disables XDC mode for data transmission on control connection.
transmit data without encoding into BASE64 on XDC mode
If a ftpControl listed above is followed by ":sv" or ":cl" like "nopasv:sv"
for example, the ftpControl is applied only for server side
or client side respectively.
rl -- reject FTP Bounce from specific clients in combination with REJECT="ftp-bounce:*:clientHost" parameter
enables XDC mode even if the destination server is on the same host
enables authentication and authorization as a proxy FTP server.
A username as user@server is decomposed into
user and server and used for matching in
Also it enables generation of authentication information to be forwarded
to the server by MYAUTH as
select the timing of connection establishment to the MOUNTed server.
By default, the connection to a server is initiated on the command
from the client, of which argument selects the MOUNT point, after
the authentication finished (with USER and PASS).
servon="init" forces immediate connection to a server on the client
connection and doing authentication by the server (as SERVER=ftp://server).
"user" or "pass" specifies connecting to a server on "USER" or "PASS"
command respectively.
-- default: FTPCONF="usdelim:*%#"
a set of delimiters usable in place of "@" in "user@site",
ex. "ftp://user*server@proxy" or "ftp://anonymous:name*domain@server".
-- hide server's identification
Don't relay the opening message from the server to client which may
include the identification information about the server.
-- disables unescaping %XX notation in arguments to the server.
If this option is not specified, %XX notation included in arguments
representing path, like "%2Fhome/" for example, is unescaped by default.
FTPCONF can be applied on a specific condition by specifying it
as a MountOption like
or with CMAP
like CMAP=ftpConf:FTPCONF:connMap.