Class: TwoSidedMaterial

X3D: 3.3
Component: Shape
fully implemented

x3dom.nodeTypes. TwoSidedMaterial

This node defines material properties that can effect both the front and back side of a polygon individually. These materials are used for both the front and back side of the geometry whenever the X3D lighting model is active.

HTML Encoding and Default Values

<TwoSidedMaterial ambientIntensity='0.2' backAmbientIntensity='0.2' backDiffuseColor='0.8,0.8,0.8' backEmissiveColor='0,0,0' backShininess='0.2' backSpecularColor='0,0,0' backTransparency='0' diffuseColor='0.8,0.8,0.8' emissiveColor='0,0,0' metadata='X3DMetadataObject' separateBackColor='false' shininess='0.2' specularColor='0,0,0' transparency='0' ></TwoSidedMaterial>




Constructor for TwoSidedMaterial

Name Type Argument Default Description
ctx Object <optional>
null context object, containing initial settings like namespace


These are the X3D / X3DOM fields of this node. Values should usually be received / set as strings via DOM functions (i.e., using setAttribute("myFieldName", "myFieldValue") and getAttribute("myFieldName")).
Name Type Default Value Range Inheritance Standard Description
ambientIntensity SFFloat 2 [0, 1] X3DMaterialNode The ambientIntensity field specifies how much ambient light from light sources this surface shall reflect. Ambient light is omnidirectional and depends only on the number of light sources, not their positions with respect to the surface. Ambient colour is calculated as ambientIntensity × diffuseColor.
backAmbientIntensity SFFloat 2 [0, 1] Defines the ambient intensity for the back side.
backDiffuseColor SFColor 8 Defines the diffuse color for the back side.
backEmissiveColor SFColor 0,0,0 Defines the emissive color for the back side.
backShininess SFFloat 2 [0, 1] Defines the shininess for the back side.
backSpecularColor SFColor 0,0,0 Defines the specular color for the back side.
backTransparency SFFloat 0 [0, 1] Defines the transparency for the back side.
diffuseColor SFColor 8 X3DMaterialNode The diffuseColor field reflects all X3D light sources depending on the angle of the surface with respect to the light source. The more directly the surface faces the light, the more diffuse light reflects. The emissiveColor field models "glowing" objects. This can be useful for displaying pre-lit models (where the light energy of the room is computed explicitly), or for displaying scientific data.
emissiveColor SFColor 0,0,0 X3DMaterialNode The emissiveColor field models "glowing" objects. This can be useful for displaying pre-lit models (where the light energy of the room is computed explicitly), or for displaying scientific data.
metadata SFNode X3DMetadataObject X3DNode Field to add metadata information
separateBackColor SFBool false If the separateBackColor field is set to TRUE, the rendering shall render the front and back faces of the geometry with different values. If the value is FALSE, the front colours are used for both the front and back side of the polygon, as per the existing X3D lighting rules.
shininess SFFloat 2 [0, 1] X3DMaterialNode The specularColor and shininess fields determine the specular highlights (e.g., the shiny spots on an apple). When the angle from the light to the surface is close to the angle from the surface to the viewer, the specularColor is added to the diffuse and ambient colour calculations. Lower shininess values produce soft glows, while higher values result in sharper, smaller highlights.
specularColor SFColor 0,0,0 X3DMaterialNode The specularColor and shininess fields determine the specular highlights (e.g., the shiny spots on an apple). When the angle from the light to the surface is close to the angle from the surface to the viewer, the specularColor is added to the diffuse and ambient colour calculations. Lower shininess values produce soft glows, while higher values result in sharper, smaller highlights.
transparency SFFloat 0 [0, 1] X3DMaterialNode The transparency field specifies how "clear" an object is, with 1.0 being completely transparent, and 0.0 completely opaque.