Subject: README for FTP service of vin Directory: Content: Newsreader vin and COSMOS programming system. From: Yutaka Sato Date: Sat May 28 06:14:28 JST 1994 This directory contains the news reader "vin" which runs on the COSMOS system. Notable features of the news reader are as follows: - Hierarchical view for tree structured news groups - Tree structure of groups can be customized by each user - MIME compliant - MBOX and MH mail folders are viewed in the same manner with newsgroups - Extensible for various files; e.g. utmp, ar and dir are supported - Direct access to news spool and NNTP or POP can be mixed - Acceleration with shared caches for news and indices for mail folder - Vi-like motion commands and Rn-like news/mail handling commands - Based on standard .newsrc and .mailrc - Built-in interface for Wnn/Canna kana/kanji translation systems - Mouse & menu driven interface is provided for Xwindow systems COSMOS is a programming system mainly for C language. Vin is the largest and the most widely used software among those developed on COSMOS. Based on dynamic linking, COSMOS supports incremental programming. It's C program interpreter, although incomplete, can be used as a driver for object modules. The interpreter generator based on Yacc like notation, supports development of program parts which process character strings with various syntax. COSMOS is executable on Sun4(SPARC), Sun3(MC68K), DECstation(MIPS), HP9000, and sony NEWS(MC68K). The latest version is Ver.2, Rev.0. Compressed files for FTP distribution is placed at ./dist2.0.X (alpha version). See the README file in the directory. ****************************************************************** QUICK INSTALLATION FOR TRIAL ****************************************************************** (1) Get necessary files placed at dist2.0.X files target systems --------------------- ------------------------ bin-SUN4OS4.tar.gz Sun4 / SunOS4.X bin-SUN4SL2.tar.gz Sun4 / Solaris2.X bin-SUN3OS4.tar.gz Sun3 / SunOS4.X bin-NEWSOS4.tar.gz NEWS-1700 / NEWS-OS4.X bin-DECSUL4.tar.gz DECstation / Ultrix4.X bin-HP9RUX9.tar.gz HP-9000-800 / HP-UX9.X --------------------- ------------------------ common files --------------------- ------------------------ lib-doc-var.tar.gz indispensable archive of vin-ML (if you want) posters-in-fj.TK.gz posters' kanji aliases (if you want) (2) Extract the files. For example, if you are using Sun4/SunOS4.X: % gunzip < lib-doc-var.tar.gz | tar xf - % gunzip < bin-SUN4OS4.tar.gz | tar xf - # test the extracted system as follows: % setenv NNTPSERVER your-nntp-server % bin-SUN4OS4/vin (3) Customization - customize lib/vin_setup if necessary - add bin-XXXXXXX into your command PATH - when you move extracted files, note to locate {bin,lib,doc, and var} directories under the same directry. ****************************************************************** NOTE: This system is FREE, but is NOT in PUBLIC DOMAIN. Certain source codes are not open. If you wish to use this system rather than trial, you should make user registration to ETL. See doc/license. ****************************************************************** -- Yutaka Sato