] (%v)\n",ji,pid,err) }else{ fmt.Printf("%%%d[%d](%d)\n",ji,pid,wpid) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusage) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)inBackground(argv[]string)(bool){ if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- inBackground(%v)\n",argv) } gsh.BackGround = true // set background option xfin := false xfin = gsh.gshellv(argv) gsh.BackGround = false return xfin } // -o file without command means just opening it and refer by #N // should be listed by "files" comnmand func (gshCtx*GshContext)xOpen(argv[]string){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} err := syscall.Pipe(pv) fmt.Printf("--I-- pipe()=[#%d,#%d](%v)\n",pv[0],pv[1],err) } func (gshCtx*GshContext)fromPipe(argv[]string){ } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xClose(argv[]string){ } // redirect func (gshCtx*GshContext)redirect(argv[]string)(bool){ if len(argv) < 2 { return false } cmd := argv[0] fname := argv[1] var file *os.File = nil fdix := 0 mode := os.O_RDONLY switch { case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<": fdix = 0 mode = os.O_RDONLY case cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE case cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND } if fname[0] == '#' { fd, err := strconv.Atoi(fname[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%v)\n",err) return false } file = os.NewFile(uintptr(fd),"MaybePipe") }else{ xfile, err := os.OpenFile(argv[1], mode, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s)\n",err) return false } file = xfile } gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] gshPA.Files[fdix] = file.Fd() fmt.Printf("--I-- Opened [%d] %s\n",file.Fd(),argv[1]) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return false } //fmt.Fprintf(res, "GShell Status: %q", html.EscapeString(req.URL.Path)) func httpHandler(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){ path := req.URL.Path fmt.Printf("--I-- Got HTTP Request(%s)\n",path) { gshCtxBuf, _ := setupGshContext() gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf fmt.Printf("--I-- %s\n",path[1:]) gshCtx.tgshelll(path[1:]) } fmt.Fprintf(res, "Hello(^-^)/\n%s\n",path) } func (gshCtx *GshContext) httpServer(argv []string){ http.HandleFunc("/", httpHandler) accport := "localhost:9999" fmt.Printf("--I-- HTTP Server Start at [%s]\n",accport) http.ListenAndServe(accport,nil) } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xGo(argv[]string){ go gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]); } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPs(argv[]string)(){ } // Plugin // plugin [-ls [names]] to list plugins // Reference: plugin source code func (gshCtx *GshContext) whichPlugin(name string,argv[]string)(pi *PluginInfo){ pi = nil for _,p := range gshCtx.PluginFuncs { if p.Name == name && pi == nil { pi = &p } if !isin("-s",argv){ //fmt.Printf("%v %v ",i,p) if isin("-ls",argv){ showFileInfo(p.Path,argv) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s\n",p.Name) } } } return pi } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPlugin(argv[]string) (error) { if len(argv) == 0 || argv[0] == "-ls" { gshCtx.whichPlugin("",argv) return nil } name := argv[0] Pin := gshCtx.whichPlugin(name,[]string{"-s"}) if Pin != nil { os.Args = argv // should be recovered? Pin.Addr.(func())() return nil } sofile := toFullpath(argv[0] + ".so") // or find it by which($PATH) p, err := plugin.Open(sofile) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Open(%s)(%v)\n",sofile,err) return err } fname := "Main" f, err := p.Lookup(fname) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Lookup(%s)(%v)\n",fname,err) return err } pin := PluginInfo {p,f,name,sofile} gshCtx.PluginFuncs = append(gshCtx.PluginFuncs,pin) fmt.Printf("--I-- added (%d)\n",len(gshCtx.PluginFuncs)) //fmt.Printf("--I-- first call(%s:%s)%v\n",sofile,fname,argv) os.Args = argv f.(func())() return err } func (gshCtx*GshContext)Args(argv[]string){ for i,v := range os.Args { fmt.Printf("[%v] %v\n",i,v) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext) showVersion(argv[]string){ if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v/%v (%v)",NAME,VERSION,DATE); }else{ fmt.Printf("%v",VERSION); } if isin("-a",argv) { fmt.Printf(" %s",AUTHOR) } if !isin("-n",argv) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } // Scanf // string decomposer // scanf [format] [input] func scanv(sstr string)(strv[]string){ strv = strings.Split(sstr," ") return strv } func scanUntil(src,end string)(rstr string,leng int){ idx := strings.Index(src,end) if 0 <= idx { rstr = src[0:idx] return rstr,idx+len(end) } return src,0 } // -bn -- display base-name part only // can be in some %fmt, for sed rewriting func (gsh*GshContext)printVal(fmts string, vstr string, optv[]string){ //vint,err := strconv.Atoi(vstr) var ival int64 = 0 n := 0 err := error(nil) if strBegins(vstr,"_") { vx,_ := strconv.Atoi(vstr[1:]) if vx < len(gsh.iValues) { vstr = gsh.iValues[vx] }else{ } } // should use Eval() if strBegins(vstr,"0x") { n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr[2:],"%x",&ival) }else{ n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr,"%d",&ival) //fmt.Printf("--D-- n=%d err=(%v) {%s}=%v\n",n,err,vstr, ival) } if n == 1 && err == nil { //fmt.Printf("--D-- formatn(%v) ival(%v)\n",fmts,ival) fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,ival) }else{ if isin("-bn",optv){ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,filepath.Base(vstr)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,vstr) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)printfv(fmts,div string,argv[]string,optv[]string,list[]string){ //fmt.Printf("{%d}",len(list)) //curfmt := "v" outlen := 0 curfmt := gsh.iFormat if 0 < len(fmts) { for xi := 0; xi < len(fmts); xi++ { fch := fmts[xi] if fch == '%' { if xi+1 < len(fmts) { curfmt = string(fmts[xi+1]) gsh.iFormat = curfmt xi += 1 if xi+1 < len(fmts) && fmts[xi+1] == '(' { vals,leng := scanUntil(fmts[xi+2:],")") //fmt.Printf("--D-- show fmt(%v) val(%v) next(%v)\n",curfmt,vals,leng) gsh.printVal(curfmt,vals,optv) xi += 2+leng-1 outlen += 1 } continue } } if fch == '_' { hi,leng := scanInt(fmts[xi+1:]) if 0 < leng { if hi < len(gsh.iValues) { gsh.printVal(curfmt,gsh.iValues[hi],optv) outlen += 1 // should be the real length }else{ fmt.Printf("((out-range))") } xi += leng continue; } } fmt.Printf("%c",fch) outlen += 1 } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--D-- print {%s}\n") for i,v := range list { if 0 < i { fmt.Printf(div) } gsh.printVal(curfmt,v,optv) outlen += 1 } } if 0 < outlen { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func (gsh*GshContext)Scanv(argv[]string){ //fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanv(%v)\n",argv) if len(argv) == 1 { return } argv = argv[1:] fmts := "" if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { fmts = argv[0] gsh.iDelimiter = fmts argv = argv[1:] } input := strings.Join(argv," ") if fmts == "" { // simple decomposition v := scanv(input) gsh.iValues = v //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(v,",")) }else{ v := make([]string,8) n,err := fmt.Sscanf(input,fmts,&v[0],&v[1],&v[2],&v[3]) fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanf ->(%v) n=%d err=(%v)\n",v,n,err) gsh.iValues = v } } func (gsh*GshContext)Printv(argv[]string){ if false { //@@U fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")) return } //fmt.Printf("--D-- Printv(%v)\n",argv) //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(gsh.iValues,",")) div := gsh.iDelimiter fmts := "" argv = argv[1:] if 0 < len(argv) { if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { div = argv[0][2:] argv = argv[1:] } } optv := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-"){ optv = append(optv,v) argv = argv[1:] }else{ break; } } if 0 < len(argv) { fmts = strings.Join(argv," ") } gsh.printfv(fmts,div,argv,optv,gsh.iValues) } func (gsh*GshContext)Basename(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValues { gsh.iValues[i] = filepath.Base(v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Sortv(argv[]string){ sv := gsh.iValues sort.Slice(sv , func(i,j int) bool { return sv[i] < sv[j] }) } func (gsh*GshContext)Shiftv(argv[]string){ vi := len(gsh.iValues) if 0 < vi { if isin("-r",argv) { top := gsh.iValues[0] gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues[1:],top) }else{ gsh.iValues = gsh.iValues[1:] } } } func (gsh*GshContext)Enq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Deq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Push(argv[]string){ gsh.iValStack = append(gsh.iValStack,argv[1:]) fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",len(gsh.iValStack)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Dump(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValStack { fmt.Printf("%d %v\n",i,v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Pop(argv[]string){ depth := len(gsh.iValStack) if 0 < depth { v := gsh.iValStack[depth-1] if isin("-cat",argv){ gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues,v...) }else{ gsh.iValues = v } gsh.iValStack = gsh.iValStack[0:depth-1] fmt.Printf("depth=%d %s\n",len(gsh.iValStack),gsh.iValues) }else{ fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",depth) } } // Command Interpreter func (gshCtx*GshContext)gshellv(argv []string) (fin bool) { fin = false if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv((%d))\n",len(argv)) } if len(argv) <= 0 { return false } xargv := []string{} for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { xargv = append(xargv,strsubst(gshCtx,argv[ai],false)) } argv = xargv if false { for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { fmt.Printf("[%d] %s [%d]%T\n", ai,argv[ai],len(argv[ai]),argv[ai]) } } cmd := argv[0] if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv(%d)%v\n",len(argv),argv) } switch { // case cmd == "": gshCtx.xPwd([]string{}); // emtpy command case cmd == "-x": gshCtx.CmdTrace = ! gshCtx.CmdTrace case cmd == "-xt": gshCtx.CmdTime = ! gshCtx.CmdTime case cmd == "-ot": gshCtx.sconnect(true, argv) case cmd == "-ou": gshCtx.sconnect(false, argv) case cmd == "-it": gshCtx.saccept(true , argv) case cmd == "-iu": gshCtx.saccept(false, argv) case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<" || cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">" || cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>" || cmd == "-s" || cmd == "><": gshCtx.redirect(argv) case cmd == "|": gshCtx.fromPipe(argv) case cmd == "args": gshCtx.Args(argv) case cmd == "bg" || cmd == "-bg": rfin := gshCtx.inBackground(argv[1:]) return rfin case cmd == "-bn": gshCtx.Basename(argv) case cmd == "call": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(false,argv[1:]) case cmd == "cd" || cmd == "chdir": gshCtx.xChdir(argv); case cmd == "-cksum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sumtest": str := "" if 1 < len(argv) { str = argv[1] } crc := strCRC32(str,uint64(len(str))) fprintf(stderr,"%v %v\n",crc,len(str)) case cmd == "close": gshCtx.xClose(argv) case cmd == "gcp": gshCtx.FileCopy(argv) case cmd == "dec" || cmd == "decode": gshCtx.Dec(argv) case cmd == "#define": case cmd == "dic" || cmd == "d": xDic(argv) case cmd == "dump": gshCtx.Dump(argv) case cmd == "echo" || cmd == "e": echo(argv,true) case cmd == "enc" || cmd == "encode": gshCtx.Enc(argv) case cmd == "env": env(argv) case cmd == "eval": xEval(argv[1:],true) case cmd == "ev" || cmd == "events": dumpEvents(argv) case cmd == "exec": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(true,argv[1:]) // should not return here case cmd == "exit" || cmd == "quit": // write Result code EXIT to 3> return true case cmd == "fdls": // dump the attributes of fds (of other process) case cmd == "-find" || cmd == "fin" || cmd == "ufind" || cmd == "uf": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fu": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fork": // mainly for a server case cmd == "-gen": gshCtx.gen(argv) case cmd == "-go": gshCtx.xGo(argv) case cmd == "-grep": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "gdeq": gshCtx.Deq(argv) case cmd == "genq": gshCtx.Enq(argv) case cmd == "gpop": gshCtx.Pop(argv) case cmd == "gpush": gshCtx.Push(argv) case cmd == "history" || cmd == "hi": // hi should be alias gshCtx.xHistory(argv) case cmd == "jobs": gshCtx.xJobs(argv) case cmd == "lnsp" || cmd == "nlsp": gshCtx.SplitLine(argv) case cmd == "-ls": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "nop": // do nothing case cmd == "pipe": gshCtx.xOpen(argv) case cmd == "plug" || cmd == "plugin" || cmd == "pin": gshCtx.xPlugin(argv[1:]) case cmd == "print" || cmd == "-pr": // output internal slice // also sprintf should be gshCtx.Printv(argv) case cmd == "ps": gshCtx.xPs(argv) case cmd == "pstitle": // to be gsh.title case cmd == "rexecd" || cmd == "rexd": gshCtx.RexecServer(argv) case cmd == "rexec" || cmd == "rex": gshCtx.RexecClient(argv) case cmd == "repeat" || cmd == "rep": // repeat cond command gshCtx.repeat(argv) case cmd == "replay": gshCtx.xReplay(argv) case cmd == "scan": // scan input (or so in fscanf) to internal slice (like Files or map) gshCtx.Scanv(argv) case cmd == "set": // set name ... case cmd == "serv": gshCtx.httpServer(argv) case cmd == "shift": gshCtx.Shiftv(argv) case cmd == "sleep": gshCtx.sleep(argv) case cmd == "-sort": gshCtx.Sortv(argv) case cmd == "j" || cmd == "join": gshCtx.Rjoin(argv) case cmd == "a" || cmd == "alpa": gshCtx.Rexec(argv) case cmd == "jcd" || cmd == "jchdir": gshCtx.Rchdir(argv) case cmd == "jget": gshCtx.Rget(argv) case cmd == "jls": gshCtx.Rls(argv) case cmd == "jput": gshCtx.Rput(argv) case cmd == "jpwd": gshCtx.Rpwd(argv) case cmd == "time": fin = gshCtx.xTime(argv) case cmd == "ungets": if 1 < len(argv) { ungets(argv[1]+"\n") }else{ } case cmd == "pwd": gshCtx.xPwd(argv); case cmd == "ver" || cmd == "-ver" || cmd == "version": gshCtx.showVersion(argv) case cmd == "where": // data file or so? case cmd == "which": which("PATH",argv); default: if gshCtx.whichPlugin(cmd,[]string{"-s"}) != nil { gshCtx.xPlugin(argv) }else{ notfound,_ := gshCtx.excommand(false,argv) if notfound { fmt.Printf("--E-- command not found (%v)\n",cmd) } } } return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelll(gline string) (rfin bool) { argv := strings.Split(string(gline)," ") fin := gsh.gshellv(argv) return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)tgshelll(gline string)(xfin bool){ start := time.Now() fin := gsh.gshelll(gline) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start); if gsh.CmdTime { fmt.Printf("--T-- " + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) + "(%d.%09ds)\n", elps/1000000000,elps%1000000000) } return fin } func Ttyid() (int) { fi, err := os.Stdin.Stat() if err != nil { return 0; } //fmt.Printf("Stdin: %v Dev=%d\n", // fi.Mode(),fi.Mode()&os.ModeDevice) if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeDevice) != 0 { stat := syscall.Stat_t{}; err := syscall.Fstat(0,&stat) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: (%v)\n",err) }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: rdev=%d %d\n", // stat.Rdev&0xFF,stat.Rdev); //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: tty%d\n",stat.Rdev&0xFF); return int(stat.Rdev & 0xFF) } } return 0 } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyfile() string { //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) ttyfile := gshCtx.GshHomeDir + "/" + "gsh-tty" + fmt.Sprintf("%02d",gshCtx.TerminalId) //strconv.Itoa(gshCtx.TerminalId) //fmt.Printf("--I-- ttyfile=%s\n",ttyfile) return ttyfile } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyline()(*os.File){ file, err := os.OpenFile(gshCtx.ttyfile(),os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- cannot open %s (%s)\n",gshCtx.ttyfile(),err) return file; } return file } func (gshCtx *GshContext)getline(hix int, skipping bool, prevline string) (string) { if( skipping ){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) }else if true { return xgetline(hix,prevline,gshCtx) } /* else if( with_exgetline && gshCtx.GetLine != "" ){ //var xhix int64 = int64(hix); // cast newenv := os.Environ() newenv = append(newenv, "GSH_LINENO="+strconv.FormatInt(int64(hix),10) ) tty := gshCtx.ttyline() tty.WriteString(prevline) Pa := os.ProcAttr { "", // start dir newenv, //os.Environ(), []*os.File{os.Stdin,os.Stdout,os.Stderr,tty}, nil, } //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline=%s // %s\n",gsh_getlinev[0],gshCtx.GetLine) proc, err := os.StartProcess(gsh_getlinev[0],[]string{"getline","getline"},&Pa) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- getline process error (%v)\n",err) // for ; ; { } return "exit (getline program failed)" } //stat, err := proc.Wait() proc.Wait() buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count, err := tty.Read(buff) //_, err = tty.Read(buff) //fmt.Printf("--D-- getline (%d)\n",count) if err != nil { if ! (count == 0) { // && err.String() == "EOF" ) { fmt.Printf("--E-- getline error (%s)\n",err) } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline OK \"%s\"\n",buff) } tty.Close() gline := string(buff[0:count]) return gline }else */ { // if isatty { fmt.Printf("!%d",hix) fmt.Print(PROMPT) // } reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) } } //== begin ======================================================= getline /* * getline.c * 2020-0819 extracted from dog.c * getline.go * 2020-0822 ported to Go */ /* package main // getline main import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "os" // os "syscall" // syscall //"bytes" // os //"os/exec" // os ) */ // C language compatibility functions var errno = 0 var stdin *os.File = os.Stdin var stdout *os.File = os.Stdout var stderr *os.File = os.Stderr var EOF = -1 var NULL = 0 type FILE os.File type StrBuff []byte var NULL_FP *os.File = nil var NULLSP = 0 //var LINESIZE = 1024 func system(cmdstr string)(int){ PA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the starting directory os.Environ(), []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, } argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") pid,err := syscall.ForkExec(argv[0],argv,&PA) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- syscall(%v) err(%v)\n",cmdstr,err) } syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) /* argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- system(%v)\n",argv) //cmd := exec.Command(argv[0:]...) cmd := exec.Command(argv[0],argv[1],argv[2]) cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader("output of system") var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out var serr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr = &serr err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--E-- system(%v)err(%v)\n",argv,err) fmt.Printf("ERR:%s\n",serr.String()) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",out.String()) } */ return 0 } func atoi(str string)(ret int){ ret,err := fmt.Sscanf(str,"%d",ret) if err == nil { return ret }else{ // should set errno return 0 } } func getenv(name string)(string){ val,got := os.LookupEnv(name) if got { return val }else{ return "?" } } func strcpy(dst StrBuff, src string){ var i int srcb := []byte(src) for i = 0; i < len(src) && srcb[i] != 0; i++ { dst[i] = srcb[i] } dst[i] = 0 } func xstrcpy(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = src } func strcat(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = append(dst,src...) } func strdup(str StrBuff)(string){ return string(str[0:strlen(str)]) } func sstrlen(str string)(int){ return len(str) } func strlen(str StrBuff)(int){ var i int for i = 0; i < len(str) && str[i] != 0; i++ { } return i } func sizeof(data StrBuff)(int){ return len(data) } func isatty(fd int)(ret int){ return 1 } func fopen(file string,mode string)(fp*os.File){ if mode == "r" { fp,err := os.Open(file) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- fopen(%s,%s)=(%v)\n",file,mode,err) return NULL_FP; } return fp; }else{ fp,err := os.OpenFile(file,os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if( err != nil ){ return NULL_FP; } return fp; } } func fclose(fp*os.File){ fp.Close() } func fflush(fp *os.File)(int){ return 0 } func fgetc(fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func sfgets(str*string, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ buf := make(StrBuff,size) var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fgets(buf StrBuff, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fputc(ch int , fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte buf[0] = byte(ch) fp.Write(buf[0:1]) return 0 } func fputs(buf StrBuff, fp*os.File)(int){ fp.Write(buf) return 0 } func xfputss(str string, fp*os.File)(int){ return fputs([]byte(str),fp) } func sscanf(str StrBuff,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Sscanf(string(str[0:strlen(str)]),fmts,params...) return 0 } func fprintf(fp*os.File,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Fprintf(fp,fmts,params...) return 0 } // Command Line IME //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MyIME var MyIMEVER = "MyIME/0.0.2"; type RomKana struct { dic string // dictionaly ID pat string // input pattern out string // output pattern hit int64 // count of hit and used } var dicents = 0 var romkana [1024]RomKana var Romkan []RomKana func isinDic(str string)(int){ for i,v := range Romkan { if v.pat == str { return i } } return -1 } const ( DIC_COM_LOAD = "im" DIC_COM_DUMP = "s" DIC_COM_LIST = "ls" DIC_COM_ENA = "en" DIC_COM_DIS = "di" ) func helpDic(argv []string){ out := stderr cmd := "" if 0 < len(argv) { cmd = argv[0] } fprintf(out,"--- %v Usage\n",cmd) fprintf(out,"... Commands\n") fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] [dicURL ] -- Import dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LOAD) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [pattern] -- Search in dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DUMP) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- List dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LIST) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Disable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DIS) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Enable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_ENA) fprintf(out,"... Keys ... %v\n","ESC can be used for '\\'") fprintf(out,"... \\c -- Reverse the case of the last character\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\i -- Replace input with translated text\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\j -- On/Off translation mode\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\l -- Force Lower Case\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\u -- Force Upper Case (software CapsLock)\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\v -- Show translation actions\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\x -- Replace the last input character with it Hexa-Decimal\n",) } func xDic(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { helpDic(argv) return } argv = argv[1:] var debug = false var info = false var silent = false var dump = false var builtin = false cmd := argv[0] argv = argv[1:] opt := "" arg := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg1 := argv[0] if arg1[0] == '-' { switch arg1 { default: fmt.Printf("--Ed-- Unknown option(%v)\n",arg1) return case "-b": builtin = true case "-d": debug = true case "-s": silent = true case "-v": info = true } opt = arg1 argv = argv[1:] } } dicName := "" dicURL := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg = argv[0] dicName = arg argv = argv[1:] } if 0 < len(argv) { dicURL = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if false { fprintf(stderr,"--Dd-- com(%v) opt(%v) arg(%v)\n",cmd,opt,arg) } if cmd == DIC_COM_LOAD { //dicType := "" dicBody := "" if !builtin && dicName != "" && dicURL == "" { f,err := os.Open(dicName) if err == nil { dicURL = dicName }else{ f,err = os.Open(dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = dicName+".html" }else{ f,err = os.Open("gshdic-"+dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = "gshdic-"+dicName+".html" } } } if err == nil { var buf = make([]byte,128*1024) count,err := f.Read(buf) f.Close() if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- ReadDic(%v,%v)\n",count,err) } dicBody = string(buf[0:count]) } } if dicBody == "" { switch arg { default: dicName = "WorldDic" dicURL = WorldDic if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- default dictionary \"%v\"\n", dicName); } case "wnn": dicName = "WnnDic" dicURL = WnnDic case "sumomo": dicName = "SumomoDic" dicURL = SumomoDic case "sijimi": dicName = "SijimiDic" dicURL = SijimiDic case "jkl": dicName = "JKLJaDic" dicURL = JA_JKLDic } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v URL=%v\n\n",dicName,dicURL); } dicv := strings.Split(dicURL,",") if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v encoded data...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"Type: %v\n",dicv[0]) fprintf(stderr,"Body: %v\n",dicv[1]) fprintf(stderr,"\n") } body,_ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(dicv[1]) dicBody = string(body) } if info { fmt.Printf("--Id-- %v %v\n",dicName,dicURL) fmt.Printf("%s\n",dicBody) } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- dicName %v text...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"%v\n",string(dicBody)) } entv := strings.Split(dicBody,"\n"); if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan...\n",dicName); } var added int = 0 var dup int = 0 for i,v := range entv { var pat string var out string fmt.Sscanf(v,"%s %s",&pat,&out) if len(pat) <= 0 { }else{ if 0 <= isinDic(pat) { dup += 1 continue } romkana[dicents] = RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0} dicents += 1 added += 1 Romkan = append(Romkan,RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0}) if debug { fmt.Printf("[%3v]:[%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) } } } if !silent { url := dicURL if strBegins(url,"data:") { url = "builtin" } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan... %v added, %v dup. / %v total (%v)\n", dicName,added,dup,len(Romkan),url); } // should sort by pattern length for conclete match, for performance if debug { arg = "" // search pattern dump = true } } if cmd == DIC_COM_DUMP || dump { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v dump... %v entries:\n",dicName,len(Romkan)); var match = 0 for i := 0; i < len(Romkan); i++ { dic := Romkan[i].dic pat := Romkan[i].pat out := Romkan[i].out if arg == "" || 0 <= strings.Index(pat,arg)||0 <= strings.Index(out,arg) { fmt.Printf("\\\\%v\t%v [%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,dic,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) match += 1 } } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v matched %v / %v entries:\n",arg,match,len(Romkan)); } } func loadDefaultDic(dic int){ if( 0 < len(Romkan) ){ return } //fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") xDic([]string{"dic",DIC_COM_LOAD}); var info = false if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- Conguraturations!! WorldDic is now activated.\r\n") fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- enter \"dic\" command for help.\r\n") } } func readDic()(int){ /* var rk *os.File; var dic = "MyIME-dic.txt"; //rk = fopen("romkana.txt","r"); //rk = fopen("JK-JA-morse-dic.txt","r"); rk = fopen(dic,"r"); if( rk == NULL_FP ){ if( true ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- Could not load %s\n",MyIMEVER,dic); } return -1; } if( true ){ var di int; var line = make(StrBuff,1024); var pat string var out string for di = 0; di < 1024; di++ { if( fgets(line,sizeof(line),rk) == NULLSP ){ break; } fmt.Sscanf(string(line[0:strlen(line)]),"%s %s",&pat,&out); //sscanf(line,"%s %[^\r\n]",&pat,&out); romkana[di].pat = pat; romkana[di].out = out; //fprintf(stderr,"--Dd- %-10s %s\n",pat,out) } dicents += di if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- loaded romkana.txt [%d]\n",MyIMEVER,di); for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n",romkana[di].pat,romkana[di].out); } } } fclose(rk); //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" // dump the dic. and clean the command input */ return 0; } func matchlen(stri string, pati string)(int){ if strBegins(stri,pati) { return len(pati) }else{ return 0 } } func convs(src string)(string){ var si int; var sx = len(src); var di int; var mi int; var dstb []byte for si = 0; si < sx; { // search max. match from the position if strBegins(src[si:],"%x/") { // %x/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 //fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%d",&iv) fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%x",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%d/") { // %d/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%d",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%t") { now := time.Now() if true { date := now.Format(time.Stamp) dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(date)...) si = si+3 } continue } var maxlen int = 0; var len int; mi = -1; for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { len = matchlen(src[si:],romkana[di].pat); if( maxlen < len ){ maxlen = len; mi = di; } } if( 0 < maxlen ){ out := romkana[mi].out; dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(out)...); si += maxlen; }else{ dstb = append(dstb,src[si]) si += 1; } } return string(dstb) } func trans(src string)(int){ dst := convs(src); xfputss(dst,stderr); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------- LINEEDIT // "?" at the top of the line means searching history // should be compatilbe with Telnet const ( EV_MODE = 255 EV_IDLE = 254 EV_TIMEOUT = 253 GO_UP = 252 // k GO_DOWN = 251 // j GO_RIGHT = 250 // l GO_LEFT = 249 // h DEL_RIGHT = 248 // x GO_TOPL = 'A'-0x40 // 0 GO_ENDL = 'E'-0x40 // $ GO_TOPW = 239 // b GO_ENDW = 238 // e GO_NEXTW = 237 // w GO_FORWCH = 229 // f GO_PAIRCH = 228 // % GO_DEL = 219 // d HI_SRCH_FW = 209 // / HI_SRCH_BK = 208 // ? HI_SRCH_RFW = 207 // n HI_SRCH_RBK = 206 // N ) // should return number of octets ready to be read immediately //fprintf(stderr,"\n--Select(%v %v)\n",err,r.Bits[0]) var EventRecvFd = -1 // file descriptor var EventSendFd = -1 const EventFdOffset = 1000000 const NormalFdOffset = 100 func putEvent(event int, evarg int){ if true { if EventRecvFd < 0 { var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) EventRecvFd = pv[0] EventSendFd = pv[1] //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPipe created[%v,%v]\n",EventRecvFd,EventSendFd) } }else{ if EventRecvFd < 0 { // the document differs from this spec // sv,err := syscall.Socketpair(syscall.AF_UNIX,syscall.SOCK_STREAM,0) EventRecvFd = sv[0] EventSendFd = sv[1] if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- EventSock created[%v,%v](%v)\n", EventRecvFd,EventSendFd,err) } } } var buf = []byte{ byte(event)} n,err := syscall.Write(EventSendFd,buf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- putEvent[%v](%3v)(%v %v)\n",EventSendFd,event,n,err) } } func ungets(str string){ for _,ch := range str { putEvent(int(ch),0) } } func (gsh*GshContext)xReplay(argv[]string){ hix := 0 tempo := 1.0 xtempo := 1.0 repeat := 1 for _,a := range argv { // tempo if strBegins(a,"x") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%f",&xtempo) tempo = 1 / xtempo //fprintf(stderr,"--Dr-- tempo=[%v]%v\n",a[2:],tempo); }else if strBegins(a,"r") { // repeat fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%v",&repeat) }else if strBegins(a,"!") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%d",&hix) }else{ fmt.Sscanf(a,"%d",&hix) } } if hix == 0 || len(argv) <= 1 { hix = len(gsh.CommandHistory)-1 } fmt.Printf("--Ir-- Replay(!%v x%v r%v)\n",hix,xtempo,repeat) //dumpEvents(hix) //gsh.xScanReplay(hix,false,repeat,tempo,argv) go gsh.xScanReplay(hix,true,repeat,tempo,argv) } // syscall.Select // 2020-0827 GShell-0.2.3 /* func FpollIn1(fp *os.File,usec int)(uintptr){ nfd := 1 rdv := syscall.FdSet {} fd1 := fp.Fd() bank1 := fd1/32 mask1 := int32(1 << fd1) rdv.Bits[bank1] = mask1 fd2 := -1 bank2 := -1 var mask2 int32 = 0 if 0 <= EventRecvFd { fd2 = EventRecvFd nfd = fd2 + 1 bank2 = fd2/32 mask2 = int32(1 << fd2) rdv.Bits[bank2] |= mask2 //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPoll mask added [%d][%v][%v]\n",fd2,bank2,mask2) } tout := syscall.NsecToTimeval(int64(usec*1000)) //n,err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) // spec. mismatch err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--De-- select() err(%v)\n",err) } if err == nil { if 0 <= fd2 && (rdv.Bits[bank2] & mask2) != 0 { if false { fmt.Printf("--De-- got Event\n") } return uintptr(EventFdOffset + fd2) }else if (rdv.Bits[bank1] & mask1) != 0 { return uintptr(NormalFdOffset + fd1) }else{ return 1 } }else{ return 0 } } */ func fgetcTimeout1(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ READ1: //readyFd := FpollIn1(fp,usec) readyFd := CFpollIn1(fp,usec) if readyFd < 100 { return EV_TIMEOUT } var buf [1]byte if EventFdOffset <= readyFd { fd := int(readyFd-EventFdOffset) _,err := syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ if buf[0] == EV_MODE { recvEvent(fd) goto READ1 } return int(buf[0]) } } _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func visibleChar(ch int)(string){ switch { case '!' <= ch && ch <= '~': return string(ch) } switch ch { case ' ': return "\\s" case '\n': return "\\n" case '\r': return "\\r" case '\t': return "\\t" } switch ch { case 0x00: return "NUL" case 0x07: return "BEL" case 0x08: return "BS" case 0x0E: return "SO" case 0x0F: return "SI" case 0x1B: return "ESC" case 0x7F: return "DEL" } switch ch { case EV_IDLE: return fmt.Sprintf("IDLE") case EV_MODE: return fmt.Sprintf("MODE") } return fmt.Sprintf("%X",ch) } func recvEvent(fd int){ var buf = make([]byte,1) _,_ = syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( buf[0] != 0 ){ romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } } func (gsh*GshContext)xScanReplay(hix int,replay bool,repeat int,tempo float64,argv[]string){ var Start time.Time var events = []Event{} for _,e := range Events { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { events = append(events,e) } } elen := len(events) if 0 < elen { if events[elen-1].event == EV_IDLE { events = events[0:elen-1] } } for r := 0; r < repeat; r++ { for i,e := range events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 if Start.Second() == 0 { Start = time.Now() } diff := time.Now().Sub(Start) if replay { if e.event != EV_IDLE { putEvent(e.event,0) if e.event == EV_MODE { // event with arg putEvent(int(e.evarg),0) } } }else{ fmt.Printf("%7.3fms #%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n", float64(diff)/1000000.0, i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event), float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } if e.event == EV_IDLE { d := time.Duration(float64(time.Duration(e.evarg)) * tempo) //nsleep(time.Duration(e.evarg)) nsleep(d) } } } } func dumpEvents(arg[]string){ hix := 0 if 1 < len(arg) { fmt.Sscanf(arg[1],"%d",&hix) } for i,e := range Events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 //if e.event != EV_TIMEOUT { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { fmt.Printf("#%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n",i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event),float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } //} } } func fgetcTimeout(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ ch := fgetcTimeout1(fp,usec) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT { now := time.Now() if 0 < len(Events) { last := Events[len(Events)-1] dura := int64(now.Sub(last.when)) Events = append(Events,Event{last.when,EV_IDLE,dura,last.CmdIndex}) } Events = append(Events,Event{time.Now(),ch,0,CmdIndex}) } return ch } var TtyMaxCol = 72 // to be obtained by ioctl? var EscTimeout = (100*1000) var ( MODE_VicMode bool // vi compatible command mode MODE_ShowMode bool romkanmode bool // shown translation mode, the mode to be retained MODE_Recursive bool // recursive translation MODE_CapsLock bool // software CapsLock MODE_LowerLock bool // force lower-case character lock MODE_ViInsert int // visible insert mode, should be like "I" icon in X Window MODE_ViTrace bool // output newline before translation ) type IInput struct { lno int lastlno int pch []int // input queue prompt string line string right string inJmode bool pinJmode bool waitingMeta string // waiting meta character LastCmd string } func (iin*IInput)Getc(timeoutUs int)(int){ ch1 := EOF ch2 := EOF ch3 := EOF if( 0 < len(iin.pch) ){ // deQ ch1 = iin.pch[0] iin.pch = iin.pch[1:] }else{ ch1 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,timeoutUs); } if( ch1 == 033 ){ /// escape sequence ch2 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch2 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ }else{ ch3 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch3 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ }else{ switch( ch2 ){ default: iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch3) // enQ case '[': switch( ch3 ){ case 'A': ch1 = GO_UP; // ^ case 'B': ch1 = GO_DOWN; // v case 'C': ch1 = GO_RIGHT; // > case 'D': ch1 = GO_LEFT; // < case '3': ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch4 == '~' ){ //fprintf(stderr,"x[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } case '\\': //ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); //fprintf(stderr,"y[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); switch( ch3 ){ case '~': ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } } } } return ch1 } func (inn*IInput)clearline(){ var i int fprintf(stderr,"\r"); // should be ANSI ESC sequence for i = 0; i < TtyMaxCol; i++ { // to the max. position in this input action fputc(' ',os.Stderr); } fprintf(stderr,"\r"); } func (iin*IInput)Redraw(){ redraw(iin,iin.lno,iin.line,iin.right) } func redraw(iin *IInput,lno int,line string,right string){ inMeta := false showMode := "" showMeta := "" // visible Meta mode on the cursor position showLino := fmt.Sprintf("!%d! ",lno) InsertMark := "" // in visible insert mode if MODE_VicMode { }else if 0 < len(iin.right) { InsertMark = " " } if( 0 < len(iin.waitingMeta) ){ inMeta = true if iin.waitingMeta[0] != 033 { showMeta = iin.waitingMeta } } if( romkanmode ){ //romkanmark = " *"; }else{ //romkanmark = ""; } if MODE_ShowMode { romkan := "--" inmeta := "-" inveri := "" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "A" } if MODE_LowerLock { inmeta = "a" } if MODE_ViTrace { inveri = "v" } if MODE_VicMode { inveri = ":" } if romkanmode { romkan = "\343\201\202" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "R" }else{ inmeta = "r" } } if inMeta { inmeta = "\\" } showMode = "["+romkan+inmeta+inveri+"]"; } Pre := "\r" + showMode + showLino Output := "" Left := "" Right := "" if romkanmode { Left = convs(line) Right = InsertMark+convs(right) }else{ Left = line Right = InsertMark+right } Output = Pre+Left if MODE_ViTrace { Output += iin.LastCmd } Output += showMeta+Right for len(Output) < TtyMaxCol { // to the max. position that may be dirty Output += " " // should be ANSI ESC sequence // not necessary just after newline } Output += Pre+Left+showMeta // to set the cursor to the current input position fprintf(stderr,"%s",Output) if MODE_ViTrace { if 0 < len(iin.LastCmd) { iin.LastCmd = "" fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") } } } // utf8 func delHeadChar(str string)(rline string,head string){ _,clen := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)) head = string(str[0:clen]) return str[clen:],head } func delTailChar(str string)(rline string, last string){ var i = 0 var clen = 0 for { _,siz := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)[i:]) if siz <= 0 { break } clen = siz i += siz } last = str[len(str)-clen:] return str[0:len(str)-clen],last } // 3> for output and history // 4> for keylog? // Command Line Editor func xgetline(lno int, prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var iin IInput iin.lastlno = lno iin.lno = lno CmdIndex = len(gsh.CommandHistory) if( isatty(0) == 0 ){ if( sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin) == NULL ){ iin.line = "exit\n"; }else{ } return iin.line } if( true ){ //var pts string; //pts = ptsname(0); //pts = ttyname(0); //fprintf(stderr,"--pts[0] = %s\n",pts?pts:"?"); } if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"! "); fflush(stderr); sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin); return iin.line } system("/bin/stty -echo -icanon"); xline := iin.xgetline1(prevline,gsh) system("/bin/stty echo sane"); return xline } func (iin*IInput)Translate(cmdch int){ romkanmode = !romkanmode; if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); }else if( cmdch == 'J' ){ fprintf(stderr,"J\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); iin.Redraw(); } func (iin*IInput)Replace(cmdch int){ iin.LastCmd = fmt.Sprintf("\\%v",string(cmdch)) iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" if( cmdch == 'I' ){ fprintf(stderr,"I\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); } // aa 12 a1a1 func isAlpha(ch rune)(bool){ if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { return true } return false } func isAlnum(ch rune)(bool){ if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { return true } if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { return true } return false } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created // DecodeRuneInString func (iin*IInput)GotoTOPW(){ str := iin.line i := len(str) if i <= 0 { return } //i0 := i i -= 1 lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var found = -1 for 0 < i { // skip preamble spaces lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched i -= lastSize continue } break } for 0 < i { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { continue } // not the character top if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched found = i break } i -= lastSize } if found < 0 && i == 0 { found = 0 } if 0 <= found { if isAlnum(lastRune) { // or non-kana character }else{ // when positioning to the top o the word i += lastSize } iin.right = str[i:] + iin.right if 0 < i { iin.line = str[0:i] }else{ iin.line = "" } } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d,%d,%d)[%s][%s]\n",i0,i,found,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created func (iin*IInput)GotoENDW(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var lastW = 0 i := 0 inWord := false lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[0:]) if isAlnum(lastRune) { r,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[lastSize:]) if 0 < z && isAlnum(r) { inWord = true } } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } lastW = i // the last alnum if in alnum word i += lastSize } if inWord { goto DISP } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } i += lastSize } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } lastW = i i += lastSize } DISP: if 0 < lastW { iin.line = iin.line + str[0:lastW] iin.right = str[lastW:] } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d)[%s][%s]\n",i,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created func (iin*IInput)GotoNEXTW(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var found = -1 i := 1 for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched found = i break } i += lastSize } if 0 < found { if isAlnum(lastRune) { // or non-kana character }else{ // when positioning to the top o the word found += lastSize } iin.line = iin.line + str[0:found] if 0 < found { iin.right = str[found:] }else{ iin.right = "" } } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d)[%s][%s]\n",i,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)GotoPAIRCH(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastRune,lastSize := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[0:]) if lastSize <= 0 { return } forw := false back := false pair := "" switch string(lastRune){ case "{": pair = "}"; forw = true case "}": pair = "{"; back = true case "(": pair = ")"; forw = true case ")": pair = "("; back = true case "[": pair = "]"; forw = true case "]": pair = "["; back = true case "<": pair = ">"; forw = true case ">": pair = "<"; back = true case "\"": pair = "\""; // context depednet, can be f" or back-double quote case "'": pair = "'"; // context depednet, can be f' or back-quote // case Japanese Kakkos } if forw { iin.SearchForward(pair) } if back { iin.SearchBackward(pair) } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)SearchForward(pat string)(bool){ right := iin.right found := -1 i := 0 if strBegins(right,pat) { _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(right[i:]) if 0 < z { i += z } } for i < len(right) { if strBegins(right[i:],pat) { found = i break } _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(right[i:]) if z <= 0 { break } i += z } if 0 <= found { iin.line = iin.line + right[0:found] iin.right = iin.right[found:] return true }else{ return false } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)SearchBackward(pat string)(bool){ line := iin.line found := -1 i := len(line)-1 for i = i; 0 <= i; i-- { _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(line[i:]) if z <= 0 { continue } //fprintf(stderr,"-- %v %v\n",pat,line[i:]) if strBegins(line[i:],pat) { found = i break } } //fprintf(stderr,"--%d\n",found) if 0 <= found { iin.right = line[found:] + iin.right iin.line = line[0:found] return true }else{ return false } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created // search from top, end, or current position func (gsh*GshContext)SearchHistory(pat string, forw bool)(bool,string){ if forw { for _,v := range gsh.CommandHistory { if 0 <= strings.Index(v.CmdLine,pat) { //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- found !%v [%v]%v\n",i,pat,v.CmdLine) return true,v.CmdLine } } }else{ hlen := len(gsh.CommandHistory) for i := hlen-1; 0 < i ; i-- { v := gsh.CommandHistory[i] if 0 <= strings.Index(v.CmdLine,pat) { //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- found !%v [%v]%v\n",i,pat,v.CmdLine) return true,v.CmdLine } } } //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- not-found(%v)\n",pat) return false,"(Not Found in History)" } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)GotoFORWSTR(pat string,gsh*GshContext){ found := false if 0 < len(iin.right) { found = iin.SearchForward(pat) } if !found { found,line := gsh.SearchHistory(pat,true) if found { iin.line = line iin.right = "" } } } func (iin*IInput)GotoBACKSTR(pat string, gsh*GshContext){ found := false if 0 < len(iin.line) { found = iin.SearchBackward(pat) } if !found { found,line := gsh.SearchHistory(pat,false) if found { iin.line = line iin.right = "" } } } func (iin*IInput)getstring1(prompt string)(string){ // should be editable iin.clearline(); fprintf(stderr,"\r%v",prompt) str := "" for { ch := iin.Getc(10*1000*1000) if ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' { break } sch := string(ch) str += sch fprintf(stderr,"%s",sch) } return str } // search pattern must be an array and selectable with ^N/^P var SearchPat = "" var SearchForw = true func (iin*IInput)xgetline1(prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var ch int; MODE_ShowMode = false MODE_VicMode = false iin.Redraw(); first := true for cix := 0; ; cix++ { iin.pinJmode = iin.inJmode iin.inJmode = false ch = iin.Getc(1000*1000) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT && first { first = false mode := 0 if romkanmode { mode = 1 } now := time.Now() Events = append(Events,Event{now,EV_MODE,int64(mode),CmdIndex}) } if ch == 033 { MODE_ShowMode = true MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode iin.Redraw(); continue } if MODE_VicMode { switch ch { case '0': ch = GO_TOPL case '$': ch = GO_ENDL case 'b': ch = GO_TOPW case 'e': ch = GO_ENDW case 'w': ch = GO_NEXTW case '%': ch = GO_PAIRCH case 'j': ch = GO_DOWN case 'k': ch = GO_UP case 'h': ch = GO_LEFT case 'l': ch = GO_RIGHT case 'x': ch = DEL_RIGHT case 'a': MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode ch = GO_RIGHT case 'i': MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode iin.Redraw(); continue case '~': right,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) if len([]byte(head)) == 1 { ch = int(head[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.right = string(ch) + right } iin.Redraw(); continue case 'f': // GO_FORWCH iin.Redraw(); ch = iin.Getc(3*1000*1000) if ch == EV_TIMEOUT { iin.Redraw(); continue } SearchPat = string(ch) SearchForw = true iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case '/': SearchPat = iin.getstring1("/") // should be editable SearchForw = true iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case '?': SearchPat = iin.getstring1("?") // should be editable SearchForw = false iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case 'n': if SearchForw { iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) }else{ iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) } iin.Redraw(); continue case 'N': if !SearchForw { iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) }else{ iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) } iin.Redraw(); continue } } switch ch { case GO_TOPW: iin.GotoTOPW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_ENDW: iin.GotoENDW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_NEXTW: // to next space then iin.GotoNEXTW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_PAIRCH: iin.GotoPAIRCH() iin.Redraw(); continue } //fprintf(stderr,"A[%02X]\n",ch); if( ch == '\\' || ch == 033 ){ MODE_ShowMode = true metach := ch iin.waitingMeta = string(ch) iin.Redraw(); // set cursor //fprintf(stderr,"???\b\b\b") ch = fgetcTimeout(stdin,2000*1000) // reset cursor iin.waitingMeta = "" cmdch := ch if( ch == EV_TIMEOUT ){ if metach == 033 { continue } ch = metach }else /* if( ch == 'm' || ch == 'M' ){ mch := fgetcTimeout(stdin,1000*1000) if mch == 'r' { romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } continue }else */ if( ch == 'k' || ch == 'K' ){ MODE_Recursive = !MODE_Recursive iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'j' || ch == 'J' ){ iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'i' || ch == 'I' ){ iin.Replace(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'l' || ch == 'L' ){ MODE_LowerLock = !MODE_LowerLock MODE_CapsLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'u' || ch == 'U' ){ MODE_CapsLock = !MODE_CapsLock MODE_LowerLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'v' || ch == 'V' ){ MODE_ViTrace = !MODE_ViTrace if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'c' || ch == 'C' ){ if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) if len([]byte(tail)) == 1 { ch = int(tail[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.line = xline + string(ch) } } if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else{ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch) // push ch = '\\' } } switch( ch ){ case 'P'-0x40: ch = GO_UP case 'N'-0x40: ch = GO_DOWN case 'B'-0x40: ch = GO_LEFT case 'F'-0x40: ch = GO_RIGHT } //fprintf(stderr,"B[%02X]\n",ch); switch( ch ){ case 0: continue; case '\t': iin.Replace('j'); continue case 'X'-0x40: iin.Replace('j'); continue case EV_TIMEOUT: iin.Redraw(); if iin.pinJmode { fprintf(stderr,"\\J\r\n") iin.inJmode = true } continue case GO_UP: if iin.lno == 1 { continue } cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno-1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno - 1 } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_DOWN: cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno+1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 }else{ iin.line = "" iin.right = "" if iin.lno == iin.lastlno-1 { iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 } } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_LEFT: if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) iin.line = xline iin.right = tail + iin.right } iin.Redraw(); continue; case GO_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) && iin.right[0] != 0 ){ xright,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.right = xright iin.line += head } iin.Redraw(); continue; case EOF: goto EXIT; case 'R'-0x40: // replace dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'T'-0x40: // just show the result readDic(); romkanmode = !romkanmode; iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'L'-0x40: iin.Redraw(); continue case 'K'-0x40: iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'E'-0x40: iin.line += iin.right iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'A'-0x40: iin.right = iin.line + iin.right iin.line = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'U'-0x40: iin.line = "" iin.right = "" iin.clearline(); iin.Redraw(); continue; case DEL_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } continue; case 0x7F: // BS? not DEL if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } /* else if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } */ continue; case 'H'-0x40: if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } continue; } if( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' ){ iin.line += iin.right; iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); fputc(ch,stderr); break; } if MODE_CapsLock { if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' { ch = ch+'A'-'a' } } if MODE_LowerLock { if 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { ch = ch+'a'-'A' } } iin.line += string(ch); iin.Redraw(); } EXIT: return iin.line + iin.right; } func getline_main(){ line := xgetline(0,"",nil) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",line); /* dp = strpbrk(line,"\r\n"); if( dp != NULL ){ *dp = 0; } if( 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n(%d)\n",int(strlen(line))); } if( lseek(3,0,0) == 0 ){ if( romkanmode ){ var buf [8*1024]byte; convs(line,buff); strcpy(line,buff); } write(3,line,strlen(line)); ftruncate(3,lseek(3,0,SEEK_CUR)); //fprintf(stderr,"outsize=%d\n",(int)lseek(3,0,SEEK_END)); lseek(3,0,SEEK_SET); close(3); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"\r\ngotline: "); trans(line); //printf("%s\n",line); printf("\n"); } */ } //== end ========================================================= getline // // $USERHOME/.gsh/ // gsh-rc.txt, or gsh-configure.txt // gsh-history.txt // gsh-aliases.txt // should be conditional? // func (gshCtx *GshContext)gshSetupHomedir()(bool) { homedir,found := userHomeDir() if !found { fmt.Printf("--E-- You have no UserHomeDir\n") return true } gshhome := homedir + "/" + GSH_HOME _, err2 := os.Stat(gshhome) if err2 != nil { err3 := os.Mkdir(gshhome,0700) if err3 != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- Could not Create %s (%s)\n", gshhome,err3) return true } fmt.Printf("--I-- Created %s\n",gshhome) } gshCtx.GshHomeDir = gshhome return false } func setupGshContext()(GshContext,bool){ gshPA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the staring directory os.Environ(), // environ[] []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, // OS specific } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() gshCtx := GshContext { cwd, // StartDir "", // GetLine []GChdirHistory { {cwd,time.Now(),0} }, // ChdirHistory gshPA, []GCommandHistory{}, //something for invokation? GCommandHistory{}, // CmdCurrent false, []int{}, syscall.Rusage{}, "", // GshHomeDir Ttyid(), false, false, []PluginInfo{}, []string{}, " ", "v", ValueStack{}, GServer{"",""}, // LastServer "", // RSERV cwd, // RWD CheckSum{}, } err := gshCtx.gshSetupHomedir() return gshCtx, err } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelllh(gline string)(bool){ ghist := gsh.CmdCurrent ghist.WorkDir,_ = os.Getwd() ghist.WorkDirX = len(gsh.ChdirHistory)-1 //fmt.Printf("--D--ChdirHistory(@%d)\n",len(gsh.ChdirHistory)) ghist.StartAt = time.Now() rusagev1 := Getrusagev() gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = []string{} fin := gsh.tgshelll(gline) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() ghist.Rusagev = RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) ghist.EndAt = time.Now() ghist.CmdLine = gline ghist.FoundFile = gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile /* record it but not show in list by default if len(gline) == 0 { continue } if gline == "hi" || gline == "history" { // don't record it continue } */ gsh.CommandHistory = append(gsh.CommandHistory, ghist) return fin } // Main loop func script(gshCtxGiven *GshContext) (_ GshContext) { gshCtxBuf,err0 := setupGshContext() if err0 { return gshCtxBuf; } gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) //resmap() /* if false { gsh_getlinev, with_exgetline := which("PATH",[]string{"which","gsh-getline","-s"}) if with_exgetline { gsh_getlinev[0] = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) gshCtx.GetLine = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) }else{ fmt.Printf("--W-- No gsh-getline found. Using internal getline.\n"); } } */ ghist0 := gshCtx.CmdCurrent // something special, or gshrc script, or permanent history gshCtx.CommandHistory = append(gshCtx.CommandHistory,ghist0) prevline := "" skipping := false for hix := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory); ; { gline := gshCtx.getline(hix,skipping,prevline) if skipping { if strings.Index(gline,"fi") == 0 { fmt.Printf("fi\n"); skipping = false; }else{ //fmt.Printf("%s\n",gline); } continue } if strings.Index(gline,"if") == 0 { //fmt.Printf("--D-- if start: %s\n",gline); skipping = true; continue } if false { os.Stdout.Write([]byte("gotline:")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } gline = strsubst(gshCtx,gline,true) if false { fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%v - %v\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%s - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%x - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%U - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("Stouut.Write -") os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) fmt.Printf("\n") } /* // should be cared in substitution ? if 0 < len(gline) && gline[0] == '!' { xgline, set, err := searchHistory(gshCtx,gline) if err { continue } if set { // set the line in command line editor } gline = xgline } */ fin := gshCtx.gshelllh(gline) if fin { break; } prevline = gline; hix++; } return *gshCtx } func main() { gshCtxBuf := GshContext{} gsh := &gshCtxBuf argv := os.Args if 1 < len(argv) { if isin("version",argv){ gsh.showVersion(argv) return } comx := isinX("-c",argv) if 0 < comx { gshCtxBuf,err := setupGshContext() gsh := &gshCtxBuf if !err { gsh.gshellv(argv[comx+1:]) } return } } if 1 < len(argv) && isin("-s",argv) { }else{ gsh.showVersion(append(argv,[]string{"-l","-a"}...)) } script(nil) //gshCtx := script(nil) //gshelll(gshCtx,"time") } //
// - inter gsh communication, possibly running in remote hosts -- to be remote shell // - merged histories of multiple parallel gsh sessions // - alias as a function or macro // - instant alias end environ export to the permanent > ~/.gsh/gsh-alias and gsh-environ // - retrieval PATH of files by its type // - gsh as an IME with completion using history and file names as dictionaies // - gsh a scheduler in precise time of within a millisecond // - all commands have its subucomand after "---" symbol // - filename expansion by "-find" command // - history of ext code and output of each commoand // - "script" output for each command by pty-tee or telnet-tee // - $BUILTIN command in PATH to show the priority // - "?" symbol in the command (not as in arguments) shows help request // - searching command with wild card like: which ssh-* // - longformat prompt after long idle time (should dismiss by BS) // - customizing by building plugin and dynamically linking it // - generating syntactic element like "if" by macro expansion (like CPP) >> alias // - "!" symbol should be used for negation, don't wast it just for job control // - don't put too long output to tty, record it into GSH_HOME/session-id/comand-id.log // - making canonical form of command at the start adding quatation or white spaces // - name(a,b,c) ... use "(" and ")" to show both delimiter and realm // - name? or name! might be useful // - htar format - packing directory contents into a single html file using data scheme // - filepath substitution shold be done by each command, expecially in case of builtins // - @N substition for the history of working directory, and @spec for more generic ones // - @dir prefix to do the command at there, that means like (chdir @dir; command) // - GSH_PATH for plugins // - standard command output: list of data with name, size, resouce usage, modified time // - generic sort key option -nm name, -sz size, -ru rusage, -ts start-time, -tm mod-time // -wc word-count, grep match line count, ... // - standard command execution result: a list of string, -tm, -ts, -ru, -sz, ... // - -tailf-filename like tail -f filename, repeat close and open before read // - max. size and max. duration and timeout of (generated) data transfer // - auto. numbering, aliasing, IME completion of file name (especially rm of quieer name) // - IME "?" at the top of the command line means searching history // - IME %d/0x10000/ %x/ffff/ // - IME ESC to go the edit mode like in vi, and use :command as :s/x/y/g to edit history // - gsh in WebAssembly // - gsh as a HTTP server of online-manual //---END--- (^-^)/ITS more
// var WorldDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly8gTXlJTUUvMC4wLjEg6L6e5pu4ICgyMDIwLTA4MTlhKQpzZWthaSDkuJbnlYwKa28g44GT"+ "Cm5uIOOCkwpuaSDjgasKY2hpIOOBoQp0aSDjgaEKaGEg44GvCnNlIOOBmwprYSDjgYsKaSDj"+ "gYQK"; // var WnnDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL2Rp"+ "Y3ZlcglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNXbm5ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "R1NoZWxsCUdTaGVsbArjgo/jgZ/jgZcJ56eBCndhdGFzaGkJ56eBCndhdGFzaQnnp4EK44Gq"+ "44G+44GICeWQjeWJjQpuYW1hZQnlkI3liY0K44Gq44GL44GuCeS4remHjgpuYWthbm8J5Lit"+ "6YeOCndhCeOCjwp0YQnjgZ8Kc2kJ44GXCnNoaQnjgZcKbm8J44GuCm5hCeOBqgptYQnjgb4K"+ "ZQnjgYgKaGEJ44GvCm5hCeOBqgprYQnjgYsKbm8J44GuCmRlCeOBpwpzdQnjgZkKZVxzCWVj"+ "aG8KZGljCWRpYwplY2hvCWVjaG8KcmVwbGF5CXJlcGxheQpyZXBlYXQJcmVwZWF0CmR0CWRh"+ "dGVccysnJVklbSVkLSVIOiVNOiVTJwp0aW9uCXRpb24KJXQJJXQJLy8gdG8gYmUgYW4gYWN0"+ "aW9uCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg==" // var SumomoDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTdW1vbW9ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "c3UJ44GZCm1vCeOCggpubwnjga4KdQnjgYYKY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnjgaEKdWNoaQnlhoUKdXRp"+ "CeWGhQpzdW1vbW8J44GZ44KC44KCCnN1bW9tb21vCeOBmeOCguOCguOCggptb21vCeahgwpt"+ "b21vbW8J5qGD44KCCiwsCeOAgQouLgnjgIIKPC90ZXh0YXJlYT4K" // var SijimiDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTaGlqaW1pXHMvL1xzMjAyMC0wODMw"+ "CnNpCeOBlwpzaGkJ44GXCmppCeOBmAptaQnjgb8KbmEJ44GqCmp1CeOBmOOChQp4eXUJ44KF"+ "CnUJ44GGCm5pCeOBqwprbwnjgZMKYnUJ44G2Cm5uCeOCkwpubwnjga4KY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnj"+ "gaEKa2EJ44GLCnJhCeOCiQosLAnjgIEKLi4J44CCCnhuYW5hCeS4gwp4anV1CeWNgQp4bmkJ"+ "5LqMCmtveAnlgIsKa29xCeWAiwprb3gJ5YCLCm5hbmFqdXVuaXgJNzIKbmFuYWp1dW5peHgJ"+ "77yX77ySCm5hbmFqdXVuaVgJ77yX77ySCuS4g+WNgeS6jHgJNzIKa29idW5uCeWAi+WIhgp0"+ "aWthcmFxCeOBoeOBi+OCiQp0aWthcmEJ5YqbCmNoaWthcmEJ5YqbCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg=" // var JA_JKLDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly92ZXJsCU15SU1FamRpY2ptb3JzZWpKQWpKS0woMjAyMGowODE5KSheLV4pL1NhdG94SVRT"+ "CmtqamprbGtqa2tsa2psIOS4lueVjApqamtqamwJ44GCCmtqbAnjgYQKa2tqbAnjgYYKamtq"+ "amwJ44GICmtqa2trbAnjgYoKa2pra2wJ44GLCmpramtrbAnjgY0Ka2tramwJ44GPCmpramps"+ "CeOBkQpqampqbAnjgZMKamtqa2psCeOBlQpqamtqa2wJ44GXCmpqamtqbAnjgZkKa2pqamts"+ "CeOBmwpqamprbAnjgZ0KamtsCeOBnwpra2prbAnjgaEKa2pqa2wJ44GkCmtqa2pqbAnjgaYK"+ "a2tqa2tsCeOBqApramtsCeOBqgpqa2prbAnjgasKa2tra2wJ44GsCmpqa2psCeOBrQpra2pq"+ "bAnjga4Kamtra2wJ44GvCmpqa2tqbAnjgbIKampra2wJ44G1CmtsCeOBuApqa2tsCeOBuwpq"+ "a2tqbAnjgb4Ka2tqa2psCeOBvwpqbAnjgoAKamtra2psCeOCgQpqa2tqa2wJ44KCCmtqamwJ"+ "44KECmpra2pqbAnjgoYKampsCeOCiApra2tsCeOCiQpqamtsCeOCigpqa2pqa2wJ44KLCmpq"+ "amwJ44KMCmtqa2psCeOCjQpqa2psCeOCjwpramtramwJ44KQCmtqamtrbAnjgpEKa2pqamwJ"+ "44KSCmtqa2prbAnjgpMKa2pqa2psCeODvApra2wJ44KbCmtramprbAnjgpwKa2pramtqbAnj"+ "gIEK"; // // /*
*/ /*
Raw Source
Whole file
CSS part
JavaScript part
Builtin data part
*/ /* (^-^)/{Hit j k l h}
WebCrypto Reference:

Web Crypto - RSA-OAEP

Plain text:

Cipher text:

Decrypted text:



GShell 0.3.2 − HTMLインスペクタ

開発:YouTube からこんなのが流れてきました。中島みゆき&吉田拓郎「永遠の嘘をついてくれ














* * *


* * *



基盤:なぜか突然ネットが不通になってしまったんです。なにせ隣のマシンにpingも通らない。いつものごとく物理層を疑ったんですが、今回は違いました。リブートしたり別のネットワーク口に変えてみたり、色々やっているうちに、なぜか とかの一部のサイトは開けることがわかりました。で、tcpdump をしてみたら、IPv6のパケットは元気に飛んでいたんです。それで、システム環境設定でEthernetのConfigure DHCP一度 Off にして Using DHCPで再接続したら、回復したという顛末です。どうも、Using DHCP with manual address がおかしくなっているように思います。



開発:それぞれのウィンドウは、あの時こういう作業をしてものだという記録として重要だったので、ショックでしたが。まあ、いずれ GShell で、pty を tee して script コマンド相当をトランスペアレントにするようにやりたいと思います。


基盤:で、 をうちのドメイン一覧に追加して、GShell をトップに据えました。


開発:たまたま見つけたんです。シンプルに#66aなんですけどね。あと、フォントは Georgia に変更しました。

社長:大賛成。これを当社のカラーにしましょうかね。フォントも最近、 WordPressでよく使われている Georgia が大好きになりました。

開発:GShell のロゴも変更しましょうかね。



開発:これで試しててちょっと面白かったのは、例のHTTPSじゃないと使えないというJavaScript の Web Cryptoですが、スマホのアプリでは使えちゃうということです。


* * *
















基盤:テキストの中を移動して yw とか yf とか Y とかでコピーができると良いですね。

開発:できる限り vi 互換でやりたいと思います。

社長:いずれ編集機能まで持たせるとすると、vin でやってたような気楽なキーバインディングはできないですね。

開発:私自身が一番欲しいのは、/ ? n N ですね。ここでIMEの出番です。なにせ、ブラウザの検索機能には非常に不満を持っていますし。

基盤::g/pattern/p なんかも出来たら最高ですね。




-- 2020-0905 SatoxITS

/* GShell-0.3.2 by SatoxITS
GShell version 0.3.2 // 2020-09-05 // SatoxITS

GShell // a General purpose Shell built on the top of Golang

It is a shell for myself, by myself, of myself. --SatoxITS(^-^)

0 | | Fork | Stop | Unfold | Cksum | */ /*

Fun to create a shell

For a programmer, it must be far easy and fun to create his own simple shell rightly fitting to his favor and necessities, than learning existing shells with complex full features that he never use. I, as one of programmers, am writing this tiny shell for my own real needs, totally from scratch, with fun.

For a programmer, it is fun to learn new computer languages. For long years before writing this software, I had been specialized to C and early HTML2 :-). Now writing this software, I'm learning Go language, HTML5, JavaScript and CSS on demand as a novice of these, with fun.

This single file "gsh.go", that is executable by Go, contains all of the code written in Go. Also it can be displayed as "gsh.go.html" by browsers. It is a standalone HTML file that works as the viewer of the code of itself, and as the "home page" of this software.

Because this HTML file is a Go program, you may run it as a real shell program on your computer. But you must be aware that this program is written under situation like above. Needless to say, there is no warranty for this program in any means.

Aug 2020, SatoxITS (
*/ /*

Vi compatible command line editor

The command line of GShell can be edited with commands compatible with vi. As in vi, you can enter command mode by ESC key, then move around in the history by j k / ? n N, or within the current line by l h f w b 0 $ % or so.

*/ /*
Documents Command summary Go lang part Package structures import struct Main functions str-expansion // macro processor finder // builtin find + du grep // builtin grep + wc + cksum + ... plugin // plugin commands system // external commands builtin // builtin commands network // socket handler remote-sh // remote shell redirect // StdIn/Out redireciton history // command history rusage // resouce usage encode // encode / decode IME // command line IME getline // line editor scanf // string decomposer interpreter // command interpreter main JavaScript part Source Builtin data CSS part Source References Internal External Whole parts Source Download Dump
*/ //
//Go Source
// gsh - Go lang based Shell // (c) 2020 ITS more Co., Ltd. // 2020-0807 created by SatoxITS ( package main // gsh main // Imported packages // Packages import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "strconv" // strconv "sort" // sort "time" // time "bufio" // bufio "io/ioutil" // ioutil "os" // os "syscall" // syscall "plugin" // plugin "net" // net "net/http" // http //"html" // html "path/filepath" // filepath "go/types" // types "go/token" // token "encoding/base64" // base64 "unicode/utf8" // utf8 //"gshdata" // gshell's logo and source code "hash/crc32" // crc32 ) const ( NAME = "gsh" VERSION = "0.3.2" DATE = "2020-09-05" AUTHOR = "SatoxITS(^-^)/" ) var ( GSH_HOME = ".gsh" // under home directory GSH_PORT = 9999 MaxStreamSize = int64(128*1024*1024*1024) // 128GiB is too large? PROMPT = "> " LINESIZE = (8*1024) PATHSEP = ":" // should be ";" in Windows DIRSEP = "/" // canbe \ in Windows ) // -xX logging control // --A-- all // --I-- info. // --D-- debug // --T-- time and resource usage // --W-- warning // --E-- error // --F-- fatal error // --Xn- network // Structures type GCommandHistory struct { StartAt time.Time // command line execution started at EndAt time.Time // command line execution ended at ResCode int // exit code of (external command) CmdError error // error string OutData *os.File // output of the command FoundFile []string // output - result of ufind Rusagev [2]syscall.Rusage // Resource consumption, CPU time or so CmdId int // maybe with identified with arguments or impact // redireciton commands should not be the CmdId WorkDir string // working directory at start WorkDirX int // index in ChdirHistory CmdLine string // command line } type GChdirHistory struct { Dir string MovedAt time.Time CmdIndex int } type CmdMode struct { BackGround bool } type Event struct { when time.Time event int evarg int64 CmdIndex int } var CmdIndex int var Events []Event type PluginInfo struct { Spec *plugin.Plugin Addr plugin.Symbol Name string // maybe relative Path string // this is in Plugin but hidden } type GServer struct { host string port string } // Digest const ( // SumType SUM_ITEMS = 0x000001 // items count SUM_SIZE = 0x000002 // data length (simplly added) SUM_SIZEHASH = 0x000004 // data length (hashed sequence) SUM_DATEHASH = 0x000008 // date of data (hashed sequence) // also envelope attributes like time stamp can be a part of digest // hashed value of sizes or mod-date of files will be useful to detect changes SUM_WORDS = 0x000010 // word count is a kind of digest SUM_LINES = 0x000020 // line count is a kind of digest SUM_SUM64 = 0x000040 // simple add of bytes, useful for human too SUM_SUM32_BITS = 0x000100 // the number of true bits SUM_SUM32_2BYTE = 0x000200 // 16bits words SUM_SUM32_4BYTE = 0x000400 // 32bits words SUM_SUM32_8BYTE = 0x000800 // 64bits words SUM_SUM16_BSD = 0x001000 // UNIXsum -sum -bsd SUM_SUM16_SYSV = 0x002000 // UNIXsum -sum -sysv SUM_UNIXFILE = 0x004000 SUM_CRCIEEE = 0x008000 ) type CheckSum struct { Files int64 // the number of files (or data) Size int64 // content size Words int64 // word count Lines int64 // line count SumType int Sum64 uint64 Crc32Table crc32.Table Crc32Val uint32 Sum16 int Ctime time.Time Atime time.Time Mtime time.Time Start time.Time Done time.Time RusgAtStart [2]syscall.Rusage RusgAtEnd [2]syscall.Rusage } type ValueStack [][]string type GshContext struct { StartDir string // the current directory at the start GetLine string // gsh-getline command as a input line editor ChdirHistory []GChdirHistory // the 1st entry is wd at the start gshPA syscall.ProcAttr CommandHistory []GCommandHistory CmdCurrent GCommandHistory BackGround bool BackGroundJobs []int LastRusage syscall.Rusage GshHomeDir string TerminalId int CmdTrace bool // should be [map] CmdTime bool // should be [map] PluginFuncs []PluginInfo iValues []string iDelimiter string // field sepearater of print out iFormat string // default print format (of integer) iValStack ValueStack LastServer GServer RSERV string // [gsh://]host[:port] RWD string // remote (target, there) working directory lastCheckSum CheckSum } func nsleep(ns time.Duration){ time.Sleep(ns) } func usleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000) } func msleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000) } func sleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000000) } func strBegins(str, pat string)(bool){ if len(pat) <= len(str){ yes := str[0:len(pat)] == pat //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,yes) return yes } //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,false) return false } func isin(what string, list []string) bool { for _, v := range list { if v == what { return true } } return false } func isinX(what string,list[]string)(int){ for i,v := range list { if v == what { return i } } return -1 } func env(opts []string) { env := os.Environ() if isin("-s", opts){ sort.Slice(env, func(i,j int) bool { return env[i] < env[j] }) } for _, v := range env { fmt.Printf("%v\n",v) } } // - rewriting should be context dependent // - should postpone until the real point of evaluation // - should rewrite only known notation of symobl func scanInt(str string)(val int,leng int){ leng = -1 for i,ch := range str { if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { leng = i+1 }else{ break } } if 0 < leng { ival,_ := strconv.Atoi(str[0:leng]) return ival,leng }else{ return 0,0 } } func substHistory(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,i int,rstr string)(leng int,rst string){ if len(str[i+1:]) == 0 { return 0,rstr } hi := 0 histlen := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) if str[i+1] == '!' { hi = histlen - 1 leng = 1 }else{ hi,leng = scanInt(str[i+1:]) if leng == 0 { return 0,rstr } if hi < 0 { hi = histlen + hi } } if 0 <= hi && hi < histlen { var ext byte if 1 < len(str[i+leng:]) { ext = str[i+leng:][1] } //fmt.Printf("--D-- %v(%c)\n",str[i+leng:],str[i+leng]) if ext == 'f' { leng += 1 xlist := []string{} list := gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].FoundFile for _,v := range list { //list[i] = escapeWhiteSP(v) xlist = append(xlist,escapeWhiteSP(v)) } //rstr += strings.Join(list," ") rstr += strings.Join(xlist," ") }else if ext == '@' || ext == 'd' { // !N@ .. workdir at the start of the command leng += 1 rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].WorkDir }else{ rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].CmdLine } }else{ leng = 0 } return leng,rstr } func escapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ if len(str) == 0 { return "\\z" // empty, to be ignored } rstr := "" for _,ch := range str { switch ch { case '\\': rstr += "\\\\" case ' ': rstr += "\\s" case '\t': rstr += "\\t" case '\r': rstr += "\\r" case '\n': rstr += "\\n" default: rstr += string(ch) } } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ // strip original escapes rstr := "" for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { ch := str[i] if ch == '\\' { if i+1 < len(str) { switch str[i+1] { case 'z': continue; } } } rstr += string(ch) } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSPV(strv []string)([]string){ // strip original escapes ustrv := []string{} for _,v := range strv { ustrv = append(ustrv,unescapeWhiteSP(v)) } return ustrv } // str-expansion // - this should be a macro processor func strsubst(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,histonly bool) string { rbuff := []byte{} if false { //@@U Unicode should be cared as a character return str } //rstr := "" inEsc := 0 // escape characer mode for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { //fmt.Printf("--D--Subst %v:%v\n",i,str[i:]) ch := str[i] if inEsc == 0 { if ch == '!' { //leng,xrstr := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,rstr) leng,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") if 0 < leng { //_,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) i += leng //rstr = xrstr continue } } switch ch { case '\\': inEsc = '\\'; continue //case '%': inEsc = '%'; continue case '$': } } switch inEsc { case '\\': switch ch { case '\\': ch = '\\' case 's': ch = ' ' case 't': ch = '\t' case 'r': ch = '\r' case 'n': ch = '\n' case 'z': inEsc = 0; continue // empty, to be ignored } inEsc = 0 case '%': switch { case ch == '%': ch = '%' case ch == 'T': //rstr = rstr + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rs := time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) inEsc = 0 continue; default: // postpone the interpretation //rstr = rstr + "%" + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) inEsc = 0 continue; } inEsc = 0 } //rstr = rstr + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) } //fmt.Printf("--D--subst(%s)(%s)\n",str,string(rbuff)) return string(rbuff) //return rstr } func showFileInfo(path string, opts []string) { if isin("-l",opts) || isin("-ls",opts) { fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("---------- ((%v))",err) }else{ mod := fi.ModTime() date := mod.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("%v %8v %s ",fi.Mode(),fi.Size(),date) } } fmt.Printf("%s",path) if isin("-sp",opts) { fmt.Printf(" ") }else if ! isin("-n",opts) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func userHomeDir()(string,bool){ /* homedir,_ = os.UserHomeDir() // not implemented in older Golang */ homedir,found := os.LookupEnv("HOME") //fmt.Printf("--I-- HOME=%v(%v)\n",homedir,found) if !found { return "/tmp",found } return homedir,found } func toFullpath(path string) (fullpath string) { if path[0] == '/' { return path } pathv := strings.Split(path,DIRSEP) switch { case pathv[0] == ".": pathv[0], _ = os.Getwd() case pathv[0] == "..": // all ones should be interpreted cwd, _ := os.Getwd() ppathv := strings.Split(cwd,DIRSEP) pathv[0] = strings.Join(ppathv,DIRSEP) case pathv[0] == "~": pathv[0],_ = userHomeDir() default: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() pathv[0] = cwd + DIRSEP + pathv[0] } return strings.Join(pathv,DIRSEP) } func IsRegFile(path string)(bool){ fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() return fm.IsRegular(); } return false } // Encode / Decode // Encoder func (gshCtx *GshContext)Enc(argv[]string){ file := os.Stdin buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) li := 0 encoder := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdout) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } encoder.Write(buff[0:count]) } encoder.Close() } func (gshCtx *GshContext)Dec(argv[]string){ decoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdin) li := 0 buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := decoder.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } os.Stdout.Write(buff[0:count]) } } // lnsp [N] [-crlf][-C \\] func (gshCtx *GshContext)SplitLine(argv[]string){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,64*1024) ni := 0 toi := 0 for ni = 0; ; ni++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d (%v)\n",ni,toi,err) break } } off := 0 ilen := len(line) remlen := len(line) for oi := 0; 0 < remlen; oi++ { olen := remlen addnl := false if 72 < olen { olen = 72 addnl = true } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--D-- write %d [%d.%d] %d %d/%d/%d\n", toi,ni,oi,off,olen,remlen,ilen) toi += 1 os.Stdout.Write([]byte(line[0:olen])) if addnl { //os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\r\n")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\\")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } line = line[olen:] off += olen remlen -= olen } } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d\n",ni,toi) } // CRC32 crc32 // 1 0000 0100 1100 0001 0001 1101 1011 0111 var CRC32UNIX uint32 = uint32(0x04C11DB7) // Unix cksum var CRC32IEEE uint32 = uint32(0xEDB88320) func byteCRC32add(crc uint32,str[]byte,len uint64)(uint32){ var oi uint64 for oi = 0; oi < len; oi++ { var oct = str[oi] for bi := 0; bi < 8; bi++ { //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 %d %X (%d.%d)\n",crc,oct,oi,bi) ovf1 := (crc & 0x80000000) != 0 ovf2 := (oct & 0x80) != 0 ovf := (ovf1 && !ovf2) || (!ovf1 && ovf2) oct <<= 1 crc <<= 1 if ovf { crc ^= CRC32UNIX } } } //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 return %d %d\n",crc,len) return crc; } func byteCRC32end(crc uint32, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = byteCRC32add(crc,slen,uint64(li)) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func strCRC32(str string,len uint64)(crc uint32){ crc = byteCRC32add(0,[]byte(str),len) crc = byteCRC32end(crc,len) //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 %d %d\n",crc,len) return crc } func CRC32Finish(crc uint32, table *crc32.Table, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len & 0xFF) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = crc32.Update(crc,table,slen) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func (gsh*GshContext)xCksum(path string,argv[]string, sum*CheckSum)(int64){ if isin("-type/f",argv) && !IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } if isin("-type/d",argv) && IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- cksum %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- cksum %v %v\n",path,argv) } bi := 0 var buff = make([]byte,32*1024) var total int64 = 0 var initTime = time.Time{} if sum.Start == initTime { sum.Start = time.Now() } for bi = 0; ; bi++ { count,err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 || err != nil { break } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { s := sum.Sum64 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s += uint64(c) } sum.Sum64 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32add(sum.Crc32Val,buff,uint64(count)) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_CRCIEEE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = crc32.Update(sum.Crc32Val,&sum.Crc32Table,buff[0:count]) } // BSD checksum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { s := sum.Sum16 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s = (s >> 1) + ((s & 1) << 15) s += int(c) s &= 0xFFFF //fmt.Printf("BSDsum: %d[%d] %d\n",sum.Size+int64(i),i,s) } sum.Sum16 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { for bj := 0; bj < count; bj++ { sum.Sum16 += int(buff[bj]) } } total += int64(count) } sum.Done = time.Now() sum.Files += 1 sum.Size += total if !isin("-s",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v ",total) } return 0 } // grep // "lines", "lin" or "lnp" for "(text) line processor" or "scanner" // a*,!ab,c, ... sequentioal combination of patterns // what "LINE" is should be definable // generic line-by-line processing // grep [-v] // cat -n -v // uniq [-c] // tail -f // sed s/x/y/ or awk // grep with line count like wc // rewrite contents if specified func (gsh*GshContext)xGrep(path string,rexpv[]string)(int){ file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- grep %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- grep %v %v\n",path,rexpv) } //reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,LINESIZE) reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,80) li := 0 found := 0 for li = 0; ; li++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { break } if 150 < len(line) { // maybe binary break; } if err != nil { break } if 0 <= strings.Index(string(line),rexpv[0]) { found += 1 fmt.Printf("%s:%d: %s",path,li,line) } } //fmt.Printf("total %d lines %s\n",li,path) //if( 0 < found ){ fmt.Printf("((found %d lines %s))\n",found,path); } return found } // Finder // finding files with it name and contents // file names are ORed // show the content with %x fmt list // ls -R // tar command by adding output type fileSum struct { Err int64 // access error or so Size int64 // content size DupSize int64 // content size from hard links Blocks int64 // number of blocks (of 512 bytes) DupBlocks int64 // Blocks pointed from hard links HLinks int64 // hard links Words int64 Lines int64 Files int64 Dirs int64 // the num. of directories SymLink int64 Flats int64 // the num. of flat files MaxDepth int64 MaxNamlen int64 // max. name length nextRepo time.Time } func showFusage(dir string,fusage *fileSum){ bsume := float64(((fusage.Blocks-fusage.DupBlocks)/2)*1024)/1000000.0 //bsumdup := float64((fusage.Blocks/2)*1024)/1000000.0 fmt.Printf("%v: %v files (%vd %vs %vh) %.6f MB (%.2f MBK)\n", dir, fusage.Files, fusage.Dirs, fusage.SymLink, fusage.HLinks, float64(fusage.Size)/1000000.0,bsume); } const ( S_IFMT = 0170000 S_IFCHR = 0020000 S_IFDIR = 0040000 S_IFREG = 0100000 S_IFLNK = 0120000 S_IFSOCK = 0140000 ) func cumFinfo(fsum *fileSum, path string, staterr error, fstat syscall.Stat_t, argv[]string,verb bool)(*fileSum){ now := time.Now() if time.Second <= now.Sub(fsum.nextRepo) { if !fsum.nextRepo.IsZero(){ tstmp := now.Format(time.Stamp) showFusage(tstmp,fsum) } fsum.nextRepo = now.Add(time.Second) } if staterr != nil { fsum.Err += 1 return fsum } fsum.Files += 1 if 1 < fstat.Nlink { // must count only once... // at least ignore ones in the same directory //if finfo.Mode().IsRegular() { if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG { fsum.HLinks += 1 fsum.DupBlocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //fmt.Printf("---Dup HardLink %v %s\n",fstat.Nlink,path) } } //fsum.Size += finfo.Size() fsum.Size += fstat.Size fsum.Blocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //if verb { fmt.Printf("(%8dBlk) %s",fstat.Blocks/2,path) } if isin("-ls",argv){ //if verb { fmt.Printf("%4d %8d ",fstat.Blksize,fstat.Blocks) } // fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } //if finfo.IsDir() if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { fsum.Dirs += 1 } //if (finfo.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { //if verb { fmt.Printf("symlink(%v,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } //{ fmt.Printf("symlink(%o,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } fsum.SymLink += 1 } return fsum } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFindEntv(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string, dstat syscall.Stat_t, ei int, entv []string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) // sort entv /* if isin("-t",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].ModTime().Sub(filev[j].ModTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-u",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].AccTime().Sub(filev[j].AccTime()) }) } if isin("-U",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].CreatTime().Sub(filev[j].CreatTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-S",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return filev[j].Size() < filev[i].Size() }) } */ for _,filename := range entv { for _,npat := range npatv { match := true if npat == "*" { match = true }else{ match, _ = filepath.Match(npat,filename) } path := dir + DIRSEP + filename if !match { continue } var fstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(path,&fstat) if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } continue; } if isin("-du",argv) && (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { // should not show size of directory in "-du" mode ... }else if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { if isin("-du",argv) { fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } showFileInfo(path,argv) } if true { // && isin("-du",argv) total = cumFinfo(total,path,staterr,fstat,argv,false) } /* if isin("-wc",argv) { } */ if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { gsh.xCksum(path,argv,&gsh.lastCheckSum); } x := isinX("-grep",argv); // -grep will be convenient like -ls if 0 <= x && x+1 <= len(argv) { // -grep will be convenient like -ls if IsRegFile(path){ found := gsh.xGrep(path,argv[x+1:]) if 0 < found { foundv := gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile if len(foundv) < 10 { gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = append(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile,path) } } } } if !isin("-r0",argv) { // -d 0 in du, -depth n in find //total.Depth += 1 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { continue } if dstat.Rdev != fstat.Rdev { fmt.Printf("--I-- don't follow differnet device %v(%v) %v(%v)\n", dir,dstat.Rdev,path,fstat.Rdev) } if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { total = gsh.xxFind(depth+1,total,path,npatv,argv) } } } } return total } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFind(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) dirfile,oerr := os.OpenFile(dir,os.O_RDONLY,0) if oerr == nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- %v(%v)[%d]\n",dir,dirfile,dirfile.Fd()) defer dirfile.Close() }else{ } prev := *total var dstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(dir,&dstat) // should be flstat if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } return total } //filev,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) //_,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) // ReadDir() heavy and bad for huge directory /* if err != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",err) } return total } */ if depth == 0 { total = cumFinfo(total,dir,staterr,dstat,argv,true) if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { showFileInfo(dir,argv) } } // it it is not a directory, just scan it and finish for ei := 0; ; ei++ { entv,rderr := dirfile.Readdirnames(8*1024) if len(entv) == 0 || rderr != nil { //if rderr != nil { fmt.Printf("[%d] len=%d (%v)\n",ei,len(entv),rderr) } break } if 0 < ei { fmt.Printf("--I-- xxFind[%d] %d large-dir: %s\n",ei,len(entv),dir) } total = gsh.xxFindEntv(depth,total,dir,dstat,ei,entv,npatv,argv) } if isin("-du",argv) { // if in "du" mode fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n",(total.Blocks-prev.Blocks)/2,dir) } return total } // {ufind|fu|ls} [Files] [// Names] [-- Expressions] // Files is "." by default // Names is "*" by default // Expressions is "-print" by default for "ufind", or -du for "fu" command func (gsh*GshContext)xFind(argv[]string){ if 0 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[0],"?"){ showFound(gsh,argv) return } if isin("-cksum",argv) || isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum = CheckSum{} if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-add",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-size",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SIZE }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-bsd",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_BSD }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-sysv",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_SYSV }else if isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 } if isin("-unix",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_UNIXFILE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32UNIX) } if isin("-ieee",argv){ gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_CRCIEEE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32IEEE) } gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtStart = Getrusagev() } var total = fileSum{} npats := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if 0 < len(v) && v[0] != '-' { npats = append(npats,v) } if v == "//" { break } if v == "--" { break } if v == "-grep" { break } if v == "-ls" { break } } if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } cwd := "." // if to be fullpath ::: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } fusage := gsh.xxFind(0,&total,cwd,npats,argv) if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { var sumi uint64 = 0 sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SIZE) != 0 { sumi = uint64(sum.Size) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { sumi = sum.Sum64 } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { s := uint32(sum.Sum16) r := (s & 0xFFFF) + ((s & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 16) s = (r & 0xFFFF) + (r >> 16) sum.Crc32Val = uint32(s) sumi = uint64(s) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = uint32(sum.Sum16) sumi = uint64(sum.Sum16) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size)) sumi = uint64(byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size))) } if 1 < sum.Files { fmt.Printf("%v %v // %v / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sumi,sum.Size, abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files, abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", sumi,sum.Size,npats[0]) } } if !isin("-grep",argv) { showFusage("total",fusage) } if !isin("-s",argv){ hits := len(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile) if 0 < hits { fmt.Printf("--I-- %d files hits // can be refered with !%df\n", hits,len(gsh.CommandHistory)) } } if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { if isin("-ru",argv) { sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum sum.Done = time.Now() gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtEnd = Getrusagev() elps := sum.Done.Sub(sum.Start) fmt.Printf("--cksum-size: %v (%v) / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sum.Size,abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files,abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) nanos := int64(elps) fmt.Printf("--cksum-time: %v/total, %v/file, %.1f files/s, %v\r\n", abbtime(nanos), abbtime(nanos/sum.Files), (float64(sum.Files)*1000000000.0)/float64(nanos), abbspeed(sum.Size,nanos)) diff := RusageSubv(sum.RusgAtEnd,sum.RusgAtStart) fmt.Printf("--cksum-rusg: %v\n",sRusagef("",argv,diff)) } } return } func showFiles(files[]string){ sp := "" for i,file := range files { if 0 < i { sp = " " } else { sp = "" } fmt.Printf(sp+"%s",escapeWhiteSP(file)) } } func showFound(gshCtx *GshContext, argv[]string){ for i,v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { if 0 < len(v.FoundFile) { fmt.Printf("!%d (%d) ",i,len(v.FoundFile)) if isin("-ls",argv){ fmt.Printf("\n") for _,file := range v.FoundFile { fmt.Printf("") //sub number? showFileInfo(file,argv) } }else{ showFiles(v.FoundFile) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } } func showMatchFile(filev []os.FileInfo, npat,dir string, argv[]string)(string,bool){ fname := "" found := false for _,v := range filev { match, _ := filepath.Match(npat,(v.Name())) if match { fname = v.Name() found = true //fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n",i,v.Name()) showIfExecutable(fname,dir,argv) } } return fname,found } func showIfExecutable(name,dir string,argv[]string)(ffullpath string,ffound bool){ var fullpath string if strBegins(name,DIRSEP){ fullpath = name }else{ fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name } fi, err := os.Stat(fullpath) if err != nil { fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name + ".go" fi, err = os.Stat(fullpath) } if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() if fm.IsRegular() { // R_OK=4, W_OK=2, X_OK=1, F_OK=0 if syscall.Access(fullpath,5) == nil { ffullpath = fullpath ffound = true if ! isin("-s", argv) { showFileInfo(fullpath,argv) } } } } return ffullpath, ffound } func which(list string, argv []string) (fullpathv []string, itis bool){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("Usage: which comand [-s] [-a] [-ls]\n") return []string{""}, false } path := argv[1] if strBegins(path,"/") { // should check if excecutable? _,exOK := showIfExecutable(path,"/",argv) fmt.Printf("--D-- %v exOK=%v\n",path,exOK) return []string{path},exOK } pathenv, efound := os.LookupEnv(list) if ! efound { fmt.Printf("--E-- which: no \"%s\" environment\n",list) return []string{""}, false } showall := isin("-a",argv) || 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") dirv := strings.Split(pathenv,PATHSEP) ffound := false ffullpath := path for _, dir := range dirv { if 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") { // by wild-card list,_ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) ffullpath, ffound = showMatchFile(list,path,dir,argv) }else{ ffullpath, ffound = showIfExecutable(path,dir,argv) } //if ffound && !isin("-a", argv) { if ffound && !showall { break; } } return []string{ffullpath}, ffound } func stripLeadingWSParg(argv[]string)([]string){ for ; 0 < len(argv); { if len(argv[0]) == 0 { argv = argv[1:] }else{ break } } return argv } func xEval(argv []string, nlend bool){ argv = stripLeadingWSParg(argv) if len(argv) == 0 { fmt.Printf("eval [%%format] [Go-expression]\n") return } pfmt := "%v" if argv[0][0] == '%' { pfmt = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if len(argv) == 0 { return } gocode := strings.Join(argv," "); //fmt.Printf("eval [%v] [%v]\n",pfmt,gocode) fset := token.NewFileSet() rval, _ := types.Eval(fset,nil,token.NoPos,gocode) fmt.Printf(pfmt,rval.Value) if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func getval(name string) (found bool, val int) { /* should expand the name here */ if name == "" { return true, os.Getpid() }else if name == "gsh.ppid" { return true, os.Getppid() } return false, 0 } func echo(argv []string, nlend bool){ for ai := 1; ai < len(argv); ai++ { if 1 < ai { fmt.Printf(" "); } arg := argv[ai] found, val := getval(arg) if found { fmt.Printf("%d",val) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",arg) } } if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n"); } } func resfile() string { return "gsh.tmp" } //var resF *File func resmap() { //_ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, os.ModeAppend) // _ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("refF could not open: %s\n",err) }else{ fmt.Printf("refF opened\n") } } // @@2020-0821 func gshScanArg(str string,strip int)(argv []string){ var si = 0 var sb = 0 var inBracket = 0 var arg1 = make([]byte,LINESIZE) var ax = 0 debug := false for ; si < len(str); si++ { if str[si] != ' ' { break } } sb = si for ; si < len(str); si++ { if sb <= si { if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- +%d %2d-%2d %s ... %s\n", inBracket,sb,si,arg1[0:ax],str[si:]) } } ch := str[si] if ch == '{' { inBracket += 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket <= strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d <= %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } if 0 < inBracket { if ch == '}' { inBracket -= 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket < strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d < %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 continue } if str[si] == ' ' { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,str[sb:si],string(str[si:])) } sb = si+1 ax = 0 continue } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 } if sb < si { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,string(arg1[0:ax]),string(str[si:])) } } if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- %d [%s] => [%d]%v\n",strip,str,len(argv),argv) } return argv } // should get stderr (into tmpfile ?) and return func (gsh*GshContext)Popen(name,mode string)(pin*os.File,pout*os.File,err bool){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) xarg := gshScanArg(name,1) name = strings.Join(xarg," ") pin = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[0]),"StdoutOf-{"+name+"}") pout = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[1]),"StdinOf-{"+name+"}") fdix := 0 dir := "?" if mode == "r" { dir = "<" fdix = 1 // read from the stdout of the process }else{ dir = ">" fdix = 0 // write to the stdin of the process } gshPA := gsh.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] var fd uintptr = 0 if mode == "r" { fd = pout.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pout.Fd() }else{ fd = pin.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pin.Fd() } // should do this by Goroutine? if false { fmt.Printf("--Ip- Opened fd[%v] %s %v\n",fd,dir,name) fmt.Printf("--RED1 [%d,%d,%d]->[%d,%d,%d]\n", os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd(), pin.Fd(),pout.Fd(),pout.Fd()) } savi := os.Stdin savo := os.Stdout save := os.Stderr os.Stdin = pin os.Stdout = pout os.Stderr = pout gsh.BackGround = true gsh.gshelllh(name) gsh.BackGround = false os.Stdin = savi os.Stdout = savo os.Stderr = save gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return pin,pout,false } // External commands func (gsh*GshContext)excommand(exec bool, argv []string) (notf bool,exit bool) { if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- excommand[%v](%v)\n",exec,argv) } gshPA := gsh.gshPA fullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which",argv[0],"-s"}) if itis == false { return true,false } fullpath := fullpathv[0] argv = unescapeWhiteSPV(argv) if 0 < strings.Index(fullpath,".go") { nargv := argv // []string{} gofullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which","go","-s"}) if itis == false { fmt.Printf("--F-- Go not found\n") return false,true } gofullpath := gofullpathv[0] nargv = []string{ gofullpath, "run", fullpath } fmt.Printf("--I-- %s {%s %s %s}\n",gofullpath, nargv[0],nargv[1],nargv[2]) if exec { syscall.Exec(gofullpath,nargv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(gofullpath,nargv,&gshPA) if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),nargv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage) gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } }else{ if exec { syscall.Exec(fullpath,argv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(fullpath,argv,&gshPA) //fmt.Printf("[%d]\n",pid); // '&' to be background if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),argv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage); gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } } return false,false } // Builtin Commands func (gshCtx *GshContext) sleep(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Sleep 100ms, 100us, 100ns, ...\n") return } duration := argv[1]; d, err := time.ParseDuration(duration) if err != nil { d, err = time.ParseDuration(duration+"s") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("duration ? %s (%s)\n",duration,err) return } } //fmt.Printf("Sleep %v\n",duration) time.Sleep(d) if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)repeat(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { return } start0 := time.Now() for ri,_ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]); 0 < ri; ri-- { if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { //start := time.Now() gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start0); if( 1000000000 < elps ){ fmt.Printf("(repeat#%d %v)\n",ri,elps); } } } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)gen(argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: %s N\n",argv[0]) return } // should br repeated by "repeat" command count, _ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]) fd := gshPA.Files[1] // Stdout file := os.NewFile(fd,"internalStdOut") fmt.Printf("--I-- Gen. Count=%d to [%d]\n",count,file.Fd()) //buf := []byte{} outdata := "0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678\r" for gi := 0; gi < count; gi++ { file.WriteString(outdata) } //file.WriteString("\n") fmt.Printf("\n(%d B)\n",count*len(outdata)); //file.Close() } // Remote Execution // 2020-0820 func Elapsed(from time.Time)(string){ elps := time.Now().Sub(from) if 1000000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%5d.%02ds]",elps/1000000000,(elps%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dms]",elps/1000000,(elps%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dus]",elps/1000,(elps%1000)) } } func abbtime(nanos int64)(string){ if 1000000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%02ds",nanos/1000000000,(nanos%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dms",nanos/1000000,(nanos%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dus",nanos/1000,(nanos%1000)) } } func abssize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func absize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func abbspeed(totalB int64,ns int64)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGB/s",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMB/s",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKB/s",MBs*1000) } } func abspeed(totalB int64,ns time.Duration)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGBps",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMBps",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKBps",MBs*1000) } } func fileRelay(what string,in*os.File,out*os.File,size int64,bsiz int)(wcount int64){ Start := time.Now() buff := make([]byte,bsiz) var total int64 = 0 var rem int64 = size nio := 0 Prev := time.Now() var PrevSize int64 = 0 fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) START\n", what,absize(total),size,nio) for i:= 0; ; i++ { var len = bsiz if int(rem) < len { len = int(rem) } Now := time.Now() Elps := Now.Sub(Prev); if 1000000000 < Now.Sub(Prev) { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %s\n", what,absize(total),size,nio, abspeed((total-PrevSize),Elps)) Prev = Now; PrevSize = total } rlen := len if in != nil { // should watch the disconnection of out rcc,err := in.Read(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s read(%v,%v)<%v\n", what,rcc,err,in.Name()) break } rlen = rcc if string(buff[0:10]) == "((SoftEOF " { var ecc int64 = 0 fmt.Sscanf(string(buff),"((SoftEOF %v",&ecc) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s Recv ((SoftEOF %v))/%v\n", what,ecc,total) if ecc == total { break } } } wlen := rlen if out != nil { wcc,err := out.Write(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"-En-- X: %s write(%v,%v)>%v\n", what,wcc,err,out.Name()) break } wlen = wcc } if wlen < rlen { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s incomplete write (%v/%v)\n", what,wlen,rlen) break; } nio += 1 total += int64(rlen) rem -= int64(rlen) if rem <= 0 { break } } Done := time.Now() Elps := float64(Done.Sub(Start))/1000000000 //Seconds TotalMB := float64(total)/1000000 //MB MBps := TotalMB / Elps fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %v %.3fMB/s\n", what,total,size,nio,absize(total),MBps) return total } func tcpPush(clnt *os.File){ // shrink socket buffer and recover usleep(100); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecServer(argv[]string){ debug := true Start0 := time.Now() Start := Start0 // if local == ":" { local = "" } local := "" if 0 < len(argv) { if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } } if 0 < len(argv) { argv = argv[1:] } port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } reqbuf := make([]byte,LINESIZE) res := "" for { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() Start = time.Now() if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } clnt, _ := aconn.File() fd := clnt.Fd() ar := aconn.RemoteAddr() if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Accepted TCP at %s [%d] <- %v\n", local,fd,ar) } res = fmt.Sprintf("220 GShell/%s Server\r\n",VERSION) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%s",res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %s",res) } count, err := clnt.Read(reqbuf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- C: (%v %v) %v", count,err,string(reqbuf)) } req := string(reqbuf[:count]) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",string(req)) } reqv := strings.Split(string(req),"\r") cmdv := gshScanArg(reqv[0],0) //cmdv := strings.Split(reqv[0]," ") switch cmdv[0] { case "HELO": res = fmt.Sprintf("250 %v",req) case "GET": // download {remotefile|-zN} [localfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var in *os.File = nil var pseudoEOF = false if 1 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() in = xin dsize = MaxStreamSize pseudoEOF = true } }else{ xin,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- GET (%v)\n",err) }else{ defer xin.Close() in = xin fi,_ := xin.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() } } } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- GET %v:%v\n",dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 %v\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v",res) tcpPush(clnt); // should be separated as line in receiver fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) wcount := fileRelay("SendGET",in,clnt,dsize,bsize) if pseudoEOF { in.Close() // pipe from the command // show end of stream data (its size) by OOB? SoftEOF := fmt.Sprintf("((SoftEOF %v))",wcount) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Send %v\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF data apper at the top of recevied data fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v\r\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF alone in a packet (separate with 200 OK) // with client generated random? //fmt.Printf("--In- L: close %v (%v)\n",in.Fd(),in.Name()) } res = fmt.Sprintf("200 GET done\r\n") case "PUT": // upload {srcfile|-zN} [dstfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var out *os.File = nil if 1 < len(cmdv) { // localfile fmt.Sscanf(cmdv[1],"%d",&dsize) } if 2 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[2] if fname == "-" { // nul dev }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) //fmt.Printf("--In- S: open(%v) out(%v) err(%v)\n",fname,xout,err) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- PUT (%v)\n",err) }else{ out = xout } } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,w) %v (%v)\n", fname,local,err) } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: 200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fileRelay("RecvPUT",clnt,out,dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 PUT done\r\n") default: res = fmt.Sprintf("400 What? %v",req) } swcc,serr := clnt.Write([]byte(res)) if serr != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: (wc=%v er=%v) %v",swcc,serr,res) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) } aconn.Close(); clnt.Close(); } sconn.Close(); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecClient(argv[]string)(int,string){ debug := true Start := time.Now() if len(argv) == 1 { return -1,"EmptyARG" } argv = argv[1:] if argv[0] == "-serv" { gsh.RexecServer(argv[1:]) return 0,"Server" } remote := "" if argv[0][0] == '@' { remote = argv[0][1:] argv = argv[1:] } if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"AddressError" } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connecting to %s\n",remote) serv, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"CannotConnect" } if debug { al := serv.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connected to %v <- %v\n",remote,al) } req := "" res := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count,err := serv.Read(res) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: (%3d,%v) %v",count,err,string(res)) } if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res)) } if argv[0] == "GET" { savPA := gsh.gshPA var bsize int = 64*1024 req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) fmt.Fprintf(serv,req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if err != nil { }else{ var dsize int64 = 0 var out *os.File = nil var out_tobeclosed *os.File = nil var fname string = "" var rcode int = 0 var pid int = -1 fmt.Sscanf(string(res),"%d %d",&rcode,&dsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) if 3 <= len(argv) { fname = argv[2] if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout out_tobeclosed = xout pid = 0 // should be its pid } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Print("--En- %v\n",err) } out = xout //fmt.Printf("--In-- %d > %s\n",out.Fd(),fname) } } in,_ := serv.File() fileRelay("RecvGET",in,out,dsize,bsize) if 0 <= pid { gsh.gshPA = savPA // recovery of Fd(), and more? fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: close Pipe > %v\n",fname) out_tobeclosed.Close() //syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) //@@ } } }else if argv[0] == "PUT" { remote, _ := serv.File() var local *os.File = nil var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var ofile string = "-" //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex %v\n",argv) if 1 < len(argv) { fname := argv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() //in = xin local = xin fmt.Printf("--In- [%d] < Upload output of %v\n", local.Fd(),fname) ofile = "-from."+fname dsize = MaxStreamSize } }else{ xlocal,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- (%s)\n",err) local = nil }else{ local = xlocal fi,_ := local.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() defer local.Close() //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex in(%v / %v)\n",ofile,dsize) } ofile = fname fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,r)=%v %v (%v)\n", fname,dsize,local,err) } } if 2 < len(argv) && argv[2] != "" { ofile = argv[2] //fmt.Printf("(%d)%v B.ofile=%v\n",len(argv),argv,ofile) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--I-- Rex out(%v)\n",ofile) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) req = fmt.Sprintf("PUT %v %v \r\n",dsize,ofile) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) } fileRelay("SendPUT",local,remote,dsize,bsize) }else{ req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) //fmt.Printf("--In- sending RexRequest(%v)\n",len(req)) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- waiting RexResponse...\n") count,err = serv.Read(res) ress := "" if count == 0 { ress = "(nil)\r\n" }else{ ress = string(res[:count]) } if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: (%d,%v) %v",count,err,ress) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",ress) } serv.Close() //conn.Close() var stat string var rcode int fmt.Sscanf(ress,"%d %s",&rcode,&stat) //fmt.Printf("--D-- Client: %v (%v)",rcode,stat) return rcode,ress } // Remote Shell // gcp file [...] { [host]:[port:][dir] | dir } // -p | -no-p func (gsh*GshContext)FileCopy(argv[]string){ var host = "" var port = "" var upload = false var download = false var xargv = []string{"rex-gcp"} var srcv = []string{} var dstv = []string{} argv = argv[1:] for _,v := range argv { /* if v[0] == '-' { // might be a pseudo file (generated date) continue } */ obj := strings.Split(v,":") //fmt.Printf("%d %v %v\n",len(obj),v,obj) if 1 < len(obj) { host = obj[0] file := "" if 0 < len(host) { = host }else{ host = port = gsh.LastServer.port } if 2 < len(obj) { port = obj[1] if 0 < len(port) { gsh.LastServer.port = port }else{ port = gsh.LastServer.port } file = obj[2] }else{ file = obj[1] } if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,file) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,file) continue } /* idx := strings.Index(v,":") if 0 <= idx { remote = v[0:idx] if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,v[idx+1:]) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,v[idx+1:]) continue } */ if download { dstv = append(dstv,v) }else{ srcv = append(srcv,v) } } hostport := "@" + host + ":" + port if upload { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"PUT") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v // %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else if download { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"GET") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v // %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else{ } } // target func (gsh*GshContext)Trelpath(rloc string)(string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(rloc) twd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(cwd) tpath := twd + "/" + rloc return tpath } // join to rmote GShell - [user@]host[:port] or cd host:[port]:path func (gsh*GshContext)Rjoin(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- current server = %v\n",gsh.RSERV) return } serv := argv[1] servv := strings.Split(serv,":") if 1 <= len(servv) { if servv[0] == "lo" { servv[0] = "localhost" } } switch len(servv) { case 1: //if strings.Index(serv,":") < 0 { serv = servv[0] + ":" + fmt.Sprintf("%d",GSH_PORT) //} case 2: // host:port serv = strings.Join(servv,":") } xargv := []string{"rex-join","@"+serv,"HELO"} rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) gsh.RSERV = serv }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG, could not joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rexec(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- rexec command [ | {file || {command} ]\n",gsh.RSERV) return } /* nargv := gshScanArg(strings.Join(argv," "),0) fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) if nargv[1][0] != '{' { nargv[1] = "{" + nargv[1] + "}" fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) } argv = nargv */ nargv := []string{} nargv = append(nargv,"{"+strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")+"}") fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d %v\n",len(nargv),nargv) argv = nargv xargv := []string{"rex-exec","@"+gsh.RSERV,"GET"} xargv = append(xargv,argv...) xargv = append(xargv,"/dev/tty") rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rchdir(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { return } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(argv[1]) twd, _ := os.Getwd() gsh.RWD = twd fmt.Printf("--I-- JWD=%v\n",twd) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rpwd(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%v\n",gsh.RWD) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rls(argv[]string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) argv[0] = "-ls" gsh.xFind(argv) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rput(argv[]string){ var local string = "" var remote string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { local = argv[1] remote = local // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { remote = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jput from=%v to=%v\n",local,gsh.Trelpath(remote)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rget(argv[]string){ var remote string = "" var local string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { remote = argv[1] local = remote // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { local = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jget from=%v to=%v\n",gsh.Trelpath(remote),local) } // network // -s, -si, -so // bi-directional, source, sync (maybe socket) func (gshCtx*GshContext)sconnect(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -s [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } remote := argv[1] if remote == ":" { remote = "" } if inTCP { // TCP dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s, socket[%d]\n",remote,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() }else{ //dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",remote); dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } //conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp4",nil,dport) conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() ar := conn.RemoteAddr() //al := conn.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s [%s], socket[%d]\n", remote,ar.String(),fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() } } func (gshCtx*GshContext)saccept(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -ac [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } local := argv[1] if local == ":" { local = "" } if inTCP { // TCP port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Listen at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Accepting at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := aconn.File() fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Accepted TCP at %s [%d]\n",local,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[0] = savfd sconn.Close(); aconn.Close(); file.Close(); }else{ //port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",local); port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf("Listen UDP at %s...\n",local); //uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp4", port) uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := uconn.File() fd := file.Fd() ar := uconn.RemoteAddr() remote := "" if ar != nil { remote = ar.String() } if remote == "" { remote = "?" } // not yet received //fmt.Printf("Accepted at %s [%d] <- %s\n",local,fd,"") savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; savenv := gshPA.Env gshPA.Env = append(savenv, "REMOTE_HOST="+remote) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Env = savenv gshPA.Files[0] = savfd uconn.Close(); file.Close(); } } // empty line command func (gshCtx*GshContext)xPwd(argv[]string){ // execute context command, pwd + date // context notation, representation scheme, to be resumed at re-login cwd, _ := os.Getwd() switch { case isin("-a",argv): gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) case isin("-ls",argv): showFileInfo(cwd,argv) default: fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) case isin("-v",argv): // obsolete emtpy command t := time.Now() date := t.Format(time.UnixDate) exe, _ := os.Executable() host, _ := os.Hostname() fmt.Printf("{PWD=\"%s\"",cwd) fmt.Printf(" HOST=\"%s\"",host) fmt.Printf(" DATE=\"%s\"",date) fmt.Printf(" TIME=\"%s\"",t.String()) fmt.Printf(" PID=\"%d\"",os.Getpid()) fmt.Printf(" EXE=\"%s\"",exe) fmt.Printf("}\n") } } // History // these should be browsed and edited by HTTP browser // show the time of command with -t and direcotry with -ls // openfile-history, sort by -a -m -c // sort by elapsed time by -t -s // search by "more" like interface // edit history // sort history, and wc or uniq // CPU and other resource consumptions // limit showing range (by time or so) // export / import history func (gshCtx *GshContext)xHistory(argv []string){ atWorkDirX := -1 if 1 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[1],"@") { atWorkDirX,_ = strconv.Atoi(argv[1][1:]) } //fmt.Printf("--D-- showHistory(%v)\n",argv) for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { // exclude commands not to be listed by default // internal commands may be suppressed by default if v.CmdLine == "" && !isin("-a",argv) { continue; } if 0 <= atWorkDirX { if v.WorkDirX != atWorkDirX { continue } } if !isin("-n",argv){ // like "fc" fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",i) } if isin("-v",argv){ fmt.Println(v) // should be with it date }else{ if isin("-l",argv) || isin("-l0",argv) { elps := v.EndAt.Sub(v.StartAt); start := v.StartAt.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("@%d ",v.WorkDirX) fmt.Printf("[%v] %11v/t ",start,elps) } if isin("-l",argv) && !isin("-l0",argv){ fmt.Printf("%v",Rusagef("%t %u\t// %s",argv,v.Rusagev)) } if isin("-at",argv) { // isin("-ls",argv){ dhi := v.WorkDirX // workdir history index fmt.Printf("@%d %s\t",dhi,v.WorkDir) // show the FileInfo of the output command?? } fmt.Printf("%s",v.CmdLine) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } // !n - history index func searchHistory(gshCtx GshContext, gline string) (string, bool, bool){ if gline[0] == '!' { hix, err := strconv.Atoi(gline[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s : range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } if hix < 0 || len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) <= hix { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%d : out of range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } return gshCtx.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine, false, false } // search //for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { //} return gline, false, false } func (gsh*GshContext)cmdStringInHistory(hix int)(cmd string, ok bool){ if 0 <= hix && hix < len(gsh.CommandHistory) { return gsh.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine,true } return "",false } // temporary adding to PATH environment // cd name -lib for LD_LIBRARY_PATH // chdir with directory history (date + full-path) // -s for sort option (by visit date or so) func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory1(i int,v GChdirHistory, argv []string){ fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",v.CmdIndex) // the first command at this WorkDir fmt.Printf("@%d ",i) fmt.Printf("[%v] ",v.MovedAt.Format(time.Stamp)) showFileInfo(v.Dir,argv) } func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory(argv []string){ for i, v := range gsh.ChdirHistory { gsh.ShowChdirHistory1(i,v,argv) } } func skipOpts(argv[]string)(int){ for i,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-") { }else{ return i } } return -1 } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xChdir(argv []string){ cdhist := gshCtx.ChdirHistory if isin("?",argv ) || isin("-t",argv) || isin("-a",argv) { gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) return } pwd, _ := os.Getwd() dir := "" if len(argv) <= 1 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ i := skipOpts(argv[1:]) if i < 0 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ dir = argv[1+i] } } if strBegins(dir,"@") { if dir == "@0" { // obsolete dir = gshCtx.StartDir }else if dir == "@!" { index := len(cdhist) - 1 if 0 < index { index -= 1 } dir = cdhist[index].Dir }else{ index, err := strconv.Atoi(dir[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%v)\n",err) dir = "?" }else if len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory) <= index { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(history range error)\n") dir = "?" }else{ dir = cdhist[index].Dir } } } if dir != "?" { err := os.Chdir(dir) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%s)(%v)\n",argv[1],err) }else{ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if cwd != pwd { hist1 := GChdirHistory { } hist1.Dir = cwd hist1.MovedAt = time.Now() hist1.CmdIndex = len(gshCtx.CommandHistory)+1 gshCtx.ChdirHistory = append(cdhist,hist1) if !isin("-s",argv){ //cwd, _ := os.Getwd() //fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) ix := len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory)-1 gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory1(ix,hist1,argv) } } } } if isin("-ls",argv){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() showFileInfo(cwd,argv); } } func TimeValSub(tv1 *syscall.Timeval, tv2 *syscall.Timeval){ *tv1 = syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() - tv2.Nano()) } func RusageSubv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Utime,&ru2[0].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Stime,&ru2[0].Stime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Utime,&ru2[1].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Stime,&ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } func TimeValAdd(tv1 syscall.Timeval, tv2 syscall.Timeval)(syscall.Timeval){ tvs := syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() + tv2.Nano()) return tvs } /* func RusageAddv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Utime,ru2[0].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Stime,ru2[0].Stime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Utime,ru2[1].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Stime,ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } */ // Resource Usage func sRusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ // ru[0] self , ru[1] children ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) uu := (ut.Sec*1000000 + int64(ut.Usec)) * 1000 su := (st.Sec*1000000 + int64(st.Usec)) * 1000 tu := uu + su ret := fmt.Sprintf("%v/sum",abbtime(tu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/usr",abbtime(uu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/sys",abbtime(su)) return ret } func Rusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/u ",ut.Sec,ut.Usec) //ru[1].Utime.Sec,ru[1].Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/s ",st.Sec,st.Usec) //ru[1].Stime.Sec,ru[1].Stime.Usec) return "" } func Getrusagev()([2]syscall.Rusage){ var ruv = [2]syscall.Rusage{} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&ruv[0]) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&ruv[1]) return ruv } func showRusage(what string,argv []string, ru *syscall.Rusage){ fmt.Printf("%s: ",what); fmt.Printf("Usr=%d.%06ds",ru.Utime.Sec,ru.Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Sys=%d.%06ds",ru.Stime.Sec,ru.Stime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Rss=%vB",ru.Maxrss) if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" MinFlt=%v",ru.Minflt) fmt.Printf(" MajFlt=%v",ru.Majflt) fmt.Printf(" IxRSS=%vB",ru.Ixrss) fmt.Printf(" IdRSS=%vB",ru.Idrss) fmt.Printf(" Nswap=%vB",ru.Nswap) fmt.Printf(" Read=%v",ru.Inblock) fmt.Printf(" Write=%v",ru.Oublock) } fmt.Printf(" Snd=%v",ru.Msgsnd) fmt.Printf(" Rcv=%v",ru.Msgrcv) //if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" Sig=%v",ru.Nsignals) //} fmt.Printf("\n"); } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xTime(argv[]string)(bool){ if 2 <= len(argv){ gshCtx.LastRusage = syscall.Rusage{} rusagev1 := Getrusagev() fin := gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() showRusage(argv[1],argv,&gshCtx.LastRusage) rusagev := RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) showRusage("self",argv,&rusagev[0]) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusagev[1]) return fin }else{ rusage:= syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&rusage) showRusage("self",argv, &rusage) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&rusage) showRusage("chld",argv, &rusage) return false } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xJobs(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%d Jobs\n",len(gshCtx.BackGroundJobs)) for ji, pid := range gshCtx.BackGroundJobs { //wstat := syscall.WaitStatus {0} rusage := syscall.Rusage {} //wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,&wstat,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- %%%d [%d] (%v)\n",ji,pid,err) }else{ fmt.Printf("%%%d[%d](%d)\n",ji,pid,wpid) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusage) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)inBackground(argv[]string)(bool){ if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- inBackground(%v)\n",argv) } gsh.BackGround = true // set background option xfin := false xfin = gsh.gshellv(argv) gsh.BackGround = false return xfin } // -o file without command means just opening it and refer by #N // should be listed by "files" comnmand func (gshCtx*GshContext)xOpen(argv[]string){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} err := syscall.Pipe(pv) fmt.Printf("--I-- pipe()=[#%d,#%d](%v)\n",pv[0],pv[1],err) } func (gshCtx*GshContext)fromPipe(argv[]string){ } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xClose(argv[]string){ } // redirect func (gshCtx*GshContext)redirect(argv[]string)(bool){ if len(argv) < 2 { return false } cmd := argv[0] fname := argv[1] var file *os.File = nil fdix := 0 mode := os.O_RDONLY switch { case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<": fdix = 0 mode = os.O_RDONLY case cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE case cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND } if fname[0] == '#' { fd, err := strconv.Atoi(fname[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%v)\n",err) return false } file = os.NewFile(uintptr(fd),"MaybePipe") }else{ xfile, err := os.OpenFile(argv[1], mode, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s)\n",err) return false } file = xfile } gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] gshPA.Files[fdix] = file.Fd() fmt.Printf("--I-- Opened [%d] %s\n",file.Fd(),argv[1]) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return false } //fmt.Fprintf(res, "GShell Status: %q", html.EscapeString(req.URL.Path)) func httpHandler(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){ path := req.URL.Path fmt.Printf("--I-- Got HTTP Request(%s)\n",path) { gshCtxBuf, _ := setupGshContext() gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf fmt.Printf("--I-- %s\n",path[1:]) gshCtx.tgshelll(path[1:]) } fmt.Fprintf(res, "Hello(^-^)/\n%s\n",path) } func (gshCtx *GshContext) httpServer(argv []string){ http.HandleFunc("/", httpHandler) accport := "localhost:9999" fmt.Printf("--I-- HTTP Server Start at [%s]\n",accport) http.ListenAndServe(accport,nil) } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xGo(argv[]string){ go gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]); } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPs(argv[]string)(){ } // Plugin // plugin [-ls [names]] to list plugins // Reference: plugin source code func (gshCtx *GshContext) whichPlugin(name string,argv[]string)(pi *PluginInfo){ pi = nil for _,p := range gshCtx.PluginFuncs { if p.Name == name && pi == nil { pi = &p } if !isin("-s",argv){ //fmt.Printf("%v %v ",i,p) if isin("-ls",argv){ showFileInfo(p.Path,argv) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s\n",p.Name) } } } return pi } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPlugin(argv[]string) (error) { if len(argv) == 0 || argv[0] == "-ls" { gshCtx.whichPlugin("",argv) return nil } name := argv[0] Pin := gshCtx.whichPlugin(name,[]string{"-s"}) if Pin != nil { os.Args = argv // should be recovered? Pin.Addr.(func())() return nil } sofile := toFullpath(argv[0] + ".so") // or find it by which($PATH) p, err := plugin.Open(sofile) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Open(%s)(%v)\n",sofile,err) return err } fname := "Main" f, err := p.Lookup(fname) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Lookup(%s)(%v)\n",fname,err) return err } pin := PluginInfo {p,f,name,sofile} gshCtx.PluginFuncs = append(gshCtx.PluginFuncs,pin) fmt.Printf("--I-- added (%d)\n",len(gshCtx.PluginFuncs)) //fmt.Printf("--I-- first call(%s:%s)%v\n",sofile,fname,argv) os.Args = argv f.(func())() return err } func (gshCtx*GshContext)Args(argv[]string){ for i,v := range os.Args { fmt.Printf("[%v] %v\n",i,v) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext) showVersion(argv[]string){ if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v/%v (%v)",NAME,VERSION,DATE); }else{ fmt.Printf("%v",VERSION); } if isin("-a",argv) { fmt.Printf(" %s",AUTHOR) } if !isin("-n",argv) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } // Scanf // string decomposer // scanf [format] [input] func scanv(sstr string)(strv[]string){ strv = strings.Split(sstr," ") return strv } func scanUntil(src,end string)(rstr string,leng int){ idx := strings.Index(src,end) if 0 <= idx { rstr = src[0:idx] return rstr,idx+len(end) } return src,0 } // -bn -- display base-name part only // can be in some %fmt, for sed rewriting func (gsh*GshContext)printVal(fmts string, vstr string, optv[]string){ //vint,err := strconv.Atoi(vstr) var ival int64 = 0 n := 0 err := error(nil) if strBegins(vstr,"_") { vx,_ := strconv.Atoi(vstr[1:]) if vx < len(gsh.iValues) { vstr = gsh.iValues[vx] }else{ } } // should use Eval() if strBegins(vstr,"0x") { n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr[2:],"%x",&ival) }else{ n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr,"%d",&ival) //fmt.Printf("--D-- n=%d err=(%v) {%s}=%v\n",n,err,vstr, ival) } if n == 1 && err == nil { //fmt.Printf("--D-- formatn(%v) ival(%v)\n",fmts,ival) fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,ival) }else{ if isin("-bn",optv){ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,filepath.Base(vstr)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,vstr) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)printfv(fmts,div string,argv[]string,optv[]string,list[]string){ //fmt.Printf("{%d}",len(list)) //curfmt := "v" outlen := 0 curfmt := gsh.iFormat if 0 < len(fmts) { for xi := 0; xi < len(fmts); xi++ { fch := fmts[xi] if fch == '%' { if xi+1 < len(fmts) { curfmt = string(fmts[xi+1]) gsh.iFormat = curfmt xi += 1 if xi+1 < len(fmts) && fmts[xi+1] == '(' { vals,leng := scanUntil(fmts[xi+2:],")") //fmt.Printf("--D-- show fmt(%v) val(%v) next(%v)\n",curfmt,vals,leng) gsh.printVal(curfmt,vals,optv) xi += 2+leng-1 outlen += 1 } continue } } if fch == '_' { hi,leng := scanInt(fmts[xi+1:]) if 0 < leng { if hi < len(gsh.iValues) { gsh.printVal(curfmt,gsh.iValues[hi],optv) outlen += 1 // should be the real length }else{ fmt.Printf("((out-range))") } xi += leng continue; } } fmt.Printf("%c",fch) outlen += 1 } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--D-- print {%s}\n") for i,v := range list { if 0 < i { fmt.Printf(div) } gsh.printVal(curfmt,v,optv) outlen += 1 } } if 0 < outlen { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func (gsh*GshContext)Scanv(argv[]string){ //fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanv(%v)\n",argv) if len(argv) == 1 { return } argv = argv[1:] fmts := "" if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { fmts = argv[0] gsh.iDelimiter = fmts argv = argv[1:] } input := strings.Join(argv," ") if fmts == "" { // simple decomposition v := scanv(input) gsh.iValues = v //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(v,",")) }else{ v := make([]string,8) n,err := fmt.Sscanf(input,fmts,&v[0],&v[1],&v[2],&v[3]) fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanf ->(%v) n=%d err=(%v)\n",v,n,err) gsh.iValues = v } } func (gsh*GshContext)Printv(argv[]string){ if false { //@@U fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")) return } //fmt.Printf("--D-- Printv(%v)\n",argv) //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(gsh.iValues,",")) div := gsh.iDelimiter fmts := "" argv = argv[1:] if 0 < len(argv) { if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { div = argv[0][2:] argv = argv[1:] } } optv := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-"){ optv = append(optv,v) argv = argv[1:] }else{ break; } } if 0 < len(argv) { fmts = strings.Join(argv," ") } gsh.printfv(fmts,div,argv,optv,gsh.iValues) } func (gsh*GshContext)Basename(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValues { gsh.iValues[i] = filepath.Base(v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Sortv(argv[]string){ sv := gsh.iValues sort.Slice(sv , func(i,j int) bool { return sv[i] < sv[j] }) } func (gsh*GshContext)Shiftv(argv[]string){ vi := len(gsh.iValues) if 0 < vi { if isin("-r",argv) { top := gsh.iValues[0] gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues[1:],top) }else{ gsh.iValues = gsh.iValues[1:] } } } func (gsh*GshContext)Enq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Deq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Push(argv[]string){ gsh.iValStack = append(gsh.iValStack,argv[1:]) fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",len(gsh.iValStack)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Dump(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValStack { fmt.Printf("%d %v\n",i,v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Pop(argv[]string){ depth := len(gsh.iValStack) if 0 < depth { v := gsh.iValStack[depth-1] if isin("-cat",argv){ gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues,v...) }else{ gsh.iValues = v } gsh.iValStack = gsh.iValStack[0:depth-1] fmt.Printf("depth=%d %s\n",len(gsh.iValStack),gsh.iValues) }else{ fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",depth) } } // Command Interpreter func (gshCtx*GshContext)gshellv(argv []string) (fin bool) { fin = false if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv((%d))\n",len(argv)) } if len(argv) <= 0 { return false } xargv := []string{} for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { xargv = append(xargv,strsubst(gshCtx,argv[ai],false)) } argv = xargv if false { for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { fmt.Printf("[%d] %s [%d]%T\n", ai,argv[ai],len(argv[ai]),argv[ai]) } } cmd := argv[0] if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv(%d)%v\n",len(argv),argv) } switch { // case cmd == "": gshCtx.xPwd([]string{}); // emtpy command case cmd == "-x": gshCtx.CmdTrace = ! gshCtx.CmdTrace case cmd == "-xt": gshCtx.CmdTime = ! gshCtx.CmdTime case cmd == "-ot": gshCtx.sconnect(true, argv) case cmd == "-ou": gshCtx.sconnect(false, argv) case cmd == "-it": gshCtx.saccept(true , argv) case cmd == "-iu": gshCtx.saccept(false, argv) case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<" || cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">" || cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>" || cmd == "-s" || cmd == "><": gshCtx.redirect(argv) case cmd == "|": gshCtx.fromPipe(argv) case cmd == "args": gshCtx.Args(argv) case cmd == "bg" || cmd == "-bg": rfin := gshCtx.inBackground(argv[1:]) return rfin case cmd == "-bn": gshCtx.Basename(argv) case cmd == "call": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(false,argv[1:]) case cmd == "cd" || cmd == "chdir": gshCtx.xChdir(argv); case cmd == "-cksum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sumtest": str := "" if 1 < len(argv) { str = argv[1] } crc := strCRC32(str,uint64(len(str))) fprintf(stderr,"%v %v\n",crc,len(str)) case cmd == "close": gshCtx.xClose(argv) case cmd == "gcp": gshCtx.FileCopy(argv) case cmd == "dec" || cmd == "decode": gshCtx.Dec(argv) case cmd == "#define": case cmd == "dic" || cmd == "d": xDic(argv) case cmd == "dump": gshCtx.Dump(argv) case cmd == "echo" || cmd == "e": echo(argv,true) case cmd == "enc" || cmd == "encode": gshCtx.Enc(argv) case cmd == "env": env(argv) case cmd == "eval": xEval(argv[1:],true) case cmd == "ev" || cmd == "events": dumpEvents(argv) case cmd == "exec": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(true,argv[1:]) // should not return here case cmd == "exit" || cmd == "quit": // write Result code EXIT to 3> return true case cmd == "fdls": // dump the attributes of fds (of other process) case cmd == "-find" || cmd == "fin" || cmd == "ufind" || cmd == "uf": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fu": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fork": // mainly for a server case cmd == "-gen": gshCtx.gen(argv) case cmd == "-go": gshCtx.xGo(argv) case cmd == "-grep": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "gdeq": gshCtx.Deq(argv) case cmd == "genq": gshCtx.Enq(argv) case cmd == "gpop": gshCtx.Pop(argv) case cmd == "gpush": gshCtx.Push(argv) case cmd == "history" || cmd == "hi": // hi should be alias gshCtx.xHistory(argv) case cmd == "jobs": gshCtx.xJobs(argv) case cmd == "lnsp" || cmd == "nlsp": gshCtx.SplitLine(argv) case cmd == "-ls": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "nop": // do nothing case cmd == "pipe": gshCtx.xOpen(argv) case cmd == "plug" || cmd == "plugin" || cmd == "pin": gshCtx.xPlugin(argv[1:]) case cmd == "print" || cmd == "-pr": // output internal slice // also sprintf should be gshCtx.Printv(argv) case cmd == "ps": gshCtx.xPs(argv) case cmd == "pstitle": // to be gsh.title case cmd == "rexecd" || cmd == "rexd": gshCtx.RexecServer(argv) case cmd == "rexec" || cmd == "rex": gshCtx.RexecClient(argv) case cmd == "repeat" || cmd == "rep": // repeat cond command gshCtx.repeat(argv) case cmd == "replay": gshCtx.xReplay(argv) case cmd == "scan": // scan input (or so in fscanf) to internal slice (like Files or map) gshCtx.Scanv(argv) case cmd == "set": // set name ... case cmd == "serv": gshCtx.httpServer(argv) case cmd == "shift": gshCtx.Shiftv(argv) case cmd == "sleep": gshCtx.sleep(argv) case cmd == "-sort": gshCtx.Sortv(argv) case cmd == "j" || cmd == "join": gshCtx.Rjoin(argv) case cmd == "a" || cmd == "alpa": gshCtx.Rexec(argv) case cmd == "jcd" || cmd == "jchdir": gshCtx.Rchdir(argv) case cmd == "jget": gshCtx.Rget(argv) case cmd == "jls": gshCtx.Rls(argv) case cmd == "jput": gshCtx.Rput(argv) case cmd == "jpwd": gshCtx.Rpwd(argv) case cmd == "time": fin = gshCtx.xTime(argv) case cmd == "ungets": if 1 < len(argv) { ungets(argv[1]+"\n") }else{ } case cmd == "pwd": gshCtx.xPwd(argv); case cmd == "ver" || cmd == "-ver" || cmd == "version": gshCtx.showVersion(argv) case cmd == "where": // data file or so? case cmd == "which": which("PATH",argv); default: if gshCtx.whichPlugin(cmd,[]string{"-s"}) != nil { gshCtx.xPlugin(argv) }else{ notfound,_ := gshCtx.excommand(false,argv) if notfound { fmt.Printf("--E-- command not found (%v)\n",cmd) } } } return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelll(gline string) (rfin bool) { argv := strings.Split(string(gline)," ") fin := gsh.gshellv(argv) return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)tgshelll(gline string)(xfin bool){ start := time.Now() fin := gsh.gshelll(gline) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start); if gsh.CmdTime { fmt.Printf("--T-- " + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) + "(%d.%09ds)\n", elps/1000000000,elps%1000000000) } return fin } func Ttyid() (int) { fi, err := os.Stdin.Stat() if err != nil { return 0; } //fmt.Printf("Stdin: %v Dev=%d\n", // fi.Mode(),fi.Mode()&os.ModeDevice) if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeDevice) != 0 { stat := syscall.Stat_t{}; err := syscall.Fstat(0,&stat) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: (%v)\n",err) }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: rdev=%d %d\n", // stat.Rdev&0xFF,stat.Rdev); //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: tty%d\n",stat.Rdev&0xFF); return int(stat.Rdev & 0xFF) } } return 0 } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyfile() string { //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) ttyfile := gshCtx.GshHomeDir + "/" + "gsh-tty" + fmt.Sprintf("%02d",gshCtx.TerminalId) //strconv.Itoa(gshCtx.TerminalId) //fmt.Printf("--I-- ttyfile=%s\n",ttyfile) return ttyfile } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyline()(*os.File){ file, err := os.OpenFile(gshCtx.ttyfile(),os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- cannot open %s (%s)\n",gshCtx.ttyfile(),err) return file; } return file } func (gshCtx *GshContext)getline(hix int, skipping bool, prevline string) (string) { if( skipping ){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) }else if true { return xgetline(hix,prevline,gshCtx) } /* else if( with_exgetline && gshCtx.GetLine != "" ){ //var xhix int64 = int64(hix); // cast newenv := os.Environ() newenv = append(newenv, "GSH_LINENO="+strconv.FormatInt(int64(hix),10) ) tty := gshCtx.ttyline() tty.WriteString(prevline) Pa := os.ProcAttr { "", // start dir newenv, //os.Environ(), []*os.File{os.Stdin,os.Stdout,os.Stderr,tty}, nil, } //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline=%s // %s\n",gsh_getlinev[0],gshCtx.GetLine) proc, err := os.StartProcess(gsh_getlinev[0],[]string{"getline","getline"},&Pa) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- getline process error (%v)\n",err) // for ; ; { } return "exit (getline program failed)" } //stat, err := proc.Wait() proc.Wait() buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count, err := tty.Read(buff) //_, err = tty.Read(buff) //fmt.Printf("--D-- getline (%d)\n",count) if err != nil { if ! (count == 0) { // && err.String() == "EOF" ) { fmt.Printf("--E-- getline error (%s)\n",err) } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline OK \"%s\"\n",buff) } tty.Close() gline := string(buff[0:count]) return gline }else */ { // if isatty { fmt.Printf("!%d",hix) fmt.Print(PROMPT) // } reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) } } //== begin ======================================================= getline /* * getline.c * 2020-0819 extracted from dog.c * getline.go * 2020-0822 ported to Go */ /* package main // getline main import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "os" // os "syscall" // syscall //"bytes" // os //"os/exec" // os ) */ // C language compatibility functions var errno = 0 var stdin *os.File = os.Stdin var stdout *os.File = os.Stdout var stderr *os.File = os.Stderr var EOF = -1 var NULL = 0 type FILE os.File type StrBuff []byte var NULL_FP *os.File = nil var NULLSP = 0 //var LINESIZE = 1024 func system(cmdstr string)(int){ PA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the starting directory os.Environ(), []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, } argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") pid,err := syscall.ForkExec(argv[0],argv,&PA) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- syscall(%v) err(%v)\n",cmdstr,err) } syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) /* argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- system(%v)\n",argv) //cmd := exec.Command(argv[0:]...) cmd := exec.Command(argv[0],argv[1],argv[2]) cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader("output of system") var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out var serr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr = &serr err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--E-- system(%v)err(%v)\n",argv,err) fmt.Printf("ERR:%s\n",serr.String()) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",out.String()) } */ return 0 } func atoi(str string)(ret int){ ret,err := fmt.Sscanf(str,"%d",ret) if err == nil { return ret }else{ // should set errno return 0 } } func getenv(name string)(string){ val,got := os.LookupEnv(name) if got { return val }else{ return "?" } } func strcpy(dst StrBuff, src string){ var i int srcb := []byte(src) for i = 0; i < len(src) && srcb[i] != 0; i++ { dst[i] = srcb[i] } dst[i] = 0 } func xstrcpy(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = src } func strcat(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = append(dst,src...) } func strdup(str StrBuff)(string){ return string(str[0:strlen(str)]) } func sstrlen(str string)(int){ return len(str) } func strlen(str StrBuff)(int){ var i int for i = 0; i < len(str) && str[i] != 0; i++ { } return i } func sizeof(data StrBuff)(int){ return len(data) } func isatty(fd int)(ret int){ return 1 } func fopen(file string,mode string)(fp*os.File){ if mode == "r" { fp,err := os.Open(file) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- fopen(%s,%s)=(%v)\n",file,mode,err) return NULL_FP; } return fp; }else{ fp,err := os.OpenFile(file,os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if( err != nil ){ return NULL_FP; } return fp; } } func fclose(fp*os.File){ fp.Close() } func fflush(fp *os.File)(int){ return 0 } func fgetc(fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func sfgets(str*string, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ buf := make(StrBuff,size) var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fgets(buf StrBuff, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fputc(ch int , fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte buf[0] = byte(ch) fp.Write(buf[0:1]) return 0 } func fputs(buf StrBuff, fp*os.File)(int){ fp.Write(buf) return 0 } func xfputss(str string, fp*os.File)(int){ return fputs([]byte(str),fp) } func sscanf(str StrBuff,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Sscanf(string(str[0:strlen(str)]),fmts,params...) return 0 } func fprintf(fp*os.File,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Fprintf(fp,fmts,params...) return 0 } // Command Line IME //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MyIME var MyIMEVER = "MyIME/0.0.2"; type RomKana struct { dic string // dictionaly ID pat string // input pattern out string // output pattern hit int64 // count of hit and used } var dicents = 0 var romkana [1024]RomKana var Romkan []RomKana func isinDic(str string)(int){ for i,v := range Romkan { if v.pat == str { return i } } return -1 } const ( DIC_COM_LOAD = "im" DIC_COM_DUMP = "s" DIC_COM_LIST = "ls" DIC_COM_ENA = "en" DIC_COM_DIS = "di" ) func helpDic(argv []string){ out := stderr cmd := "" if 0 < len(argv) { cmd = argv[0] } fprintf(out,"--- %v Usage\n",cmd) fprintf(out,"... Commands\n") fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] [dicURL ] -- Import dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LOAD) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [pattern] -- Search in dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DUMP) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- List dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LIST) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Disable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DIS) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Enable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_ENA) fprintf(out,"... Keys ... %v\n","ESC can be used for '\\'") fprintf(out,"... \\c -- Reverse the case of the last character\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\i -- Replace input with translated text\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\j -- On/Off translation mode\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\l -- Force Lower Case\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\u -- Force Upper Case (software CapsLock)\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\v -- Show translation actions\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\x -- Replace the last input character with it Hexa-Decimal\n",) } func xDic(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { helpDic(argv) return } argv = argv[1:] var debug = false var info = false var silent = false var dump = false var builtin = false cmd := argv[0] argv = argv[1:] opt := "" arg := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg1 := argv[0] if arg1[0] == '-' { switch arg1 { default: fmt.Printf("--Ed-- Unknown option(%v)\n",arg1) return case "-b": builtin = true case "-d": debug = true case "-s": silent = true case "-v": info = true } opt = arg1 argv = argv[1:] } } dicName := "" dicURL := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg = argv[0] dicName = arg argv = argv[1:] } if 0 < len(argv) { dicURL = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if false { fprintf(stderr,"--Dd-- com(%v) opt(%v) arg(%v)\n",cmd,opt,arg) } if cmd == DIC_COM_LOAD { //dicType := "" dicBody := "" if !builtin && dicName != "" && dicURL == "" { f,err := os.Open(dicName) if err == nil { dicURL = dicName }else{ f,err = os.Open(dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = dicName+".html" }else{ f,err = os.Open("gshdic-"+dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = "gshdic-"+dicName+".html" } } } if err == nil { var buf = make([]byte,128*1024) count,err := f.Read(buf) f.Close() if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- ReadDic(%v,%v)\n",count,err) } dicBody = string(buf[0:count]) } } if dicBody == "" { switch arg { default: dicName = "WorldDic" dicURL = WorldDic if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- default dictionary \"%v\"\n", dicName); } case "wnn": dicName = "WnnDic" dicURL = WnnDic case "sumomo": dicName = "SumomoDic" dicURL = SumomoDic case "sijimi": dicName = "SijimiDic" dicURL = SijimiDic case "jkl": dicName = "JKLJaDic" dicURL = JA_JKLDic } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v URL=%v\n\n",dicName,dicURL); } dicv := strings.Split(dicURL,",") if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v encoded data...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"Type: %v\n",dicv[0]) fprintf(stderr,"Body: %v\n",dicv[1]) fprintf(stderr,"\n") } body,_ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(dicv[1]) dicBody = string(body) } if info { fmt.Printf("--Id-- %v %v\n",dicName,dicURL) fmt.Printf("%s\n",dicBody) } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- dicName %v text...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"%v\n",string(dicBody)) } entv := strings.Split(dicBody,"\n"); if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan...\n",dicName); } var added int = 0 var dup int = 0 for i,v := range entv { var pat string var out string fmt.Sscanf(v,"%s %s",&pat,&out) if len(pat) <= 0 { }else{ if 0 <= isinDic(pat) { dup += 1 continue } romkana[dicents] = RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0} dicents += 1 added += 1 Romkan = append(Romkan,RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0}) if debug { fmt.Printf("[%3v]:[%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) } } } if !silent { url := dicURL if strBegins(url,"data:") { url = "builtin" } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan... %v added, %v dup. / %v total (%v)\n", dicName,added,dup,len(Romkan),url); } // should sort by pattern length for conclete match, for performance if debug { arg = "" // search pattern dump = true } } if cmd == DIC_COM_DUMP || dump { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v dump... %v entries:\n",dicName,len(Romkan)); var match = 0 for i := 0; i < len(Romkan); i++ { dic := Romkan[i].dic pat := Romkan[i].pat out := Romkan[i].out if arg == "" || 0 <= strings.Index(pat,arg)||0 <= strings.Index(out,arg) { fmt.Printf("\\\\%v\t%v [%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,dic,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) match += 1 } } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v matched %v / %v entries:\n",arg,match,len(Romkan)); } } func loadDefaultDic(dic int){ if( 0 < len(Romkan) ){ return } //fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") xDic([]string{"dic",DIC_COM_LOAD}); var info = false if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- Conguraturations!! WorldDic is now activated.\r\n") fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- enter \"dic\" command for help.\r\n") } } func readDic()(int){ /* var rk *os.File; var dic = "MyIME-dic.txt"; //rk = fopen("romkana.txt","r"); //rk = fopen("JK-JA-morse-dic.txt","r"); rk = fopen(dic,"r"); if( rk == NULL_FP ){ if( true ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- Could not load %s\n",MyIMEVER,dic); } return -1; } if( true ){ var di int; var line = make(StrBuff,1024); var pat string var out string for di = 0; di < 1024; di++ { if( fgets(line,sizeof(line),rk) == NULLSP ){ break; } fmt.Sscanf(string(line[0:strlen(line)]),"%s %s",&pat,&out); //sscanf(line,"%s %[^\r\n]",&pat,&out); romkana[di].pat = pat; romkana[di].out = out; //fprintf(stderr,"--Dd- %-10s %s\n",pat,out) } dicents += di if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- loaded romkana.txt [%d]\n",MyIMEVER,di); for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n",romkana[di].pat,romkana[di].out); } } } fclose(rk); //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" // dump the dic. and clean the command input */ return 0; } func matchlen(stri string, pati string)(int){ if strBegins(stri,pati) { return len(pati) }else{ return 0 } } func convs(src string)(string){ var si int; var sx = len(src); var di int; var mi int; var dstb []byte for si = 0; si < sx; { // search max. match from the position if strBegins(src[si:],"%x/") { // %x/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 //fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%d",&iv) fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%x",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%d/") { // %d/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%d",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%t") { now := time.Now() if true { date := now.Format(time.Stamp) dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(date)...) si = si+3 } continue } var maxlen int = 0; var len int; mi = -1; for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { len = matchlen(src[si:],romkana[di].pat); if( maxlen < len ){ maxlen = len; mi = di; } } if( 0 < maxlen ){ out := romkana[mi].out; dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(out)...); si += maxlen; }else{ dstb = append(dstb,src[si]) si += 1; } } return string(dstb) } func trans(src string)(int){ dst := convs(src); xfputss(dst,stderr); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------- LINEEDIT // "?" at the top of the line means searching history // should be compatilbe with Telnet const ( EV_MODE = 255 EV_IDLE = 254 EV_TIMEOUT = 253 GO_UP = 252 // k GO_DOWN = 251 // j GO_RIGHT = 250 // l GO_LEFT = 249 // h DEL_RIGHT = 248 // x GO_TOPL = 'A'-0x40 // 0 GO_ENDL = 'E'-0x40 // $ GO_TOPW = 239 // b GO_ENDW = 238 // e GO_NEXTW = 237 // w GO_FORWCH = 229 // f GO_PAIRCH = 228 // % GO_DEL = 219 // d HI_SRCH_FW = 209 // / HI_SRCH_BK = 208 // ? HI_SRCH_RFW = 207 // n HI_SRCH_RBK = 206 // N ) // should return number of octets ready to be read immediately //fprintf(stderr,"\n--Select(%v %v)\n",err,r.Bits[0]) var EventRecvFd = -1 // file descriptor var EventSendFd = -1 const EventFdOffset = 1000000 const NormalFdOffset = 100 func putEvent(event int, evarg int){ if true { if EventRecvFd < 0 { var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) EventRecvFd = pv[0] EventSendFd = pv[1] //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPipe created[%v,%v]\n",EventRecvFd,EventSendFd) } }else{ if EventRecvFd < 0 { // the document differs from this spec // sv,err := syscall.Socketpair(syscall.AF_UNIX,syscall.SOCK_STREAM,0) EventRecvFd = sv[0] EventSendFd = sv[1] if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- EventSock created[%v,%v](%v)\n", EventRecvFd,EventSendFd,err) } } } var buf = []byte{ byte(event)} n,err := syscall.Write(EventSendFd,buf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- putEvent[%v](%3v)(%v %v)\n",EventSendFd,event,n,err) } } func ungets(str string){ for _,ch := range str { putEvent(int(ch),0) } } func (gsh*GshContext)xReplay(argv[]string){ hix := 0 tempo := 1.0 xtempo := 1.0 repeat := 1 for _,a := range argv { // tempo if strBegins(a,"x") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%f",&xtempo) tempo = 1 / xtempo //fprintf(stderr,"--Dr-- tempo=[%v]%v\n",a[2:],tempo); }else if strBegins(a,"r") { // repeat fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%v",&repeat) }else if strBegins(a,"!") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%d",&hix) }else{ fmt.Sscanf(a,"%d",&hix) } } if hix == 0 || len(argv) <= 1 { hix = len(gsh.CommandHistory)-1 } fmt.Printf("--Ir-- Replay(!%v x%v r%v)\n",hix,xtempo,repeat) //dumpEvents(hix) //gsh.xScanReplay(hix,false,repeat,tempo,argv) go gsh.xScanReplay(hix,true,repeat,tempo,argv) } // syscall.Select // 2020-0827 GShell-0.2.3 func FpollIn1(fp *os.File,usec int)(uintptr){ nfd := 1 rdv := syscall.FdSet {} fd1 := fp.Fd() bank1 := fd1/32 mask1 := int32(1 << fd1) rdv.Bits[bank1] = mask1 fd2 := -1 bank2 := -1 var mask2 int32 = 0 if 0 <= EventRecvFd { fd2 = EventRecvFd nfd = fd2 + 1 bank2 = fd2/32 mask2 = int32(1 << fd2) rdv.Bits[bank2] |= mask2 //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPoll mask added [%d][%v][%v]\n",fd2,bank2,mask2) } tout := syscall.NsecToTimeval(int64(usec*1000)) //n,err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) // spec. mismatch err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--De-- select() err(%v)\n",err) } if err == nil { if 0 <= fd2 && (rdv.Bits[bank2] & mask2) != 0 { if false { fmt.Printf("--De-- got Event\n") } return uintptr(EventFdOffset + fd2) }else if (rdv.Bits[bank1] & mask1) != 0 { return uintptr(NormalFdOffset + fd1) }else{ return 1 } }else{ return 0 } } func fgetcTimeout1(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ READ1: readyFd := FpollIn1(fp,usec) if readyFd < 100 { return EV_TIMEOUT } var buf [1]byte if EventFdOffset <= readyFd { fd := int(readyFd-EventFdOffset) _,err := syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ if buf[0] == EV_MODE { recvEvent(fd) goto READ1 } return int(buf[0]) } } _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func visibleChar(ch int)(string){ switch { case '!' <= ch && ch <= '~': return string(ch) } switch ch { case ' ': return "\\s" case '\n': return "\\n" case '\r': return "\\r" case '\t': return "\\t" } switch ch { case 0x00: return "NUL" case 0x07: return "BEL" case 0x08: return "BS" case 0x0E: return "SO" case 0x0F: return "SI" case 0x1B: return "ESC" case 0x7F: return "DEL" } switch ch { case EV_IDLE: return fmt.Sprintf("IDLE") case EV_MODE: return fmt.Sprintf("MODE") } return fmt.Sprintf("%X",ch) } func recvEvent(fd int){ var buf = make([]byte,1) _,_ = syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( buf[0] != 0 ){ romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } } func (gsh*GshContext)xScanReplay(hix int,replay bool,repeat int,tempo float64,argv[]string){ var Start time.Time var events = []Event{} for _,e := range Events { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { events = append(events,e) } } elen := len(events) if 0 < elen { if events[elen-1].event == EV_IDLE { events = events[0:elen-1] } } for r := 0; r < repeat; r++ { for i,e := range events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 if Start.Second() == 0 { Start = time.Now() } diff := time.Now().Sub(Start) if replay { if e.event != EV_IDLE { putEvent(e.event,0) if e.event == EV_MODE { // event with arg putEvent(int(e.evarg),0) } } }else{ fmt.Printf("%7.3fms #%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n", float64(diff)/1000000.0, i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event), float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } if e.event == EV_IDLE { d := time.Duration(float64(time.Duration(e.evarg)) * tempo) //nsleep(time.Duration(e.evarg)) nsleep(d) } } } } func dumpEvents(arg[]string){ hix := 0 if 1 < len(arg) { fmt.Sscanf(arg[1],"%d",&hix) } for i,e := range Events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 //if e.event != EV_TIMEOUT { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { fmt.Printf("#%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n",i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event),float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } //} } } func fgetcTimeout(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ ch := fgetcTimeout1(fp,usec) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT { now := time.Now() if 0 < len(Events) { last := Events[len(Events)-1] dura := int64(now.Sub(last.when)) Events = append(Events,Event{last.when,EV_IDLE,dura,last.CmdIndex}) } Events = append(Events,Event{time.Now(),ch,0,CmdIndex}) } return ch } var TtyMaxCol = 72 // to be obtained by ioctl? var EscTimeout = (100*1000) var ( MODE_VicMode bool // vi compatible command mode MODE_ShowMode bool romkanmode bool // shown translation mode, the mode to be retained MODE_Recursive bool // recursive translation MODE_CapsLock bool // software CapsLock MODE_LowerLock bool // force lower-case character lock MODE_ViInsert int // visible insert mode, should be like "I" icon in X Window MODE_ViTrace bool // output newline before translation ) type IInput struct { lno int lastlno int pch []int // input queue prompt string line string right string inJmode bool pinJmode bool waitingMeta string // waiting meta character LastCmd string } func (iin*IInput)Getc(timeoutUs int)(int){ ch1 := EOF ch2 := EOF ch3 := EOF if( 0 < len(iin.pch) ){ // deQ ch1 = iin.pch[0] iin.pch = iin.pch[1:] }else{ ch1 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,timeoutUs); } if( ch1 == 033 ){ /// escape sequence ch2 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch2 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ }else{ ch3 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch3 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ }else{ switch( ch2 ){ default: iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch3) // enQ case '[': switch( ch3 ){ case 'A': ch1 = GO_UP; // ^ case 'B': ch1 = GO_DOWN; // v case 'C': ch1 = GO_RIGHT; // > case 'D': ch1 = GO_LEFT; // < case '3': ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch4 == '~' ){ //fprintf(stderr,"x[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } case '\\': //ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); //fprintf(stderr,"y[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); switch( ch3 ){ case '~': ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } } } } return ch1 } func (inn*IInput)clearline(){ var i int fprintf(stderr,"\r"); // should be ANSI ESC sequence for i = 0; i < TtyMaxCol; i++ { // to the max. position in this input action fputc(' ',os.Stderr); } fprintf(stderr,"\r"); } func (iin*IInput)Redraw(){ redraw(iin,iin.lno,iin.line,iin.right) } func redraw(iin *IInput,lno int,line string,right string){ inMeta := false showMode := "" showMeta := "" // visible Meta mode on the cursor position showLino := fmt.Sprintf("!%d! ",lno) InsertMark := "" // in visible insert mode if MODE_VicMode { }else if 0 < len(iin.right) { InsertMark = " " } if( 0 < len(iin.waitingMeta) ){ inMeta = true if iin.waitingMeta[0] != 033 { showMeta = iin.waitingMeta } } if( romkanmode ){ //romkanmark = " *"; }else{ //romkanmark = ""; } if MODE_ShowMode { romkan := "--" inmeta := "-" inveri := "" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "A" } if MODE_LowerLock { inmeta = "a" } if MODE_ViTrace { inveri = "v" } if MODE_VicMode { inveri = ":" } if romkanmode { romkan = "\343\201\202" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "R" }else{ inmeta = "r" } } if inMeta { inmeta = "\\" } showMode = "["+romkan+inmeta+inveri+"]"; } Pre := "\r" + showMode + showLino Output := "" Left := "" Right := "" if romkanmode { Left = convs(line) Right = InsertMark+convs(right) }else{ Left = line Right = InsertMark+right } Output = Pre+Left if MODE_ViTrace { Output += iin.LastCmd } Output += showMeta+Right for len(Output) < TtyMaxCol { // to the max. position that may be dirty Output += " " // should be ANSI ESC sequence // not necessary just after newline } Output += Pre+Left+showMeta // to set the cursor to the current input position fprintf(stderr,"%s",Output) if MODE_ViTrace { if 0 < len(iin.LastCmd) { iin.LastCmd = "" fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") } } } // utf8 func delHeadChar(str string)(rline string,head string){ _,clen := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)) head = string(str[0:clen]) return str[clen:],head } func delTailChar(str string)(rline string, last string){ var i = 0 var clen = 0 for { _,siz := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)[i:]) if siz <= 0 { break } clen = siz i += siz } last = str[len(str)-clen:] return str[0:len(str)-clen],last } // 3> for output and history // 4> for keylog? // Command Line Editor func xgetline(lno int, prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var iin IInput iin.lastlno = lno iin.lno = lno CmdIndex = len(gsh.CommandHistory) if( isatty(0) == 0 ){ if( sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin) == NULL ){ iin.line = "exit\n"; }else{ } return iin.line } if( true ){ //var pts string; //pts = ptsname(0); //pts = ttyname(0); //fprintf(stderr,"--pts[0] = %s\n",pts?pts:"?"); } if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"! "); fflush(stderr); sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin); return iin.line } system("/bin/stty -echo -icanon"); xline := iin.xgetline1(prevline,gsh) system("/bin/stty echo sane"); return xline } func (iin*IInput)Translate(cmdch int){ romkanmode = !romkanmode; if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); }else if( cmdch == 'J' ){ fprintf(stderr,"J\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); iin.Redraw(); } func (iin*IInput)Replace(cmdch int){ iin.LastCmd = fmt.Sprintf("\\%v",string(cmdch)) iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" if( cmdch == 'I' ){ fprintf(stderr,"I\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); } // aa 12 a1a1 func isAlpha(ch rune)(bool){ if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { return true } return false } func isAlnum(ch rune)(bool){ if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { return true } if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { return true } return false } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created // DecodeRuneInString func (iin*IInput)GotoTOPW(){ str := iin.line i := len(str) if i <= 0 { return } //i0 := i i -= 1 lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var found = -1 for 0 < i { // skip preamble spaces lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched i -= lastSize continue } break } for 0 < i { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { continue } // not the character top if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched found = i break } i -= lastSize } if found < 0 && i == 0 { found = 0 } if 0 <= found { if isAlnum(lastRune) { // or non-kana character }else{ // when positioning to the top o the word i += lastSize } iin.right = str[i:] + iin.right if 0 < i { iin.line = str[0:i] }else{ iin.line = "" } } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d,%d,%d)[%s][%s]\n",i0,i,found,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created func (iin*IInput)GotoENDW(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var lastW = 0 i := 0 inWord := false lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[0:]) if isAlnum(lastRune) { r,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[lastSize:]) if 0 < z && isAlnum(r) { inWord = true } } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } lastW = i // the last alnum if in alnum word i += lastSize } if inWord { goto DISP } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } i += lastSize } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } lastW = i i += lastSize } DISP: if 0 < lastW { iin.line = iin.line + str[0:lastW] iin.right = str[lastW:] } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d)[%s][%s]\n",i,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created func (iin*IInput)GotoNEXTW(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var found = -1 i := 1 for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched found = i break } i += lastSize } if 0 < found { if isAlnum(lastRune) { // or non-kana character }else{ // when positioning to the top o the word found += lastSize } iin.line = iin.line + str[0:found] if 0 < found { iin.right = str[found:] }else{ iin.right = "" } } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d)[%s][%s]\n",i,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)GotoPAIRCH(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastRune,lastSize := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[0:]) if lastSize <= 0 { return } forw := false back := false pair := "" switch string(lastRune){ case "{": pair = "}"; forw = true case "}": pair = "{"; back = true case "(": pair = ")"; forw = true case ")": pair = "("; back = true case "[": pair = "]"; forw = true case "]": pair = "["; back = true case "<": pair = ">"; forw = true case ">": pair = "<"; back = true case "\"": pair = "\""; // context depednet, can be f" or back-double quote case "'": pair = "'"; // context depednet, can be f' or back-quote // case Japanese Kakkos } if forw { iin.SearchForward(pair) } if back { iin.SearchBackward(pair) } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)SearchForward(pat string)(bool){ right := iin.right found := -1 i := 0 if strBegins(right,pat) { _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(right[i:]) if 0 < z { i += z } } for i < len(right) { if strBegins(right[i:],pat) { found = i break } _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(right[i:]) if z <= 0 { break } i += z } if 0 <= found { iin.line = iin.line + right[0:found] iin.right = iin.right[found:] return true }else{ return false } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)SearchBackward(pat string)(bool){ line := iin.line found := -1 i := len(line)-1 for i = i; 0 <= i; i-- { _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(line[i:]) if z <= 0 { continue } //fprintf(stderr,"-- %v %v\n",pat,line[i:]) if strBegins(line[i:],pat) { found = i break } } //fprintf(stderr,"--%d\n",found) if 0 <= found { iin.right = line[found:] + iin.right iin.line = line[0:found] return true }else{ return false } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created // search from top, end, or current position func (gsh*GshContext)SearchHistory(pat string, forw bool)(bool,string){ if forw { for _,v := range gsh.CommandHistory { if 0 <= strings.Index(v.CmdLine,pat) { //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- found !%v [%v]%v\n",i,pat,v.CmdLine) return true,v.CmdLine } } }else{ hlen := len(gsh.CommandHistory) for i := hlen-1; 0 < i ; i-- { v := gsh.CommandHistory[i] if 0 <= strings.Index(v.CmdLine,pat) { //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- found !%v [%v]%v\n",i,pat,v.CmdLine) return true,v.CmdLine } } } //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- not-found(%v)\n",pat) return false,"(Not Found in History)" } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)GotoFORWSTR(pat string,gsh*GshContext){ found := false if 0 < len(iin.right) { found = iin.SearchForward(pat) } if !found { found,line := gsh.SearchHistory(pat,true) if found { iin.line = line iin.right = "" } } } func (iin*IInput)GotoBACKSTR(pat string, gsh*GshContext){ found := false if 0 < len(iin.line) { found = iin.SearchBackward(pat) } if !found { found,line := gsh.SearchHistory(pat,false) if found { iin.line = line iin.right = "" } } } func (iin*IInput)getstring1(prompt string)(string){ // should be editable iin.clearline(); fprintf(stderr,"\r%v",prompt) str := "" for { ch := iin.Getc(10*1000*1000) if ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' { break } sch := string(ch) str += sch fprintf(stderr,"%s",sch) } return str } // search pattern must be an array and selectable with ^N/^P var SearchPat = "" var SearchForw = true func (iin*IInput)xgetline1(prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var ch int; MODE_ShowMode = false MODE_VicMode = false iin.Redraw(); first := true for cix := 0; ; cix++ { iin.pinJmode = iin.inJmode iin.inJmode = false ch = iin.Getc(1000*1000) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT && first { first = false mode := 0 if romkanmode { mode = 1 } now := time.Now() Events = append(Events,Event{now,EV_MODE,int64(mode),CmdIndex}) } if ch == 033 { MODE_ShowMode = true MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode iin.Redraw(); continue } if MODE_VicMode { switch ch { case '0': ch = GO_TOPL case '$': ch = GO_ENDL case 'b': ch = GO_TOPW case 'e': ch = GO_ENDW case 'w': ch = GO_NEXTW case '%': ch = GO_PAIRCH case 'j': ch = GO_DOWN case 'k': ch = GO_UP case 'h': ch = GO_LEFT case 'l': ch = GO_RIGHT case 'x': ch = DEL_RIGHT case 'a': MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode ch = GO_RIGHT case 'i': MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode iin.Redraw(); continue case '~': right,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) if len([]byte(head)) == 1 { ch = int(head[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.right = string(ch) + right } iin.Redraw(); continue case 'f': // GO_FORWCH iin.Redraw(); ch = iin.Getc(3*1000*1000) if ch == EV_TIMEOUT { iin.Redraw(); continue } SearchPat = string(ch) SearchForw = true iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case '/': SearchPat = iin.getstring1("/") // should be editable SearchForw = true iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case '?': SearchPat = iin.getstring1("?") // should be editable SearchForw = false iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case 'n': if SearchForw { iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) }else{ iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) } iin.Redraw(); continue case 'N': if !SearchForw { iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) }else{ iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) } iin.Redraw(); continue } } switch ch { case GO_TOPW: iin.GotoTOPW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_ENDW: iin.GotoENDW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_NEXTW: // to next space then iin.GotoNEXTW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_PAIRCH: iin.GotoPAIRCH() iin.Redraw(); continue } //fprintf(stderr,"A[%02X]\n",ch); if( ch == '\\' || ch == 033 ){ MODE_ShowMode = true metach := ch iin.waitingMeta = string(ch) iin.Redraw(); // set cursor //fprintf(stderr,"???\b\b\b") ch = fgetcTimeout(stdin,2000*1000) // reset cursor iin.waitingMeta = "" cmdch := ch if( ch == EV_TIMEOUT ){ if metach == 033 { continue } ch = metach }else /* if( ch == 'm' || ch == 'M' ){ mch := fgetcTimeout(stdin,1000*1000) if mch == 'r' { romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } continue }else */ if( ch == 'k' || ch == 'K' ){ MODE_Recursive = !MODE_Recursive iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'j' || ch == 'J' ){ iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'i' || ch == 'I' ){ iin.Replace(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'l' || ch == 'L' ){ MODE_LowerLock = !MODE_LowerLock MODE_CapsLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'u' || ch == 'U' ){ MODE_CapsLock = !MODE_CapsLock MODE_LowerLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'v' || ch == 'V' ){ MODE_ViTrace = !MODE_ViTrace if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'c' || ch == 'C' ){ if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) if len([]byte(tail)) == 1 { ch = int(tail[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.line = xline + string(ch) } } if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else{ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch) // push ch = '\\' } } switch( ch ){ case 'P'-0x40: ch = GO_UP case 'N'-0x40: ch = GO_DOWN case 'B'-0x40: ch = GO_LEFT case 'F'-0x40: ch = GO_RIGHT } //fprintf(stderr,"B[%02X]\n",ch); switch( ch ){ case 0: continue; case '\t': iin.Replace('j'); continue case 'X'-0x40: iin.Replace('j'); continue case EV_TIMEOUT: iin.Redraw(); if iin.pinJmode { fprintf(stderr,"\\J\r\n") iin.inJmode = true } continue case GO_UP: if iin.lno == 1 { continue } cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno-1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno - 1 } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_DOWN: cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno+1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 }else{ iin.line = "" iin.right = "" if iin.lno == iin.lastlno-1 { iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 } } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_LEFT: if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) iin.line = xline iin.right = tail + iin.right } iin.Redraw(); continue; case GO_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) && iin.right[0] != 0 ){ xright,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.right = xright iin.line += head } iin.Redraw(); continue; case EOF: goto EXIT; case 'R'-0x40: // replace dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'T'-0x40: // just show the result readDic(); romkanmode = !romkanmode; iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'L'-0x40: iin.Redraw(); continue case 'K'-0x40: iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'E'-0x40: iin.line += iin.right iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'A'-0x40: iin.right = iin.line + iin.right iin.line = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'U'-0x40: iin.line = "" iin.right = "" iin.clearline(); iin.Redraw(); continue; case DEL_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } continue; case 0x7F: // BS? not DEL if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } /* else if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } */ continue; case 'H'-0x40: if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } continue; } if( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' ){ iin.line += iin.right; iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); fputc(ch,stderr); break; } if MODE_CapsLock { if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' { ch = ch+'A'-'a' } } if MODE_LowerLock { if 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { ch = ch+'a'-'A' } } iin.line += string(ch); iin.Redraw(); } EXIT: return iin.line + iin.right; } func getline_main(){ line := xgetline(0,"",nil) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",line); /* dp = strpbrk(line,"\r\n"); if( dp != NULL ){ *dp = 0; } if( 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n(%d)\n",int(strlen(line))); } if( lseek(3,0,0) == 0 ){ if( romkanmode ){ var buf [8*1024]byte; convs(line,buff); strcpy(line,buff); } write(3,line,strlen(line)); ftruncate(3,lseek(3,0,SEEK_CUR)); //fprintf(stderr,"outsize=%d\n",(int)lseek(3,0,SEEK_END)); lseek(3,0,SEEK_SET); close(3); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"\r\ngotline: "); trans(line); //printf("%s\n",line); printf("\n"); } */ } //== end ========================================================= getline // // $USERHOME/.gsh/ // gsh-rc.txt, or gsh-configure.txt // gsh-history.txt // gsh-aliases.txt // should be conditional? // func (gshCtx *GshContext)gshSetupHomedir()(bool) { homedir,found := userHomeDir() if !found { fmt.Printf("--E-- You have no UserHomeDir\n") return true } gshhome := homedir + "/" + GSH_HOME _, err2 := os.Stat(gshhome) if err2 != nil { err3 := os.Mkdir(gshhome,0700) if err3 != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- Could not Create %s (%s)\n", gshhome,err3) return true } fmt.Printf("--I-- Created %s\n",gshhome) } gshCtx.GshHomeDir = gshhome return false } func setupGshContext()(GshContext,bool){ gshPA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the staring directory os.Environ(), // environ[] []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, // OS specific } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() gshCtx := GshContext { cwd, // StartDir "", // GetLine []GChdirHistory { {cwd,time.Now(),0} }, // ChdirHistory gshPA, []GCommandHistory{}, //something for invokation? GCommandHistory{}, // CmdCurrent false, []int{}, syscall.Rusage{}, "", // GshHomeDir Ttyid(), false, false, []PluginInfo{}, []string{}, " ", "v", ValueStack{}, GServer{"",""}, // LastServer "", // RSERV cwd, // RWD CheckSum{}, } err := gshCtx.gshSetupHomedir() return gshCtx, err } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelllh(gline string)(bool){ ghist := gsh.CmdCurrent ghist.WorkDir,_ = os.Getwd() ghist.WorkDirX = len(gsh.ChdirHistory)-1 //fmt.Printf("--D--ChdirHistory(@%d)\n",len(gsh.ChdirHistory)) ghist.StartAt = time.Now() rusagev1 := Getrusagev() gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = []string{} fin := gsh.tgshelll(gline) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() ghist.Rusagev = RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) ghist.EndAt = time.Now() ghist.CmdLine = gline ghist.FoundFile = gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile /* record it but not show in list by default if len(gline) == 0 { continue } if gline == "hi" || gline == "history" { // don't record it continue } */ gsh.CommandHistory = append(gsh.CommandHistory, ghist) return fin } // Main loop func script(gshCtxGiven *GshContext) (_ GshContext) { gshCtxBuf,err0 := setupGshContext() if err0 { return gshCtxBuf; } gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) //resmap() /* if false { gsh_getlinev, with_exgetline := which("PATH",[]string{"which","gsh-getline","-s"}) if with_exgetline { gsh_getlinev[0] = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) gshCtx.GetLine = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) }else{ fmt.Printf("--W-- No gsh-getline found. Using internal getline.\n"); } } */ ghist0 := gshCtx.CmdCurrent // something special, or gshrc script, or permanent history gshCtx.CommandHistory = append(gshCtx.CommandHistory,ghist0) prevline := "" skipping := false for hix := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory); ; { gline := gshCtx.getline(hix,skipping,prevline) if skipping { if strings.Index(gline,"fi") == 0 { fmt.Printf("fi\n"); skipping = false; }else{ //fmt.Printf("%s\n",gline); } continue } if strings.Index(gline,"if") == 0 { //fmt.Printf("--D-- if start: %s\n",gline); skipping = true; continue } if false { os.Stdout.Write([]byte("gotline:")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } gline = strsubst(gshCtx,gline,true) if false { fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%v - %v\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%s - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%x - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%U - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("Stouut.Write -") os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) fmt.Printf("\n") } /* // should be cared in substitution ? if 0 < len(gline) && gline[0] == '!' { xgline, set, err := searchHistory(gshCtx,gline) if err { continue } if set { // set the line in command line editor } gline = xgline } */ fin := gshCtx.gshelllh(gline) if fin { break; } prevline = gline; hix++; } return *gshCtx } func main() { gshCtxBuf := GshContext{} gsh := &gshCtxBuf argv := os.Args if 1 < len(argv) { if isin("version",argv){ gsh.showVersion(argv) return } comx := isinX("-c",argv) if 0 < comx { gshCtxBuf,err := setupGshContext() gsh := &gshCtxBuf if !err { gsh.gshellv(argv[comx+1:]) } return } } if 1 < len(argv) && isin("-s",argv) { }else{ gsh.showVersion(append(argv,[]string{"-l","-a"}...)) } script(nil) //gshCtx := script(nil) //gshelll(gshCtx,"time") } //
// - inter gsh communication, possibly running in remote hosts -- to be remote shell // - merged histories of multiple parallel gsh sessions // - alias as a function or macro // - instant alias end environ export to the permanent > ~/.gsh/gsh-alias and gsh-environ // - retrieval PATH of files by its type // - gsh as an IME with completion using history and file names as dictionaies // - gsh a scheduler in precise time of within a millisecond // - all commands have its subucomand after "---" symbol // - filename expansion by "-find" command // - history of ext code and output of each commoand // - "script" output for each command by pty-tee or telnet-tee // - $BUILTIN command in PATH to show the priority // - "?" symbol in the command (not as in arguments) shows help request // - searching command with wild card like: which ssh-* // - longformat prompt after long idle time (should dismiss by BS) // - customizing by building plugin and dynamically linking it // - generating syntactic element like "if" by macro expansion (like CPP) >> alias // - "!" symbol should be used for negation, don't wast it just for job control // - don't put too long output to tty, record it into GSH_HOME/session-id/comand-id.log // - making canonical form of command at the start adding quatation or white spaces // - name(a,b,c) ... use "(" and ")" to show both delimiter and realm // - name? or name! might be useful // - htar format - packing directory contents into a single html file using data scheme // - filepath substitution shold be done by each command, expecially in case of builtins // - @N substition for the history of working directory, and @spec for more generic ones // - @dir prefix to do the command at there, that means like (chdir @dir; command) // - GSH_PATH for plugins // - standard command output: list of data with name, size, resouce usage, modified time // - generic sort key option -nm name, -sz size, -ru rusage, -ts start-time, -tm mod-time // -wc word-count, grep match line count, ... // - standard command execution result: a list of string, -tm, -ts, -ru, -sz, ... // - -tailf-filename like tail -f filename, repeat close and open before read // - max. size and max. duration and timeout of (generated) data transfer // - auto. numbering, aliasing, IME completion of file name (especially rm of quieer name) // - IME "?" at the top of the command line means searching history // - IME %d/0x10000/ %x/ffff/ // - IME ESC to go the edit mode like in vi, and use :command as :s/x/y/g to edit history // - gsh in WebAssembly // - gsh as a HTTP server of online-manual //---END--- (^-^)/ITS more
// var WorldDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly8gTXlJTUUvMC4wLjEg6L6e5pu4ICgyMDIwLTA4MTlhKQpzZWthaSDkuJbnlYwKa28g44GT"+ "Cm5uIOOCkwpuaSDjgasKY2hpIOOBoQp0aSDjgaEKaGEg44GvCnNlIOOBmwprYSDjgYsKaSDj"+ "gYQK"; // var WnnDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL2Rp"+ "Y3ZlcglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNXbm5ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "R1NoZWxsCUdTaGVsbArjgo/jgZ/jgZcJ56eBCndhdGFzaGkJ56eBCndhdGFzaQnnp4EK44Gq"+ "44G+44GICeWQjeWJjQpuYW1hZQnlkI3liY0K44Gq44GL44GuCeS4remHjgpuYWthbm8J5Lit"+ "6YeOCndhCeOCjwp0YQnjgZ8Kc2kJ44GXCnNoaQnjgZcKbm8J44GuCm5hCeOBqgptYQnjgb4K"+ "ZQnjgYgKaGEJ44GvCm5hCeOBqgprYQnjgYsKbm8J44GuCmRlCeOBpwpzdQnjgZkKZVxzCWVj"+ "aG8KZGljCWRpYwplY2hvCWVjaG8KcmVwbGF5CXJlcGxheQpyZXBlYXQJcmVwZWF0CmR0CWRh"+ "dGVccysnJVklbSVkLSVIOiVNOiVTJwp0aW9uCXRpb24KJXQJJXQJLy8gdG8gYmUgYW4gYWN0"+ "aW9uCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg==" // var SumomoDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTdW1vbW9ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "c3UJ44GZCm1vCeOCggpubwnjga4KdQnjgYYKY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnjgaEKdWNoaQnlhoUKdXRp"+ "CeWGhQpzdW1vbW8J44GZ44KC44KCCnN1bW9tb21vCeOBmeOCguOCguOCggptb21vCeahgwpt"+ "b21vbW8J5qGD44KCCiwsCeOAgQouLgnjgIIKPC90ZXh0YXJlYT4K" // var SijimiDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTaGlqaW1pXHMvL1xzMjAyMC0wODMw"+ "CnNpCeOBlwpzaGkJ44GXCmppCeOBmAptaQnjgb8KbmEJ44GqCmp1CeOBmOOChQp4eXUJ44KF"+ "CnUJ44GGCm5pCeOBqwprbwnjgZMKYnUJ44G2Cm5uCeOCkwpubwnjga4KY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnj"+ "gaEKa2EJ44GLCnJhCeOCiQosLAnjgIEKLi4J44CCCnhuYW5hCeS4gwp4anV1CeWNgQp4bmkJ"+ "5LqMCmtveAnlgIsKa29xCeWAiwprb3gJ5YCLCm5hbmFqdXVuaXgJNzIKbmFuYWp1dW5peHgJ"+ "77yX77ySCm5hbmFqdXVuaVgJ77yX77ySCuS4g+WNgeS6jHgJNzIKa29idW5uCeWAi+WIhgp0"+ "aWthcmFxCeOBoeOBi+OCiQp0aWthcmEJ5YqbCmNoaWthcmEJ5YqbCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg=" // var JA_JKLDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly92ZXJsCU15SU1FamRpY2ptb3JzZWpKQWpKS0woMjAyMGowODE5KSheLV4pL1NhdG94SVRT"+ "CmtqamprbGtqa2tsa2psIOS4lueVjApqamtqamwJ44GCCmtqbAnjgYQKa2tqbAnjgYYKamtq"+ "amwJ44GICmtqa2trbAnjgYoKa2pra2wJ44GLCmpramtrbAnjgY0Ka2tramwJ44GPCmpramps"+ "CeOBkQpqampqbAnjgZMKamtqa2psCeOBlQpqamtqa2wJ44GXCmpqamtqbAnjgZkKa2pqamts"+ "CeOBmwpqamprbAnjgZ0KamtsCeOBnwpra2prbAnjgaEKa2pqa2wJ44GkCmtqa2pqbAnjgaYK"+ "a2tqa2tsCeOBqApramtsCeOBqgpqa2prbAnjgasKa2tra2wJ44GsCmpqa2psCeOBrQpra2pq"+ "bAnjga4Kamtra2wJ44GvCmpqa2tqbAnjgbIKampra2wJ44G1CmtsCeOBuApqa2tsCeOBuwpq"+ "a2tqbAnjgb4Ka2tqa2psCeOBvwpqbAnjgoAKamtra2psCeOCgQpqa2tqa2wJ44KCCmtqamwJ"+ "44KECmpra2pqbAnjgoYKampsCeOCiApra2tsCeOCiQpqamtsCeOCigpqa2pqa2wJ44KLCmpq"+ "amwJ44KMCmtqa2psCeOCjQpqa2psCeOCjwpramtramwJ44KQCmtqamtrbAnjgpEKa2pqamwJ"+ "44KSCmtqa2prbAnjgpMKa2pqa2psCeODvApra2wJ44KbCmtramprbAnjgpwKa2pramtqbAnj"+ "gIEK"; // // /*
*/ /*
Raw Source
Whole file
CSS part
JavaScript part
Builtin data part
*/ /*
WebCrypto Reference:

Web Crypto - RSA-OAEP

Plain text:

Cipher text:

Decrypted text:



GShell 0.3.1 − HTMLインスペクタ

基盤:そういえば GShell が白熱してペンディングしていた Catalina のアップデートをしましょう。まずは iMac から。




基盤:iMac で 仮想化アプリを使ってるお客様ゑみたいな。うち用のアップデートですかw


開発:というかiMacのアップデートの間に GShell の開発をやろうと思ってたんですが、開発のホームが iMac にあるんでした。暫時休憩ですね。

社長:でも必要なのは gsh.go.html というファイル一個だけですよね。ブログにもアーカイブされてるし。

















社長:Wordのほうが早かったかも知れませんが、私は学生時代、80年代なかばにCでそれをやってました。いわゆる構造エディタというか構文木エディタです。でも普通にテキストとして編集もできて、編集コマンドがvi互換なのが特徴みたいな。当時構造エディタはACM SIGPLANとか情報処理学会でもそこそこの数の人がやってる研究テーマだったんです。








開発:あの当時は研究者の大半が AI 研究者でした。



社長:まあMITI ETLはその発信源の一つだったんだと思います。ICOT作ったりとか。




社長:ああそれで、そのHTML構造エディタもやはり、vi 互換のキーで操作できると良いなと、j, k で隣のエレメントに映る。で、vin 互換に i と o でツリーを開いたり閉じたりする。


社長:なんとなれば extension でやればよいのではないかと。

基盤:それって全部のエレメントを details タグみたいにできるということですね?

社長:・・・ まあそういうことですね。

開発:details を見てこれだ!って思ったのはそのせいですね。style.display で制御できるかも。

* * *

基盤:おっとYouTube で「広告をスキップまでX秒」でなく、即アンケートに答えろが出ました。



One Giant Leap

開発:えーと、一丁目一番地は、JavaScriptでキー入力をを受け取るとこですが… keypress これかな? Deprecated… HTML系ってなんでこう過去をガンガン捨てますかね。


開発:で、今は keydown だと。んー… なんじゃこれ。簡単過ぎる。

基盤:これってそもそも、getElementById("log") してないですね。


開発:まじか… ではこんな感じで。

開発:リロードして、i o k i o j i o ...





社長:いや、でも、ゼロ知識から JavaScript の当社にとっては、大きな前進、one giant leapです。素晴らしい。祝杯を挙げに行きましょう。HTMLに明示的な目印を付けたほうがより使いやすいとは思いますが。


社長:Features に列挙する第2項目はこれに決まりです。

開発:というか、JavaScript で IME 書く気まんまんになってきました。


基盤:これって、複数キー同時押しもセンスできるから、念願の JKL 3ビット同時入力もできますよね。





-- 2020-0904 SatoxITS

/* GShell-0.3.1 by SatoxITS
GShell version 0.3.1 // 2020-09-04 // SatoxITS

GShell // a General purpose Shell built on the top of Golang

It is a shell for myself, by myself, of myself. --SatoxITS(^-^)

0 | | Fork | Stop | Unfold | Cksum | */ /*

Fun to create a shell

For a programmer, it must be far easy and fun to create his own simple shell rightly fitting to his favor and necessities, than learning existing shells with complex full features that he never use. I, as one of programmers, am writing this tiny shell for my own real needs, totally from scratch, with fun.

For a programmer, it is fun to learn new computer languages. For long years before writing this software, I had been specialized to C and early HTML2 :-). Now writing this software, I'm learning Go language, HTML5, JavaScript and CSS on demand as a novice of these, with fun.

This single file "gsh.go", that is executable by Go, contains all of the code written in Go. Also it can be displayed as "gsh.go.html" by browsers. It is a standalone HTML file that works as the viewer of the code of itself, and as the "home page" of this software.

Because this HTML file is a Go program, you may run it as a real shell program on your computer. But you must be aware that this program is written under situation like above. Needless to say, there is no warranty for this program in any means.

Aug 2020, SatoxITS (
*/ /*

Vi compatible command line editor

The command line of GShell can be edited with commands compatible with vi. As in vi, you can enter command mode by ESC key, then move around in the history by j k / ? n N, or within the current line by l h f w b 0 $ % or so.

*/ /*
Documents Command summary Go lang part Package structures import struct Main functions str-expansion // macro processor finder // builtin find + du grep // builtin grep + wc + cksum + ... plugin // plugin commands system // external commands builtin // builtin commands network // socket handler remote-sh // remote shell redirect // StdIn/Out redireciton history // command history rusage // resouce usage encode // encode / decode IME // command line IME getline // line editor scanf // string decomposer interpreter // command interpreter main JavaScript part Source Builtin data CSS part Source References Internal External Whole parts Source Download Dump
*/ //
//Go Source
// gsh - Go lang based Shell // (c) 2020 ITS more Co., Ltd. // 2020-0807 created by SatoxITS ( package main // gsh main // Imported packages // Packages import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "strconv" // strconv "sort" // sort "time" // time "bufio" // bufio "io/ioutil" // ioutil "os" // os "syscall" // syscall "plugin" // plugin "net" // net "net/http" // http //"html" // html "path/filepath" // filepath "go/types" // types "go/token" // token "encoding/base64" // base64 "unicode/utf8" // utf8 //"gshdata" // gshell's logo and source code "hash/crc32" // crc32 ) const ( NAME = "gsh" VERSION = "0.3.1" DATE = "2020-09-04" AUTHOR = "SatoxITS(^-^)/" ) var ( GSH_HOME = ".gsh" // under home directory GSH_PORT = 9999 MaxStreamSize = int64(128*1024*1024*1024) // 128GiB is too large? PROMPT = "> " LINESIZE = (8*1024) PATHSEP = ":" // should be ";" in Windows DIRSEP = "/" // canbe \ in Windows ) // -xX logging control // --A-- all // --I-- info. // --D-- debug // --T-- time and resource usage // --W-- warning // --E-- error // --F-- fatal error // --Xn- network // Structures type GCommandHistory struct { StartAt time.Time // command line execution started at EndAt time.Time // command line execution ended at ResCode int // exit code of (external command) CmdError error // error string OutData *os.File // output of the command FoundFile []string // output - result of ufind Rusagev [2]syscall.Rusage // Resource consumption, CPU time or so CmdId int // maybe with identified with arguments or impact // redireciton commands should not be the CmdId WorkDir string // working directory at start WorkDirX int // index in ChdirHistory CmdLine string // command line } type GChdirHistory struct { Dir string MovedAt time.Time CmdIndex int } type CmdMode struct { BackGround bool } type Event struct { when time.Time event int evarg int64 CmdIndex int } var CmdIndex int var Events []Event type PluginInfo struct { Spec *plugin.Plugin Addr plugin.Symbol Name string // maybe relative Path string // this is in Plugin but hidden } type GServer struct { host string port string } // Digest const ( // SumType SUM_ITEMS = 0x000001 // items count SUM_SIZE = 0x000002 // data length (simplly added) SUM_SIZEHASH = 0x000004 // data length (hashed sequence) SUM_DATEHASH = 0x000008 // date of data (hashed sequence) // also envelope attributes like time stamp can be a part of digest // hashed value of sizes or mod-date of files will be useful to detect changes SUM_WORDS = 0x000010 // word count is a kind of digest SUM_LINES = 0x000020 // line count is a kind of digest SUM_SUM64 = 0x000040 // simple add of bytes, useful for human too SUM_SUM32_BITS = 0x000100 // the number of true bits SUM_SUM32_2BYTE = 0x000200 // 16bits words SUM_SUM32_4BYTE = 0x000400 // 32bits words SUM_SUM32_8BYTE = 0x000800 // 64bits words SUM_SUM16_BSD = 0x001000 // UNIXsum -sum -bsd SUM_SUM16_SYSV = 0x002000 // UNIXsum -sum -sysv SUM_UNIXFILE = 0x004000 SUM_CRCIEEE = 0x008000 ) type CheckSum struct { Files int64 // the number of files (or data) Size int64 // content size Words int64 // word count Lines int64 // line count SumType int Sum64 uint64 Crc32Table crc32.Table Crc32Val uint32 Sum16 int Ctime time.Time Atime time.Time Mtime time.Time Start time.Time Done time.Time RusgAtStart [2]syscall.Rusage RusgAtEnd [2]syscall.Rusage } type ValueStack [][]string type GshContext struct { StartDir string // the current directory at the start GetLine string // gsh-getline command as a input line editor ChdirHistory []GChdirHistory // the 1st entry is wd at the start gshPA syscall.ProcAttr CommandHistory []GCommandHistory CmdCurrent GCommandHistory BackGround bool BackGroundJobs []int LastRusage syscall.Rusage GshHomeDir string TerminalId int CmdTrace bool // should be [map] CmdTime bool // should be [map] PluginFuncs []PluginInfo iValues []string iDelimiter string // field sepearater of print out iFormat string // default print format (of integer) iValStack ValueStack LastServer GServer RSERV string // [gsh://]host[:port] RWD string // remote (target, there) working directory lastCheckSum CheckSum } func nsleep(ns time.Duration){ time.Sleep(ns) } func usleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000) } func msleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000) } func sleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000000) } func strBegins(str, pat string)(bool){ if len(pat) <= len(str){ yes := str[0:len(pat)] == pat //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,yes) return yes } //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,false) return false } func isin(what string, list []string) bool { for _, v := range list { if v == what { return true } } return false } func isinX(what string,list[]string)(int){ for i,v := range list { if v == what { return i } } return -1 } func env(opts []string) { env := os.Environ() if isin("-s", opts){ sort.Slice(env, func(i,j int) bool { return env[i] < env[j] }) } for _, v := range env { fmt.Printf("%v\n",v) } } // - rewriting should be context dependent // - should postpone until the real point of evaluation // - should rewrite only known notation of symobl func scanInt(str string)(val int,leng int){ leng = -1 for i,ch := range str { if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { leng = i+1 }else{ break } } if 0 < leng { ival,_ := strconv.Atoi(str[0:leng]) return ival,leng }else{ return 0,0 } } func substHistory(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,i int,rstr string)(leng int,rst string){ if len(str[i+1:]) == 0 { return 0,rstr } hi := 0 histlen := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) if str[i+1] == '!' { hi = histlen - 1 leng = 1 }else{ hi,leng = scanInt(str[i+1:]) if leng == 0 { return 0,rstr } if hi < 0 { hi = histlen + hi } } if 0 <= hi && hi < histlen { var ext byte if 1 < len(str[i+leng:]) { ext = str[i+leng:][1] } //fmt.Printf("--D-- %v(%c)\n",str[i+leng:],str[i+leng]) if ext == 'f' { leng += 1 xlist := []string{} list := gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].FoundFile for _,v := range list { //list[i] = escapeWhiteSP(v) xlist = append(xlist,escapeWhiteSP(v)) } //rstr += strings.Join(list," ") rstr += strings.Join(xlist," ") }else if ext == '@' || ext == 'd' { // !N@ .. workdir at the start of the command leng += 1 rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].WorkDir }else{ rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].CmdLine } }else{ leng = 0 } return leng,rstr } func escapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ if len(str) == 0 { return "\\z" // empty, to be ignored } rstr := "" for _,ch := range str { switch ch { case '\\': rstr += "\\\\" case ' ': rstr += "\\s" case '\t': rstr += "\\t" case '\r': rstr += "\\r" case '\n': rstr += "\\n" default: rstr += string(ch) } } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ // strip original escapes rstr := "" for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { ch := str[i] if ch == '\\' { if i+1 < len(str) { switch str[i+1] { case 'z': continue; } } } rstr += string(ch) } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSPV(strv []string)([]string){ // strip original escapes ustrv := []string{} for _,v := range strv { ustrv = append(ustrv,unescapeWhiteSP(v)) } return ustrv } // str-expansion // - this should be a macro processor func strsubst(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,histonly bool) string { rbuff := []byte{} if false { //@@U Unicode should be cared as a character return str } //rstr := "" inEsc := 0 // escape characer mode for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { //fmt.Printf("--D--Subst %v:%v\n",i,str[i:]) ch := str[i] if inEsc == 0 { if ch == '!' { //leng,xrstr := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,rstr) leng,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") if 0 < leng { //_,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) i += leng //rstr = xrstr continue } } switch ch { case '\\': inEsc = '\\'; continue //case '%': inEsc = '%'; continue case '$': } } switch inEsc { case '\\': switch ch { case '\\': ch = '\\' case 's': ch = ' ' case 't': ch = '\t' case 'r': ch = '\r' case 'n': ch = '\n' case 'z': inEsc = 0; continue // empty, to be ignored } inEsc = 0 case '%': switch { case ch == '%': ch = '%' case ch == 'T': //rstr = rstr + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rs := time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) inEsc = 0 continue; default: // postpone the interpretation //rstr = rstr + "%" + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) inEsc = 0 continue; } inEsc = 0 } //rstr = rstr + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) } //fmt.Printf("--D--subst(%s)(%s)\n",str,string(rbuff)) return string(rbuff) //return rstr } func showFileInfo(path string, opts []string) { if isin("-l",opts) || isin("-ls",opts) { fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("---------- ((%v))",err) }else{ mod := fi.ModTime() date := mod.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("%v %8v %s ",fi.Mode(),fi.Size(),date) } } fmt.Printf("%s",path) if isin("-sp",opts) { fmt.Printf(" ") }else if ! isin("-n",opts) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func userHomeDir()(string,bool){ /* homedir,_ = os.UserHomeDir() // not implemented in older Golang */ homedir,found := os.LookupEnv("HOME") //fmt.Printf("--I-- HOME=%v(%v)\n",homedir,found) if !found { return "/tmp",found } return homedir,found } func toFullpath(path string) (fullpath string) { if path[0] == '/' { return path } pathv := strings.Split(path,DIRSEP) switch { case pathv[0] == ".": pathv[0], _ = os.Getwd() case pathv[0] == "..": // all ones should be interpreted cwd, _ := os.Getwd() ppathv := strings.Split(cwd,DIRSEP) pathv[0] = strings.Join(ppathv,DIRSEP) case pathv[0] == "~": pathv[0],_ = userHomeDir() default: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() pathv[0] = cwd + DIRSEP + pathv[0] } return strings.Join(pathv,DIRSEP) } func IsRegFile(path string)(bool){ fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() return fm.IsRegular(); } return false } // Encode / Decode // Encoder func (gshCtx *GshContext)Enc(argv[]string){ file := os.Stdin buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) li := 0 encoder := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdout) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } encoder.Write(buff[0:count]) } encoder.Close() } func (gshCtx *GshContext)Dec(argv[]string){ decoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdin) li := 0 buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := decoder.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } os.Stdout.Write(buff[0:count]) } } // lnsp [N] [-crlf][-C \\] func (gshCtx *GshContext)SplitLine(argv[]string){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,64*1024) ni := 0 toi := 0 for ni = 0; ; ni++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d (%v)\n",ni,toi,err) break } } off := 0 ilen := len(line) remlen := len(line) for oi := 0; 0 < remlen; oi++ { olen := remlen addnl := false if 72 < olen { olen = 72 addnl = true } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--D-- write %d [%d.%d] %d %d/%d/%d\n", toi,ni,oi,off,olen,remlen,ilen) toi += 1 os.Stdout.Write([]byte(line[0:olen])) if addnl { //os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\r\n")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\\")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } line = line[olen:] off += olen remlen -= olen } } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d\n",ni,toi) } // CRC32 crc32 // 1 0000 0100 1100 0001 0001 1101 1011 0111 var CRC32UNIX uint32 = uint32(0x04C11DB7) // Unix cksum var CRC32IEEE uint32 = uint32(0xEDB88320) func byteCRC32add(crc uint32,str[]byte,len uint64)(uint32){ var oi uint64 for oi = 0; oi < len; oi++ { var oct = str[oi] for bi := 0; bi < 8; bi++ { //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 %d %X (%d.%d)\n",crc,oct,oi,bi) ovf1 := (crc & 0x80000000) != 0 ovf2 := (oct & 0x80) != 0 ovf := (ovf1 && !ovf2) || (!ovf1 && ovf2) oct <<= 1 crc <<= 1 if ovf { crc ^= CRC32UNIX } } } //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 return %d %d\n",crc,len) return crc; } func byteCRC32end(crc uint32, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = byteCRC32add(crc,slen,uint64(li)) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func strCRC32(str string,len uint64)(crc uint32){ crc = byteCRC32add(0,[]byte(str),len) crc = byteCRC32end(crc,len) //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 %d %d\n",crc,len) return crc } func CRC32Finish(crc uint32, table *crc32.Table, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len & 0xFF) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = crc32.Update(crc,table,slen) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func (gsh*GshContext)xCksum(path string,argv[]string, sum*CheckSum)(int64){ if isin("-type/f",argv) && !IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } if isin("-type/d",argv) && IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- cksum %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- cksum %v %v\n",path,argv) } bi := 0 var buff = make([]byte,32*1024) var total int64 = 0 var initTime = time.Time{} if sum.Start == initTime { sum.Start = time.Now() } for bi = 0; ; bi++ { count,err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 || err != nil { break } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { s := sum.Sum64 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s += uint64(c) } sum.Sum64 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32add(sum.Crc32Val,buff,uint64(count)) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_CRCIEEE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = crc32.Update(sum.Crc32Val,&sum.Crc32Table,buff[0:count]) } // BSD checksum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { s := sum.Sum16 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s = (s >> 1) + ((s & 1) << 15) s += int(c) s &= 0xFFFF //fmt.Printf("BSDsum: %d[%d] %d\n",sum.Size+int64(i),i,s) } sum.Sum16 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { for bj := 0; bj < count; bj++ { sum.Sum16 += int(buff[bj]) } } total += int64(count) } sum.Done = time.Now() sum.Files += 1 sum.Size += total if !isin("-s",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v ",total) } return 0 } // grep // "lines", "lin" or "lnp" for "(text) line processor" or "scanner" // a*,!ab,c, ... sequentioal combination of patterns // what "LINE" is should be definable // generic line-by-line processing // grep [-v] // cat -n -v // uniq [-c] // tail -f // sed s/x/y/ or awk // grep with line count like wc // rewrite contents if specified func (gsh*GshContext)xGrep(path string,rexpv[]string)(int){ file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- grep %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- grep %v %v\n",path,rexpv) } //reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,LINESIZE) reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,80) li := 0 found := 0 for li = 0; ; li++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { break } if 150 < len(line) { // maybe binary break; } if err != nil { break } if 0 <= strings.Index(string(line),rexpv[0]) { found += 1 fmt.Printf("%s:%d: %s",path,li,line) } } //fmt.Printf("total %d lines %s\n",li,path) //if( 0 < found ){ fmt.Printf("((found %d lines %s))\n",found,path); } return found } // Finder // finding files with it name and contents // file names are ORed // show the content with %x fmt list // ls -R // tar command by adding output type fileSum struct { Err int64 // access error or so Size int64 // content size DupSize int64 // content size from hard links Blocks int64 // number of blocks (of 512 bytes) DupBlocks int64 // Blocks pointed from hard links HLinks int64 // hard links Words int64 Lines int64 Files int64 Dirs int64 // the num. of directories SymLink int64 Flats int64 // the num. of flat files MaxDepth int64 MaxNamlen int64 // max. name length nextRepo time.Time } func showFusage(dir string,fusage *fileSum){ bsume := float64(((fusage.Blocks-fusage.DupBlocks)/2)*1024)/1000000.0 //bsumdup := float64((fusage.Blocks/2)*1024)/1000000.0 fmt.Printf("%v: %v files (%vd %vs %vh) %.6f MB (%.2f MBK)\n", dir, fusage.Files, fusage.Dirs, fusage.SymLink, fusage.HLinks, float64(fusage.Size)/1000000.0,bsume); } const ( S_IFMT = 0170000 S_IFCHR = 0020000 S_IFDIR = 0040000 S_IFREG = 0100000 S_IFLNK = 0120000 S_IFSOCK = 0140000 ) func cumFinfo(fsum *fileSum, path string, staterr error, fstat syscall.Stat_t, argv[]string,verb bool)(*fileSum){ now := time.Now() if time.Second <= now.Sub(fsum.nextRepo) { if !fsum.nextRepo.IsZero(){ tstmp := now.Format(time.Stamp) showFusage(tstmp,fsum) } fsum.nextRepo = now.Add(time.Second) } if staterr != nil { fsum.Err += 1 return fsum } fsum.Files += 1 if 1 < fstat.Nlink { // must count only once... // at least ignore ones in the same directory //if finfo.Mode().IsRegular() { if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG { fsum.HLinks += 1 fsum.DupBlocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //fmt.Printf("---Dup HardLink %v %s\n",fstat.Nlink,path) } } //fsum.Size += finfo.Size() fsum.Size += fstat.Size fsum.Blocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //if verb { fmt.Printf("(%8dBlk) %s",fstat.Blocks/2,path) } if isin("-ls",argv){ //if verb { fmt.Printf("%4d %8d ",fstat.Blksize,fstat.Blocks) } // fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } //if finfo.IsDir() if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { fsum.Dirs += 1 } //if (finfo.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { //if verb { fmt.Printf("symlink(%v,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } //{ fmt.Printf("symlink(%o,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } fsum.SymLink += 1 } return fsum } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFindEntv(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string, dstat syscall.Stat_t, ei int, entv []string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) // sort entv /* if isin("-t",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].ModTime().Sub(filev[j].ModTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-u",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].AccTime().Sub(filev[j].AccTime()) }) } if isin("-U",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].CreatTime().Sub(filev[j].CreatTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-S",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return filev[j].Size() < filev[i].Size() }) } */ for _,filename := range entv { for _,npat := range npatv { match := true if npat == "*" { match = true }else{ match, _ = filepath.Match(npat,filename) } path := dir + DIRSEP + filename if !match { continue } var fstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(path,&fstat) if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } continue; } if isin("-du",argv) && (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { // should not show size of directory in "-du" mode ... }else if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { if isin("-du",argv) { fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } showFileInfo(path,argv) } if true { // && isin("-du",argv) total = cumFinfo(total,path,staterr,fstat,argv,false) } /* if isin("-wc",argv) { } */ if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { gsh.xCksum(path,argv,&gsh.lastCheckSum); } x := isinX("-grep",argv); // -grep will be convenient like -ls if 0 <= x && x+1 <= len(argv) { // -grep will be convenient like -ls if IsRegFile(path){ found := gsh.xGrep(path,argv[x+1:]) if 0 < found { foundv := gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile if len(foundv) < 10 { gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = append(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile,path) } } } } if !isin("-r0",argv) { // -d 0 in du, -depth n in find //total.Depth += 1 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { continue } if dstat.Rdev != fstat.Rdev { fmt.Printf("--I-- don't follow differnet device %v(%v) %v(%v)\n", dir,dstat.Rdev,path,fstat.Rdev) } if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { total = gsh.xxFind(depth+1,total,path,npatv,argv) } } } } return total } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFind(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) dirfile,oerr := os.OpenFile(dir,os.O_RDONLY,0) if oerr == nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- %v(%v)[%d]\n",dir,dirfile,dirfile.Fd()) defer dirfile.Close() }else{ } prev := *total var dstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(dir,&dstat) // should be flstat if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } return total } //filev,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) //_,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) // ReadDir() heavy and bad for huge directory /* if err != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",err) } return total } */ if depth == 0 { total = cumFinfo(total,dir,staterr,dstat,argv,true) if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { showFileInfo(dir,argv) } } // it it is not a directory, just scan it and finish for ei := 0; ; ei++ { entv,rderr := dirfile.Readdirnames(8*1024) if len(entv) == 0 || rderr != nil { //if rderr != nil { fmt.Printf("[%d] len=%d (%v)\n",ei,len(entv),rderr) } break } if 0 < ei { fmt.Printf("--I-- xxFind[%d] %d large-dir: %s\n",ei,len(entv),dir) } total = gsh.xxFindEntv(depth,total,dir,dstat,ei,entv,npatv,argv) } if isin("-du",argv) { // if in "du" mode fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n",(total.Blocks-prev.Blocks)/2,dir) } return total } // {ufind|fu|ls} [Files] [// Names] [-- Expressions] // Files is "." by default // Names is "*" by default // Expressions is "-print" by default for "ufind", or -du for "fu" command func (gsh*GshContext)xFind(argv[]string){ if 0 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[0],"?"){ showFound(gsh,argv) return } if isin("-cksum",argv) || isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum = CheckSum{} if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-add",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-size",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SIZE }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-bsd",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_BSD }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-sysv",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_SYSV }else if isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 } if isin("-unix",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_UNIXFILE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32UNIX) } if isin("-ieee",argv){ gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_CRCIEEE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32IEEE) } gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtStart = Getrusagev() } var total = fileSum{} npats := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if 0 < len(v) && v[0] != '-' { npats = append(npats,v) } if v == "//" { break } if v == "--" { break } if v == "-grep" { break } if v == "-ls" { break } } if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } cwd := "." // if to be fullpath ::: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } fusage := gsh.xxFind(0,&total,cwd,npats,argv) if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { var sumi uint64 = 0 sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SIZE) != 0 { sumi = uint64(sum.Size) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { sumi = sum.Sum64 } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { s := uint32(sum.Sum16) r := (s & 0xFFFF) + ((s & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 16) s = (r & 0xFFFF) + (r >> 16) sum.Crc32Val = uint32(s) sumi = uint64(s) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = uint32(sum.Sum16) sumi = uint64(sum.Sum16) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size)) sumi = uint64(byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size))) } if 1 < sum.Files { fmt.Printf("%v %v // %v / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sumi,sum.Size, abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files, abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", sumi,sum.Size,npats[0]) } } if !isin("-grep",argv) { showFusage("total",fusage) } if !isin("-s",argv){ hits := len(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile) if 0 < hits { fmt.Printf("--I-- %d files hits // can be refered with !%df\n", hits,len(gsh.CommandHistory)) } } if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { if isin("-ru",argv) { sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum sum.Done = time.Now() gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtEnd = Getrusagev() elps := sum.Done.Sub(sum.Start) fmt.Printf("--cksum-size: %v (%v) / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sum.Size,abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files,abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) nanos := int64(elps) fmt.Printf("--cksum-time: %v/total, %v/file, %.1f files/s, %v\r\n", abbtime(nanos), abbtime(nanos/sum.Files), (float64(sum.Files)*1000000000.0)/float64(nanos), abbspeed(sum.Size,nanos)) diff := RusageSubv(sum.RusgAtEnd,sum.RusgAtStart) fmt.Printf("--cksum-rusg: %v\n",sRusagef("",argv,diff)) } } return } func showFiles(files[]string){ sp := "" for i,file := range files { if 0 < i { sp = " " } else { sp = "" } fmt.Printf(sp+"%s",escapeWhiteSP(file)) } } func showFound(gshCtx *GshContext, argv[]string){ for i,v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { if 0 < len(v.FoundFile) { fmt.Printf("!%d (%d) ",i,len(v.FoundFile)) if isin("-ls",argv){ fmt.Printf("\n") for _,file := range v.FoundFile { fmt.Printf("") //sub number? showFileInfo(file,argv) } }else{ showFiles(v.FoundFile) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } } func showMatchFile(filev []os.FileInfo, npat,dir string, argv[]string)(string,bool){ fname := "" found := false for _,v := range filev { match, _ := filepath.Match(npat,(v.Name())) if match { fname = v.Name() found = true //fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n",i,v.Name()) showIfExecutable(fname,dir,argv) } } return fname,found } func showIfExecutable(name,dir string,argv[]string)(ffullpath string,ffound bool){ var fullpath string if strBegins(name,DIRSEP){ fullpath = name }else{ fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name } fi, err := os.Stat(fullpath) if err != nil { fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name + ".go" fi, err = os.Stat(fullpath) } if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() if fm.IsRegular() { // R_OK=4, W_OK=2, X_OK=1, F_OK=0 if syscall.Access(fullpath,5) == nil { ffullpath = fullpath ffound = true if ! isin("-s", argv) { showFileInfo(fullpath,argv) } } } } return ffullpath, ffound } func which(list string, argv []string) (fullpathv []string, itis bool){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("Usage: which comand [-s] [-a] [-ls]\n") return []string{""}, false } path := argv[1] if strBegins(path,"/") { // should check if excecutable? _,exOK := showIfExecutable(path,"/",argv) fmt.Printf("--D-- %v exOK=%v\n",path,exOK) return []string{path},exOK } pathenv, efound := os.LookupEnv(list) if ! efound { fmt.Printf("--E-- which: no \"%s\" environment\n",list) return []string{""}, false } showall := isin("-a",argv) || 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") dirv := strings.Split(pathenv,PATHSEP) ffound := false ffullpath := path for _, dir := range dirv { if 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") { // by wild-card list,_ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) ffullpath, ffound = showMatchFile(list,path,dir,argv) }else{ ffullpath, ffound = showIfExecutable(path,dir,argv) } //if ffound && !isin("-a", argv) { if ffound && !showall { break; } } return []string{ffullpath}, ffound } func stripLeadingWSParg(argv[]string)([]string){ for ; 0 < len(argv); { if len(argv[0]) == 0 { argv = argv[1:] }else{ break } } return argv } func xEval(argv []string, nlend bool){ argv = stripLeadingWSParg(argv) if len(argv) == 0 { fmt.Printf("eval [%%format] [Go-expression]\n") return } pfmt := "%v" if argv[0][0] == '%' { pfmt = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if len(argv) == 0 { return } gocode := strings.Join(argv," "); //fmt.Printf("eval [%v] [%v]\n",pfmt,gocode) fset := token.NewFileSet() rval, _ := types.Eval(fset,nil,token.NoPos,gocode) fmt.Printf(pfmt,rval.Value) if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func getval(name string) (found bool, val int) { /* should expand the name here */ if name == "" { return true, os.Getpid() }else if name == "gsh.ppid" { return true, os.Getppid() } return false, 0 } func echo(argv []string, nlend bool){ for ai := 1; ai < len(argv); ai++ { if 1 < ai { fmt.Printf(" "); } arg := argv[ai] found, val := getval(arg) if found { fmt.Printf("%d",val) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",arg) } } if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n"); } } func resfile() string { return "gsh.tmp" } //var resF *File func resmap() { //_ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, os.ModeAppend) // _ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("refF could not open: %s\n",err) }else{ fmt.Printf("refF opened\n") } } // @@2020-0821 func gshScanArg(str string,strip int)(argv []string){ var si = 0 var sb = 0 var inBracket = 0 var arg1 = make([]byte,LINESIZE) var ax = 0 debug := false for ; si < len(str); si++ { if str[si] != ' ' { break } } sb = si for ; si < len(str); si++ { if sb <= si { if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- +%d %2d-%2d %s ... %s\n", inBracket,sb,si,arg1[0:ax],str[si:]) } } ch := str[si] if ch == '{' { inBracket += 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket <= strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d <= %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } if 0 < inBracket { if ch == '}' { inBracket -= 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket < strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d < %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 continue } if str[si] == ' ' { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,str[sb:si],string(str[si:])) } sb = si+1 ax = 0 continue } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 } if sb < si { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,string(arg1[0:ax]),string(str[si:])) } } if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- %d [%s] => [%d]%v\n",strip,str,len(argv),argv) } return argv } // should get stderr (into tmpfile ?) and return func (gsh*GshContext)Popen(name,mode string)(pin*os.File,pout*os.File,err bool){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) xarg := gshScanArg(name,1) name = strings.Join(xarg," ") pin = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[0]),"StdoutOf-{"+name+"}") pout = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[1]),"StdinOf-{"+name+"}") fdix := 0 dir := "?" if mode == "r" { dir = "<" fdix = 1 // read from the stdout of the process }else{ dir = ">" fdix = 0 // write to the stdin of the process } gshPA := gsh.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] var fd uintptr = 0 if mode == "r" { fd = pout.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pout.Fd() }else{ fd = pin.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pin.Fd() } // should do this by Goroutine? if false { fmt.Printf("--Ip- Opened fd[%v] %s %v\n",fd,dir,name) fmt.Printf("--RED1 [%d,%d,%d]->[%d,%d,%d]\n", os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd(), pin.Fd(),pout.Fd(),pout.Fd()) } savi := os.Stdin savo := os.Stdout save := os.Stderr os.Stdin = pin os.Stdout = pout os.Stderr = pout gsh.BackGround = true gsh.gshelllh(name) gsh.BackGround = false os.Stdin = savi os.Stdout = savo os.Stderr = save gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return pin,pout,false } // External commands func (gsh*GshContext)excommand(exec bool, argv []string) (notf bool,exit bool) { if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- excommand[%v](%v)\n",exec,argv) } gshPA := gsh.gshPA fullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which",argv[0],"-s"}) if itis == false { return true,false } fullpath := fullpathv[0] argv = unescapeWhiteSPV(argv) if 0 < strings.Index(fullpath,".go") { nargv := argv // []string{} gofullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which","go","-s"}) if itis == false { fmt.Printf("--F-- Go not found\n") return false,true } gofullpath := gofullpathv[0] nargv = []string{ gofullpath, "run", fullpath } fmt.Printf("--I-- %s {%s %s %s}\n",gofullpath, nargv[0],nargv[1],nargv[2]) if exec { syscall.Exec(gofullpath,nargv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(gofullpath,nargv,&gshPA) if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),nargv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage) gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } }else{ if exec { syscall.Exec(fullpath,argv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(fullpath,argv,&gshPA) //fmt.Printf("[%d]\n",pid); // '&' to be background if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),argv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage); gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } } return false,false } // Builtin Commands func (gshCtx *GshContext) sleep(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Sleep 100ms, 100us, 100ns, ...\n") return } duration := argv[1]; d, err := time.ParseDuration(duration) if err != nil { d, err = time.ParseDuration(duration+"s") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("duration ? %s (%s)\n",duration,err) return } } //fmt.Printf("Sleep %v\n",duration) time.Sleep(d) if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)repeat(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { return } start0 := time.Now() for ri,_ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]); 0 < ri; ri-- { if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { //start := time.Now() gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start0); if( 1000000000 < elps ){ fmt.Printf("(repeat#%d %v)\n",ri,elps); } } } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)gen(argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: %s N\n",argv[0]) return } // should br repeated by "repeat" command count, _ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]) fd := gshPA.Files[1] // Stdout file := os.NewFile(fd,"internalStdOut") fmt.Printf("--I-- Gen. Count=%d to [%d]\n",count,file.Fd()) //buf := []byte{} outdata := "0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678\r" for gi := 0; gi < count; gi++ { file.WriteString(outdata) } //file.WriteString("\n") fmt.Printf("\n(%d B)\n",count*len(outdata)); //file.Close() } // Remote Execution // 2020-0820 func Elapsed(from time.Time)(string){ elps := time.Now().Sub(from) if 1000000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%5d.%02ds]",elps/1000000000,(elps%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dms]",elps/1000000,(elps%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dus]",elps/1000,(elps%1000)) } } func abbtime(nanos int64)(string){ if 1000000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%02ds",nanos/1000000000,(nanos%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dms",nanos/1000000,(nanos%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dus",nanos/1000,(nanos%1000)) } } func abssize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func absize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func abbspeed(totalB int64,ns int64)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGB/s",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMB/s",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKB/s",MBs*1000) } } func abspeed(totalB int64,ns time.Duration)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGBps",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMBps",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKBps",MBs*1000) } } func fileRelay(what string,in*os.File,out*os.File,size int64,bsiz int)(wcount int64){ Start := time.Now() buff := make([]byte,bsiz) var total int64 = 0 var rem int64 = size nio := 0 Prev := time.Now() var PrevSize int64 = 0 fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) START\n", what,absize(total),size,nio) for i:= 0; ; i++ { var len = bsiz if int(rem) < len { len = int(rem) } Now := time.Now() Elps := Now.Sub(Prev); if 1000000000 < Now.Sub(Prev) { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %s\n", what,absize(total),size,nio, abspeed((total-PrevSize),Elps)) Prev = Now; PrevSize = total } rlen := len if in != nil { // should watch the disconnection of out rcc,err := in.Read(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s read(%v,%v)<%v\n", what,rcc,err,in.Name()) break } rlen = rcc if string(buff[0:10]) == "((SoftEOF " { var ecc int64 = 0 fmt.Sscanf(string(buff),"((SoftEOF %v",&ecc) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s Recv ((SoftEOF %v))/%v\n", what,ecc,total) if ecc == total { break } } } wlen := rlen if out != nil { wcc,err := out.Write(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"-En-- X: %s write(%v,%v)>%v\n", what,wcc,err,out.Name()) break } wlen = wcc } if wlen < rlen { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s incomplete write (%v/%v)\n", what,wlen,rlen) break; } nio += 1 total += int64(rlen) rem -= int64(rlen) if rem <= 0 { break } } Done := time.Now() Elps := float64(Done.Sub(Start))/1000000000 //Seconds TotalMB := float64(total)/1000000 //MB MBps := TotalMB / Elps fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %v %.3fMB/s\n", what,total,size,nio,absize(total),MBps) return total } func tcpPush(clnt *os.File){ // shrink socket buffer and recover usleep(100); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecServer(argv[]string){ debug := true Start0 := time.Now() Start := Start0 // if local == ":" { local = "" } local := "" if 0 < len(argv) { if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } } if 0 < len(argv) { argv = argv[1:] } port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } reqbuf := make([]byte,LINESIZE) res := "" for { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() Start = time.Now() if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } clnt, _ := aconn.File() fd := clnt.Fd() ar := aconn.RemoteAddr() if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Accepted TCP at %s [%d] <- %v\n", local,fd,ar) } res = fmt.Sprintf("220 GShell/%s Server\r\n",VERSION) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%s",res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %s",res) } count, err := clnt.Read(reqbuf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- C: (%v %v) %v", count,err,string(reqbuf)) } req := string(reqbuf[:count]) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",string(req)) } reqv := strings.Split(string(req),"\r") cmdv := gshScanArg(reqv[0],0) //cmdv := strings.Split(reqv[0]," ") switch cmdv[0] { case "HELO": res = fmt.Sprintf("250 %v",req) case "GET": // download {remotefile|-zN} [localfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var in *os.File = nil var pseudoEOF = false if 1 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() in = xin dsize = MaxStreamSize pseudoEOF = true } }else{ xin,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- GET (%v)\n",err) }else{ defer xin.Close() in = xin fi,_ := xin.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() } } } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- GET %v:%v\n",dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 %v\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v",res) tcpPush(clnt); // should be separated as line in receiver fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) wcount := fileRelay("SendGET",in,clnt,dsize,bsize) if pseudoEOF { in.Close() // pipe from the command // show end of stream data (its size) by OOB? SoftEOF := fmt.Sprintf("((SoftEOF %v))",wcount) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Send %v\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF data apper at the top of recevied data fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v\r\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF alone in a packet (separate with 200 OK) // with client generated random? //fmt.Printf("--In- L: close %v (%v)\n",in.Fd(),in.Name()) } res = fmt.Sprintf("200 GET done\r\n") case "PUT": // upload {srcfile|-zN} [dstfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var out *os.File = nil if 1 < len(cmdv) { // localfile fmt.Sscanf(cmdv[1],"%d",&dsize) } if 2 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[2] if fname == "-" { // nul dev }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) //fmt.Printf("--In- S: open(%v) out(%v) err(%v)\n",fname,xout,err) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- PUT (%v)\n",err) }else{ out = xout } } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,w) %v (%v)\n", fname,local,err) } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: 200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fileRelay("RecvPUT",clnt,out,dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 PUT done\r\n") default: res = fmt.Sprintf("400 What? %v",req) } swcc,serr := clnt.Write([]byte(res)) if serr != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: (wc=%v er=%v) %v",swcc,serr,res) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) } aconn.Close(); clnt.Close(); } sconn.Close(); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecClient(argv[]string)(int,string){ debug := true Start := time.Now() if len(argv) == 1 { return -1,"EmptyARG" } argv = argv[1:] if argv[0] == "-serv" { gsh.RexecServer(argv[1:]) return 0,"Server" } remote := "" if argv[0][0] == '@' { remote = argv[0][1:] argv = argv[1:] } if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"AddressError" } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connecting to %s\n",remote) serv, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"CannotConnect" } if debug { al := serv.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connected to %v <- %v\n",remote,al) } req := "" res := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count,err := serv.Read(res) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: (%3d,%v) %v",count,err,string(res)) } if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res)) } if argv[0] == "GET" { savPA := gsh.gshPA var bsize int = 64*1024 req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) fmt.Fprintf(serv,req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if err != nil { }else{ var dsize int64 = 0 var out *os.File = nil var out_tobeclosed *os.File = nil var fname string = "" var rcode int = 0 var pid int = -1 fmt.Sscanf(string(res),"%d %d",&rcode,&dsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) if 3 <= len(argv) { fname = argv[2] if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout out_tobeclosed = xout pid = 0 // should be its pid } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Print("--En- %v\n",err) } out = xout //fmt.Printf("--In-- %d > %s\n",out.Fd(),fname) } } in,_ := serv.File() fileRelay("RecvGET",in,out,dsize,bsize) if 0 <= pid { gsh.gshPA = savPA // recovery of Fd(), and more? fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: close Pipe > %v\n",fname) out_tobeclosed.Close() //syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) //@@ } } }else if argv[0] == "PUT" { remote, _ := serv.File() var local *os.File = nil var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var ofile string = "-" //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex %v\n",argv) if 1 < len(argv) { fname := argv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() //in = xin local = xin fmt.Printf("--In- [%d] < Upload output of %v\n", local.Fd(),fname) ofile = "-from."+fname dsize = MaxStreamSize } }else{ xlocal,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- (%s)\n",err) local = nil }else{ local = xlocal fi,_ := local.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() defer local.Close() //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex in(%v / %v)\n",ofile,dsize) } ofile = fname fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,r)=%v %v (%v)\n", fname,dsize,local,err) } } if 2 < len(argv) && argv[2] != "" { ofile = argv[2] //fmt.Printf("(%d)%v B.ofile=%v\n",len(argv),argv,ofile) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--I-- Rex out(%v)\n",ofile) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) req = fmt.Sprintf("PUT %v %v \r\n",dsize,ofile) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) } fileRelay("SendPUT",local,remote,dsize,bsize) }else{ req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) //fmt.Printf("--In- sending RexRequest(%v)\n",len(req)) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- waiting RexResponse...\n") count,err = serv.Read(res) ress := "" if count == 0 { ress = "(nil)\r\n" }else{ ress = string(res[:count]) } if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: (%d,%v) %v",count,err,ress) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",ress) } serv.Close() //conn.Close() var stat string var rcode int fmt.Sscanf(ress,"%d %s",&rcode,&stat) //fmt.Printf("--D-- Client: %v (%v)",rcode,stat) return rcode,ress } // Remote Shell // gcp file [...] { [host]:[port:][dir] | dir } // -p | -no-p func (gsh*GshContext)FileCopy(argv[]string){ var host = "" var port = "" var upload = false var download = false var xargv = []string{"rex-gcp"} var srcv = []string{} var dstv = []string{} argv = argv[1:] for _,v := range argv { /* if v[0] == '-' { // might be a pseudo file (generated date) continue } */ obj := strings.Split(v,":") //fmt.Printf("%d %v %v\n",len(obj),v,obj) if 1 < len(obj) { host = obj[0] file := "" if 0 < len(host) { = host }else{ host = port = gsh.LastServer.port } if 2 < len(obj) { port = obj[1] if 0 < len(port) { gsh.LastServer.port = port }else{ port = gsh.LastServer.port } file = obj[2] }else{ file = obj[1] } if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,file) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,file) continue } /* idx := strings.Index(v,":") if 0 <= idx { remote = v[0:idx] if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,v[idx+1:]) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,v[idx+1:]) continue } */ if download { dstv = append(dstv,v) }else{ srcv = append(srcv,v) } } hostport := "@" + host + ":" + port if upload { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"PUT") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v // %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else if download { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"GET") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v // %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else{ } } // target func (gsh*GshContext)Trelpath(rloc string)(string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(rloc) twd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(cwd) tpath := twd + "/" + rloc return tpath } // join to rmote GShell - [user@]host[:port] or cd host:[port]:path func (gsh*GshContext)Rjoin(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- current server = %v\n",gsh.RSERV) return } serv := argv[1] servv := strings.Split(serv,":") if 1 <= len(servv) { if servv[0] == "lo" { servv[0] = "localhost" } } switch len(servv) { case 1: //if strings.Index(serv,":") < 0 { serv = servv[0] + ":" + fmt.Sprintf("%d",GSH_PORT) //} case 2: // host:port serv = strings.Join(servv,":") } xargv := []string{"rex-join","@"+serv,"HELO"} rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) gsh.RSERV = serv }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG, could not joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rexec(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- rexec command [ | {file || {command} ]\n",gsh.RSERV) return } /* nargv := gshScanArg(strings.Join(argv," "),0) fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) if nargv[1][0] != '{' { nargv[1] = "{" + nargv[1] + "}" fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) } argv = nargv */ nargv := []string{} nargv = append(nargv,"{"+strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")+"}") fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d %v\n",len(nargv),nargv) argv = nargv xargv := []string{"rex-exec","@"+gsh.RSERV,"GET"} xargv = append(xargv,argv...) xargv = append(xargv,"/dev/tty") rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rchdir(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { return } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(argv[1]) twd, _ := os.Getwd() gsh.RWD = twd fmt.Printf("--I-- JWD=%v\n",twd) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rpwd(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%v\n",gsh.RWD) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rls(argv[]string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) argv[0] = "-ls" gsh.xFind(argv) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rput(argv[]string){ var local string = "" var remote string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { local = argv[1] remote = local // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { remote = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jput from=%v to=%v\n",local,gsh.Trelpath(remote)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rget(argv[]string){ var remote string = "" var local string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { remote = argv[1] local = remote // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { local = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jget from=%v to=%v\n",gsh.Trelpath(remote),local) } // network // -s, -si, -so // bi-directional, source, sync (maybe socket) func (gshCtx*GshContext)sconnect(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -s [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } remote := argv[1] if remote == ":" { remote = "" } if inTCP { // TCP dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s, socket[%d]\n",remote,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() }else{ //dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",remote); dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } //conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp4",nil,dport) conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() ar := conn.RemoteAddr() //al := conn.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s [%s], socket[%d]\n", remote,ar.String(),fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() } } func (gshCtx*GshContext)saccept(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -ac [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } local := argv[1] if local == ":" { local = "" } if inTCP { // TCP port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Listen at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Accepting at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := aconn.File() fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Accepted TCP at %s [%d]\n",local,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[0] = savfd sconn.Close(); aconn.Close(); file.Close(); }else{ //port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",local); port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf("Listen UDP at %s...\n",local); //uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp4", port) uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := uconn.File() fd := file.Fd() ar := uconn.RemoteAddr() remote := "" if ar != nil { remote = ar.String() } if remote == "" { remote = "?" } // not yet received //fmt.Printf("Accepted at %s [%d] <- %s\n",local,fd,"") savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; savenv := gshPA.Env gshPA.Env = append(savenv, "REMOTE_HOST="+remote) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Env = savenv gshPA.Files[0] = savfd uconn.Close(); file.Close(); } } // empty line command func (gshCtx*GshContext)xPwd(argv[]string){ // execute context command, pwd + date // context notation, representation scheme, to be resumed at re-login cwd, _ := os.Getwd() switch { case isin("-a",argv): gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) case isin("-ls",argv): showFileInfo(cwd,argv) default: fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) case isin("-v",argv): // obsolete emtpy command t := time.Now() date := t.Format(time.UnixDate) exe, _ := os.Executable() host, _ := os.Hostname() fmt.Printf("{PWD=\"%s\"",cwd) fmt.Printf(" HOST=\"%s\"",host) fmt.Printf(" DATE=\"%s\"",date) fmt.Printf(" TIME=\"%s\"",t.String()) fmt.Printf(" PID=\"%d\"",os.Getpid()) fmt.Printf(" EXE=\"%s\"",exe) fmt.Printf("}\n") } } // History // these should be browsed and edited by HTTP browser // show the time of command with -t and direcotry with -ls // openfile-history, sort by -a -m -c // sort by elapsed time by -t -s // search by "more" like interface // edit history // sort history, and wc or uniq // CPU and other resource consumptions // limit showing range (by time or so) // export / import history func (gshCtx *GshContext)xHistory(argv []string){ atWorkDirX := -1 if 1 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[1],"@") { atWorkDirX,_ = strconv.Atoi(argv[1][1:]) } //fmt.Printf("--D-- showHistory(%v)\n",argv) for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { // exclude commands not to be listed by default // internal commands may be suppressed by default if v.CmdLine == "" && !isin("-a",argv) { continue; } if 0 <= atWorkDirX { if v.WorkDirX != atWorkDirX { continue } } if !isin("-n",argv){ // like "fc" fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",i) } if isin("-v",argv){ fmt.Println(v) // should be with it date }else{ if isin("-l",argv) || isin("-l0",argv) { elps := v.EndAt.Sub(v.StartAt); start := v.StartAt.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("@%d ",v.WorkDirX) fmt.Printf("[%v] %11v/t ",start,elps) } if isin("-l",argv) && !isin("-l0",argv){ fmt.Printf("%v",Rusagef("%t %u\t// %s",argv,v.Rusagev)) } if isin("-at",argv) { // isin("-ls",argv){ dhi := v.WorkDirX // workdir history index fmt.Printf("@%d %s\t",dhi,v.WorkDir) // show the FileInfo of the output command?? } fmt.Printf("%s",v.CmdLine) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } // !n - history index func searchHistory(gshCtx GshContext, gline string) (string, bool, bool){ if gline[0] == '!' { hix, err := strconv.Atoi(gline[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s : range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } if hix < 0 || len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) <= hix { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%d : out of range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } return gshCtx.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine, false, false } // search //for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { //} return gline, false, false } func (gsh*GshContext)cmdStringInHistory(hix int)(cmd string, ok bool){ if 0 <= hix && hix < len(gsh.CommandHistory) { return gsh.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine,true } return "",false } // temporary adding to PATH environment // cd name -lib for LD_LIBRARY_PATH // chdir with directory history (date + full-path) // -s for sort option (by visit date or so) func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory1(i int,v GChdirHistory, argv []string){ fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",v.CmdIndex) // the first command at this WorkDir fmt.Printf("@%d ",i) fmt.Printf("[%v] ",v.MovedAt.Format(time.Stamp)) showFileInfo(v.Dir,argv) } func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory(argv []string){ for i, v := range gsh.ChdirHistory { gsh.ShowChdirHistory1(i,v,argv) } } func skipOpts(argv[]string)(int){ for i,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-") { }else{ return i } } return -1 } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xChdir(argv []string){ cdhist := gshCtx.ChdirHistory if isin("?",argv ) || isin("-t",argv) || isin("-a",argv) { gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) return } pwd, _ := os.Getwd() dir := "" if len(argv) <= 1 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ i := skipOpts(argv[1:]) if i < 0 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ dir = argv[1+i] } } if strBegins(dir,"@") { if dir == "@0" { // obsolete dir = gshCtx.StartDir }else if dir == "@!" { index := len(cdhist) - 1 if 0 < index { index -= 1 } dir = cdhist[index].Dir }else{ index, err := strconv.Atoi(dir[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%v)\n",err) dir = "?" }else if len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory) <= index { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(history range error)\n") dir = "?" }else{ dir = cdhist[index].Dir } } } if dir != "?" { err := os.Chdir(dir) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%s)(%v)\n",argv[1],err) }else{ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if cwd != pwd { hist1 := GChdirHistory { } hist1.Dir = cwd hist1.MovedAt = time.Now() hist1.CmdIndex = len(gshCtx.CommandHistory)+1 gshCtx.ChdirHistory = append(cdhist,hist1) if !isin("-s",argv){ //cwd, _ := os.Getwd() //fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) ix := len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory)-1 gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory1(ix,hist1,argv) } } } } if isin("-ls",argv){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() showFileInfo(cwd,argv); } } func TimeValSub(tv1 *syscall.Timeval, tv2 *syscall.Timeval){ *tv1 = syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() - tv2.Nano()) } func RusageSubv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Utime,&ru2[0].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Stime,&ru2[0].Stime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Utime,&ru2[1].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Stime,&ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } func TimeValAdd(tv1 syscall.Timeval, tv2 syscall.Timeval)(syscall.Timeval){ tvs := syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() + tv2.Nano()) return tvs } /* func RusageAddv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Utime,ru2[0].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Stime,ru2[0].Stime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Utime,ru2[1].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Stime,ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } */ // Resource Usage func sRusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ // ru[0] self , ru[1] children ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) uu := (ut.Sec*1000000 + int64(ut.Usec)) * 1000 su := (st.Sec*1000000 + int64(st.Usec)) * 1000 tu := uu + su ret := fmt.Sprintf("%v/sum",abbtime(tu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/usr",abbtime(uu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/sys",abbtime(su)) return ret } func Rusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/u ",ut.Sec,ut.Usec) //ru[1].Utime.Sec,ru[1].Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/s ",st.Sec,st.Usec) //ru[1].Stime.Sec,ru[1].Stime.Usec) return "" } func Getrusagev()([2]syscall.Rusage){ var ruv = [2]syscall.Rusage{} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&ruv[0]) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&ruv[1]) return ruv } func showRusage(what string,argv []string, ru *syscall.Rusage){ fmt.Printf("%s: ",what); fmt.Printf("Usr=%d.%06ds",ru.Utime.Sec,ru.Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Sys=%d.%06ds",ru.Stime.Sec,ru.Stime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Rss=%vB",ru.Maxrss) if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" MinFlt=%v",ru.Minflt) fmt.Printf(" MajFlt=%v",ru.Majflt) fmt.Printf(" IxRSS=%vB",ru.Ixrss) fmt.Printf(" IdRSS=%vB",ru.Idrss) fmt.Printf(" Nswap=%vB",ru.Nswap) fmt.Printf(" Read=%v",ru.Inblock) fmt.Printf(" Write=%v",ru.Oublock) } fmt.Printf(" Snd=%v",ru.Msgsnd) fmt.Printf(" Rcv=%v",ru.Msgrcv) //if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" Sig=%v",ru.Nsignals) //} fmt.Printf("\n"); } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xTime(argv[]string)(bool){ if 2 <= len(argv){ gshCtx.LastRusage = syscall.Rusage{} rusagev1 := Getrusagev() fin := gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() showRusage(argv[1],argv,&gshCtx.LastRusage) rusagev := RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) showRusage("self",argv,&rusagev[0]) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusagev[1]) return fin }else{ rusage:= syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&rusage) showRusage("self",argv, &rusage) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&rusage) showRusage("chld",argv, &rusage) return false } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xJobs(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%d Jobs\n",len(gshCtx.BackGroundJobs)) for ji, pid := range gshCtx.BackGroundJobs { //wstat := syscall.WaitStatus {0} rusage := syscall.Rusage {} //wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,&wstat,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- %%%d [%d] (%v)\n",ji,pid,err) }else{ fmt.Printf("%%%d[%d](%d)\n",ji,pid,wpid) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusage) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)inBackground(argv[]string)(bool){ if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- inBackground(%v)\n",argv) } gsh.BackGround = true // set background option xfin := false xfin = gsh.gshellv(argv) gsh.BackGround = false return xfin } // -o file without command means just opening it and refer by #N // should be listed by "files" comnmand func (gshCtx*GshContext)xOpen(argv[]string){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} err := syscall.Pipe(pv) fmt.Printf("--I-- pipe()=[#%d,#%d](%v)\n",pv[0],pv[1],err) } func (gshCtx*GshContext)fromPipe(argv[]string){ } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xClose(argv[]string){ } // redirect func (gshCtx*GshContext)redirect(argv[]string)(bool){ if len(argv) < 2 { return false } cmd := argv[0] fname := argv[1] var file *os.File = nil fdix := 0 mode := os.O_RDONLY switch { case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<": fdix = 0 mode = os.O_RDONLY case cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE case cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND } if fname[0] == '#' { fd, err := strconv.Atoi(fname[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%v)\n",err) return false } file = os.NewFile(uintptr(fd),"MaybePipe") }else{ xfile, err := os.OpenFile(argv[1], mode, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s)\n",err) return false } file = xfile } gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] gshPA.Files[fdix] = file.Fd() fmt.Printf("--I-- Opened [%d] %s\n",file.Fd(),argv[1]) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return false } //fmt.Fprintf(res, "GShell Status: %q", html.EscapeString(req.URL.Path)) func httpHandler(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){ path := req.URL.Path fmt.Printf("--I-- Got HTTP Request(%s)\n",path) { gshCtxBuf, _ := setupGshContext() gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf fmt.Printf("--I-- %s\n",path[1:]) gshCtx.tgshelll(path[1:]) } fmt.Fprintf(res, "Hello(^-^)/\n%s\n",path) } func (gshCtx *GshContext) httpServer(argv []string){ http.HandleFunc("/", httpHandler) accport := "localhost:9999" fmt.Printf("--I-- HTTP Server Start at [%s]\n",accport) http.ListenAndServe(accport,nil) } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xGo(argv[]string){ go gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]); } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPs(argv[]string)(){ } // Plugin // plugin [-ls [names]] to list plugins // Reference: plugin source code func (gshCtx *GshContext) whichPlugin(name string,argv[]string)(pi *PluginInfo){ pi = nil for _,p := range gshCtx.PluginFuncs { if p.Name == name && pi == nil { pi = &p } if !isin("-s",argv){ //fmt.Printf("%v %v ",i,p) if isin("-ls",argv){ showFileInfo(p.Path,argv) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s\n",p.Name) } } } return pi } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPlugin(argv[]string) (error) { if len(argv) == 0 || argv[0] == "-ls" { gshCtx.whichPlugin("",argv) return nil } name := argv[0] Pin := gshCtx.whichPlugin(name,[]string{"-s"}) if Pin != nil { os.Args = argv // should be recovered? Pin.Addr.(func())() return nil } sofile := toFullpath(argv[0] + ".so") // or find it by which($PATH) p, err := plugin.Open(sofile) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Open(%s)(%v)\n",sofile,err) return err } fname := "Main" f, err := p.Lookup(fname) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Lookup(%s)(%v)\n",fname,err) return err } pin := PluginInfo {p,f,name,sofile} gshCtx.PluginFuncs = append(gshCtx.PluginFuncs,pin) fmt.Printf("--I-- added (%d)\n",len(gshCtx.PluginFuncs)) //fmt.Printf("--I-- first call(%s:%s)%v\n",sofile,fname,argv) os.Args = argv f.(func())() return err } func (gshCtx*GshContext)Args(argv[]string){ for i,v := range os.Args { fmt.Printf("[%v] %v\n",i,v) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext) showVersion(argv[]string){ if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v/%v (%v)",NAME,VERSION,DATE); }else{ fmt.Printf("%v",VERSION); } if isin("-a",argv) { fmt.Printf(" %s",AUTHOR) } if !isin("-n",argv) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } // Scanf // string decomposer // scanf [format] [input] func scanv(sstr string)(strv[]string){ strv = strings.Split(sstr," ") return strv } func scanUntil(src,end string)(rstr string,leng int){ idx := strings.Index(src,end) if 0 <= idx { rstr = src[0:idx] return rstr,idx+len(end) } return src,0 } // -bn -- display base-name part only // can be in some %fmt, for sed rewriting func (gsh*GshContext)printVal(fmts string, vstr string, optv[]string){ //vint,err := strconv.Atoi(vstr) var ival int64 = 0 n := 0 err := error(nil) if strBegins(vstr,"_") { vx,_ := strconv.Atoi(vstr[1:]) if vx < len(gsh.iValues) { vstr = gsh.iValues[vx] }else{ } } // should use Eval() if strBegins(vstr,"0x") { n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr[2:],"%x",&ival) }else{ n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr,"%d",&ival) //fmt.Printf("--D-- n=%d err=(%v) {%s}=%v\n",n,err,vstr, ival) } if n == 1 && err == nil { //fmt.Printf("--D-- formatn(%v) ival(%v)\n",fmts,ival) fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,ival) }else{ if isin("-bn",optv){ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,filepath.Base(vstr)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,vstr) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)printfv(fmts,div string,argv[]string,optv[]string,list[]string){ //fmt.Printf("{%d}",len(list)) //curfmt := "v" outlen := 0 curfmt := gsh.iFormat if 0 < len(fmts) { for xi := 0; xi < len(fmts); xi++ { fch := fmts[xi] if fch == '%' { if xi+1 < len(fmts) { curfmt = string(fmts[xi+1]) gsh.iFormat = curfmt xi += 1 if xi+1 < len(fmts) && fmts[xi+1] == '(' { vals,leng := scanUntil(fmts[xi+2:],")") //fmt.Printf("--D-- show fmt(%v) val(%v) next(%v)\n",curfmt,vals,leng) gsh.printVal(curfmt,vals,optv) xi += 2+leng-1 outlen += 1 } continue } } if fch == '_' { hi,leng := scanInt(fmts[xi+1:]) if 0 < leng { if hi < len(gsh.iValues) { gsh.printVal(curfmt,gsh.iValues[hi],optv) outlen += 1 // should be the real length }else{ fmt.Printf("((out-range))") } xi += leng continue; } } fmt.Printf("%c",fch) outlen += 1 } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--D-- print {%s}\n") for i,v := range list { if 0 < i { fmt.Printf(div) } gsh.printVal(curfmt,v,optv) outlen += 1 } } if 0 < outlen { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func (gsh*GshContext)Scanv(argv[]string){ //fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanv(%v)\n",argv) if len(argv) == 1 { return } argv = argv[1:] fmts := "" if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { fmts = argv[0] gsh.iDelimiter = fmts argv = argv[1:] } input := strings.Join(argv," ") if fmts == "" { // simple decomposition v := scanv(input) gsh.iValues = v //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(v,",")) }else{ v := make([]string,8) n,err := fmt.Sscanf(input,fmts,&v[0],&v[1],&v[2],&v[3]) fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanf ->(%v) n=%d err=(%v)\n",v,n,err) gsh.iValues = v } } func (gsh*GshContext)Printv(argv[]string){ if false { //@@U fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")) return } //fmt.Printf("--D-- Printv(%v)\n",argv) //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(gsh.iValues,",")) div := gsh.iDelimiter fmts := "" argv = argv[1:] if 0 < len(argv) { if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { div = argv[0][2:] argv = argv[1:] } } optv := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-"){ optv = append(optv,v) argv = argv[1:] }else{ break; } } if 0 < len(argv) { fmts = strings.Join(argv," ") } gsh.printfv(fmts,div,argv,optv,gsh.iValues) } func (gsh*GshContext)Basename(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValues { gsh.iValues[i] = filepath.Base(v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Sortv(argv[]string){ sv := gsh.iValues sort.Slice(sv , func(i,j int) bool { return sv[i] < sv[j] }) } func (gsh*GshContext)Shiftv(argv[]string){ vi := len(gsh.iValues) if 0 < vi { if isin("-r",argv) { top := gsh.iValues[0] gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues[1:],top) }else{ gsh.iValues = gsh.iValues[1:] } } } func (gsh*GshContext)Enq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Deq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Push(argv[]string){ gsh.iValStack = append(gsh.iValStack,argv[1:]) fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",len(gsh.iValStack)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Dump(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValStack { fmt.Printf("%d %v\n",i,v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Pop(argv[]string){ depth := len(gsh.iValStack) if 0 < depth { v := gsh.iValStack[depth-1] if isin("-cat",argv){ gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues,v...) }else{ gsh.iValues = v } gsh.iValStack = gsh.iValStack[0:depth-1] fmt.Printf("depth=%d %s\n",len(gsh.iValStack),gsh.iValues) }else{ fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",depth) } } // Command Interpreter func (gshCtx*GshContext)gshellv(argv []string) (fin bool) { fin = false if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv((%d))\n",len(argv)) } if len(argv) <= 0 { return false } xargv := []string{} for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { xargv = append(xargv,strsubst(gshCtx,argv[ai],false)) } argv = xargv if false { for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { fmt.Printf("[%d] %s [%d]%T\n", ai,argv[ai],len(argv[ai]),argv[ai]) } } cmd := argv[0] if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv(%d)%v\n",len(argv),argv) } switch { // case cmd == "": gshCtx.xPwd([]string{}); // emtpy command case cmd == "-x": gshCtx.CmdTrace = ! gshCtx.CmdTrace case cmd == "-xt": gshCtx.CmdTime = ! gshCtx.CmdTime case cmd == "-ot": gshCtx.sconnect(true, argv) case cmd == "-ou": gshCtx.sconnect(false, argv) case cmd == "-it": gshCtx.saccept(true , argv) case cmd == "-iu": gshCtx.saccept(false, argv) case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<" || cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">" || cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>" || cmd == "-s" || cmd == "><": gshCtx.redirect(argv) case cmd == "|": gshCtx.fromPipe(argv) case cmd == "args": gshCtx.Args(argv) case cmd == "bg" || cmd == "-bg": rfin := gshCtx.inBackground(argv[1:]) return rfin case cmd == "-bn": gshCtx.Basename(argv) case cmd == "call": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(false,argv[1:]) case cmd == "cd" || cmd == "chdir": gshCtx.xChdir(argv); case cmd == "-cksum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sumtest": str := "" if 1 < len(argv) { str = argv[1] } crc := strCRC32(str,uint64(len(str))) fprintf(stderr,"%v %v\n",crc,len(str)) case cmd == "close": gshCtx.xClose(argv) case cmd == "gcp": gshCtx.FileCopy(argv) case cmd == "dec" || cmd == "decode": gshCtx.Dec(argv) case cmd == "#define": case cmd == "dic" || cmd == "d": xDic(argv) case cmd == "dump": gshCtx.Dump(argv) case cmd == "echo" || cmd == "e": echo(argv,true) case cmd == "enc" || cmd == "encode": gshCtx.Enc(argv) case cmd == "env": env(argv) case cmd == "eval": xEval(argv[1:],true) case cmd == "ev" || cmd == "events": dumpEvents(argv) case cmd == "exec": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(true,argv[1:]) // should not return here case cmd == "exit" || cmd == "quit": // write Result code EXIT to 3> return true case cmd == "fdls": // dump the attributes of fds (of other process) case cmd == "-find" || cmd == "fin" || cmd == "ufind" || cmd == "uf": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fu": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fork": // mainly for a server case cmd == "-gen": gshCtx.gen(argv) case cmd == "-go": gshCtx.xGo(argv) case cmd == "-grep": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "gdeq": gshCtx.Deq(argv) case cmd == "genq": gshCtx.Enq(argv) case cmd == "gpop": gshCtx.Pop(argv) case cmd == "gpush": gshCtx.Push(argv) case cmd == "history" || cmd == "hi": // hi should be alias gshCtx.xHistory(argv) case cmd == "jobs": gshCtx.xJobs(argv) case cmd == "lnsp" || cmd == "nlsp": gshCtx.SplitLine(argv) case cmd == "-ls": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "nop": // do nothing case cmd == "pipe": gshCtx.xOpen(argv) case cmd == "plug" || cmd == "plugin" || cmd == "pin": gshCtx.xPlugin(argv[1:]) case cmd == "print" || cmd == "-pr": // output internal slice // also sprintf should be gshCtx.Printv(argv) case cmd == "ps": gshCtx.xPs(argv) case cmd == "pstitle": // to be gsh.title case cmd == "rexecd" || cmd == "rexd": gshCtx.RexecServer(argv) case cmd == "rexec" || cmd == "rex": gshCtx.RexecClient(argv) case cmd == "repeat" || cmd == "rep": // repeat cond command gshCtx.repeat(argv) case cmd == "replay": gshCtx.xReplay(argv) case cmd == "scan": // scan input (or so in fscanf) to internal slice (like Files or map) gshCtx.Scanv(argv) case cmd == "set": // set name ... case cmd == "serv": gshCtx.httpServer(argv) case cmd == "shift": gshCtx.Shiftv(argv) case cmd == "sleep": gshCtx.sleep(argv) case cmd == "-sort": gshCtx.Sortv(argv) case cmd == "j" || cmd == "join": gshCtx.Rjoin(argv) case cmd == "a" || cmd == "alpa": gshCtx.Rexec(argv) case cmd == "jcd" || cmd == "jchdir": gshCtx.Rchdir(argv) case cmd == "jget": gshCtx.Rget(argv) case cmd == "jls": gshCtx.Rls(argv) case cmd == "jput": gshCtx.Rput(argv) case cmd == "jpwd": gshCtx.Rpwd(argv) case cmd == "time": fin = gshCtx.xTime(argv) case cmd == "ungets": if 1 < len(argv) { ungets(argv[1]+"\n") }else{ } case cmd == "pwd": gshCtx.xPwd(argv); case cmd == "ver" || cmd == "-ver" || cmd == "version": gshCtx.showVersion(argv) case cmd == "where": // data file or so? case cmd == "which": which("PATH",argv); default: if gshCtx.whichPlugin(cmd,[]string{"-s"}) != nil { gshCtx.xPlugin(argv) }else{ notfound,_ := gshCtx.excommand(false,argv) if notfound { fmt.Printf("--E-- command not found (%v)\n",cmd) } } } return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelll(gline string) (rfin bool) { argv := strings.Split(string(gline)," ") fin := gsh.gshellv(argv) return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)tgshelll(gline string)(xfin bool){ start := time.Now() fin := gsh.gshelll(gline) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start); if gsh.CmdTime { fmt.Printf("--T-- " + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) + "(%d.%09ds)\n", elps/1000000000,elps%1000000000) } return fin } func Ttyid() (int) { fi, err := os.Stdin.Stat() if err != nil { return 0; } //fmt.Printf("Stdin: %v Dev=%d\n", // fi.Mode(),fi.Mode()&os.ModeDevice) if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeDevice) != 0 { stat := syscall.Stat_t{}; err := syscall.Fstat(0,&stat) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: (%v)\n",err) }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: rdev=%d %d\n", // stat.Rdev&0xFF,stat.Rdev); //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: tty%d\n",stat.Rdev&0xFF); return int(stat.Rdev & 0xFF) } } return 0 } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyfile() string { //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) ttyfile := gshCtx.GshHomeDir + "/" + "gsh-tty" + fmt.Sprintf("%02d",gshCtx.TerminalId) //strconv.Itoa(gshCtx.TerminalId) //fmt.Printf("--I-- ttyfile=%s\n",ttyfile) return ttyfile } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyline()(*os.File){ file, err := os.OpenFile(gshCtx.ttyfile(),os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- cannot open %s (%s)\n",gshCtx.ttyfile(),err) return file; } return file } func (gshCtx *GshContext)getline(hix int, skipping bool, prevline string) (string) { if( skipping ){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) }else if true { return xgetline(hix,prevline,gshCtx) } /* else if( with_exgetline && gshCtx.GetLine != "" ){ //var xhix int64 = int64(hix); // cast newenv := os.Environ() newenv = append(newenv, "GSH_LINENO="+strconv.FormatInt(int64(hix),10) ) tty := gshCtx.ttyline() tty.WriteString(prevline) Pa := os.ProcAttr { "", // start dir newenv, //os.Environ(), []*os.File{os.Stdin,os.Stdout,os.Stderr,tty}, nil, } //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline=%s // %s\n",gsh_getlinev[0],gshCtx.GetLine) proc, err := os.StartProcess(gsh_getlinev[0],[]string{"getline","getline"},&Pa) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- getline process error (%v)\n",err) // for ; ; { } return "exit (getline program failed)" } //stat, err := proc.Wait() proc.Wait() buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count, err := tty.Read(buff) //_, err = tty.Read(buff) //fmt.Printf("--D-- getline (%d)\n",count) if err != nil { if ! (count == 0) { // && err.String() == "EOF" ) { fmt.Printf("--E-- getline error (%s)\n",err) } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline OK \"%s\"\n",buff) } tty.Close() gline := string(buff[0:count]) return gline }else */ { // if isatty { fmt.Printf("!%d",hix) fmt.Print(PROMPT) // } reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) } } //== begin ======================================================= getline /* * getline.c * 2020-0819 extracted from dog.c * getline.go * 2020-0822 ported to Go */ /* package main // getline main import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "os" // os "syscall" // syscall //"bytes" // os //"os/exec" // os ) */ // C language compatibility functions var errno = 0 var stdin *os.File = os.Stdin var stdout *os.File = os.Stdout var stderr *os.File = os.Stderr var EOF = -1 var NULL = 0 type FILE os.File type StrBuff []byte var NULL_FP *os.File = nil var NULLSP = 0 //var LINESIZE = 1024 func system(cmdstr string)(int){ PA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the starting directory os.Environ(), []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, } argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") pid,err := syscall.ForkExec(argv[0],argv,&PA) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- syscall(%v) err(%v)\n",cmdstr,err) } syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) /* argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- system(%v)\n",argv) //cmd := exec.Command(argv[0:]...) cmd := exec.Command(argv[0],argv[1],argv[2]) cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader("output of system") var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out var serr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr = &serr err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--E-- system(%v)err(%v)\n",argv,err) fmt.Printf("ERR:%s\n",serr.String()) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",out.String()) } */ return 0 } func atoi(str string)(ret int){ ret,err := fmt.Sscanf(str,"%d",ret) if err == nil { return ret }else{ // should set errno return 0 } } func getenv(name string)(string){ val,got := os.LookupEnv(name) if got { return val }else{ return "?" } } func strcpy(dst StrBuff, src string){ var i int srcb := []byte(src) for i = 0; i < len(src) && srcb[i] != 0; i++ { dst[i] = srcb[i] } dst[i] = 0 } func xstrcpy(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = src } func strcat(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = append(dst,src...) } func strdup(str StrBuff)(string){ return string(str[0:strlen(str)]) } func sstrlen(str string)(int){ return len(str) } func strlen(str StrBuff)(int){ var i int for i = 0; i < len(str) && str[i] != 0; i++ { } return i } func sizeof(data StrBuff)(int){ return len(data) } func isatty(fd int)(ret int){ return 1 } func fopen(file string,mode string)(fp*os.File){ if mode == "r" { fp,err := os.Open(file) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- fopen(%s,%s)=(%v)\n",file,mode,err) return NULL_FP; } return fp; }else{ fp,err := os.OpenFile(file,os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if( err != nil ){ return NULL_FP; } return fp; } } func fclose(fp*os.File){ fp.Close() } func fflush(fp *os.File)(int){ return 0 } func fgetc(fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func sfgets(str*string, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ buf := make(StrBuff,size) var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fgets(buf StrBuff, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fputc(ch int , fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte buf[0] = byte(ch) fp.Write(buf[0:1]) return 0 } func fputs(buf StrBuff, fp*os.File)(int){ fp.Write(buf) return 0 } func xfputss(str string, fp*os.File)(int){ return fputs([]byte(str),fp) } func sscanf(str StrBuff,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Sscanf(string(str[0:strlen(str)]),fmts,params...) return 0 } func fprintf(fp*os.File,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Fprintf(fp,fmts,params...) return 0 } // Command Line IME //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MyIME var MyIMEVER = "MyIME/0.0.2"; type RomKana struct { dic string // dictionaly ID pat string // input pattern out string // output pattern hit int64 // count of hit and used } var dicents = 0 var romkana [1024]RomKana var Romkan []RomKana func isinDic(str string)(int){ for i,v := range Romkan { if v.pat == str { return i } } return -1 } const ( DIC_COM_LOAD = "im" DIC_COM_DUMP = "s" DIC_COM_LIST = "ls" DIC_COM_ENA = "en" DIC_COM_DIS = "di" ) func helpDic(argv []string){ out := stderr cmd := "" if 0 < len(argv) { cmd = argv[0] } fprintf(out,"--- %v Usage\n",cmd) fprintf(out,"... Commands\n") fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] [dicURL ] -- Import dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LOAD) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [pattern] -- Search in dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DUMP) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- List dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LIST) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Disable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DIS) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Enable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_ENA) fprintf(out,"... Keys ... %v\n","ESC can be used for '\\'") fprintf(out,"... \\c -- Reverse the case of the last character\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\i -- Replace input with translated text\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\j -- On/Off translation mode\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\l -- Force Lower Case\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\u -- Force Upper Case (software CapsLock)\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\v -- Show translation actions\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\x -- Replace the last input character with it Hexa-Decimal\n",) } func xDic(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { helpDic(argv) return } argv = argv[1:] var debug = false var info = false var silent = false var dump = false var builtin = false cmd := argv[0] argv = argv[1:] opt := "" arg := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg1 := argv[0] if arg1[0] == '-' { switch arg1 { default: fmt.Printf("--Ed-- Unknown option(%v)\n",arg1) return case "-b": builtin = true case "-d": debug = true case "-s": silent = true case "-v": info = true } opt = arg1 argv = argv[1:] } } dicName := "" dicURL := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg = argv[0] dicName = arg argv = argv[1:] } if 0 < len(argv) { dicURL = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if false { fprintf(stderr,"--Dd-- com(%v) opt(%v) arg(%v)\n",cmd,opt,arg) } if cmd == DIC_COM_LOAD { //dicType := "" dicBody := "" if !builtin && dicName != "" && dicURL == "" { f,err := os.Open(dicName) if err == nil { dicURL = dicName }else{ f,err = os.Open(dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = dicName+".html" }else{ f,err = os.Open("gshdic-"+dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = "gshdic-"+dicName+".html" } } } if err == nil { var buf = make([]byte,128*1024) count,err := f.Read(buf) f.Close() if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- ReadDic(%v,%v)\n",count,err) } dicBody = string(buf[0:count]) } } if dicBody == "" { switch arg { default: dicName = "WorldDic" dicURL = WorldDic if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- default dictionary \"%v\"\n", dicName); } case "wnn": dicName = "WnnDic" dicURL = WnnDic case "sumomo": dicName = "SumomoDic" dicURL = SumomoDic case "sijimi": dicName = "SijimiDic" dicURL = SijimiDic case "jkl": dicName = "JKLJaDic" dicURL = JA_JKLDic } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v URL=%v\n\n",dicName,dicURL); } dicv := strings.Split(dicURL,",") if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v encoded data...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"Type: %v\n",dicv[0]) fprintf(stderr,"Body: %v\n",dicv[1]) fprintf(stderr,"\n") } body,_ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(dicv[1]) dicBody = string(body) } if info { fmt.Printf("--Id-- %v %v\n",dicName,dicURL) fmt.Printf("%s\n",dicBody) } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- dicName %v text...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"%v\n",string(dicBody)) } entv := strings.Split(dicBody,"\n"); if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan...\n",dicName); } var added int = 0 var dup int = 0 for i,v := range entv { var pat string var out string fmt.Sscanf(v,"%s %s",&pat,&out) if len(pat) <= 0 { }else{ if 0 <= isinDic(pat) { dup += 1 continue } romkana[dicents] = RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0} dicents += 1 added += 1 Romkan = append(Romkan,RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0}) if debug { fmt.Printf("[%3v]:[%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) } } } if !silent { url := dicURL if strBegins(url,"data:") { url = "builtin" } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan... %v added, %v dup. / %v total (%v)\n", dicName,added,dup,len(Romkan),url); } // should sort by pattern length for conclete match, for performance if debug { arg = "" // search pattern dump = true } } if cmd == DIC_COM_DUMP || dump { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v dump... %v entries:\n",dicName,len(Romkan)); var match = 0 for i := 0; i < len(Romkan); i++ { dic := Romkan[i].dic pat := Romkan[i].pat out := Romkan[i].out if arg == "" || 0 <= strings.Index(pat,arg)||0 <= strings.Index(out,arg) { fmt.Printf("\\\\%v\t%v [%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,dic,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) match += 1 } } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v matched %v / %v entries:\n",arg,match,len(Romkan)); } } func loadDefaultDic(dic int){ if( 0 < len(Romkan) ){ return } //fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") xDic([]string{"dic",DIC_COM_LOAD}); var info = false if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- Conguraturations!! WorldDic is now activated.\r\n") fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- enter \"dic\" command for help.\r\n") } } func readDic()(int){ /* var rk *os.File; var dic = "MyIME-dic.txt"; //rk = fopen("romkana.txt","r"); //rk = fopen("JK-JA-morse-dic.txt","r"); rk = fopen(dic,"r"); if( rk == NULL_FP ){ if( true ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- Could not load %s\n",MyIMEVER,dic); } return -1; } if( true ){ var di int; var line = make(StrBuff,1024); var pat string var out string for di = 0; di < 1024; di++ { if( fgets(line,sizeof(line),rk) == NULLSP ){ break; } fmt.Sscanf(string(line[0:strlen(line)]),"%s %s",&pat,&out); //sscanf(line,"%s %[^\r\n]",&pat,&out); romkana[di].pat = pat; romkana[di].out = out; //fprintf(stderr,"--Dd- %-10s %s\n",pat,out) } dicents += di if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- loaded romkana.txt [%d]\n",MyIMEVER,di); for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n",romkana[di].pat,romkana[di].out); } } } fclose(rk); //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" // dump the dic. and clean the command input */ return 0; } func matchlen(stri string, pati string)(int){ if strBegins(stri,pati) { return len(pati) }else{ return 0 } } func convs(src string)(string){ var si int; var sx = len(src); var di int; var mi int; var dstb []byte for si = 0; si < sx; { // search max. match from the position if strBegins(src[si:],"%x/") { // %x/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 //fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%d",&iv) fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%x",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%d/") { // %d/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%d",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%t") { now := time.Now() if true { date := now.Format(time.Stamp) dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(date)...) si = si+3 } continue } var maxlen int = 0; var len int; mi = -1; for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { len = matchlen(src[si:],romkana[di].pat); if( maxlen < len ){ maxlen = len; mi = di; } } if( 0 < maxlen ){ out := romkana[mi].out; dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(out)...); si += maxlen; }else{ dstb = append(dstb,src[si]) si += 1; } } return string(dstb) } func trans(src string)(int){ dst := convs(src); xfputss(dst,stderr); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------- LINEEDIT // "?" at the top of the line means searching history // should be compatilbe with Telnet const ( EV_MODE = 255 EV_IDLE = 254 EV_TIMEOUT = 253 GO_UP = 252 // k GO_DOWN = 251 // j GO_RIGHT = 250 // l GO_LEFT = 249 // h DEL_RIGHT = 248 // x GO_TOPL = 'A'-0x40 // 0 GO_ENDL = 'E'-0x40 // $ GO_TOPW = 239 // b GO_ENDW = 238 // e GO_NEXTW = 237 // w GO_FORWCH = 229 // f GO_PAIRCH = 228 // % GO_DEL = 219 // d HI_SRCH_FW = 209 // / HI_SRCH_BK = 208 // ? HI_SRCH_RFW = 207 // n HI_SRCH_RBK = 206 // N ) // should return number of octets ready to be read immediately //fprintf(stderr,"\n--Select(%v %v)\n",err,r.Bits[0]) var EventRecvFd = -1 // file descriptor var EventSendFd = -1 const EventFdOffset = 1000000 const NormalFdOffset = 100 func putEvent(event int, evarg int){ if true { if EventRecvFd < 0 { var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) EventRecvFd = pv[0] EventSendFd = pv[1] //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPipe created[%v,%v]\n",EventRecvFd,EventSendFd) } }else{ if EventRecvFd < 0 { // the document differs from this spec // sv,err := syscall.Socketpair(syscall.AF_UNIX,syscall.SOCK_STREAM,0) EventRecvFd = sv[0] EventSendFd = sv[1] if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- EventSock created[%v,%v](%v)\n", EventRecvFd,EventSendFd,err) } } } var buf = []byte{ byte(event)} n,err := syscall.Write(EventSendFd,buf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- putEvent[%v](%3v)(%v %v)\n",EventSendFd,event,n,err) } } func ungets(str string){ for _,ch := range str { putEvent(int(ch),0) } } func (gsh*GshContext)xReplay(argv[]string){ hix := 0 tempo := 1.0 xtempo := 1.0 repeat := 1 for _,a := range argv { // tempo if strBegins(a,"x") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%f",&xtempo) tempo = 1 / xtempo //fprintf(stderr,"--Dr-- tempo=[%v]%v\n",a[2:],tempo); }else if strBegins(a,"r") { // repeat fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%v",&repeat) }else if strBegins(a,"!") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%d",&hix) }else{ fmt.Sscanf(a,"%d",&hix) } } if hix == 0 || len(argv) <= 1 { hix = len(gsh.CommandHistory)-1 } fmt.Printf("--Ir-- Replay(!%v x%v r%v)\n",hix,xtempo,repeat) //dumpEvents(hix) //gsh.xScanReplay(hix,false,repeat,tempo,argv) go gsh.xScanReplay(hix,true,repeat,tempo,argv) } // syscall.Select // 2020-0827 GShell-0.2.3 func FpollIn1(fp *os.File,usec int)(uintptr){ nfd := 1 rdv := syscall.FdSet {} fd1 := fp.Fd() bank1 := fd1/32 mask1 := int32(1 << fd1) rdv.Bits[bank1] = mask1 fd2 := -1 bank2 := -1 var mask2 int32 = 0 if 0 <= EventRecvFd { fd2 = EventRecvFd nfd = fd2 + 1 bank2 = fd2/32 mask2 = int32(1 << fd2) rdv.Bits[bank2] |= mask2 //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPoll mask added [%d][%v][%v]\n",fd2,bank2,mask2) } tout := syscall.NsecToTimeval(int64(usec*1000)) //n,err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) // spec. mismatch err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--De-- select() err(%v)\n",err) } if err == nil { if 0 <= fd2 && (rdv.Bits[bank2] & mask2) != 0 { if false { fmt.Printf("--De-- got Event\n") } return uintptr(EventFdOffset + fd2) }else if (rdv.Bits[bank1] & mask1) != 0 { return uintptr(NormalFdOffset + fd1) }else{ return 1 } }else{ return 0 } } func fgetcTimeout1(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ READ1: readyFd := FpollIn1(fp,usec) if readyFd < 100 { return EV_TIMEOUT } var buf [1]byte if EventFdOffset <= readyFd { fd := int(readyFd-EventFdOffset) _,err := syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ if buf[0] == EV_MODE { recvEvent(fd) goto READ1 } return int(buf[0]) } } _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func visibleChar(ch int)(string){ switch { case '!' <= ch && ch <= '~': return string(ch) } switch ch { case ' ': return "\\s" case '\n': return "\\n" case '\r': return "\\r" case '\t': return "\\t" } switch ch { case 0x00: return "NUL" case 0x07: return "BEL" case 0x08: return "BS" case 0x0E: return "SO" case 0x0F: return "SI" case 0x1B: return "ESC" case 0x7F: return "DEL" } switch ch { case EV_IDLE: return fmt.Sprintf("IDLE") case EV_MODE: return fmt.Sprintf("MODE") } return fmt.Sprintf("%X",ch) } func recvEvent(fd int){ var buf = make([]byte,1) _,_ = syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( buf[0] != 0 ){ romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } } func (gsh*GshContext)xScanReplay(hix int,replay bool,repeat int,tempo float64,argv[]string){ var Start time.Time var events = []Event{} for _,e := range Events { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { events = append(events,e) } } elen := len(events) if 0 < elen { if events[elen-1].event == EV_IDLE { events = events[0:elen-1] } } for r := 0; r < repeat; r++ { for i,e := range events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 if Start.Second() == 0 { Start = time.Now() } diff := time.Now().Sub(Start) if replay { if e.event != EV_IDLE { putEvent(e.event,0) if e.event == EV_MODE { // event with arg putEvent(int(e.evarg),0) } } }else{ fmt.Printf("%7.3fms #%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n", float64(diff)/1000000.0, i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event), float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } if e.event == EV_IDLE { d := time.Duration(float64(time.Duration(e.evarg)) * tempo) //nsleep(time.Duration(e.evarg)) nsleep(d) } } } } func dumpEvents(arg[]string){ hix := 0 if 1 < len(arg) { fmt.Sscanf(arg[1],"%d",&hix) } for i,e := range Events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 //if e.event != EV_TIMEOUT { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { fmt.Printf("#%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n",i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event),float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } //} } } func fgetcTimeout(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ ch := fgetcTimeout1(fp,usec) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT { now := time.Now() if 0 < len(Events) { last := Events[len(Events)-1] dura := int64(now.Sub(last.when)) Events = append(Events,Event{last.when,EV_IDLE,dura,last.CmdIndex}) } Events = append(Events,Event{time.Now(),ch,0,CmdIndex}) } return ch } var TtyMaxCol = 72 // to be obtained by ioctl? var EscTimeout = (100*1000) var ( MODE_VicMode bool // vi compatible command mode MODE_ShowMode bool romkanmode bool // shown translation mode, the mode to be retained MODE_Recursive bool // recursive translation MODE_CapsLock bool // software CapsLock MODE_LowerLock bool // force lower-case character lock MODE_ViInsert int // visible insert mode, should be like "I" icon in X Window MODE_ViTrace bool // output newline before translation ) type IInput struct { lno int lastlno int pch []int // input queue prompt string line string right string inJmode bool pinJmode bool waitingMeta string // waiting meta character LastCmd string } func (iin*IInput)Getc(timeoutUs int)(int){ ch1 := EOF ch2 := EOF ch3 := EOF if( 0 < len(iin.pch) ){ // deQ ch1 = iin.pch[0] iin.pch = iin.pch[1:] }else{ ch1 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,timeoutUs); } if( ch1 == 033 ){ /// escape sequence ch2 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch2 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ }else{ ch3 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch3 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ }else{ switch( ch2 ){ default: iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch3) // enQ case '[': switch( ch3 ){ case 'A': ch1 = GO_UP; // ^ case 'B': ch1 = GO_DOWN; // v case 'C': ch1 = GO_RIGHT; // > case 'D': ch1 = GO_LEFT; // < case '3': ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch4 == '~' ){ //fprintf(stderr,"x[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } case '\\': //ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); //fprintf(stderr,"y[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); switch( ch3 ){ case '~': ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } } } } return ch1 } func (inn*IInput)clearline(){ var i int fprintf(stderr,"\r"); // should be ANSI ESC sequence for i = 0; i < TtyMaxCol; i++ { // to the max. position in this input action fputc(' ',os.Stderr); } fprintf(stderr,"\r"); } func (iin*IInput)Redraw(){ redraw(iin,iin.lno,iin.line,iin.right) } func redraw(iin *IInput,lno int,line string,right string){ inMeta := false showMode := "" showMeta := "" // visible Meta mode on the cursor position showLino := fmt.Sprintf("!%d! ",lno) InsertMark := "" // in visible insert mode if MODE_VicMode { }else if 0 < len(iin.right) { InsertMark = " " } if( 0 < len(iin.waitingMeta) ){ inMeta = true if iin.waitingMeta[0] != 033 { showMeta = iin.waitingMeta } } if( romkanmode ){ //romkanmark = " *"; }else{ //romkanmark = ""; } if MODE_ShowMode { romkan := "--" inmeta := "-" inveri := "" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "A" } if MODE_LowerLock { inmeta = "a" } if MODE_ViTrace { inveri = "v" } if MODE_VicMode { inveri = ":" } if romkanmode { romkan = "\343\201\202" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "R" }else{ inmeta = "r" } } if inMeta { inmeta = "\\" } showMode = "["+romkan+inmeta+inveri+"]"; } Pre := "\r" + showMode + showLino Output := "" Left := "" Right := "" if romkanmode { Left = convs(line) Right = InsertMark+convs(right) }else{ Left = line Right = InsertMark+right } Output = Pre+Left if MODE_ViTrace { Output += iin.LastCmd } Output += showMeta+Right for len(Output) < TtyMaxCol { // to the max. position that may be dirty Output += " " // should be ANSI ESC sequence // not necessary just after newline } Output += Pre+Left+showMeta // to set the cursor to the current input position fprintf(stderr,"%s",Output) if MODE_ViTrace { if 0 < len(iin.LastCmd) { iin.LastCmd = "" fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") } } } // utf8 func delHeadChar(str string)(rline string,head string){ _,clen := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)) head = string(str[0:clen]) return str[clen:],head } func delTailChar(str string)(rline string, last string){ var i = 0 var clen = 0 for { _,siz := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)[i:]) if siz <= 0 { break } clen = siz i += siz } last = str[len(str)-clen:] return str[0:len(str)-clen],last } // 3> for output and history // 4> for keylog? // Command Line Editor func xgetline(lno int, prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var iin IInput iin.lastlno = lno iin.lno = lno CmdIndex = len(gsh.CommandHistory) if( isatty(0) == 0 ){ if( sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin) == NULL ){ iin.line = "exit\n"; }else{ } return iin.line } if( true ){ //var pts string; //pts = ptsname(0); //pts = ttyname(0); //fprintf(stderr,"--pts[0] = %s\n",pts?pts:"?"); } if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"! "); fflush(stderr); sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin); return iin.line } system("/bin/stty -echo -icanon"); xline := iin.xgetline1(prevline,gsh) system("/bin/stty echo sane"); return xline } func (iin*IInput)Translate(cmdch int){ romkanmode = !romkanmode; if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); }else if( cmdch == 'J' ){ fprintf(stderr,"J\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); iin.Redraw(); } func (iin*IInput)Replace(cmdch int){ iin.LastCmd = fmt.Sprintf("\\%v",string(cmdch)) iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" if( cmdch == 'I' ){ fprintf(stderr,"I\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); } // aa 12 a1a1 func isAlpha(ch rune)(bool){ if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { return true } return false } func isAlnum(ch rune)(bool){ if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { return true } if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { return true } return false } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created // DecodeRuneInString func (iin*IInput)GotoTOPW(){ str := iin.line i := len(str) if i <= 0 { return } //i0 := i i -= 1 lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var found = -1 for 0 < i { // skip preamble spaces lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched i -= lastSize continue } break } for 0 < i { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { continue } // not the character top if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched found = i break } i -= lastSize } if found < 0 && i == 0 { found = 0 } if 0 <= found { if isAlnum(lastRune) { // or non-kana character }else{ // when positioning to the top o the word i += lastSize } iin.right = str[i:] + iin.right if 0 < i { iin.line = str[0:i] }else{ iin.line = "" } } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d,%d,%d)[%s][%s]\n",i0,i,found,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created func (iin*IInput)GotoENDW(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var lastW = 0 i := 0 inWord := false lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[0:]) if isAlnum(lastRune) { r,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[lastSize:]) if 0 < z && isAlnum(r) { inWord = true } } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } lastW = i // the last alnum if in alnum word i += lastSize } if inWord { goto DISP } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } i += lastSize } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } lastW = i i += lastSize } DISP: if 0 < lastW { iin.line = iin.line + str[0:lastW] iin.right = str[lastW:] } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d)[%s][%s]\n",i,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created func (iin*IInput)GotoNEXTW(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var found = -1 i := 1 for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched found = i break } i += lastSize } if 0 < found { if isAlnum(lastRune) { // or non-kana character }else{ // when positioning to the top o the word found += lastSize } iin.line = iin.line + str[0:found] if 0 < found { iin.right = str[found:] }else{ iin.right = "" } } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d)[%s][%s]\n",i,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)GotoPAIRCH(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastRune,lastSize := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[0:]) if lastSize <= 0 { return } forw := false back := false pair := "" switch string(lastRune){ case "{": pair = "}"; forw = true case "}": pair = "{"; back = true case "(": pair = ")"; forw = true case ")": pair = "("; back = true case "[": pair = "]"; forw = true case "]": pair = "["; back = true case "<": pair = ">"; forw = true case ">": pair = "<"; back = true case "\"": pair = "\""; // context depednet, can be f" or back-double quote case "'": pair = "'"; // context depednet, can be f' or back-quote // case Japanese Kakkos } if forw { iin.SearchForward(pair) } if back { iin.SearchBackward(pair) } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)SearchForward(pat string)(bool){ right := iin.right found := -1 i := 0 if strBegins(right,pat) { _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(right[i:]) if 0 < z { i += z } } for i < len(right) { if strBegins(right[i:],pat) { found = i break } _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(right[i:]) if z <= 0 { break } i += z } if 0 <= found { iin.line = iin.line + right[0:found] iin.right = iin.right[found:] return true }else{ return false } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)SearchBackward(pat string)(bool){ line := iin.line found := -1 i := len(line)-1 for i = i; 0 <= i; i-- { _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(line[i:]) if z <= 0 { continue } //fprintf(stderr,"-- %v %v\n",pat,line[i:]) if strBegins(line[i:],pat) { found = i break } } //fprintf(stderr,"--%d\n",found) if 0 <= found { iin.right = line[found:] + iin.right iin.line = line[0:found] return true }else{ return false } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created // search from top, end, or current position func (gsh*GshContext)SearchHistory(pat string, forw bool)(bool,string){ if forw { for _,v := range gsh.CommandHistory { if 0 <= strings.Index(v.CmdLine,pat) { //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- found !%v [%v]%v\n",i,pat,v.CmdLine) return true,v.CmdLine } } }else{ hlen := len(gsh.CommandHistory) for i := hlen-1; 0 < i ; i-- { v := gsh.CommandHistory[i] if 0 <= strings.Index(v.CmdLine,pat) { //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- found !%v [%v]%v\n",i,pat,v.CmdLine) return true,v.CmdLine } } } //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- not-found(%v)\n",pat) return false,"(Not Found in History)" } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)GotoFORWSTR(pat string,gsh*GshContext){ found := false if 0 < len(iin.right) { found = iin.SearchForward(pat) } if !found { found,line := gsh.SearchHistory(pat,true) if found { iin.line = line iin.right = "" } } } func (iin*IInput)GotoBACKSTR(pat string, gsh*GshContext){ found := false if 0 < len(iin.line) { found = iin.SearchBackward(pat) } if !found { found,line := gsh.SearchHistory(pat,false) if found { iin.line = line iin.right = "" } } } func (iin*IInput)getstring1(prompt string)(string){ // should be editable iin.clearline(); fprintf(stderr,"\r%v",prompt) str := "" for { ch := iin.Getc(10*1000*1000) if ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' { break } sch := string(ch) str += sch fprintf(stderr,"%s",sch) } return str } // search pattern must be an array and selectable with ^N/^P var SearchPat = "" var SearchForw = true func (iin*IInput)xgetline1(prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var ch int; MODE_ShowMode = false MODE_VicMode = false iin.Redraw(); first := true for cix := 0; ; cix++ { iin.pinJmode = iin.inJmode iin.inJmode = false ch = iin.Getc(1000*1000) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT && first { first = false mode := 0 if romkanmode { mode = 1 } now := time.Now() Events = append(Events,Event{now,EV_MODE,int64(mode),CmdIndex}) } if ch == 033 { MODE_ShowMode = true MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode iin.Redraw(); continue } if MODE_VicMode { switch ch { case '0': ch = GO_TOPL case '$': ch = GO_ENDL case 'b': ch = GO_TOPW case 'e': ch = GO_ENDW case 'w': ch = GO_NEXTW case '%': ch = GO_PAIRCH case 'j': ch = GO_DOWN case 'k': ch = GO_UP case 'h': ch = GO_LEFT case 'l': ch = GO_RIGHT case 'x': ch = DEL_RIGHT case 'a': MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode ch = GO_RIGHT case 'i': MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode iin.Redraw(); continue case '~': right,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) if len([]byte(head)) == 1 { ch = int(head[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.right = string(ch) + right } iin.Redraw(); continue case 'f': // GO_FORWCH iin.Redraw(); ch = iin.Getc(3*1000*1000) if ch == EV_TIMEOUT { iin.Redraw(); continue } SearchPat = string(ch) SearchForw = true iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case '/': SearchPat = iin.getstring1("/") // should be editable SearchForw = true iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case '?': SearchPat = iin.getstring1("?") // should be editable SearchForw = false iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case 'n': if SearchForw { iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) }else{ iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) } iin.Redraw(); continue case 'N': if !SearchForw { iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) }else{ iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) } iin.Redraw(); continue } } switch ch { case GO_TOPW: iin.GotoTOPW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_ENDW: iin.GotoENDW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_NEXTW: // to next space then iin.GotoNEXTW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_PAIRCH: iin.GotoPAIRCH() iin.Redraw(); continue } //fprintf(stderr,"A[%02X]\n",ch); if( ch == '\\' || ch == 033 ){ MODE_ShowMode = true metach := ch iin.waitingMeta = string(ch) iin.Redraw(); // set cursor //fprintf(stderr,"???\b\b\b") ch = fgetcTimeout(stdin,2000*1000) // reset cursor iin.waitingMeta = "" cmdch := ch if( ch == EV_TIMEOUT ){ if metach == 033 { continue } ch = metach }else /* if( ch == 'm' || ch == 'M' ){ mch := fgetcTimeout(stdin,1000*1000) if mch == 'r' { romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } continue }else */ if( ch == 'k' || ch == 'K' ){ MODE_Recursive = !MODE_Recursive iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'j' || ch == 'J' ){ iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'i' || ch == 'I' ){ iin.Replace(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'l' || ch == 'L' ){ MODE_LowerLock = !MODE_LowerLock MODE_CapsLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'u' || ch == 'U' ){ MODE_CapsLock = !MODE_CapsLock MODE_LowerLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'v' || ch == 'V' ){ MODE_ViTrace = !MODE_ViTrace if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'c' || ch == 'C' ){ if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) if len([]byte(tail)) == 1 { ch = int(tail[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.line = xline + string(ch) } } if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else{ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch) // push ch = '\\' } } switch( ch ){ case 'P'-0x40: ch = GO_UP case 'N'-0x40: ch = GO_DOWN case 'B'-0x40: ch = GO_LEFT case 'F'-0x40: ch = GO_RIGHT } //fprintf(stderr,"B[%02X]\n",ch); switch( ch ){ case 0: continue; case '\t': iin.Replace('j'); continue case 'X'-0x40: iin.Replace('j'); continue case EV_TIMEOUT: iin.Redraw(); if iin.pinJmode { fprintf(stderr,"\\J\r\n") iin.inJmode = true } continue case GO_UP: if iin.lno == 1 { continue } cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno-1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno - 1 } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_DOWN: cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno+1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 }else{ iin.line = "" iin.right = "" if iin.lno == iin.lastlno-1 { iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 } } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_LEFT: if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) iin.line = xline iin.right = tail + iin.right } iin.Redraw(); continue; case GO_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) && iin.right[0] != 0 ){ xright,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.right = xright iin.line += head } iin.Redraw(); continue; case EOF: goto EXIT; case 'R'-0x40: // replace dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'T'-0x40: // just show the result readDic(); romkanmode = !romkanmode; iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'L'-0x40: iin.Redraw(); continue case 'K'-0x40: iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'E'-0x40: iin.line += iin.right iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'A'-0x40: iin.right = iin.line + iin.right iin.line = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'U'-0x40: iin.line = "" iin.right = "" iin.clearline(); iin.Redraw(); continue; case DEL_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } continue; case 0x7F: // BS? not DEL if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } /* else if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } */ continue; case 'H'-0x40: if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } continue; } if( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' ){ iin.line += iin.right; iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); fputc(ch,stderr); break; } if MODE_CapsLock { if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' { ch = ch+'A'-'a' } } if MODE_LowerLock { if 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { ch = ch+'a'-'A' } } iin.line += string(ch); iin.Redraw(); } EXIT: return iin.line + iin.right; } func getline_main(){ line := xgetline(0,"",nil) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",line); /* dp = strpbrk(line,"\r\n"); if( dp != NULL ){ *dp = 0; } if( 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n(%d)\n",int(strlen(line))); } if( lseek(3,0,0) == 0 ){ if( romkanmode ){ var buf [8*1024]byte; convs(line,buff); strcpy(line,buff); } write(3,line,strlen(line)); ftruncate(3,lseek(3,0,SEEK_CUR)); //fprintf(stderr,"outsize=%d\n",(int)lseek(3,0,SEEK_END)); lseek(3,0,SEEK_SET); close(3); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"\r\ngotline: "); trans(line); //printf("%s\n",line); printf("\n"); } */ } //== end ========================================================= getline // // $USERHOME/.gsh/ // gsh-rc.txt, or gsh-configure.txt // gsh-history.txt // gsh-aliases.txt // should be conditional? // func (gshCtx *GshContext)gshSetupHomedir()(bool) { homedir,found := userHomeDir() if !found { fmt.Printf("--E-- You have no UserHomeDir\n") return true } gshhome := homedir + "/" + GSH_HOME _, err2 := os.Stat(gshhome) if err2 != nil { err3 := os.Mkdir(gshhome,0700) if err3 != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- Could not Create %s (%s)\n", gshhome,err3) return true } fmt.Printf("--I-- Created %s\n",gshhome) } gshCtx.GshHomeDir = gshhome return false } func setupGshContext()(GshContext,bool){ gshPA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the staring directory os.Environ(), // environ[] []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, // OS specific } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() gshCtx := GshContext { cwd, // StartDir "", // GetLine []GChdirHistory { {cwd,time.Now(),0} }, // ChdirHistory gshPA, []GCommandHistory{}, //something for invokation? GCommandHistory{}, // CmdCurrent false, []int{}, syscall.Rusage{}, "", // GshHomeDir Ttyid(), false, false, []PluginInfo{}, []string{}, " ", "v", ValueStack{}, GServer{"",""}, // LastServer "", // RSERV cwd, // RWD CheckSum{}, } err := gshCtx.gshSetupHomedir() return gshCtx, err } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelllh(gline string)(bool){ ghist := gsh.CmdCurrent ghist.WorkDir,_ = os.Getwd() ghist.WorkDirX = len(gsh.ChdirHistory)-1 //fmt.Printf("--D--ChdirHistory(@%d)\n",len(gsh.ChdirHistory)) ghist.StartAt = time.Now() rusagev1 := Getrusagev() gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = []string{} fin := gsh.tgshelll(gline) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() ghist.Rusagev = RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) ghist.EndAt = time.Now() ghist.CmdLine = gline ghist.FoundFile = gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile /* record it but not show in list by default if len(gline) == 0 { continue } if gline == "hi" || gline == "history" { // don't record it continue } */ gsh.CommandHistory = append(gsh.CommandHistory, ghist) return fin } // Main loop func script(gshCtxGiven *GshContext) (_ GshContext) { gshCtxBuf,err0 := setupGshContext() if err0 { return gshCtxBuf; } gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) //resmap() /* if false { gsh_getlinev, with_exgetline := which("PATH",[]string{"which","gsh-getline","-s"}) if with_exgetline { gsh_getlinev[0] = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) gshCtx.GetLine = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) }else{ fmt.Printf("--W-- No gsh-getline found. Using internal getline.\n"); } } */ ghist0 := gshCtx.CmdCurrent // something special, or gshrc script, or permanent history gshCtx.CommandHistory = append(gshCtx.CommandHistory,ghist0) prevline := "" skipping := false for hix := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory); ; { gline := gshCtx.getline(hix,skipping,prevline) if skipping { if strings.Index(gline,"fi") == 0 { fmt.Printf("fi\n"); skipping = false; }else{ //fmt.Printf("%s\n",gline); } continue } if strings.Index(gline,"if") == 0 { //fmt.Printf("--D-- if start: %s\n",gline); skipping = true; continue } if false { os.Stdout.Write([]byte("gotline:")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } gline = strsubst(gshCtx,gline,true) if false { fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%v - %v\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%s - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%x - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%U - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("Stouut.Write -") os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) fmt.Printf("\n") } /* // should be cared in substitution ? if 0 < len(gline) && gline[0] == '!' { xgline, set, err := searchHistory(gshCtx,gline) if err { continue } if set { // set the line in command line editor } gline = xgline } */ fin := gshCtx.gshelllh(gline) if fin { break; } prevline = gline; hix++; } return *gshCtx } func main() { gshCtxBuf := GshContext{} gsh := &gshCtxBuf argv := os.Args if 1 < len(argv) { if isin("version",argv){ gsh.showVersion(argv) return } comx := isinX("-c",argv) if 0 < comx { gshCtxBuf,err := setupGshContext() gsh := &gshCtxBuf if !err { gsh.gshellv(argv[comx+1:]) } return } } if 1 < len(argv) && isin("-s",argv) { }else{ gsh.showVersion(append(argv,[]string{"-l","-a"}...)) } script(nil) //gshCtx := script(nil) //gshelll(gshCtx,"time") } //
// - inter gsh communication, possibly running in remote hosts -- to be remote shell // - merged histories of multiple parallel gsh sessions // - alias as a function or macro // - instant alias end environ export to the permanent > ~/.gsh/gsh-alias and gsh-environ // - retrieval PATH of files by its type // - gsh as an IME with completion using history and file names as dictionaies // - gsh a scheduler in precise time of within a millisecond // - all commands have its subucomand after "---" symbol // - filename expansion by "-find" command // - history of ext code and output of each commoand // - "script" output for each command by pty-tee or telnet-tee // - $BUILTIN command in PATH to show the priority // - "?" symbol in the command (not as in arguments) shows help request // - searching command with wild card like: which ssh-* // - longformat prompt after long idle time (should dismiss by BS) // - customizing by building plugin and dynamically linking it // - generating syntactic element like "if" by macro expansion (like CPP) >> alias // - "!" symbol should be used for negation, don't wast it just for job control // - don't put too long output to tty, record it into GSH_HOME/session-id/comand-id.log // - making canonical form of command at the start adding quatation or white spaces // - name(a,b,c) ... use "(" and ")" to show both delimiter and realm // - name? or name! might be useful // - htar format - packing directory contents into a single html file using data scheme // - filepath substitution shold be done by each command, expecially in case of builtins // - @N substition for the history of working directory, and @spec for more generic ones // - @dir prefix to do the command at there, that means like (chdir @dir; command) // - GSH_PATH for plugins // - standard command output: list of data with name, size, resouce usage, modified time // - generic sort key option -nm name, -sz size, -ru rusage, -ts start-time, -tm mod-time // -wc word-count, grep match line count, ... // - standard command execution result: a list of string, -tm, -ts, -ru, -sz, ... // - -tailf-filename like tail -f filename, repeat close and open before read // - max. size and max. duration and timeout of (generated) data transfer // - auto. numbering, aliasing, IME completion of file name (especially rm of quieer name) // - IME "?" at the top of the command line means searching history // - IME %d/0x10000/ %x/ffff/ // - IME ESC to go the edit mode like in vi, and use :command as :s/x/y/g to edit history // - gsh in WebAssembly // - gsh as a HTTP server of online-manual //---END--- (^-^)/ITS more
// var WorldDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly8gTXlJTUUvMC4wLjEg6L6e5pu4ICgyMDIwLTA4MTlhKQpzZWthaSDkuJbnlYwKa28g44GT"+ "Cm5uIOOCkwpuaSDjgasKY2hpIOOBoQp0aSDjgaEKaGEg44GvCnNlIOOBmwprYSDjgYsKaSDj"+ "gYQK"; // var WnnDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL2Rp"+ "Y3ZlcglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNXbm5ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "R1NoZWxsCUdTaGVsbArjgo/jgZ/jgZcJ56eBCndhdGFzaGkJ56eBCndhdGFzaQnnp4EK44Gq"+ "44G+44GICeWQjeWJjQpuYW1hZQnlkI3liY0K44Gq44GL44GuCeS4remHjgpuYWthbm8J5Lit"+ "6YeOCndhCeOCjwp0YQnjgZ8Kc2kJ44GXCnNoaQnjgZcKbm8J44GuCm5hCeOBqgptYQnjgb4K"+ "ZQnjgYgKaGEJ44GvCm5hCeOBqgprYQnjgYsKbm8J44GuCmRlCeOBpwpzdQnjgZkKZVxzCWVj"+ "aG8KZGljCWRpYwplY2hvCWVjaG8KcmVwbGF5CXJlcGxheQpyZXBlYXQJcmVwZWF0CmR0CWRh"+ "dGVccysnJVklbSVkLSVIOiVNOiVTJwp0aW9uCXRpb24KJXQJJXQJLy8gdG8gYmUgYW4gYWN0"+ "aW9uCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg==" // var SumomoDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTdW1vbW9ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "c3UJ44GZCm1vCeOCggpubwnjga4KdQnjgYYKY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnjgaEKdWNoaQnlhoUKdXRp"+ "CeWGhQpzdW1vbW8J44GZ44KC44KCCnN1bW9tb21vCeOBmeOCguOCguOCggptb21vCeahgwpt"+ "b21vbW8J5qGD44KCCiwsCeOAgQouLgnjgIIKPC90ZXh0YXJlYT4K" // var SijimiDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTaGlqaW1pXHMvL1xzMjAyMC0wODMw"+ "CnNpCeOBlwpzaGkJ44GXCmppCeOBmAptaQnjgb8KbmEJ44GqCmp1CeOBmOOChQp4eXUJ44KF"+ "CnUJ44GGCm5pCeOBqwprbwnjgZMKYnUJ44G2Cm5uCeOCkwpubwnjga4KY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnj"+ "gaEKa2EJ44GLCnJhCeOCiQosLAnjgIEKLi4J44CCCnhuYW5hCeS4gwp4anV1CeWNgQp4bmkJ"+ "5LqMCmtveAnlgIsKa29xCeWAiwprb3gJ5YCLCm5hbmFqdXVuaXgJNzIKbmFuYWp1dW5peHgJ"+ "77yX77ySCm5hbmFqdXVuaVgJ77yX77ySCuS4g+WNgeS6jHgJNzIKa29idW5uCeWAi+WIhgp0"+ "aWthcmFxCeOBoeOBi+OCiQp0aWthcmEJ5YqbCmNoaWthcmEJ5YqbCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg=" // var JA_JKLDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly92ZXJsCU15SU1FamRpY2ptb3JzZWpKQWpKS0woMjAyMGowODE5KSheLV4pL1NhdG94SVRT"+ "CmtqamprbGtqa2tsa2psIOS4lueVjApqamtqamwJ44GCCmtqbAnjgYQKa2tqbAnjgYYKamtq"+ "amwJ44GICmtqa2trbAnjgYoKa2pra2wJ44GLCmpramtrbAnjgY0Ka2tramwJ44GPCmpramps"+ "CeOBkQpqampqbAnjgZMKamtqa2psCeOBlQpqamtqa2wJ44GXCmpqamtqbAnjgZkKa2pqamts"+ "CeOBmwpqamprbAnjgZ0KamtsCeOBnwpra2prbAnjgaEKa2pqa2wJ44GkCmtqa2pqbAnjgaYK"+ "a2tqa2tsCeOBqApramtsCeOBqgpqa2prbAnjgasKa2tra2wJ44GsCmpqa2psCeOBrQpra2pq"+ "bAnjga4Kamtra2wJ44GvCmpqa2tqbAnjgbIKampra2wJ44G1CmtsCeOBuApqa2tsCeOBuwpq"+ "a2tqbAnjgb4Ka2tqa2psCeOBvwpqbAnjgoAKamtra2psCeOCgQpqa2tqa2wJ44KCCmtqamwJ"+ "44KECmpra2pqbAnjgoYKampsCeOCiApra2tsCeOCiQpqamtsCeOCigpqa2pqa2wJ44KLCmpq"+ "amwJ44KMCmtqa2psCeOCjQpqa2psCeOCjwpramtramwJ44KQCmtqamtrbAnjgpEKa2pqamwJ"+ "44KSCmtqa2prbAnjgpMKa2pqa2psCeODvApra2wJ44KbCmtramprbAnjgpwKa2pramtqbAnj"+ "gIEK"; // // /*
*/ /*
Raw Source
Whole file
CSS part
JavaScript part
Builtin data part
*/ /*
WebCrypto Reference:

Web Crypto - RSA-OAEP

Plain text:

Cipher text:

Decrypted text:























社長:それが、最近はiCloud保存にしちゃってるので、だめかも知れません。再び Notes でバイパス… これとかは比較的足元から遠景まで。撮った時は日常感が写ってちょっとなーと思ったんですが、デフォルメすると見えないですね。










社長:デスクトップの壁紙にするには解像度が。やはり、Retina の壁紙に耐える解像度でとれるカメラを購入しましょう。それで、筑波山を撮りに行きたいです。



-- 2020-0904 SatoxITS

GShell 0.3.0 − 電子署名付きHTML5


開発:まずは JavaScript で出来ることが重要と思いますが、普通にRSAのライブラリとかあるみたいですね。Goにももちろんあります。

Multi Purpose な使い倒し



社長:せっかく精神は我社の基本精神です。一つの技術、一つのコードを多目的に使い倒す。more with lessです。


開発:アクセス権の制御というか、ライセンスキー的なものはやってみたいですね。キーをもってないとしかるべく実行できない。HTMLの一部のエレメントを表示できないとか。class で制御する。


社長:まあROT13みたいなもんですね。いっそdata URI にするという手もあります。href やら src やらで、URLとして自分のHTML内のエレメントIDを使えると良いのですけどね。dom:elmentId.innerHTML みたいな。

基盤:エレメント id は IPv6アドレスなんていうのが面白いですね。














社長:鑑定… って、いいキーワードのような気がします。証明とかよりいい。




















社長:これは、聴かなかったほうが良かったかな (^-^; 想い出の中にしまって。








レンジ:ゴー… ぱぺぽ、














開発:震災の時に足のゴムがひとつどっかに飛んじゃって不安定なんですよねw もぐもぐ。




社長:multi purpose 過ぎる。


基盤:でもWikiでは「カロテン」ですね。綴りは carotene(英)、carotin(独)。










開発:ふあぁ… よく寝ました。


社長:今日は夢に ESC [ が出てきました。部分スクロールとか。cosmosの画面とか。




基盤:Goでcurses ライブラリパッケージを作っている人は居ますね。goncurses とか gocurses とか。

開発:あれ?これって単に import "C" すればCのライブラリが使えるという事のようですが。。。pkg/C ... おや、 に飛ばされました。

社長:そういえばそれ、Cgo ってものがあるって事は覚えています。

開発:げげ、普通に Go の中に C が書けるんですね。どれどれ、Hello World…







開発:で、逆は… なるほど、Goの関数はこうやってCにexportするのか…


開発:全然構いません。実際、可変長データ、スライスを扱うのにGoは便利ですけど、あとは普通にC風言語としてしか使ってないですからね。型宣言とforの構文がちょっと違うだけみたいな。IMEの入力部分は最初Cで書いた版を取り込むのに、自分で fprintf とか互換関数を書いたんですが、あれ必要なかったのか ( ; _ ; )。

社長:curses を使ってたのは30年前あたり… というか主に学生時代です。最初は termcap だけで、いずれ curses を使うようになったような。あの頃のコードから骨を拾ってきますかね。







基盤:CUI vs GUI だと、C vs Go みたいですw






開発:そこはちょっと… たぶん、動的リンクは一回しかできないので。でも exec しちゃえばいいのかな。実行状態は継承して。

* * *




経理:アマゾンから請求書が… ああ、ライトセール代ですね。



経理:水道代も来てますね。PayB でぴっ。快感〜。パスコードを。











社長:血圧を測定… よた話を書いてる時は上がらないみたいですね。


開発:それでは電子署名の件をやりましょう。まずはやはり、JavaScriptにて。この SubtleCrypto.encrypto() ってやつですかね。



社長:extension 使ってもだめなのかなぁ。


開発:View Page Source…




開発:ちょっとこのブログサイトにコピーしてテストしてみましょう。というか、まずgsh.html に組み込んじゃって…





社長:ちょっと興奮したので血圧を測定… ありゃりゃ、大台を突破してます。




* * *







* * *



社長:これを見て思ったんですが。GShell をやめて GShe!! にしようかなって。あと、この日本語入力がGShell IMEで実現できたらって。



開発:ともかく、これをやってて色々びっくりしました。まず、CSSで上書きをする !important を何時の頃からか !import だと思ってしまっていたんです。なんだか効かないなーと思ってましたw。それと、e.innerHTML=xxx を e.innnerHTML=xxx とか 打ち間違えてしまったんですが、通っちゃうんですね。



基盤:ということは、e.digest とか e.esign なんて属性を決めて、そこにダイジェストや電子署名を入れておけばよいということでしょうか?



開発:style とかは出来たと思いますが、 onclick とかも全部 JavaScript で押し込めるとすると、書き方が劇的に変わりますね・・・

社長:あとは document.getElementById("name") なんていう長たらしいのを書かずにすんだら、もっとスッキリするのにね。

開発:そこは我慢して一度だけ var name = document.getElementById("name") をするとします。var は参照されるたびに評価されるみたいなんで、いろんな処理が名前だけで参照できて、"." でつなげるんだと思います。


開発:処理の結果を次の処理に渡す記法という意味でも便利ですよね。GShell もこういうふうにすると良いのかなとも思います。scanf().printf() みたいな。

社長:逆にshellのパイプで数珠つなぎにする的なのが JavaScript で書ければ良いと思うのですが。

開発:あと、今日はWordPressの拡張HTMLブロックの中でJavaScriptコードを開発するという妙な実験をしたわけです。ちょこちょこっといじる分にはまあ良いのですが、長いのになるとつらい。特に行数が12行程度で固定されているのが。タブも入れられない。もちろん、vi でも無く。

基盤:vi 互換のブロックエディタがあると良いですね。




-- 2020-0903 SatoxITS

/* GShell-0.3.0 by SatoxITS
GShell version 0.3.0 // 2020-09-03 // SatoxITS

GShell // a General purpose Shell built on the top of Golang

It is a shell for myself, by myself, of myself. --SatoxITS(^-^)

0 | | Fork | Stop | Unfold | Cksum | */ /*

Fun to create a shell

For a programmer, it must be far easy and fun to create his own simple shell rightly fitting to his favor and necessities, than learning existing shells with complex full features that he never use. I, as one of programmers, am writing this tiny shell for my own real needs, totally from scratch, with fun.

For a programmer, it is fun to learn new computer languages. For long years before writing this software, I had been specialized to C and early HTML2 :-). Now writing this software, I'm learning Go language, HTML5, JavaScript and CSS on demand as a novice of these, with fun.

This single file "gsh.go", that is executable by Go, contains all of the code written in Go. Also it can be displayed as "gsh.go.html" by browsers. It is a standalone HTML file that works as the viewer of the code of itself, and as the "home page" of this software.

Because this HTML file is a Go program, you may run it as a real shell program on your computer. But you must be aware that this program is written under situation like above. Needless to say, there is no warranty for this program in any means.

Aug 2020, SatoxITS (
*/ /*

Vi compatible command line editor

The command line of GShell can be edited with commands compatible with vi. As in vi, you can enter command mode by ESC key, then move around in the history by j k / ? n N, or within the current line by l h f w b 0 $ % or so.

*/ /*
Documents Command summary Go lang part Package structures import struct Main functions str-expansion // macro processor finder // builtin find + du grep // builtin grep + wc + cksum + ... plugin // plugin commands system // external commands builtin // builtin commands network // socket handler remote-sh // remote shell redirect // StdIn/Out redireciton history // command history rusage // resouce usage encode // encode / decode IME // command line IME getline // line editor scanf // string decomposer interpreter // command interpreter main JavaScript part Source Builtin data CSS part Source References Internal External Whole parts Source Download Dump
*/ //
//Go Source
// gsh - Go lang based Shell // (c) 2020 ITS more Co., Ltd. // 2020-0807 created by SatoxITS ( package main // gsh main // Imported packages // Packages import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "strconv" // strconv "sort" // sort "time" // time "bufio" // bufio "io/ioutil" // ioutil "os" // os "syscall" // syscall "plugin" // plugin "net" // net "net/http" // http //"html" // html "path/filepath" // filepath "go/types" // types "go/token" // token "encoding/base64" // base64 "unicode/utf8" // utf8 //"gshdata" // gshell's logo and source code "hash/crc32" // crc32 ) const ( NAME = "gsh" VERSION = "0.3.0" DATE = "2020-09-03" AUTHOR = "SatoxITS(^-^)/" ) var ( GSH_HOME = ".gsh" // under home directory GSH_PORT = 9999 MaxStreamSize = int64(128*1024*1024*1024) // 128GiB is too large? PROMPT = "> " LINESIZE = (8*1024) PATHSEP = ":" // should be ";" in Windows DIRSEP = "/" // canbe \ in Windows ) // -xX logging control // --A-- all // --I-- info. // --D-- debug // --T-- time and resource usage // --W-- warning // --E-- error // --F-- fatal error // --Xn- network // Structures type GCommandHistory struct { StartAt time.Time // command line execution started at EndAt time.Time // command line execution ended at ResCode int // exit code of (external command) CmdError error // error string OutData *os.File // output of the command FoundFile []string // output - result of ufind Rusagev [2]syscall.Rusage // Resource consumption, CPU time or so CmdId int // maybe with identified with arguments or impact // redireciton commands should not be the CmdId WorkDir string // working directory at start WorkDirX int // index in ChdirHistory CmdLine string // command line } type GChdirHistory struct { Dir string MovedAt time.Time CmdIndex int } type CmdMode struct { BackGround bool } type Event struct { when time.Time event int evarg int64 CmdIndex int } var CmdIndex int var Events []Event type PluginInfo struct { Spec *plugin.Plugin Addr plugin.Symbol Name string // maybe relative Path string // this is in Plugin but hidden } type GServer struct { host string port string } // Digest const ( // SumType SUM_ITEMS = 0x000001 // items count SUM_SIZE = 0x000002 // data length (simplly added) SUM_SIZEHASH = 0x000004 // data length (hashed sequence) SUM_DATEHASH = 0x000008 // date of data (hashed sequence) // also envelope attributes like time stamp can be a part of digest // hashed value of sizes or mod-date of files will be useful to detect changes SUM_WORDS = 0x000010 // word count is a kind of digest SUM_LINES = 0x000020 // line count is a kind of digest SUM_SUM64 = 0x000040 // simple add of bytes, useful for human too SUM_SUM32_BITS = 0x000100 // the number of true bits SUM_SUM32_2BYTE = 0x000200 // 16bits words SUM_SUM32_4BYTE = 0x000400 // 32bits words SUM_SUM32_8BYTE = 0x000800 // 64bits words SUM_SUM16_BSD = 0x001000 // UNIXsum -sum -bsd SUM_SUM16_SYSV = 0x002000 // UNIXsum -sum -sysv SUM_UNIXFILE = 0x004000 SUM_CRCIEEE = 0x008000 ) type CheckSum struct { Files int64 // the number of files (or data) Size int64 // content size Words int64 // word count Lines int64 // line count SumType int Sum64 uint64 Crc32Table crc32.Table Crc32Val uint32 Sum16 int Ctime time.Time Atime time.Time Mtime time.Time Start time.Time Done time.Time RusgAtStart [2]syscall.Rusage RusgAtEnd [2]syscall.Rusage } type ValueStack [][]string type GshContext struct { StartDir string // the current directory at the start GetLine string // gsh-getline command as a input line editor ChdirHistory []GChdirHistory // the 1st entry is wd at the start gshPA syscall.ProcAttr CommandHistory []GCommandHistory CmdCurrent GCommandHistory BackGround bool BackGroundJobs []int LastRusage syscall.Rusage GshHomeDir string TerminalId int CmdTrace bool // should be [map] CmdTime bool // should be [map] PluginFuncs []PluginInfo iValues []string iDelimiter string // field sepearater of print out iFormat string // default print format (of integer) iValStack ValueStack LastServer GServer RSERV string // [gsh://]host[:port] RWD string // remote (target, there) working directory lastCheckSum CheckSum } func nsleep(ns time.Duration){ time.Sleep(ns) } func usleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000) } func msleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000) } func sleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000000) } func strBegins(str, pat string)(bool){ if len(pat) <= len(str){ yes := str[0:len(pat)] == pat //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,yes) return yes } //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,false) return false } func isin(what string, list []string) bool { for _, v := range list { if v == what { return true } } return false } func isinX(what string,list[]string)(int){ for i,v := range list { if v == what { return i } } return -1 } func env(opts []string) { env := os.Environ() if isin("-s", opts){ sort.Slice(env, func(i,j int) bool { return env[i] < env[j] }) } for _, v := range env { fmt.Printf("%v\n",v) } } // - rewriting should be context dependent // - should postpone until the real point of evaluation // - should rewrite only known notation of symobl func scanInt(str string)(val int,leng int){ leng = -1 for i,ch := range str { if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { leng = i+1 }else{ break } } if 0 < leng { ival,_ := strconv.Atoi(str[0:leng]) return ival,leng }else{ return 0,0 } } func substHistory(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,i int,rstr string)(leng int,rst string){ if len(str[i+1:]) == 0 { return 0,rstr } hi := 0 histlen := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) if str[i+1] == '!' { hi = histlen - 1 leng = 1 }else{ hi,leng = scanInt(str[i+1:]) if leng == 0 { return 0,rstr } if hi < 0 { hi = histlen + hi } } if 0 <= hi && hi < histlen { var ext byte if 1 < len(str[i+leng:]) { ext = str[i+leng:][1] } //fmt.Printf("--D-- %v(%c)\n",str[i+leng:],str[i+leng]) if ext == 'f' { leng += 1 xlist := []string{} list := gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].FoundFile for _,v := range list { //list[i] = escapeWhiteSP(v) xlist = append(xlist,escapeWhiteSP(v)) } //rstr += strings.Join(list," ") rstr += strings.Join(xlist," ") }else if ext == '@' || ext == 'd' { // !N@ .. workdir at the start of the command leng += 1 rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].WorkDir }else{ rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].CmdLine } }else{ leng = 0 } return leng,rstr } func escapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ if len(str) == 0 { return "\\z" // empty, to be ignored } rstr := "" for _,ch := range str { switch ch { case '\\': rstr += "\\\\" case ' ': rstr += "\\s" case '\t': rstr += "\\t" case '\r': rstr += "\\r" case '\n': rstr += "\\n" default: rstr += string(ch) } } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ // strip original escapes rstr := "" for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { ch := str[i] if ch == '\\' { if i+1 < len(str) { switch str[i+1] { case 'z': continue; } } } rstr += string(ch) } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSPV(strv []string)([]string){ // strip original escapes ustrv := []string{} for _,v := range strv { ustrv = append(ustrv,unescapeWhiteSP(v)) } return ustrv } // str-expansion // - this should be a macro processor func strsubst(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,histonly bool) string { rbuff := []byte{} if false { //@@U Unicode should be cared as a character return str } //rstr := "" inEsc := 0 // escape characer mode for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { //fmt.Printf("--D--Subst %v:%v\n",i,str[i:]) ch := str[i] if inEsc == 0 { if ch == '!' { //leng,xrstr := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,rstr) leng,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") if 0 < leng { //_,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) i += leng //rstr = xrstr continue } } switch ch { case '\\': inEsc = '\\'; continue //case '%': inEsc = '%'; continue case '$': } } switch inEsc { case '\\': switch ch { case '\\': ch = '\\' case 's': ch = ' ' case 't': ch = '\t' case 'r': ch = '\r' case 'n': ch = '\n' case 'z': inEsc = 0; continue // empty, to be ignored } inEsc = 0 case '%': switch { case ch == '%': ch = '%' case ch == 'T': //rstr = rstr + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rs := time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) inEsc = 0 continue; default: // postpone the interpretation //rstr = rstr + "%" + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) inEsc = 0 continue; } inEsc = 0 } //rstr = rstr + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) } //fmt.Printf("--D--subst(%s)(%s)\n",str,string(rbuff)) return string(rbuff) //return rstr } func showFileInfo(path string, opts []string) { if isin("-l",opts) || isin("-ls",opts) { fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("---------- ((%v))",err) }else{ mod := fi.ModTime() date := mod.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("%v %8v %s ",fi.Mode(),fi.Size(),date) } } fmt.Printf("%s",path) if isin("-sp",opts) { fmt.Printf(" ") }else if ! isin("-n",opts) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func userHomeDir()(string,bool){ /* homedir,_ = os.UserHomeDir() // not implemented in older Golang */ homedir,found := os.LookupEnv("HOME") //fmt.Printf("--I-- HOME=%v(%v)\n",homedir,found) if !found { return "/tmp",found } return homedir,found } func toFullpath(path string) (fullpath string) { if path[0] == '/' { return path } pathv := strings.Split(path,DIRSEP) switch { case pathv[0] == ".": pathv[0], _ = os.Getwd() case pathv[0] == "..": // all ones should be interpreted cwd, _ := os.Getwd() ppathv := strings.Split(cwd,DIRSEP) pathv[0] = strings.Join(ppathv,DIRSEP) case pathv[0] == "~": pathv[0],_ = userHomeDir() default: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() pathv[0] = cwd + DIRSEP + pathv[0] } return strings.Join(pathv,DIRSEP) } func IsRegFile(path string)(bool){ fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() return fm.IsRegular(); } return false } // Encode / Decode // Encoder func (gshCtx *GshContext)Enc(argv[]string){ file := os.Stdin buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) li := 0 encoder := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdout) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } encoder.Write(buff[0:count]) } encoder.Close() } func (gshCtx *GshContext)Dec(argv[]string){ decoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdin) li := 0 buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := decoder.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } os.Stdout.Write(buff[0:count]) } } // lnsp [N] [-crlf][-C \\] func (gshCtx *GshContext)SplitLine(argv[]string){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,64*1024) ni := 0 toi := 0 for ni = 0; ; ni++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d (%v)\n",ni,toi,err) break } } off := 0 ilen := len(line) remlen := len(line) for oi := 0; 0 < remlen; oi++ { olen := remlen addnl := false if 72 < olen { olen = 72 addnl = true } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--D-- write %d [%d.%d] %d %d/%d/%d\n", toi,ni,oi,off,olen,remlen,ilen) toi += 1 os.Stdout.Write([]byte(line[0:olen])) if addnl { //os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\r\n")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\\")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } line = line[olen:] off += olen remlen -= olen } } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d\n",ni,toi) } // CRC32 crc32 // 1 0000 0100 1100 0001 0001 1101 1011 0111 var CRC32UNIX uint32 = uint32(0x04C11DB7) // Unix cksum var CRC32IEEE uint32 = uint32(0xEDB88320) func byteCRC32add(crc uint32,str[]byte,len uint64)(uint32){ var oi uint64 for oi = 0; oi < len; oi++ { var oct = str[oi] for bi := 0; bi < 8; bi++ { //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 %d %X (%d.%d)\n",crc,oct,oi,bi) ovf1 := (crc & 0x80000000) != 0 ovf2 := (oct & 0x80) != 0 ovf := (ovf1 && !ovf2) || (!ovf1 && ovf2) oct <<= 1 crc <<= 1 if ovf { crc ^= CRC32UNIX } } } //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 return %d %d\n",crc,len) return crc; } func byteCRC32end(crc uint32, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = byteCRC32add(crc,slen,uint64(li)) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func strCRC32(str string,len uint64)(crc uint32){ crc = byteCRC32add(0,[]byte(str),len) crc = byteCRC32end(crc,len) //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 %d %d\n",crc,len) return crc } func CRC32Finish(crc uint32, table *crc32.Table, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len & 0xFF) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = crc32.Update(crc,table,slen) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func (gsh*GshContext)xCksum(path string,argv[]string, sum*CheckSum)(int64){ if isin("-type/f",argv) && !IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } if isin("-type/d",argv) && IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- cksum %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- cksum %v %v\n",path,argv) } bi := 0 var buff = make([]byte,32*1024) var total int64 = 0 var initTime = time.Time{} if sum.Start == initTime { sum.Start = time.Now() } for bi = 0; ; bi++ { count,err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 || err != nil { break } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { s := sum.Sum64 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s += uint64(c) } sum.Sum64 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32add(sum.Crc32Val,buff,uint64(count)) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_CRCIEEE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = crc32.Update(sum.Crc32Val,&sum.Crc32Table,buff[0:count]) } // BSD checksum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { s := sum.Sum16 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s = (s >> 1) + ((s & 1) << 15) s += int(c) s &= 0xFFFF //fmt.Printf("BSDsum: %d[%d] %d\n",sum.Size+int64(i),i,s) } sum.Sum16 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { for bj := 0; bj < count; bj++ { sum.Sum16 += int(buff[bj]) } } total += int64(count) } sum.Done = time.Now() sum.Files += 1 sum.Size += total if !isin("-s",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v ",total) } return 0 } // grep // "lines", "lin" or "lnp" for "(text) line processor" or "scanner" // a*,!ab,c, ... sequentioal combination of patterns // what "LINE" is should be definable // generic line-by-line processing // grep [-v] // cat -n -v // uniq [-c] // tail -f // sed s/x/y/ or awk // grep with line count like wc // rewrite contents if specified func (gsh*GshContext)xGrep(path string,rexpv[]string)(int){ file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- grep %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- grep %v %v\n",path,rexpv) } //reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,LINESIZE) reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,80) li := 0 found := 0 for li = 0; ; li++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { break } if 150 < len(line) { // maybe binary break; } if err != nil { break } if 0 <= strings.Index(string(line),rexpv[0]) { found += 1 fmt.Printf("%s:%d: %s",path,li,line) } } //fmt.Printf("total %d lines %s\n",li,path) //if( 0 < found ){ fmt.Printf("((found %d lines %s))\n",found,path); } return found } // Finder // finding files with it name and contents // file names are ORed // show the content with %x fmt list // ls -R // tar command by adding output type fileSum struct { Err int64 // access error or so Size int64 // content size DupSize int64 // content size from hard links Blocks int64 // number of blocks (of 512 bytes) DupBlocks int64 // Blocks pointed from hard links HLinks int64 // hard links Words int64 Lines int64 Files int64 Dirs int64 // the num. of directories SymLink int64 Flats int64 // the num. of flat files MaxDepth int64 MaxNamlen int64 // max. name length nextRepo time.Time } func showFusage(dir string,fusage *fileSum){ bsume := float64(((fusage.Blocks-fusage.DupBlocks)/2)*1024)/1000000.0 //bsumdup := float64((fusage.Blocks/2)*1024)/1000000.0 fmt.Printf("%v: %v files (%vd %vs %vh) %.6f MB (%.2f MBK)\n", dir, fusage.Files, fusage.Dirs, fusage.SymLink, fusage.HLinks, float64(fusage.Size)/1000000.0,bsume); } const ( S_IFMT = 0170000 S_IFCHR = 0020000 S_IFDIR = 0040000 S_IFREG = 0100000 S_IFLNK = 0120000 S_IFSOCK = 0140000 ) func cumFinfo(fsum *fileSum, path string, staterr error, fstat syscall.Stat_t, argv[]string,verb bool)(*fileSum){ now := time.Now() if time.Second <= now.Sub(fsum.nextRepo) { if !fsum.nextRepo.IsZero(){ tstmp := now.Format(time.Stamp) showFusage(tstmp,fsum) } fsum.nextRepo = now.Add(time.Second) } if staterr != nil { fsum.Err += 1 return fsum } fsum.Files += 1 if 1 < fstat.Nlink { // must count only once... // at least ignore ones in the same directory //if finfo.Mode().IsRegular() { if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG { fsum.HLinks += 1 fsum.DupBlocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //fmt.Printf("---Dup HardLink %v %s\n",fstat.Nlink,path) } } //fsum.Size += finfo.Size() fsum.Size += fstat.Size fsum.Blocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //if verb { fmt.Printf("(%8dBlk) %s",fstat.Blocks/2,path) } if isin("-ls",argv){ //if verb { fmt.Printf("%4d %8d ",fstat.Blksize,fstat.Blocks) } // fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } //if finfo.IsDir() if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { fsum.Dirs += 1 } //if (finfo.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { //if verb { fmt.Printf("symlink(%v,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } //{ fmt.Printf("symlink(%o,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } fsum.SymLink += 1 } return fsum } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFindEntv(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string, dstat syscall.Stat_t, ei int, entv []string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) // sort entv /* if isin("-t",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].ModTime().Sub(filev[j].ModTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-u",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].AccTime().Sub(filev[j].AccTime()) }) } if isin("-U",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].CreatTime().Sub(filev[j].CreatTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-S",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return filev[j].Size() < filev[i].Size() }) } */ for _,filename := range entv { for _,npat := range npatv { match := true if npat == "*" { match = true }else{ match, _ = filepath.Match(npat,filename) } path := dir + DIRSEP + filename if !match { continue } var fstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(path,&fstat) if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } continue; } if isin("-du",argv) && (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { // should not show size of directory in "-du" mode ... }else if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { if isin("-du",argv) { fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } showFileInfo(path,argv) } if true { // && isin("-du",argv) total = cumFinfo(total,path,staterr,fstat,argv,false) } /* if isin("-wc",argv) { } */ if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { gsh.xCksum(path,argv,&gsh.lastCheckSum); } x := isinX("-grep",argv); // -grep will be convenient like -ls if 0 <= x && x+1 <= len(argv) { // -grep will be convenient like -ls if IsRegFile(path){ found := gsh.xGrep(path,argv[x+1:]) if 0 < found { foundv := gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile if len(foundv) < 10 { gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = append(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile,path) } } } } if !isin("-r0",argv) { // -d 0 in du, -depth n in find //total.Depth += 1 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { continue } if dstat.Rdev != fstat.Rdev { fmt.Printf("--I-- don't follow differnet device %v(%v) %v(%v)\n", dir,dstat.Rdev,path,fstat.Rdev) } if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { total = gsh.xxFind(depth+1,total,path,npatv,argv) } } } } return total } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFind(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) dirfile,oerr := os.OpenFile(dir,os.O_RDONLY,0) if oerr == nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- %v(%v)[%d]\n",dir,dirfile,dirfile.Fd()) defer dirfile.Close() }else{ } prev := *total var dstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(dir,&dstat) // should be flstat if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } return total } //filev,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) //_,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) // ReadDir() heavy and bad for huge directory /* if err != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",err) } return total } */ if depth == 0 { total = cumFinfo(total,dir,staterr,dstat,argv,true) if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { showFileInfo(dir,argv) } } // it it is not a directory, just scan it and finish for ei := 0; ; ei++ { entv,rderr := dirfile.Readdirnames(8*1024) if len(entv) == 0 || rderr != nil { //if rderr != nil { fmt.Printf("[%d] len=%d (%v)\n",ei,len(entv),rderr) } break } if 0 < ei { fmt.Printf("--I-- xxFind[%d] %d large-dir: %s\n",ei,len(entv),dir) } total = gsh.xxFindEntv(depth,total,dir,dstat,ei,entv,npatv,argv) } if isin("-du",argv) { // if in "du" mode fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n",(total.Blocks-prev.Blocks)/2,dir) } return total } // {ufind|fu|ls} [Files] [// Names] [-- Expressions] // Files is "." by default // Names is "*" by default // Expressions is "-print" by default for "ufind", or -du for "fu" command func (gsh*GshContext)xFind(argv[]string){ if 0 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[0],"?"){ showFound(gsh,argv) return } if isin("-cksum",argv) || isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum = CheckSum{} if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-add",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-size",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SIZE }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-bsd",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_BSD }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-sysv",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_SYSV }else if isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 } if isin("-unix",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_UNIXFILE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32UNIX) } if isin("-ieee",argv){ gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_CRCIEEE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32IEEE) } gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtStart = Getrusagev() } var total = fileSum{} npats := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if 0 < len(v) && v[0] != '-' { npats = append(npats,v) } if v == "//" { break } if v == "--" { break } if v == "-grep" { break } if v == "-ls" { break } } if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } cwd := "." // if to be fullpath ::: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } fusage := gsh.xxFind(0,&total,cwd,npats,argv) if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { var sumi uint64 = 0 sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SIZE) != 0 { sumi = uint64(sum.Size) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { sumi = sum.Sum64 } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { s := uint32(sum.Sum16) r := (s & 0xFFFF) + ((s & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 16) s = (r & 0xFFFF) + (r >> 16) sum.Crc32Val = uint32(s) sumi = uint64(s) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = uint32(sum.Sum16) sumi = uint64(sum.Sum16) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size)) sumi = uint64(byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size))) } if 1 < sum.Files { fmt.Printf("%v %v // %v / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sumi,sum.Size, abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files, abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", sumi,sum.Size,npats[0]) } } if !isin("-grep",argv) { showFusage("total",fusage) } if !isin("-s",argv){ hits := len(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile) if 0 < hits { fmt.Printf("--I-- %d files hits // can be refered with !%df\n", hits,len(gsh.CommandHistory)) } } if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { if isin("-ru",argv) { sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum sum.Done = time.Now() gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtEnd = Getrusagev() elps := sum.Done.Sub(sum.Start) fmt.Printf("--cksum-size: %v (%v) / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sum.Size,abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files,abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) nanos := int64(elps) fmt.Printf("--cksum-time: %v/total, %v/file, %.1f files/s, %v\r\n", abbtime(nanos), abbtime(nanos/sum.Files), (float64(sum.Files)*1000000000.0)/float64(nanos), abbspeed(sum.Size,nanos)) diff := RusageSubv(sum.RusgAtEnd,sum.RusgAtStart) fmt.Printf("--cksum-rusg: %v\n",sRusagef("",argv,diff)) } } return } func showFiles(files[]string){ sp := "" for i,file := range files { if 0 < i { sp = " " } else { sp = "" } fmt.Printf(sp+"%s",escapeWhiteSP(file)) } } func showFound(gshCtx *GshContext, argv[]string){ for i,v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { if 0 < len(v.FoundFile) { fmt.Printf("!%d (%d) ",i,len(v.FoundFile)) if isin("-ls",argv){ fmt.Printf("\n") for _,file := range v.FoundFile { fmt.Printf("") //sub number? showFileInfo(file,argv) } }else{ showFiles(v.FoundFile) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } } func showMatchFile(filev []os.FileInfo, npat,dir string, argv[]string)(string,bool){ fname := "" found := false for _,v := range filev { match, _ := filepath.Match(npat,(v.Name())) if match { fname = v.Name() found = true //fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n",i,v.Name()) showIfExecutable(fname,dir,argv) } } return fname,found } func showIfExecutable(name,dir string,argv[]string)(ffullpath string,ffound bool){ var fullpath string if strBegins(name,DIRSEP){ fullpath = name }else{ fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name } fi, err := os.Stat(fullpath) if err != nil { fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name + ".go" fi, err = os.Stat(fullpath) } if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() if fm.IsRegular() { // R_OK=4, W_OK=2, X_OK=1, F_OK=0 if syscall.Access(fullpath,5) == nil { ffullpath = fullpath ffound = true if ! isin("-s", argv) { showFileInfo(fullpath,argv) } } } } return ffullpath, ffound } func which(list string, argv []string) (fullpathv []string, itis bool){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("Usage: which comand [-s] [-a] [-ls]\n") return []string{""}, false } path := argv[1] if strBegins(path,"/") { // should check if excecutable? _,exOK := showIfExecutable(path,"/",argv) fmt.Printf("--D-- %v exOK=%v\n",path,exOK) return []string{path},exOK } pathenv, efound := os.LookupEnv(list) if ! efound { fmt.Printf("--E-- which: no \"%s\" environment\n",list) return []string{""}, false } showall := isin("-a",argv) || 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") dirv := strings.Split(pathenv,PATHSEP) ffound := false ffullpath := path for _, dir := range dirv { if 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") { // by wild-card list,_ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) ffullpath, ffound = showMatchFile(list,path,dir,argv) }else{ ffullpath, ffound = showIfExecutable(path,dir,argv) } //if ffound && !isin("-a", argv) { if ffound && !showall { break; } } return []string{ffullpath}, ffound } func stripLeadingWSParg(argv[]string)([]string){ for ; 0 < len(argv); { if len(argv[0]) == 0 { argv = argv[1:] }else{ break } } return argv } func xEval(argv []string, nlend bool){ argv = stripLeadingWSParg(argv) if len(argv) == 0 { fmt.Printf("eval [%%format] [Go-expression]\n") return } pfmt := "%v" if argv[0][0] == '%' { pfmt = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if len(argv) == 0 { return } gocode := strings.Join(argv," "); //fmt.Printf("eval [%v] [%v]\n",pfmt,gocode) fset := token.NewFileSet() rval, _ := types.Eval(fset,nil,token.NoPos,gocode) fmt.Printf(pfmt,rval.Value) if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func getval(name string) (found bool, val int) { /* should expand the name here */ if name == "" { return true, os.Getpid() }else if name == "gsh.ppid" { return true, os.Getppid() } return false, 0 } func echo(argv []string, nlend bool){ for ai := 1; ai < len(argv); ai++ { if 1 < ai { fmt.Printf(" "); } arg := argv[ai] found, val := getval(arg) if found { fmt.Printf("%d",val) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",arg) } } if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n"); } } func resfile() string { return "gsh.tmp" } //var resF *File func resmap() { //_ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, os.ModeAppend) // _ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("refF could not open: %s\n",err) }else{ fmt.Printf("refF opened\n") } } // @@2020-0821 func gshScanArg(str string,strip int)(argv []string){ var si = 0 var sb = 0 var inBracket = 0 var arg1 = make([]byte,LINESIZE) var ax = 0 debug := false for ; si < len(str); si++ { if str[si] != ' ' { break } } sb = si for ; si < len(str); si++ { if sb <= si { if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- +%d %2d-%2d %s ... %s\n", inBracket,sb,si,arg1[0:ax],str[si:]) } } ch := str[si] if ch == '{' { inBracket += 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket <= strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d <= %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } if 0 < inBracket { if ch == '}' { inBracket -= 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket < strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d < %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 continue } if str[si] == ' ' { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,str[sb:si],string(str[si:])) } sb = si+1 ax = 0 continue } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 } if sb < si { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,string(arg1[0:ax]),string(str[si:])) } } if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- %d [%s] => [%d]%v\n",strip,str,len(argv),argv) } return argv } // should get stderr (into tmpfile ?) and return func (gsh*GshContext)Popen(name,mode string)(pin*os.File,pout*os.File,err bool){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) xarg := gshScanArg(name,1) name = strings.Join(xarg," ") pin = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[0]),"StdoutOf-{"+name+"}") pout = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[1]),"StdinOf-{"+name+"}") fdix := 0 dir := "?" if mode == "r" { dir = "<" fdix = 1 // read from the stdout of the process }else{ dir = ">" fdix = 0 // write to the stdin of the process } gshPA := gsh.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] var fd uintptr = 0 if mode == "r" { fd = pout.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pout.Fd() }else{ fd = pin.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pin.Fd() } // should do this by Goroutine? if false { fmt.Printf("--Ip- Opened fd[%v] %s %v\n",fd,dir,name) fmt.Printf("--RED1 [%d,%d,%d]->[%d,%d,%d]\n", os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd(), pin.Fd(),pout.Fd(),pout.Fd()) } savi := os.Stdin savo := os.Stdout save := os.Stderr os.Stdin = pin os.Stdout = pout os.Stderr = pout gsh.BackGround = true gsh.gshelllh(name) gsh.BackGround = false os.Stdin = savi os.Stdout = savo os.Stderr = save gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return pin,pout,false } // External commands func (gsh*GshContext)excommand(exec bool, argv []string) (notf bool,exit bool) { if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- excommand[%v](%v)\n",exec,argv) } gshPA := gsh.gshPA fullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which",argv[0],"-s"}) if itis == false { return true,false } fullpath := fullpathv[0] argv = unescapeWhiteSPV(argv) if 0 < strings.Index(fullpath,".go") { nargv := argv // []string{} gofullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which","go","-s"}) if itis == false { fmt.Printf("--F-- Go not found\n") return false,true } gofullpath := gofullpathv[0] nargv = []string{ gofullpath, "run", fullpath } fmt.Printf("--I-- %s {%s %s %s}\n",gofullpath, nargv[0],nargv[1],nargv[2]) if exec { syscall.Exec(gofullpath,nargv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(gofullpath,nargv,&gshPA) if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),nargv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage) gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } }else{ if exec { syscall.Exec(fullpath,argv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(fullpath,argv,&gshPA) //fmt.Printf("[%d]\n",pid); // '&' to be background if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),argv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage); gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } } return false,false } // Builtin Commands func (gshCtx *GshContext) sleep(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Sleep 100ms, 100us, 100ns, ...\n") return } duration := argv[1]; d, err := time.ParseDuration(duration) if err != nil { d, err = time.ParseDuration(duration+"s") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("duration ? %s (%s)\n",duration,err) return } } //fmt.Printf("Sleep %v\n",duration) time.Sleep(d) if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)repeat(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { return } start0 := time.Now() for ri,_ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]); 0 < ri; ri-- { if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { //start := time.Now() gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start0); if( 1000000000 < elps ){ fmt.Printf("(repeat#%d %v)\n",ri,elps); } } } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)gen(argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: %s N\n",argv[0]) return } // should br repeated by "repeat" command count, _ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]) fd := gshPA.Files[1] // Stdout file := os.NewFile(fd,"internalStdOut") fmt.Printf("--I-- Gen. Count=%d to [%d]\n",count,file.Fd()) //buf := []byte{} outdata := "0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678\r" for gi := 0; gi < count; gi++ { file.WriteString(outdata) } //file.WriteString("\n") fmt.Printf("\n(%d B)\n",count*len(outdata)); //file.Close() } // Remote Execution // 2020-0820 func Elapsed(from time.Time)(string){ elps := time.Now().Sub(from) if 1000000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%5d.%02ds]",elps/1000000000,(elps%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dms]",elps/1000000,(elps%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dus]",elps/1000,(elps%1000)) } } func abbtime(nanos int64)(string){ if 1000000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%02ds",nanos/1000000000,(nanos%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dms",nanos/1000000,(nanos%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dus",nanos/1000,(nanos%1000)) } } func abssize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func absize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func abbspeed(totalB int64,ns int64)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGB/s",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMB/s",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKB/s",MBs*1000) } } func abspeed(totalB int64,ns time.Duration)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGBps",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMBps",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKBps",MBs*1000) } } func fileRelay(what string,in*os.File,out*os.File,size int64,bsiz int)(wcount int64){ Start := time.Now() buff := make([]byte,bsiz) var total int64 = 0 var rem int64 = size nio := 0 Prev := time.Now() var PrevSize int64 = 0 fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) START\n", what,absize(total),size,nio) for i:= 0; ; i++ { var len = bsiz if int(rem) < len { len = int(rem) } Now := time.Now() Elps := Now.Sub(Prev); if 1000000000 < Now.Sub(Prev) { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %s\n", what,absize(total),size,nio, abspeed((total-PrevSize),Elps)) Prev = Now; PrevSize = total } rlen := len if in != nil { // should watch the disconnection of out rcc,err := in.Read(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s read(%v,%v)<%v\n", what,rcc,err,in.Name()) break } rlen = rcc if string(buff[0:10]) == "((SoftEOF " { var ecc int64 = 0 fmt.Sscanf(string(buff),"((SoftEOF %v",&ecc) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s Recv ((SoftEOF %v))/%v\n", what,ecc,total) if ecc == total { break } } } wlen := rlen if out != nil { wcc,err := out.Write(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"-En-- X: %s write(%v,%v)>%v\n", what,wcc,err,out.Name()) break } wlen = wcc } if wlen < rlen { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s incomplete write (%v/%v)\n", what,wlen,rlen) break; } nio += 1 total += int64(rlen) rem -= int64(rlen) if rem <= 0 { break } } Done := time.Now() Elps := float64(Done.Sub(Start))/1000000000 //Seconds TotalMB := float64(total)/1000000 //MB MBps := TotalMB / Elps fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %v %.3fMB/s\n", what,total,size,nio,absize(total),MBps) return total } func tcpPush(clnt *os.File){ // shrink socket buffer and recover usleep(100); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecServer(argv[]string){ debug := true Start0 := time.Now() Start := Start0 // if local == ":" { local = "" } local := "" if 0 < len(argv) { if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } } if 0 < len(argv) { argv = argv[1:] } port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } reqbuf := make([]byte,LINESIZE) res := "" for { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() Start = time.Now() if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } clnt, _ := aconn.File() fd := clnt.Fd() ar := aconn.RemoteAddr() if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Accepted TCP at %s [%d] <- %v\n", local,fd,ar) } res = fmt.Sprintf("220 GShell/%s Server\r\n",VERSION) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%s",res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %s",res) } count, err := clnt.Read(reqbuf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- C: (%v %v) %v", count,err,string(reqbuf)) } req := string(reqbuf[:count]) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",string(req)) } reqv := strings.Split(string(req),"\r") cmdv := gshScanArg(reqv[0],0) //cmdv := strings.Split(reqv[0]," ") switch cmdv[0] { case "HELO": res = fmt.Sprintf("250 %v",req) case "GET": // download {remotefile|-zN} [localfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var in *os.File = nil var pseudoEOF = false if 1 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() in = xin dsize = MaxStreamSize pseudoEOF = true } }else{ xin,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- GET (%v)\n",err) }else{ defer xin.Close() in = xin fi,_ := xin.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() } } } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- GET %v:%v\n",dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 %v\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v",res) tcpPush(clnt); // should be separated as line in receiver fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) wcount := fileRelay("SendGET",in,clnt,dsize,bsize) if pseudoEOF { in.Close() // pipe from the command // show end of stream data (its size) by OOB? SoftEOF := fmt.Sprintf("((SoftEOF %v))",wcount) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Send %v\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF data apper at the top of recevied data fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v\r\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF alone in a packet (separate with 200 OK) // with client generated random? //fmt.Printf("--In- L: close %v (%v)\n",in.Fd(),in.Name()) } res = fmt.Sprintf("200 GET done\r\n") case "PUT": // upload {srcfile|-zN} [dstfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var out *os.File = nil if 1 < len(cmdv) { // localfile fmt.Sscanf(cmdv[1],"%d",&dsize) } if 2 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[2] if fname == "-" { // nul dev }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) //fmt.Printf("--In- S: open(%v) out(%v) err(%v)\n",fname,xout,err) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- PUT (%v)\n",err) }else{ out = xout } } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,w) %v (%v)\n", fname,local,err) } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: 200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fileRelay("RecvPUT",clnt,out,dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 PUT done\r\n") default: res = fmt.Sprintf("400 What? %v",req) } swcc,serr := clnt.Write([]byte(res)) if serr != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: (wc=%v er=%v) %v",swcc,serr,res) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) } aconn.Close(); clnt.Close(); } sconn.Close(); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecClient(argv[]string)(int,string){ debug := true Start := time.Now() if len(argv) == 1 { return -1,"EmptyARG" } argv = argv[1:] if argv[0] == "-serv" { gsh.RexecServer(argv[1:]) return 0,"Server" } remote := "" if argv[0][0] == '@' { remote = argv[0][1:] argv = argv[1:] } if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"AddressError" } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connecting to %s\n",remote) serv, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"CannotConnect" } if debug { al := serv.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connected to %v <- %v\n",remote,al) } req := "" res := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count,err := serv.Read(res) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: (%3d,%v) %v",count,err,string(res)) } if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res)) } if argv[0] == "GET" { savPA := gsh.gshPA var bsize int = 64*1024 req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) fmt.Fprintf(serv,req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if err != nil { }else{ var dsize int64 = 0 var out *os.File = nil var out_tobeclosed *os.File = nil var fname string = "" var rcode int = 0 var pid int = -1 fmt.Sscanf(string(res),"%d %d",&rcode,&dsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) if 3 <= len(argv) { fname = argv[2] if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout out_tobeclosed = xout pid = 0 // should be its pid } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Print("--En- %v\n",err) } out = xout //fmt.Printf("--In-- %d > %s\n",out.Fd(),fname) } } in,_ := serv.File() fileRelay("RecvGET",in,out,dsize,bsize) if 0 <= pid { gsh.gshPA = savPA // recovery of Fd(), and more? fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: close Pipe > %v\n",fname) out_tobeclosed.Close() //syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) //@@ } } }else if argv[0] == "PUT" { remote, _ := serv.File() var local *os.File = nil var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var ofile string = "-" //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex %v\n",argv) if 1 < len(argv) { fname := argv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() //in = xin local = xin fmt.Printf("--In- [%d] < Upload output of %v\n", local.Fd(),fname) ofile = "-from."+fname dsize = MaxStreamSize } }else{ xlocal,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- (%s)\n",err) local = nil }else{ local = xlocal fi,_ := local.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() defer local.Close() //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex in(%v / %v)\n",ofile,dsize) } ofile = fname fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,r)=%v %v (%v)\n", fname,dsize,local,err) } } if 2 < len(argv) && argv[2] != "" { ofile = argv[2] //fmt.Printf("(%d)%v B.ofile=%v\n",len(argv),argv,ofile) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--I-- Rex out(%v)\n",ofile) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) req = fmt.Sprintf("PUT %v %v \r\n",dsize,ofile) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) } fileRelay("SendPUT",local,remote,dsize,bsize) }else{ req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) //fmt.Printf("--In- sending RexRequest(%v)\n",len(req)) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- waiting RexResponse...\n") count,err = serv.Read(res) ress := "" if count == 0 { ress = "(nil)\r\n" }else{ ress = string(res[:count]) } if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: (%d,%v) %v",count,err,ress) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",ress) } serv.Close() //conn.Close() var stat string var rcode int fmt.Sscanf(ress,"%d %s",&rcode,&stat) //fmt.Printf("--D-- Client: %v (%v)",rcode,stat) return rcode,ress } // Remote Shell // gcp file [...] { [host]:[port:][dir] | dir } // -p | -no-p func (gsh*GshContext)FileCopy(argv[]string){ var host = "" var port = "" var upload = false var download = false var xargv = []string{"rex-gcp"} var srcv = []string{} var dstv = []string{} argv = argv[1:] for _,v := range argv { /* if v[0] == '-' { // might be a pseudo file (generated date) continue } */ obj := strings.Split(v,":") //fmt.Printf("%d %v %v\n",len(obj),v,obj) if 1 < len(obj) { host = obj[0] file := "" if 0 < len(host) { = host }else{ host = port = gsh.LastServer.port } if 2 < len(obj) { port = obj[1] if 0 < len(port) { gsh.LastServer.port = port }else{ port = gsh.LastServer.port } file = obj[2] }else{ file = obj[1] } if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,file) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,file) continue } /* idx := strings.Index(v,":") if 0 <= idx { remote = v[0:idx] if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,v[idx+1:]) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,v[idx+1:]) continue } */ if download { dstv = append(dstv,v) }else{ srcv = append(srcv,v) } } hostport := "@" + host + ":" + port if upload { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"PUT") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v // %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else if download { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"GET") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v // %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else{ } } // target func (gsh*GshContext)Trelpath(rloc string)(string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(rloc) twd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(cwd) tpath := twd + "/" + rloc return tpath } // join to rmote GShell - [user@]host[:port] or cd host:[port]:path func (gsh*GshContext)Rjoin(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- current server = %v\n",gsh.RSERV) return } serv := argv[1] servv := strings.Split(serv,":") if 1 <= len(servv) { if servv[0] == "lo" { servv[0] = "localhost" } } switch len(servv) { case 1: //if strings.Index(serv,":") < 0 { serv = servv[0] + ":" + fmt.Sprintf("%d",GSH_PORT) //} case 2: // host:port serv = strings.Join(servv,":") } xargv := []string{"rex-join","@"+serv,"HELO"} rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) gsh.RSERV = serv }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG, could not joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rexec(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- rexec command [ | {file || {command} ]\n",gsh.RSERV) return } /* nargv := gshScanArg(strings.Join(argv," "),0) fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) if nargv[1][0] != '{' { nargv[1] = "{" + nargv[1] + "}" fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) } argv = nargv */ nargv := []string{} nargv = append(nargv,"{"+strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")+"}") fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d %v\n",len(nargv),nargv) argv = nargv xargv := []string{"rex-exec","@"+gsh.RSERV,"GET"} xargv = append(xargv,argv...) xargv = append(xargv,"/dev/tty") rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rchdir(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { return } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(argv[1]) twd, _ := os.Getwd() gsh.RWD = twd fmt.Printf("--I-- JWD=%v\n",twd) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rpwd(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%v\n",gsh.RWD) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rls(argv[]string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) argv[0] = "-ls" gsh.xFind(argv) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rput(argv[]string){ var local string = "" var remote string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { local = argv[1] remote = local // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { remote = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jput from=%v to=%v\n",local,gsh.Trelpath(remote)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rget(argv[]string){ var remote string = "" var local string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { remote = argv[1] local = remote // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { local = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jget from=%v to=%v\n",gsh.Trelpath(remote),local) } // network // -s, -si, -so // bi-directional, source, sync (maybe socket) func (gshCtx*GshContext)sconnect(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -s [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } remote := argv[1] if remote == ":" { remote = "" } if inTCP { // TCP dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s, socket[%d]\n",remote,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() }else{ //dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",remote); dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } //conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp4",nil,dport) conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() ar := conn.RemoteAddr() //al := conn.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s [%s], socket[%d]\n", remote,ar.String(),fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() } } func (gshCtx*GshContext)saccept(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -ac [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } local := argv[1] if local == ":" { local = "" } if inTCP { // TCP port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Listen at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Accepting at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := aconn.File() fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Accepted TCP at %s [%d]\n",local,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[0] = savfd sconn.Close(); aconn.Close(); file.Close(); }else{ //port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",local); port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf("Listen UDP at %s...\n",local); //uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp4", port) uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := uconn.File() fd := file.Fd() ar := uconn.RemoteAddr() remote := "" if ar != nil { remote = ar.String() } if remote == "" { remote = "?" } // not yet received //fmt.Printf("Accepted at %s [%d] <- %s\n",local,fd,"") savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; savenv := gshPA.Env gshPA.Env = append(savenv, "REMOTE_HOST="+remote) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Env = savenv gshPA.Files[0] = savfd uconn.Close(); file.Close(); } } // empty line command func (gshCtx*GshContext)xPwd(argv[]string){ // execute context command, pwd + date // context notation, representation scheme, to be resumed at re-login cwd, _ := os.Getwd() switch { case isin("-a",argv): gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) case isin("-ls",argv): showFileInfo(cwd,argv) default: fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) case isin("-v",argv): // obsolete emtpy command t := time.Now() date := t.Format(time.UnixDate) exe, _ := os.Executable() host, _ := os.Hostname() fmt.Printf("{PWD=\"%s\"",cwd) fmt.Printf(" HOST=\"%s\"",host) fmt.Printf(" DATE=\"%s\"",date) fmt.Printf(" TIME=\"%s\"",t.String()) fmt.Printf(" PID=\"%d\"",os.Getpid()) fmt.Printf(" EXE=\"%s\"",exe) fmt.Printf("}\n") } } // History // these should be browsed and edited by HTTP browser // show the time of command with -t and direcotry with -ls // openfile-history, sort by -a -m -c // sort by elapsed time by -t -s // search by "more" like interface // edit history // sort history, and wc or uniq // CPU and other resource consumptions // limit showing range (by time or so) // export / import history func (gshCtx *GshContext)xHistory(argv []string){ atWorkDirX := -1 if 1 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[1],"@") { atWorkDirX,_ = strconv.Atoi(argv[1][1:]) } //fmt.Printf("--D-- showHistory(%v)\n",argv) for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { // exclude commands not to be listed by default // internal commands may be suppressed by default if v.CmdLine == "" && !isin("-a",argv) { continue; } if 0 <= atWorkDirX { if v.WorkDirX != atWorkDirX { continue } } if !isin("-n",argv){ // like "fc" fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",i) } if isin("-v",argv){ fmt.Println(v) // should be with it date }else{ if isin("-l",argv) || isin("-l0",argv) { elps := v.EndAt.Sub(v.StartAt); start := v.StartAt.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("@%d ",v.WorkDirX) fmt.Printf("[%v] %11v/t ",start,elps) } if isin("-l",argv) && !isin("-l0",argv){ fmt.Printf("%v",Rusagef("%t %u\t// %s",argv,v.Rusagev)) } if isin("-at",argv) { // isin("-ls",argv){ dhi := v.WorkDirX // workdir history index fmt.Printf("@%d %s\t",dhi,v.WorkDir) // show the FileInfo of the output command?? } fmt.Printf("%s",v.CmdLine) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } // !n - history index func searchHistory(gshCtx GshContext, gline string) (string, bool, bool){ if gline[0] == '!' { hix, err := strconv.Atoi(gline[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s : range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } if hix < 0 || len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) <= hix { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%d : out of range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } return gshCtx.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine, false, false } // search //for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { //} return gline, false, false } func (gsh*GshContext)cmdStringInHistory(hix int)(cmd string, ok bool){ if 0 <= hix && hix < len(gsh.CommandHistory) { return gsh.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine,true } return "",false } // temporary adding to PATH environment // cd name -lib for LD_LIBRARY_PATH // chdir with directory history (date + full-path) // -s for sort option (by visit date or so) func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory1(i int,v GChdirHistory, argv []string){ fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",v.CmdIndex) // the first command at this WorkDir fmt.Printf("@%d ",i) fmt.Printf("[%v] ",v.MovedAt.Format(time.Stamp)) showFileInfo(v.Dir,argv) } func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory(argv []string){ for i, v := range gsh.ChdirHistory { gsh.ShowChdirHistory1(i,v,argv) } } func skipOpts(argv[]string)(int){ for i,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-") { }else{ return i } } return -1 } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xChdir(argv []string){ cdhist := gshCtx.ChdirHistory if isin("?",argv ) || isin("-t",argv) || isin("-a",argv) { gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) return } pwd, _ := os.Getwd() dir := "" if len(argv) <= 1 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ i := skipOpts(argv[1:]) if i < 0 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ dir = argv[1+i] } } if strBegins(dir,"@") { if dir == "@0" { // obsolete dir = gshCtx.StartDir }else if dir == "@!" { index := len(cdhist) - 1 if 0 < index { index -= 1 } dir = cdhist[index].Dir }else{ index, err := strconv.Atoi(dir[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%v)\n",err) dir = "?" }else if len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory) <= index { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(history range error)\n") dir = "?" }else{ dir = cdhist[index].Dir } } } if dir != "?" { err := os.Chdir(dir) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%s)(%v)\n",argv[1],err) }else{ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if cwd != pwd { hist1 := GChdirHistory { } hist1.Dir = cwd hist1.MovedAt = time.Now() hist1.CmdIndex = len(gshCtx.CommandHistory)+1 gshCtx.ChdirHistory = append(cdhist,hist1) if !isin("-s",argv){ //cwd, _ := os.Getwd() //fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) ix := len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory)-1 gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory1(ix,hist1,argv) } } } } if isin("-ls",argv){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() showFileInfo(cwd,argv); } } func TimeValSub(tv1 *syscall.Timeval, tv2 *syscall.Timeval){ *tv1 = syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() - tv2.Nano()) } func RusageSubv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Utime,&ru2[0].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Stime,&ru2[0].Stime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Utime,&ru2[1].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Stime,&ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } func TimeValAdd(tv1 syscall.Timeval, tv2 syscall.Timeval)(syscall.Timeval){ tvs := syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() + tv2.Nano()) return tvs } /* func RusageAddv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Utime,ru2[0].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Stime,ru2[0].Stime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Utime,ru2[1].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Stime,ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } */ // Resource Usage func sRusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ // ru[0] self , ru[1] children ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) uu := (ut.Sec*1000000 + int64(ut.Usec)) * 1000 su := (st.Sec*1000000 + int64(st.Usec)) * 1000 tu := uu + su ret := fmt.Sprintf("%v/sum",abbtime(tu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/usr",abbtime(uu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/sys",abbtime(su)) return ret } func Rusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/u ",ut.Sec,ut.Usec) //ru[1].Utime.Sec,ru[1].Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/s ",st.Sec,st.Usec) //ru[1].Stime.Sec,ru[1].Stime.Usec) return "" } func Getrusagev()([2]syscall.Rusage){ var ruv = [2]syscall.Rusage{} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&ruv[0]) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&ruv[1]) return ruv } func showRusage(what string,argv []string, ru *syscall.Rusage){ fmt.Printf("%s: ",what); fmt.Printf("Usr=%d.%06ds",ru.Utime.Sec,ru.Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Sys=%d.%06ds",ru.Stime.Sec,ru.Stime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Rss=%vB",ru.Maxrss) if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" MinFlt=%v",ru.Minflt) fmt.Printf(" MajFlt=%v",ru.Majflt) fmt.Printf(" IxRSS=%vB",ru.Ixrss) fmt.Printf(" IdRSS=%vB",ru.Idrss) fmt.Printf(" Nswap=%vB",ru.Nswap) fmt.Printf(" Read=%v",ru.Inblock) fmt.Printf(" Write=%v",ru.Oublock) } fmt.Printf(" Snd=%v",ru.Msgsnd) fmt.Printf(" Rcv=%v",ru.Msgrcv) //if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" Sig=%v",ru.Nsignals) //} fmt.Printf("\n"); } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xTime(argv[]string)(bool){ if 2 <= len(argv){ gshCtx.LastRusage = syscall.Rusage{} rusagev1 := Getrusagev() fin := gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() showRusage(argv[1],argv,&gshCtx.LastRusage) rusagev := RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) showRusage("self",argv,&rusagev[0]) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusagev[1]) return fin }else{ rusage:= syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&rusage) showRusage("self",argv, &rusage) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&rusage) showRusage("chld",argv, &rusage) return false } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xJobs(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%d Jobs\n",len(gshCtx.BackGroundJobs)) for ji, pid := range gshCtx.BackGroundJobs { //wstat := syscall.WaitStatus {0} rusage := syscall.Rusage {} //wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,&wstat,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- %%%d [%d] (%v)\n",ji,pid,err) }else{ fmt.Printf("%%%d[%d](%d)\n",ji,pid,wpid) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusage) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)inBackground(argv[]string)(bool){ if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- inBackground(%v)\n",argv) } gsh.BackGround = true // set background option xfin := false xfin = gsh.gshellv(argv) gsh.BackGround = false return xfin } // -o file without command means just opening it and refer by #N // should be listed by "files" comnmand func (gshCtx*GshContext)xOpen(argv[]string){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} err := syscall.Pipe(pv) fmt.Printf("--I-- pipe()=[#%d,#%d](%v)\n",pv[0],pv[1],err) } func (gshCtx*GshContext)fromPipe(argv[]string){ } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xClose(argv[]string){ } // redirect func (gshCtx*GshContext)redirect(argv[]string)(bool){ if len(argv) < 2 { return false } cmd := argv[0] fname := argv[1] var file *os.File = nil fdix := 0 mode := os.O_RDONLY switch { case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<": fdix = 0 mode = os.O_RDONLY case cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE case cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND } if fname[0] == '#' { fd, err := strconv.Atoi(fname[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%v)\n",err) return false } file = os.NewFile(uintptr(fd),"MaybePipe") }else{ xfile, err := os.OpenFile(argv[1], mode, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s)\n",err) return false } file = xfile } gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] gshPA.Files[fdix] = file.Fd() fmt.Printf("--I-- Opened [%d] %s\n",file.Fd(),argv[1]) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return false } //fmt.Fprintf(res, "GShell Status: %q", html.EscapeString(req.URL.Path)) func httpHandler(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){ path := req.URL.Path fmt.Printf("--I-- Got HTTP Request(%s)\n",path) { gshCtxBuf, _ := setupGshContext() gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf fmt.Printf("--I-- %s\n",path[1:]) gshCtx.tgshelll(path[1:]) } fmt.Fprintf(res, "Hello(^-^)/\n%s\n",path) } func (gshCtx *GshContext) httpServer(argv []string){ http.HandleFunc("/", httpHandler) accport := "localhost:9999" fmt.Printf("--I-- HTTP Server Start at [%s]\n",accport) http.ListenAndServe(accport,nil) } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xGo(argv[]string){ go gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]); } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPs(argv[]string)(){ } // Plugin // plugin [-ls [names]] to list plugins // Reference: plugin source code func (gshCtx *GshContext) whichPlugin(name string,argv[]string)(pi *PluginInfo){ pi = nil for _,p := range gshCtx.PluginFuncs { if p.Name == name && pi == nil { pi = &p } if !isin("-s",argv){ //fmt.Printf("%v %v ",i,p) if isin("-ls",argv){ showFileInfo(p.Path,argv) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s\n",p.Name) } } } return pi } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPlugin(argv[]string) (error) { if len(argv) == 0 || argv[0] == "-ls" { gshCtx.whichPlugin("",argv) return nil } name := argv[0] Pin := gshCtx.whichPlugin(name,[]string{"-s"}) if Pin != nil { os.Args = argv // should be recovered? Pin.Addr.(func())() return nil } sofile := toFullpath(argv[0] + ".so") // or find it by which($PATH) p, err := plugin.Open(sofile) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Open(%s)(%v)\n",sofile,err) return err } fname := "Main" f, err := p.Lookup(fname) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Lookup(%s)(%v)\n",fname,err) return err } pin := PluginInfo {p,f,name,sofile} gshCtx.PluginFuncs = append(gshCtx.PluginFuncs,pin) fmt.Printf("--I-- added (%d)\n",len(gshCtx.PluginFuncs)) //fmt.Printf("--I-- first call(%s:%s)%v\n",sofile,fname,argv) os.Args = argv f.(func())() return err } func (gshCtx*GshContext)Args(argv[]string){ for i,v := range os.Args { fmt.Printf("[%v] %v\n",i,v) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext) showVersion(argv[]string){ if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v/%v (%v)",NAME,VERSION,DATE); }else{ fmt.Printf("%v",VERSION); } if isin("-a",argv) { fmt.Printf(" %s",AUTHOR) } if !isin("-n",argv) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } // Scanf // string decomposer // scanf [format] [input] func scanv(sstr string)(strv[]string){ strv = strings.Split(sstr," ") return strv } func scanUntil(src,end string)(rstr string,leng int){ idx := strings.Index(src,end) if 0 <= idx { rstr = src[0:idx] return rstr,idx+len(end) } return src,0 } // -bn -- display base-name part only // can be in some %fmt, for sed rewriting func (gsh*GshContext)printVal(fmts string, vstr string, optv[]string){ //vint,err := strconv.Atoi(vstr) var ival int64 = 0 n := 0 err := error(nil) if strBegins(vstr,"_") { vx,_ := strconv.Atoi(vstr[1:]) if vx < len(gsh.iValues) { vstr = gsh.iValues[vx] }else{ } } // should use Eval() if strBegins(vstr,"0x") { n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr[2:],"%x",&ival) }else{ n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr,"%d",&ival) //fmt.Printf("--D-- n=%d err=(%v) {%s}=%v\n",n,err,vstr, ival) } if n == 1 && err == nil { //fmt.Printf("--D-- formatn(%v) ival(%v)\n",fmts,ival) fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,ival) }else{ if isin("-bn",optv){ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,filepath.Base(vstr)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,vstr) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)printfv(fmts,div string,argv[]string,optv[]string,list[]string){ //fmt.Printf("{%d}",len(list)) //curfmt := "v" outlen := 0 curfmt := gsh.iFormat if 0 < len(fmts) { for xi := 0; xi < len(fmts); xi++ { fch := fmts[xi] if fch == '%' { if xi+1 < len(fmts) { curfmt = string(fmts[xi+1]) gsh.iFormat = curfmt xi += 1 if xi+1 < len(fmts) && fmts[xi+1] == '(' { vals,leng := scanUntil(fmts[xi+2:],")") //fmt.Printf("--D-- show fmt(%v) val(%v) next(%v)\n",curfmt,vals,leng) gsh.printVal(curfmt,vals,optv) xi += 2+leng-1 outlen += 1 } continue } } if fch == '_' { hi,leng := scanInt(fmts[xi+1:]) if 0 < leng { if hi < len(gsh.iValues) { gsh.printVal(curfmt,gsh.iValues[hi],optv) outlen += 1 // should be the real length }else{ fmt.Printf("((out-range))") } xi += leng continue; } } fmt.Printf("%c",fch) outlen += 1 } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--D-- print {%s}\n") for i,v := range list { if 0 < i { fmt.Printf(div) } gsh.printVal(curfmt,v,optv) outlen += 1 } } if 0 < outlen { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func (gsh*GshContext)Scanv(argv[]string){ //fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanv(%v)\n",argv) if len(argv) == 1 { return } argv = argv[1:] fmts := "" if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { fmts = argv[0] gsh.iDelimiter = fmts argv = argv[1:] } input := strings.Join(argv," ") if fmts == "" { // simple decomposition v := scanv(input) gsh.iValues = v //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(v,",")) }else{ v := make([]string,8) n,err := fmt.Sscanf(input,fmts,&v[0],&v[1],&v[2],&v[3]) fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanf ->(%v) n=%d err=(%v)\n",v,n,err) gsh.iValues = v } } func (gsh*GshContext)Printv(argv[]string){ if false { //@@U fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")) return } //fmt.Printf("--D-- Printv(%v)\n",argv) //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(gsh.iValues,",")) div := gsh.iDelimiter fmts := "" argv = argv[1:] if 0 < len(argv) { if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { div = argv[0][2:] argv = argv[1:] } } optv := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-"){ optv = append(optv,v) argv = argv[1:] }else{ break; } } if 0 < len(argv) { fmts = strings.Join(argv," ") } gsh.printfv(fmts,div,argv,optv,gsh.iValues) } func (gsh*GshContext)Basename(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValues { gsh.iValues[i] = filepath.Base(v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Sortv(argv[]string){ sv := gsh.iValues sort.Slice(sv , func(i,j int) bool { return sv[i] < sv[j] }) } func (gsh*GshContext)Shiftv(argv[]string){ vi := len(gsh.iValues) if 0 < vi { if isin("-r",argv) { top := gsh.iValues[0] gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues[1:],top) }else{ gsh.iValues = gsh.iValues[1:] } } } func (gsh*GshContext)Enq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Deq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Push(argv[]string){ gsh.iValStack = append(gsh.iValStack,argv[1:]) fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",len(gsh.iValStack)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Dump(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValStack { fmt.Printf("%d %v\n",i,v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Pop(argv[]string){ depth := len(gsh.iValStack) if 0 < depth { v := gsh.iValStack[depth-1] if isin("-cat",argv){ gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues,v...) }else{ gsh.iValues = v } gsh.iValStack = gsh.iValStack[0:depth-1] fmt.Printf("depth=%d %s\n",len(gsh.iValStack),gsh.iValues) }else{ fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",depth) } } // Command Interpreter func (gshCtx*GshContext)gshellv(argv []string) (fin bool) { fin = false if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv((%d))\n",len(argv)) } if len(argv) <= 0 { return false } xargv := []string{} for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { xargv = append(xargv,strsubst(gshCtx,argv[ai],false)) } argv = xargv if false { for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { fmt.Printf("[%d] %s [%d]%T\n", ai,argv[ai],len(argv[ai]),argv[ai]) } } cmd := argv[0] if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv(%d)%v\n",len(argv),argv) } switch { // case cmd == "": gshCtx.xPwd([]string{}); // emtpy command case cmd == "-x": gshCtx.CmdTrace = ! gshCtx.CmdTrace case cmd == "-xt": gshCtx.CmdTime = ! gshCtx.CmdTime case cmd == "-ot": gshCtx.sconnect(true, argv) case cmd == "-ou": gshCtx.sconnect(false, argv) case cmd == "-it": gshCtx.saccept(true , argv) case cmd == "-iu": gshCtx.saccept(false, argv) case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<" || cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">" || cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>" || cmd == "-s" || cmd == "><": gshCtx.redirect(argv) case cmd == "|": gshCtx.fromPipe(argv) case cmd == "args": gshCtx.Args(argv) case cmd == "bg" || cmd == "-bg": rfin := gshCtx.inBackground(argv[1:]) return rfin case cmd == "-bn": gshCtx.Basename(argv) case cmd == "call": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(false,argv[1:]) case cmd == "cd" || cmd == "chdir": gshCtx.xChdir(argv); case cmd == "-cksum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sumtest": str := "" if 1 < len(argv) { str = argv[1] } crc := strCRC32(str,uint64(len(str))) fprintf(stderr,"%v %v\n",crc,len(str)) case cmd == "close": gshCtx.xClose(argv) case cmd == "gcp": gshCtx.FileCopy(argv) case cmd == "dec" || cmd == "decode": gshCtx.Dec(argv) case cmd == "#define": case cmd == "dic" || cmd == "d": xDic(argv) case cmd == "dump": gshCtx.Dump(argv) case cmd == "echo" || cmd == "e": echo(argv,true) case cmd == "enc" || cmd == "encode": gshCtx.Enc(argv) case cmd == "env": env(argv) case cmd == "eval": xEval(argv[1:],true) case cmd == "ev" || cmd == "events": dumpEvents(argv) case cmd == "exec": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(true,argv[1:]) // should not return here case cmd == "exit" || cmd == "quit": // write Result code EXIT to 3> return true case cmd == "fdls": // dump the attributes of fds (of other process) case cmd == "-find" || cmd == "fin" || cmd == "ufind" || cmd == "uf": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fu": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fork": // mainly for a server case cmd == "-gen": gshCtx.gen(argv) case cmd == "-go": gshCtx.xGo(argv) case cmd == "-grep": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "gdeq": gshCtx.Deq(argv) case cmd == "genq": gshCtx.Enq(argv) case cmd == "gpop": gshCtx.Pop(argv) case cmd == "gpush": gshCtx.Push(argv) case cmd == "history" || cmd == "hi": // hi should be alias gshCtx.xHistory(argv) case cmd == "jobs": gshCtx.xJobs(argv) case cmd == "lnsp" || cmd == "nlsp": gshCtx.SplitLine(argv) case cmd == "-ls": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "nop": // do nothing case cmd == "pipe": gshCtx.xOpen(argv) case cmd == "plug" || cmd == "plugin" || cmd == "pin": gshCtx.xPlugin(argv[1:]) case cmd == "print" || cmd == "-pr": // output internal slice // also sprintf should be gshCtx.Printv(argv) case cmd == "ps": gshCtx.xPs(argv) case cmd == "pstitle": // to be gsh.title case cmd == "rexecd" || cmd == "rexd": gshCtx.RexecServer(argv) case cmd == "rexec" || cmd == "rex": gshCtx.RexecClient(argv) case cmd == "repeat" || cmd == "rep": // repeat cond command gshCtx.repeat(argv) case cmd == "replay": gshCtx.xReplay(argv) case cmd == "scan": // scan input (or so in fscanf) to internal slice (like Files or map) gshCtx.Scanv(argv) case cmd == "set": // set name ... case cmd == "serv": gshCtx.httpServer(argv) case cmd == "shift": gshCtx.Shiftv(argv) case cmd == "sleep": gshCtx.sleep(argv) case cmd == "-sort": gshCtx.Sortv(argv) case cmd == "j" || cmd == "join": gshCtx.Rjoin(argv) case cmd == "a" || cmd == "alpa": gshCtx.Rexec(argv) case cmd == "jcd" || cmd == "jchdir": gshCtx.Rchdir(argv) case cmd == "jget": gshCtx.Rget(argv) case cmd == "jls": gshCtx.Rls(argv) case cmd == "jput": gshCtx.Rput(argv) case cmd == "jpwd": gshCtx.Rpwd(argv) case cmd == "time": fin = gshCtx.xTime(argv) case cmd == "ungets": if 1 < len(argv) { ungets(argv[1]+"\n") }else{ } case cmd == "pwd": gshCtx.xPwd(argv); case cmd == "ver" || cmd == "-ver" || cmd == "version": gshCtx.showVersion(argv) case cmd == "where": // data file or so? case cmd == "which": which("PATH",argv); default: if gshCtx.whichPlugin(cmd,[]string{"-s"}) != nil { gshCtx.xPlugin(argv) }else{ notfound,_ := gshCtx.excommand(false,argv) if notfound { fmt.Printf("--E-- command not found (%v)\n",cmd) } } } return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelll(gline string) (rfin bool) { argv := strings.Split(string(gline)," ") fin := gsh.gshellv(argv) return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)tgshelll(gline string)(xfin bool){ start := time.Now() fin := gsh.gshelll(gline) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start); if gsh.CmdTime { fmt.Printf("--T-- " + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) + "(%d.%09ds)\n", elps/1000000000,elps%1000000000) } return fin } func Ttyid() (int) { fi, err := os.Stdin.Stat() if err != nil { return 0; } //fmt.Printf("Stdin: %v Dev=%d\n", // fi.Mode(),fi.Mode()&os.ModeDevice) if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeDevice) != 0 { stat := syscall.Stat_t{}; err := syscall.Fstat(0,&stat) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: (%v)\n",err) }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: rdev=%d %d\n", // stat.Rdev&0xFF,stat.Rdev); //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: tty%d\n",stat.Rdev&0xFF); return int(stat.Rdev & 0xFF) } } return 0 } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyfile() string { //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) ttyfile := gshCtx.GshHomeDir + "/" + "gsh-tty" + fmt.Sprintf("%02d",gshCtx.TerminalId) //strconv.Itoa(gshCtx.TerminalId) //fmt.Printf("--I-- ttyfile=%s\n",ttyfile) return ttyfile } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyline()(*os.File){ file, err := os.OpenFile(gshCtx.ttyfile(),os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- cannot open %s (%s)\n",gshCtx.ttyfile(),err) return file; } return file } func (gshCtx *GshContext)getline(hix int, skipping bool, prevline string) (string) { if( skipping ){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) }else if true { return xgetline(hix,prevline,gshCtx) } /* else if( with_exgetline && gshCtx.GetLine != "" ){ //var xhix int64 = int64(hix); // cast newenv := os.Environ() newenv = append(newenv, "GSH_LINENO="+strconv.FormatInt(int64(hix),10) ) tty := gshCtx.ttyline() tty.WriteString(prevline) Pa := os.ProcAttr { "", // start dir newenv, //os.Environ(), []*os.File{os.Stdin,os.Stdout,os.Stderr,tty}, nil, } //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline=%s // %s\n",gsh_getlinev[0],gshCtx.GetLine) proc, err := os.StartProcess(gsh_getlinev[0],[]string{"getline","getline"},&Pa) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- getline process error (%v)\n",err) // for ; ; { } return "exit (getline program failed)" } //stat, err := proc.Wait() proc.Wait() buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count, err := tty.Read(buff) //_, err = tty.Read(buff) //fmt.Printf("--D-- getline (%d)\n",count) if err != nil { if ! (count == 0) { // && err.String() == "EOF" ) { fmt.Printf("--E-- getline error (%s)\n",err) } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline OK \"%s\"\n",buff) } tty.Close() gline := string(buff[0:count]) return gline }else */ { // if isatty { fmt.Printf("!%d",hix) fmt.Print(PROMPT) // } reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) } } //== begin ======================================================= getline /* * getline.c * 2020-0819 extracted from dog.c * getline.go * 2020-0822 ported to Go */ /* package main // getline main import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "os" // os "syscall" // syscall //"bytes" // os //"os/exec" // os ) */ // C language compatibility functions var errno = 0 var stdin *os.File = os.Stdin var stdout *os.File = os.Stdout var stderr *os.File = os.Stderr var EOF = -1 var NULL = 0 type FILE os.File type StrBuff []byte var NULL_FP *os.File = nil var NULLSP = 0 //var LINESIZE = 1024 func system(cmdstr string)(int){ PA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the starting directory os.Environ(), []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, } argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") pid,err := syscall.ForkExec(argv[0],argv,&PA) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- syscall(%v) err(%v)\n",cmdstr,err) } syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) /* argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- system(%v)\n",argv) //cmd := exec.Command(argv[0:]...) cmd := exec.Command(argv[0],argv[1],argv[2]) cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader("output of system") var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out var serr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr = &serr err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--E-- system(%v)err(%v)\n",argv,err) fmt.Printf("ERR:%s\n",serr.String()) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",out.String()) } */ return 0 } func atoi(str string)(ret int){ ret,err := fmt.Sscanf(str,"%d",ret) if err == nil { return ret }else{ // should set errno return 0 } } func getenv(name string)(string){ val,got := os.LookupEnv(name) if got { return val }else{ return "?" } } func strcpy(dst StrBuff, src string){ var i int srcb := []byte(src) for i = 0; i < len(src) && srcb[i] != 0; i++ { dst[i] = srcb[i] } dst[i] = 0 } func xstrcpy(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = src } func strcat(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = append(dst,src...) } func strdup(str StrBuff)(string){ return string(str[0:strlen(str)]) } func sstrlen(str string)(int){ return len(str) } func strlen(str StrBuff)(int){ var i int for i = 0; i < len(str) && str[i] != 0; i++ { } return i } func sizeof(data StrBuff)(int){ return len(data) } func isatty(fd int)(ret int){ return 1 } func fopen(file string,mode string)(fp*os.File){ if mode == "r" { fp,err := os.Open(file) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- fopen(%s,%s)=(%v)\n",file,mode,err) return NULL_FP; } return fp; }else{ fp,err := os.OpenFile(file,os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if( err != nil ){ return NULL_FP; } return fp; } } func fclose(fp*os.File){ fp.Close() } func fflush(fp *os.File)(int){ return 0 } func fgetc(fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func sfgets(str*string, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ buf := make(StrBuff,size) var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fgets(buf StrBuff, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fputc(ch int , fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte buf[0] = byte(ch) fp.Write(buf[0:1]) return 0 } func fputs(buf StrBuff, fp*os.File)(int){ fp.Write(buf) return 0 } func xfputss(str string, fp*os.File)(int){ return fputs([]byte(str),fp) } func sscanf(str StrBuff,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Sscanf(string(str[0:strlen(str)]),fmts,params...) return 0 } func fprintf(fp*os.File,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Fprintf(fp,fmts,params...) return 0 } // Command Line IME //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MyIME var MyIMEVER = "MyIME/0.0.2"; type RomKana struct { dic string // dictionaly ID pat string // input pattern out string // output pattern hit int64 // count of hit and used } var dicents = 0 var romkana [1024]RomKana var Romkan []RomKana func isinDic(str string)(int){ for i,v := range Romkan { if v.pat == str { return i } } return -1 } const ( DIC_COM_LOAD = "im" DIC_COM_DUMP = "s" DIC_COM_LIST = "ls" DIC_COM_ENA = "en" DIC_COM_DIS = "di" ) func helpDic(argv []string){ out := stderr cmd := "" if 0 < len(argv) { cmd = argv[0] } fprintf(out,"--- %v Usage\n",cmd) fprintf(out,"... Commands\n") fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] [dicURL ] -- Import dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LOAD) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [pattern] -- Search in dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DUMP) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- List dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LIST) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Disable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DIS) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Enable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_ENA) fprintf(out,"... Keys ... %v\n","ESC can be used for '\\'") fprintf(out,"... \\c -- Reverse the case of the last character\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\i -- Replace input with translated text\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\j -- On/Off translation mode\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\l -- Force Lower Case\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\u -- Force Upper Case (software CapsLock)\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\v -- Show translation actions\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\x -- Replace the last input character with it Hexa-Decimal\n",) } func xDic(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { helpDic(argv) return } argv = argv[1:] var debug = false var info = false var silent = false var dump = false var builtin = false cmd := argv[0] argv = argv[1:] opt := "" arg := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg1 := argv[0] if arg1[0] == '-' { switch arg1 { default: fmt.Printf("--Ed-- Unknown option(%v)\n",arg1) return case "-b": builtin = true case "-d": debug = true case "-s": silent = true case "-v": info = true } opt = arg1 argv = argv[1:] } } dicName := "" dicURL := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg = argv[0] dicName = arg argv = argv[1:] } if 0 < len(argv) { dicURL = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if false { fprintf(stderr,"--Dd-- com(%v) opt(%v) arg(%v)\n",cmd,opt,arg) } if cmd == DIC_COM_LOAD { //dicType := "" dicBody := "" if !builtin && dicName != "" && dicURL == "" { f,err := os.Open(dicName) if err == nil { dicURL = dicName }else{ f,err = os.Open(dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = dicName+".html" }else{ f,err = os.Open("gshdic-"+dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = "gshdic-"+dicName+".html" } } } if err == nil { var buf = make([]byte,128*1024) count,err := f.Read(buf) f.Close() if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- ReadDic(%v,%v)\n",count,err) } dicBody = string(buf[0:count]) } } if dicBody == "" { switch arg { default: dicName = "WorldDic" dicURL = WorldDic if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- default dictionary \"%v\"\n", dicName); } case "wnn": dicName = "WnnDic" dicURL = WnnDic case "sumomo": dicName = "SumomoDic" dicURL = SumomoDic case "sijimi": dicName = "SijimiDic" dicURL = SijimiDic case "jkl": dicName = "JKLJaDic" dicURL = JA_JKLDic } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v URL=%v\n\n",dicName,dicURL); } dicv := strings.Split(dicURL,",") if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v encoded data...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"Type: %v\n",dicv[0]) fprintf(stderr,"Body: %v\n",dicv[1]) fprintf(stderr,"\n") } body,_ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(dicv[1]) dicBody = string(body) } if info { fmt.Printf("--Id-- %v %v\n",dicName,dicURL) fmt.Printf("%s\n",dicBody) } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- dicName %v text...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"%v\n",string(dicBody)) } entv := strings.Split(dicBody,"\n"); if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan...\n",dicName); } var added int = 0 var dup int = 0 for i,v := range entv { var pat string var out string fmt.Sscanf(v,"%s %s",&pat,&out) if len(pat) <= 0 { }else{ if 0 <= isinDic(pat) { dup += 1 continue } romkana[dicents] = RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0} dicents += 1 added += 1 Romkan = append(Romkan,RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0}) if debug { fmt.Printf("[%3v]:[%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) } } } if !silent { url := dicURL if strBegins(url,"data:") { url = "builtin" } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan... %v added, %v dup. / %v total (%v)\n", dicName,added,dup,len(Romkan),url); } // should sort by pattern length for conclete match, for performance if debug { arg = "" // search pattern dump = true } } if cmd == DIC_COM_DUMP || dump { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v dump... %v entries:\n",dicName,len(Romkan)); var match = 0 for i := 0; i < len(Romkan); i++ { dic := Romkan[i].dic pat := Romkan[i].pat out := Romkan[i].out if arg == "" || 0 <= strings.Index(pat,arg)||0 <= strings.Index(out,arg) { fmt.Printf("\\\\%v\t%v [%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,dic,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) match += 1 } } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v matched %v / %v entries:\n",arg,match,len(Romkan)); } } func loadDefaultDic(dic int){ if( 0 < len(Romkan) ){ return } //fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") xDic([]string{"dic",DIC_COM_LOAD}); var info = false if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- Conguraturations!! WorldDic is now activated.\r\n") fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- enter \"dic\" command for help.\r\n") } } func readDic()(int){ /* var rk *os.File; var dic = "MyIME-dic.txt"; //rk = fopen("romkana.txt","r"); //rk = fopen("JK-JA-morse-dic.txt","r"); rk = fopen(dic,"r"); if( rk == NULL_FP ){ if( true ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- Could not load %s\n",MyIMEVER,dic); } return -1; } if( true ){ var di int; var line = make(StrBuff,1024); var pat string var out string for di = 0; di < 1024; di++ { if( fgets(line,sizeof(line),rk) == NULLSP ){ break; } fmt.Sscanf(string(line[0:strlen(line)]),"%s %s",&pat,&out); //sscanf(line,"%s %[^\r\n]",&pat,&out); romkana[di].pat = pat; romkana[di].out = out; //fprintf(stderr,"--Dd- %-10s %s\n",pat,out) } dicents += di if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- loaded romkana.txt [%d]\n",MyIMEVER,di); for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n",romkana[di].pat,romkana[di].out); } } } fclose(rk); //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" // dump the dic. and clean the command input */ return 0; } func matchlen(stri string, pati string)(int){ if strBegins(stri,pati) { return len(pati) }else{ return 0 } } func convs(src string)(string){ var si int; var sx = len(src); var di int; var mi int; var dstb []byte for si = 0; si < sx; { // search max. match from the position if strBegins(src[si:],"%x/") { // %x/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 //fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%d",&iv) fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%x",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%d/") { // %d/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%d",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%t") { now := time.Now() if true { date := now.Format(time.Stamp) dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(date)...) si = si+3 } continue } var maxlen int = 0; var len int; mi = -1; for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { len = matchlen(src[si:],romkana[di].pat); if( maxlen < len ){ maxlen = len; mi = di; } } if( 0 < maxlen ){ out := romkana[mi].out; dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(out)...); si += maxlen; }else{ dstb = append(dstb,src[si]) si += 1; } } return string(dstb) } func trans(src string)(int){ dst := convs(src); xfputss(dst,stderr); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------- LINEEDIT // "?" at the top of the line means searching history // should be compatilbe with Telnet const ( EV_MODE = 255 EV_IDLE = 254 EV_TIMEOUT = 253 GO_UP = 252 // k GO_DOWN = 251 // j GO_RIGHT = 250 // l GO_LEFT = 249 // h DEL_RIGHT = 248 // x GO_TOPL = 'A'-0x40 // 0 GO_ENDL = 'E'-0x40 // $ GO_TOPW = 239 // b GO_ENDW = 238 // e GO_NEXTW = 237 // w GO_FORWCH = 229 // f GO_PAIRCH = 228 // % GO_DEL = 219 // d HI_SRCH_FW = 209 // / HI_SRCH_BK = 208 // ? HI_SRCH_RFW = 207 // n HI_SRCH_RBK = 206 // N ) // should return number of octets ready to be read immediately //fprintf(stderr,"\n--Select(%v %v)\n",err,r.Bits[0]) var EventRecvFd = -1 // file descriptor var EventSendFd = -1 const EventFdOffset = 1000000 const NormalFdOffset = 100 func putEvent(event int, evarg int){ if true { if EventRecvFd < 0 { var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) EventRecvFd = pv[0] EventSendFd = pv[1] //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPipe created[%v,%v]\n",EventRecvFd,EventSendFd) } }else{ if EventRecvFd < 0 { // the document differs from this spec // sv,err := syscall.Socketpair(syscall.AF_UNIX,syscall.SOCK_STREAM,0) EventRecvFd = sv[0] EventSendFd = sv[1] if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- EventSock created[%v,%v](%v)\n", EventRecvFd,EventSendFd,err) } } } var buf = []byte{ byte(event)} n,err := syscall.Write(EventSendFd,buf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- putEvent[%v](%3v)(%v %v)\n",EventSendFd,event,n,err) } } func ungets(str string){ for _,ch := range str { putEvent(int(ch),0) } } func (gsh*GshContext)xReplay(argv[]string){ hix := 0 tempo := 1.0 xtempo := 1.0 repeat := 1 for _,a := range argv { // tempo if strBegins(a,"x") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%f",&xtempo) tempo = 1 / xtempo //fprintf(stderr,"--Dr-- tempo=[%v]%v\n",a[2:],tempo); }else if strBegins(a,"r") { // repeat fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%v",&repeat) }else if strBegins(a,"!") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%d",&hix) }else{ fmt.Sscanf(a,"%d",&hix) } } if hix == 0 || len(argv) <= 1 { hix = len(gsh.CommandHistory)-1 } fmt.Printf("--Ir-- Replay(!%v x%v r%v)\n",hix,xtempo,repeat) //dumpEvents(hix) //gsh.xScanReplay(hix,false,repeat,tempo,argv) go gsh.xScanReplay(hix,true,repeat,tempo,argv) } // syscall.Select // 2020-0827 GShell-0.2.3 func FpollIn1(fp *os.File,usec int)(uintptr){ nfd := 1 rdv := syscall.FdSet {} fd1 := fp.Fd() bank1 := fd1/32 mask1 := int32(1 << fd1) rdv.Bits[bank1] = mask1 fd2 := -1 bank2 := -1 var mask2 int32 = 0 if 0 <= EventRecvFd { fd2 = EventRecvFd nfd = fd2 + 1 bank2 = fd2/32 mask2 = int32(1 << fd2) rdv.Bits[bank2] |= mask2 //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPoll mask added [%d][%v][%v]\n",fd2,bank2,mask2) } tout := syscall.NsecToTimeval(int64(usec*1000)) //n,err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) // spec. mismatch err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--De-- select() err(%v)\n",err) } if err == nil { if 0 <= fd2 && (rdv.Bits[bank2] & mask2) != 0 { if false { fmt.Printf("--De-- got Event\n") } return uintptr(EventFdOffset + fd2) }else if (rdv.Bits[bank1] & mask1) != 0 { return uintptr(NormalFdOffset + fd1) }else{ return 1 } }else{ return 0 } } func fgetcTimeout1(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ READ1: readyFd := FpollIn1(fp,usec) if readyFd < 100 { return EV_TIMEOUT } var buf [1]byte if EventFdOffset <= readyFd { fd := int(readyFd-EventFdOffset) _,err := syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ if buf[0] == EV_MODE { recvEvent(fd) goto READ1 } return int(buf[0]) } } _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func visibleChar(ch int)(string){ switch { case '!' <= ch && ch <= '~': return string(ch) } switch ch { case ' ': return "\\s" case '\n': return "\\n" case '\r': return "\\r" case '\t': return "\\t" } switch ch { case 0x00: return "NUL" case 0x07: return "BEL" case 0x08: return "BS" case 0x0E: return "SO" case 0x0F: return "SI" case 0x1B: return "ESC" case 0x7F: return "DEL" } switch ch { case EV_IDLE: return fmt.Sprintf("IDLE") case EV_MODE: return fmt.Sprintf("MODE") } return fmt.Sprintf("%X",ch) } func recvEvent(fd int){ var buf = make([]byte,1) _,_ = syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( buf[0] != 0 ){ romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } } func (gsh*GshContext)xScanReplay(hix int,replay bool,repeat int,tempo float64,argv[]string){ var Start time.Time var events = []Event{} for _,e := range Events { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { events = append(events,e) } } elen := len(events) if 0 < elen { if events[elen-1].event == EV_IDLE { events = events[0:elen-1] } } for r := 0; r < repeat; r++ { for i,e := range events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 if Start.Second() == 0 { Start = time.Now() } diff := time.Now().Sub(Start) if replay { if e.event != EV_IDLE { putEvent(e.event,0) if e.event == EV_MODE { // event with arg putEvent(int(e.evarg),0) } } }else{ fmt.Printf("%7.3fms #%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n", float64(diff)/1000000.0, i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event), float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } if e.event == EV_IDLE { d := time.Duration(float64(time.Duration(e.evarg)) * tempo) //nsleep(time.Duration(e.evarg)) nsleep(d) } } } } func dumpEvents(arg[]string){ hix := 0 if 1 < len(arg) { fmt.Sscanf(arg[1],"%d",&hix) } for i,e := range Events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 //if e.event != EV_TIMEOUT { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { fmt.Printf("#%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n",i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event),float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } //} } } func fgetcTimeout(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ ch := fgetcTimeout1(fp,usec) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT { now := time.Now() if 0 < len(Events) { last := Events[len(Events)-1] dura := int64(now.Sub(last.when)) Events = append(Events,Event{last.when,EV_IDLE,dura,last.CmdIndex}) } Events = append(Events,Event{time.Now(),ch,0,CmdIndex}) } return ch } var TtyMaxCol = 72 // to be obtained by ioctl? var EscTimeout = (100*1000) var ( MODE_VicMode bool // vi compatible command mode MODE_ShowMode bool romkanmode bool // shown translation mode, the mode to be retained MODE_Recursive bool // recursive translation MODE_CapsLock bool // software CapsLock MODE_LowerLock bool // force lower-case character lock MODE_ViInsert int // visible insert mode, should be like "I" icon in X Window MODE_ViTrace bool // output newline before translation ) type IInput struct { lno int lastlno int pch []int // input queue prompt string line string right string inJmode bool pinJmode bool waitingMeta string // waiting meta character LastCmd string } func (iin*IInput)Getc(timeoutUs int)(int){ ch1 := EOF ch2 := EOF ch3 := EOF if( 0 < len(iin.pch) ){ // deQ ch1 = iin.pch[0] iin.pch = iin.pch[1:] }else{ ch1 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,timeoutUs); } if( ch1 == 033 ){ /// escape sequence ch2 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch2 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ }else{ ch3 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch3 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ }else{ switch( ch2 ){ default: iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch3) // enQ case '[': switch( ch3 ){ case 'A': ch1 = GO_UP; // ^ case 'B': ch1 = GO_DOWN; // v case 'C': ch1 = GO_RIGHT; // > case 'D': ch1 = GO_LEFT; // < case '3': ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch4 == '~' ){ //fprintf(stderr,"x[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } case '\\': //ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); //fprintf(stderr,"y[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); switch( ch3 ){ case '~': ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } } } } return ch1 } func (inn*IInput)clearline(){ var i int fprintf(stderr,"\r"); // should be ANSI ESC sequence for i = 0; i < TtyMaxCol; i++ { // to the max. position in this input action fputc(' ',os.Stderr); } fprintf(stderr,"\r"); } func (iin*IInput)Redraw(){ redraw(iin,iin.lno,iin.line,iin.right) } func redraw(iin *IInput,lno int,line string,right string){ inMeta := false showMode := "" showMeta := "" // visible Meta mode on the cursor position showLino := fmt.Sprintf("!%d! ",lno) InsertMark := "" // in visible insert mode if MODE_VicMode { }else if 0 < len(iin.right) { InsertMark = " " } if( 0 < len(iin.waitingMeta) ){ inMeta = true if iin.waitingMeta[0] != 033 { showMeta = iin.waitingMeta } } if( romkanmode ){ //romkanmark = " *"; }else{ //romkanmark = ""; } if MODE_ShowMode { romkan := "--" inmeta := "-" inveri := "" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "A" } if MODE_LowerLock { inmeta = "a" } if MODE_ViTrace { inveri = "v" } if MODE_VicMode { inveri = ":" } if romkanmode { romkan = "\343\201\202" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "R" }else{ inmeta = "r" } } if inMeta { inmeta = "\\" } showMode = "["+romkan+inmeta+inveri+"]"; } Pre := "\r" + showMode + showLino Output := "" Left := "" Right := "" if romkanmode { Left = convs(line) Right = InsertMark+convs(right) }else{ Left = line Right = InsertMark+right } Output = Pre+Left if MODE_ViTrace { Output += iin.LastCmd } Output += showMeta+Right for len(Output) < TtyMaxCol { // to the max. position that may be dirty Output += " " // should be ANSI ESC sequence // not necessary just after newline } Output += Pre+Left+showMeta // to set the cursor to the current input position fprintf(stderr,"%s",Output) if MODE_ViTrace { if 0 < len(iin.LastCmd) { iin.LastCmd = "" fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") } } } // utf8 func delHeadChar(str string)(rline string,head string){ _,clen := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)) head = string(str[0:clen]) return str[clen:],head } func delTailChar(str string)(rline string, last string){ var i = 0 var clen = 0 for { _,siz := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)[i:]) if siz <= 0 { break } clen = siz i += siz } last = str[len(str)-clen:] return str[0:len(str)-clen],last } // 3> for output and history // 4> for keylog? // Command Line Editor func xgetline(lno int, prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var iin IInput iin.lastlno = lno iin.lno = lno CmdIndex = len(gsh.CommandHistory) if( isatty(0) == 0 ){ if( sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin) == NULL ){ iin.line = "exit\n"; }else{ } return iin.line } if( true ){ //var pts string; //pts = ptsname(0); //pts = ttyname(0); //fprintf(stderr,"--pts[0] = %s\n",pts?pts:"?"); } if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"! "); fflush(stderr); sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin); return iin.line } system("/bin/stty -echo -icanon"); xline := iin.xgetline1(prevline,gsh) system("/bin/stty echo sane"); return xline } func (iin*IInput)Translate(cmdch int){ romkanmode = !romkanmode; if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); }else if( cmdch == 'J' ){ fprintf(stderr,"J\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); iin.Redraw(); } func (iin*IInput)Replace(cmdch int){ iin.LastCmd = fmt.Sprintf("\\%v",string(cmdch)) iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" if( cmdch == 'I' ){ fprintf(stderr,"I\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); } // aa 12 a1a1 func isAlpha(ch rune)(bool){ if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { return true } return false } func isAlnum(ch rune)(bool){ if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { return true } if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { return true } return false } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created // DecodeRuneInString func (iin*IInput)GotoTOPW(){ str := iin.line i := len(str) if i <= 0 { return } //i0 := i i -= 1 lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var found = -1 for 0 < i { // skip preamble spaces lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched i -= lastSize continue } break } for 0 < i { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { continue } // not the character top if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched found = i break } i -= lastSize } if found < 0 && i == 0 { found = 0 } if 0 <= found { if isAlnum(lastRune) { // or non-kana character }else{ // when positioning to the top o the word i += lastSize } iin.right = str[i:] + iin.right if 0 < i { iin.line = str[0:i] }else{ iin.line = "" } } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d,%d,%d)[%s][%s]\n",i0,i,found,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created func (iin*IInput)GotoENDW(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var lastW = 0 i := 0 inWord := false lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[0:]) if isAlnum(lastRune) { r,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[lastSize:]) if 0 < z && isAlnum(r) { inWord = true } } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } lastW = i // the last alnum if in alnum word i += lastSize } if inWord { goto DISP } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } i += lastSize } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } lastW = i i += lastSize } DISP: if 0 < lastW { iin.line = iin.line + str[0:lastW] iin.right = str[lastW:] } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d)[%s][%s]\n",i,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created func (iin*IInput)GotoNEXTW(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var found = -1 i := 1 for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched found = i break } i += lastSize } if 0 < found { if isAlnum(lastRune) { // or non-kana character }else{ // when positioning to the top o the word found += lastSize } iin.line = iin.line + str[0:found] if 0 < found { iin.right = str[found:] }else{ iin.right = "" } } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d)[%s][%s]\n",i,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)GotoPAIRCH(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastRune,lastSize := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[0:]) if lastSize <= 0 { return } forw := false back := false pair := "" switch string(lastRune){ case "{": pair = "}"; forw = true case "}": pair = "{"; back = true case "(": pair = ")"; forw = true case ")": pair = "("; back = true case "[": pair = "]"; forw = true case "]": pair = "["; back = true case "<": pair = ">"; forw = true case ">": pair = "<"; back = true case "\"": pair = "\""; // context depednet, can be f" or back-double quote case "'": pair = "'"; // context depednet, can be f' or back-quote // case Japanese Kakkos } if forw { iin.SearchForward(pair) } if back { iin.SearchBackward(pair) } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)SearchForward(pat string)(bool){ right := iin.right found := -1 i := 0 if strBegins(right,pat) { _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(right[i:]) if 0 < z { i += z } } for i < len(right) { if strBegins(right[i:],pat) { found = i break } _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(right[i:]) if z <= 0 { break } i += z } if 0 <= found { iin.line = iin.line + right[0:found] iin.right = iin.right[found:] return true }else{ return false } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)SearchBackward(pat string)(bool){ line := iin.line found := -1 i := len(line)-1 for i = i; 0 <= i; i-- { _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(line[i:]) if z <= 0 { continue } //fprintf(stderr,"-- %v %v\n",pat,line[i:]) if strBegins(line[i:],pat) { found = i break } } //fprintf(stderr,"--%d\n",found) if 0 <= found { iin.right = line[found:] + iin.right iin.line = line[0:found] return true }else{ return false } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created // search from top, end, or current position func (gsh*GshContext)SearchHistory(pat string, forw bool)(bool,string){ if forw { for _,v := range gsh.CommandHistory { if 0 <= strings.Index(v.CmdLine,pat) { //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- found !%v [%v]%v\n",i,pat,v.CmdLine) return true,v.CmdLine } } }else{ hlen := len(gsh.CommandHistory) for i := hlen-1; 0 < i ; i-- { v := gsh.CommandHistory[i] if 0 <= strings.Index(v.CmdLine,pat) { //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- found !%v [%v]%v\n",i,pat,v.CmdLine) return true,v.CmdLine } } } //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- not-found(%v)\n",pat) return false,"(Not Found in History)" } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)GotoFORWSTR(pat string,gsh*GshContext){ found := false if 0 < len(iin.right) { found = iin.SearchForward(pat) } if !found { found,line := gsh.SearchHistory(pat,true) if found { iin.line = line iin.right = "" } } } func (iin*IInput)GotoBACKSTR(pat string, gsh*GshContext){ found := false if 0 < len(iin.line) { found = iin.SearchBackward(pat) } if !found { found,line := gsh.SearchHistory(pat,false) if found { iin.line = line iin.right = "" } } } func (iin*IInput)getstring1(prompt string)(string){ // should be editable iin.clearline(); fprintf(stderr,"\r%v",prompt) str := "" for { ch := iin.Getc(10*1000*1000) if ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' { break } sch := string(ch) str += sch fprintf(stderr,"%s",sch) } return str } // search pattern must be an array and selectable with ^N/^P var SearchPat = "" var SearchForw = true func (iin*IInput)xgetline1(prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var ch int; MODE_ShowMode = false MODE_VicMode = false iin.Redraw(); first := true for cix := 0; ; cix++ { iin.pinJmode = iin.inJmode iin.inJmode = false ch = iin.Getc(1000*1000) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT && first { first = false mode := 0 if romkanmode { mode = 1 } now := time.Now() Events = append(Events,Event{now,EV_MODE,int64(mode),CmdIndex}) } if ch == 033 { MODE_ShowMode = true MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode iin.Redraw(); continue } if MODE_VicMode { switch ch { case '0': ch = GO_TOPL case '$': ch = GO_ENDL case 'b': ch = GO_TOPW case 'e': ch = GO_ENDW case 'w': ch = GO_NEXTW case '%': ch = GO_PAIRCH case 'j': ch = GO_DOWN case 'k': ch = GO_UP case 'h': ch = GO_LEFT case 'l': ch = GO_RIGHT case 'x': ch = DEL_RIGHT case 'a': MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode ch = GO_RIGHT case 'i': MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode iin.Redraw(); continue case '~': right,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) if len([]byte(head)) == 1 { ch = int(head[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.right = string(ch) + right } iin.Redraw(); continue case 'f': // GO_FORWCH iin.Redraw(); ch = iin.Getc(3*1000*1000) if ch == EV_TIMEOUT { iin.Redraw(); continue } SearchPat = string(ch) SearchForw = true iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case '/': SearchPat = iin.getstring1("/") // should be editable SearchForw = true iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case '?': SearchPat = iin.getstring1("?") // should be editable SearchForw = false iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case 'n': if SearchForw { iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) }else{ iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) } iin.Redraw(); continue case 'N': if !SearchForw { iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) }else{ iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) } iin.Redraw(); continue } } switch ch { case GO_TOPW: iin.GotoTOPW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_ENDW: iin.GotoENDW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_NEXTW: // to next space then iin.GotoNEXTW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_PAIRCH: iin.GotoPAIRCH() iin.Redraw(); continue } //fprintf(stderr,"A[%02X]\n",ch); if( ch == '\\' || ch == 033 ){ MODE_ShowMode = true metach := ch iin.waitingMeta = string(ch) iin.Redraw(); // set cursor //fprintf(stderr,"???\b\b\b") ch = fgetcTimeout(stdin,2000*1000) // reset cursor iin.waitingMeta = "" cmdch := ch if( ch == EV_TIMEOUT ){ if metach == 033 { continue } ch = metach }else /* if( ch == 'm' || ch == 'M' ){ mch := fgetcTimeout(stdin,1000*1000) if mch == 'r' { romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } continue }else */ if( ch == 'k' || ch == 'K' ){ MODE_Recursive = !MODE_Recursive iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'j' || ch == 'J' ){ iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'i' || ch == 'I' ){ iin.Replace(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'l' || ch == 'L' ){ MODE_LowerLock = !MODE_LowerLock MODE_CapsLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'u' || ch == 'U' ){ MODE_CapsLock = !MODE_CapsLock MODE_LowerLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'v' || ch == 'V' ){ MODE_ViTrace = !MODE_ViTrace if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'c' || ch == 'C' ){ if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) if len([]byte(tail)) == 1 { ch = int(tail[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.line = xline + string(ch) } } if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else{ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch) // push ch = '\\' } } switch( ch ){ case 'P'-0x40: ch = GO_UP case 'N'-0x40: ch = GO_DOWN case 'B'-0x40: ch = GO_LEFT case 'F'-0x40: ch = GO_RIGHT } //fprintf(stderr,"B[%02X]\n",ch); switch( ch ){ case 0: continue; case '\t': iin.Replace('j'); continue case 'X'-0x40: iin.Replace('j'); continue case EV_TIMEOUT: iin.Redraw(); if iin.pinJmode { fprintf(stderr,"\\J\r\n") iin.inJmode = true } continue case GO_UP: if iin.lno == 1 { continue } cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno-1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno - 1 } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_DOWN: cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno+1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 }else{ iin.line = "" iin.right = "" if iin.lno == iin.lastlno-1 { iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 } } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_LEFT: if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) iin.line = xline iin.right = tail + iin.right } iin.Redraw(); continue; case GO_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) && iin.right[0] != 0 ){ xright,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.right = xright iin.line += head } iin.Redraw(); continue; case EOF: goto EXIT; case 'R'-0x40: // replace dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'T'-0x40: // just show the result readDic(); romkanmode = !romkanmode; iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'L'-0x40: iin.Redraw(); continue case 'K'-0x40: iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'E'-0x40: iin.line += iin.right iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'A'-0x40: iin.right = iin.line + iin.right iin.line = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'U'-0x40: iin.line = "" iin.right = "" iin.clearline(); iin.Redraw(); continue; case DEL_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } continue; case 0x7F: // BS? not DEL if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } /* else if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } */ continue; case 'H'-0x40: if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } continue; } if( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' ){ iin.line += iin.right; iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); fputc(ch,stderr); break; } if MODE_CapsLock { if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' { ch = ch+'A'-'a' } } if MODE_LowerLock { if 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { ch = ch+'a'-'A' } } iin.line += string(ch); iin.Redraw(); } EXIT: return iin.line + iin.right; } func getline_main(){ line := xgetline(0,"",nil) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",line); /* dp = strpbrk(line,"\r\n"); if( dp != NULL ){ *dp = 0; } if( 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n(%d)\n",int(strlen(line))); } if( lseek(3,0,0) == 0 ){ if( romkanmode ){ var buf [8*1024]byte; convs(line,buff); strcpy(line,buff); } write(3,line,strlen(line)); ftruncate(3,lseek(3,0,SEEK_CUR)); //fprintf(stderr,"outsize=%d\n",(int)lseek(3,0,SEEK_END)); lseek(3,0,SEEK_SET); close(3); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"\r\ngotline: "); trans(line); //printf("%s\n",line); printf("\n"); } */ } //== end ========================================================= getline // // $USERHOME/.gsh/ // gsh-rc.txt, or gsh-configure.txt // gsh-history.txt // gsh-aliases.txt // should be conditional? // func (gshCtx *GshContext)gshSetupHomedir()(bool) { homedir,found := userHomeDir() if !found { fmt.Printf("--E-- You have no UserHomeDir\n") return true } gshhome := homedir + "/" + GSH_HOME _, err2 := os.Stat(gshhome) if err2 != nil { err3 := os.Mkdir(gshhome,0700) if err3 != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- Could not Create %s (%s)\n", gshhome,err3) return true } fmt.Printf("--I-- Created %s\n",gshhome) } gshCtx.GshHomeDir = gshhome return false } func setupGshContext()(GshContext,bool){ gshPA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the staring directory os.Environ(), // environ[] []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, // OS specific } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() gshCtx := GshContext { cwd, // StartDir "", // GetLine []GChdirHistory { {cwd,time.Now(),0} }, // ChdirHistory gshPA, []GCommandHistory{}, //something for invokation? GCommandHistory{}, // CmdCurrent false, []int{}, syscall.Rusage{}, "", // GshHomeDir Ttyid(), false, false, []PluginInfo{}, []string{}, " ", "v", ValueStack{}, GServer{"",""}, // LastServer "", // RSERV cwd, // RWD CheckSum{}, } err := gshCtx.gshSetupHomedir() return gshCtx, err } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelllh(gline string)(bool){ ghist := gsh.CmdCurrent ghist.WorkDir,_ = os.Getwd() ghist.WorkDirX = len(gsh.ChdirHistory)-1 //fmt.Printf("--D--ChdirHistory(@%d)\n",len(gsh.ChdirHistory)) ghist.StartAt = time.Now() rusagev1 := Getrusagev() gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = []string{} fin := gsh.tgshelll(gline) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() ghist.Rusagev = RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) ghist.EndAt = time.Now() ghist.CmdLine = gline ghist.FoundFile = gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile /* record it but not show in list by default if len(gline) == 0 { continue } if gline == "hi" || gline == "history" { // don't record it continue } */ gsh.CommandHistory = append(gsh.CommandHistory, ghist) return fin } // Main loop func script(gshCtxGiven *GshContext) (_ GshContext) { gshCtxBuf,err0 := setupGshContext() if err0 { return gshCtxBuf; } gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) //resmap() /* if false { gsh_getlinev, with_exgetline := which("PATH",[]string{"which","gsh-getline","-s"}) if with_exgetline { gsh_getlinev[0] = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) gshCtx.GetLine = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) }else{ fmt.Printf("--W-- No gsh-getline found. Using internal getline.\n"); } } */ ghist0 := gshCtx.CmdCurrent // something special, or gshrc script, or permanent history gshCtx.CommandHistory = append(gshCtx.CommandHistory,ghist0) prevline := "" skipping := false for hix := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory); ; { gline := gshCtx.getline(hix,skipping,prevline) if skipping { if strings.Index(gline,"fi") == 0 { fmt.Printf("fi\n"); skipping = false; }else{ //fmt.Printf("%s\n",gline); } continue } if strings.Index(gline,"if") == 0 { //fmt.Printf("--D-- if start: %s\n",gline); skipping = true; continue } if false { os.Stdout.Write([]byte("gotline:")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } gline = strsubst(gshCtx,gline,true) if false { fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%v - %v\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%s - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%x - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%U - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("Stouut.Write -") os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) fmt.Printf("\n") } /* // should be cared in substitution ? if 0 < len(gline) && gline[0] == '!' { xgline, set, err := searchHistory(gshCtx,gline) if err { continue } if set { // set the line in command line editor } gline = xgline } */ fin := gshCtx.gshelllh(gline) if fin { break; } prevline = gline; hix++; } return *gshCtx } func main() { gshCtxBuf := GshContext{} gsh := &gshCtxBuf argv := os.Args if 1 < len(argv) { if isin("version",argv){ gsh.showVersion(argv) return } comx := isinX("-c",argv) if 0 < comx { gshCtxBuf,err := setupGshContext() gsh := &gshCtxBuf if !err { gsh.gshellv(argv[comx+1:]) } return } } if 1 < len(argv) && isin("-s",argv) { }else{ gsh.showVersion(append(argv,[]string{"-l","-a"}...)) } script(nil) //gshCtx := script(nil) //gshelll(gshCtx,"time") } //
// - inter gsh communication, possibly running in remote hosts -- to be remote shell // - merged histories of multiple parallel gsh sessions // - alias as a function or macro // - instant alias end environ export to the permanent > ~/.gsh/gsh-alias and gsh-environ // - retrieval PATH of files by its type // - gsh as an IME with completion using history and file names as dictionaies // - gsh a scheduler in precise time of within a millisecond // - all commands have its subucomand after "---" symbol // - filename expansion by "-find" command // - history of ext code and output of each commoand // - "script" output for each command by pty-tee or telnet-tee // - $BUILTIN command in PATH to show the priority // - "?" symbol in the command (not as in arguments) shows help request // - searching command with wild card like: which ssh-* // - longformat prompt after long idle time (should dismiss by BS) // - customizing by building plugin and dynamically linking it // - generating syntactic element like "if" by macro expansion (like CPP) >> alias // - "!" symbol should be used for negation, don't wast it just for job control // - don't put too long output to tty, record it into GSH_HOME/session-id/comand-id.log // - making canonical form of command at the start adding quatation or white spaces // - name(a,b,c) ... use "(" and ")" to show both delimiter and realm // - name? or name! might be useful // - htar format - packing directory contents into a single html file using data scheme // - filepath substitution shold be done by each command, expecially in case of builtins // - @N substition for the history of working directory, and @spec for more generic ones // - @dir prefix to do the command at there, that means like (chdir @dir; command) // - GSH_PATH for plugins // - standard command output: list of data with name, size, resouce usage, modified time // - generic sort key option -nm name, -sz size, -ru rusage, -ts start-time, -tm mod-time // -wc word-count, grep match line count, ... // - standard command execution result: a list of string, -tm, -ts, -ru, -sz, ... // - -tailf-filename like tail -f filename, repeat close and open before read // - max. size and max. duration and timeout of (generated) data transfer // - auto. numbering, aliasing, IME completion of file name (especially rm of quieer name) // - IME "?" at the top of the command line means searching history // - IME %d/0x10000/ %x/ffff/ // - IME ESC to go the edit mode like in vi, and use :command as :s/x/y/g to edit history // - gsh in WebAssembly // - gsh as a HTTP server of online-manual //---END--- (^-^)/ITS more
// var WorldDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly8gTXlJTUUvMC4wLjEg6L6e5pu4ICgyMDIwLTA4MTlhKQpzZWthaSDkuJbnlYwKa28g44GT"+ "Cm5uIOOCkwpuaSDjgasKY2hpIOOBoQp0aSDjgaEKaGEg44GvCnNlIOOBmwprYSDjgYsKaSDj"+ "gYQK"; // var WnnDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL2Rp"+ "Y3ZlcglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNXbm5ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "R1NoZWxsCUdTaGVsbArjgo/jgZ/jgZcJ56eBCndhdGFzaGkJ56eBCndhdGFzaQnnp4EK44Gq"+ "44G+44GICeWQjeWJjQpuYW1hZQnlkI3liY0K44Gq44GL44GuCeS4remHjgpuYWthbm8J5Lit"+ "6YeOCndhCeOCjwp0YQnjgZ8Kc2kJ44GXCnNoaQnjgZcKbm8J44GuCm5hCeOBqgptYQnjgb4K"+ "ZQnjgYgKaGEJ44GvCm5hCeOBqgprYQnjgYsKbm8J44GuCmRlCeOBpwpzdQnjgZkKZVxzCWVj"+ "aG8KZGljCWRpYwplY2hvCWVjaG8KcmVwbGF5CXJlcGxheQpyZXBlYXQJcmVwZWF0CmR0CWRh"+ "dGVccysnJVklbSVkLSVIOiVNOiVTJwp0aW9uCXRpb24KJXQJJXQJLy8gdG8gYmUgYW4gYWN0"+ "aW9uCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg==" // var SumomoDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTdW1vbW9ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "c3UJ44GZCm1vCeOCggpubwnjga4KdQnjgYYKY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnjgaEKdWNoaQnlhoUKdXRp"+ "CeWGhQpzdW1vbW8J44GZ44KC44KCCnN1bW9tb21vCeOBmeOCguOCguOCggptb21vCeahgwpt"+ "b21vbW8J5qGD44KCCiwsCeOAgQouLgnjgIIKPC90ZXh0YXJlYT4K" // var SijimiDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTaGlqaW1pXHMvL1xzMjAyMC0wODMw"+ "CnNpCeOBlwpzaGkJ44GXCmppCeOBmAptaQnjgb8KbmEJ44GqCmp1CeOBmOOChQp4eXUJ44KF"+ "CnUJ44GGCm5pCeOBqwprbwnjgZMKYnUJ44G2Cm5uCeOCkwpubwnjga4KY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnj"+ "gaEKa2EJ44GLCnJhCeOCiQosLAnjgIEKLi4J44CCCnhuYW5hCeS4gwp4anV1CeWNgQp4bmkJ"+ "5LqMCmtveAnlgIsKa29xCeWAiwprb3gJ5YCLCm5hbmFqdXVuaXgJNzIKbmFuYWp1dW5peHgJ"+ "77yX77ySCm5hbmFqdXVuaVgJ77yX77ySCuS4g+WNgeS6jHgJNzIKa29idW5uCeWAi+WIhgp0"+ "aWthcmFxCeOBoeOBi+OCiQp0aWthcmEJ5YqbCmNoaWthcmEJ5YqbCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg=" // var JA_JKLDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly92ZXJsCU15SU1FamRpY2ptb3JzZWpKQWpKS0woMjAyMGowODE5KSheLV4pL1NhdG94SVRT"+ "CmtqamprbGtqa2tsa2psIOS4lueVjApqamtqamwJ44GCCmtqbAnjgYQKa2tqbAnjgYYKamtq"+ "amwJ44GICmtqa2trbAnjgYoKa2pra2wJ44GLCmpramtrbAnjgY0Ka2tramwJ44GPCmpramps"+ "CeOBkQpqampqbAnjgZMKamtqa2psCeOBlQpqamtqa2wJ44GXCmpqamtqbAnjgZkKa2pqamts"+ "CeOBmwpqamprbAnjgZ0KamtsCeOBnwpra2prbAnjgaEKa2pqa2wJ44GkCmtqa2pqbAnjgaYK"+ "a2tqa2tsCeOBqApramtsCeOBqgpqa2prbAnjgasKa2tra2wJ44GsCmpqa2psCeOBrQpra2pq"+ "bAnjga4Kamtra2wJ44GvCmpqa2tqbAnjgbIKampra2wJ44G1CmtsCeOBuApqa2tsCeOBuwpq"+ "a2tqbAnjgb4Ka2tqa2psCeOBvwpqbAnjgoAKamtra2psCeOCgQpqa2tqa2wJ44KCCmtqamwJ"+ "44KECmpra2pqbAnjgoYKampsCeOCiApra2tsCeOCiQpqamtsCeOCigpqa2pqa2wJ44KLCmpq"+ "amwJ44KMCmtqa2psCeOCjQpqa2psCeOCjwpramtramwJ44KQCmtqamtrbAnjgpEKa2pqamwJ"+ "44KSCmtqa2prbAnjgpMKa2pqa2psCeODvApra2wJ44KbCmtramprbAnjgpwKa2pramtqbAnj"+ "gIEK"; // // /*
*/ /*
Raw Source
Whole file
CSS part
JavaScript part
Builtin data part
*/ /*
WebCrypto Reference:

Web Crypto - RSA-OAEP

Plain text:

Cipher text:

Decrypted text:



GShell 0.2.9 − 電子署名付きHTML


開発:ようやく (^-^)/





  1. 署名の方法
    1. gsh.html にブラウザからJavaScriptで署名する
    2. gsh.go を実行して署名する
    3. 外部ツールで署名する( OpenSSL | PGP )
  2. 検証の方法
    1. gsh.htmlをブラウザからJavaScriptで検証する
    2. gsh.go を実行して検証する
    3. 外部ツールで検証する( OpenSSL | PGP )
  3. 署名情報の付加形式
    1. 独自形式( HTMLタグ | JavaScriptデータ | QRコードPNG | Goデータ )
    2. S/MIME
    3. PGP
  4. 検証情報の内容
    1. 公開鍵署名
    2. ダイジェスト
    3. タイムスタンプ


開発:まず、この方式は gsh.go, gsh.html に限らず、一般の HTML に適用できるのが良いと思います。できれば、Go が無くても使えるようにしたい。そういう意味で、1.1、2.1 が最優先と思います。3 に関しても、既存の表現形式に合わせるための手間がかかるので 3.1 にしたい。まず原理的なフィージビリティを調べてから、標準の形式にはめ込めるか確認したい。


開発:HTMLのタグでやる場合、署名情報を通常は display:none かなんかで非表示にして必要に応じて表示する、各入れ子の部品に対して署名できるとかもできるのが良いと思います。


開発:候補がありすぎて何なんですが、innerHTMLにする、タグの属性にする、background-imageのdata URIにする、特定の形式のclass名にする、何でもアリかともいます。




開発:gsh.go.html は現在 6071行あります。ブラウザでこれを開いて、Raw Source > Whole file で textarea に表示したテキストをコピーしてファイルに書き込み、オリジナルファイルと比較。通常 Firefox でやっていますが、完全に再現・一致します。もっとも、open を open="" にしちゃう妙な癖に引っかからないようにしています。これって、Firefox のバグじゃないかと思うんですが…

開発:他でもやってみます。Chrome ... 完全一致。


開発:これが一番わかり易い方法なんで。クリップボードをファイルに吐くってどうやるんですかね… ともかく、そういう環境依存な方法ではなくて、GShell自体をHTTPサーバにして、http://xxx/yyy/gsh.goを要求されたらブラウザがダウンロード・保存できる形式で返そうと思っているのです。それはそうと、Opera では…


基盤:Chromium系4ブラウザはまあ、共通なんでしょうね。独立系の Firefox と Safari もOKと。あれ? Vivaldi は?





開発:やはりVivaldi はブックマークが良いので、調べ物とかは Vivaldi でやってずーっと開きっぱなしなんですよ。だから溜まりまくってしまって。


開発:一発でサブフレームプロセスを全部殺すっていう機能があると良いのですが。ぷち。ぷち。ぷち。… 少しは軽くなったような?





開発:あとはDOMダンプした文字列をダイジェスト関数に食わせるだけでintegrityは検証できます。class=digest みたいなタブにして追加する。このクラスのタブはダイジェストの対象から外す。まあ id 付けて DOM から消しちゃうか、検証対象の span の外に置く。ダイジェストに署名して同様に保存する。それを取り出して検証できれば完成。

基盤:span id=xxx へのダイジェストが class=digest id=xxx-digest とかだとわかりやすいですね。









基盤:刻み海苔 vs 青ノリ対決ですね。



社長:それで、食事しながら考えたんですが、PDF署名だ、S/MIMEだって考えてると、やりたいことの前の敷居が高すぎるなと。WordPress のプラグインだ、ブラウザの extension だってのも回りくどい。本当にやりたいことはめっちゃシンプルなわけですから。だからもう、HTML署名でいいかなって。



基盤:macOS の Mail ですが… HTMLで書いて送るツールは売られてますね。Mail自体がどうサポートしているかはちょっとわかりません。





基盤:まあ、gsh.html とか gsh.go は問題なく添付できます。バイナリの gsh とか はGmailの検閲にかかる模様。gsh.go の場合には、go を app 形式にして準備しておく必要はありそうです。


開発:ただ、gsh.html で添付して、ブラウザで開く。ブラウザ用にダウロードボタンを用意してダウンロードして、実行してもらうというのが、一番簡単だとは思いますが。

社長:うーん。.ghtml とかいう拡張子にしてですね、 で実行する、てな感じがうれしいですね。

基盤:gsh.img とかで送るとか。

社長:毎回それやるのは嫌ですね。一回 をインストールしたら、あとはそれに gsh.ghtml を食わせればOKというのがうれいしい。.ghtml は で実行するってデフォルトで設定して。


開発:メールの話は一旦置いて、話を巻き戻しますと、要するにHTMLに電子署名を内包させられれば、それは普通ユーザレベルのデータとして転送したり保存したり表示したりできる。特に gsh.html みたいなオールインワンの形式では。




開発:その点、HTMLだと、自身で表示されかたを定義できるし、CSSも JavaScript も内包できるから、リッチだしダイナミック。かといってオールインワンなら外部サイトにもアクセスしないから安全。










開発:あ、これは Go プログラムだからダメですねw。HTML からやるなら、JavaScript で無いと。

社長:40行程度のプログラムですから、簡単にJavaScript にもなると思いますが。

開発:なるほど。では型宣言とキャストを全部はずしてと… おっとイキナリコンパイル通りました。HTMLから配線して。動くかな…


開発:デベロッパコンソールで見る… あれ?引数が足りない。追加。

* * *


開発:いやあ、今まで JavaScript の文字列とか、+で結合するくらいしか処理したことが無かったので、その辺でつまづいてしまいました。Moz://a MDN でゼロから勉強です。

開発:ブレークスルーは、文字列の中の指定した位置のバイトの値を取り出すのが、charAt() だと思ってスタックしてたところから、ようやく charCodeAt() が正しいと気がついて脱出した時でしたw。あとは、CRCを作るビット演算をするのに整数が必要なのですが、なぜか32ビット以下には整数配列しか無い。不思議な言語です。

開発:CRCが済んだ後の課題は、自分のソースをダンプするところですが、これはHTMLエンティティがエンコードされているのを戻さないといけない。いや、エンコードされた状態でサインするというのも、別の用途でアリかなとは思います。でも、textarea 要素を作って innerHTMLに html で書いた後に、その .value プロパティでデコードされたテキストを読み出すというシャレたテクニックを Stackoverflow で引っ掛けたので、それでサクッと終わりました。

開発:で完成です。自分で自分自身の CRC32 を作れています。





開発:やってみましょう。これも90度で6分くらいですかね… ぽちっと。


開発:いやはや今日は、JavaScript の整数に疲れてしまいましたが、ソーステキストのダイジェストを取るとこは通過しました。普通のハッシュアルゴリズムは Go にパッケージが完備してますから、まあ繋ぐだけですね。







社長:きょうは早めに和やかに終了しようと思ったのですが、WordPressに gsh.html を貼り付けたら JavaScript が動かないようになってました。昨日の版までは動いてます。

開発:今日の追加分の関係ですよね。デベロッパモードで追跡。ああ、JavaScript で構文エラーだと。まさに今日追加したCRC32の部分ですね。あー、& が &#038; にされちゃってますね。<script> の中までそれをやるかねえ?

基盤:「拡張HTML」ブロックで見ると & に見えますから確信的ですね。

社長:というかこれ、普通に signed int32 と int8 にして、正負判定でいいんじゃないでしょうかね。



開発:& 演算子を使わないように変更しました。





社長:チェックサムの効用が早速出ましたねw 明日対処しましょう。

基盤:checksum の情報として、行数と語数も出てると人間にはうれしいですね。


-- 2020-0902 SatoxITS

/* GShell-0.2.9 by SatoxITS
GShell version 0.2.9 // 2020-09-02 // SatoxITS

GShell // a General purpose Shell built on the top of Golang

It is a shell for myself, by myself, of myself. --SatoxITS(^-^)

0 | | Fork | Stop | Unfold | Cksum | */ /*

Fun to create a shell

For a programmer, it must be far easy and fun to create his own simple shell rightly fitting to his favor and necessities, than learning existing shells with complex full features that he never use. I, as one of programmers, am writing this tiny shell for my own real needs, totally from scratch, with fun.

For a programmer, it is fun to learn new computer languages. For long years before writing this software, I had been specialized to C and early HTML2 :-). Now writing this software, I'm learning Go language, HTML5, JavaScript and CSS on demand as a novice of these, with fun.

This single file "gsh.go", that is executable by Go, contains all of the code written in Go. Also it can be displayed as "gsh.go.html" by browsers. It is a standalone HTML file that works as the viewer of the code of itself, and as the "home page" of this software.

Because this HTML file is a Go program, you may run it as a real shell program on your computer. But you must be aware that this program is written under situation like above. Needless to say, there is no warranty for this program in any means.

Aug 2020, SatoxITS (
*/ /*

Vi compatible command line editor

The command line of GShell can be edited with commands compatible with vi. As in vi, you can enter command mode by ESC key, then move around in the history by j k / ? n N, or within the current line by l h f w b 0 $ % or so.

*/ /*
Documents Command summary Go lang part Package structures import struct Main functions str-expansion // macro processor finder // builtin find + du grep // builtin grep + wc + cksum + ... plugin // plugin commands system // external commands builtin // builtin commands network // socket handler remote-sh // remote shell redirect // StdIn/Out redireciton history // command history rusage // resouce usage encode // encode / decode IME // command line IME getline // line editor scanf // string decomposer interpreter // command interpreter main JavaScript part Source Builtin data CSS part Source References Internal External Whole parts Source Download Dump
*/ //
//Go Source
// gsh - Go lang based Shell // (c) 2020 ITS more Co., Ltd. // 2020-0807 created by SatoxITS ( package main // gsh main // Imported packages // Packages import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "strconv" // strconv "sort" // sort "time" // time "bufio" // bufio "io/ioutil" // ioutil "os" // os "syscall" // syscall "plugin" // plugin "net" // net "net/http" // http //"html" // html "path/filepath" // filepath "go/types" // types "go/token" // token "encoding/base64" // base64 "unicode/utf8" // utf8 //"gshdata" // gshell's logo and source code "hash/crc32" // crc32 ) const ( NAME = "gsh" VERSION = "0.2.9" DATE = "2020-09-02" AUTHOR = "SatoxITS(^-^)/" ) var ( GSH_HOME = ".gsh" // under home directory GSH_PORT = 9999 MaxStreamSize = int64(128*1024*1024*1024) // 128GiB is too large? PROMPT = "> " LINESIZE = (8*1024) PATHSEP = ":" // should be ";" in Windows DIRSEP = "/" // canbe \ in Windows ) // -xX logging control // --A-- all // --I-- info. // --D-- debug // --T-- time and resource usage // --W-- warning // --E-- error // --F-- fatal error // --Xn- network // Structures type GCommandHistory struct { StartAt time.Time // command line execution started at EndAt time.Time // command line execution ended at ResCode int // exit code of (external command) CmdError error // error string OutData *os.File // output of the command FoundFile []string // output - result of ufind Rusagev [2]syscall.Rusage // Resource consumption, CPU time or so CmdId int // maybe with identified with arguments or impact // redireciton commands should not be the CmdId WorkDir string // working directory at start WorkDirX int // index in ChdirHistory CmdLine string // command line } type GChdirHistory struct { Dir string MovedAt time.Time CmdIndex int } type CmdMode struct { BackGround bool } type Event struct { when time.Time event int evarg int64 CmdIndex int } var CmdIndex int var Events []Event type PluginInfo struct { Spec *plugin.Plugin Addr plugin.Symbol Name string // maybe relative Path string // this is in Plugin but hidden } type GServer struct { host string port string } // Digest const ( // SumType SUM_ITEMS = 0x000001 // items count SUM_SIZE = 0x000002 // data length (simplly added) SUM_SIZEHASH = 0x000004 // data length (hashed sequence) SUM_DATEHASH = 0x000008 // date of data (hashed sequence) // also envelope attributes like time stamp can be a part of digest // hashed value of sizes or mod-date of files will be useful to detect changes SUM_WORDS = 0x000010 // word count is a kind of digest SUM_LINES = 0x000020 // line count is a kind of digest SUM_SUM64 = 0x000040 // simple add of bytes, useful for human too SUM_SUM32_BITS = 0x000100 // the number of true bits SUM_SUM32_2BYTE = 0x000200 // 16bits words SUM_SUM32_4BYTE = 0x000400 // 32bits words SUM_SUM32_8BYTE = 0x000800 // 64bits words SUM_SUM16_BSD = 0x001000 // UNIXsum -sum -bsd SUM_SUM16_SYSV = 0x002000 // UNIXsum -sum -sysv SUM_UNIXFILE = 0x004000 SUM_CRCIEEE = 0x008000 ) type CheckSum struct { Files int64 // the number of files (or data) Size int64 // content size Words int64 // word count Lines int64 // line count SumType int Sum64 uint64 Crc32Table crc32.Table Crc32Val uint32 Sum16 int Ctime time.Time Atime time.Time Mtime time.Time Start time.Time Done time.Time RusgAtStart [2]syscall.Rusage RusgAtEnd [2]syscall.Rusage } type ValueStack [][]string type GshContext struct { StartDir string // the current directory at the start GetLine string // gsh-getline command as a input line editor ChdirHistory []GChdirHistory // the 1st entry is wd at the start gshPA syscall.ProcAttr CommandHistory []GCommandHistory CmdCurrent GCommandHistory BackGround bool BackGroundJobs []int LastRusage syscall.Rusage GshHomeDir string TerminalId int CmdTrace bool // should be [map] CmdTime bool // should be [map] PluginFuncs []PluginInfo iValues []string iDelimiter string // field sepearater of print out iFormat string // default print format (of integer) iValStack ValueStack LastServer GServer RSERV string // [gsh://]host[:port] RWD string // remote (target, there) working directory lastCheckSum CheckSum } func nsleep(ns time.Duration){ time.Sleep(ns) } func usleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000) } func msleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000) } func sleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000000) } func strBegins(str, pat string)(bool){ if len(pat) <= len(str){ yes := str[0:len(pat)] == pat //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,yes) return yes } //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,false) return false } func isin(what string, list []string) bool { for _, v := range list { if v == what { return true } } return false } func isinX(what string,list[]string)(int){ for i,v := range list { if v == what { return i } } return -1 } func env(opts []string) { env := os.Environ() if isin("-s", opts){ sort.Slice(env, func(i,j int) bool { return env[i] < env[j] }) } for _, v := range env { fmt.Printf("%v\n",v) } } // - rewriting should be context dependent // - should postpone until the real point of evaluation // - should rewrite only known notation of symobl func scanInt(str string)(val int,leng int){ leng = -1 for i,ch := range str { if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { leng = i+1 }else{ break } } if 0 < leng { ival,_ := strconv.Atoi(str[0:leng]) return ival,leng }else{ return 0,0 } } func substHistory(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,i int,rstr string)(leng int,rst string){ if len(str[i+1:]) == 0 { return 0,rstr } hi := 0 histlen := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) if str[i+1] == '!' { hi = histlen - 1 leng = 1 }else{ hi,leng = scanInt(str[i+1:]) if leng == 0 { return 0,rstr } if hi < 0 { hi = histlen + hi } } if 0 <= hi && hi < histlen { var ext byte if 1 < len(str[i+leng:]) { ext = str[i+leng:][1] } //fmt.Printf("--D-- %v(%c)\n",str[i+leng:],str[i+leng]) if ext == 'f' { leng += 1 xlist := []string{} list := gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].FoundFile for _,v := range list { //list[i] = escapeWhiteSP(v) xlist = append(xlist,escapeWhiteSP(v)) } //rstr += strings.Join(list," ") rstr += strings.Join(xlist," ") }else if ext == '@' || ext == 'd' { // !N@ .. workdir at the start of the command leng += 1 rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].WorkDir }else{ rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].CmdLine } }else{ leng = 0 } return leng,rstr } func escapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ if len(str) == 0 { return "\\z" // empty, to be ignored } rstr := "" for _,ch := range str { switch ch { case '\\': rstr += "\\\\" case ' ': rstr += "\\s" case '\t': rstr += "\\t" case '\r': rstr += "\\r" case '\n': rstr += "\\n" default: rstr += string(ch) } } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ // strip original escapes rstr := "" for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { ch := str[i] if ch == '\\' { if i+1 < len(str) { switch str[i+1] { case 'z': continue; } } } rstr += string(ch) } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSPV(strv []string)([]string){ // strip original escapes ustrv := []string{} for _,v := range strv { ustrv = append(ustrv,unescapeWhiteSP(v)) } return ustrv } // str-expansion // - this should be a macro processor func strsubst(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,histonly bool) string { rbuff := []byte{} if false { //@@U Unicode should be cared as a character return str } //rstr := "" inEsc := 0 // escape characer mode for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { //fmt.Printf("--D--Subst %v:%v\n",i,str[i:]) ch := str[i] if inEsc == 0 { if ch == '!' { //leng,xrstr := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,rstr) leng,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") if 0 < leng { //_,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) i += leng //rstr = xrstr continue } } switch ch { case '\\': inEsc = '\\'; continue //case '%': inEsc = '%'; continue case '$': } } switch inEsc { case '\\': switch ch { case '\\': ch = '\\' case 's': ch = ' ' case 't': ch = '\t' case 'r': ch = '\r' case 'n': ch = '\n' case 'z': inEsc = 0; continue // empty, to be ignored } inEsc = 0 case '%': switch { case ch == '%': ch = '%' case ch == 'T': //rstr = rstr + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rs := time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) inEsc = 0 continue; default: // postpone the interpretation //rstr = rstr + "%" + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) inEsc = 0 continue; } inEsc = 0 } //rstr = rstr + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) } //fmt.Printf("--D--subst(%s)(%s)\n",str,string(rbuff)) return string(rbuff) //return rstr } func showFileInfo(path string, opts []string) { if isin("-l",opts) || isin("-ls",opts) { fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("---------- ((%v))",err) }else{ mod := fi.ModTime() date := mod.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("%v %8v %s ",fi.Mode(),fi.Size(),date) } } fmt.Printf("%s",path) if isin("-sp",opts) { fmt.Printf(" ") }else if ! isin("-n",opts) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func userHomeDir()(string,bool){ /* homedir,_ = os.UserHomeDir() // not implemented in older Golang */ homedir,found := os.LookupEnv("HOME") //fmt.Printf("--I-- HOME=%v(%v)\n",homedir,found) if !found { return "/tmp",found } return homedir,found } func toFullpath(path string) (fullpath string) { if path[0] == '/' { return path } pathv := strings.Split(path,DIRSEP) switch { case pathv[0] == ".": pathv[0], _ = os.Getwd() case pathv[0] == "..": // all ones should be interpreted cwd, _ := os.Getwd() ppathv := strings.Split(cwd,DIRSEP) pathv[0] = strings.Join(ppathv,DIRSEP) case pathv[0] == "~": pathv[0],_ = userHomeDir() default: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() pathv[0] = cwd + DIRSEP + pathv[0] } return strings.Join(pathv,DIRSEP) } func IsRegFile(path string)(bool){ fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() return fm.IsRegular(); } return false } // Encode / Decode // Encoder func (gshCtx *GshContext)Enc(argv[]string){ file := os.Stdin buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) li := 0 encoder := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdout) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } encoder.Write(buff[0:count]) } encoder.Close() } func (gshCtx *GshContext)Dec(argv[]string){ decoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdin) li := 0 buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := decoder.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } os.Stdout.Write(buff[0:count]) } } // lnsp [N] [-crlf][-C \\] func (gshCtx *GshContext)SplitLine(argv[]string){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,64*1024) ni := 0 toi := 0 for ni = 0; ; ni++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d (%v)\n",ni,toi,err) break } } off := 0 ilen := len(line) remlen := len(line) for oi := 0; 0 < remlen; oi++ { olen := remlen addnl := false if 72 < olen { olen = 72 addnl = true } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--D-- write %d [%d.%d] %d %d/%d/%d\n", toi,ni,oi,off,olen,remlen,ilen) toi += 1 os.Stdout.Write([]byte(line[0:olen])) if addnl { //os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\r\n")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\\")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } line = line[olen:] off += olen remlen -= olen } } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d\n",ni,toi) } // CRC32 crc32 // 1 0000 0100 1100 0001 0001 1101 1011 0111 var CRC32UNIX uint32 = uint32(0x04C11DB7) // Unix cksum var CRC32IEEE uint32 = uint32(0xEDB88320) func byteCRC32add(crc uint32,str[]byte,len uint64)(uint32){ var oi uint64 for oi = 0; oi < len; oi++ { var oct = str[oi] for bi := 0; bi < 8; bi++ { //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 %d %X (%d.%d)\n",crc,oct,oi,bi) ovf1 := (crc & 0x80000000) != 0 ovf2 := (oct & 0x80) != 0 ovf := (ovf1 && !ovf2) || (!ovf1 && ovf2) oct <<= 1 crc <<= 1 if ovf { crc ^= CRC32UNIX } } } //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 return %d %d\n",crc,len) return crc; } func byteCRC32end(crc uint32, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = byteCRC32add(crc,slen,uint64(li)) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func strCRC32(str string,len uint64)(crc uint32){ crc = byteCRC32add(0,[]byte(str),len) crc = byteCRC32end(crc,len) //fprintf(stderr,"--CRC32 %d %d\n",crc,len) return crc } func CRC32Finish(crc uint32, table *crc32.Table, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len & 0xFF) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = crc32.Update(crc,table,slen) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func (gsh*GshContext)xCksum(path string,argv[]string, sum*CheckSum)(int64){ if isin("-type/f",argv) && !IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } if isin("-type/d",argv) && IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- cksum %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- cksum %v %v\n",path,argv) } bi := 0 var buff = make([]byte,32*1024) var total int64 = 0 var initTime = time.Time{} if sum.Start == initTime { sum.Start = time.Now() } for bi = 0; ; bi++ { count,err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 || err != nil { break } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { s := sum.Sum64 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s += uint64(c) } sum.Sum64 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32add(sum.Crc32Val,buff,uint64(count)) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_CRCIEEE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = crc32.Update(sum.Crc32Val,&sum.Crc32Table,buff[0:count]) } // BSD checksum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { s := sum.Sum16 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s = (s >> 1) + ((s & 1) << 15) s += int(c) s &= 0xFFFF //fmt.Printf("BSDsum: %d[%d] %d\n",sum.Size+int64(i),i,s) } sum.Sum16 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { for bj := 0; bj < count; bj++ { sum.Sum16 += int(buff[bj]) } } total += int64(count) } sum.Done = time.Now() sum.Files += 1 sum.Size += total if !isin("-s",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v ",total) } return 0 } // grep // "lines", "lin" or "lnp" for "(text) line processor" or "scanner" // a*,!ab,c, ... sequentioal combination of patterns // what "LINE" is should be definable // generic line-by-line processing // grep [-v] // cat -n -v // uniq [-c] // tail -f // sed s/x/y/ or awk // grep with line count like wc // rewrite contents if specified func (gsh*GshContext)xGrep(path string,rexpv[]string)(int){ file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- grep %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- grep %v %v\n",path,rexpv) } //reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,LINESIZE) reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,80) li := 0 found := 0 for li = 0; ; li++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { break } if 150 < len(line) { // maybe binary break; } if err != nil { break } if 0 <= strings.Index(string(line),rexpv[0]) { found += 1 fmt.Printf("%s:%d: %s",path,li,line) } } //fmt.Printf("total %d lines %s\n",li,path) //if( 0 < found ){ fmt.Printf("((found %d lines %s))\n",found,path); } return found } // Finder // finding files with it name and contents // file names are ORed // show the content with %x fmt list // ls -R // tar command by adding output type fileSum struct { Err int64 // access error or so Size int64 // content size DupSize int64 // content size from hard links Blocks int64 // number of blocks (of 512 bytes) DupBlocks int64 // Blocks pointed from hard links HLinks int64 // hard links Words int64 Lines int64 Files int64 Dirs int64 // the num. of directories SymLink int64 Flats int64 // the num. of flat files MaxDepth int64 MaxNamlen int64 // max. name length nextRepo time.Time } func showFusage(dir string,fusage *fileSum){ bsume := float64(((fusage.Blocks-fusage.DupBlocks)/2)*1024)/1000000.0 //bsumdup := float64((fusage.Blocks/2)*1024)/1000000.0 fmt.Printf("%v: %v files (%vd %vs %vh) %.6f MB (%.2f MBK)\n", dir, fusage.Files, fusage.Dirs, fusage.SymLink, fusage.HLinks, float64(fusage.Size)/1000000.0,bsume); } const ( S_IFMT = 0170000 S_IFCHR = 0020000 S_IFDIR = 0040000 S_IFREG = 0100000 S_IFLNK = 0120000 S_IFSOCK = 0140000 ) func cumFinfo(fsum *fileSum, path string, staterr error, fstat syscall.Stat_t, argv[]string,verb bool)(*fileSum){ now := time.Now() if time.Second <= now.Sub(fsum.nextRepo) { if !fsum.nextRepo.IsZero(){ tstmp := now.Format(time.Stamp) showFusage(tstmp,fsum) } fsum.nextRepo = now.Add(time.Second) } if staterr != nil { fsum.Err += 1 return fsum } fsum.Files += 1 if 1 < fstat.Nlink { // must count only once... // at least ignore ones in the same directory //if finfo.Mode().IsRegular() { if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG { fsum.HLinks += 1 fsum.DupBlocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //fmt.Printf("---Dup HardLink %v %s\n",fstat.Nlink,path) } } //fsum.Size += finfo.Size() fsum.Size += fstat.Size fsum.Blocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //if verb { fmt.Printf("(%8dBlk) %s",fstat.Blocks/2,path) } if isin("-ls",argv){ //if verb { fmt.Printf("%4d %8d ",fstat.Blksize,fstat.Blocks) } // fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } //if finfo.IsDir() if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { fsum.Dirs += 1 } //if (finfo.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { //if verb { fmt.Printf("symlink(%v,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } //{ fmt.Printf("symlink(%o,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } fsum.SymLink += 1 } return fsum } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFindEntv(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string, dstat syscall.Stat_t, ei int, entv []string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) // sort entv /* if isin("-t",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].ModTime().Sub(filev[j].ModTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-u",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].AccTime().Sub(filev[j].AccTime()) }) } if isin("-U",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].CreatTime().Sub(filev[j].CreatTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-S",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return filev[j].Size() < filev[i].Size() }) } */ for _,filename := range entv { for _,npat := range npatv { match := true if npat == "*" { match = true }else{ match, _ = filepath.Match(npat,filename) } path := dir + DIRSEP + filename if !match { continue } var fstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(path,&fstat) if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } continue; } if isin("-du",argv) && (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { // should not show size of directory in "-du" mode ... }else if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { if isin("-du",argv) { fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } showFileInfo(path,argv) } if true { // && isin("-du",argv) total = cumFinfo(total,path,staterr,fstat,argv,false) } /* if isin("-wc",argv) { } */ if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { gsh.xCksum(path,argv,&gsh.lastCheckSum); } x := isinX("-grep",argv); // -grep will be convenient like -ls if 0 <= x && x+1 <= len(argv) { // -grep will be convenient like -ls if IsRegFile(path){ found := gsh.xGrep(path,argv[x+1:]) if 0 < found { foundv := gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile if len(foundv) < 10 { gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = append(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile,path) } } } } if !isin("-r0",argv) { // -d 0 in du, -depth n in find //total.Depth += 1 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { continue } if dstat.Rdev != fstat.Rdev { fmt.Printf("--I-- don't follow differnet device %v(%v) %v(%v)\n", dir,dstat.Rdev,path,fstat.Rdev) } if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { total = gsh.xxFind(depth+1,total,path,npatv,argv) } } } } return total } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFind(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) dirfile,oerr := os.OpenFile(dir,os.O_RDONLY,0) if oerr == nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- %v(%v)[%d]\n",dir,dirfile,dirfile.Fd()) defer dirfile.Close() }else{ } prev := *total var dstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(dir,&dstat) // should be flstat if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } return total } //filev,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) //_,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) // ReadDir() heavy and bad for huge directory /* if err != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",err) } return total } */ if depth == 0 { total = cumFinfo(total,dir,staterr,dstat,argv,true) if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { showFileInfo(dir,argv) } } // it it is not a directory, just scan it and finish for ei := 0; ; ei++ { entv,rderr := dirfile.Readdirnames(8*1024) if len(entv) == 0 || rderr != nil { //if rderr != nil { fmt.Printf("[%d] len=%d (%v)\n",ei,len(entv),rderr) } break } if 0 < ei { fmt.Printf("--I-- xxFind[%d] %d large-dir: %s\n",ei,len(entv),dir) } total = gsh.xxFindEntv(depth,total,dir,dstat,ei,entv,npatv,argv) } if isin("-du",argv) { // if in "du" mode fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n",(total.Blocks-prev.Blocks)/2,dir) } return total } // {ufind|fu|ls} [Files] [// Names] [-- Expressions] // Files is "." by default // Names is "*" by default // Expressions is "-print" by default for "ufind", or -du for "fu" command func (gsh*GshContext)xFind(argv[]string){ if 0 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[0],"?"){ showFound(gsh,argv) return } if isin("-cksum",argv) || isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum = CheckSum{} if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-add",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-size",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SIZE }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-bsd",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_BSD }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-sysv",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_SYSV }else if isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 } if isin("-unix",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_UNIXFILE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32UNIX) } if isin("-ieee",argv){ gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_CRCIEEE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32IEEE) } gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtStart = Getrusagev() } var total = fileSum{} npats := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if 0 < len(v) && v[0] != '-' { npats = append(npats,v) } if v == "//" { break } if v == "--" { break } if v == "-grep" { break } if v == "-ls" { break } } if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } cwd := "." // if to be fullpath ::: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } fusage := gsh.xxFind(0,&total,cwd,npats,argv) if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { var sumi uint64 = 0 sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SIZE) != 0 { sumi = uint64(sum.Size) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { sumi = sum.Sum64 } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { s := uint32(sum.Sum16) r := (s & 0xFFFF) + ((s & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 16) s = (r & 0xFFFF) + (r >> 16) sum.Crc32Val = uint32(s) sumi = uint64(s) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = uint32(sum.Sum16) sumi = uint64(sum.Sum16) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size)) sumi = uint64(byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size))) } if 1 < sum.Files { fmt.Printf("%v %v // %v / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sumi,sum.Size, abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files, abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", sumi,sum.Size,npats[0]) } } if !isin("-grep",argv) { showFusage("total",fusage) } if !isin("-s",argv){ hits := len(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile) if 0 < hits { fmt.Printf("--I-- %d files hits // can be refered with !%df\n", hits,len(gsh.CommandHistory)) } } if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { if isin("-ru",argv) { sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum sum.Done = time.Now() gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtEnd = Getrusagev() elps := sum.Done.Sub(sum.Start) fmt.Printf("--cksum-size: %v (%v) / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sum.Size,abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files,abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) nanos := int64(elps) fmt.Printf("--cksum-time: %v/total, %v/file, %.1f files/s, %v\r\n", abbtime(nanos), abbtime(nanos/sum.Files), (float64(sum.Files)*1000000000.0)/float64(nanos), abbspeed(sum.Size,nanos)) diff := RusageSubv(sum.RusgAtEnd,sum.RusgAtStart) fmt.Printf("--cksum-rusg: %v\n",sRusagef("",argv,diff)) } } return } func showFiles(files[]string){ sp := "" for i,file := range files { if 0 < i { sp = " " } else { sp = "" } fmt.Printf(sp+"%s",escapeWhiteSP(file)) } } func showFound(gshCtx *GshContext, argv[]string){ for i,v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { if 0 < len(v.FoundFile) { fmt.Printf("!%d (%d) ",i,len(v.FoundFile)) if isin("-ls",argv){ fmt.Printf("\n") for _,file := range v.FoundFile { fmt.Printf("") //sub number? showFileInfo(file,argv) } }else{ showFiles(v.FoundFile) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } } func showMatchFile(filev []os.FileInfo, npat,dir string, argv[]string)(string,bool){ fname := "" found := false for _,v := range filev { match, _ := filepath.Match(npat,(v.Name())) if match { fname = v.Name() found = true //fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n",i,v.Name()) showIfExecutable(fname,dir,argv) } } return fname,found } func showIfExecutable(name,dir string,argv[]string)(ffullpath string,ffound bool){ var fullpath string if strBegins(name,DIRSEP){ fullpath = name }else{ fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name } fi, err := os.Stat(fullpath) if err != nil { fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name + ".go" fi, err = os.Stat(fullpath) } if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() if fm.IsRegular() { // R_OK=4, W_OK=2, X_OK=1, F_OK=0 if syscall.Access(fullpath,5) == nil { ffullpath = fullpath ffound = true if ! isin("-s", argv) { showFileInfo(fullpath,argv) } } } } return ffullpath, ffound } func which(list string, argv []string) (fullpathv []string, itis bool){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("Usage: which comand [-s] [-a] [-ls]\n") return []string{""}, false } path := argv[1] if strBegins(path,"/") { // should check if excecutable? _,exOK := showIfExecutable(path,"/",argv) fmt.Printf("--D-- %v exOK=%v\n",path,exOK) return []string{path},exOK } pathenv, efound := os.LookupEnv(list) if ! efound { fmt.Printf("--E-- which: no \"%s\" environment\n",list) return []string{""}, false } showall := isin("-a",argv) || 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") dirv := strings.Split(pathenv,PATHSEP) ffound := false ffullpath := path for _, dir := range dirv { if 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") { // by wild-card list,_ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) ffullpath, ffound = showMatchFile(list,path,dir,argv) }else{ ffullpath, ffound = showIfExecutable(path,dir,argv) } //if ffound && !isin("-a", argv) { if ffound && !showall { break; } } return []string{ffullpath}, ffound } func stripLeadingWSParg(argv[]string)([]string){ for ; 0 < len(argv); { if len(argv[0]) == 0 { argv = argv[1:] }else{ break } } return argv } func xEval(argv []string, nlend bool){ argv = stripLeadingWSParg(argv) if len(argv) == 0 { fmt.Printf("eval [%%format] [Go-expression]\n") return } pfmt := "%v" if argv[0][0] == '%' { pfmt = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if len(argv) == 0 { return } gocode := strings.Join(argv," "); //fmt.Printf("eval [%v] [%v]\n",pfmt,gocode) fset := token.NewFileSet() rval, _ := types.Eval(fset,nil,token.NoPos,gocode) fmt.Printf(pfmt,rval.Value) if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func getval(name string) (found bool, val int) { /* should expand the name here */ if name == "" { return true, os.Getpid() }else if name == "gsh.ppid" { return true, os.Getppid() } return false, 0 } func echo(argv []string, nlend bool){ for ai := 1; ai < len(argv); ai++ { if 1 < ai { fmt.Printf(" "); } arg := argv[ai] found, val := getval(arg) if found { fmt.Printf("%d",val) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",arg) } } if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n"); } } func resfile() string { return "gsh.tmp" } //var resF *File func resmap() { //_ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, os.ModeAppend) // _ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("refF could not open: %s\n",err) }else{ fmt.Printf("refF opened\n") } } // @@2020-0821 func gshScanArg(str string,strip int)(argv []string){ var si = 0 var sb = 0 var inBracket = 0 var arg1 = make([]byte,LINESIZE) var ax = 0 debug := false for ; si < len(str); si++ { if str[si] != ' ' { break } } sb = si for ; si < len(str); si++ { if sb <= si { if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- +%d %2d-%2d %s ... %s\n", inBracket,sb,si,arg1[0:ax],str[si:]) } } ch := str[si] if ch == '{' { inBracket += 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket <= strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d <= %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } if 0 < inBracket { if ch == '}' { inBracket -= 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket < strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d < %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 continue } if str[si] == ' ' { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,str[sb:si],string(str[si:])) } sb = si+1 ax = 0 continue } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 } if sb < si { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,string(arg1[0:ax]),string(str[si:])) } } if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- %d [%s] => [%d]%v\n",strip,str,len(argv),argv) } return argv } // should get stderr (into tmpfile ?) and return func (gsh*GshContext)Popen(name,mode string)(pin*os.File,pout*os.File,err bool){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) xarg := gshScanArg(name,1) name = strings.Join(xarg," ") pin = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[0]),"StdoutOf-{"+name+"}") pout = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[1]),"StdinOf-{"+name+"}") fdix := 0 dir := "?" if mode == "r" { dir = "<" fdix = 1 // read from the stdout of the process }else{ dir = ">" fdix = 0 // write to the stdin of the process } gshPA := gsh.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] var fd uintptr = 0 if mode == "r" { fd = pout.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pout.Fd() }else{ fd = pin.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pin.Fd() } // should do this by Goroutine? if false { fmt.Printf("--Ip- Opened fd[%v] %s %v\n",fd,dir,name) fmt.Printf("--RED1 [%d,%d,%d]->[%d,%d,%d]\n", os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd(), pin.Fd(),pout.Fd(),pout.Fd()) } savi := os.Stdin savo := os.Stdout save := os.Stderr os.Stdin = pin os.Stdout = pout os.Stderr = pout gsh.BackGround = true gsh.gshelllh(name) gsh.BackGround = false os.Stdin = savi os.Stdout = savo os.Stderr = save gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return pin,pout,false } // External commands func (gsh*GshContext)excommand(exec bool, argv []string) (notf bool,exit bool) { if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- excommand[%v](%v)\n",exec,argv) } gshPA := gsh.gshPA fullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which",argv[0],"-s"}) if itis == false { return true,false } fullpath := fullpathv[0] argv = unescapeWhiteSPV(argv) if 0 < strings.Index(fullpath,".go") { nargv := argv // []string{} gofullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which","go","-s"}) if itis == false { fmt.Printf("--F-- Go not found\n") return false,true } gofullpath := gofullpathv[0] nargv = []string{ gofullpath, "run", fullpath } fmt.Printf("--I-- %s {%s %s %s}\n",gofullpath, nargv[0],nargv[1],nargv[2]) if exec { syscall.Exec(gofullpath,nargv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(gofullpath,nargv,&gshPA) if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),nargv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage) gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } }else{ if exec { syscall.Exec(fullpath,argv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(fullpath,argv,&gshPA) //fmt.Printf("[%d]\n",pid); // '&' to be background if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),argv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage); gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } } return false,false } // Builtin Commands func (gshCtx *GshContext) sleep(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Sleep 100ms, 100us, 100ns, ...\n") return } duration := argv[1]; d, err := time.ParseDuration(duration) if err != nil { d, err = time.ParseDuration(duration+"s") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("duration ? %s (%s)\n",duration,err) return } } //fmt.Printf("Sleep %v\n",duration) time.Sleep(d) if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)repeat(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { return } start0 := time.Now() for ri,_ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]); 0 < ri; ri-- { if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { //start := time.Now() gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start0); if( 1000000000 < elps ){ fmt.Printf("(repeat#%d %v)\n",ri,elps); } } } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)gen(argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: %s N\n",argv[0]) return } // should br repeated by "repeat" command count, _ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]) fd := gshPA.Files[1] // Stdout file := os.NewFile(fd,"internalStdOut") fmt.Printf("--I-- Gen. Count=%d to [%d]\n",count,file.Fd()) //buf := []byte{} outdata := "0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678\r" for gi := 0; gi < count; gi++ { file.WriteString(outdata) } //file.WriteString("\n") fmt.Printf("\n(%d B)\n",count*len(outdata)); //file.Close() } // Remote Execution // 2020-0820 func Elapsed(from time.Time)(string){ elps := time.Now().Sub(from) if 1000000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%5d.%02ds]",elps/1000000000,(elps%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dms]",elps/1000000,(elps%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dus]",elps/1000,(elps%1000)) } } func abbtime(nanos int64)(string){ if 1000000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%02ds",nanos/1000000000,(nanos%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dms",nanos/1000000,(nanos%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dus",nanos/1000,(nanos%1000)) } } func abssize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func absize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func abbspeed(totalB int64,ns int64)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGB/s",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMB/s",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKB/s",MBs*1000) } } func abspeed(totalB int64,ns time.Duration)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGBps",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMBps",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKBps",MBs*1000) } } func fileRelay(what string,in*os.File,out*os.File,size int64,bsiz int)(wcount int64){ Start := time.Now() buff := make([]byte,bsiz) var total int64 = 0 var rem int64 = size nio := 0 Prev := time.Now() var PrevSize int64 = 0 fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) START\n", what,absize(total),size,nio) for i:= 0; ; i++ { var len = bsiz if int(rem) < len { len = int(rem) } Now := time.Now() Elps := Now.Sub(Prev); if 1000000000 < Now.Sub(Prev) { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %s\n", what,absize(total),size,nio, abspeed((total-PrevSize),Elps)) Prev = Now; PrevSize = total } rlen := len if in != nil { // should watch the disconnection of out rcc,err := in.Read(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s read(%v,%v)<%v\n", what,rcc,err,in.Name()) break } rlen = rcc if string(buff[0:10]) == "((SoftEOF " { var ecc int64 = 0 fmt.Sscanf(string(buff),"((SoftEOF %v",&ecc) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s Recv ((SoftEOF %v))/%v\n", what,ecc,total) if ecc == total { break } } } wlen := rlen if out != nil { wcc,err := out.Write(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"-En-- X: %s write(%v,%v)>%v\n", what,wcc,err,out.Name()) break } wlen = wcc } if wlen < rlen { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s incomplete write (%v/%v)\n", what,wlen,rlen) break; } nio += 1 total += int64(rlen) rem -= int64(rlen) if rem <= 0 { break } } Done := time.Now() Elps := float64(Done.Sub(Start))/1000000000 //Seconds TotalMB := float64(total)/1000000 //MB MBps := TotalMB / Elps fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %v %.3fMB/s\n", what,total,size,nio,absize(total),MBps) return total } func tcpPush(clnt *os.File){ // shrink socket buffer and recover usleep(100); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecServer(argv[]string){ debug := true Start0 := time.Now() Start := Start0 // if local == ":" { local = "" } local := "" if 0 < len(argv) { if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } } if 0 < len(argv) { argv = argv[1:] } port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } reqbuf := make([]byte,LINESIZE) res := "" for { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() Start = time.Now() if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } clnt, _ := aconn.File() fd := clnt.Fd() ar := aconn.RemoteAddr() if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Accepted TCP at %s [%d] <- %v\n", local,fd,ar) } res = fmt.Sprintf("220 GShell/%s Server\r\n",VERSION) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%s",res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %s",res) } count, err := clnt.Read(reqbuf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- C: (%v %v) %v", count,err,string(reqbuf)) } req := string(reqbuf[:count]) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",string(req)) } reqv := strings.Split(string(req),"\r") cmdv := gshScanArg(reqv[0],0) //cmdv := strings.Split(reqv[0]," ") switch cmdv[0] { case "HELO": res = fmt.Sprintf("250 %v",req) case "GET": // download {remotefile|-zN} [localfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var in *os.File = nil var pseudoEOF = false if 1 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() in = xin dsize = MaxStreamSize pseudoEOF = true } }else{ xin,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- GET (%v)\n",err) }else{ defer xin.Close() in = xin fi,_ := xin.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() } } } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- GET %v:%v\n",dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 %v\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v",res) tcpPush(clnt); // should be separated as line in receiver fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) wcount := fileRelay("SendGET",in,clnt,dsize,bsize) if pseudoEOF { in.Close() // pipe from the command // show end of stream data (its size) by OOB? SoftEOF := fmt.Sprintf("((SoftEOF %v))",wcount) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Send %v\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF data apper at the top of recevied data fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v\r\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF alone in a packet (separate with 200 OK) // with client generated random? //fmt.Printf("--In- L: close %v (%v)\n",in.Fd(),in.Name()) } res = fmt.Sprintf("200 GET done\r\n") case "PUT": // upload {srcfile|-zN} [dstfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var out *os.File = nil if 1 < len(cmdv) { // localfile fmt.Sscanf(cmdv[1],"%d",&dsize) } if 2 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[2] if fname == "-" { // nul dev }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) //fmt.Printf("--In- S: open(%v) out(%v) err(%v)\n",fname,xout,err) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- PUT (%v)\n",err) }else{ out = xout } } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,w) %v (%v)\n", fname,local,err) } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: 200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fileRelay("RecvPUT",clnt,out,dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 PUT done\r\n") default: res = fmt.Sprintf("400 What? %v",req) } swcc,serr := clnt.Write([]byte(res)) if serr != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: (wc=%v er=%v) %v",swcc,serr,res) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) } aconn.Close(); clnt.Close(); } sconn.Close(); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecClient(argv[]string)(int,string){ debug := true Start := time.Now() if len(argv) == 1 { return -1,"EmptyARG" } argv = argv[1:] if argv[0] == "-serv" { gsh.RexecServer(argv[1:]) return 0,"Server" } remote := "" if argv[0][0] == '@' { remote = argv[0][1:] argv = argv[1:] } if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"AddressError" } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connecting to %s\n",remote) serv, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"CannotConnect" } if debug { al := serv.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connected to %v <- %v\n",remote,al) } req := "" res := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count,err := serv.Read(res) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: (%3d,%v) %v",count,err,string(res)) } if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res)) } if argv[0] == "GET" { savPA := gsh.gshPA var bsize int = 64*1024 req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) fmt.Fprintf(serv,req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if err != nil { }else{ var dsize int64 = 0 var out *os.File = nil var out_tobeclosed *os.File = nil var fname string = "" var rcode int = 0 var pid int = -1 fmt.Sscanf(string(res),"%d %d",&rcode,&dsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) if 3 <= len(argv) { fname = argv[2] if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout out_tobeclosed = xout pid = 0 // should be its pid } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Print("--En- %v\n",err) } out = xout //fmt.Printf("--In-- %d > %s\n",out.Fd(),fname) } } in,_ := serv.File() fileRelay("RecvGET",in,out,dsize,bsize) if 0 <= pid { gsh.gshPA = savPA // recovery of Fd(), and more? fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: close Pipe > %v\n",fname) out_tobeclosed.Close() //syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) //@@ } } }else if argv[0] == "PUT" { remote, _ := serv.File() var local *os.File = nil var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var ofile string = "-" //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex %v\n",argv) if 1 < len(argv) { fname := argv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() //in = xin local = xin fmt.Printf("--In- [%d] < Upload output of %v\n", local.Fd(),fname) ofile = "-from."+fname dsize = MaxStreamSize } }else{ xlocal,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- (%s)\n",err) local = nil }else{ local = xlocal fi,_ := local.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() defer local.Close() //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex in(%v / %v)\n",ofile,dsize) } ofile = fname fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,r)=%v %v (%v)\n", fname,dsize,local,err) } } if 2 < len(argv) && argv[2] != "" { ofile = argv[2] //fmt.Printf("(%d)%v B.ofile=%v\n",len(argv),argv,ofile) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--I-- Rex out(%v)\n",ofile) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) req = fmt.Sprintf("PUT %v %v \r\n",dsize,ofile) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) } fileRelay("SendPUT",local,remote,dsize,bsize) }else{ req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) //fmt.Printf("--In- sending RexRequest(%v)\n",len(req)) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- waiting RexResponse...\n") count,err = serv.Read(res) ress := "" if count == 0 { ress = "(nil)\r\n" }else{ ress = string(res[:count]) } if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: (%d,%v) %v",count,err,ress) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",ress) } serv.Close() //conn.Close() var stat string var rcode int fmt.Sscanf(ress,"%d %s",&rcode,&stat) //fmt.Printf("--D-- Client: %v (%v)",rcode,stat) return rcode,ress } // Remote Shell // gcp file [...] { [host]:[port:][dir] | dir } // -p | -no-p func (gsh*GshContext)FileCopy(argv[]string){ var host = "" var port = "" var upload = false var download = false var xargv = []string{"rex-gcp"} var srcv = []string{} var dstv = []string{} argv = argv[1:] for _,v := range argv { /* if v[0] == '-' { // might be a pseudo file (generated date) continue } */ obj := strings.Split(v,":") //fmt.Printf("%d %v %v\n",len(obj),v,obj) if 1 < len(obj) { host = obj[0] file := "" if 0 < len(host) { = host }else{ host = port = gsh.LastServer.port } if 2 < len(obj) { port = obj[1] if 0 < len(port) { gsh.LastServer.port = port }else{ port = gsh.LastServer.port } file = obj[2] }else{ file = obj[1] } if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,file) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,file) continue } /* idx := strings.Index(v,":") if 0 <= idx { remote = v[0:idx] if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,v[idx+1:]) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,v[idx+1:]) continue } */ if download { dstv = append(dstv,v) }else{ srcv = append(srcv,v) } } hostport := "@" + host + ":" + port if upload { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"PUT") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v // %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else if download { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"GET") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v // %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else{ } } // target func (gsh*GshContext)Trelpath(rloc string)(string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(rloc) twd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(cwd) tpath := twd + "/" + rloc return tpath } // join to rmote GShell - [user@]host[:port] or cd host:[port]:path func (gsh*GshContext)Rjoin(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- current server = %v\n",gsh.RSERV) return } serv := argv[1] servv := strings.Split(serv,":") if 1 <= len(servv) { if servv[0] == "lo" { servv[0] = "localhost" } } switch len(servv) { case 1: //if strings.Index(serv,":") < 0 { serv = servv[0] + ":" + fmt.Sprintf("%d",GSH_PORT) //} case 2: // host:port serv = strings.Join(servv,":") } xargv := []string{"rex-join","@"+serv,"HELO"} rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) gsh.RSERV = serv }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG, could not joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rexec(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- rexec command [ | {file || {command} ]\n",gsh.RSERV) return } /* nargv := gshScanArg(strings.Join(argv," "),0) fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) if nargv[1][0] != '{' { nargv[1] = "{" + nargv[1] + "}" fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) } argv = nargv */ nargv := []string{} nargv = append(nargv,"{"+strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")+"}") fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d %v\n",len(nargv),nargv) argv = nargv xargv := []string{"rex-exec","@"+gsh.RSERV,"GET"} xargv = append(xargv,argv...) xargv = append(xargv,"/dev/tty") rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rchdir(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { return } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(argv[1]) twd, _ := os.Getwd() gsh.RWD = twd fmt.Printf("--I-- JWD=%v\n",twd) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rpwd(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%v\n",gsh.RWD) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rls(argv[]string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) argv[0] = "-ls" gsh.xFind(argv) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rput(argv[]string){ var local string = "" var remote string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { local = argv[1] remote = local // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { remote = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jput from=%v to=%v\n",local,gsh.Trelpath(remote)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rget(argv[]string){ var remote string = "" var local string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { remote = argv[1] local = remote // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { local = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jget from=%v to=%v\n",gsh.Trelpath(remote),local) } // network // -s, -si, -so // bi-directional, source, sync (maybe socket) func (gshCtx*GshContext)sconnect(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -s [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } remote := argv[1] if remote == ":" { remote = "" } if inTCP { // TCP dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s, socket[%d]\n",remote,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() }else{ //dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",remote); dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } //conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp4",nil,dport) conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() ar := conn.RemoteAddr() //al := conn.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s [%s], socket[%d]\n", remote,ar.String(),fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() } } func (gshCtx*GshContext)saccept(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -ac [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } local := argv[1] if local == ":" { local = "" } if inTCP { // TCP port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Listen at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Accepting at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := aconn.File() fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Accepted TCP at %s [%d]\n",local,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[0] = savfd sconn.Close(); aconn.Close(); file.Close(); }else{ //port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",local); port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf("Listen UDP at %s...\n",local); //uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp4", port) uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := uconn.File() fd := file.Fd() ar := uconn.RemoteAddr() remote := "" if ar != nil { remote = ar.String() } if remote == "" { remote = "?" } // not yet received //fmt.Printf("Accepted at %s [%d] <- %s\n",local,fd,"") savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; savenv := gshPA.Env gshPA.Env = append(savenv, "REMOTE_HOST="+remote) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Env = savenv gshPA.Files[0] = savfd uconn.Close(); file.Close(); } } // empty line command func (gshCtx*GshContext)xPwd(argv[]string){ // execute context command, pwd + date // context notation, representation scheme, to be resumed at re-login cwd, _ := os.Getwd() switch { case isin("-a",argv): gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) case isin("-ls",argv): showFileInfo(cwd,argv) default: fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) case isin("-v",argv): // obsolete emtpy command t := time.Now() date := t.Format(time.UnixDate) exe, _ := os.Executable() host, _ := os.Hostname() fmt.Printf("{PWD=\"%s\"",cwd) fmt.Printf(" HOST=\"%s\"",host) fmt.Printf(" DATE=\"%s\"",date) fmt.Printf(" TIME=\"%s\"",t.String()) fmt.Printf(" PID=\"%d\"",os.Getpid()) fmt.Printf(" EXE=\"%s\"",exe) fmt.Printf("}\n") } } // History // these should be browsed and edited by HTTP browser // show the time of command with -t and direcotry with -ls // openfile-history, sort by -a -m -c // sort by elapsed time by -t -s // search by "more" like interface // edit history // sort history, and wc or uniq // CPU and other resource consumptions // limit showing range (by time or so) // export / import history func (gshCtx *GshContext)xHistory(argv []string){ atWorkDirX := -1 if 1 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[1],"@") { atWorkDirX,_ = strconv.Atoi(argv[1][1:]) } //fmt.Printf("--D-- showHistory(%v)\n",argv) for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { // exclude commands not to be listed by default // internal commands may be suppressed by default if v.CmdLine == "" && !isin("-a",argv) { continue; } if 0 <= atWorkDirX { if v.WorkDirX != atWorkDirX { continue } } if !isin("-n",argv){ // like "fc" fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",i) } if isin("-v",argv){ fmt.Println(v) // should be with it date }else{ if isin("-l",argv) || isin("-l0",argv) { elps := v.EndAt.Sub(v.StartAt); start := v.StartAt.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("@%d ",v.WorkDirX) fmt.Printf("[%v] %11v/t ",start,elps) } if isin("-l",argv) && !isin("-l0",argv){ fmt.Printf("%v",Rusagef("%t %u\t// %s",argv,v.Rusagev)) } if isin("-at",argv) { // isin("-ls",argv){ dhi := v.WorkDirX // workdir history index fmt.Printf("@%d %s\t",dhi,v.WorkDir) // show the FileInfo of the output command?? } fmt.Printf("%s",v.CmdLine) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } // !n - history index func searchHistory(gshCtx GshContext, gline string) (string, bool, bool){ if gline[0] == '!' { hix, err := strconv.Atoi(gline[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s : range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } if hix < 0 || len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) <= hix { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%d : out of range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } return gshCtx.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine, false, false } // search //for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { //} return gline, false, false } func (gsh*GshContext)cmdStringInHistory(hix int)(cmd string, ok bool){ if 0 <= hix && hix < len(gsh.CommandHistory) { return gsh.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine,true } return "",false } // temporary adding to PATH environment // cd name -lib for LD_LIBRARY_PATH // chdir with directory history (date + full-path) // -s for sort option (by visit date or so) func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory1(i int,v GChdirHistory, argv []string){ fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",v.CmdIndex) // the first command at this WorkDir fmt.Printf("@%d ",i) fmt.Printf("[%v] ",v.MovedAt.Format(time.Stamp)) showFileInfo(v.Dir,argv) } func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory(argv []string){ for i, v := range gsh.ChdirHistory { gsh.ShowChdirHistory1(i,v,argv) } } func skipOpts(argv[]string)(int){ for i,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-") { }else{ return i } } return -1 } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xChdir(argv []string){ cdhist := gshCtx.ChdirHistory if isin("?",argv ) || isin("-t",argv) || isin("-a",argv) { gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) return } pwd, _ := os.Getwd() dir := "" if len(argv) <= 1 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ i := skipOpts(argv[1:]) if i < 0 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ dir = argv[1+i] } } if strBegins(dir,"@") { if dir == "@0" { // obsolete dir = gshCtx.StartDir }else if dir == "@!" { index := len(cdhist) - 1 if 0 < index { index -= 1 } dir = cdhist[index].Dir }else{ index, err := strconv.Atoi(dir[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%v)\n",err) dir = "?" }else if len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory) <= index { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(history range error)\n") dir = "?" }else{ dir = cdhist[index].Dir } } } if dir != "?" { err := os.Chdir(dir) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%s)(%v)\n",argv[1],err) }else{ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if cwd != pwd { hist1 := GChdirHistory { } hist1.Dir = cwd hist1.MovedAt = time.Now() hist1.CmdIndex = len(gshCtx.CommandHistory)+1 gshCtx.ChdirHistory = append(cdhist,hist1) if !isin("-s",argv){ //cwd, _ := os.Getwd() //fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) ix := len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory)-1 gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory1(ix,hist1,argv) } } } } if isin("-ls",argv){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() showFileInfo(cwd,argv); } } func TimeValSub(tv1 *syscall.Timeval, tv2 *syscall.Timeval){ *tv1 = syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() - tv2.Nano()) } func RusageSubv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Utime,&ru2[0].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Stime,&ru2[0].Stime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Utime,&ru2[1].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Stime,&ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } func TimeValAdd(tv1 syscall.Timeval, tv2 syscall.Timeval)(syscall.Timeval){ tvs := syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() + tv2.Nano()) return tvs } /* func RusageAddv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Utime,ru2[0].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Stime,ru2[0].Stime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Utime,ru2[1].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Stime,ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } */ // Resource Usage func sRusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ // ru[0] self , ru[1] children ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) uu := (ut.Sec*1000000 + int64(ut.Usec)) * 1000 su := (st.Sec*1000000 + int64(st.Usec)) * 1000 tu := uu + su ret := fmt.Sprintf("%v/sum",abbtime(tu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/usr",abbtime(uu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/sys",abbtime(su)) return ret } func Rusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/u ",ut.Sec,ut.Usec) //ru[1].Utime.Sec,ru[1].Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/s ",st.Sec,st.Usec) //ru[1].Stime.Sec,ru[1].Stime.Usec) return "" } func Getrusagev()([2]syscall.Rusage){ var ruv = [2]syscall.Rusage{} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&ruv[0]) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&ruv[1]) return ruv } func showRusage(what string,argv []string, ru *syscall.Rusage){ fmt.Printf("%s: ",what); fmt.Printf("Usr=%d.%06ds",ru.Utime.Sec,ru.Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Sys=%d.%06ds",ru.Stime.Sec,ru.Stime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Rss=%vB",ru.Maxrss) if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" MinFlt=%v",ru.Minflt) fmt.Printf(" MajFlt=%v",ru.Majflt) fmt.Printf(" IxRSS=%vB",ru.Ixrss) fmt.Printf(" IdRSS=%vB",ru.Idrss) fmt.Printf(" Nswap=%vB",ru.Nswap) fmt.Printf(" Read=%v",ru.Inblock) fmt.Printf(" Write=%v",ru.Oublock) } fmt.Printf(" Snd=%v",ru.Msgsnd) fmt.Printf(" Rcv=%v",ru.Msgrcv) //if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" Sig=%v",ru.Nsignals) //} fmt.Printf("\n"); } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xTime(argv[]string)(bool){ if 2 <= len(argv){ gshCtx.LastRusage = syscall.Rusage{} rusagev1 := Getrusagev() fin := gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() showRusage(argv[1],argv,&gshCtx.LastRusage) rusagev := RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) showRusage("self",argv,&rusagev[0]) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusagev[1]) return fin }else{ rusage:= syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&rusage) showRusage("self",argv, &rusage) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&rusage) showRusage("chld",argv, &rusage) return false } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xJobs(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%d Jobs\n",len(gshCtx.BackGroundJobs)) for ji, pid := range gshCtx.BackGroundJobs { //wstat := syscall.WaitStatus {0} rusage := syscall.Rusage {} //wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,&wstat,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- %%%d [%d] (%v)\n",ji,pid,err) }else{ fmt.Printf("%%%d[%d](%d)\n",ji,pid,wpid) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusage) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)inBackground(argv[]string)(bool){ if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- inBackground(%v)\n",argv) } gsh.BackGround = true // set background option xfin := false xfin = gsh.gshellv(argv) gsh.BackGround = false return xfin } // -o file without command means just opening it and refer by #N // should be listed by "files" comnmand func (gshCtx*GshContext)xOpen(argv[]string){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} err := syscall.Pipe(pv) fmt.Printf("--I-- pipe()=[#%d,#%d](%v)\n",pv[0],pv[1],err) } func (gshCtx*GshContext)fromPipe(argv[]string){ } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xClose(argv[]string){ } // redirect func (gshCtx*GshContext)redirect(argv[]string)(bool){ if len(argv) < 2 { return false } cmd := argv[0] fname := argv[1] var file *os.File = nil fdix := 0 mode := os.O_RDONLY switch { case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<": fdix = 0 mode = os.O_RDONLY case cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE case cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND } if fname[0] == '#' { fd, err := strconv.Atoi(fname[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%v)\n",err) return false } file = os.NewFile(uintptr(fd),"MaybePipe") }else{ xfile, err := os.OpenFile(argv[1], mode, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s)\n",err) return false } file = xfile } gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] gshPA.Files[fdix] = file.Fd() fmt.Printf("--I-- Opened [%d] %s\n",file.Fd(),argv[1]) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return false } //fmt.Fprintf(res, "GShell Status: %q", html.EscapeString(req.URL.Path)) func httpHandler(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){ path := req.URL.Path fmt.Printf("--I-- Got HTTP Request(%s)\n",path) { gshCtxBuf, _ := setupGshContext() gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf fmt.Printf("--I-- %s\n",path[1:]) gshCtx.tgshelll(path[1:]) } fmt.Fprintf(res, "Hello(^-^)/\n%s\n",path) } func (gshCtx *GshContext) httpServer(argv []string){ http.HandleFunc("/", httpHandler) accport := "localhost:9999" fmt.Printf("--I-- HTTP Server Start at [%s]\n",accport) http.ListenAndServe(accport,nil) } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xGo(argv[]string){ go gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]); } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPs(argv[]string)(){ } // Plugin // plugin [-ls [names]] to list plugins // Reference: plugin source code func (gshCtx *GshContext) whichPlugin(name string,argv[]string)(pi *PluginInfo){ pi = nil for _,p := range gshCtx.PluginFuncs { if p.Name == name && pi == nil { pi = &p } if !isin("-s",argv){ //fmt.Printf("%v %v ",i,p) if isin("-ls",argv){ showFileInfo(p.Path,argv) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s\n",p.Name) } } } return pi } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPlugin(argv[]string) (error) { if len(argv) == 0 || argv[0] == "-ls" { gshCtx.whichPlugin("",argv) return nil } name := argv[0] Pin := gshCtx.whichPlugin(name,[]string{"-s"}) if Pin != nil { os.Args = argv // should be recovered? Pin.Addr.(func())() return nil } sofile := toFullpath(argv[0] + ".so") // or find it by which($PATH) p, err := plugin.Open(sofile) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Open(%s)(%v)\n",sofile,err) return err } fname := "Main" f, err := p.Lookup(fname) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Lookup(%s)(%v)\n",fname,err) return err } pin := PluginInfo {p,f,name,sofile} gshCtx.PluginFuncs = append(gshCtx.PluginFuncs,pin) fmt.Printf("--I-- added (%d)\n",len(gshCtx.PluginFuncs)) //fmt.Printf("--I-- first call(%s:%s)%v\n",sofile,fname,argv) os.Args = argv f.(func())() return err } func (gshCtx*GshContext)Args(argv[]string){ for i,v := range os.Args { fmt.Printf("[%v] %v\n",i,v) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext) showVersion(argv[]string){ if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v/%v (%v)",NAME,VERSION,DATE); }else{ fmt.Printf("%v",VERSION); } if isin("-a",argv) { fmt.Printf(" %s",AUTHOR) } if !isin("-n",argv) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } // Scanf // string decomposer // scanf [format] [input] func scanv(sstr string)(strv[]string){ strv = strings.Split(sstr," ") return strv } func scanUntil(src,end string)(rstr string,leng int){ idx := strings.Index(src,end) if 0 <= idx { rstr = src[0:idx] return rstr,idx+len(end) } return src,0 } // -bn -- display base-name part only // can be in some %fmt, for sed rewriting func (gsh*GshContext)printVal(fmts string, vstr string, optv[]string){ //vint,err := strconv.Atoi(vstr) var ival int64 = 0 n := 0 err := error(nil) if strBegins(vstr,"_") { vx,_ := strconv.Atoi(vstr[1:]) if vx < len(gsh.iValues) { vstr = gsh.iValues[vx] }else{ } } // should use Eval() if strBegins(vstr,"0x") { n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr[2:],"%x",&ival) }else{ n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr,"%d",&ival) //fmt.Printf("--D-- n=%d err=(%v) {%s}=%v\n",n,err,vstr, ival) } if n == 1 && err == nil { //fmt.Printf("--D-- formatn(%v) ival(%v)\n",fmts,ival) fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,ival) }else{ if isin("-bn",optv){ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,filepath.Base(vstr)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,vstr) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)printfv(fmts,div string,argv[]string,optv[]string,list[]string){ //fmt.Printf("{%d}",len(list)) //curfmt := "v" outlen := 0 curfmt := gsh.iFormat if 0 < len(fmts) { for xi := 0; xi < len(fmts); xi++ { fch := fmts[xi] if fch == '%' { if xi+1 < len(fmts) { curfmt = string(fmts[xi+1]) gsh.iFormat = curfmt xi += 1 if xi+1 < len(fmts) && fmts[xi+1] == '(' { vals,leng := scanUntil(fmts[xi+2:],")") //fmt.Printf("--D-- show fmt(%v) val(%v) next(%v)\n",curfmt,vals,leng) gsh.printVal(curfmt,vals,optv) xi += 2+leng-1 outlen += 1 } continue } } if fch == '_' { hi,leng := scanInt(fmts[xi+1:]) if 0 < leng { if hi < len(gsh.iValues) { gsh.printVal(curfmt,gsh.iValues[hi],optv) outlen += 1 // should be the real length }else{ fmt.Printf("((out-range))") } xi += leng continue; } } fmt.Printf("%c",fch) outlen += 1 } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--D-- print {%s}\n") for i,v := range list { if 0 < i { fmt.Printf(div) } gsh.printVal(curfmt,v,optv) outlen += 1 } } if 0 < outlen { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func (gsh*GshContext)Scanv(argv[]string){ //fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanv(%v)\n",argv) if len(argv) == 1 { return } argv = argv[1:] fmts := "" if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { fmts = argv[0] gsh.iDelimiter = fmts argv = argv[1:] } input := strings.Join(argv," ") if fmts == "" { // simple decomposition v := scanv(input) gsh.iValues = v //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(v,",")) }else{ v := make([]string,8) n,err := fmt.Sscanf(input,fmts,&v[0],&v[1],&v[2],&v[3]) fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanf ->(%v) n=%d err=(%v)\n",v,n,err) gsh.iValues = v } } func (gsh*GshContext)Printv(argv[]string){ if false { //@@U fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")) return } //fmt.Printf("--D-- Printv(%v)\n",argv) //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(gsh.iValues,",")) div := gsh.iDelimiter fmts := "" argv = argv[1:] if 0 < len(argv) { if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { div = argv[0][2:] argv = argv[1:] } } optv := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-"){ optv = append(optv,v) argv = argv[1:] }else{ break; } } if 0 < len(argv) { fmts = strings.Join(argv," ") } gsh.printfv(fmts,div,argv,optv,gsh.iValues) } func (gsh*GshContext)Basename(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValues { gsh.iValues[i] = filepath.Base(v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Sortv(argv[]string){ sv := gsh.iValues sort.Slice(sv , func(i,j int) bool { return sv[i] < sv[j] }) } func (gsh*GshContext)Shiftv(argv[]string){ vi := len(gsh.iValues) if 0 < vi { if isin("-r",argv) { top := gsh.iValues[0] gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues[1:],top) }else{ gsh.iValues = gsh.iValues[1:] } } } func (gsh*GshContext)Enq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Deq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Push(argv[]string){ gsh.iValStack = append(gsh.iValStack,argv[1:]) fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",len(gsh.iValStack)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Dump(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValStack { fmt.Printf("%d %v\n",i,v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Pop(argv[]string){ depth := len(gsh.iValStack) if 0 < depth { v := gsh.iValStack[depth-1] if isin("-cat",argv){ gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues,v...) }else{ gsh.iValues = v } gsh.iValStack = gsh.iValStack[0:depth-1] fmt.Printf("depth=%d %s\n",len(gsh.iValStack),gsh.iValues) }else{ fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",depth) } } // Command Interpreter func (gshCtx*GshContext)gshellv(argv []string) (fin bool) { fin = false if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv((%d))\n",len(argv)) } if len(argv) <= 0 { return false } xargv := []string{} for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { xargv = append(xargv,strsubst(gshCtx,argv[ai],false)) } argv = xargv if false { for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { fmt.Printf("[%d] %s [%d]%T\n", ai,argv[ai],len(argv[ai]),argv[ai]) } } cmd := argv[0] if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv(%d)%v\n",len(argv),argv) } switch { // case cmd == "": gshCtx.xPwd([]string{}); // emtpy command case cmd == "-x": gshCtx.CmdTrace = ! gshCtx.CmdTrace case cmd == "-xt": gshCtx.CmdTime = ! gshCtx.CmdTime case cmd == "-ot": gshCtx.sconnect(true, argv) case cmd == "-ou": gshCtx.sconnect(false, argv) case cmd == "-it": gshCtx.saccept(true , argv) case cmd == "-iu": gshCtx.saccept(false, argv) case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<" || cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">" || cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>" || cmd == "-s" || cmd == "><": gshCtx.redirect(argv) case cmd == "|": gshCtx.fromPipe(argv) case cmd == "args": gshCtx.Args(argv) case cmd == "bg" || cmd == "-bg": rfin := gshCtx.inBackground(argv[1:]) return rfin case cmd == "-bn": gshCtx.Basename(argv) case cmd == "call": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(false,argv[1:]) case cmd == "cd" || cmd == "chdir": gshCtx.xChdir(argv); case cmd == "-cksum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sumtest": str := "" if 1 < len(argv) { str = argv[1] } crc := strCRC32(str,uint64(len(str))) fprintf(stderr,"%v %v\n",crc,len(str)) case cmd == "close": gshCtx.xClose(argv) case cmd == "gcp": gshCtx.FileCopy(argv) case cmd == "dec" || cmd == "decode": gshCtx.Dec(argv) case cmd == "#define": case cmd == "dic" || cmd == "d": xDic(argv) case cmd == "dump": gshCtx.Dump(argv) case cmd == "echo" || cmd == "e": echo(argv,true) case cmd == "enc" || cmd == "encode": gshCtx.Enc(argv) case cmd == "env": env(argv) case cmd == "eval": xEval(argv[1:],true) case cmd == "ev" || cmd == "events": dumpEvents(argv) case cmd == "exec": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(true,argv[1:]) // should not return here case cmd == "exit" || cmd == "quit": // write Result code EXIT to 3> return true case cmd == "fdls": // dump the attributes of fds (of other process) case cmd == "-find" || cmd == "fin" || cmd == "ufind" || cmd == "uf": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fu": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fork": // mainly for a server case cmd == "-gen": gshCtx.gen(argv) case cmd == "-go": gshCtx.xGo(argv) case cmd == "-grep": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "gdeq": gshCtx.Deq(argv) case cmd == "genq": gshCtx.Enq(argv) case cmd == "gpop": gshCtx.Pop(argv) case cmd == "gpush": gshCtx.Push(argv) case cmd == "history" || cmd == "hi": // hi should be alias gshCtx.xHistory(argv) case cmd == "jobs": gshCtx.xJobs(argv) case cmd == "lnsp" || cmd == "nlsp": gshCtx.SplitLine(argv) case cmd == "-ls": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "nop": // do nothing case cmd == "pipe": gshCtx.xOpen(argv) case cmd == "plug" || cmd == "plugin" || cmd == "pin": gshCtx.xPlugin(argv[1:]) case cmd == "print" || cmd == "-pr": // output internal slice // also sprintf should be gshCtx.Printv(argv) case cmd == "ps": gshCtx.xPs(argv) case cmd == "pstitle": // to be gsh.title case cmd == "rexecd" || cmd == "rexd": gshCtx.RexecServer(argv) case cmd == "rexec" || cmd == "rex": gshCtx.RexecClient(argv) case cmd == "repeat" || cmd == "rep": // repeat cond command gshCtx.repeat(argv) case cmd == "replay": gshCtx.xReplay(argv) case cmd == "scan": // scan input (or so in fscanf) to internal slice (like Files or map) gshCtx.Scanv(argv) case cmd == "set": // set name ... case cmd == "serv": gshCtx.httpServer(argv) case cmd == "shift": gshCtx.Shiftv(argv) case cmd == "sleep": gshCtx.sleep(argv) case cmd == "-sort": gshCtx.Sortv(argv) case cmd == "j" || cmd == "join": gshCtx.Rjoin(argv) case cmd == "a" || cmd == "alpa": gshCtx.Rexec(argv) case cmd == "jcd" || cmd == "jchdir": gshCtx.Rchdir(argv) case cmd == "jget": gshCtx.Rget(argv) case cmd == "jls": gshCtx.Rls(argv) case cmd == "jput": gshCtx.Rput(argv) case cmd == "jpwd": gshCtx.Rpwd(argv) case cmd == "time": fin = gshCtx.xTime(argv) case cmd == "ungets": if 1 < len(argv) { ungets(argv[1]+"\n") }else{ } case cmd == "pwd": gshCtx.xPwd(argv); case cmd == "ver" || cmd == "-ver" || cmd == "version": gshCtx.showVersion(argv) case cmd == "where": // data file or so? case cmd == "which": which("PATH",argv); default: if gshCtx.whichPlugin(cmd,[]string{"-s"}) != nil { gshCtx.xPlugin(argv) }else{ notfound,_ := gshCtx.excommand(false,argv) if notfound { fmt.Printf("--E-- command not found (%v)\n",cmd) } } } return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelll(gline string) (rfin bool) { argv := strings.Split(string(gline)," ") fin := gsh.gshellv(argv) return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)tgshelll(gline string)(xfin bool){ start := time.Now() fin := gsh.gshelll(gline) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start); if gsh.CmdTime { fmt.Printf("--T-- " + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) + "(%d.%09ds)\n", elps/1000000000,elps%1000000000) } return fin } func Ttyid() (int) { fi, err := os.Stdin.Stat() if err != nil { return 0; } //fmt.Printf("Stdin: %v Dev=%d\n", // fi.Mode(),fi.Mode()&os.ModeDevice) if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeDevice) != 0 { stat := syscall.Stat_t{}; err := syscall.Fstat(0,&stat) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: (%v)\n",err) }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: rdev=%d %d\n", // stat.Rdev&0xFF,stat.Rdev); //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: tty%d\n",stat.Rdev&0xFF); return int(stat.Rdev & 0xFF) } } return 0 } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyfile() string { //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) ttyfile := gshCtx.GshHomeDir + "/" + "gsh-tty" + fmt.Sprintf("%02d",gshCtx.TerminalId) //strconv.Itoa(gshCtx.TerminalId) //fmt.Printf("--I-- ttyfile=%s\n",ttyfile) return ttyfile } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyline()(*os.File){ file, err := os.OpenFile(gshCtx.ttyfile(),os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- cannot open %s (%s)\n",gshCtx.ttyfile(),err) return file; } return file } func (gshCtx *GshContext)getline(hix int, skipping bool, prevline string) (string) { if( skipping ){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) }else if true { return xgetline(hix,prevline,gshCtx) } /* else if( with_exgetline && gshCtx.GetLine != "" ){ //var xhix int64 = int64(hix); // cast newenv := os.Environ() newenv = append(newenv, "GSH_LINENO="+strconv.FormatInt(int64(hix),10) ) tty := gshCtx.ttyline() tty.WriteString(prevline) Pa := os.ProcAttr { "", // start dir newenv, //os.Environ(), []*os.File{os.Stdin,os.Stdout,os.Stderr,tty}, nil, } //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline=%s // %s\n",gsh_getlinev[0],gshCtx.GetLine) proc, err := os.StartProcess(gsh_getlinev[0],[]string{"getline","getline"},&Pa) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- getline process error (%v)\n",err) // for ; ; { } return "exit (getline program failed)" } //stat, err := proc.Wait() proc.Wait() buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count, err := tty.Read(buff) //_, err = tty.Read(buff) //fmt.Printf("--D-- getline (%d)\n",count) if err != nil { if ! (count == 0) { // && err.String() == "EOF" ) { fmt.Printf("--E-- getline error (%s)\n",err) } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline OK \"%s\"\n",buff) } tty.Close() gline := string(buff[0:count]) return gline }else */ { // if isatty { fmt.Printf("!%d",hix) fmt.Print(PROMPT) // } reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) } } //== begin ======================================================= getline /* * getline.c * 2020-0819 extracted from dog.c * getline.go * 2020-0822 ported to Go */ /* package main // getline main import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "os" // os "syscall" // syscall //"bytes" // os //"os/exec" // os ) */ // C language compatibility functions var errno = 0 var stdin *os.File = os.Stdin var stdout *os.File = os.Stdout var stderr *os.File = os.Stderr var EOF = -1 var NULL = 0 type FILE os.File type StrBuff []byte var NULL_FP *os.File = nil var NULLSP = 0 //var LINESIZE = 1024 func system(cmdstr string)(int){ PA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the starting directory os.Environ(), []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, } argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") pid,err := syscall.ForkExec(argv[0],argv,&PA) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- syscall(%v) err(%v)\n",cmdstr,err) } syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) /* argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- system(%v)\n",argv) //cmd := exec.Command(argv[0:]...) cmd := exec.Command(argv[0],argv[1],argv[2]) cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader("output of system") var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out var serr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr = &serr err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--E-- system(%v)err(%v)\n",argv,err) fmt.Printf("ERR:%s\n",serr.String()) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",out.String()) } */ return 0 } func atoi(str string)(ret int){ ret,err := fmt.Sscanf(str,"%d",ret) if err == nil { return ret }else{ // should set errno return 0 } } func getenv(name string)(string){ val,got := os.LookupEnv(name) if got { return val }else{ return "?" } } func strcpy(dst StrBuff, src string){ var i int srcb := []byte(src) for i = 0; i < len(src) && srcb[i] != 0; i++ { dst[i] = srcb[i] } dst[i] = 0 } func xstrcpy(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = src } func strcat(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = append(dst,src...) } func strdup(str StrBuff)(string){ return string(str[0:strlen(str)]) } func sstrlen(str string)(int){ return len(str) } func strlen(str StrBuff)(int){ var i int for i = 0; i < len(str) && str[i] != 0; i++ { } return i } func sizeof(data StrBuff)(int){ return len(data) } func isatty(fd int)(ret int){ return 1 } func fopen(file string,mode string)(fp*os.File){ if mode == "r" { fp,err := os.Open(file) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- fopen(%s,%s)=(%v)\n",file,mode,err) return NULL_FP; } return fp; }else{ fp,err := os.OpenFile(file,os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if( err != nil ){ return NULL_FP; } return fp; } } func fclose(fp*os.File){ fp.Close() } func fflush(fp *os.File)(int){ return 0 } func fgetc(fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func sfgets(str*string, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ buf := make(StrBuff,size) var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fgets(buf StrBuff, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fputc(ch int , fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte buf[0] = byte(ch) fp.Write(buf[0:1]) return 0 } func fputs(buf StrBuff, fp*os.File)(int){ fp.Write(buf) return 0 } func xfputss(str string, fp*os.File)(int){ return fputs([]byte(str),fp) } func sscanf(str StrBuff,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Sscanf(string(str[0:strlen(str)]),fmts,params...) return 0 } func fprintf(fp*os.File,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Fprintf(fp,fmts,params...) return 0 } // Command Line IME //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MyIME var MyIMEVER = "MyIME/0.0.2"; type RomKana struct { dic string // dictionaly ID pat string // input pattern out string // output pattern hit int64 // count of hit and used } var dicents = 0 var romkana [1024]RomKana var Romkan []RomKana func isinDic(str string)(int){ for i,v := range Romkan { if v.pat == str { return i } } return -1 } const ( DIC_COM_LOAD = "im" DIC_COM_DUMP = "s" DIC_COM_LIST = "ls" DIC_COM_ENA = "en" DIC_COM_DIS = "di" ) func helpDic(argv []string){ out := stderr cmd := "" if 0 < len(argv) { cmd = argv[0] } fprintf(out,"--- %v Usage\n",cmd) fprintf(out,"... Commands\n") fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] [dicURL ] -- Import dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LOAD) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [pattern] -- Search in dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DUMP) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- List dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LIST) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Disable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DIS) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Enable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_ENA) fprintf(out,"... Keys ... %v\n","ESC can be used for '\\'") fprintf(out,"... \\c -- Reverse the case of the last character\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\i -- Replace input with translated text\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\j -- On/Off translation mode\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\l -- Force Lower Case\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\u -- Force Upper Case (software CapsLock)\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\v -- Show translation actions\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\x -- Replace the last input character with it Hexa-Decimal\n",) } func xDic(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { helpDic(argv) return } argv = argv[1:] var debug = false var info = false var silent = false var dump = false var builtin = false cmd := argv[0] argv = argv[1:] opt := "" arg := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg1 := argv[0] if arg1[0] == '-' { switch arg1 { default: fmt.Printf("--Ed-- Unknown option(%v)\n",arg1) return case "-b": builtin = true case "-d": debug = true case "-s": silent = true case "-v": info = true } opt = arg1 argv = argv[1:] } } dicName := "" dicURL := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg = argv[0] dicName = arg argv = argv[1:] } if 0 < len(argv) { dicURL = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if false { fprintf(stderr,"--Dd-- com(%v) opt(%v) arg(%v)\n",cmd,opt,arg) } if cmd == DIC_COM_LOAD { //dicType := "" dicBody := "" if !builtin && dicName != "" && dicURL == "" { f,err := os.Open(dicName) if err == nil { dicURL = dicName }else{ f,err = os.Open(dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = dicName+".html" }else{ f,err = os.Open("gshdic-"+dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = "gshdic-"+dicName+".html" } } } if err == nil { var buf = make([]byte,128*1024) count,err := f.Read(buf) f.Close() if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- ReadDic(%v,%v)\n",count,err) } dicBody = string(buf[0:count]) } } if dicBody == "" { switch arg { default: dicName = "WorldDic" dicURL = WorldDic if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- default dictionary \"%v\"\n", dicName); } case "wnn": dicName = "WnnDic" dicURL = WnnDic case "sumomo": dicName = "SumomoDic" dicURL = SumomoDic case "sijimi": dicName = "SijimiDic" dicURL = SijimiDic case "jkl": dicName = "JKLJaDic" dicURL = JA_JKLDic } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v URL=%v\n\n",dicName,dicURL); } dicv := strings.Split(dicURL,",") if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v encoded data...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"Type: %v\n",dicv[0]) fprintf(stderr,"Body: %v\n",dicv[1]) fprintf(stderr,"\n") } body,_ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(dicv[1]) dicBody = string(body) } if info { fmt.Printf("--Id-- %v %v\n",dicName,dicURL) fmt.Printf("%s\n",dicBody) } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- dicName %v text...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"%v\n",string(dicBody)) } entv := strings.Split(dicBody,"\n"); if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan...\n",dicName); } var added int = 0 var dup int = 0 for i,v := range entv { var pat string var out string fmt.Sscanf(v,"%s %s",&pat,&out) if len(pat) <= 0 { }else{ if 0 <= isinDic(pat) { dup += 1 continue } romkana[dicents] = RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0} dicents += 1 added += 1 Romkan = append(Romkan,RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0}) if debug { fmt.Printf("[%3v]:[%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) } } } if !silent { url := dicURL if strBegins(url,"data:") { url = "builtin" } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan... %v added, %v dup. / %v total (%v)\n", dicName,added,dup,len(Romkan),url); } // should sort by pattern length for conclete match, for performance if debug { arg = "" // search pattern dump = true } } if cmd == DIC_COM_DUMP || dump { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v dump... %v entries:\n",dicName,len(Romkan)); var match = 0 for i := 0; i < len(Romkan); i++ { dic := Romkan[i].dic pat := Romkan[i].pat out := Romkan[i].out if arg == "" || 0 <= strings.Index(pat,arg)||0 <= strings.Index(out,arg) { fmt.Printf("\\\\%v\t%v [%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,dic,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) match += 1 } } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v matched %v / %v entries:\n",arg,match,len(Romkan)); } } func loadDefaultDic(dic int){ if( 0 < len(Romkan) ){ return } //fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") xDic([]string{"dic",DIC_COM_LOAD}); var info = false if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- Conguraturations!! WorldDic is now activated.\r\n") fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- enter \"dic\" command for help.\r\n") } } func readDic()(int){ /* var rk *os.File; var dic = "MyIME-dic.txt"; //rk = fopen("romkana.txt","r"); //rk = fopen("JK-JA-morse-dic.txt","r"); rk = fopen(dic,"r"); if( rk == NULL_FP ){ if( true ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- Could not load %s\n",MyIMEVER,dic); } return -1; } if( true ){ var di int; var line = make(StrBuff,1024); var pat string var out string for di = 0; di < 1024; di++ { if( fgets(line,sizeof(line),rk) == NULLSP ){ break; } fmt.Sscanf(string(line[0:strlen(line)]),"%s %s",&pat,&out); //sscanf(line,"%s %[^\r\n]",&pat,&out); romkana[di].pat = pat; romkana[di].out = out; //fprintf(stderr,"--Dd- %-10s %s\n",pat,out) } dicents += di if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- loaded romkana.txt [%d]\n",MyIMEVER,di); for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n",romkana[di].pat,romkana[di].out); } } } fclose(rk); //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" // dump the dic. and clean the command input */ return 0; } func matchlen(stri string, pati string)(int){ if strBegins(stri,pati) { return len(pati) }else{ return 0 } } func convs(src string)(string){ var si int; var sx = len(src); var di int; var mi int; var dstb []byte for si = 0; si < sx; { // search max. match from the position if strBegins(src[si:],"%x/") { // %x/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 //fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%d",&iv) fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%x",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%d/") { // %d/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%d",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%t") { now := time.Now() if true { date := now.Format(time.Stamp) dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(date)...) si = si+3 } continue } var maxlen int = 0; var len int; mi = -1; for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { len = matchlen(src[si:],romkana[di].pat); if( maxlen < len ){ maxlen = len; mi = di; } } if( 0 < maxlen ){ out := romkana[mi].out; dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(out)...); si += maxlen; }else{ dstb = append(dstb,src[si]) si += 1; } } return string(dstb) } func trans(src string)(int){ dst := convs(src); xfputss(dst,stderr); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------- LINEEDIT // "?" at the top of the line means searching history // should be compatilbe with Telnet const ( EV_MODE = 255 EV_IDLE = 254 EV_TIMEOUT = 253 GO_UP = 252 // k GO_DOWN = 251 // j GO_RIGHT = 250 // l GO_LEFT = 249 // h DEL_RIGHT = 248 // x GO_TOPL = 'A'-0x40 // 0 GO_ENDL = 'E'-0x40 // $ GO_TOPW = 239 // b GO_ENDW = 238 // e GO_NEXTW = 237 // w GO_FORWCH = 229 // f GO_PAIRCH = 228 // % GO_DEL = 219 // d HI_SRCH_FW = 209 // / HI_SRCH_BK = 208 // ? HI_SRCH_RFW = 207 // n HI_SRCH_RBK = 206 // N ) // should return number of octets ready to be read immediately //fprintf(stderr,"\n--Select(%v %v)\n",err,r.Bits[0]) var EventRecvFd = -1 // file descriptor var EventSendFd = -1 const EventFdOffset = 1000000 const NormalFdOffset = 100 func putEvent(event int, evarg int){ if true { if EventRecvFd < 0 { var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) EventRecvFd = pv[0] EventSendFd = pv[1] //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPipe created[%v,%v]\n",EventRecvFd,EventSendFd) } }else{ if EventRecvFd < 0 { // the document differs from this spec // sv,err := syscall.Socketpair(syscall.AF_UNIX,syscall.SOCK_STREAM,0) EventRecvFd = sv[0] EventSendFd = sv[1] if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- EventSock created[%v,%v](%v)\n", EventRecvFd,EventSendFd,err) } } } var buf = []byte{ byte(event)} n,err := syscall.Write(EventSendFd,buf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- putEvent[%v](%3v)(%v %v)\n",EventSendFd,event,n,err) } } func ungets(str string){ for _,ch := range str { putEvent(int(ch),0) } } func (gsh*GshContext)xReplay(argv[]string){ hix := 0 tempo := 1.0 xtempo := 1.0 repeat := 1 for _,a := range argv { // tempo if strBegins(a,"x") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%f",&xtempo) tempo = 1 / xtempo //fprintf(stderr,"--Dr-- tempo=[%v]%v\n",a[2:],tempo); }else if strBegins(a,"r") { // repeat fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%v",&repeat) }else if strBegins(a,"!") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%d",&hix) }else{ fmt.Sscanf(a,"%d",&hix) } } if hix == 0 || len(argv) <= 1 { hix = len(gsh.CommandHistory)-1 } fmt.Printf("--Ir-- Replay(!%v x%v r%v)\n",hix,xtempo,repeat) //dumpEvents(hix) //gsh.xScanReplay(hix,false,repeat,tempo,argv) go gsh.xScanReplay(hix,true,repeat,tempo,argv) } // syscall.Select // 2020-0827 GShell-0.2.3 func FpollIn1(fp *os.File,usec int)(uintptr){ nfd := 1 rdv := syscall.FdSet {} fd1 := fp.Fd() bank1 := fd1/32 mask1 := int32(1 << fd1) rdv.Bits[bank1] = mask1 fd2 := -1 bank2 := -1 var mask2 int32 = 0 if 0 <= EventRecvFd { fd2 = EventRecvFd nfd = fd2 + 1 bank2 = fd2/32 mask2 = int32(1 << fd2) rdv.Bits[bank2] |= mask2 //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPoll mask added [%d][%v][%v]\n",fd2,bank2,mask2) } tout := syscall.NsecToTimeval(int64(usec*1000)) //n,err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) // spec. mismatch err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--De-- select() err(%v)\n",err) } if err == nil { if 0 <= fd2 && (rdv.Bits[bank2] & mask2) != 0 { if false { fmt.Printf("--De-- got Event\n") } return uintptr(EventFdOffset + fd2) }else if (rdv.Bits[bank1] & mask1) != 0 { return uintptr(NormalFdOffset + fd1) }else{ return 1 } }else{ return 0 } } func fgetcTimeout1(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ READ1: readyFd := FpollIn1(fp,usec) if readyFd < 100 { return EV_TIMEOUT } var buf [1]byte if EventFdOffset <= readyFd { fd := int(readyFd-EventFdOffset) _,err := syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ if buf[0] == EV_MODE { recvEvent(fd) goto READ1 } return int(buf[0]) } } _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func visibleChar(ch int)(string){ switch { case '!' <= ch && ch <= '~': return string(ch) } switch ch { case ' ': return "\\s" case '\n': return "\\n" case '\r': return "\\r" case '\t': return "\\t" } switch ch { case 0x00: return "NUL" case 0x07: return "BEL" case 0x08: return "BS" case 0x0E: return "SO" case 0x0F: return "SI" case 0x1B: return "ESC" case 0x7F: return "DEL" } switch ch { case EV_IDLE: return fmt.Sprintf("IDLE") case EV_MODE: return fmt.Sprintf("MODE") } return fmt.Sprintf("%X",ch) } func recvEvent(fd int){ var buf = make([]byte,1) _,_ = syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( buf[0] != 0 ){ romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } } func (gsh*GshContext)xScanReplay(hix int,replay bool,repeat int,tempo float64,argv[]string){ var Start time.Time var events = []Event{} for _,e := range Events { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { events = append(events,e) } } elen := len(events) if 0 < elen { if events[elen-1].event == EV_IDLE { events = events[0:elen-1] } } for r := 0; r < repeat; r++ { for i,e := range events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 if Start.Second() == 0 { Start = time.Now() } diff := time.Now().Sub(Start) if replay { if e.event != EV_IDLE { putEvent(e.event,0) if e.event == EV_MODE { // event with arg putEvent(int(e.evarg),0) } } }else{ fmt.Printf("%7.3fms #%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n", float64(diff)/1000000.0, i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event), float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } if e.event == EV_IDLE { d := time.Duration(float64(time.Duration(e.evarg)) * tempo) //nsleep(time.Duration(e.evarg)) nsleep(d) } } } } func dumpEvents(arg[]string){ hix := 0 if 1 < len(arg) { fmt.Sscanf(arg[1],"%d",&hix) } for i,e := range Events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 //if e.event != EV_TIMEOUT { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { fmt.Printf("#%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n",i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event),float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } //} } } func fgetcTimeout(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ ch := fgetcTimeout1(fp,usec) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT { now := time.Now() if 0 < len(Events) { last := Events[len(Events)-1] dura := int64(now.Sub(last.when)) Events = append(Events,Event{last.when,EV_IDLE,dura,last.CmdIndex}) } Events = append(Events,Event{time.Now(),ch,0,CmdIndex}) } return ch } var TtyMaxCol = 72 // to be obtained by ioctl? var EscTimeout = (100*1000) var ( MODE_VicMode bool // vi compatible command mode MODE_ShowMode bool romkanmode bool // shown translation mode, the mode to be retained MODE_Recursive bool // recursive translation MODE_CapsLock bool // software CapsLock MODE_LowerLock bool // force lower-case character lock MODE_ViInsert int // visible insert mode, should be like "I" icon in X Window MODE_ViTrace bool // output newline before translation ) type IInput struct { lno int lastlno int pch []int // input queue prompt string line string right string inJmode bool pinJmode bool waitingMeta string // waiting meta character LastCmd string } func (iin*IInput)Getc(timeoutUs int)(int){ ch1 := EOF ch2 := EOF ch3 := EOF if( 0 < len(iin.pch) ){ // deQ ch1 = iin.pch[0] iin.pch = iin.pch[1:] }else{ ch1 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,timeoutUs); } if( ch1 == 033 ){ /// escape sequence ch2 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch2 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ }else{ ch3 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch3 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ }else{ switch( ch2 ){ default: iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch3) // enQ case '[': switch( ch3 ){ case 'A': ch1 = GO_UP; // ^ case 'B': ch1 = GO_DOWN; // v case 'C': ch1 = GO_RIGHT; // > case 'D': ch1 = GO_LEFT; // < case '3': ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch4 == '~' ){ //fprintf(stderr,"x[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } case '\\': //ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); //fprintf(stderr,"y[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); switch( ch3 ){ case '~': ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } } } } return ch1 } func (inn*IInput)clearline(){ var i int fprintf(stderr,"\r"); // should be ANSI ESC sequence for i = 0; i < TtyMaxCol; i++ { // to the max. position in this input action fputc(' ',os.Stderr); } fprintf(stderr,"\r"); } func (iin*IInput)Redraw(){ redraw(iin,iin.lno,iin.line,iin.right) } func redraw(iin *IInput,lno int,line string,right string){ inMeta := false showMode := "" showMeta := "" // visible Meta mode on the cursor position showLino := fmt.Sprintf("!%d! ",lno) InsertMark := "" // in visible insert mode if MODE_VicMode { }else if 0 < len(iin.right) { InsertMark = " " } if( 0 < len(iin.waitingMeta) ){ inMeta = true if iin.waitingMeta[0] != 033 { showMeta = iin.waitingMeta } } if( romkanmode ){ //romkanmark = " *"; }else{ //romkanmark = ""; } if MODE_ShowMode { romkan := "--" inmeta := "-" inveri := "" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "A" } if MODE_LowerLock { inmeta = "a" } if MODE_ViTrace { inveri = "v" } if MODE_VicMode { inveri = ":" } if romkanmode { romkan = "\343\201\202" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "R" }else{ inmeta = "r" } } if inMeta { inmeta = "\\" } showMode = "["+romkan+inmeta+inveri+"]"; } Pre := "\r" + showMode + showLino Output := "" Left := "" Right := "" if romkanmode { Left = convs(line) Right = InsertMark+convs(right) }else{ Left = line Right = InsertMark+right } Output = Pre+Left if MODE_ViTrace { Output += iin.LastCmd } Output += showMeta+Right for len(Output) < TtyMaxCol { // to the max. position that may be dirty Output += " " // should be ANSI ESC sequence // not necessary just after newline } Output += Pre+Left+showMeta // to set the cursor to the current input position fprintf(stderr,"%s",Output) if MODE_ViTrace { if 0 < len(iin.LastCmd) { iin.LastCmd = "" fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") } } } // utf8 func delHeadChar(str string)(rline string,head string){ _,clen := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)) head = string(str[0:clen]) return str[clen:],head } func delTailChar(str string)(rline string, last string){ var i = 0 var clen = 0 for { _,siz := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)[i:]) if siz <= 0 { break } clen = siz i += siz } last = str[len(str)-clen:] return str[0:len(str)-clen],last } // 3> for output and history // 4> for keylog? // Command Line Editor func xgetline(lno int, prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var iin IInput iin.lastlno = lno iin.lno = lno CmdIndex = len(gsh.CommandHistory) if( isatty(0) == 0 ){ if( sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin) == NULL ){ iin.line = "exit\n"; }else{ } return iin.line } if( true ){ //var pts string; //pts = ptsname(0); //pts = ttyname(0); //fprintf(stderr,"--pts[0] = %s\n",pts?pts:"?"); } if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"! "); fflush(stderr); sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin); return iin.line } system("/bin/stty -echo -icanon"); xline := iin.xgetline1(prevline,gsh) system("/bin/stty echo sane"); return xline } func (iin*IInput)Translate(cmdch int){ romkanmode = !romkanmode; if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); }else if( cmdch == 'J' ){ fprintf(stderr,"J\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); iin.Redraw(); } func (iin*IInput)Replace(cmdch int){ iin.LastCmd = fmt.Sprintf("\\%v",string(cmdch)) iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" if( cmdch == 'I' ){ fprintf(stderr,"I\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); } // aa 12 a1a1 func isAlpha(ch rune)(bool){ if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { return true } return false } func isAlnum(ch rune)(bool){ if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { return true } if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { return true } return false } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created // DecodeRuneInString func (iin*IInput)GotoTOPW(){ str := iin.line i := len(str) if i <= 0 { return } //i0 := i i -= 1 lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var found = -1 for 0 < i { // skip preamble spaces lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched i -= lastSize continue } break } for 0 < i { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { continue } // not the character top if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched found = i break } i -= lastSize } if found < 0 && i == 0 { found = 0 } if 0 <= found { if isAlnum(lastRune) { // or non-kana character }else{ // when positioning to the top o the word i += lastSize } iin.right = str[i:] + iin.right if 0 < i { iin.line = str[0:i] }else{ iin.line = "" } } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d,%d,%d)[%s][%s]\n",i0,i,found,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created func (iin*IInput)GotoENDW(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var lastW = 0 i := 0 inWord := false lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[0:]) if isAlnum(lastRune) { r,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[lastSize:]) if 0 < z && isAlnum(r) { inWord = true } } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } lastW = i // the last alnum if in alnum word i += lastSize } if inWord { goto DISP } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } i += lastSize } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } lastW = i i += lastSize } DISP: if 0 < lastW { iin.line = iin.line + str[0:lastW] iin.right = str[lastW:] } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d)[%s][%s]\n",i,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created func (iin*IInput)GotoNEXTW(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var found = -1 i := 1 for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched found = i break } i += lastSize } if 0 < found { if isAlnum(lastRune) { // or non-kana character }else{ // when positioning to the top o the word found += lastSize } iin.line = iin.line + str[0:found] if 0 < found { iin.right = str[found:] }else{ iin.right = "" } } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d)[%s][%s]\n",i,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)GotoPAIRCH(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastRune,lastSize := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[0:]) if lastSize <= 0 { return } forw := false back := false pair := "" switch string(lastRune){ case "{": pair = "}"; forw = true case "}": pair = "{"; back = true case "(": pair = ")"; forw = true case ")": pair = "("; back = true case "[": pair = "]"; forw = true case "]": pair = "["; back = true case "<": pair = ">"; forw = true case ">": pair = "<"; back = true case "\"": pair = "\""; // context depednet, can be f" or back-double quote case "'": pair = "'"; // context depednet, can be f' or back-quote // case Japanese Kakkos } if forw { iin.SearchForward(pair) } if back { iin.SearchBackward(pair) } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)SearchForward(pat string)(bool){ right := iin.right found := -1 i := 0 if strBegins(right,pat) { _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(right[i:]) if 0 < z { i += z } } for i < len(right) { if strBegins(right[i:],pat) { found = i break } _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(right[i:]) if z <= 0 { break } i += z } if 0 <= found { iin.line = iin.line + right[0:found] iin.right = iin.right[found:] return true }else{ return false } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)SearchBackward(pat string)(bool){ line := iin.line found := -1 i := len(line)-1 for i = i; 0 <= i; i-- { _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(line[i:]) if z <= 0 { continue } //fprintf(stderr,"-- %v %v\n",pat,line[i:]) if strBegins(line[i:],pat) { found = i break } } //fprintf(stderr,"--%d\n",found) if 0 <= found { iin.right = line[found:] + iin.right iin.line = line[0:found] return true }else{ return false } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created // search from top, end, or current position func (gsh*GshContext)SearchHistory(pat string, forw bool)(bool,string){ if forw { for _,v := range gsh.CommandHistory { if 0 <= strings.Index(v.CmdLine,pat) { //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- found !%v [%v]%v\n",i,pat,v.CmdLine) return true,v.CmdLine } } }else{ hlen := len(gsh.CommandHistory) for i := hlen-1; 0 < i ; i-- { v := gsh.CommandHistory[i] if 0 <= strings.Index(v.CmdLine,pat) { //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- found !%v [%v]%v\n",i,pat,v.CmdLine) return true,v.CmdLine } } } //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- not-found(%v)\n",pat) return false,"(Not Found in History)" } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)GotoFORWSTR(pat string,gsh*GshContext){ found := false if 0 < len(iin.right) { found = iin.SearchForward(pat) } if !found { found,line := gsh.SearchHistory(pat,true) if found { iin.line = line iin.right = "" } } } func (iin*IInput)GotoBACKSTR(pat string, gsh*GshContext){ found := false if 0 < len(iin.line) { found = iin.SearchBackward(pat) } if !found { found,line := gsh.SearchHistory(pat,false) if found { iin.line = line iin.right = "" } } } func (iin*IInput)getstring1(prompt string)(string){ // should be editable iin.clearline(); fprintf(stderr,"\r%v",prompt) str := "" for { ch := iin.Getc(10*1000*1000) if ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' { break } sch := string(ch) str += sch fprintf(stderr,"%s",sch) } return str } // search pattern must be an array and selectable with ^N/^P var SearchPat = "" var SearchForw = true func (iin*IInput)xgetline1(prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var ch int; MODE_ShowMode = false MODE_VicMode = false iin.Redraw(); first := true for cix := 0; ; cix++ { iin.pinJmode = iin.inJmode iin.inJmode = false ch = iin.Getc(1000*1000) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT && first { first = false mode := 0 if romkanmode { mode = 1 } now := time.Now() Events = append(Events,Event{now,EV_MODE,int64(mode),CmdIndex}) } if ch == 033 { MODE_ShowMode = true MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode iin.Redraw(); continue } if MODE_VicMode { switch ch { case '0': ch = GO_TOPL case '$': ch = GO_ENDL case 'b': ch = GO_TOPW case 'e': ch = GO_ENDW case 'w': ch = GO_NEXTW case '%': ch = GO_PAIRCH case 'j': ch = GO_DOWN case 'k': ch = GO_UP case 'h': ch = GO_LEFT case 'l': ch = GO_RIGHT case 'x': ch = DEL_RIGHT case 'a': MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode ch = GO_RIGHT case 'i': MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode iin.Redraw(); continue case '~': right,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) if len([]byte(head)) == 1 { ch = int(head[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.right = string(ch) + right } iin.Redraw(); continue case 'f': // GO_FORWCH iin.Redraw(); ch = iin.Getc(3*1000*1000) if ch == EV_TIMEOUT { iin.Redraw(); continue } SearchPat = string(ch) SearchForw = true iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case '/': SearchPat = iin.getstring1("/") // should be editable SearchForw = true iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case '?': SearchPat = iin.getstring1("?") // should be editable SearchForw = false iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case 'n': if SearchForw { iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) }else{ iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) } iin.Redraw(); continue case 'N': if !SearchForw { iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) }else{ iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) } iin.Redraw(); continue } } switch ch { case GO_TOPW: iin.GotoTOPW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_ENDW: iin.GotoENDW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_NEXTW: // to next space then iin.GotoNEXTW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_PAIRCH: iin.GotoPAIRCH() iin.Redraw(); continue } //fprintf(stderr,"A[%02X]\n",ch); if( ch == '\\' || ch == 033 ){ MODE_ShowMode = true metach := ch iin.waitingMeta = string(ch) iin.Redraw(); // set cursor //fprintf(stderr,"???\b\b\b") ch = fgetcTimeout(stdin,2000*1000) // reset cursor iin.waitingMeta = "" cmdch := ch if( ch == EV_TIMEOUT ){ if metach == 033 { continue } ch = metach }else /* if( ch == 'm' || ch == 'M' ){ mch := fgetcTimeout(stdin,1000*1000) if mch == 'r' { romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } continue }else */ if( ch == 'k' || ch == 'K' ){ MODE_Recursive = !MODE_Recursive iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'j' || ch == 'J' ){ iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'i' || ch == 'I' ){ iin.Replace(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'l' || ch == 'L' ){ MODE_LowerLock = !MODE_LowerLock MODE_CapsLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'u' || ch == 'U' ){ MODE_CapsLock = !MODE_CapsLock MODE_LowerLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'v' || ch == 'V' ){ MODE_ViTrace = !MODE_ViTrace if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'c' || ch == 'C' ){ if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) if len([]byte(tail)) == 1 { ch = int(tail[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.line = xline + string(ch) } } if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else{ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch) // push ch = '\\' } } switch( ch ){ case 'P'-0x40: ch = GO_UP case 'N'-0x40: ch = GO_DOWN case 'B'-0x40: ch = GO_LEFT case 'F'-0x40: ch = GO_RIGHT } //fprintf(stderr,"B[%02X]\n",ch); switch( ch ){ case 0: continue; case '\t': iin.Replace('j'); continue case 'X'-0x40: iin.Replace('j'); continue case EV_TIMEOUT: iin.Redraw(); if iin.pinJmode { fprintf(stderr,"\\J\r\n") iin.inJmode = true } continue case GO_UP: if iin.lno == 1 { continue } cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno-1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno - 1 } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_DOWN: cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno+1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 }else{ iin.line = "" iin.right = "" if iin.lno == iin.lastlno-1 { iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 } } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_LEFT: if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) iin.line = xline iin.right = tail + iin.right } iin.Redraw(); continue; case GO_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) && iin.right[0] != 0 ){ xright,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.right = xright iin.line += head } iin.Redraw(); continue; case EOF: goto EXIT; case 'R'-0x40: // replace dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'T'-0x40: // just show the result readDic(); romkanmode = !romkanmode; iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'L'-0x40: iin.Redraw(); continue case 'K'-0x40: iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'E'-0x40: iin.line += iin.right iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'A'-0x40: iin.right = iin.line + iin.right iin.line = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'U'-0x40: iin.line = "" iin.right = "" iin.clearline(); iin.Redraw(); continue; case DEL_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } continue; case 0x7F: // BS? not DEL if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } /* else if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } */ continue; case 'H'-0x40: if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } continue; } if( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' ){ iin.line += iin.right; iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); fputc(ch,stderr); break; } if MODE_CapsLock { if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' { ch = ch+'A'-'a' } } if MODE_LowerLock { if 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { ch = ch+'a'-'A' } } iin.line += string(ch); iin.Redraw(); } EXIT: return iin.line + iin.right; } func getline_main(){ line := xgetline(0,"",nil) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",line); /* dp = strpbrk(line,"\r\n"); if( dp != NULL ){ *dp = 0; } if( 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n(%d)\n",int(strlen(line))); } if( lseek(3,0,0) == 0 ){ if( romkanmode ){ var buf [8*1024]byte; convs(line,buff); strcpy(line,buff); } write(3,line,strlen(line)); ftruncate(3,lseek(3,0,SEEK_CUR)); //fprintf(stderr,"outsize=%d\n",(int)lseek(3,0,SEEK_END)); lseek(3,0,SEEK_SET); close(3); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"\r\ngotline: "); trans(line); //printf("%s\n",line); printf("\n"); } */ } //== end ========================================================= getline // // $USERHOME/.gsh/ // gsh-rc.txt, or gsh-configure.txt // gsh-history.txt // gsh-aliases.txt // should be conditional? // func (gshCtx *GshContext)gshSetupHomedir()(bool) { homedir,found := userHomeDir() if !found { fmt.Printf("--E-- You have no UserHomeDir\n") return true } gshhome := homedir + "/" + GSH_HOME _, err2 := os.Stat(gshhome) if err2 != nil { err3 := os.Mkdir(gshhome,0700) if err3 != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- Could not Create %s (%s)\n", gshhome,err3) return true } fmt.Printf("--I-- Created %s\n",gshhome) } gshCtx.GshHomeDir = gshhome return false } func setupGshContext()(GshContext,bool){ gshPA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the staring directory os.Environ(), // environ[] []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, // OS specific } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() gshCtx := GshContext { cwd, // StartDir "", // GetLine []GChdirHistory { {cwd,time.Now(),0} }, // ChdirHistory gshPA, []GCommandHistory{}, //something for invokation? GCommandHistory{}, // CmdCurrent false, []int{}, syscall.Rusage{}, "", // GshHomeDir Ttyid(), false, false, []PluginInfo{}, []string{}, " ", "v", ValueStack{}, GServer{"",""}, // LastServer "", // RSERV cwd, // RWD CheckSum{}, } err := gshCtx.gshSetupHomedir() return gshCtx, err } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelllh(gline string)(bool){ ghist := gsh.CmdCurrent ghist.WorkDir,_ = os.Getwd() ghist.WorkDirX = len(gsh.ChdirHistory)-1 //fmt.Printf("--D--ChdirHistory(@%d)\n",len(gsh.ChdirHistory)) ghist.StartAt = time.Now() rusagev1 := Getrusagev() gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = []string{} fin := gsh.tgshelll(gline) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() ghist.Rusagev = RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) ghist.EndAt = time.Now() ghist.CmdLine = gline ghist.FoundFile = gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile /* record it but not show in list by default if len(gline) == 0 { continue } if gline == "hi" || gline == "history" { // don't record it continue } */ gsh.CommandHistory = append(gsh.CommandHistory, ghist) return fin } // Main loop func script(gshCtxGiven *GshContext) (_ GshContext) { gshCtxBuf,err0 := setupGshContext() if err0 { return gshCtxBuf; } gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) //resmap() /* if false { gsh_getlinev, with_exgetline := which("PATH",[]string{"which","gsh-getline","-s"}) if with_exgetline { gsh_getlinev[0] = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) gshCtx.GetLine = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) }else{ fmt.Printf("--W-- No gsh-getline found. Using internal getline.\n"); } } */ ghist0 := gshCtx.CmdCurrent // something special, or gshrc script, or permanent history gshCtx.CommandHistory = append(gshCtx.CommandHistory,ghist0) prevline := "" skipping := false for hix := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory); ; { gline := gshCtx.getline(hix,skipping,prevline) if skipping { if strings.Index(gline,"fi") == 0 { fmt.Printf("fi\n"); skipping = false; }else{ //fmt.Printf("%s\n",gline); } continue } if strings.Index(gline,"if") == 0 { //fmt.Printf("--D-- if start: %s\n",gline); skipping = true; continue } if false { os.Stdout.Write([]byte("gotline:")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } gline = strsubst(gshCtx,gline,true) if false { fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%v - %v\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%s - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%x - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%U - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("Stouut.Write -") os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) fmt.Printf("\n") } /* // should be cared in substitution ? if 0 < len(gline) && gline[0] == '!' { xgline, set, err := searchHistory(gshCtx,gline) if err { continue } if set { // set the line in command line editor } gline = xgline } */ fin := gshCtx.gshelllh(gline) if fin { break; } prevline = gline; hix++; } return *gshCtx } func main() { gshCtxBuf := GshContext{} gsh := &gshCtxBuf argv := os.Args if 1 < len(argv) { if isin("version",argv){ gsh.showVersion(argv) return } comx := isinX("-c",argv) if 0 < comx { gshCtxBuf,err := setupGshContext() gsh := &gshCtxBuf if !err { gsh.gshellv(argv[comx+1:]) } return } } if 1 < len(argv) && isin("-s",argv) { }else{ gsh.showVersion(append(argv,[]string{"-l","-a"}...)) } script(nil) //gshCtx := script(nil) //gshelll(gshCtx,"time") } //
// - inter gsh communication, possibly running in remote hosts -- to be remote shell // - merged histories of multiple parallel gsh sessions // - alias as a function or macro // - instant alias end environ export to the permanent > ~/.gsh/gsh-alias and gsh-environ // - retrieval PATH of files by its type // - gsh as an IME with completion using history and file names as dictionaies // - gsh a scheduler in precise time of within a millisecond // - all commands have its subucomand after "---" symbol // - filename expansion by "-find" command // - history of ext code and output of each commoand // - "script" output for each command by pty-tee or telnet-tee // - $BUILTIN command in PATH to show the priority // - "?" symbol in the command (not as in arguments) shows help request // - searching command with wild card like: which ssh-* // - longformat prompt after long idle time (should dismiss by BS) // - customizing by building plugin and dynamically linking it // - generating syntactic element like "if" by macro expansion (like CPP) >> alias // - "!" symbol should be used for negation, don't wast it just for job control // - don't put too long output to tty, record it into GSH_HOME/session-id/comand-id.log // - making canonical form of command at the start adding quatation or white spaces // - name(a,b,c) ... use "(" and ")" to show both delimiter and realm // - name? or name! might be useful // - htar format - packing directory contents into a single html file using data scheme // - filepath substitution shold be done by each command, expecially in case of builtins // - @N substition for the history of working directory, and @spec for more generic ones // - @dir prefix to do the command at there, that means like (chdir @dir; command) // - GSH_PATH for plugins // - standard command output: list of data with name, size, resouce usage, modified time // - generic sort key option -nm name, -sz size, -ru rusage, -ts start-time, -tm mod-time // -wc word-count, grep match line count, ... // - standard command execution result: a list of string, -tm, -ts, -ru, -sz, ... // - -tailf-filename like tail -f filename, repeat close and open before read // - max. size and max. duration and timeout of (generated) data transfer // - auto. numbering, aliasing, IME completion of file name (especially rm of quieer name) // - IME "?" at the top of the command line means searching history // - IME %d/0x10000/ %x/ffff/ // - IME ESC to go the edit mode like in vi, and use :command as :s/x/y/g to edit history // - gsh in WebAssembly // - gsh as a HTTP server of online-manual //---END--- (^-^)/ITS more
// var WorldDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly8gTXlJTUUvMC4wLjEg6L6e5pu4ICgyMDIwLTA4MTlhKQpzZWthaSDkuJbnlYwKa28g44GT"+ "Cm5uIOOCkwpuaSDjgasKY2hpIOOBoQp0aSDjgaEKaGEg44GvCnNlIOOBmwprYSDjgYsKaSDj"+ "gYQK"; // var WnnDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL2Rp"+ "Y3ZlcglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNXbm5ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "R1NoZWxsCUdTaGVsbArjgo/jgZ/jgZcJ56eBCndhdGFzaGkJ56eBCndhdGFzaQnnp4EK44Gq"+ "44G+44GICeWQjeWJjQpuYW1hZQnlkI3liY0K44Gq44GL44GuCeS4remHjgpuYWthbm8J5Lit"+ "6YeOCndhCeOCjwp0YQnjgZ8Kc2kJ44GXCnNoaQnjgZcKbm8J44GuCm5hCeOBqgptYQnjgb4K"+ "ZQnjgYgKaGEJ44GvCm5hCeOBqgprYQnjgYsKbm8J44GuCmRlCeOBpwpzdQnjgZkKZVxzCWVj"+ "aG8KZGljCWRpYwplY2hvCWVjaG8KcmVwbGF5CXJlcGxheQpyZXBlYXQJcmVwZWF0CmR0CWRh"+ "dGVccysnJVklbSVkLSVIOiVNOiVTJwp0aW9uCXRpb24KJXQJJXQJLy8gdG8gYmUgYW4gYWN0"+ "aW9uCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg==" // var SumomoDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTdW1vbW9ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "c3UJ44GZCm1vCeOCggpubwnjga4KdQnjgYYKY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnjgaEKdWNoaQnlhoUKdXRp"+ "CeWGhQpzdW1vbW8J44GZ44KC44KCCnN1bW9tb21vCeOBmeOCguOCguOCggptb21vCeahgwpt"+ "b21vbW8J5qGD44KCCiwsCeOAgQouLgnjgIIKPC90ZXh0YXJlYT4K" // var SijimiDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTaGlqaW1pXHMvL1xzMjAyMC0wODMw"+ "CnNpCeOBlwpzaGkJ44GXCmppCeOBmAptaQnjgb8KbmEJ44GqCmp1CeOBmOOChQp4eXUJ44KF"+ "CnUJ44GGCm5pCeOBqwprbwnjgZMKYnUJ44G2Cm5uCeOCkwpubwnjga4KY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnj"+ "gaEKa2EJ44GLCnJhCeOCiQosLAnjgIEKLi4J44CCCnhuYW5hCeS4gwp4anV1CeWNgQp4bmkJ"+ "5LqMCmtveAnlgIsKa29xCeWAiwprb3gJ5YCLCm5hbmFqdXVuaXgJNzIKbmFuYWp1dW5peHgJ"+ "77yX77ySCm5hbmFqdXVuaVgJ77yX77ySCuS4g+WNgeS6jHgJNzIKa29idW5uCeWAi+WIhgp0"+ "aWthcmFxCeOBoeOBi+OCiQp0aWthcmEJ5YqbCmNoaWthcmEJ5YqbCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg=" // var JA_JKLDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly92ZXJsCU15SU1FamRpY2ptb3JzZWpKQWpKS0woMjAyMGowODE5KSheLV4pL1NhdG94SVRT"+ "CmtqamprbGtqa2tsa2psIOS4lueVjApqamtqamwJ44GCCmtqbAnjgYQKa2tqbAnjgYYKamtq"+ "amwJ44GICmtqa2trbAnjgYoKa2pra2wJ44GLCmpramtrbAnjgY0Ka2tramwJ44GPCmpramps"+ "CeOBkQpqampqbAnjgZMKamtqa2psCeOBlQpqamtqa2wJ44GXCmpqamtqbAnjgZkKa2pqamts"+ "CeOBmwpqamprbAnjgZ0KamtsCeOBnwpra2prbAnjgaEKa2pqa2wJ44GkCmtqa2pqbAnjgaYK"+ "a2tqa2tsCeOBqApramtsCeOBqgpqa2prbAnjgasKa2tra2wJ44GsCmpqa2psCeOBrQpra2pq"+ "bAnjga4Kamtra2wJ44GvCmpqa2tqbAnjgbIKampra2wJ44G1CmtsCeOBuApqa2tsCeOBuwpq"+ "a2tqbAnjgb4Ka2tqa2psCeOBvwpqbAnjgoAKamtra2psCeOCgQpqa2tqa2wJ44KCCmtqamwJ"+ "44KECmpra2pqbAnjgoYKampsCeOCiApra2tsCeOCiQpqamtsCeOCigpqa2pqa2wJ44KLCmpq"+ "amwJ44KMCmtqa2psCeOCjQpqa2psCeOCjwpramtramwJ44KQCmtqamtrbAnjgpEKa2pqamwJ"+ "44KSCmtqa2prbAnjgpMKa2pqa2psCeODvApra2wJ44KbCmtramprbAnjgpwKa2pramtqbAnj"+ "gIEK"; // // /*
*/ /*
Raw Source
Whole file
CSS part
JavaScript part
Builtin data part
*/ /* --> *///

GShell 0.2.8 − vi互換コマンドIMe




社長:GShell 改め「ViShell」にしようかな…


社長:Comprehensive IMEで CMIE とかどうですかね…




開発:文章でもプログラムでも何度も何度も、長期に何年にも渡って読み返しては時々加筆修正するみたいな作業をしていると、ほとんどの時間帯は閲覧モードというか、readonly なんですよ。他人の書いたものとかの場合も多い。






開発:まあGUIのIDEだと、入力する時以外はテキスト画面内でキーを打たないことが多いですけどね。これは vi の時代にはなかったモードです。でも、やっぱり間違って何かキーを触って壊すことはあるわけです。

社長:Wordとかの文章入力ツールの「閲覧モード」とはか全然ハズレてるんですよね。単に改行マークとか外して readonly にしてくれるモードがあればよいのですが。

開発:ブラウザの画面内で / とか n とか g:/.../p なんて出来ると良いのですけどね。

社長:それはぜひ、gsh.go.html でやりましょう。




開発:Alt だ Command だとかもう、キートップを引っこ抜きたいですね。昔はよく、CapsLock を引っこ抜いてましたけどw














社長:「: コマンド」は設定画面への遷移にも使われるわけで、これは GShell でも設定モードということになるでしょうかね。

開発:GShell としてそういうコマンドがあれば良いのかなと思います。このへんが、テキストエディタが本業である vi とは違うのではないかと。それに、設定はやはり HTTP でブラウザからやりたいですね。GShell 自体が HTTP サーバになって。

社長:でも、キーボードだけでやりたいことも多いですよね。特に簡単な設定なら。だから、設定用の仮想的なファイルとか、コマンドヒストリとか、:g/.../pの結果とか、コマンドの実行結果を表す仮想的なファイル名を :e できれると良いのかなと思います。設定ファイルでは、フォームみたいのが開く。



開発:プラス、非ASCII文字列用のIMEのモードというのは、避けられないと思います。onew はどうなってましたっけ?

社長:あれは、Wnn / Canna の提供する入力バッファの編集状態的なモードだったと思いますね。自前のモードというより。


開発:さすがにそれは、curses 的なライブラリがないとキツイですねぇ。

* * *






* * *






レンジ:ゴー… パピペ、パピペ、…


レンジ:ゴー… パピペ、パピペ、…

開発:あーあ、タコから旨い汁が出ちゃってもったいない… もぐもぐ。味が薄くなっちゃった。

基盤:もぐもぐ。悲しい… もぐもぐ。





開発:vi モードでの単語単位のカーソル移動、超刹那的プログラミングにて完成しました。





社長:cw とか dw とか yw がハイライトになりそうな気がします。


社長:vi でめっちゃ使うコマンドと言えば % ですよね。






開発:複数行に対応するとなると、j と k でヒストリを前後するというキー割当とぶつかっちゃいますね。

社長:というか、/ とか n とかもですね。これは複数行かどうかに関わらず。

開発:vi コマンドモードでの検索編集対象を現在の行の中に限るというモードが必要ということですかね。


基盤:b とか w でもヒストリ間を移動するというのアリでは無いでしょうか?





社長:なんか vin のリスト表示の編集機能のようです。たしか、c で catenate、 i で unfold だったと思います。







開発:矢印キーは、入力モードにおいてもコマンドとして解釈されるので良いのですが、j k はデータキーになってしまうという問題があります。要は、一旦 vi コマンドモードに入った後の状態ですね。j k で選んで RETURN で実行する。その後に、vi コマンドが継続しているべきかいなか。

開発:何が言いたいかというと、vi コマンドモードに入って、? や / でコマンドを検索して、実行する。その後に、再び ? や / で検索したいときに、vi コマンドが継続していてくれたほうが便利なことがあると思います。


開発:そういうケースを考えると、デフォが vi コマンドモードであるとか、サーチモードであるっていうのはアリかなと思います。コマンドを実行し終えたら、次のコマンド入力を求めるのではなく、検索文字列を求めるという。











基盤:ファイル検索の結果が一時的な仮想的ファイルになってたり、ヒストリ検索の結果が仮想的なヒストリのビューになっていると良いと思いますね。AND OR 検索なんかもできて。



開発:同じ読みの単語を検索すると・・・ まあこれは、辞書の検索コマンドは作ったので、あれと統合すれば良いのかな。ユニバーサル検索というか、コンプリヘンシブ検索というか・・・

基盤:whichでの検索、findでの検索、 ヒストリ検索、IME辞書検索、などなどですね。





開発:UIの深みですね。ともかく、/ では まず現在の行内を探す、無かったらヒストリの中を探す、ということにしました。仮置きですけど。

-- 2020-0901 SatoxITS

/* GShell-0.2.4 by SatoxITS
GShell version 0.2.8 // 2020-09-01 // SatoxITS

GShell // a General purpose Shell built on the top of Golang

It is a shell for myself, by myself, of myself. --SatoxITS(^-^)

0 | | Fork | Stop | Unfold | */ /*

Fun to create a shell

For a programmer, it must be far easy and fun to create his own simple shell rightly fitting to his favor and necessities, than learning existing shells with complex full features that he never use. I, as one of programmers, am writing this tiny shell for my own real needs, totally from scratch, with fun.

For a programmer, it is fun to learn new computer languages. For long years before writing this software, I had been specialized to C and early HTML2 :-). Now writing this software, I'm learning Go language, HTML5, JavaScript and CSS on demand as a novice of these, with fun.

This single file "gsh.go", that is executable by Go, contains all of the code written in Go. Also it can be displayed as "gsh.go.html" by browsers. It is a standalone HTML file that works as the viewer of the code of itself, and as the "home page" of this software.

Because this HTML file is a Go program, you may run it as a real shell program on your computer. But you must be aware that this program is written under situation like above. Needless to say, there is no warranty for this program in any means.

Aug 2020, SatoxITS (
*/ /*

Vi compatible command line editor

The command line of GShell can be edited with commands compatible with vi. As in vi, you can enter command mode by ESC key, then move around in the history by j k / ? n N, or within the current line by l h f w b 0 $ % or so.

*/ /*
Documents Command summary Go lang part Package structures import struct Main functions str-expansion // macro processor finder // builtin find + du grep // builtin grep + wc + cksum + ... plugin // plugin commands system // external commands builtin // builtin commands network // socket handler remote-sh // remote shell redirect // StdIn/Out redireciton history // command history rusage // resouce usage encode // encode / decode IME // command line IME getline // line editor scanf // string decomposer interpreter // command interpreter main JavaScript part Source Builtin data CSS part Source References Internal External Whole parts Source Download Dump
*/ //
//Go Source
// gsh - Go lang based Shell // (c) 2020 ITS more Co., Ltd. // 2020-0807 created by SatoxITS ( package main // gsh main // Imported packages // Packages import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "strconv" // strconv "sort" // sort "time" // time "bufio" // bufio "io/ioutil" // ioutil "os" // os "syscall" // syscall "plugin" // plugin "net" // net "net/http" // http //"html" // html "path/filepath" // filepath "go/types" // types "go/token" // token "encoding/base64" // base64 "unicode/utf8" // utf8 //"gshdata" // gshell's logo and source code "hash/crc32" // crc32 ) const ( NAME = "gsh" VERSION = "0.2.8" DATE = "2020-09-01" AUTHOR = "SatoxITS(^-^)/" ) var ( GSH_HOME = ".gsh" // under home directory GSH_PORT = 9999 MaxStreamSize = int64(128*1024*1024*1024) // 128GiB is too large? PROMPT = "> " LINESIZE = (8*1024) PATHSEP = ":" // should be ";" in Windows DIRSEP = "/" // canbe \ in Windows ) // -xX logging control // --A-- all // --I-- info. // --D-- debug // --T-- time and resource usage // --W-- warning // --E-- error // --F-- fatal error // --Xn- network // Structures type GCommandHistory struct { StartAt time.Time // command line execution started at EndAt time.Time // command line execution ended at ResCode int // exit code of (external command) CmdError error // error string OutData *os.File // output of the command FoundFile []string // output - result of ufind Rusagev [2]syscall.Rusage // Resource consumption, CPU time or so CmdId int // maybe with identified with arguments or impact // redireciton commands should not be the CmdId WorkDir string // working directory at start WorkDirX int // index in ChdirHistory CmdLine string // command line } type GChdirHistory struct { Dir string MovedAt time.Time CmdIndex int } type CmdMode struct { BackGround bool } type Event struct { when time.Time event int evarg int64 CmdIndex int } var CmdIndex int var Events []Event type PluginInfo struct { Spec *plugin.Plugin Addr plugin.Symbol Name string // maybe relative Path string // this is in Plugin but hidden } type GServer struct { host string port string } // Digest const ( // SumType SUM_ITEMS = 0x000001 // items count SUM_SIZE = 0x000002 // data length (simplly added) SUM_SIZEHASH = 0x000004 // data length (hashed sequence) SUM_DATEHASH = 0x000008 // date of data (hashed sequence) // also envelope attributes like time stamp can be a part of digest // hashed value of sizes or mod-date of files will be useful to detect changes SUM_WORDS = 0x000010 // word count is a kind of digest SUM_LINES = 0x000020 // line count is a kind of digest SUM_SUM64 = 0x000040 // simple add of bytes, useful for human too SUM_SUM32_BITS = 0x000100 // the number of true bits SUM_SUM32_2BYTE = 0x000200 // 16bits words SUM_SUM32_4BYTE = 0x000400 // 32bits words SUM_SUM32_8BYTE = 0x000800 // 64bits words SUM_SUM16_BSD = 0x001000 // UNIXsum -sum -bsd SUM_SUM16_SYSV = 0x002000 // UNIXsum -sum -sysv SUM_UNIXFILE = 0x004000 SUM_CRCIEEE = 0x008000 ) type CheckSum struct { Files int64 // the number of files (or data) Size int64 // content size Words int64 // word count Lines int64 // line count SumType int Sum64 uint64 Crc32Table crc32.Table Crc32Val uint32 Sum16 int Ctime time.Time Atime time.Time Mtime time.Time Start time.Time Done time.Time RusgAtStart [2]syscall.Rusage RusgAtEnd [2]syscall.Rusage } type ValueStack [][]string type GshContext struct { StartDir string // the current directory at the start GetLine string // gsh-getline command as a input line editor ChdirHistory []GChdirHistory // the 1st entry is wd at the start gshPA syscall.ProcAttr CommandHistory []GCommandHistory CmdCurrent GCommandHistory BackGround bool BackGroundJobs []int LastRusage syscall.Rusage GshHomeDir string TerminalId int CmdTrace bool // should be [map] CmdTime bool // should be [map] PluginFuncs []PluginInfo iValues []string iDelimiter string // field sepearater of print out iFormat string // default print format (of integer) iValStack ValueStack LastServer GServer RSERV string // [gsh://]host[:port] RWD string // remote (target, there) working directory lastCheckSum CheckSum } func nsleep(ns time.Duration){ time.Sleep(ns) } func usleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000) } func msleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000) } func sleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000000) } func strBegins(str, pat string)(bool){ if len(pat) <= len(str){ yes := str[0:len(pat)] == pat //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,yes) return yes } //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,false) return false } func isin(what string, list []string) bool { for _, v := range list { if v == what { return true } } return false } func isinX(what string,list[]string)(int){ for i,v := range list { if v == what { return i } } return -1 } func env(opts []string) { env := os.Environ() if isin("-s", opts){ sort.Slice(env, func(i,j int) bool { return env[i] < env[j] }) } for _, v := range env { fmt.Printf("%v\n",v) } } // - rewriting should be context dependent // - should postpone until the real point of evaluation // - should rewrite only known notation of symobl func scanInt(str string)(val int,leng int){ leng = -1 for i,ch := range str { if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { leng = i+1 }else{ break } } if 0 < leng { ival,_ := strconv.Atoi(str[0:leng]) return ival,leng }else{ return 0,0 } } func substHistory(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,i int,rstr string)(leng int,rst string){ if len(str[i+1:]) == 0 { return 0,rstr } hi := 0 histlen := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) if str[i+1] == '!' { hi = histlen - 1 leng = 1 }else{ hi,leng = scanInt(str[i+1:]) if leng == 0 { return 0,rstr } if hi < 0 { hi = histlen + hi } } if 0 <= hi && hi < histlen { var ext byte if 1 < len(str[i+leng:]) { ext = str[i+leng:][1] } //fmt.Printf("--D-- %v(%c)\n",str[i+leng:],str[i+leng]) if ext == 'f' { leng += 1 xlist := []string{} list := gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].FoundFile for _,v := range list { //list[i] = escapeWhiteSP(v) xlist = append(xlist,escapeWhiteSP(v)) } //rstr += strings.Join(list," ") rstr += strings.Join(xlist," ") }else if ext == '@' || ext == 'd' { // !N@ .. workdir at the start of the command leng += 1 rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].WorkDir }else{ rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].CmdLine } }else{ leng = 0 } return leng,rstr } func escapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ if len(str) == 0 { return "\\z" // empty, to be ignored } rstr := "" for _,ch := range str { switch ch { case '\\': rstr += "\\\\" case ' ': rstr += "\\s" case '\t': rstr += "\\t" case '\r': rstr += "\\r" case '\n': rstr += "\\n" default: rstr += string(ch) } } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ // strip original escapes rstr := "" for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { ch := str[i] if ch == '\\' { if i+1 < len(str) { switch str[i+1] { case 'z': continue; } } } rstr += string(ch) } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSPV(strv []string)([]string){ // strip original escapes ustrv := []string{} for _,v := range strv { ustrv = append(ustrv,unescapeWhiteSP(v)) } return ustrv } // str-expansion // - this should be a macro processor func strsubst(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,histonly bool) string { rbuff := []byte{} if false { //@@U Unicode should be cared as a character return str } //rstr := "" inEsc := 0 // escape characer mode for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { //fmt.Printf("--D--Subst %v:%v\n",i,str[i:]) ch := str[i] if inEsc == 0 { if ch == '!' { //leng,xrstr := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,rstr) leng,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") if 0 < leng { //_,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) i += leng //rstr = xrstr continue } } switch ch { case '\\': inEsc = '\\'; continue //case '%': inEsc = '%'; continue case '$': } } switch inEsc { case '\\': switch ch { case '\\': ch = '\\' case 's': ch = ' ' case 't': ch = '\t' case 'r': ch = '\r' case 'n': ch = '\n' case 'z': inEsc = 0; continue // empty, to be ignored } inEsc = 0 case '%': switch { case ch == '%': ch = '%' case ch == 'T': //rstr = rstr + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rs := time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) inEsc = 0 continue; default: // postpone the interpretation //rstr = rstr + "%" + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) inEsc = 0 continue; } inEsc = 0 } //rstr = rstr + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) } //fmt.Printf("--D--subst(%s)(%s)\n",str,string(rbuff)) return string(rbuff) //return rstr } func showFileInfo(path string, opts []string) { if isin("-l",opts) || isin("-ls",opts) { fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("---------- ((%v))",err) }else{ mod := fi.ModTime() date := mod.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("%v %8v %s ",fi.Mode(),fi.Size(),date) } } fmt.Printf("%s",path) if isin("-sp",opts) { fmt.Printf(" ") }else if ! isin("-n",opts) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func userHomeDir()(string,bool){ /* homedir,_ = os.UserHomeDir() // not implemented in older Golang */ homedir,found := os.LookupEnv("HOME") //fmt.Printf("--I-- HOME=%v(%v)\n",homedir,found) if !found { return "/tmp",found } return homedir,found } func toFullpath(path string) (fullpath string) { if path[0] == '/' { return path } pathv := strings.Split(path,DIRSEP) switch { case pathv[0] == ".": pathv[0], _ = os.Getwd() case pathv[0] == "..": // all ones should be interpreted cwd, _ := os.Getwd() ppathv := strings.Split(cwd,DIRSEP) pathv[0] = strings.Join(ppathv,DIRSEP) case pathv[0] == "~": pathv[0],_ = userHomeDir() default: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() pathv[0] = cwd + DIRSEP + pathv[0] } return strings.Join(pathv,DIRSEP) } func IsRegFile(path string)(bool){ fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() return fm.IsRegular(); } return false } // Encode / Decode // Encoder func (gshCtx *GshContext)Enc(argv[]string){ file := os.Stdin buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) li := 0 encoder := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdout) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } encoder.Write(buff[0:count]) } encoder.Close() } func (gshCtx *GshContext)Dec(argv[]string){ decoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdin) li := 0 buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := decoder.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } os.Stdout.Write(buff[0:count]) } } // lnsp [N] [-crlf][-C \\] func (gshCtx *GshContext)SplitLine(argv[]string){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,64*1024) ni := 0 toi := 0 for ni = 0; ; ni++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d (%v)\n",ni,toi,err) break } } off := 0 ilen := len(line) remlen := len(line) for oi := 0; 0 < remlen; oi++ { olen := remlen addnl := false if 72 < olen { olen = 72 addnl = true } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--D-- write %d [%d.%d] %d %d/%d/%d\n", toi,ni,oi,off,olen,remlen,ilen) toi += 1 os.Stdout.Write([]byte(line[0:olen])) if addnl { //os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\r\n")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\\")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } line = line[olen:] off += olen remlen -= olen } } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d\n",ni,toi) } // CRC32 crc32 // 1 0000 0100 1100 0001 0001 1101 1011 0111 var CRC32UNIX uint32 = uint32(0x04C11DB7) // Unix cksum var CRC32IEEE uint32 = uint32(0xEDB88320) func byteCRC32add(crc uint32,str[]byte,len uint64)(uint32){ var i uint64 for i = 0; i < len; i++ { var oct = str[i] for bi := 0; bi < 8; bi++ { ovf1 := (crc & 0x80000000) != 0 ovf2 := (oct & 0x80) != 0 ovf := (ovf1 && !ovf2) || (!ovf1 && ovf2) oct <<= 1 crc <<= 1 if ovf { crc ^= CRC32UNIX } } } return crc; } func byteCRC32end(crc uint32, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = byteCRC32add(crc,slen,uint64(li)) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func byteCRC32(str[]byte,len uint64)(crc uint32){ crc = byteCRC32add(0,str,len) crc = byteCRC32end(crc,len) return crc } func CRC32Finish(crc uint32, table *crc32.Table, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len & 0xFF) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = crc32.Update(crc,table,slen) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func (gsh*GshContext)xCksum(path string,argv[]string, sum*CheckSum)(int64){ if isin("-type/f",argv) && !IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } if isin("-type/d",argv) && IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- cksum %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- cksum %v %v\n",path,argv) } bi := 0 var buff = make([]byte,32*1024) var total int64 = 0 var initTime = time.Time{} if sum.Start == initTime { sum.Start = time.Now() } for bi = 0; ; bi++ { count,err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 || err != nil { break } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { s := sum.Sum64 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s += uint64(c) } sum.Sum64 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32add(sum.Crc32Val,buff,uint64(count)) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_CRCIEEE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = crc32.Update(sum.Crc32Val,&sum.Crc32Table,buff[0:count]) } // BSD checksum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { s := sum.Sum16 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s = (s >> 1) + ((s & 1) << 15) s += int(c) s &= 0xFFFF //fmt.Printf("BSDsum: %d[%d] %d\n",sum.Size+int64(i),i,s) } sum.Sum16 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { for bj := 0; bj < count; bj++ { sum.Sum16 += int(buff[bj]) } } total += int64(count) } sum.Done = time.Now() sum.Files += 1 sum.Size += total if !isin("-s",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v ",total) } return 0 } // grep // "lines", "lin" or "lnp" for "(text) line processor" or "scanner" // a*,!ab,c, ... sequentioal combination of patterns // what "LINE" is should be definable // generic line-by-line processing // grep [-v] // cat -n -v // uniq [-c] // tail -f // sed s/x/y/ or awk // grep with line count like wc // rewrite contents if specified func (gsh*GshContext)xGrep(path string,rexpv[]string)(int){ file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- grep %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- grep %v %v\n",path,rexpv) } //reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,LINESIZE) reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,80) li := 0 found := 0 for li = 0; ; li++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { break } if 150 < len(line) { // maybe binary break; } if err != nil { break } if 0 <= strings.Index(string(line),rexpv[0]) { found += 1 fmt.Printf("%s:%d: %s",path,li,line) } } //fmt.Printf("total %d lines %s\n",li,path) //if( 0 < found ){ fmt.Printf("((found %d lines %s))\n",found,path); } return found } // Finder // finding files with it name and contents // file names are ORed // show the content with %x fmt list // ls -R // tar command by adding output type fileSum struct { Err int64 // access error or so Size int64 // content size DupSize int64 // content size from hard links Blocks int64 // number of blocks (of 512 bytes) DupBlocks int64 // Blocks pointed from hard links HLinks int64 // hard links Words int64 Lines int64 Files int64 Dirs int64 // the num. of directories SymLink int64 Flats int64 // the num. of flat files MaxDepth int64 MaxNamlen int64 // max. name length nextRepo time.Time } func showFusage(dir string,fusage *fileSum){ bsume := float64(((fusage.Blocks-fusage.DupBlocks)/2)*1024)/1000000.0 //bsumdup := float64((fusage.Blocks/2)*1024)/1000000.0 fmt.Printf("%v: %v files (%vd %vs %vh) %.6f MB (%.2f MBK)\n", dir, fusage.Files, fusage.Dirs, fusage.SymLink, fusage.HLinks, float64(fusage.Size)/1000000.0,bsume); } const ( S_IFMT = 0170000 S_IFCHR = 0020000 S_IFDIR = 0040000 S_IFREG = 0100000 S_IFLNK = 0120000 S_IFSOCK = 0140000 ) func cumFinfo(fsum *fileSum, path string, staterr error, fstat syscall.Stat_t, argv[]string,verb bool)(*fileSum){ now := time.Now() if time.Second <= now.Sub(fsum.nextRepo) { if !fsum.nextRepo.IsZero(){ tstmp := now.Format(time.Stamp) showFusage(tstmp,fsum) } fsum.nextRepo = now.Add(time.Second) } if staterr != nil { fsum.Err += 1 return fsum } fsum.Files += 1 if 1 < fstat.Nlink { // must count only once... // at least ignore ones in the same directory //if finfo.Mode().IsRegular() { if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG { fsum.HLinks += 1 fsum.DupBlocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //fmt.Printf("---Dup HardLink %v %s\n",fstat.Nlink,path) } } //fsum.Size += finfo.Size() fsum.Size += fstat.Size fsum.Blocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //if verb { fmt.Printf("(%8dBlk) %s",fstat.Blocks/2,path) } if isin("-ls",argv){ //if verb { fmt.Printf("%4d %8d ",fstat.Blksize,fstat.Blocks) } // fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } //if finfo.IsDir() if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { fsum.Dirs += 1 } //if (finfo.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { //if verb { fmt.Printf("symlink(%v,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } //{ fmt.Printf("symlink(%o,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } fsum.SymLink += 1 } return fsum } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFindEntv(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string, dstat syscall.Stat_t, ei int, entv []string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) // sort entv /* if isin("-t",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].ModTime().Sub(filev[j].ModTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-u",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].AccTime().Sub(filev[j].AccTime()) }) } if isin("-U",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].CreatTime().Sub(filev[j].CreatTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-S",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return filev[j].Size() < filev[i].Size() }) } */ for _,filename := range entv { for _,npat := range npatv { match := true if npat == "*" { match = true }else{ match, _ = filepath.Match(npat,filename) } path := dir + DIRSEP + filename if !match { continue } var fstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(path,&fstat) if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } continue; } if isin("-du",argv) && (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { // should not show size of directory in "-du" mode ... }else if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { if isin("-du",argv) { fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } showFileInfo(path,argv) } if true { // && isin("-du",argv) total = cumFinfo(total,path,staterr,fstat,argv,false) } /* if isin("-wc",argv) { } */ if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { gsh.xCksum(path,argv,&gsh.lastCheckSum); } x := isinX("-grep",argv); // -grep will be convenient like -ls if 0 <= x && x+1 <= len(argv) { // -grep will be convenient like -ls if IsRegFile(path){ found := gsh.xGrep(path,argv[x+1:]) if 0 < found { foundv := gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile if len(foundv) < 10 { gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = append(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile,path) } } } } if !isin("-r0",argv) { // -d 0 in du, -depth n in find //total.Depth += 1 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { continue } if dstat.Rdev != fstat.Rdev { fmt.Printf("--I-- don't follow differnet device %v(%v) %v(%v)\n", dir,dstat.Rdev,path,fstat.Rdev) } if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { total = gsh.xxFind(depth+1,total,path,npatv,argv) } } } } return total } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFind(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) dirfile,oerr := os.OpenFile(dir,os.O_RDONLY,0) if oerr == nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- %v(%v)[%d]\n",dir,dirfile,dirfile.Fd()) defer dirfile.Close() }else{ } prev := *total var dstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(dir,&dstat) // should be flstat if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } return total } //filev,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) //_,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) // ReadDir() heavy and bad for huge directory /* if err != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",err) } return total } */ if depth == 0 { total = cumFinfo(total,dir,staterr,dstat,argv,true) if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { showFileInfo(dir,argv) } } // it it is not a directory, just scan it and finish for ei := 0; ; ei++ { entv,rderr := dirfile.Readdirnames(8*1024) if len(entv) == 0 || rderr != nil { //if rderr != nil { fmt.Printf("[%d] len=%d (%v)\n",ei,len(entv),rderr) } break } if 0 < ei { fmt.Printf("--I-- xxFind[%d] %d large-dir: %s\n",ei,len(entv),dir) } total = gsh.xxFindEntv(depth,total,dir,dstat,ei,entv,npatv,argv) } if isin("-du",argv) { // if in "du" mode fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n",(total.Blocks-prev.Blocks)/2,dir) } return total } // {ufind|fu|ls} [Files] [// Names] [-- Expressions] // Files is "." by default // Names is "*" by default // Expressions is "-print" by default for "ufind", or -du for "fu" command func (gsh*GshContext)xFind(argv[]string){ if 0 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[0],"?"){ showFound(gsh,argv) return } if isin("-cksum",argv) || isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum = CheckSum{} if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-add",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-size",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SIZE }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-bsd",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_BSD }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-sysv",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_SYSV }else if isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 } if isin("-unix",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_UNIXFILE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32UNIX) } if isin("-ieee",argv){ gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_CRCIEEE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32IEEE) } gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtStart = Getrusagev() } var total = fileSum{} npats := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if 0 < len(v) && v[0] != '-' { npats = append(npats,v) } if v == "//" { break } if v == "--" { break } if v == "-grep" { break } if v == "-ls" { break } } if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } cwd := "." // if to be fullpath ::: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } fusage := gsh.xxFind(0,&total,cwd,npats,argv) if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { var sumi uint64 = 0 sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SIZE) != 0 { sumi = uint64(sum.Size) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { sumi = sum.Sum64 } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { s := uint32(sum.Sum16) r := (s & 0xFFFF) + ((s & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 16) s = (r & 0xFFFF) + (r >> 16) sum.Crc32Val = uint32(s) sumi = uint64(s) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = uint32(sum.Sum16) sumi = uint64(sum.Sum16) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size)) sumi = uint64(byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size))) } if 1 < sum.Files { fmt.Printf("%v %v // %v / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sumi,sum.Size, abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files, abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", sumi,sum.Size,npats[0]) } } if !isin("-grep",argv) { showFusage("total",fusage) } if !isin("-s",argv){ hits := len(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile) if 0 < hits { fmt.Printf("--I-- %d files hits // can be refered with !%df\n", hits,len(gsh.CommandHistory)) } } if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { if isin("-ru",argv) { sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum sum.Done = time.Now() gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtEnd = Getrusagev() elps := sum.Done.Sub(sum.Start) fmt.Printf("--cksum-size: %v (%v) / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sum.Size,abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files,abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) nanos := int64(elps) fmt.Printf("--cksum-time: %v/total, %v/file, %.1f files/s, %v\r\n", abbtime(nanos), abbtime(nanos/sum.Files), (float64(sum.Files)*1000000000.0)/float64(nanos), abbspeed(sum.Size,nanos)) diff := RusageSubv(sum.RusgAtEnd,sum.RusgAtStart) fmt.Printf("--cksum-rusg: %v\n",sRusagef("",argv,diff)) } } return } func showFiles(files[]string){ sp := "" for i,file := range files { if 0 < i { sp = " " } else { sp = "" } fmt.Printf(sp+"%s",escapeWhiteSP(file)) } } func showFound(gshCtx *GshContext, argv[]string){ for i,v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { if 0 < len(v.FoundFile) { fmt.Printf("!%d (%d) ",i,len(v.FoundFile)) if isin("-ls",argv){ fmt.Printf("\n") for _,file := range v.FoundFile { fmt.Printf("") //sub number? showFileInfo(file,argv) } }else{ showFiles(v.FoundFile) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } } func showMatchFile(filev []os.FileInfo, npat,dir string, argv[]string)(string,bool){ fname := "" found := false for _,v := range filev { match, _ := filepath.Match(npat,(v.Name())) if match { fname = v.Name() found = true //fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n",i,v.Name()) showIfExecutable(fname,dir,argv) } } return fname,found } func showIfExecutable(name,dir string,argv[]string)(ffullpath string,ffound bool){ var fullpath string if strBegins(name,DIRSEP){ fullpath = name }else{ fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name } fi, err := os.Stat(fullpath) if err != nil { fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name + ".go" fi, err = os.Stat(fullpath) } if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() if fm.IsRegular() { // R_OK=4, W_OK=2, X_OK=1, F_OK=0 if syscall.Access(fullpath,5) == nil { ffullpath = fullpath ffound = true if ! isin("-s", argv) { showFileInfo(fullpath,argv) } } } } return ffullpath, ffound } func which(list string, argv []string) (fullpathv []string, itis bool){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("Usage: which comand [-s] [-a] [-ls]\n") return []string{""}, false } path := argv[1] if strBegins(path,"/") { // should check if excecutable? _,exOK := showIfExecutable(path,"/",argv) fmt.Printf("--D-- %v exOK=%v\n",path,exOK) return []string{path},exOK } pathenv, efound := os.LookupEnv(list) if ! efound { fmt.Printf("--E-- which: no \"%s\" environment\n",list) return []string{""}, false } showall := isin("-a",argv) || 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") dirv := strings.Split(pathenv,PATHSEP) ffound := false ffullpath := path for _, dir := range dirv { if 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") { // by wild-card list,_ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) ffullpath, ffound = showMatchFile(list,path,dir,argv) }else{ ffullpath, ffound = showIfExecutable(path,dir,argv) } //if ffound && !isin("-a", argv) { if ffound && !showall { break; } } return []string{ffullpath}, ffound } func stripLeadingWSParg(argv[]string)([]string){ for ; 0 < len(argv); { if len(argv[0]) == 0 { argv = argv[1:] }else{ break } } return argv } func xEval(argv []string, nlend bool){ argv = stripLeadingWSParg(argv) if len(argv) == 0 { fmt.Printf("eval [%%format] [Go-expression]\n") return } pfmt := "%v" if argv[0][0] == '%' { pfmt = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if len(argv) == 0 { return } gocode := strings.Join(argv," "); //fmt.Printf("eval [%v] [%v]\n",pfmt,gocode) fset := token.NewFileSet() rval, _ := types.Eval(fset,nil,token.NoPos,gocode) fmt.Printf(pfmt,rval.Value) if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func getval(name string) (found bool, val int) { /* should expand the name here */ if name == "" { return true, os.Getpid() }else if name == "gsh.ppid" { return true, os.Getppid() } return false, 0 } func echo(argv []string, nlend bool){ for ai := 1; ai < len(argv); ai++ { if 1 < ai { fmt.Printf(" "); } arg := argv[ai] found, val := getval(arg) if found { fmt.Printf("%d",val) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",arg) } } if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n"); } } func resfile() string { return "gsh.tmp" } //var resF *File func resmap() { //_ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, os.ModeAppend) // _ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("refF could not open: %s\n",err) }else{ fmt.Printf("refF opened\n") } } // @@2020-0821 func gshScanArg(str string,strip int)(argv []string){ var si = 0 var sb = 0 var inBracket = 0 var arg1 = make([]byte,LINESIZE) var ax = 0 debug := false for ; si < len(str); si++ { if str[si] != ' ' { break } } sb = si for ; si < len(str); si++ { if sb <= si { if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- +%d %2d-%2d %s ... %s\n", inBracket,sb,si,arg1[0:ax],str[si:]) } } ch := str[si] if ch == '{' { inBracket += 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket <= strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d <= %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } if 0 < inBracket { if ch == '}' { inBracket -= 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket < strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d < %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 continue } if str[si] == ' ' { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,str[sb:si],string(str[si:])) } sb = si+1 ax = 0 continue } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 } if sb < si { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,string(arg1[0:ax]),string(str[si:])) } } if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- %d [%s] => [%d]%v\n",strip,str,len(argv),argv) } return argv } // should get stderr (into tmpfile ?) and return func (gsh*GshContext)Popen(name,mode string)(pin*os.File,pout*os.File,err bool){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) xarg := gshScanArg(name,1) name = strings.Join(xarg," ") pin = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[0]),"StdoutOf-{"+name+"}") pout = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[1]),"StdinOf-{"+name+"}") fdix := 0 dir := "?" if mode == "r" { dir = "<" fdix = 1 // read from the stdout of the process }else{ dir = ">" fdix = 0 // write to the stdin of the process } gshPA := gsh.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] var fd uintptr = 0 if mode == "r" { fd = pout.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pout.Fd() }else{ fd = pin.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pin.Fd() } // should do this by Goroutine? if false { fmt.Printf("--Ip- Opened fd[%v] %s %v\n",fd,dir,name) fmt.Printf("--RED1 [%d,%d,%d]->[%d,%d,%d]\n", os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd(), pin.Fd(),pout.Fd(),pout.Fd()) } savi := os.Stdin savo := os.Stdout save := os.Stderr os.Stdin = pin os.Stdout = pout os.Stderr = pout gsh.BackGround = true gsh.gshelllh(name) gsh.BackGround = false os.Stdin = savi os.Stdout = savo os.Stderr = save gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return pin,pout,false } // External commands func (gsh*GshContext)excommand(exec bool, argv []string) (notf bool,exit bool) { if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- excommand[%v](%v)\n",exec,argv) } gshPA := gsh.gshPA fullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which",argv[0],"-s"}) if itis == false { return true,false } fullpath := fullpathv[0] argv = unescapeWhiteSPV(argv) if 0 < strings.Index(fullpath,".go") { nargv := argv // []string{} gofullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which","go","-s"}) if itis == false { fmt.Printf("--F-- Go not found\n") return false,true } gofullpath := gofullpathv[0] nargv = []string{ gofullpath, "run", fullpath } fmt.Printf("--I-- %s {%s %s %s}\n",gofullpath, nargv[0],nargv[1],nargv[2]) if exec { syscall.Exec(gofullpath,nargv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(gofullpath,nargv,&gshPA) if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),nargv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage) gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } }else{ if exec { syscall.Exec(fullpath,argv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(fullpath,argv,&gshPA) //fmt.Printf("[%d]\n",pid); // '&' to be background if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),argv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage); gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } } return false,false } // Builtin Commands func (gshCtx *GshContext) sleep(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Sleep 100ms, 100us, 100ns, ...\n") return } duration := argv[1]; d, err := time.ParseDuration(duration) if err != nil { d, err = time.ParseDuration(duration+"s") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("duration ? %s (%s)\n",duration,err) return } } //fmt.Printf("Sleep %v\n",duration) time.Sleep(d) if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)repeat(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { return } start0 := time.Now() for ri,_ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]); 0 < ri; ri-- { if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { //start := time.Now() gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start0); if( 1000000000 < elps ){ fmt.Printf("(repeat#%d %v)\n",ri,elps); } } } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)gen(argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: %s N\n",argv[0]) return } // should br repeated by "repeat" command count, _ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]) fd := gshPA.Files[1] // Stdout file := os.NewFile(fd,"internalStdOut") fmt.Printf("--I-- Gen. Count=%d to [%d]\n",count,file.Fd()) //buf := []byte{} outdata := "0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678\r" for gi := 0; gi < count; gi++ { file.WriteString(outdata) } //file.WriteString("\n") fmt.Printf("\n(%d B)\n",count*len(outdata)); //file.Close() } // Remote Execution // 2020-0820 func Elapsed(from time.Time)(string){ elps := time.Now().Sub(from) if 1000000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%5d.%02ds]",elps/1000000000,(elps%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dms]",elps/1000000,(elps%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dus]",elps/1000,(elps%1000)) } } func abbtime(nanos int64)(string){ if 1000000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%02ds",nanos/1000000000,(nanos%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dms",nanos/1000000,(nanos%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dus",nanos/1000,(nanos%1000)) } } func abssize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func absize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func abbspeed(totalB int64,ns int64)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGB/s",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMB/s",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKB/s",MBs*1000) } } func abspeed(totalB int64,ns time.Duration)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGBps",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMBps",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKBps",MBs*1000) } } func fileRelay(what string,in*os.File,out*os.File,size int64,bsiz int)(wcount int64){ Start := time.Now() buff := make([]byte,bsiz) var total int64 = 0 var rem int64 = size nio := 0 Prev := time.Now() var PrevSize int64 = 0 fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) START\n", what,absize(total),size,nio) for i:= 0; ; i++ { var len = bsiz if int(rem) < len { len = int(rem) } Now := time.Now() Elps := Now.Sub(Prev); if 1000000000 < Now.Sub(Prev) { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %s\n", what,absize(total),size,nio, abspeed((total-PrevSize),Elps)) Prev = Now; PrevSize = total } rlen := len if in != nil { // should watch the disconnection of out rcc,err := in.Read(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s read(%v,%v)<%v\n", what,rcc,err,in.Name()) break } rlen = rcc if string(buff[0:10]) == "((SoftEOF " { var ecc int64 = 0 fmt.Sscanf(string(buff),"((SoftEOF %v",&ecc) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s Recv ((SoftEOF %v))/%v\n", what,ecc,total) if ecc == total { break } } } wlen := rlen if out != nil { wcc,err := out.Write(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"-En-- X: %s write(%v,%v)>%v\n", what,wcc,err,out.Name()) break } wlen = wcc } if wlen < rlen { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s incomplete write (%v/%v)\n", what,wlen,rlen) break; } nio += 1 total += int64(rlen) rem -= int64(rlen) if rem <= 0 { break } } Done := time.Now() Elps := float64(Done.Sub(Start))/1000000000 //Seconds TotalMB := float64(total)/1000000 //MB MBps := TotalMB / Elps fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %v %.3fMB/s\n", what,total,size,nio,absize(total),MBps) return total } func tcpPush(clnt *os.File){ // shrink socket buffer and recover usleep(100); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecServer(argv[]string){ debug := true Start0 := time.Now() Start := Start0 // if local == ":" { local = "" } local := "" if 0 < len(argv) { if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } } if 0 < len(argv) { argv = argv[1:] } port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } reqbuf := make([]byte,LINESIZE) res := "" for { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() Start = time.Now() if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } clnt, _ := aconn.File() fd := clnt.Fd() ar := aconn.RemoteAddr() if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Accepted TCP at %s [%d] <- %v\n", local,fd,ar) } res = fmt.Sprintf("220 GShell/%s Server\r\n",VERSION) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%s",res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %s",res) } count, err := clnt.Read(reqbuf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- C: (%v %v) %v", count,err,string(reqbuf)) } req := string(reqbuf[:count]) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",string(req)) } reqv := strings.Split(string(req),"\r") cmdv := gshScanArg(reqv[0],0) //cmdv := strings.Split(reqv[0]," ") switch cmdv[0] { case "HELO": res = fmt.Sprintf("250 %v",req) case "GET": // download {remotefile|-zN} [localfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var in *os.File = nil var pseudoEOF = false if 1 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() in = xin dsize = MaxStreamSize pseudoEOF = true } }else{ xin,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- GET (%v)\n",err) }else{ defer xin.Close() in = xin fi,_ := xin.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() } } } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- GET %v:%v\n",dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 %v\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v",res) tcpPush(clnt); // should be separated as line in receiver fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) wcount := fileRelay("SendGET",in,clnt,dsize,bsize) if pseudoEOF { in.Close() // pipe from the command // show end of stream data (its size) by OOB? SoftEOF := fmt.Sprintf("((SoftEOF %v))",wcount) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Send %v\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF data apper at the top of recevied data fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v\r\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF alone in a packet (separate with 200 OK) // with client generated random? //fmt.Printf("--In- L: close %v (%v)\n",in.Fd(),in.Name()) } res = fmt.Sprintf("200 GET done\r\n") case "PUT": // upload {srcfile|-zN} [dstfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var out *os.File = nil if 1 < len(cmdv) { // localfile fmt.Sscanf(cmdv[1],"%d",&dsize) } if 2 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[2] if fname == "-" { // nul dev }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) //fmt.Printf("--In- S: open(%v) out(%v) err(%v)\n",fname,xout,err) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- PUT (%v)\n",err) }else{ out = xout } } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,w) %v (%v)\n", fname,local,err) } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: 200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fileRelay("RecvPUT",clnt,out,dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 PUT done\r\n") default: res = fmt.Sprintf("400 What? %v",req) } swcc,serr := clnt.Write([]byte(res)) if serr != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: (wc=%v er=%v) %v",swcc,serr,res) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) } aconn.Close(); clnt.Close(); } sconn.Close(); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecClient(argv[]string)(int,string){ debug := true Start := time.Now() if len(argv) == 1 { return -1,"EmptyARG" } argv = argv[1:] if argv[0] == "-serv" { gsh.RexecServer(argv[1:]) return 0,"Server" } remote := "" if argv[0][0] == '@' { remote = argv[0][1:] argv = argv[1:] } if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"AddressError" } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connecting to %s\n",remote) serv, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"CannotConnect" } if debug { al := serv.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connected to %v <- %v\n",remote,al) } req := "" res := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count,err := serv.Read(res) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: (%3d,%v) %v",count,err,string(res)) } if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res)) } if argv[0] == "GET" { savPA := gsh.gshPA var bsize int = 64*1024 req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) fmt.Fprintf(serv,req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if err != nil { }else{ var dsize int64 = 0 var out *os.File = nil var out_tobeclosed *os.File = nil var fname string = "" var rcode int = 0 var pid int = -1 fmt.Sscanf(string(res),"%d %d",&rcode,&dsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) if 3 <= len(argv) { fname = argv[2] if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout out_tobeclosed = xout pid = 0 // should be its pid } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Print("--En- %v\n",err) } out = xout //fmt.Printf("--In-- %d > %s\n",out.Fd(),fname) } } in,_ := serv.File() fileRelay("RecvGET",in,out,dsize,bsize) if 0 <= pid { gsh.gshPA = savPA // recovery of Fd(), and more? fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: close Pipe > %v\n",fname) out_tobeclosed.Close() //syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) //@@ } } }else if argv[0] == "PUT" { remote, _ := serv.File() var local *os.File = nil var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var ofile string = "-" //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex %v\n",argv) if 1 < len(argv) { fname := argv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() //in = xin local = xin fmt.Printf("--In- [%d] < Upload output of %v\n", local.Fd(),fname) ofile = "-from."+fname dsize = MaxStreamSize } }else{ xlocal,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- (%s)\n",err) local = nil }else{ local = xlocal fi,_ := local.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() defer local.Close() //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex in(%v / %v)\n",ofile,dsize) } ofile = fname fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,r)=%v %v (%v)\n", fname,dsize,local,err) } } if 2 < len(argv) && argv[2] != "" { ofile = argv[2] //fmt.Printf("(%d)%v B.ofile=%v\n",len(argv),argv,ofile) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--I-- Rex out(%v)\n",ofile) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) req = fmt.Sprintf("PUT %v %v \r\n",dsize,ofile) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) } fileRelay("SendPUT",local,remote,dsize,bsize) }else{ req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) //fmt.Printf("--In- sending RexRequest(%v)\n",len(req)) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- waiting RexResponse...\n") count,err = serv.Read(res) ress := "" if count == 0 { ress = "(nil)\r\n" }else{ ress = string(res[:count]) } if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: (%d,%v) %v",count,err,ress) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",ress) } serv.Close() //conn.Close() var stat string var rcode int fmt.Sscanf(ress,"%d %s",&rcode,&stat) //fmt.Printf("--D-- Client: %v (%v)",rcode,stat) return rcode,ress } // Remote Shell // gcp file [...] { [host]:[port:][dir] | dir } // -p | -no-p func (gsh*GshContext)FileCopy(argv[]string){ var host = "" var port = "" var upload = false var download = false var xargv = []string{"rex-gcp"} var srcv = []string{} var dstv = []string{} argv = argv[1:] for _,v := range argv { /* if v[0] == '-' { // might be a pseudo file (generated date) continue } */ obj := strings.Split(v,":") //fmt.Printf("%d %v %v\n",len(obj),v,obj) if 1 < len(obj) { host = obj[0] file := "" if 0 < len(host) { = host }else{ host = port = gsh.LastServer.port } if 2 < len(obj) { port = obj[1] if 0 < len(port) { gsh.LastServer.port = port }else{ port = gsh.LastServer.port } file = obj[2] }else{ file = obj[1] } if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,file) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,file) continue } /* idx := strings.Index(v,":") if 0 <= idx { remote = v[0:idx] if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,v[idx+1:]) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,v[idx+1:]) continue } */ if download { dstv = append(dstv,v) }else{ srcv = append(srcv,v) } } hostport := "@" + host + ":" + port if upload { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"PUT") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v // %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else if download { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"GET") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v // %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else{ } } // target func (gsh*GshContext)Trelpath(rloc string)(string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(rloc) twd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(cwd) tpath := twd + "/" + rloc return tpath } // join to rmote GShell - [user@]host[:port] or cd host:[port]:path func (gsh*GshContext)Rjoin(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- current server = %v\n",gsh.RSERV) return } serv := argv[1] servv := strings.Split(serv,":") if 1 <= len(servv) { if servv[0] == "lo" { servv[0] = "localhost" } } switch len(servv) { case 1: //if strings.Index(serv,":") < 0 { serv = servv[0] + ":" + fmt.Sprintf("%d",GSH_PORT) //} case 2: // host:port serv = strings.Join(servv,":") } xargv := []string{"rex-join","@"+serv,"HELO"} rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) gsh.RSERV = serv }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG, could not joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rexec(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- rexec command [ | {file || {command} ]\n",gsh.RSERV) return } /* nargv := gshScanArg(strings.Join(argv," "),0) fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) if nargv[1][0] != '{' { nargv[1] = "{" + nargv[1] + "}" fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) } argv = nargv */ nargv := []string{} nargv = append(nargv,"{"+strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")+"}") fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d %v\n",len(nargv),nargv) argv = nargv xargv := []string{"rex-exec","@"+gsh.RSERV,"GET"} xargv = append(xargv,argv...) xargv = append(xargv,"/dev/tty") rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rchdir(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { return } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(argv[1]) twd, _ := os.Getwd() gsh.RWD = twd fmt.Printf("--I-- JWD=%v\n",twd) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rpwd(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%v\n",gsh.RWD) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rls(argv[]string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) argv[0] = "-ls" gsh.xFind(argv) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rput(argv[]string){ var local string = "" var remote string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { local = argv[1] remote = local // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { remote = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jput from=%v to=%v\n",local,gsh.Trelpath(remote)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rget(argv[]string){ var remote string = "" var local string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { remote = argv[1] local = remote // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { local = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jget from=%v to=%v\n",gsh.Trelpath(remote),local) } // network // -s, -si, -so // bi-directional, source, sync (maybe socket) func (gshCtx*GshContext)sconnect(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -s [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } remote := argv[1] if remote == ":" { remote = "" } if inTCP { // TCP dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s, socket[%d]\n",remote,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() }else{ //dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",remote); dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } //conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp4",nil,dport) conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() ar := conn.RemoteAddr() //al := conn.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s [%s], socket[%d]\n", remote,ar.String(),fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() } } func (gshCtx*GshContext)saccept(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -ac [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } local := argv[1] if local == ":" { local = "" } if inTCP { // TCP port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Listen at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Accepting at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := aconn.File() fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Accepted TCP at %s [%d]\n",local,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[0] = savfd sconn.Close(); aconn.Close(); file.Close(); }else{ //port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",local); port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf("Listen UDP at %s...\n",local); //uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp4", port) uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := uconn.File() fd := file.Fd() ar := uconn.RemoteAddr() remote := "" if ar != nil { remote = ar.String() } if remote == "" { remote = "?" } // not yet received //fmt.Printf("Accepted at %s [%d] <- %s\n",local,fd,"") savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; savenv := gshPA.Env gshPA.Env = append(savenv, "REMOTE_HOST="+remote) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Env = savenv gshPA.Files[0] = savfd uconn.Close(); file.Close(); } } // empty line command func (gshCtx*GshContext)xPwd(argv[]string){ // execute context command, pwd + date // context notation, representation scheme, to be resumed at re-login cwd, _ := os.Getwd() switch { case isin("-a",argv): gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) case isin("-ls",argv): showFileInfo(cwd,argv) default: fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) case isin("-v",argv): // obsolete emtpy command t := time.Now() date := t.Format(time.UnixDate) exe, _ := os.Executable() host, _ := os.Hostname() fmt.Printf("{PWD=\"%s\"",cwd) fmt.Printf(" HOST=\"%s\"",host) fmt.Printf(" DATE=\"%s\"",date) fmt.Printf(" TIME=\"%s\"",t.String()) fmt.Printf(" PID=\"%d\"",os.Getpid()) fmt.Printf(" EXE=\"%s\"",exe) fmt.Printf("}\n") } } // History // these should be browsed and edited by HTTP browser // show the time of command with -t and direcotry with -ls // openfile-history, sort by -a -m -c // sort by elapsed time by -t -s // search by "more" like interface // edit history // sort history, and wc or uniq // CPU and other resource consumptions // limit showing range (by time or so) // export / import history func (gshCtx *GshContext)xHistory(argv []string){ atWorkDirX := -1 if 1 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[1],"@") { atWorkDirX,_ = strconv.Atoi(argv[1][1:]) } //fmt.Printf("--D-- showHistory(%v)\n",argv) for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { // exclude commands not to be listed by default // internal commands may be suppressed by default if v.CmdLine == "" && !isin("-a",argv) { continue; } if 0 <= atWorkDirX { if v.WorkDirX != atWorkDirX { continue } } if !isin("-n",argv){ // like "fc" fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",i) } if isin("-v",argv){ fmt.Println(v) // should be with it date }else{ if isin("-l",argv) || isin("-l0",argv) { elps := v.EndAt.Sub(v.StartAt); start := v.StartAt.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("@%d ",v.WorkDirX) fmt.Printf("[%v] %11v/t ",start,elps) } if isin("-l",argv) && !isin("-l0",argv){ fmt.Printf("%v",Rusagef("%t %u\t// %s",argv,v.Rusagev)) } if isin("-at",argv) { // isin("-ls",argv){ dhi := v.WorkDirX // workdir history index fmt.Printf("@%d %s\t",dhi,v.WorkDir) // show the FileInfo of the output command?? } fmt.Printf("%s",v.CmdLine) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } // !n - history index func searchHistory(gshCtx GshContext, gline string) (string, bool, bool){ if gline[0] == '!' { hix, err := strconv.Atoi(gline[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s : range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } if hix < 0 || len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) <= hix { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%d : out of range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } return gshCtx.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine, false, false } // search //for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { //} return gline, false, false } func (gsh*GshContext)cmdStringInHistory(hix int)(cmd string, ok bool){ if 0 <= hix && hix < len(gsh.CommandHistory) { return gsh.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine,true } return "",false } // temporary adding to PATH environment // cd name -lib for LD_LIBRARY_PATH // chdir with directory history (date + full-path) // -s for sort option (by visit date or so) func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory1(i int,v GChdirHistory, argv []string){ fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",v.CmdIndex) // the first command at this WorkDir fmt.Printf("@%d ",i) fmt.Printf("[%v] ",v.MovedAt.Format(time.Stamp)) showFileInfo(v.Dir,argv) } func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory(argv []string){ for i, v := range gsh.ChdirHistory { gsh.ShowChdirHistory1(i,v,argv) } } func skipOpts(argv[]string)(int){ for i,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-") { }else{ return i } } return -1 } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xChdir(argv []string){ cdhist := gshCtx.ChdirHistory if isin("?",argv ) || isin("-t",argv) || isin("-a",argv) { gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) return } pwd, _ := os.Getwd() dir := "" if len(argv) <= 1 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ i := skipOpts(argv[1:]) if i < 0 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ dir = argv[1+i] } } if strBegins(dir,"@") { if dir == "@0" { // obsolete dir = gshCtx.StartDir }else if dir == "@!" { index := len(cdhist) - 1 if 0 < index { index -= 1 } dir = cdhist[index].Dir }else{ index, err := strconv.Atoi(dir[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%v)\n",err) dir = "?" }else if len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory) <= index { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(history range error)\n") dir = "?" }else{ dir = cdhist[index].Dir } } } if dir != "?" { err := os.Chdir(dir) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%s)(%v)\n",argv[1],err) }else{ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if cwd != pwd { hist1 := GChdirHistory { } hist1.Dir = cwd hist1.MovedAt = time.Now() hist1.CmdIndex = len(gshCtx.CommandHistory)+1 gshCtx.ChdirHistory = append(cdhist,hist1) if !isin("-s",argv){ //cwd, _ := os.Getwd() //fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) ix := len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory)-1 gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory1(ix,hist1,argv) } } } } if isin("-ls",argv){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() showFileInfo(cwd,argv); } } func TimeValSub(tv1 *syscall.Timeval, tv2 *syscall.Timeval){ *tv1 = syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() - tv2.Nano()) } func RusageSubv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Utime,&ru2[0].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Stime,&ru2[0].Stime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Utime,&ru2[1].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Stime,&ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } func TimeValAdd(tv1 syscall.Timeval, tv2 syscall.Timeval)(syscall.Timeval){ tvs := syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() + tv2.Nano()) return tvs } /* func RusageAddv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Utime,ru2[0].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Stime,ru2[0].Stime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Utime,ru2[1].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Stime,ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } */ // Resource Usage func sRusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ // ru[0] self , ru[1] children ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) uu := (ut.Sec*1000000 + int64(ut.Usec)) * 1000 su := (st.Sec*1000000 + int64(st.Usec)) * 1000 tu := uu + su ret := fmt.Sprintf("%v/sum",abbtime(tu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/usr",abbtime(uu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/sys",abbtime(su)) return ret } func Rusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/u ",ut.Sec,ut.Usec) //ru[1].Utime.Sec,ru[1].Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/s ",st.Sec,st.Usec) //ru[1].Stime.Sec,ru[1].Stime.Usec) return "" } func Getrusagev()([2]syscall.Rusage){ var ruv = [2]syscall.Rusage{} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&ruv[0]) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&ruv[1]) return ruv } func showRusage(what string,argv []string, ru *syscall.Rusage){ fmt.Printf("%s: ",what); fmt.Printf("Usr=%d.%06ds",ru.Utime.Sec,ru.Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Sys=%d.%06ds",ru.Stime.Sec,ru.Stime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Rss=%vB",ru.Maxrss) if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" MinFlt=%v",ru.Minflt) fmt.Printf(" MajFlt=%v",ru.Majflt) fmt.Printf(" IxRSS=%vB",ru.Ixrss) fmt.Printf(" IdRSS=%vB",ru.Idrss) fmt.Printf(" Nswap=%vB",ru.Nswap) fmt.Printf(" Read=%v",ru.Inblock) fmt.Printf(" Write=%v",ru.Oublock) } fmt.Printf(" Snd=%v",ru.Msgsnd) fmt.Printf(" Rcv=%v",ru.Msgrcv) //if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" Sig=%v",ru.Nsignals) //} fmt.Printf("\n"); } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xTime(argv[]string)(bool){ if 2 <= len(argv){ gshCtx.LastRusage = syscall.Rusage{} rusagev1 := Getrusagev() fin := gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() showRusage(argv[1],argv,&gshCtx.LastRusage) rusagev := RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) showRusage("self",argv,&rusagev[0]) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusagev[1]) return fin }else{ rusage:= syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&rusage) showRusage("self",argv, &rusage) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&rusage) showRusage("chld",argv, &rusage) return false } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xJobs(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%d Jobs\n",len(gshCtx.BackGroundJobs)) for ji, pid := range gshCtx.BackGroundJobs { //wstat := syscall.WaitStatus {0} rusage := syscall.Rusage {} //wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,&wstat,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- %%%d [%d] (%v)\n",ji,pid,err) }else{ fmt.Printf("%%%d[%d](%d)\n",ji,pid,wpid) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusage) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)inBackground(argv[]string)(bool){ if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- inBackground(%v)\n",argv) } gsh.BackGround = true // set background option xfin := false xfin = gsh.gshellv(argv) gsh.BackGround = false return xfin } // -o file without command means just opening it and refer by #N // should be listed by "files" comnmand func (gshCtx*GshContext)xOpen(argv[]string){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} err := syscall.Pipe(pv) fmt.Printf("--I-- pipe()=[#%d,#%d](%v)\n",pv[0],pv[1],err) } func (gshCtx*GshContext)fromPipe(argv[]string){ } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xClose(argv[]string){ } // redirect func (gshCtx*GshContext)redirect(argv[]string)(bool){ if len(argv) < 2 { return false } cmd := argv[0] fname := argv[1] var file *os.File = nil fdix := 0 mode := os.O_RDONLY switch { case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<": fdix = 0 mode = os.O_RDONLY case cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE case cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND } if fname[0] == '#' { fd, err := strconv.Atoi(fname[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%v)\n",err) return false } file = os.NewFile(uintptr(fd),"MaybePipe") }else{ xfile, err := os.OpenFile(argv[1], mode, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s)\n",err) return false } file = xfile } gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] gshPA.Files[fdix] = file.Fd() fmt.Printf("--I-- Opened [%d] %s\n",file.Fd(),argv[1]) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return false } //fmt.Fprintf(res, "GShell Status: %q", html.EscapeString(req.URL.Path)) func httpHandler(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){ path := req.URL.Path fmt.Printf("--I-- Got HTTP Request(%s)\n",path) { gshCtxBuf, _ := setupGshContext() gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf fmt.Printf("--I-- %s\n",path[1:]) gshCtx.tgshelll(path[1:]) } fmt.Fprintf(res, "Hello(^-^)/\n%s\n",path) } func (gshCtx *GshContext) httpServer(argv []string){ http.HandleFunc("/", httpHandler) accport := "localhost:9999" fmt.Printf("--I-- HTTP Server Start at [%s]\n",accport) http.ListenAndServe(accport,nil) } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xGo(argv[]string){ go gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]); } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPs(argv[]string)(){ } // Plugin // plugin [-ls [names]] to list plugins // Reference: plugin source code func (gshCtx *GshContext) whichPlugin(name string,argv[]string)(pi *PluginInfo){ pi = nil for _,p := range gshCtx.PluginFuncs { if p.Name == name && pi == nil { pi = &p } if !isin("-s",argv){ //fmt.Printf("%v %v ",i,p) if isin("-ls",argv){ showFileInfo(p.Path,argv) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s\n",p.Name) } } } return pi } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPlugin(argv[]string) (error) { if len(argv) == 0 || argv[0] == "-ls" { gshCtx.whichPlugin("",argv) return nil } name := argv[0] Pin := gshCtx.whichPlugin(name,[]string{"-s"}) if Pin != nil { os.Args = argv // should be recovered? Pin.Addr.(func())() return nil } sofile := toFullpath(argv[0] + ".so") // or find it by which($PATH) p, err := plugin.Open(sofile) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Open(%s)(%v)\n",sofile,err) return err } fname := "Main" f, err := p.Lookup(fname) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Lookup(%s)(%v)\n",fname,err) return err } pin := PluginInfo {p,f,name,sofile} gshCtx.PluginFuncs = append(gshCtx.PluginFuncs,pin) fmt.Printf("--I-- added (%d)\n",len(gshCtx.PluginFuncs)) //fmt.Printf("--I-- first call(%s:%s)%v\n",sofile,fname,argv) os.Args = argv f.(func())() return err } func (gshCtx*GshContext)Args(argv[]string){ for i,v := range os.Args { fmt.Printf("[%v] %v\n",i,v) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext) showVersion(argv[]string){ if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v/%v (%v)",NAME,VERSION,DATE); }else{ fmt.Printf("%v",VERSION); } if isin("-a",argv) { fmt.Printf(" %s",AUTHOR) } if !isin("-n",argv) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } // Scanf // string decomposer // scanf [format] [input] func scanv(sstr string)(strv[]string){ strv = strings.Split(sstr," ") return strv } func scanUntil(src,end string)(rstr string,leng int){ idx := strings.Index(src,end) if 0 <= idx { rstr = src[0:idx] return rstr,idx+len(end) } return src,0 } // -bn -- display base-name part only // can be in some %fmt, for sed rewriting func (gsh*GshContext)printVal(fmts string, vstr string, optv[]string){ //vint,err := strconv.Atoi(vstr) var ival int64 = 0 n := 0 err := error(nil) if strBegins(vstr,"_") { vx,_ := strconv.Atoi(vstr[1:]) if vx < len(gsh.iValues) { vstr = gsh.iValues[vx] }else{ } } // should use Eval() if strBegins(vstr,"0x") { n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr[2:],"%x",&ival) }else{ n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr,"%d",&ival) //fmt.Printf("--D-- n=%d err=(%v) {%s}=%v\n",n,err,vstr, ival) } if n == 1 && err == nil { //fmt.Printf("--D-- formatn(%v) ival(%v)\n",fmts,ival) fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,ival) }else{ if isin("-bn",optv){ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,filepath.Base(vstr)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,vstr) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)printfv(fmts,div string,argv[]string,optv[]string,list[]string){ //fmt.Printf("{%d}",len(list)) //curfmt := "v" outlen := 0 curfmt := gsh.iFormat if 0 < len(fmts) { for xi := 0; xi < len(fmts); xi++ { fch := fmts[xi] if fch == '%' { if xi+1 < len(fmts) { curfmt = string(fmts[xi+1]) gsh.iFormat = curfmt xi += 1 if xi+1 < len(fmts) && fmts[xi+1] == '(' { vals,leng := scanUntil(fmts[xi+2:],")") //fmt.Printf("--D-- show fmt(%v) val(%v) next(%v)\n",curfmt,vals,leng) gsh.printVal(curfmt,vals,optv) xi += 2+leng-1 outlen += 1 } continue } } if fch == '_' { hi,leng := scanInt(fmts[xi+1:]) if 0 < leng { if hi < len(gsh.iValues) { gsh.printVal(curfmt,gsh.iValues[hi],optv) outlen += 1 // should be the real length }else{ fmt.Printf("((out-range))") } xi += leng continue; } } fmt.Printf("%c",fch) outlen += 1 } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--D-- print {%s}\n") for i,v := range list { if 0 < i { fmt.Printf(div) } gsh.printVal(curfmt,v,optv) outlen += 1 } } if 0 < outlen { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func (gsh*GshContext)Scanv(argv[]string){ //fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanv(%v)\n",argv) if len(argv) == 1 { return } argv = argv[1:] fmts := "" if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { fmts = argv[0] gsh.iDelimiter = fmts argv = argv[1:] } input := strings.Join(argv," ") if fmts == "" { // simple decomposition v := scanv(input) gsh.iValues = v //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(v,",")) }else{ v := make([]string,8) n,err := fmt.Sscanf(input,fmts,&v[0],&v[1],&v[2],&v[3]) fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanf ->(%v) n=%d err=(%v)\n",v,n,err) gsh.iValues = v } } func (gsh*GshContext)Printv(argv[]string){ if false { //@@U fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")) return } //fmt.Printf("--D-- Printv(%v)\n",argv) //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(gsh.iValues,",")) div := gsh.iDelimiter fmts := "" argv = argv[1:] if 0 < len(argv) { if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { div = argv[0][2:] argv = argv[1:] } } optv := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-"){ optv = append(optv,v) argv = argv[1:] }else{ break; } } if 0 < len(argv) { fmts = strings.Join(argv," ") } gsh.printfv(fmts,div,argv,optv,gsh.iValues) } func (gsh*GshContext)Basename(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValues { gsh.iValues[i] = filepath.Base(v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Sortv(argv[]string){ sv := gsh.iValues sort.Slice(sv , func(i,j int) bool { return sv[i] < sv[j] }) } func (gsh*GshContext)Shiftv(argv[]string){ vi := len(gsh.iValues) if 0 < vi { if isin("-r",argv) { top := gsh.iValues[0] gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues[1:],top) }else{ gsh.iValues = gsh.iValues[1:] } } } func (gsh*GshContext)Enq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Deq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Push(argv[]string){ gsh.iValStack = append(gsh.iValStack,argv[1:]) fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",len(gsh.iValStack)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Dump(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValStack { fmt.Printf("%d %v\n",i,v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Pop(argv[]string){ depth := len(gsh.iValStack) if 0 < depth { v := gsh.iValStack[depth-1] if isin("-cat",argv){ gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues,v...) }else{ gsh.iValues = v } gsh.iValStack = gsh.iValStack[0:depth-1] fmt.Printf("depth=%d %s\n",len(gsh.iValStack),gsh.iValues) }else{ fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",depth) } } // Command Interpreter func (gshCtx*GshContext)gshellv(argv []string) (fin bool) { fin = false if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv((%d))\n",len(argv)) } if len(argv) <= 0 { return false } xargv := []string{} for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { xargv = append(xargv,strsubst(gshCtx,argv[ai],false)) } argv = xargv if false { for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { fmt.Printf("[%d] %s [%d]%T\n", ai,argv[ai],len(argv[ai]),argv[ai]) } } cmd := argv[0] if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv(%d)%v\n",len(argv),argv) } switch { // case cmd == "": gshCtx.xPwd([]string{}); // emtpy command case cmd == "-x": gshCtx.CmdTrace = ! gshCtx.CmdTrace case cmd == "-xt": gshCtx.CmdTime = ! gshCtx.CmdTime case cmd == "-ot": gshCtx.sconnect(true, argv) case cmd == "-ou": gshCtx.sconnect(false, argv) case cmd == "-it": gshCtx.saccept(true , argv) case cmd == "-iu": gshCtx.saccept(false, argv) case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<" || cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">" || cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>" || cmd == "-s" || cmd == "><": gshCtx.redirect(argv) case cmd == "|": gshCtx.fromPipe(argv) case cmd == "args": gshCtx.Args(argv) case cmd == "bg" || cmd == "-bg": rfin := gshCtx.inBackground(argv[1:]) return rfin case cmd == "-bn": gshCtx.Basename(argv) case cmd == "call": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(false,argv[1:]) case cmd == "cd" || cmd == "chdir": gshCtx.xChdir(argv); case cmd == "-cksum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "close": gshCtx.xClose(argv) case cmd == "gcp": gshCtx.FileCopy(argv) case cmd == "dec" || cmd == "decode": gshCtx.Dec(argv) case cmd == "#define": case cmd == "dic" || cmd == "d": xDic(argv) case cmd == "dump": gshCtx.Dump(argv) case cmd == "echo" || cmd == "e": echo(argv,true) case cmd == "enc" || cmd == "encode": gshCtx.Enc(argv) case cmd == "env": env(argv) case cmd == "eval": xEval(argv[1:],true) case cmd == "ev" || cmd == "events": dumpEvents(argv) case cmd == "exec": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(true,argv[1:]) // should not return here case cmd == "exit" || cmd == "quit": // write Result code EXIT to 3> return true case cmd == "fdls": // dump the attributes of fds (of other process) case cmd == "-find" || cmd == "fin" || cmd == "ufind" || cmd == "uf": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fu": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fork": // mainly for a server case cmd == "-gen": gshCtx.gen(argv) case cmd == "-go": gshCtx.xGo(argv) case cmd == "-grep": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "gdeq": gshCtx.Deq(argv) case cmd == "genq": gshCtx.Enq(argv) case cmd == "gpop": gshCtx.Pop(argv) case cmd == "gpush": gshCtx.Push(argv) case cmd == "history" || cmd == "hi": // hi should be alias gshCtx.xHistory(argv) case cmd == "jobs": gshCtx.xJobs(argv) case cmd == "lnsp" || cmd == "nlsp": gshCtx.SplitLine(argv) case cmd == "-ls": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "nop": // do nothing case cmd == "pipe": gshCtx.xOpen(argv) case cmd == "plug" || cmd == "plugin" || cmd == "pin": gshCtx.xPlugin(argv[1:]) case cmd == "print" || cmd == "-pr": // output internal slice // also sprintf should be gshCtx.Printv(argv) case cmd == "ps": gshCtx.xPs(argv) case cmd == "pstitle": // to be gsh.title case cmd == "rexecd" || cmd == "rexd": gshCtx.RexecServer(argv) case cmd == "rexec" || cmd == "rex": gshCtx.RexecClient(argv) case cmd == "repeat" || cmd == "rep": // repeat cond command gshCtx.repeat(argv) case cmd == "replay": gshCtx.xReplay(argv) case cmd == "scan": // scan input (or so in fscanf) to internal slice (like Files or map) gshCtx.Scanv(argv) case cmd == "set": // set name ... case cmd == "serv": gshCtx.httpServer(argv) case cmd == "shift": gshCtx.Shiftv(argv) case cmd == "sleep": gshCtx.sleep(argv) case cmd == "-sort": gshCtx.Sortv(argv) case cmd == "j" || cmd == "join": gshCtx.Rjoin(argv) case cmd == "a" || cmd == "alpa": gshCtx.Rexec(argv) case cmd == "jcd" || cmd == "jchdir": gshCtx.Rchdir(argv) case cmd == "jget": gshCtx.Rget(argv) case cmd == "jls": gshCtx.Rls(argv) case cmd == "jput": gshCtx.Rput(argv) case cmd == "jpwd": gshCtx.Rpwd(argv) case cmd == "time": fin = gshCtx.xTime(argv) case cmd == "ungets": if 1 < len(argv) { ungets(argv[1]+"\n") }else{ } case cmd == "pwd": gshCtx.xPwd(argv); case cmd == "ver" || cmd == "-ver" || cmd == "version": gshCtx.showVersion(argv) case cmd == "where": // data file or so? case cmd == "which": which("PATH",argv); default: if gshCtx.whichPlugin(cmd,[]string{"-s"}) != nil { gshCtx.xPlugin(argv) }else{ notfound,_ := gshCtx.excommand(false,argv) if notfound { fmt.Printf("--E-- command not found (%v)\n",cmd) } } } return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelll(gline string) (rfin bool) { argv := strings.Split(string(gline)," ") fin := gsh.gshellv(argv) return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)tgshelll(gline string)(xfin bool){ start := time.Now() fin := gsh.gshelll(gline) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start); if gsh.CmdTime { fmt.Printf("--T-- " + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) + "(%d.%09ds)\n", elps/1000000000,elps%1000000000) } return fin } func Ttyid() (int) { fi, err := os.Stdin.Stat() if err != nil { return 0; } //fmt.Printf("Stdin: %v Dev=%d\n", // fi.Mode(),fi.Mode()&os.ModeDevice) if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeDevice) != 0 { stat := syscall.Stat_t{}; err := syscall.Fstat(0,&stat) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: (%v)\n",err) }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: rdev=%d %d\n", // stat.Rdev&0xFF,stat.Rdev); //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: tty%d\n",stat.Rdev&0xFF); return int(stat.Rdev & 0xFF) } } return 0 } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyfile() string { //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) ttyfile := gshCtx.GshHomeDir + "/" + "gsh-tty" + fmt.Sprintf("%02d",gshCtx.TerminalId) //strconv.Itoa(gshCtx.TerminalId) //fmt.Printf("--I-- ttyfile=%s\n",ttyfile) return ttyfile } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyline()(*os.File){ file, err := os.OpenFile(gshCtx.ttyfile(),os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- cannot open %s (%s)\n",gshCtx.ttyfile(),err) return file; } return file } func (gshCtx *GshContext)getline(hix int, skipping bool, prevline string) (string) { if( skipping ){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) }else if true { return xgetline(hix,prevline,gshCtx) } /* else if( with_exgetline && gshCtx.GetLine != "" ){ //var xhix int64 = int64(hix); // cast newenv := os.Environ() newenv = append(newenv, "GSH_LINENO="+strconv.FormatInt(int64(hix),10) ) tty := gshCtx.ttyline() tty.WriteString(prevline) Pa := os.ProcAttr { "", // start dir newenv, //os.Environ(), []*os.File{os.Stdin,os.Stdout,os.Stderr,tty}, nil, } //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline=%s // %s\n",gsh_getlinev[0],gshCtx.GetLine) proc, err := os.StartProcess(gsh_getlinev[0],[]string{"getline","getline"},&Pa) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- getline process error (%v)\n",err) // for ; ; { } return "exit (getline program failed)" } //stat, err := proc.Wait() proc.Wait() buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count, err := tty.Read(buff) //_, err = tty.Read(buff) //fmt.Printf("--D-- getline (%d)\n",count) if err != nil { if ! (count == 0) { // && err.String() == "EOF" ) { fmt.Printf("--E-- getline error (%s)\n",err) } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline OK \"%s\"\n",buff) } tty.Close() gline := string(buff[0:count]) return gline }else */ { // if isatty { fmt.Printf("!%d",hix) fmt.Print(PROMPT) // } reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) } } //== begin ======================================================= getline /* * getline.c * 2020-0819 extracted from dog.c * getline.go * 2020-0822 ported to Go */ /* package main // getline main import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "os" // os "syscall" // syscall //"bytes" // os //"os/exec" // os ) */ // C language compatibility functions var errno = 0 var stdin *os.File = os.Stdin var stdout *os.File = os.Stdout var stderr *os.File = os.Stderr var EOF = -1 var NULL = 0 type FILE os.File type StrBuff []byte var NULL_FP *os.File = nil var NULLSP = 0 //var LINESIZE = 1024 func system(cmdstr string)(int){ PA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the starting directory os.Environ(), []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, } argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") pid,err := syscall.ForkExec(argv[0],argv,&PA) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- syscall(%v) err(%v)\n",cmdstr,err) } syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) /* argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- system(%v)\n",argv) //cmd := exec.Command(argv[0:]...) cmd := exec.Command(argv[0],argv[1],argv[2]) cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader("output of system") var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out var serr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr = &serr err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--E-- system(%v)err(%v)\n",argv,err) fmt.Printf("ERR:%s\n",serr.String()) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",out.String()) } */ return 0 } func atoi(str string)(ret int){ ret,err := fmt.Sscanf(str,"%d",ret) if err == nil { return ret }else{ // should set errno return 0 } } func getenv(name string)(string){ val,got := os.LookupEnv(name) if got { return val }else{ return "?" } } func strcpy(dst StrBuff, src string){ var i int srcb := []byte(src) for i = 0; i < len(src) && srcb[i] != 0; i++ { dst[i] = srcb[i] } dst[i] = 0 } func xstrcpy(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = src } func strcat(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = append(dst,src...) } func strdup(str StrBuff)(string){ return string(str[0:strlen(str)]) } func sstrlen(str string)(int){ return len(str) } func strlen(str StrBuff)(int){ var i int for i = 0; i < len(str) && str[i] != 0; i++ { } return i } func sizeof(data StrBuff)(int){ return len(data) } func isatty(fd int)(ret int){ return 1 } func fopen(file string,mode string)(fp*os.File){ if mode == "r" { fp,err := os.Open(file) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- fopen(%s,%s)=(%v)\n",file,mode,err) return NULL_FP; } return fp; }else{ fp,err := os.OpenFile(file,os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if( err != nil ){ return NULL_FP; } return fp; } } func fclose(fp*os.File){ fp.Close() } func fflush(fp *os.File)(int){ return 0 } func fgetc(fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func sfgets(str*string, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ buf := make(StrBuff,size) var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fgets(buf StrBuff, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fputc(ch int , fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte buf[0] = byte(ch) fp.Write(buf[0:1]) return 0 } func fputs(buf StrBuff, fp*os.File)(int){ fp.Write(buf) return 0 } func xfputss(str string, fp*os.File)(int){ return fputs([]byte(str),fp) } func sscanf(str StrBuff,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Sscanf(string(str[0:strlen(str)]),fmts,params...) return 0 } func fprintf(fp*os.File,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Fprintf(fp,fmts,params...) return 0 } // Command Line IME //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MyIME var MyIMEVER = "MyIME/0.0.2"; type RomKana struct { dic string // dictionaly ID pat string // input pattern out string // output pattern hit int64 // count of hit and used } var dicents = 0 var romkana [1024]RomKana var Romkan []RomKana func isinDic(str string)(int){ for i,v := range Romkan { if v.pat == str { return i } } return -1 } const ( DIC_COM_LOAD = "im" DIC_COM_DUMP = "s" DIC_COM_LIST = "ls" DIC_COM_ENA = "en" DIC_COM_DIS = "di" ) func helpDic(argv []string){ out := stderr cmd := "" if 0 < len(argv) { cmd = argv[0] } fprintf(out,"--- %v Usage\n",cmd) fprintf(out,"... Commands\n") fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] [dicURL ] -- Import dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LOAD) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [pattern] -- Search in dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DUMP) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- List dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LIST) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Disable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DIS) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Enable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_ENA) fprintf(out,"... Keys ... %v\n","ESC can be used for '\\'") fprintf(out,"... \\c -- Reverse the case of the last character\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\i -- Replace input with translated text\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\j -- On/Off translation mode\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\l -- Force Lower Case\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\u -- Force Upper Case (software CapsLock)\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\v -- Show translation actions\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\x -- Replace the last input character with it Hexa-Decimal\n",) } func xDic(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { helpDic(argv) return } argv = argv[1:] var debug = false var info = false var silent = false var dump = false var builtin = false cmd := argv[0] argv = argv[1:] opt := "" arg := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg1 := argv[0] if arg1[0] == '-' { switch arg1 { default: fmt.Printf("--Ed-- Unknown option(%v)\n",arg1) return case "-b": builtin = true case "-d": debug = true case "-s": silent = true case "-v": info = true } opt = arg1 argv = argv[1:] } } dicName := "" dicURL := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg = argv[0] dicName = arg argv = argv[1:] } if 0 < len(argv) { dicURL = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if false { fprintf(stderr,"--Dd-- com(%v) opt(%v) arg(%v)\n",cmd,opt,arg) } if cmd == DIC_COM_LOAD { //dicType := "" dicBody := "" if !builtin && dicName != "" && dicURL == "" { f,err := os.Open(dicName) if err == nil { dicURL = dicName }else{ f,err = os.Open(dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = dicName+".html" }else{ f,err = os.Open("gshdic-"+dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = "gshdic-"+dicName+".html" } } } if err == nil { var buf = make([]byte,128*1024) count,err := f.Read(buf) f.Close() if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- ReadDic(%v,%v)\n",count,err) } dicBody = string(buf[0:count]) } } if dicBody == "" { switch arg { default: dicName = "WorldDic" dicURL = WorldDic if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- default dictionary \"%v\"\n", dicName); } case "wnn": dicName = "WnnDic" dicURL = WnnDic case "sumomo": dicName = "SumomoDic" dicURL = SumomoDic case "sijimi": dicName = "SijimiDic" dicURL = SijimiDic case "jkl": dicName = "JKLJaDic" dicURL = JA_JKLDic } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v URL=%v\n\n",dicName,dicURL); } dicv := strings.Split(dicURL,",") if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v encoded data...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"Type: %v\n",dicv[0]) fprintf(stderr,"Body: %v\n",dicv[1]) fprintf(stderr,"\n") } body,_ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(dicv[1]) dicBody = string(body) } if info { fmt.Printf("--Id-- %v %v\n",dicName,dicURL) fmt.Printf("%s\n",dicBody) } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- dicName %v text...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"%v\n",string(dicBody)) } entv := strings.Split(dicBody,"\n"); if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan...\n",dicName); } var added int = 0 var dup int = 0 for i,v := range entv { var pat string var out string fmt.Sscanf(v,"%s %s",&pat,&out) if len(pat) <= 0 { }else{ if 0 <= isinDic(pat) { dup += 1 continue } romkana[dicents] = RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0} dicents += 1 added += 1 Romkan = append(Romkan,RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0}) if debug { fmt.Printf("[%3v]:[%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) } } } if !silent { url := dicURL if strBegins(url,"data:") { url = "builtin" } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan... %v added, %v dup. / %v total (%v)\n", dicName,added,dup,len(Romkan),url); } // should sort by pattern length for conclete match, for performance if debug { arg = "" // search pattern dump = true } } if cmd == DIC_COM_DUMP || dump { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v dump... %v entries:\n",dicName,len(Romkan)); var match = 0 for i := 0; i < len(Romkan); i++ { dic := Romkan[i].dic pat := Romkan[i].pat out := Romkan[i].out if arg == "" || 0 <= strings.Index(pat,arg)||0 <= strings.Index(out,arg) { fmt.Printf("\\\\%v\t%v [%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,dic,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) match += 1 } } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v matched %v / %v entries:\n",arg,match,len(Romkan)); } } func loadDefaultDic(dic int){ if( 0 < len(Romkan) ){ return } //fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") xDic([]string{"dic",DIC_COM_LOAD}); var info = false if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- Conguraturations!! WorldDic is now activated.\r\n") fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- enter \"dic\" command for help.\r\n") } } func readDic()(int){ /* var rk *os.File; var dic = "MyIME-dic.txt"; //rk = fopen("romkana.txt","r"); //rk = fopen("JK-JA-morse-dic.txt","r"); rk = fopen(dic,"r"); if( rk == NULL_FP ){ if( true ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- Could not load %s\n",MyIMEVER,dic); } return -1; } if( true ){ var di int; var line = make(StrBuff,1024); var pat string var out string for di = 0; di < 1024; di++ { if( fgets(line,sizeof(line),rk) == NULLSP ){ break; } fmt.Sscanf(string(line[0:strlen(line)]),"%s %s",&pat,&out); //sscanf(line,"%s %[^\r\n]",&pat,&out); romkana[di].pat = pat; romkana[di].out = out; //fprintf(stderr,"--Dd- %-10s %s\n",pat,out) } dicents += di if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- loaded romkana.txt [%d]\n",MyIMEVER,di); for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n",romkana[di].pat,romkana[di].out); } } } fclose(rk); //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" // dump the dic. and clean the command input */ return 0; } func matchlen(stri string, pati string)(int){ if strBegins(stri,pati) { return len(pati) }else{ return 0 } } func convs(src string)(string){ var si int; var sx = len(src); var di int; var mi int; var dstb []byte for si = 0; si < sx; { // search max. match from the position if strBegins(src[si:],"%x/") { // %x/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 //fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%d",&iv) fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%x",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%d/") { // %d/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%d",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%t") { now := time.Now() if true { date := now.Format(time.Stamp) dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(date)...) si = si+3 } continue } var maxlen int = 0; var len int; mi = -1; for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { len = matchlen(src[si:],romkana[di].pat); if( maxlen < len ){ maxlen = len; mi = di; } } if( 0 < maxlen ){ out := romkana[mi].out; dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(out)...); si += maxlen; }else{ dstb = append(dstb,src[si]) si += 1; } } return string(dstb) } func trans(src string)(int){ dst := convs(src); xfputss(dst,stderr); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------- LINEEDIT // "?" at the top of the line means searching history // should be compatilbe with Telnet const ( EV_MODE = 255 EV_IDLE = 254 EV_TIMEOUT = 253 GO_UP = 252 // k GO_DOWN = 251 // j GO_RIGHT = 250 // l GO_LEFT = 249 // h DEL_RIGHT = 248 // x GO_TOPL = 'A'-0x40 // 0 GO_ENDL = 'E'-0x40 // $ GO_TOPW = 239 // b GO_ENDW = 238 // e GO_NEXTW = 237 // w GO_FORWCH = 229 // f GO_PAIRCH = 228 // % GO_DEL = 219 // d HI_SRCH_FW = 209 // / HI_SRCH_BK = 208 // ? HI_SRCH_RFW = 207 // n HI_SRCH_RBK = 206 // N ) // should return number of octets ready to be read immediately //fprintf(stderr,"\n--Select(%v %v)\n",err,r.Bits[0]) var EventRecvFd = -1 // file descriptor var EventSendFd = -1 const EventFdOffset = 1000000 const NormalFdOffset = 100 func putEvent(event int, evarg int){ if true { if EventRecvFd < 0 { var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) EventRecvFd = pv[0] EventSendFd = pv[1] //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPipe created[%v,%v]\n",EventRecvFd,EventSendFd) } }else{ if EventRecvFd < 0 { // the document differs from this spec // sv,err := syscall.Socketpair(syscall.AF_UNIX,syscall.SOCK_STREAM,0) EventRecvFd = sv[0] EventSendFd = sv[1] if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- EventSock created[%v,%v](%v)\n", EventRecvFd,EventSendFd,err) } } } var buf = []byte{ byte(event)} n,err := syscall.Write(EventSendFd,buf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- putEvent[%v](%3v)(%v %v)\n",EventSendFd,event,n,err) } } func ungets(str string){ for _,ch := range str { putEvent(int(ch),0) } } func (gsh*GshContext)xReplay(argv[]string){ hix := 0 tempo := 1.0 xtempo := 1.0 repeat := 1 for _,a := range argv { // tempo if strBegins(a,"x") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%f",&xtempo) tempo = 1 / xtempo //fprintf(stderr,"--Dr-- tempo=[%v]%v\n",a[2:],tempo); }else if strBegins(a,"r") { // repeat fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%v",&repeat) }else if strBegins(a,"!") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%d",&hix) }else{ fmt.Sscanf(a,"%d",&hix) } } if hix == 0 || len(argv) <= 1 { hix = len(gsh.CommandHistory)-1 } fmt.Printf("--Ir-- Replay(!%v x%v r%v)\n",hix,xtempo,repeat) //dumpEvents(hix) //gsh.xScanReplay(hix,false,repeat,tempo,argv) go gsh.xScanReplay(hix,true,repeat,tempo,argv) } // syscall.Select // 2020-0827 GShell-0.2.3 func FpollIn1(fp *os.File,usec int)(uintptr){ nfd := 1 rdv := syscall.FdSet {} fd1 := fp.Fd() bank1 := fd1/32 mask1 := int32(1 << fd1) rdv.Bits[bank1] = mask1 fd2 := -1 bank2 := -1 var mask2 int32 = 0 if 0 <= EventRecvFd { fd2 = EventRecvFd nfd = fd2 + 1 bank2 = fd2/32 mask2 = int32(1 << fd2) rdv.Bits[bank2] |= mask2 //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPoll mask added [%d][%v][%v]\n",fd2,bank2,mask2) } tout := syscall.NsecToTimeval(int64(usec*1000)) //n,err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) // spec. mismatch err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--De-- select() err(%v)\n",err) } if err == nil { if 0 <= fd2 && (rdv.Bits[bank2] & mask2) != 0 { if false { fmt.Printf("--De-- got Event\n") } return uintptr(EventFdOffset + fd2) }else if (rdv.Bits[bank1] & mask1) != 0 { return uintptr(NormalFdOffset + fd1) }else{ return 1 } }else{ return 0 } } func fgetcTimeout1(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ READ1: readyFd := FpollIn1(fp,usec) if readyFd < 100 { return EV_TIMEOUT } var buf [1]byte if EventFdOffset <= readyFd { fd := int(readyFd-EventFdOffset) _,err := syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ if buf[0] == EV_MODE { recvEvent(fd) goto READ1 } return int(buf[0]) } } _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func visibleChar(ch int)(string){ switch { case '!' <= ch && ch <= '~': return string(ch) } switch ch { case ' ': return "\\s" case '\n': return "\\n" case '\r': return "\\r" case '\t': return "\\t" } switch ch { case 0x00: return "NUL" case 0x07: return "BEL" case 0x08: return "BS" case 0x0E: return "SO" case 0x0F: return "SI" case 0x1B: return "ESC" case 0x7F: return "DEL" } switch ch { case EV_IDLE: return fmt.Sprintf("IDLE") case EV_MODE: return fmt.Sprintf("MODE") } return fmt.Sprintf("%X",ch) } func recvEvent(fd int){ var buf = make([]byte,1) _,_ = syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( buf[0] != 0 ){ romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } } func (gsh*GshContext)xScanReplay(hix int,replay bool,repeat int,tempo float64,argv[]string){ var Start time.Time var events = []Event{} for _,e := range Events { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { events = append(events,e) } } elen := len(events) if 0 < elen { if events[elen-1].event == EV_IDLE { events = events[0:elen-1] } } for r := 0; r < repeat; r++ { for i,e := range events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 if Start.Second() == 0 { Start = time.Now() } diff := time.Now().Sub(Start) if replay { if e.event != EV_IDLE { putEvent(e.event,0) if e.event == EV_MODE { // event with arg putEvent(int(e.evarg),0) } } }else{ fmt.Printf("%7.3fms #%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n", float64(diff)/1000000.0, i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event), float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } if e.event == EV_IDLE { d := time.Duration(float64(time.Duration(e.evarg)) * tempo) //nsleep(time.Duration(e.evarg)) nsleep(d) } } } } func dumpEvents(arg[]string){ hix := 0 if 1 < len(arg) { fmt.Sscanf(arg[1],"%d",&hix) } for i,e := range Events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 //if e.event != EV_TIMEOUT { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { fmt.Printf("#%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n",i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event),float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } //} } } func fgetcTimeout(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ ch := fgetcTimeout1(fp,usec) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT { now := time.Now() if 0 < len(Events) { last := Events[len(Events)-1] dura := int64(now.Sub(last.when)) Events = append(Events,Event{last.when,EV_IDLE,dura,last.CmdIndex}) } Events = append(Events,Event{time.Now(),ch,0,CmdIndex}) } return ch } var TtyMaxCol = 72 // to be obtained by ioctl? var EscTimeout = (100*1000) var ( MODE_VicMode bool // vi compatible command mode MODE_ShowMode bool romkanmode bool // shown translation mode, the mode to be retained MODE_Recursive bool // recursive translation MODE_CapsLock bool // software CapsLock MODE_LowerLock bool // force lower-case character lock MODE_ViInsert int // visible insert mode, should be like "I" icon in X Window MODE_ViTrace bool // output newline before translation ) type IInput struct { lno int lastlno int pch []int // input queue prompt string line string right string inJmode bool pinJmode bool waitingMeta string // waiting meta character LastCmd string } func (iin*IInput)Getc(timeoutUs int)(int){ ch1 := EOF ch2 := EOF ch3 := EOF if( 0 < len(iin.pch) ){ // deQ ch1 = iin.pch[0] iin.pch = iin.pch[1:] }else{ ch1 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,timeoutUs); } if( ch1 == 033 ){ /// escape sequence ch2 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch2 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ }else{ ch3 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch3 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ }else{ switch( ch2 ){ default: iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch3) // enQ case '[': switch( ch3 ){ case 'A': ch1 = GO_UP; // ^ case 'B': ch1 = GO_DOWN; // v case 'C': ch1 = GO_RIGHT; // > case 'D': ch1 = GO_LEFT; // < case '3': ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch4 == '~' ){ //fprintf(stderr,"x[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } case '\\': //ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); //fprintf(stderr,"y[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); switch( ch3 ){ case '~': ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } } } } return ch1 } func (inn*IInput)clearline(){ var i int fprintf(stderr,"\r"); // should be ANSI ESC sequence for i = 0; i < TtyMaxCol; i++ { // to the max. position in this input action fputc(' ',os.Stderr); } fprintf(stderr,"\r"); } func (iin*IInput)Redraw(){ redraw(iin,iin.lno,iin.line,iin.right) } func redraw(iin *IInput,lno int,line string,right string){ inMeta := false showMode := "" showMeta := "" // visible Meta mode on the cursor position showLino := fmt.Sprintf("!%d! ",lno) InsertMark := "" // in visible insert mode if MODE_VicMode { }else if 0 < len(iin.right) { InsertMark = " " } if( 0 < len(iin.waitingMeta) ){ inMeta = true if iin.waitingMeta[0] != 033 { showMeta = iin.waitingMeta } } if( romkanmode ){ //romkanmark = " *"; }else{ //romkanmark = ""; } if MODE_ShowMode { romkan := "--" inmeta := "-" inveri := "" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "A" } if MODE_LowerLock { inmeta = "a" } if MODE_ViTrace { inveri = "v" } if MODE_VicMode { inveri = ":" } if romkanmode { romkan = "\343\201\202" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "R" }else{ inmeta = "r" } } if inMeta { inmeta = "\\" } showMode = "["+romkan+inmeta+inveri+"]"; } Pre := "\r" + showMode + showLino Output := "" Left := "" Right := "" if romkanmode { Left = convs(line) Right = InsertMark+convs(right) }else{ Left = line Right = InsertMark+right } Output = Pre+Left if MODE_ViTrace { Output += iin.LastCmd } Output += showMeta+Right for len(Output) < TtyMaxCol { // to the max. position that may be dirty Output += " " // should be ANSI ESC sequence // not necessary just after newline } Output += Pre+Left+showMeta // to set the cursor to the current input position fprintf(stderr,"%s",Output) if MODE_ViTrace { if 0 < len(iin.LastCmd) { iin.LastCmd = "" fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") } } } // utf8 func delHeadChar(str string)(rline string,head string){ _,clen := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)) head = string(str[0:clen]) return str[clen:],head } func delTailChar(str string)(rline string, last string){ var i = 0 var clen = 0 for { _,siz := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)[i:]) if siz <= 0 { break } clen = siz i += siz } last = str[len(str)-clen:] return str[0:len(str)-clen],last } // 3> for output and history // 4> for keylog? // Command Line Editor func xgetline(lno int, prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var iin IInput iin.lastlno = lno iin.lno = lno CmdIndex = len(gsh.CommandHistory) if( isatty(0) == 0 ){ if( sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin) == NULL ){ iin.line = "exit\n"; }else{ } return iin.line } if( true ){ //var pts string; //pts = ptsname(0); //pts = ttyname(0); //fprintf(stderr,"--pts[0] = %s\n",pts?pts:"?"); } if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"! "); fflush(stderr); sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin); return iin.line } system("/bin/stty -echo -icanon"); xline := iin.xgetline1(prevline,gsh) system("/bin/stty echo sane"); return xline } func (iin*IInput)Translate(cmdch int){ romkanmode = !romkanmode; if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); }else if( cmdch == 'J' ){ fprintf(stderr,"J\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); iin.Redraw(); } func (iin*IInput)Replace(cmdch int){ iin.LastCmd = fmt.Sprintf("\\%v",string(cmdch)) iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" if( cmdch == 'I' ){ fprintf(stderr,"I\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); } // aa 12 a1a1 func isAlpha(ch rune)(bool){ if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { return true } return false } func isAlnum(ch rune)(bool){ if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { return true } if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { return true } return false } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created // DecodeRuneInString func (iin*IInput)GotoTOPW(){ str := iin.line i := len(str) if i <= 0 { return } //i0 := i i -= 1 lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var found = -1 for 0 < i { // skip preamble spaces lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched i -= lastSize continue } break } for 0 < i { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { continue } // not the character top if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched found = i break } i -= lastSize } if found < 0 && i == 0 { found = 0 } if 0 <= found { if isAlnum(lastRune) { // or non-kana character }else{ // when positioning to the top o the word i += lastSize } iin.right = str[i:] + iin.right if 0 < i { iin.line = str[0:i] }else{ iin.line = "" } } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d,%d,%d)[%s][%s]\n",i0,i,found,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created func (iin*IInput)GotoENDW(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var lastW = 0 i := 0 inWord := false lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[0:]) if isAlnum(lastRune) { r,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[lastSize:]) if 0 < z && isAlnum(r) { inWord = true } } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } lastW = i // the last alnum if in alnum word i += lastSize } if inWord { goto DISP } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } i += lastSize } for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched break } lastW = i i += lastSize } DISP: if 0 < lastW { iin.line = iin.line + str[0:lastW] iin.right = str[lastW:] } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d)[%s][%s]\n",i,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0901 created func (iin*IInput)GotoNEXTW(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastSize := 0 var lastRune rune var found = -1 i := 1 for i < len(str) { lastRune,lastSize = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[i:]) if lastSize <= 0 { break } // broken data? if !isAlnum(lastRune) { // character, type, or string to be searched found = i break } i += lastSize } if 0 < found { if isAlnum(lastRune) { // or non-kana character }else{ // when positioning to the top o the word found += lastSize } iin.line = iin.line + str[0:found] if 0 < found { iin.right = str[found:] }else{ iin.right = "" } } //fmt.Printf("\n(%d)[%s][%s]\n",i,iin.line,iin.right) //fmt.Printf("") // set debug messae at the end of line } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)GotoPAIRCH(){ str := iin.right if len(str) <= 0 { return } lastRune,lastSize := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[0:]) if lastSize <= 0 { return } forw := false back := false pair := "" switch string(lastRune){ case "{": pair = "}"; forw = true case "}": pair = "{"; back = true case "(": pair = ")"; forw = true case ")": pair = "("; back = true case "[": pair = "]"; forw = true case "]": pair = "["; back = true case "<": pair = ">"; forw = true case ">": pair = "<"; back = true case "\"": pair = "\""; // context depednet, can be f" or back-double quote case "'": pair = "'"; // context depednet, can be f' or back-quote // case Japanese Kakkos } if forw { iin.SearchForward(pair) } if back { iin.SearchBackward(pair) } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)SearchForward(pat string)(bool){ right := iin.right found := -1 i := 0 if strBegins(right,pat) { _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(right[i:]) if 0 < z { i += z } } for i < len(right) { if strBegins(right[i:],pat) { found = i break } _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(right[i:]) if z <= 0 { break } i += z } if 0 <= found { iin.line = iin.line + right[0:found] iin.right = iin.right[found:] return true }else{ return false } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)SearchBackward(pat string)(bool){ line := iin.line found := -1 i := len(line)-1 for i = i; 0 <= i; i-- { _,z := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(line[i:]) if z <= 0 { continue } //fprintf(stderr,"-- %v %v\n",pat,line[i:]) if strBegins(line[i:],pat) { found = i break } } //fprintf(stderr,"--%d\n",found) if 0 <= found { iin.right = line[found:] + iin.right iin.line = line[0:found] return true }else{ return false } } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created // search from top, end, or current position func (gsh*GshContext)SearchHistory(pat string, forw bool)(bool,string){ if forw { for _,v := range gsh.CommandHistory { if 0 <= strings.Index(v.CmdLine,pat) { //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- found !%v [%v]%v\n",i,pat,v.CmdLine) return true,v.CmdLine } } }else{ hlen := len(gsh.CommandHistory) for i := hlen-1; 0 < i ; i-- { v := gsh.CommandHistory[i] if 0 <= strings.Index(v.CmdLine,pat) { //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- found !%v [%v]%v\n",i,pat,v.CmdLine) return true,v.CmdLine } } } //fprintf(stderr,"\n--De-- not-found(%v)\n",pat) return false,"(Not Found in History)" } // 0.2.8 2020-0902 created func (iin*IInput)GotoFORWSTR(pat string,gsh*GshContext){ found := false if 0 < len(iin.right) { found = iin.SearchForward(pat) } if !found { found,line := gsh.SearchHistory(pat,true) if found { iin.line = line iin.right = "" } } } func (iin*IInput)GotoBACKSTR(pat string, gsh*GshContext){ found := false if 0 < len(iin.line) { found = iin.SearchBackward(pat) } if !found { found,line := gsh.SearchHistory(pat,false) if found { iin.line = line iin.right = "" } } } func (iin*IInput)getstring1(prompt string)(string){ // should be editable iin.clearline(); fprintf(stderr,"\r%v",prompt) str := "" for { ch := iin.Getc(10*1000*1000) if ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' { break } sch := string(ch) str += sch fprintf(stderr,"%s",sch) } return str } // search pattern must be an array and selectable with ^N/^P var SearchPat = "" var SearchForw = true func (iin*IInput)xgetline1(prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var ch int; MODE_ShowMode = false MODE_VicMode = false iin.Redraw(); first := true for cix := 0; ; cix++ { iin.pinJmode = iin.inJmode iin.inJmode = false ch = iin.Getc(1000*1000) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT && first { first = false mode := 0 if romkanmode { mode = 1 } now := time.Now() Events = append(Events,Event{now,EV_MODE,int64(mode),CmdIndex}) } if ch == 033 { MODE_ShowMode = true MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode iin.Redraw(); continue } if MODE_VicMode { switch ch { case '0': ch = GO_TOPL case '$': ch = GO_ENDL case 'b': ch = GO_TOPW case 'e': ch = GO_ENDW case 'w': ch = GO_NEXTW case '%': ch = GO_PAIRCH case 'j': ch = GO_DOWN case 'k': ch = GO_UP case 'h': ch = GO_LEFT case 'l': ch = GO_RIGHT case 'x': ch = DEL_RIGHT case 'a': MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode ch = GO_RIGHT case 'i': MODE_VicMode = !MODE_VicMode iin.Redraw(); continue case '~': right,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) if len([]byte(head)) == 1 { ch = int(head[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.right = string(ch) + right } iin.Redraw(); continue case 'f': // GO_FORWCH iin.Redraw(); ch = iin.Getc(3*1000*1000) if ch == EV_TIMEOUT { iin.Redraw(); continue } SearchPat = string(ch) SearchForw = true iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case '/': SearchPat = iin.getstring1("/") // should be editable SearchForw = true iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case '?': SearchPat = iin.getstring1("?") // should be editable SearchForw = false iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) iin.Redraw(); continue case 'n': if SearchForw { iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) }else{ iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) } iin.Redraw(); continue case 'N': if !SearchForw { iin.GotoFORWSTR(SearchPat,gsh) }else{ iin.GotoBACKSTR(SearchPat,gsh) } iin.Redraw(); continue } } switch ch { case GO_TOPW: iin.GotoTOPW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_ENDW: iin.GotoENDW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_NEXTW: // to next space then iin.GotoNEXTW() iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_PAIRCH: iin.GotoPAIRCH() iin.Redraw(); continue } //fprintf(stderr,"A[%02X]\n",ch); if( ch == '\\' || ch == 033 ){ MODE_ShowMode = true metach := ch iin.waitingMeta = string(ch) iin.Redraw(); // set cursor //fprintf(stderr,"???\b\b\b") ch = fgetcTimeout(stdin,2000*1000) // reset cursor iin.waitingMeta = "" cmdch := ch if( ch == EV_TIMEOUT ){ if metach == 033 { continue } ch = metach }else /* if( ch == 'm' || ch == 'M' ){ mch := fgetcTimeout(stdin,1000*1000) if mch == 'r' { romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } continue }else */ if( ch == 'k' || ch == 'K' ){ MODE_Recursive = !MODE_Recursive iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'j' || ch == 'J' ){ iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'i' || ch == 'I' ){ iin.Replace(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'l' || ch == 'L' ){ MODE_LowerLock = !MODE_LowerLock MODE_CapsLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'u' || ch == 'U' ){ MODE_CapsLock = !MODE_CapsLock MODE_LowerLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'v' || ch == 'V' ){ MODE_ViTrace = !MODE_ViTrace if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'c' || ch == 'C' ){ if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) if len([]byte(tail)) == 1 { ch = int(tail[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.line = xline + string(ch) } } if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else{ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch) // push ch = '\\' } } switch( ch ){ case 'P'-0x40: ch = GO_UP case 'N'-0x40: ch = GO_DOWN case 'B'-0x40: ch = GO_LEFT case 'F'-0x40: ch = GO_RIGHT } //fprintf(stderr,"B[%02X]\n",ch); switch( ch ){ case 0: continue; case '\t': iin.Replace('j'); continue case 'X'-0x40: iin.Replace('j'); continue case EV_TIMEOUT: iin.Redraw(); if iin.pinJmode { fprintf(stderr,"\\J\r\n") iin.inJmode = true } continue case GO_UP: if iin.lno == 1 { continue } cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno-1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno - 1 } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_DOWN: cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno+1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 }else{ iin.line = "" iin.right = "" if iin.lno == iin.lastlno-1 { iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 } } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_LEFT: if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) iin.line = xline iin.right = tail + iin.right } iin.Redraw(); continue; case GO_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) && iin.right[0] != 0 ){ xright,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.right = xright iin.line += head } iin.Redraw(); continue; case EOF: goto EXIT; case 'R'-0x40: // replace dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'T'-0x40: // just show the result readDic(); romkanmode = !romkanmode; iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'L'-0x40: iin.Redraw(); continue case 'K'-0x40: iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'E'-0x40: iin.line += iin.right iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'A'-0x40: iin.right = iin.line + iin.right iin.line = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'U'-0x40: iin.line = "" iin.right = "" iin.clearline(); iin.Redraw(); continue; case DEL_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } continue; case 0x7F: // BS? not DEL if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } /* else if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } */ continue; case 'H'-0x40: if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } continue; } if( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' ){ iin.line += iin.right; iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); fputc(ch,stderr); break; } if MODE_CapsLock { if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' { ch = ch+'A'-'a' } } if MODE_LowerLock { if 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { ch = ch+'a'-'A' } } iin.line += string(ch); iin.Redraw(); } EXIT: return iin.line + iin.right; } func getline_main(){ line := xgetline(0,"",nil) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",line); /* dp = strpbrk(line,"\r\n"); if( dp != NULL ){ *dp = 0; } if( 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n(%d)\n",int(strlen(line))); } if( lseek(3,0,0) == 0 ){ if( romkanmode ){ var buf [8*1024]byte; convs(line,buff); strcpy(line,buff); } write(3,line,strlen(line)); ftruncate(3,lseek(3,0,SEEK_CUR)); //fprintf(stderr,"outsize=%d\n",(int)lseek(3,0,SEEK_END)); lseek(3,0,SEEK_SET); close(3); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"\r\ngotline: "); trans(line); //printf("%s\n",line); printf("\n"); } */ } //== end ========================================================= getline // // $USERHOME/.gsh/ // gsh-rc.txt, or gsh-configure.txt // gsh-history.txt // gsh-aliases.txt // should be conditional? // func (gshCtx *GshContext)gshSetupHomedir()(bool) { homedir,found := userHomeDir() if !found { fmt.Printf("--E-- You have no UserHomeDir\n") return true } gshhome := homedir + "/" + GSH_HOME _, err2 := os.Stat(gshhome) if err2 != nil { err3 := os.Mkdir(gshhome,0700) if err3 != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- Could not Create %s (%s)\n", gshhome,err3) return true } fmt.Printf("--I-- Created %s\n",gshhome) } gshCtx.GshHomeDir = gshhome return false } func setupGshContext()(GshContext,bool){ gshPA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the staring directory os.Environ(), // environ[] []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, // OS specific } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() gshCtx := GshContext { cwd, // StartDir "", // GetLine []GChdirHistory { {cwd,time.Now(),0} }, // ChdirHistory gshPA, []GCommandHistory{}, //something for invokation? GCommandHistory{}, // CmdCurrent false, []int{}, syscall.Rusage{}, "", // GshHomeDir Ttyid(), false, false, []PluginInfo{}, []string{}, " ", "v", ValueStack{}, GServer{"",""}, // LastServer "", // RSERV cwd, // RWD CheckSum{}, } err := gshCtx.gshSetupHomedir() return gshCtx, err } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelllh(gline string)(bool){ ghist := gsh.CmdCurrent ghist.WorkDir,_ = os.Getwd() ghist.WorkDirX = len(gsh.ChdirHistory)-1 //fmt.Printf("--D--ChdirHistory(@%d)\n",len(gsh.ChdirHistory)) ghist.StartAt = time.Now() rusagev1 := Getrusagev() gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = []string{} fin := gsh.tgshelll(gline) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() ghist.Rusagev = RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) ghist.EndAt = time.Now() ghist.CmdLine = gline ghist.FoundFile = gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile /* record it but not show in list by default if len(gline) == 0 { continue } if gline == "hi" || gline == "history" { // don't record it continue } */ gsh.CommandHistory = append(gsh.CommandHistory, ghist) return fin } // Main loop func script(gshCtxGiven *GshContext) (_ GshContext) { gshCtxBuf,err0 := setupGshContext() if err0 { return gshCtxBuf; } gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) //resmap() /* if false { gsh_getlinev, with_exgetline := which("PATH",[]string{"which","gsh-getline","-s"}) if with_exgetline { gsh_getlinev[0] = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) gshCtx.GetLine = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) }else{ fmt.Printf("--W-- No gsh-getline found. Using internal getline.\n"); } } */ ghist0 := gshCtx.CmdCurrent // something special, or gshrc script, or permanent history gshCtx.CommandHistory = append(gshCtx.CommandHistory,ghist0) prevline := "" skipping := false for hix := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory); ; { gline := gshCtx.getline(hix,skipping,prevline) if skipping { if strings.Index(gline,"fi") == 0 { fmt.Printf("fi\n"); skipping = false; }else{ //fmt.Printf("%s\n",gline); } continue } if strings.Index(gline,"if") == 0 { //fmt.Printf("--D-- if start: %s\n",gline); skipping = true; continue } if false { os.Stdout.Write([]byte("gotline:")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } gline = strsubst(gshCtx,gline,true) if false { fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%v - %v\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%s - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%x - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%U - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("Stouut.Write -") os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) fmt.Printf("\n") } /* // should be cared in substitution ? if 0 < len(gline) && gline[0] == '!' { xgline, set, err := searchHistory(gshCtx,gline) if err { continue } if set { // set the line in command line editor } gline = xgline } */ fin := gshCtx.gshelllh(gline) if fin { break; } prevline = gline; hix++; } return *gshCtx } func main() { gshCtxBuf := GshContext{} gsh := &gshCtxBuf argv := os.Args if 1 < len(argv) { if isin("version",argv){ gsh.showVersion(argv) return } comx := isinX("-c",argv) if 0 < comx { gshCtxBuf,err := setupGshContext() gsh := &gshCtxBuf if !err { gsh.gshellv(argv[comx+1:]) } return } } if 1 < len(argv) && isin("-s",argv) { }else{ gsh.showVersion(append(argv,[]string{"-l","-a"}...)) } script(nil) //gshCtx := script(nil) //gshelll(gshCtx,"time") } //
// - inter gsh communication, possibly running in remote hosts -- to be remote shell // - merged histories of multiple parallel gsh sessions // - alias as a function or macro // - instant alias end environ export to the permanent > ~/.gsh/gsh-alias and gsh-environ // - retrieval PATH of files by its type // - gsh as an IME with completion using history and file names as dictionaies // - gsh a scheduler in precise time of within a millisecond // - all commands have its subucomand after "---" symbol // - filename expansion by "-find" command // - history of ext code and output of each commoand // - "script" output for each command by pty-tee or telnet-tee // - $BUILTIN command in PATH to show the priority // - "?" symbol in the command (not as in arguments) shows help request // - searching command with wild card like: which ssh-* // - longformat prompt after long idle time (should dismiss by BS) // - customizing by building plugin and dynamically linking it // - generating syntactic element like "if" by macro expansion (like CPP) >> alias // - "!" symbol should be used for negation, don't wast it just for job control // - don't put too long output to tty, record it into GSH_HOME/session-id/comand-id.log // - making canonical form of command at the start adding quatation or white spaces // - name(a,b,c) ... use "(" and ")" to show both delimiter and realm // - name? or name! might be useful // - htar format - packing directory contents into a single html file using data scheme // - filepath substitution shold be done by each command, expecially in case of builtins // - @N substition for the history of working directory, and @spec for more generic ones // - @dir prefix to do the command at there, that means like (chdir @dir; command) // - GSH_PATH for plugins // - standard command output: list of data with name, size, resouce usage, modified time // - generic sort key option -nm name, -sz size, -ru rusage, -ts start-time, -tm mod-time // -wc word-count, grep match line count, ... // - standard command execution result: a list of string, -tm, -ts, -ru, -sz, ... // - -tailf-filename like tail -f filename, repeat close and open before read // - max. size and max. duration and timeout of (generated) data transfer // - auto. numbering, aliasing, IME completion of file name (especially rm of quieer name) // - IME "?" at the top of the command line means searching history // - IME %d/0x10000/ %x/ffff/ // - IME ESC to go the edit mode like in vi, and use :command as :s/x/y/g to edit history // - gsh in WebAssembly // - gsh as a HTTP server of online-manual //---END--- (^-^)/ITS more
// var WorldDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly8gTXlJTUUvMC4wLjEg6L6e5pu4ICgyMDIwLTA4MTlhKQpzZWthaSDkuJbnlYwKa28g44GT"+ "Cm5uIOOCkwpuaSDjgasKY2hpIOOBoQp0aSDjgaEKaGEg44GvCnNlIOOBmwprYSDjgYsKaSDj"+ "gYQK"; // var WnnDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL2Rp"+ "Y3ZlcglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNXbm5ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "R1NoZWxsCUdTaGVsbArjgo/jgZ/jgZcJ56eBCndhdGFzaGkJ56eBCndhdGFzaQnnp4EK44Gq"+ "44G+44GICeWQjeWJjQpuYW1hZQnlkI3liY0K44Gq44GL44GuCeS4remHjgpuYWthbm8J5Lit"+ "6YeOCndhCeOCjwp0YQnjgZ8Kc2kJ44GXCnNoaQnjgZcKbm8J44GuCm5hCeOBqgptYQnjgb4K"+ "ZQnjgYgKaGEJ44GvCm5hCeOBqgprYQnjgYsKbm8J44GuCmRlCeOBpwpzdQnjgZkKZVxzCWVj"+ "aG8KZGljCWRpYwplY2hvCWVjaG8KcmVwbGF5CXJlcGxheQpyZXBlYXQJcmVwZWF0CmR0CWRh"+ "dGVccysnJVklbSVkLSVIOiVNOiVTJwp0aW9uCXRpb24KJXQJJXQJLy8gdG8gYmUgYW4gYWN0"+ "aW9uCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg==" // var SumomoDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTdW1vbW9ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "c3UJ44GZCm1vCeOCggpubwnjga4KdQnjgYYKY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnjgaEKdWNoaQnlhoUKdXRp"+ "CeWGhQpzdW1vbW8J44GZ44KC44KCCnN1bW9tb21vCeOBmeOCguOCguOCggptb21vCeahgwpt"+ "b21vbW8J5qGD44KCCiwsCeOAgQouLgnjgIIKPC90ZXh0YXJlYT4K" // var SijimiDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTaGlqaW1pXHMvL1xzMjAyMC0wODMw"+ "CnNpCeOBlwpzaGkJ44GXCmppCeOBmAptaQnjgb8KbmEJ44GqCmp1CeOBmOOChQp4eXUJ44KF"+ "CnUJ44GGCm5pCeOBqwprbwnjgZMKYnUJ44G2Cm5uCeOCkwpubwnjga4KY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnj"+ "gaEKa2EJ44GLCnJhCeOCiQosLAnjgIEKLi4J44CCCnhuYW5hCeS4gwp4anV1CeWNgQp4bmkJ"+ "5LqMCmtveAnlgIsKa29xCeWAiwprb3gJ5YCLCm5hbmFqdXVuaXgJNzIKbmFuYWp1dW5peHgJ"+ "77yX77ySCm5hbmFqdXVuaVgJ77yX77ySCuS4g+WNgeS6jHgJNzIKa29idW5uCeWAi+WIhgp0"+ "aWthcmFxCeOBoeOBi+OCiQp0aWthcmEJ5YqbCmNoaWthcmEJ5YqbCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg=" // var JA_JKLDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly92ZXJsCU15SU1FamRpY2ptb3JzZWpKQWpKS0woMjAyMGowODE5KSheLV4pL1NhdG94SVRT"+ "CmtqamprbGtqa2tsa2psIOS4lueVjApqamtqamwJ44GCCmtqbAnjgYQKa2tqbAnjgYYKamtq"+ "amwJ44GICmtqa2trbAnjgYoKa2pra2wJ44GLCmpramtrbAnjgY0Ka2tramwJ44GPCmpramps"+ "CeOBkQpqampqbAnjgZMKamtqa2psCeOBlQpqamtqa2wJ44GXCmpqamtqbAnjgZkKa2pqamts"+ "CeOBmwpqamprbAnjgZ0KamtsCeOBnwpra2prbAnjgaEKa2pqa2wJ44GkCmtqa2pqbAnjgaYK"+ "a2tqa2tsCeOBqApramtsCeOBqgpqa2prbAnjgasKa2tra2wJ44GsCmpqa2psCeOBrQpra2pq"+ "bAnjga4Kamtra2wJ44GvCmpqa2tqbAnjgbIKampra2wJ44G1CmtsCeOBuApqa2tsCeOBuwpq"+ "a2tqbAnjgb4Ka2tqa2psCeOBvwpqbAnjgoAKamtra2psCeOCgQpqa2tqa2wJ44KCCmtqamwJ"+ "44KECmpra2pqbAnjgoYKampsCeOCiApra2tsCeOCiQpqamtsCeOCigpqa2pqa2wJ44KLCmpq"+ "amwJ44KMCmtqa2psCeOCjQpqa2psCeOCjwpramtramwJ44KQCmtqamtrbAnjgpEKa2pqamwJ"+ "44KSCmtqa2prbAnjgpMKa2pqa2psCeODvApra2wJ44KbCmtramprbAnjgpwKa2pramtqbAnj"+ "gIEK"; // // /*
*/ /*
Raw Source
Whole file
CSS part
JavaScript part
Builtin data part
*/ /* --> *///

株式会社ITS more設立6ヶ月目突入



社長:主には竹内まりあの影響ですかね。セプテンバー そして9月は♪










社長:いや、あれはありがちなフォームのページとは一味違いまして。見た目がやわらかいし、フェーズを反映して進展するし、マルチメディアだし、タイムアウトして消えたりしないし,よく出来てると思います。それに、わたしはあれの作りを見てはじめて、HTML の details タグの便利さを認識したのです。その点ではあれに恩義を感じていますw











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-- 2020-0901 SatoxITS