Class: X3DComposedGeometryNode

X3D: 3.3
Component: Rendering

x3dom.nodeTypes. X3DComposedGeometryNode

This is the base node type for all composed 3D geometry in X3D. A composed geometry node type defines an abstract type that composes geometry from a set of nodes that define individual components. Composed geometry may have color, coordinates, normal and texture coordinates supplied. The rendered output of the combination of these is dependent on the concrete node definition.

HTML Encoding and Default Values

<X3DComposedGeometryNode attrib='x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DVertexAttributeNode' ccw='true' color='x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DColorNode' colorPerVertex='true' coord='x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DCoordinateNode' lit='true' metadata='X3DMetadataObject' normal='x3dom.nodeTypes.Normal' normalPerVertex='true' normalUpdateMode=''fast'' solid='true' texCoord='x3dom.nodeTypes.X3DTextureCoordinateNode' useGeoCache='true' ></X3DComposedGeometryNode>




Constructor for X3DComposedGeometryNode

Name Type Argument Default Description
ctx Object <optional>
null context object, containing initial settings like namespace


These are the X3D / X3DOM fields of this node. Values should usually be received / set as strings via DOM functions (i.e., using setAttribute("myFieldName", "myFieldValue") and getAttribute("myFieldName")).
Name Type Default Value Range Inheritance Standard Description
attrib MFNode X3DVertexAttributeNode If the attrib field is not empty it shall contain a list of per-vertex attribute information for programmable shaders.
ccw SFBool true X3DGeometryNode The ccw field defines the ordering of the vertex coordinates of the geometry with respect to user-given or automatically generated normal vectors used in the lighting model equations.
color SFNode X3DColorNode If the color field is NULL, the geometry shall be rendered normally using the Material and texture defined in the Appearance node.
colorPerVertex SFBool true If colorPerVertex is FALSE, colours are applied to each face. If colorPerVertex is true, colours are applied to each vertex.
coord SFNode X3DCoordinateNode Contains a Coordinate node.
lit SFBool true X3DGeometryNode Specifies whether this geometry should be rendered with or without lighting.
metadata SFNode X3DMetadataObject X3DNode Field to add metadata information
normal SFNode Normal If the normal field is not NULL, it shall contain a Normal node whose normals are applied to the vertices or faces of the X3DComposedGeometryNode in a manner exactly equivalent to that described above for applying colours to vertices/faces (where normalPerVertex corresponds to colorPerVertex and normalIndex corresponds to colorIndex). If the normal field is NULL, the browser shall automatically generate normals in accordance with the node's definition. If the node does not define a behaviour, the default is to generate an averaged normal for all faces that share that vertex.
normalPerVertex SFBool true If normalPerVertex is FALSE, normals are applied to each face. If normalPerVertex is true, normals are applied to each vertex.
normalUpdateMode SFString 'fast'
solid SFBool true X3DGeometryNode Specifies whether backface-culling is used. If solid is TRUE only front-faces are drawn.
texCoord SFNode X3DTextureCoordinateNode If the texCoord field is not NULL, it shall contain a TextureCoordinate node.
useGeoCache SFBool true X3DGeometryNode Most geo primitives use geo cache and others might later on, but one should be able to disable cache per geometry node. Defaults to global useGeoCache setting parameter.