Class: TextureProperties

X3D: 3.3
Component: Texturing
fully implemented

x3dom.nodeTypes. TextureProperties

TextureProperties allows fine control over a texture's application. This node can be used to set the texture properties for a node with a textureProperties field. A texture with a TextureProperties node will ignore the repeatS and repeatT fields on the texture.

HTML Encoding and Default Values

<TextureProperties anisotropicDegree='1.0' borderColor='0,0,0,0' borderWidth='0' boundaryModeR='"REPEAT"' boundaryModeS='"REPEAT"' boundaryModeT='"REPEAT"' generateMipMaps='false' magnificationFilter='"FASTEST"' metadata='X3DMetadataObject' minificationFilter='"FASTEST"' textureCompression='"FASTEST"' texturePriority='0' ></TextureProperties>




Constructor for TextureProperties

Name Type Argument Default Description
ctx Object <optional>
null context object, containing initial settings like namespace


These are the X3D / X3DOM fields of this node. Values should usually be received / set as strings via DOM functions (i.e., using setAttribute("myFieldName", "myFieldValue") and getAttribute("myFieldName")).
Name Type Default Value Range Inheritance Standard Description
anisotropicDegree SFFloat 0 The anisotropicDegree field describes the minimum degree of anisotropy to account for in texture filtering. A value of 1 implies no anisotropic filtering. Values above the system's maximum supported value will be clamped to the maximum allowed.
borderColor SFColorRGBA 0,0,0,0 The borderColor field describes the color to use for border pixels.
borderWidth SFInt32 0 The borderWidth field describes the number of pixels to use for a texture border.
boundaryModeR SFString "REPEAT" The boundaryModeS field describes the way R texture coordinate boundaries are handled. This field only applies to three dimensional textures and shall be ignored by other texture types.
boundaryModeS SFString "REPEAT" The boundaryModeS field describes the way S texture coordinate boundaries are handled.
boundaryModeT SFString "REPEAT" The boundaryModeS field describes the way T texture coordinate boundaries are handled.
generateMipMaps SFBool false The generateMipMaps field describes whether mipmaps should be generated for the texture. Mipmaps are required for filtering modes with MIPMAP in their value.
magnificationFilter SFString "FASTEST" The magnificationFilter field describes the way textures are filtered when the image is smaller than the screen space representation.
metadata SFNode X3DMetadataObject X3DNode Field to add metadata information
minificationFilter SFString "FASTEST" The minificationFilter field describes the way textures are filtered when the image is larger than the screen space representation. Modes with MIPMAP in the name require mipmaps. If mipmaps are not provided, the mode shall pick the corresponding non-mipmapped mode
textureCompression SFString "FASTEST" The textureCompression field specifies the preferred image compression method to be used during rendering.
texturePriority SFFloat 0 The texturePriority field describes the texture residence priority for allocating texture memory. Zero indicates the lowest priority and 1 indicates the highest priority.